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G(13) protein, one of the heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins), regulates diverse and complex cellular responses by transducing signals from the cell surface presumably involving more than one pathway. Yeast two-hybrid screening of a mouse brain cDNA library identified radixin, a member of the ERM family of three closely related proteins (ezrin, radixin, and moesin), as a protein that interacted with Galpha(13). Interaction between radixin and Galpha(13) was confirmed by in vitro binding assay and by co-immunoprecipitation technique. Activated Galpha(13) induced conformational activation of radixin, as determined by binding of radixin to polymerized F-actin and by immunofluorescence in intact cells. Finally, two dominant negative mutants of radixin inhibited Galpha(13)-induced focus formation of Rat-1 fibroblasts but did not affect Ras-induced focus formation. Our results identifying a new signaling pathway for Galpha(13) indicate that ERM proteins can be activated by and serve as effectors of heterotrimeric G proteins.  相似文献   

G proteins transmit a variety of extracellular signals into intracellular responses. The Galpha and Gbetagamma subunits are both known to regulate effectors. Interestingly, the Galpha subunit also determines subtype specificity of Gbetagamma effector interactions. However, in light of the common paradigm that Galpha and Gbetagamma subunits dissociate during activation, a plausible mechanism of how this subtype specificity is generated was lacking. Using a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based assay developed to directly measure mammalian G protein activation in intact cells, we demonstrate that fluorescent Galpha(i1,2,3), Galpha(z), and Gbeta(1)gamma(2) subunits do not dissociate during activation but rather undergo subunit rearrangement as indicated by an activation-induced increase in FRET. In contrast, fluorescent Galpha(o) subunits exhibited an activation-induced decrease in FRET, reflecting subunit dissociation or, alternatively, a distinct subunit rearrangement. The alpha(B/C)-region within the alpha-helical domain, which is much more conserved within Galpha(i1,2,3) and Galpha(z) as compared with that in Galpha(o), was found to be required for exhibition of an activation-induced increase in FRET between fluorescent Galpha and Gbetagamma subunits. However, the alpha(B/C)-region of Galpha(il) alone was not sufficient to transfer the activation pattern of Galpha(i) to the Galpha(o) subunit. Either residues in the first 91 amino acids or in the C-terminal remainder (amino acids 93-354) of Galpha(il) together with the alpha(B/C)-helical region of Galpha(i1) were needed to transform the Galpha(o)-activation pattern into a Galpha(i1)-type of activation. The discovery of subtype-selective mechanisms of G protein activation illustrates that G protein subfamilies have specific mechanisms of activation that may provide a previously unknown basis for G protein signaling specificity.  相似文献   

G-proteins cycle between an inactive GDP-bound state and an active GTP-bound state, serving as molecular switches that coordinate cellular signaling. We recently used phage display to identify a series of peptides that bind G alpha subunits in a nucleotide-dependent manner [Johnston, C. A., Willard, F. S., Jezyk, M. R., Fredericks, Z., Bodor, E. T., Jones, M. B., Blaesius, R., Watts, V. J., Harden, T. K., Sondek, J., Ramer, J. K., and Siderovski, D. P. (2005) Structure 13, 1069-1080]. Here we describe the structural features and functions of KB-1753, a peptide that binds selectively to GDP x AlF4(-)- and GTPgammaS-bound states of G alpha(i) subunits. KB-1753 blocks interaction of G alpha(transducin) with its effector, cGMP phosphodiesterase, and inhibits transducin-mediated activation of cGMP degradation. Additionally, KB-1753 interferes with RGS protein binding and resultant GAP activity. A fluorescent KB-1753 variant was found to act as a sensor for activated G alpha in vitro. The crystal structure of KB-1753 bound to G alpha(i1) x GDP x AlF4(-) reveals binding to a conserved hydrophobic groove between switch II and alpha3 helices and, along with supporting biochemical data and previous structural analyses, supports the notion that this is the site of effector interactions for G alpha(i) subunits.  相似文献   

