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Retinoblastoma susceptibility genes contain significant runs of oligoguanine at their 5' ends. Oligonucleotides having these sequences underwent complex formation in the presence of sodium ions, in which there was association of four strands. Formation of this structure was completely prevented if guanine was replaced by 7-deazaguanine, indicating the importance of guanine N7 in the formation of the complex. Complex formation lead to protection of guanine N7 against methylation by dimethyl sulphate, but thymine bases located between oligoguanine blocks were reactive to osmium tetroxide. There was also some sensitivity to S1 nuclease to the 5' side of the oligoguanine block. The results show that the G-rich regions of the mouse and human retinoblastoma susceptibility genes have a propensity to undergo tetraplex formation of the kind demonstrated in the immunoglobulin switch region.  相似文献   

Streptomyces sp. linear plasmids and linear chromosomes usually contain conserved terminal palindromic sequences bound by the conserved telomeric proteins Tap and Tp, encoded by the tap and tpg genes, respectively, as well as plasmid loci required for DNA replication in circular mode when the telomeres are deleted. These consist of iterons and an adjacent rep gene. By using PCR, we found that 8 of 17 newly detected linear plasmids in Streptomyces strains lack typical telomeric tap and tpg sequences. Instead, two novel telomeres in plasmids pRL1 and pRL2 from the eight strains and one conserved telomere in pFRL1 from the other strains were identified, while multiple short palindromes were also found in the plasmids. The complete nucleotide sequence of pRL2 revealed a gene encoding a protein containing two domains, resembling Tap of Streptomyces and a helicase of Thiobacillus, and an adjacent gene encoding a protein similar to Tpg of Streptomyces and a portion of the telomere terminal protein pTP of adenoviruses. No typical iterons-rep loci were found in the three plasmids. These results indicate an unexpected diversity of telomere palindromic sequences and replication genes among Streptomyces linear plasmids.  相似文献   

In many organisms, meiotic chromosomes are bundled at their telomeres to form a "bouquet" arrangement. The bouquet formation plays an important role in homologous chromosome pairing and therefore progression of meiosis. As meiotic telomere clustering occurs in response to mating pheromone signaling in fission yeast, we looked for factors essential for bouquet formation among genes induced under mating pheromone signaling. This genome-wide search identified two proteins, Bqt1 and Bqt2, that connect telomeres to the spindle-pole body (SPB; the centrosome equivalent in fungi). Neither Bqt1 nor Bqt2 alone functions as a connector, but together the two proteins form a bridge between Rap1 (a telomere protein) and Sad1 (an SPB protein). Significantly, when both Bqt1 and Bqt2 are ectopically expressed in mitotic cells, they also form a bridge between Rap1 and Sad1. Thus, a complex including Bqt1 and Bqt2 is essential for connecting telomeres to the SPB.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) consists of polymorphic frozen blocks (PFBs) that are linked to form megabase haplotypes. These blocks consist of polymorphic sequences and define regions where recombination appears to be inhibited. We have been able to show, using a highly polymorphic sequence centromeric of HLA-B (within the beta block), that PFBs are conserved and contain specific insertions/deletions and substitutions that are the same for individuals with the same MHC haplotype but that differ between at least most different haplotypes. A sequence comparison between ethnic-specific haplotypes shows that these sequences have remained stable and predate the formation of these haplotypes. To determine whether the same conserved block has been involved in the generation of multiple haplotypes, we compared the block typing profiles of different ethnic specific haplotypes. Block typing profiles have previously been shown to be identical in individuals with the same MHC haplotype but, generally, to differ between different haplotypes. It was found that some PFBs are common to more than one haplotype, implying a common ancestry. Subsequently, haplotypes have been generated by the shuffling and exchange of these PFBs. The regions between these PFBs appear to permit the recombination sites and therefore could be expected to exhibit either low polymorphism or a localized ``hotspot.' Received: 20 January 1997 / Accepted: 11 March 1997  相似文献   

