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In nature, large concentrations of the toxic bloom-forming dinoflagellate,Gonyaulax tamarensis, are frequently observed in the vicinityof the pycnocline. In the absence of a pycnocline the organismis usually recorded near the surface, where light levels aremore advantageous for photosynthesis. In this paper we examinethe swimming behaviour of G.tamarensis when exposed to varyingdegrees of stratification and investigate whether the maintenanceof a subsurface (pycnocline) population is the result of retentionof the algae by a physical barrier or active accumulation ofthe organisms at a density interface. The study indicates thatG.tamarensis cells presented with a halocline of S<{smalltilde}6–7 (occurring over a few centimeters) cross thissalinity barrier and accumulate at the highest available photonflux density ({small tilde}100 µmol m–2 s–1).Cells exposed to a gradient of S>{small tilde}7remain atthe halocline (pfd={small tilde}40 µmol m–2 s–1).However, when light above the pycnocline is attenuated by theaddition of food colour to the medium, the cells cross a haloclineof S=10 and accumulate at the highest available photon fluxdensity. In the absence of added nutrients (inorganic N andP) the organism fails to exhibit a phototactic response. Thus,the presence of a strong halocline does not represent an inpenetrablephysical barrier for G.tamarensis and the development of pycnoclinepopulations of this organism is a function of density, lightand nutrient climate.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional biophysical model of time-dependent photosynthesisin the upper-ocean mixed layer was applied near 36.5°N,74.5°W. The photosynthesis submodel was formulated and parameterizedbased on daylong, light-manipulation experiments performed ontwo phytoplankton communities collected prior to dawn on October13, 1992: one from 5 m depth in the upper mixed layer and theother from 28 m depth below the pycnocline. Time course biologicalmeasurements included chlorophyll a concentration, primary productivityand DCMU fluorescence ratio. The biophysical model was thenused to predict the physical and biological response of thewater column on October 14, 1992. A pre-dawn conductivity-temperature-depth-fluorescence-transmission-rosette(CTDFT-rosette) cast provided data to initialize the water columnstratification and the distribution of phytoplankton biomass.The biophysical model was forced using meteorological and oceanographicmeasurements collected continuously throughout the subsequentdaylight period. CTDFT-rosette casts and measurements of chlorophylla concentration, primary productivity and DCMU fluorescenceratio throughout that daylight period provided the data forcomparison with the model predictions. In general, the biophysicalmodel predicted the physical and biological evolution of thesampled water column. Although the inclusion of vertical mixinginitially improved the accuracy of prediction, agreement decreasedwith time, especially in the lower part of the water column.The one-dimensional model suffered from the effects of excludedhorizontal gradients.  相似文献   

Material was collected from the Weddell Sea and the Bransfield Strait in January/April 1989. Data on size-taxonomic composition and biomass of phytoplankton communities and Ch1 concentration were obtained to estimate the chlorophyll a (Ch1) cell content. Single cell fluorescence measured microscopically was used as a relative index of cellular Ch1 content of individual species. The relationship between the species composition of the algal communities and the ratio of phytoplankton carbonCh1 concentration (CCh1) was found. Due to changes in species composition the average CCh1 ratio in March/April (56) was half that in January/February (115). The CCh1 ratio ranged from 24 to 215 (mean=101) in the upper mixed layer and from 14 to 69 (mean=37) in the pycnocline region. The distribution of cellular Ch1 within individual species showed lower heterogeneity in the mixed layer in comparison with that in the pycnocline and below. Below the mixed layer, populations consisted partly of dead cells with very low pigment content, while other cells had greatly increased cellular Ch1. At several stations this cellular Ch1 increase led to the formation of a deep Ch1 maximum.  相似文献   

