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Social influences on the sexual maturation of female Djungarian hamsters were investigated in two experiments. In the first experiment females were housed from weaning with an adult male, by themselves, or with a weanling sister. Maturation was accelerated in females housed with males as indicated by younger age at first ovulation, increased rates of ovarian and uterine growth, and lower LH levels at some ages. Maturation was delayed in females housed with sisters compared to those housed alone as measured by time of first ovulation and by lower estradiol levels at some ages. The most marked differences between groups occurred 8 to 12 days after weaning, suggesting that events during this period are particularly important in the social mediation of sexual maturation. In the second experiment the effects of reproductive suppression (caused by living with a sister) on the subsequent fertility of females housed with males were examined. If male-female pairs were housed in clean cages, no effects were observed; however, pairs housed in cages previously soiled by the female and her sister had fewer young surviving until 1 week of age despite no differences in the age of pregnancy onset or in the initial litter size. Thus, even cues present in unrenewed soiled bedding may have subtle but long lasting effects on reproductive function.  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, the time course for the photoperiodic response in juvenile male musk shrews was examined by exposing animals to short (10L:14D) or long (14L:10D or 18L:6D) daylengths for 10, 20, 40 or 56 days. When compared with the response of animals maintained in long days, those exposed to short days showed an inhibition of reproductive maturation by 40 days of treatment. In Exp. 2, the combined effects of photoperiod and social cues were investigated in juvenile males that were either housed in short days (with or without a female) or in long days (with or without a female) for 40 days. The short photoperiod was generally inhibitory to sexual maturation, while the presence of an adult female was generally stimulatory, i.e. animals living with a female in long days had the greatest level of sexual maturity, while those living alone in short days had the lowest level of maturity. Animals that received opposing signals, i.e. short days in the presence of a female, had an intermediate response which was equivalent to the response seen in males living alone in long days. These results suggest that the presence of a female can partly reverse inhibitory effects of short days. In Exp. 3, the effects of photoperiod and social cues on the reproductive physiology of the adult male (same design as in Exp. 2) were investigated. The results show that the adult male musk shrew is responsive to both photoperiodic and social cues, in a manner similar to that of juvenile animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Reproductive development of male California voles (Microtus californicus) is delayed when voles are raised in bedding taken from their family. In these experiments the effects of this chemically mediated puberty delay on male reproductive potential were examined. Males were paired with females for a 4-day period; the resultant uterine weights constituted a measure of male potency. In Experiments 1 and 2, 45-day-old males raised in clean or family bedding were paired with females. Regardless of whether cohabitation occurred in a clean, novel cage or in the male's home cage, only males reared in clean bedding caused significant growth of the female reproductive tract. In Experiment 3 the stimulus males were adults, either castrated or intact. Only cohabitation with an intact male stimulated female reproductive development. These data show that chemical cues present in family bedding impair the ability of young males to stimulate reproductive development in females and suggest that this effect is due to low circulating androgen levels in reproductively delayed males. Since chemical cues in bedding from solitary males did not activate uterine growth, the androgen-dependent deficit in delayed males may be behavioral. The relevance of these phenomena to animals living in a natural environment is discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine (a) whether BALB/c mice housed on soiled bedding can be used as sentinels for the detection of Sendai virus and MHV from infected mice housed in microisolators, and (b) whether the microisolator caging system protects mice against Sendai virus and MHV infections. Sentinel mice were housed in microisolator cages, exposed continuously to soiled bedding and bled at 21 and 42 days for serology. All sentinel mice were seropositive for MHV by 42 days; however, sentinel mice exposed to soiled bedding were seronegative for Sendai virus at 21 and 42 days. These results suggest that sentinels housed on soiled bedding may not detect all infectious murine viruses. This study also showed that the microisolator caging system provided an effective barrier against MHV infection at the cage level and suggests that the microisolators should protect mice against other infectious agents.  相似文献   