The absolutely conserved TACTAAC box within introns of RNA polymerase II-transcribed genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae serves an indispensable role in lariat formation. We show in this report that rather short palindromic sequences inserted into the yeast actin gene intron immediately 3' to the TACTAAC box block the second but not the first splicing step. In contrast, a palindromic sequence inserted some 23 bp 3' of the TACTAAC box did not affect correct and efficient splicing. The data suggest that hairpin structures that might form adjacent to the branchsite sequence interfere with some necessary alteration of the spliceosome required for 3' intron cleavage and exon ligation.  相似文献   

The canonical double-helix form of DNA is thought to predominate both in dilute solution and in living cells. Sequence-dependent fluctuations in local DNA shape occur within the double helix. Besides these relatively modest variations in shape, more extreme and remarkable structures have been detected in which some bases become unpaired. Examples include unusual three-stranded structures such as H-DNA. Certain RNA and DNA strands can also fold onto themselves to form intrastrand triplexes. Although they have been extensively studied in vitro, it remains unknown whether nucleic acid triplexes play natural roles in cells.If natural nucleic acid triplexes were identified in cells, much could be learned by examining the formation, stabilization, and function of such structures. With these goals in mind, we adapted a pattern-recognition program to search genetic databases for a type of potential triplex structure whose presence in genomes has not been previously investigated. We term these sequences Potential Intrastrand Triplex (PIT) elements. The formation of an intrastrand triplex requires three consecutive sequence domains with appropriate symmetry along a single nucleic acid strand. It is remarkable that we discovered multiple copies of sequence elements with the potential to form one particular class of intrastrand triplexes in the fully sequenced genomes of several bacteria. We then focused on the characterization of the 25 copies of a particular approximately 37 nt PIT sequence detected in Escherichia coli. Through biochemical studies, we demonstrate that an isolated DNA strand from this family of E. coli PIT elements forms a stable intrastrand triplex at physiological temperature and pH in the presence of physiological concentrations of Mg(2+).  相似文献   

The RNA secondary structure prediction is a classical problem in bioinformatics. The most efficient approach to this problem is based on the idea of a comparative analysis. In this approach the algorithms utilize multiple alignment of the RNA sequences and find common RNA structure. This paper describes a new algorithm for this task. This algorithm does not require predefined multiple alignment. The main idea of the algorithm is based on MEME-like iterative searching of abstract profile on different levels. On the first level the algorithm searches the common blocks in the RNA sequences and creates chain of this blocks. On the next step the algorithm refines the chain of common blocks. On the last stage the algorithm searches sets of common helices that have consistent locations relative to common blocks. The algorithm was tested on sets of tRNA with a subset of junk sequences and on RFN riboswitches. The algorithm is implemented as a web server (http://bioinf.fbb.msu.ru/RNAAlign/).  相似文献   

Twenty-eight Bam H 1 restriction fragments were isolated from normal mitochondrial DNA of maize by recombinant DNA techniques to investigate the organization of the mitochondrial genome. Each cloned fragment was tested by molecular hybridization against a Bam digest of total mitochondrial DNA. Using Southern transfers, we identified the normal fragment of origin for d each clone. Twenty-three of the tested clones hybridized only to the fragment from which the clone was derived. In five cases, labeling of an additional band indicated some sequence repetition in the mitochondrial genome. Four clones from normal mitochondrial DNA were found which share sequences with the plasmid-like DNAs, S-1 and S-2, found in S male sterile cytoplasm. The total sequence complexity of the clones tested is 121×106 d (daltons), which approximates two thirds of the total mitochondrial genome (estimated at 183×106 d). Most fragments do not share homology with other fragments, and the total length of unique fragments exceeds that of the largest circular molecules observed. Therefore, the different size classes of circular molecules most likely represent genetically discrete chromosomes in a complex organelle genome. The variable abundance of different mitochondrial chromosomes is of special interest because it represents an unusual mechanism for the control of gene expression by regulation of gene copy number. This mechanism may play an important role in metabolism or biogenesis of mitochondria in the development of higher plants.  相似文献   