A model is proposed to represent the vertical distribution ofchlorophyll in tropical waters. It assumes that the phytoplanktonpopulations are composed of cells which oscillate around a meanlevel at a density t = B (close to the nutricline), with anamplitude A; A and B are normally distributed variables; theoscillations are unphased so that the number of cells in a waterlayer does not vary with the time. This model is tested on datafrom the eastern tropical Atlantic and from the southwesterntropical Pacific. The results agree with the observations whenthe surface mixed layer is nutrient-exhausted. However, themodel seems to account only for a deep population, and is thenconsistent with the hypothesis of a distinct mixed layer floralassociation. The agreement between the results and the observationsis difficult when the surface mixed layer is not nutrient-limited,in areas of upwelling or intense vertical mixing. The modelaccounts for a splitting of the subsurface chlorophyll maximumafter the passage of a front in the Cape Lopez area (GuineaGulf). It also accounts for the relations between the subsurfacechlorophyll maximum, the pycnocline, and the nutricline at 48stations from the cruise PREFIL 2 in the southwestern tropicalPacific. The permanent subsurface chlorophyll maximum of oligotrophicareas seems to be more satisfactorily explained by the unphasedoscillations invoked by the model than by the sinking of thecells. These unphased oscillations have not yet been observed;their possible consequences concerning the primary productionand grazing are postulated.  相似文献   

Dense copepod scattering layers were detected in the upper 50m of the water column in the Bering Sea north of the westernAleutian Islands during June 1992. Acoustic data were collectedat frequencies of 200 and 420 kHz, and compared with simultaneousestimates of wet weight biomass from net tows. Regression ofnet and acousticdata produced a scaling factor of –69.6dB g–1 to convert volume scattering to biomass. Applicationof the fluid sphere scattering model produced an average equivalentspherical radius for the targets of 0.54 mm. The major sound-scatteringorganism, Neocalanus cristatus copepodid stage V, dominatedthe biomass in the pycnocline between the upper mixed layerand the underlying cold intermediate layer. Populations weredominated by Neocalanus plumchrus and Neocalanus flemingeri,withgreatest abundance above the pycnocline.  相似文献   

Denitrification was studied in the water column in the Bunnefjord, inner part of the Oslofjord in southern Norway, using a 15N-technique (the isotope pairing method). The fjord is 150 m deep and during our surveys in September–December 1998 hydrogen sulphide was present in the deep water below 80 m. No significant denitrification was found in water samples from the surface layer (4 m depth), but high rates were observed within a deep density gradient between 62 and 78 m depth. Oxygen concentration within this layer was low (<21 mmol m–3), and the concentration of NO3 decreased from ca. 15 mmolm–3 at 62 m depth to not detectable below 78 m. Pronounced peaks of NO2 up to 4.4 mmol m–3 were observed at 70–78 m depth. The maximum denitrification rate of 1.5 mmol N m–3 d–1 was observed at 70 m depth. Integrated for the whole layer, the denitrification rate was 13 mmol N m–2 d–1. A significant linear correlation was found between the denitrification rate and the ambient nitrate concentration which indicated that the rate was primarily controlled by the availability of nitrate in the O2-poor water. Compared to rates reported for coastal water, denitrification in the water column in the Bunnefjord was high and the process appears to be a major sink of bioavailable nitrogen in the fjord.  相似文献   

Microscale patchiness of plankton within a sharp pycnocline   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microscale distributions of plankton around the pycnocline werestudied over a 24 h period in the southern Kattegat, using agradient sampler which collects 20 samples over a 3 m depthinterval. Moderately elevated concentrations of phyto- and zooplanktonwere observed at the pycnocline. Microscale variance was highestfor adult copepods. Nauplii and copepodites were equally wellrepresented by sampling with ordinary vertical 5 1 water bottlesas with the horizontal 1.5 1 bottles of the gradient sampler.Adult copepods were underestimated by the vertical bottles.No vertical migration of dinoflagellates was observed over the3 m interval covered by the gradient sampler. Microscale correlationsbetween copepods and phytoplankton within the gradient samplerwere weak. Copepodites (mainly Oithona sp.) and the dinoflagellateProrocentrum micans showed the best correlation.  相似文献   