Antibodies directed against the C-terminal and the N-terminal regions of the mu-opioid receptor were generated to identify the G proteins that coimmunoprecipitate with the mu receptor. Two fusion proteins were constructed: One contained the 50 C-terminal amino acids of the mu receptor, and the other contained 61 amino acids near the N terminus of the receptor. Antisera directed against both fusion proteins were capable of immunoprecipitating approximately 70% of solubilized rat brain mu receptors as determined by [3H][D-Ala2,N-Me-Phe4,Gly-ol5]-enkephalin ([3H]DAMGO) saturation binding. The material immunoprecipitated with both of the antisera was recognized as a broad band with a molecular mass between 60 and 75 kDa when screened in a western blot. Guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPgammaS) had an EC50 of 0.4 nM in diminishing [3H]DAMGO binding to the immunoprecipitated pellet. The ratio of G proteins to mu receptors in the immunoprecipitated material was 1:1. When the material immunoprecipitated with affinity-purified antibody was screened for the presence of G protein a subunits, it was determined that G(alpha)o, G(alpha)i1, G(alpha)i3, and to a lesser extent G(alpha)i2, but not G(alpha)s or G(alpha)q11, were coimmunoprecipitated with the mu receptor. Inclusion of GTPgammaS during the immunoprecipitation process abolished the coimmunoprecipitation of G proteins.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) convey extracellular stimulation into dynamic intracellular action, leading to the regulation of cell migration and differentiation. T lymphocytes express G alpha(i2) and G alpha(i3), two members of the G alpha(i/o) protein family, but whether these two G alpha(i) proteins have distinguishable roles guiding T cell migration remains largely unknown because of a lack of member-specific inhibitors. This study details distinct G alpha(i2) and G alpha(i3) effects on chemokine receptor CXCR3-mediated signaling. Our data showed that G alpha(i2) was indispensable for T cell responses to three CXCR3 ligands, CXCL9, CXCL10, and CXCL11, as the lack of G alpha(i2) abolished CXCR3-stimulated migration and guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate (GTPgammaS) incorporation. In sharp contrast, T cells isolated from G alpha(i3) knock-out mice displayed a significant increase in both GTPgammaS incorporation and migration as compared with wild type T cells when stimulated with CXCR3 agonists. The increased GTPgammaS incorporation was blocked by G alpha(i3) protein in a dose-dependent manner. G alpha(i3)-mediated blockade of G alpha(i2) activation did not result from G alpha(i3) activation, but instead resulted from competition or steric hindrance of G alpha(i2) interaction with the CXCR3 receptor via the N terminus of the second intracellular loop. A mutation in this domain abrogated not only G alpha(i2) activation induced by a CXCR3 agonist but also the interaction of G alpha(i3) to the CXCR3 receptor. These findings reveal for the first time an interplay of G alpha(i) proteins in transmitting G protein-coupled receptor signals. This interplay has heretofore been masked by the use of pertussis toxin, a broad inhibitor of the G alpha(i/o) protein family.  相似文献   

The ligand-binding region of integrin beta subunits contains a von Willebrand factor type A-domain: an alpha/beta "Rossmann" fold containing a metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) on its top face. Although there is evidence to suggest that the betaA-domain undergoes changes in tertiary structure during receptor activation, the identity of the secondary structure elements that change position is unknown. The mAb 12G10 recognizes a unique cation-regulated epitope on the beta(1) A-domain, induction of which parallels the activation state of the integrin (i.e. competency for ligand recognition). The ability of Mn(2+) and Mg(2+) to stimulate 12G10 binding is abrogated by mutation of the MIDAS motif, demonstrating that the MIDAS is a Mn(2+)/Mg(2+) binding site and that occupancy of this site induces conformational changes in the A-domain. The cation-regulated region of the 12G10 epitope maps to Arg(154)/Arg(155) in the alpha1 helix. Our results demonstrate that the alpha1 helix undergoes conformational alterations during integrin activation and suggest that Mn(2+) acts as a potent activator of beta(1) integrins because it can promote a shift in the position of this helix. The mechanism of beta subunit A-domain activation appears to be distinct from that of the A-domains found in some integrin alpha subunits.  相似文献   