Soiled bedding and urine from adult female white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) were tested for their capacity to inhibit reproduction of young females. Test animals were given either physical or airborne contact with soiled bedding from adult females, adult female urine, clean bedding, or water from 21 to 150 days of age. Results indicate that reproductive inhibition is due to an airborne pheromone emitted by the adult females as a component of their urine. In the second experiment, young female mice were exposed to an adult female for 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, or 24 h/day from 21 to 150 days of age. Results from this experiment show that exposure to adult females of as little as 3 h/day was sufficient to cause reproductive inhibition to occur. This phenomenon has important implications in terms of both female-female reproductive competition and socially mediated population regulation.  相似文献   

Male prairie deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii) were treated from weaning until 8 weeks of age with chemical stimuli from conspecifics or with control substances. Growth of the testes and seminal vesicles was retarded in males that were reared in contact with soiled bedding material transferred from cages of adult males. No additional inhibition resulted from the physical presence of an adult male either continuously or for 1 hr per day. Application of urine collected from adult males to the noses of young males retarded seminal vesicle growth. Removal of the olfactory bulbs of males at 3 weeks of age blocked the inhibitory influence of urine on sexual maturation. Exposure to urine from adult females did not alter the growth of the reproductive organs in young males. The ability of a male deer mouse to retard the sexual maturation of young male conspecifics (Bediz, G. M., and Whitsett, J. M., 1979, J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol.93, 493–500) appears to be a consequence of chemical stimuli excreted in its urine.  相似文献   

The role of tactile stimuli and pheromonal stimuli in the induction of oestrous cycle irregularities in mice was evaluated. In contrast to an adult regularly cycling female (the test female) housed in contact with 6 adult females, a test female housed in contact with 6 impuberal females failed to show disruption of oestrous cycle. Likewise, a test female housed in contact with bedding soiled by 6 group-housed adult females failed to exhibit disruption of oestrous cycle. By contrast, a test female housed in contact with 6 impuberal females on bedding soiled by 6 adult group-housed females exhibited a significant increase in the incidence of prolonged cycles. However, a test female housed with 6 impuberal females without direct contact with the bedding soiled by adult group-housed females exhibited a significant decrease in the incidence of prolonged cycles. The results suggest that tactile stimuli and pheromonal stimuli (probably present in the excrete of adult females) act synergistically in inducing cycle disruption. The findings further indicate that the female-originating pheromone involved in oestrous cycle disruption is non-volatile (not air-borne) and that it acts through contact.  相似文献   

In the first experiment, the effects of food availability on growth and reproduction were assessed by placing male musk shrews on 3 different feeding schedules, i.e. fed ad libitum, fed 50% of the amount eaten by the ad-libitum controls or fed 25% of the amount eaten by the ad-libitum controls. After 25 days, growth and sexual maturation were significantly retarded in both of the food-restricted groups compared to the control group. In the second experiment, the combined effects of food availability and social cues were investigated in juvenile males that were either fed ad libitum (during the day) or placed on a restricted diet known to inhibit growth and reproduction. Half of these males were either housed alone or with an adult female (separated from female during the day by a wire barrier, but in full contact at night). The ad-libitum-fed males living with a female ate more food, gained more body weight and were more sexually mature than ad-libitum-fed animals living alone. Furthermore, males in the two food-restricted groups had lower body weights and were sexually immature compared with males in both of the ad-libitum-fed groups. Finally, there were little or no differences in growth and reproduction between animals in the two food-restricted groups. These results suggest that food availability is an important environmental regulator of the timing of sexual maturation, and that stimulatory social cues cannot override the inhibitory effects of an inadequate diet.  相似文献   

Summary Significantly more females reared on bedding soiled by different populations reproduced by 100 days of age than those reared on bedding soiled by the same populations (P<.1) or on clean bedding (P<.025) whereas the latter two groups did not differ significantly. Significantly greater percentages of females reproduced in both treatments maintained on soiled bedding than was true in the populations from which the bedding came. There were no significant differences between treatments in the weights of the reproductive organs (testes, seminal vesicles, ovaries, uteri) or in the numbers of corpora lutea or mature follicles in the ovaries of nulliparous females. The data suggest that if there were reproductively inhibiting pheromones influencing the population animals, they were altered or dissipated immediately after removal of the bedding from the population enclosures or that they were nonfunctional in the absence of the population animals. These data further suggest that the reproductive inhibition of population young is due to the presence of the populaton animals and that sociobiological factors within the populations act to prevent the reproductively stimulating influence of materials which may be present.  相似文献   