Due to hydro-electric power production, the freshwater inputto the Sandsfjord system has increased during winter, whilethe freshwater input to Jøsenfjorden has been removed.In studies conducted during autumn and winter, both Meganyctiphanesnorvegica and Thysanoessa raschii were most common in Jøsenfjorden,and T.raschii was almost wanting in the Sandsfjord system. Theeuphausiids generally swam to the surface layer at night, butavoided low salinity water in the uppermost metres of the Sandsfjordsystem. Still, in most locations 50% of M.norvegica was foundin the upper 10 m. Their vertical distribution overlapped withfreshwater-driven currents, and estuarine circulation was apparentlyprominent in governing the horizontal distribution within theSandsfjord system. At the entrance to the fjord, M. norvegicawas distributed deeper than within the fjord, reducing the importanceof transport with estuarine circulation relative to currentsdriven by wind at the coast. Estimates of advective rates ofM.norvegica suggest that exchange with coastal waters was moreimportant for the standing stock than local growth within thefjords. In Jtfsenfjorden, maxima of T.raschii were always foundin a zone of shallowing bottom topography (bottom depth 130m), where this species possibly maintained its horizontal positionby means of vertical migrations.  相似文献   

A sensitized immunoblotting method was established for measuringsmall amounts of plant tubulin. The method involves electrophoretictransfer of protein including tubulin from SDS-polyacrylamidegels onto nitrocellulose paper, successive incubation of thenitrocellulose paper with a mouse monoclonal antibody to - orß-tubulin of chicken brain, an antibody to mouse IgGas the second antibody and the radioactive iodinated proteinA, and determination of the radioactivities of the bands onthe nitrocellulose paper thus probed. The radioactivities werelinearly proportional to the amounts of - or ß-tubulinfrom dark-grown Vigna mungo seedlings within a range of 4 to56 ng or of 4 to 32 ng, respectively. This method was used to estimate the tubulin contents of severalplant species using Vigna tubulin as a standard. -Tubulin contentsthus estimated were 25, 9, 19 and 11 µg-equivalents ofVigna tubulin per mg protein for Vigna seedlings, Daucus suspensioncells, Catharanthus suspension cells and Mougeolia cells, respectively.ß-Tubulin contents of Vigna, Daucus, Catharanthusand Mougeotia cells were 29, 10, 13 and 5 µg-equivalentsof Vigna tubulin per mg protein, respectively. (Received August 6, 1985; Accepted December 5, 1985)  相似文献   

The negative gravitropic response in the grass leaf-sheath pulvinusis a consequence of cell elongation involving all cells exceptthose of the uppermost region of the upper flank of an horizontallyoriented pulvinus. The lowermost layer of cells elongate maximally,and the regions in between elongate to intermediate extents.The resulting curvatures of a responding pulvinus can be expressedmathematically by relating the angle of curvature () to theoriginal length (L0) and the maximal length of the lower surface(L1) and the diameter of the organ (D), using the equation, = (L1L0)/D, where is in radians. The elongation response(S) of any individual cell within the pulvinus can be expressedby the equation, S = 0.5-r cos, where r is the radius of thepulvinus and is in degrees. Microscopic measurement of celllengths in different regions of the pulvinus supports the mathematicalpredictions. Indirect support is also obtained from the useof colchicine, coumarin, dichloro-benzonitrile (DCBN) and isopropylN-chlorophenyl carbamate which exaggerate the inherent asymmetryduring gravitropic response. Coumarin and DCBN also induce thickeningsin the radial walls which appear first in the statenchyma, andlater, in cells located towards the outer periphery of the pulvinus.The distribution patterns of these thickenings suggest thatthe asymmetric growth response of the pulvinus may be due toa differential and radial, centrifugal transport of growth promotorsfrom the central statenchyma region. Gravity perception, grass pulvinus  相似文献   