To assess the relative capacity of the human delta opioid receptor to activate closely related G proteins, fusion proteins were constructed in which the alpha-subunits of either G(i1) or G(o1), containing point mutations to render them insensitive to the actions of pertussis toxin, were linked in-frame with the C-terminus of the receptor. Following transient and stable expression in HEK 293 cells, both constructs bound the antagonist [(3)H]naltrindole with high affinity. D-ala(2),D-leu(5) Enkephalin effectively inhibited forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in intact cells in a concentration-dependent, but pertussis toxin-insensitive, manner. The high-affinity GTPase activity of both constructs was also stimulated by D-ala(2),D-leu(5) enkephalin with similar potency. However, enzyme kinetic analysis of agonist stimulation of GTPase activity demonstrated that the GTP turnover number produced in response to D-ala(2),D-leu(5) enkephalin was more than three times greater for G(i1)alpha than for G(o1)alpha. As the effect of agonist in both cases was to increase V:(max) without increasing the observed K:(m) for GTP, this is consistent with receptor promoting greater guanine nucleotide exchange, and thus activation, of G(i1)alpha compared with G(o1)alpha. An equivalent fusion protein between the human mu opioid receptor-1 and G(i1)alpha produced a similar D-ala(2),D-leu(5) enkephalin-induced GTP turnover number as the delta opioid receptor-G(i1)alpha fusion construct, consistent with agonist occupation of these two opioid receptor subtypes being equally efficiently coupled to activation of G(i1)alpha.  相似文献   

The G alpha subunit of G(12) protein, one of the heterotrimeric G proteins, regulates diverse and complex cellular responses by transducing signals from the cell surface, presumably involving more than one downstream effector. Yeast two-hybrid screening of a human testis cDNA library identified a large fragment of Hsp90 as a protein that interacted with G alpha(12). The interaction between G alpha(12) and Hsp90 was further substantiated by a co-immunoprecipitation technique. We have determined that Hsp90 is not required for the interaction of G alpha(12) with its binding partners, p115(RhoGEF) and the G beta subunit. Importantly, Hsp90 is required for G alpha(12)-induced serum response element activation, cytoskeletal changes, and mitogenic response. Closely related to G alpha(12), the G alpha(13) subunit did not interact with Hsp90 and did not require functional Hsp90 for serum response element activation. Thus, our results identify a novel signaling module of G alpha(12) and Hsp90.  相似文献   

It has recently been reported that synthetic peptides corresponding to the C-terminal sequence of G alpha, can be used to study the molecular mechanisms of interaction between this protein and G protein coupled receptors (Hamm et al., Science, 1988, Vol. 241, pp. 832-835). A conformational analysis on a 11 amino acids peptide from the G alpha(S) C-terminus, G alpha(S)(384-394) (H-QRMHLRQYELL-OH), was performed by nmr spectroscopy and molecular modeling methods. Two-dimensional nmr spectra, recorded in hexafluoroacetone/water, a mixture with structure stabilizing properties, showed an unusually high number of nuclear Overhauser effects, forming significative pattern to the drawing of a secondary structure. Conformations consistent with experimental NOE distances were obtained through molecular dynamics and energy minimization methods. These calculations yielded two stable conformers corresponding to an alpha-turn and a type III beta-turn involving the last five C-terminal residues. Interestingly, the alpha-turn conformation was found to overlap with good agreement the crystallographic structure of the same fragment in the G alpha(S) protein.  相似文献   