ddbRNA: detection of conserved secondary structures in multiple alignments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MOTIVATION: Structured non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have a very important functional role in the cell. No distinctive general features common to all ncRNA have yet been discovered. This makes it difficult to design computational tools able to detect novel ncRNAs in the genomic sequence. RESULTS: We devised an algorithm able to detect conserved secondary structures in both pairwise and multiple DNA sequence alignments with computational time proportional to the square of the sequence length. We implemented the algorithm for the case of pairwise and three-way alignments and tested it on ncRNAs obtained from public databases. On the test sets, the pairwise algorithm has a specificity greater than 97% with a sensitivity varying from 22.26% for Blast alignments to 56.35% for structural alignments. The three-way algorithm behaves similarly. Our algorithm is able to efficiently detect a conserved secondary structure in multiple alignments.  相似文献   


The two nucleolus organizing chromosome pairs of the grasshopper Pyrgomorpha conica can carry a proximal supernumerary heterochromatic segment. We employed different cytological techniques to characterize and analyze the possible origin of this segment. The supernumerary segment and the nucleolus organizing regions (NORs) show similar responses after C-banding plus either Giemsa or acridine orange, and chromomycin A3/distamycin A staining to detect GC-rich chromosome regions. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with a biotinylated rDNA probe demonstrated that the segment originated by amplification of the rDNA genes. However, as the silver staining indicates, the ribosomal genes present in the segment are not active since no nucleolus is formed. The use of in situ digestion with the isoschizomeric MspI and HpaII restriction endonucleases and subsequent Giemsa, ethidium bromide or chromomycin A3/distamycin A staining, suggests that the segment has been inactivated by DNA methylation.  相似文献   

It is shown that the size, localization, and structure of telomeres in the Iberian shrew (Sorex granarius) are not characteristic of mammals. In this species, long telomeres of an average size of 213 kb are localized on the short arms of all 32 acrocentrics; ribosomal blocks and active nucleolus-organizing regions (NORs) were also discovered there. At the remaining chromosome ends the average size of telomeres is 3.8 kb. However, in a closely related species, Sorex araneus, all telomeres have size similar to that of human telomeres, i.e., 6.8–15.2 kb. Despite the fact that some long telomeres contain ribosomal repeats in addition to telomeric ones, the long telomeres have preserved asymmetry of G- and C-rich strands as in functional telomeres. It is probable that long telomeres were formed in meiosis at the stage of chromosome bouquet as a result of global reorganization of the chromosome ends. The provoking factors for such reorganization might be the fission of several metacentrics and the necessity of telomerization of the resulting acrocentrics.  相似文献   

When Streptomyces parvulus ATCC 12434 was crossed with a plasmid-free S. lividans 66 derivative, some S. lividans exconjugants contained plasmid DNA, pIJ110 (13.6 kb). In a similar way, pIJ408 (15.05 kb) was found after mating S. glaucescens ETH 22794 with S. lividans. CCC DNA was not visualized in the donor strains. pIJ110 and pIJ408 each originates from a larger replicon, probably the chromosome, of S. parvulus or S. glaucescens. Restriction maps of pIJ110 and pIJ408, each for 10 enzymes, were derived. Derivatives of each plasmid were constructed carrying antibiotic-resistance markers (thiostrepton or viomycin) in a nonessential region and each plasmid was cloned into an Escherichia coli plasmid vector (pBR327 or pBR325). pIJ110 and pIJ408 resemble, in their origin, the previously known SLP1 plasmids (such as SLP1.2) which come from integrated sequences in the chromosome of S. coelicolor A3(2). pIJ110 and pIJ408, like SLP1.2, are self-transmissible, elicit the so-called lethal zygosis reaction (pock formation) and mobilize chromosomal markers. The three plasmids, in spite of their very different restriction maps, were found to be related: SLP1.2 and pIJ110 were strongly incompatible, showed complete resistance to each other's lethal zygosis reaction, and shared a segment of DNA with a considerable degree of cross-hybridization; pIJ110 and pIJ408 were weakly incompatible and showed partial resistance to lethal zygosis and a weak DNA cross-hybridization; pIJ408 and SLP1.2 were only distantly related on these criteria. pIJ110, pIJ408, and SLP1.2 hybridized with varying degrees of homology in Southern transfer experiments to DNA from 7 out of 13 of an arbitrary collection of wild-type streptomycetes. Integrated sequences capable of forming plasmids after transfer to S. lividans may therefore be widespread in the genus Streptomyces.  相似文献   