Vertical migration, entrainment and photosynthesis of Peridiniumcinctum were investigated in the Torrens Lake, South Australia.Cell distribution was a function of swimming speed, shear velocityand the surface mixed layer depth. During the morning, whenthe wind speed was low, cells migrated upwards, at a velocityof 2.35 x10-4 m s-1 and accumulated at 0.7 m (827 µmolm-2 s-1 at 13:00 h). After 13:00 h, cells migrated downwardsto 3.3–3.6 m at 1.85 x 10-4 m s-1. As wind speed increasedin the afternoon, the shear velocity of the surface mixed layerexceeded the swimming speed, leading to a homogeneous cell distributionwithin the surface mixed layer. Below the surface mixed layer,a deep chlorophyll maximum persisted. The observations werefound to fit in an entrainment function (), where if > 1,cells are disentrained, and if < 1, cells are entrained.The maximum effective quantum yield of photosystem II (F'v/F'm)was used as an index to monitor the photosynthetic performanceof P. cinctum and the ratio of bottle (fixed depth) to lakeF'v/F'm indicated whether or not migration or mixing was enhancingphotosynthesis or preventing photoinhibition. A small (0.1–0.2units) but significant depression in F'v/F'm was observed inP. cinctum in bottle and lake surface samples during stratifiedconditions. However, this recovered to initial values laterin the day. The ratio of bottle to lake F'v/F'm was consistentwith P. cinctum migration patterns. A comparison between modelleddaily photosynthetic rates of the observed migrating and a theoreticalhomogeneous population revealed that migration would not increasephotosynthetic rates within the Torrens Lake. The net ratesof O2 production in the water column from dawn to dusk for themigrating and evenly distributed cell populations were 2574and 3120 mg m-2, respectively.  相似文献   

In October 1988 a bloom of Gyrodinium cf. aureolum was recordedalong a transect across the continental shelf reaching celldensities of 1300 ml–1 and chlorophyll a concentrationsup to 16 µg 1–1. The bloom was restricted to a nutrient-richthin surface layer of 10 m depth at the beginning of seasonalpycnocline. Hydrological conditions showed a particular salinitydistribution. The phytoplankton community was dominated by G.cf. aureolum but the coexisting flora presented a great diversity.UV-absorbing pigments were recorded in the community.  相似文献   

Åke Niemi 《Hydrobiologia》1982,86(1-2):33-39
The water exchange between the brackish-water firth Pojoviken and the Baltic Sea is restricted by a shallow sill (6 m). An outflowing, oligohaline surface layer is isolated from the nutrient-rich mesohaline deep water by a pycnocline at a depth of 6–10 m. During the ice-free period phytoplankton production is chiefly regulated by the river discharge regime. Contrary to the situation in the outer archipelago and the sea zone, in Pojoviken phytoplankton production continues until late autumn, because the stable salinity stratification prevents the phytoplankton from sinking below the critical depth for production. The phytoplankton composition seems to be regulated chiefly by salinity. The salinity interval 2–2.5 is apparently the critical range where brackish-water phytoplankton changes to an assemblage composed of typical freshwater species.  相似文献   

Calispadella alata n. gen., n. sp., is the first chaetognathdescribed from a hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge,depth 1600 m). It belongs to the family Spadellidae (presenceof transverse muscles in trunk and long tail segment). Thereis a pair of lateral fins making no contact with the body posteriorly;these free wing-like extensions end in festoons provided distallywith patches of adhesive cells. This unique feature in a deepbentho-planktonic species can be seen as an adaptation to adhereat times to the substrate to resist local turbulences producedby the hydrothermal fluids. This may also indicate that thisnew genus is phylogenetically close to the neritic genus Paraspadella,which has adhesive finger-like processes. Calispadella alatais sexually precocious as reported for other deep chaetognaths,contrary to most deep living organisms which exhibit delayedsexual maturity. This feature might be a means to increase thepossibility of mating in scarce populations.  相似文献   

The vertical distributions of ethylene and methane in the upper water column of the subtropical Atlantic were measured along a transect from Madeira to the Caribbean and compared with temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrients, chlorophyll-a, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC).Methane concentrations between 41.6 and 60.7 nL L-1 were found in the upper 20 m of the water column giving a calculated average flux of methane into the atmosphere of 0.82 g m-2 h-1. Methane profiles reveal several distinct maxima in the upper 500 m of the water column and short-time variations which are presumably partly related to the vertical migration of zooplankton.Ethylene concentrations in near surface waters varied in the range of 1.8 to 8.2 nL L-1. Calculated flux rates for ethylene into the atmosphere were in the range of 0.41 to 1.35 g m-2 h-1 with a mean of 0.83 g m-2 h-1. Maximum concentrations of up to 39.2 nL L-1 were detected directly below the pycnocline in the western Atlantic. The vertical distributions of ethylene generally showed one maximum at the pycnocline (about 100 m depth) where elevated concentrations of chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients were also found; no ethylene was detected below 270 m depth. This suggests that ethylene release is mainly related to one, probably phytoplankton associated, source, while for methane, enhanced net production occurs at various depth horizons. For surface waters, a simple correlation between ethylene and chlorophyll-a or DOC concentrations could not be observed. No considerable diurnal variation was observed for the distribution and concentration of ethylene in the upper water column.  相似文献   