The nuclear lamina protein, lamin A is produced by proteolytic cleavage of a 74 kDa precursor protein, prelamin A. The conversion of this precursor to mature lamin A is mediated by a specific endoprotease, prelamin A endoprotease. Subnuclear fractionation indicates that the prelamin A endoprotease is localized at the nuclear membrane. The enzyme appears to be an integral membrane protein, as it can only be removed from the nuclear envelope with detergent. It is effectively solubilized by the detergent n-octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside and can be partially-purified (approximately 1200-fold) by size exclusion and cation exchange (Mono S) chromatography. Prelamin A endoprotease from HeLa cells was eluted from Mono S with 0.3 M sodium chloride as a single peak of activity. SDS-PAGE analysis of this prelamin A endoprotease preparation shows that it contains one major polypeptide at 65 kDa and smaller amounts of a second 68 kDa polypeptide. Inhibition of the enzyme activity in this preparation by specific serine protease inhibitors is consistent with the enzyme being a serine protease.  相似文献   

The function of guanine nucleotide binding (G) proteins is Mg2+ dependent with guanine nucleotide exchange requiring higher metal ion concentration than guanosine 5′-triphosphate hydrolysis. It is unclear whether two Mg2+ binding sites are present or if one Mg2+ binding site exhibits different affinities for the inactive GDP-bound or the active GTP-bound conformations. We used furaptra, a Mg2+-specific fluorophore, to investigate Mg2+ binding to α subunits in both conformations of the stimulatory (G) and inhibitory (Giα1) regulators of adenylyl cyclase. Regardless of the conformation or α protein studied, we found that two distinct Mg2+ sites were present with dissimilar affinities. With the exception of G in the active conformation, cooperativity between the two Mg2+ sites was also observed. Whereas the high affinity Mg2+ site corresponds to that observed in published X-ray structures of G proteins, the low affinity Mg2+ site may involve coordination to the terminal phosphate of the nucleotide.  相似文献   

Protein kinase D (PKD/PKCmu) immunoprecipitated from COS-7 cells transiently transfected with a constitutively active alpha subunit of G(q) (Galpha(q)Q209L) exhibited a marked increase in basal activity, which was not further enhanced by treatment of the cells with phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate. In contrast, transient transfection of COS-7 cells with activated Galpha(12)Q229L or Galpha(13)Q226L neither promoted PKD activation nor interfered with the increase of PKD activity induced by phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate. The addition of aluminum fluoride to cells co-transfected with PKD and wild type Galpha(q) induced a marked increase in PKD activity, which was comparable with that induced by expression of Galpha(q)Q209L. Treatment with the protein kinase C inhibitor GF I or Ro 31-8220 prevented the increase in PKD activity induced by aluminum fluoride. Expression of a COOH-terminal fragment of Galpha(q) that acts in a dominant negative fashion attenuated PKD activation in response to agonist stimulation of bombesin receptor. PKD activation in response to either Galpha(q) or bombesin was completely prevented by mutation of Ser(744) and Ser(748) to Ala in the kinase activation loop of PKD. Our results show that Galpha(q) activation is sufficient to stimulate sustained PKD activation via protein kinase C and indicate that the endogenous Galpha(q) mediates PKD activation in response to acute bombesin receptor stimulation.  相似文献   

Gs and Gi2 are G proteins whose alpha subunits are 65% homologous. Within the 355 amino acid alpha i2 polypeptide, substitution of residues Ile213-Lys319 with the corresponding alpha s region (Ile235-Arg356) generated a chimera that activated adenylyl cyclase, indicating that the alpha s activation domain resides within this 122 amino acid alpha s sequence. Mutation within alpha s residues Glu15-Pro144 resulted in an alpha s polypeptide having an enhanced rate of GDP dissociation. Mutation within two regions of the N-terminus influenced the ability of pertussis toxin to ADP-ribosylate the alpha subunit polypeptide, a reaction controlled by the beta gamma subunit complex. The findings define the G protein alpha subunit N-terminus as a regulatory region controlling beta gamma subunit interactions and GDP dissociation independent of the GTPase and effector activation domains.  相似文献   