Significantly more females reared on bedding soiled by different populations reproduced by 100 days of age than those reared on bedding soiled by the same populations (P<.1) or on clean bedding (P<.025) whereas the latter two groups did not differ significantly. Significantly greater percentages of females reproduced in both treatments maintained on soiled bedding than was true in the populations from which the bedding came. There were no significant differences between treatments in the weights of the reproductive organs (testes, seminal vesicles, ovaries, uteri) or in the numbers of corpora lutea or mature follicles in the ovaries of nulliparous females. The data suggest that if there were reproductively inhibiting pheromones influencing the population animals, they were altered or dissipated immediately after removal of the bedding from the population enclosures or that they were nonfunctional in the absence of the population animals. These data further suggest that the reproductive inhibition of population young is due to the presence of the populaton animals and that sociobiological factors within the populations act to prevent the reproductively stimulating influence of materials which may be present.  相似文献   

Pine vole females paired in breeding cages with male siblings remain unreproductive beyond the age of puberty onset. In this study only 10% of females caged with their brothers reproduced, whereas 85% of females placed with strange males had litters. Mating between a female and a strange male was also suppressed by the presence of a male sibling sequestered behind a wire mesh barrier in the breeding cage. When the sibling male was removed from the cage after 1 day, 78% of the females produced litters. When the sibling remained behind the barrier in the breeding cage, only 42% gave birth to young conceived in his presence. Conception of second litters during the postpartum estrus occurred in over 80% of females caged with strange males alone and only 10% of females caged with sibling males. Female pine voles are induced to become reproductively active by strange males but this activity is depressed by the presence of a brother, and once initiated it does not continue if the female is caged with her brother.  相似文献   

Female‐emitted pheromonal inputs possess an intrinsic rewarding value for conspecific males, promoting approach and investigation of the potential mating partner. In mice these inputs are detected mainly by the vomeronasal organ (VNO) and the main olfactory epithelium (MOE). We investigated the role of VNO‐mediated inputs in experience‐dependent plasticity of reproductive responses. We applied a sex‐specific conditioned odor aversion (COA) paradigm on adult, wild‐type (WT) male mice and on male mice impaired in VNO‐mediated signal transduction (TrpC2?/?). We found that WT males, which underwent COA to female‐soiled bedding, lost their innate preference to female odors and presented lower motivation to approach a sexually receptive female. COA also abolished the testosterone surge normally seen following exposure to female odors. Moreover, the conditioned males displayed impairments in copulatory behaviors, which lasted for several weeks. Surprisingly, these males also exhibited phobic behaviors towards receptive females, including freezing and fleeing responses. In contrast, WT males which underwent COA specifically to male pheromones showed no change in olfactory preference and only a marginally significant elevation in intermale aggression. Finally, we show that TrpC2?/? males were able to acquire aversion to female‐soiled bedding and presented similar behavioral alterations following COA in their responses to female cues. Our results demonstrate that the intrinsic rewarding value of female pheromones can be overridden through associative olfactory learning, which occurs independently of VNO inputs, probably through MOE signaling.  相似文献   