The seasonal development and decline of phytoplankton was investigated in the eastern Weddell Sea during summer and fall 1991. During the first half of the study (15 Jan–13 Feb) in an area off Vestkapp, favourable irradiance/mixing regimes initiated net phytoplankton growth in ice-free waters on the shelf and in stretches of open water over the partially ice-covered deep ocean. Chi a concentrations in the upper water column were moderate (0.2–0.8 g l–1), but significantly above winter values. Later in the season (16 Feb–11 March), a phytoplankton bloom with surface Chl a concentrations ranging from 1.6–2.3 g l–1 was encountered in an area further to the east. We suggest that the upper water column must have been stratified in this region for time scales of weeks to faciliate bloom development. Bacterial biomass and productivity generally paralleled the seasonal development of the phytoplankton. Nitrate concentrations in the upper mixed layer were substantially lower than would be expected from the existing phytoplankton standing stock, suggesting that heterotrophic consumption of organic matter by bacteria and zooplankton removed a large fraction of the primary production. The shallow seasonal pycnocline was eventually eroded by the passage of a storm, resulting in a homogeneous distribution of phytoplankton biomass over the entire water column, followed by sedimentation and deposition of phytodetritus on the sea floor. After the storm induced destratification, bacterial productivity was particularly high, amounting to more than half of the primary production (range: 10%–120%) in the upper water column. Subsequently, phytoplankton biomass in the upper water column decreased to values <1 g Chl a l–1. The combination of low incident irradiances and incessant deep mixing prevented the phytoplankton biomass to increase again. During the last week of the investigation, extensive new-ice formation was observed. A major fraction of the residual surface plankton was incorporated into new sea ice, thus terminating the pelagic growth season of the phytoplankton in the eastern Weddell Sea.  相似文献   

A new method for testing the strength of cells against fluid shear stress by using a long capillary column was proposed. The trajectories of cells in the column were simulated by introducing the Brownian motion model. The Brownian motion was performed by the generation of random numbers. The mean exposure time to shear stress and the mean shear stress acting on the surface of cells were discussed by the result of computer simulation. The mean shear stress acting on the surface of cells flowing in the capillary column was estimated as 4/3-fold of the shear stress at the column wall provided that the ratio of the cell radius to the column radius does not exceed 0.08. The effectiveness of this new method for testing the strength of cells against fluid shear stress was shown.List of Symbols a m radius of cell - c constant - E distribution function - L m length of capillary column - M number of division - N number of division - p probability - Q m3/s flow rate - R m radius of capillary column - r m radial position - t s time - T s exposure time - T m s mean exposure time - T 0 s mean residence time - m/s axial velocity - u m m/s cross-sectional flow velocity - z m axial position - s–1 shear rate - w s–1 shear rate at wall - Pa s viscosity - spherical coordinate - spherical coordinate - Pa shear stress - m Pa mean shear stress - w Pa shear stress at wall  相似文献   

This paper summarises the major factors influencing the daytimevertical distribution of Daphnia hyalina var. laciutris (Sars)in two large experimental enclosures (Lund Tubes). In both tubes,the depth at which the Daphnia aggregated during the day wasclosely related to sub-surface ir-radiance. On a few occasionsaggregations of Daphnia were found in ‘dark’ waterassociated with a deep chlorophyll maximum. On many occasions,however, the animals' light response per se ensured their aggregationat depths of maximum phytoplankton abundance. The most importantfactor influencing the dispersion of animals in the water columnwas the steepness of the light gradient. In turbid water verticalaggregations were well defined, whereas in clear water the animalswere widely dispersed around their depth of maximum abundance.Daphnia also tended to disperse in the water column when theirpopulation density was high or when food was scarce. A simplemodel based on surface irradiance, water turbidity and populationdensity explained the basic pattern of vertical distributionthroughout the season. The implications of these findings arediscussed in relation to the effects of zooplankton grazingand speculations on the adaptive significance of depth regulation.  相似文献   