Typical telomeres of linear chromosomes and plasmids of soil bacteria Streptomyces consist of tightly packed palindromic sequences with a terminal protein (‘TP’) covalently attached to the 5′ end of the DNA. Replication of these linear replicons is initiated internally and proceeds bidirectionally toward the telomeres, which leaves single-strand overhangs at the 3′ ends. These overhangs are filled by DNA synthesis using the TPs as the primers (‘end patching’). The gene encoding for typical TP, tpg, forms an operon with tap, encoding an essential telomere-associated protein, which binds TP and the secondary structures formed by the 3′ overhangs. Previously one of the two translesion synthesis DNA polymerases, DinB1 or DinB2, was proposed to catalyze the protein-primed synthesis. However, using an in vitro end-patching system, we discovered that Tpg and Tap alone could carry out the protein-primed synthesis to a length of 13 nt. Similarly, an ‘atypical’ terminal protein, Tpc, and its cognate telomere-associated protein, Tac, of SCP1 plasmid, were sufficient to achieve protein-primed synthesis in the absence of additional polymerase. These results indicate that these two telomere-associated proteins possess polymerase activities alone or in complex with the cognate TPs.  相似文献   

The sequences of both of the human sex chromosomes and of a substantial part of the chimpanzee Y chromosome have now been determined, and most of the protein-coding genes have been identified. The X chromosome codes for more than 800 proteins but the Y chromosome for only approximately 60, illustrating their very different evolutionary histories since their origin from an autosomal pair approximately 300 million years ago and explaining their differential importance in disease. These sequences have provided the basis for understanding normal patterns of variation, such as the distribution of SNPs, and patterns of linkage disequilibrium. In addition, they have been useful for identifying variants associated with simple Mendelian disorders such as microphthalmia or mental retardation, and more complex disorders such as osteoporosis.  相似文献   

The SH3 domain, comprised of approximately 60 residues, is found within a wide variety of proteins, and is a mediator of protein-protein interactions. Due to the large number of SH3 domain sequences and structures in the databases, this domain provides one of the best available systems for the examination of sequence and structural conservation within a protein family. In this study, a large and diverse alignment of SH3 domain sequences was constructed, and the pattern of conservation within this alignment was compared to conserved structural features, as deduced from analysis of eighteen different SH3 domain structures. Seventeen SH3 domain structures solved in the presence of bound peptide were also examined to identify positions that are consistently most important in mediating the peptide-binding function of this domain. Although residues at the two most conserved positions in the alignment are directly involved in peptide binding, residues at most other conserved positions play structural roles, such as stabilizing turns or comprising the hydrophobic core. Surprisingly, several highly conserved side-chain to main-chain hydrogen bonds were observed in the functionally crucial RT-Src loop between residues with little direct involvement in peptide binding. These hydrogen bonds may be important for maintaining this region in the precise conformation necessary for specific peptide recognition. In addition, a previously unrecognized yet highly conserved beta-bulge was identified in the second beta-strand of the domain, which appears to provide a necessary kink in this strand, allowing it to hydrogen bond to both sheets comprising the fold.  相似文献   

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