The effects of acceleration and delay of puberty in female house mice on survival and reproduction were tested using 6 experimental groups: (1) control females mated at the time of first oestrus, (2) females mated at weaning, (3) females treated with male urine starting at weaning and mated at first oestrus, (4) females housed in groups and mated at first oestrus, (5) females housed alone, treated with urine from grouped females and mated at first oestrus, and (6) females housed alone and mated at 68 days of age. Females caged with males at weaning or treated with male urine and mated at puberty had lower rates of survival to 180 days of age, but did not differ in rates of fertility from mice in the other four treatments. Those females that were housed with males from weaning or treated with male urine also had smaller total numbers of litters, fewer total young, and smaller average litter sizes than did females for which the age of mating was delayed, by grouping or treatment with urine from grouped females, or by being held until age 68 days before mating. Control females mated at first oestrus generally were intermediate or did not differ from the male treatments on these dependent variables. There were no differences in the average number of female young/litter across the 6 treatments. However, females that were delayed in age of first mating had significantly more male young/litter than did females that were accelerated in their sexual development or control females.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A sequence of six experiments using wild stock house mouse (Mus domesticus) tested the effects of intermittent stimulation with either the urinary chemosignal released by grouped female mice or social contact from grouped females on the age of first vaginal oestrus in young females. Weanling female mice were exposed to bedding soiled by grouped females or cages containing grouped females for 15 min periods, then removed for a prescribed period, and placed again in a cage with soiled bedding or grouped females. The nature of the exposure to the puberty delaying effect, the number of total exposures each day, the total length of exposure to the stimulus, and the total time period over which the exposures occurred were varied. None of the treatment regimes employed here with soiled bedding from grouped females resulted in delays in the onset of first oestrus in test females. Young females exposed to grouped females for 6 or 8 exposures in a 4 h period, 6 or 8 exposures in an 8 h period, or 8 exposures in a 12 h period were significantly delayed in attaining puberty relative to control females that were exposed to cages containing clean bedding. These results are in contrast to earlier findings involving chemosignals that accelerate first oestrus wherein young females exhibited the capacity to accumulate the exposures to the urinary chemosignals from males, females in oestrus and pregnant or lactating females. Direct exposure to the grouped females on an intermittent basis can provide stimulation that is cummulative and results in delays in the onset of first oestrus.  相似文献   

The influence of chemosignals from isolated mature females of the CBA strain on level of spontaneous and radiation-induced meiotic disturbances in spermatocytes I of males of the same strain was studied. Using an ana-telophase method, 24-hour exposure of males to soiled bedding containing isolated females’ chemosignals was shown to lead to a significantly lower frequency of chromosomal aberrations and other meiotic disturbances in spermatocytes I as compared to males kept on clean bedding. The same effect of female chemosignals was found in the germ cells of irradiated males (4 Gr). The mechanisms and importance of the revealed antimutagenic effect of mouse female chemosignals on the male reproductive cells in the reproduction process are discussed.  相似文献   

Seven experiments were performed to investigate pregnancy termination, urinary chemosignals, and litter sex ratio variation in female house mice. Experiments tested the effects of urine from adult and prepubertal females, housed individually or in groups, on successful insemination and litter production by females treated at different times and for different periods during the 3 weeks before mating and during gestation. Treatment of females with urine from adult females housed eight per cage or with urine pooled from eight adult females housed individually for 2 or 3 weeks before mating resulted in fewer successful pregnancies and significantly more female-biased litters. Treatment with urine from adult or prepubertal females housed eight per cage or with urine pooled from eight mice housed individually for the first 6 days of gestation or throughout pregnancy resulted in a significant increase in the rate of pregnancy termination. These treatments resulted in lower body weights at birth and slower growth rates in all males and in some females. Puberty was delayed in female progeny from urine-treated dams in five of seven experiments, and these young females attained first oestrus at greater mean body weights than mice in other treatments. These findings indicate that, in mice, at high population density, communication via a urinary chemosignal can alter reproduction in recipient females. Availability of, and competition for, resources such as food would be greater at higher densities, possibly lowering the probability of reproductive success. Pregnancy termination and delays in reproduction and attainment of sexual maturity might lead to greater successful reproduction at a later time.  相似文献   

A level of X-ray induced mitotic disturbances in the cells of the bone marrow of male mice was studied under the modifying influence of chemosignals from isolated adult female mice of the CBA strain. It has been shown that the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in irradiated (4 Gr) males after exposing them for 24 hours on bedding soiled with female chemosignals is lower than in irradiated males in cages with clean bedding. The mechanisms and importance of the antimutagenic effect of female house mouse chemosignals are discussed.  相似文献   