Activator of G protein signaling 3 (AGS3) is a guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI) that contains four G protein regulatory (GPR) or GoLoco motifs in its C-terminal domain. The entire C-terminal domain (AGS3-C) as well as certain peptides corresponding to individual GPR motifs of AGS3 bound to G alpha i1 and inhibited the binding of GTP by stabilizing the GDP-bound conformation of G alpha i1. The stoichiometry, free energy, enthalpy, and dissociation constant for binding of AGS3-C to G alpha i1 were determined using isothermal titration calorimetry. AGS3-C possesses two apparent high affinity (Kd approximately 20 nm) and two apparent low affinity (Kd approximately 300 nm) binding sites for G alpha i1. Upon deletion of the C-terminal GPR motif from AGS3-C, the remaining sites were approximately equivalent with respect to their affinity (Kd approximately 400 nm) for G alpha i1. Peptides corresponding to each of the four GPR motifs of AGS3 (referred to as GPR1, GPR2, GPR3, and GPR4, respectively, going from N to C terminus) bound to G alpha i1 with Kd values in the range of 1-8 microm. Although GPR1, GPR2, and GPR4 inhibited the binding of the fluorescent GTP analog BODIPY-FL-guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate to G alpha i1, GPR3 did not. However, addition of N- and C-terminal flanking residues to the GPR3 GoLoco core increased its affinity for G alpha i1 and conferred GDI activity similar to that of AGS3-C itself. Similar increases were observed for extended GPR2 and extended GPR1 peptides. Thus, while the tertiary structure of AGS3 may affect the affinity and activity of the GPR motifs contained within its sequence, residues outside of the GPR motifs strongly potentiate their binding and GDI activity toward G alpha i1 even though the amino acid sequences of these residues are not conserved among the GPR repeats.  相似文献   

We previously developed peptides that bind to G protein betagamma subunits and selectively block interactions between betagamma subunits and a subset of effectors in vitro (Scott, J. K., Huang, S. F., Gangadhar, B. P., Samoriski, G. M., Clapp, P., Gross, R. A., Taussig, R., and Smrcka, A. V. (2001) EMBO J. 20, 767-776). Here, we created cell-permeating versions of some of these peptides by N-terminal modification with either myristate or the cell permeation sequence from human immunodeficiency virus TAT protein. The myristoylated betagamma-binding peptide (mSIRK) applied to primary rat arterial smooth muscle cells caused rapid activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 in the absence of an agonist. This activation did not occur if the peptide lacked a myristate at the N terminus, if the peptide had a single point mutation to eliminate betagamma subunit binding, or if the cells stably expressed the C terminus of betaARK1. A human immunodeficiency virus TAT-modified peptide (TAT-SIRK) and a myristoylated version of a second peptide (mSCAR) that binds to the same site on betagamma subunits as mSIRK, also caused extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation. mSIRK also stimulated Jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylation, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, and phospholipase C activity and caused Ca2+ release from internal stores. When tested with purified G protein subunits in vitro, SIRK promoted alpha subunit dissociation from betagamma subunits without stimulating nucleotide exchange. These data suggest a novel mechanism by which selective betagamma-binding peptides can release G protein betagamma subunits from heterotrimers to stimulate G protein pathways in cells.  相似文献   

Fusion proteins were constructed between the alpha(2A)-adrenoceptor and the alpha-subunit of the G-protein G(i1). Mutation of the highly conserved Asp(79) in transmembrane (TM) helix 2 of the receptor to Asn reduced the capacity of agonists to activate G(i1)alpha by 95% without altering [3H]antagonist or agonist ligand-binding affinity. A reciprocal mutation in TM helix 7 (Asn(422)Asp) was without effect on signalling effectiveness. Combination of these two mutations overcame the effect of the Asp(79)Asp mutation. By examining alterations in this helix 2-helix 7 microdomain, we further demonstrate the utility of receptor-G-protein fusion proteins to quantitate mutational effects on receptor-G-protein interactions and information transfer.  相似文献   

The peptide pattern obtained after proteolysis of S-1 with trypsin was different in the absence or presence of anions. The affinity of tryptic and undigested S-1 for anions (CN-, SCN- or HCO3-) was different, as reflected by the altered values of Ki or Ka obtained from ATPase activity measurements. Anions CN-, SCN-, HCO3-, or PPi induced dissociation of actomyosin when added to acto-S-1 or acto-heavy-meromyosin. Among nucleoside di- and triphosphates, only triphosphates were effective with regard to the dissociation. The results suggest the existence of a regulatory site of cationic nature on S-1, which might be involved in the dissociation of actin from myosin.  相似文献   