The origin and temporal variation in composition of sedimented particulate organic matter (POM) in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic) was studied over the year with special reference to the composition and sedimentation of macroaggregates in summer of 1991 using sediment traps.Suspended and sedimented POM, comprising a minor part of the largely inorganic total particulate matter, was prevalently of marine origin and composed mostly of humic substances followed by carbohydrates and proteins. Seasonal variations of particulate proteins and carbohydrates were correlated with variations of phytoplankton biomass. New production, occurring in late spring as a consequence of massive riverine inputs of N, Si and P nutrients in the surface layer of the Gulf, produced high particulate carbohydrate and protein concentrations. Subsequent depletion of introduced nutrients caused the decrease of particulate protein concentration but not that of particulate carbohydrate. The prolonged plankton biosynthesis of carbohydrates successively produced marine snow and later macroaggregates. The macroaggregates were characterized by 13C value of –19.9. and their carbohydrates were mostly composed of glucose followed in decreasing order by mannose, fructose, galactose, arabinose, ribose, xylose and fucose, suggesting a prevalent origin from phytoplankton structural heteropolysaccharides. Sedimentation of particulate organic constituents in the summertime, characterized by the massive presence of macroaggregates in the surface layer above the pycnocline, was the highest at a depth of 10 m at the end of this phenomenon, about six weeks after its first appearance. Sedimented macroaggregates were clearly traced by a characteristic 13C signal and higher carbohydrate concentrations. The monosaccharide composition was influenced by selective degradation in the water column. Sedimented POM in the bottom layer was, on the other hand, more affected by sediment resuspension. The mean yearly decrease of particulate protein-C and carbohydrate-C by 40–50% in the water column between the depths of 10 and 20 m indicates the preferential utilization of these constituents by microorganisms. The decrease of particulate humic-C is probably more the result of the export of particulate matter from the Gulf. This study also indicates that the macroaggregate formation has little impact on the annual C and N budget in such coastal areas.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern, taxonomic composition and communitystructure of mesozooplankton was studied along a transect with10 positions between the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern RedSea. Five positions were resampled two or three times duringa cruise of RV ‘Meteor’ in February/March 1999.In spite of clear differences in the density stratificationbetween the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern Red Sea, the mesozooplanktoncomposition was very similar: Copepods were by far the mostabundant taxon, contributing 76–95% to the total community.The remainder was composed largely of ostracods, chaetognaths,appendicularians and molluscs. The mesozooplankton of the deeplymixed stations was homogeneously distributed, at all other stationsthe bulk of the mesozooplankton (>70%) was concentrated inthe mixed surface layer with peaks of calanoids, cyclopoidsand appendicularians in the vicinity of the chlorophyll a (Chla) maximum layer. Ostracods and poecilostomatoids dominatedthe layers below. Standing stocks within the total water column(550–1200 m) varied between 93 and 431 x 103 individualsm–2 for copepods and 5–76 x 103 individuals m–2for other mesozooplankton with highest numbers in the northernGulf of Aqaba, where vertical mixing was deep (400–500m) and Chl a and mesozooplankton distributions homogeneous throughoutthe water column. Towards the south, the mixed depth decreasedfrom 300 m in the central Gulf of Aqaba to 50 m in the Red Sea.Cluster analysis separated three distinct groups of stations,compounding the observed differences between the northern Gulfof Aqaba (Position I) and the other positions. The analysisalso revealed temporal differences between the February andMarch sections of the cruise, indicating the winter–springtransition. The stations sampled in March are characterisedby a higher total abundance and by a higher percentage of appendiculariansand ostracods than the stations sampled in February  相似文献   

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