In rodents, social and reproductive behaviors critically depend on chemical signals, including sexual pheromones that have been suggested (but not demonstrated) to be rewarding. In this work, we analyze this issue by studying the chemoinvestigatory behavior of adult female mice (without experience with male-derived chemicals) toward 1) the synthetic odorant citralva, 2) bedding soiled by different conspecifics (females, males, and castrated males), and 3) volatiles derived from bedding soiled by males and castrated males (confronted in 2-choice tests). We also study whether these chemical signals are able to induce conditioned place preference, a reliable test for rewarding properties of stimuli. The results show that involatile, male-derived chemicals elicit an intense and sustained chemoinvestigation and, more importantly, are the only tested chemical signals that induce conditioned place preference. In contrast, volatile, male-derived chemicals are not significantly chemoinvestigated. Bedding soiled by castrated males induces a transient chemoinvestigation, likely directed to steroid-independent, biologically relevant chemical signals, whereas the intense chemoinvestigation of female-soiled bedding shows a slow habituation. Finally, females did not explore significantly citralva-odorized bedding. The present work constitutes the first demonstration of the unconditioned reinforcing properties of involatile (likely detected by the vomeronasal organ) steroid-dependent chemical signals in mammals.  相似文献   

High condition enables individuals to express a phenotype with greater reproductive potential. However, life‐history theory predicts that reproduction will trade off with somatic maintenance and viability, and several studies have reported faster age‐related decline in performance in high‐condition individuals, suggesting that high condition in early life is associated with accelerated somatic deterioration. This trade‐off may be especially pronounced in males, which often express condition‐dependent secondary sexual traits that can impose viability costs during development and through damage‐inflicting adult sexual behaviours. To test this prediction, we reared larvae of the neriid fly Telostylinus angusticollis on diets of varying nutrient content and quantified somatic deterioration in solitary males, males housed in all‐male or mixed‐sex groups and immobilized males subjected to mechanical stress. We found that males reared on a nutrient‐rich larval diet (high‐condition males) suffered a higher rate of somatic deterioration with age, particularly when housed in groups. Perhaps as a result of accelerated somatic deterioration, high‐condition males did not outlive low‐condition males. In addition, high‐condition males housed in all‐male groups experienced a greater reduction in escape response with age than males housed in mixed‐sex groups, suggesting that male–male combat promotes somatic deterioration. However, even when immobilized, high‐condition males were still found to be more susceptible to somatic damage than low‐condition males. Our findings suggest that a high‐condition male phenotype is more prone to somatic damage, both as a result of associated behaviours such as combat, and because of the inherent fragility of the high‐condition body.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the response of vervet monkeys to different housing conditions or on the suitability of enrichment devices or methods for vervet monkeys. In this study, the authors evaluated the occurrence of stereotyped behavior in adult vervet monkeys under various conditions of housing and enrichment. The variables included cage size, cage level (upper or lower), enrichment with a foraging log, enrichment with an exercise cage and presence of a mate. The authors first determined the incidence of stereotyped behavior in captive-bred, singly housed adult female and male vervet monkeys. They then exposed monkeys to different housing and enrichment situations and compared the incidence of stereotyped behavior among the monkeys. The authors found that more females than males engaged in stereotyped behavior and that females, on average, engaged in such behavior for longer periods of time than males. Stereotyped behavior was most often associated with a small, single cage. The average amount of observed stereotyped activity in monkeys housed in a small cage was significantly lower when the monkeys had access to either a foraging log or an exercise cage. Stereotyped behavior was also lower in female monkeys that were housed (either with a male or without a male) in a larger cage. The least amount of abnormal behavior was associated with the largest, most complex and enriched housing situation. Males and females housed in cages on the lower level of two-level housing engaged in more stereotyped behavior than did monkeys housed in the upper level, regardless of the presence or type of enrichment provided.  相似文献   

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