Because an N-terminal alpha-helical (N-helix) arm and a KGK-triplet (residues 88KGK90) in the central helix of troponin-C (TnC) are missing in calmodulin, several recent studies have attempted to elucidate the structure-function correlations of these units. Presently, with a family of genetically manipulated derivatives especially developed for this study and tested on permeabilized isolated single skeletal muscle fiber segments, we explored the specificities of the amino acid residues within the N-helix and the KGK-triplet in TnC. Noticeably, the amino acid compositions vary between the N-helices of the cardiac and skeletal TnC isoforms. On the other hand, the KGK-triplet is located similarly in both TnC isoforms. We previously indicated that deletion of the N-helix (mutant delta Nt) diminishes the tension obtained on activation with maximal calcium, but the contractile function is revived by the superimposed deletion of the 88KGK90-triplet (mutant delta Nt delta KGK; see Gulati J, Babu A, Su H, Zhang YF, 1993, J Biol Chem 268:11685-11690). Using this functional test, we find that replacement of Gly-89 with a Leu or an Ala could also overcome the contractile defect associated with N-helix deletion. On the other hand, replacement of the skeletal TnC N-helix with cardiac type N-helix was unable to restore contractile function. The findings indicate a destabilizing influence of Gly-89 residue in skeletal TnC and suggest that the N-terminal arm in normal TnC serves to moderate this effect. Moreover, specificity of the N-helix between cardiac and skeletal TnCs raises the possibility that resultant structural disparities are also important for the functional distinctions of the TnC isoforms.  相似文献   

Many of the alpha subunits of heterotrimeric GTP-binding regulatory proteins (G proteins) are palmitoylated, a modification proposed to play a key role in the stable anchorage of the subunits to the plasma membrane. Palmitoylation of alpha subunits from the G(i) family is preceded by N-myristoylation, which alone or together with betagamma probably supports a reversible interaction of the alpha subunit with membrane as a prerequisite to the eventual incorporation of palmitate. Previous studies have not addressed, however, the question of whether membrane association alone, carried out through N-myristoylation, interaction with betagamma, or other events, is sufficient for palmitoylation. We report here for alpha(o) that it is not. We found that N-myristoylation is required for palmitoylation at least in part because it supports events subsequent to membrane attachment. Mutants of alpha(o) designed to target the subunit to membrane without an N-myristoyl group are unable to be palmitoylated as evaluated by incorporation of [(3)H]palmitate. Mutants of alpha(o) unable to interact normally with betagamma yet still attach to membrane demonstrate that betagamma, in contrast, is not required for palmitoylation. betagamma becomes necessary, however, when the N-myristoyl group is absent. Our results suggest that N-myristoylation and betagamma, while almost certainly relevant to the reversible interaction of alpha(o) with membrane, also play at least partly overlapping, post-anchorage roles in palmitoylation.  相似文献   

To investigate in detail the distribution of G protein subtypes G(i)2alpha and G(o)alpha along the surface of the vomeronasal epithelium, we used double labeling immunocytochemical methods and electron microscopy. We examined the immunoreactivity of these surface structures with antibodies against G(i)2alpha and G(o)alpha. G(i)2alpha- and G(o)alpha-positive cells were observed at the epithelial surface and were evenly distributed. Electron microscopy revealed that strong immunoreactivities to both antibodies were observed on the microvilli and knob-like surface structures of receptor cells. No immunoreactivity was found on the microvilli or surface membranes of supporting cells. This expression pattern is similar to that reported for putative pheromone receptors. These data confirm that there are two distinct classes of vomeronasal receptor cells expressed at the surface of the epithelium. These two classes of receptors correspond to the same G(i)2alpha- and G(o)alpha-positive cells distributed in cell body layers of the epithelium and in the axon terminals in the accessory olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

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