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The source of IL-4 required for priming naive T cells into IL-4-secreting effectors has not been clearly identified. Here we show that upon TCR stimulation, thymus NK1-CD4+8- T cells produced IL-4, the magnitude of which was inversely correlated with age. This IL-4 production response by Th2-prone BALB/c mice was approximately 9-fold that of Th1-prone C57BL/10 mice. More than 90% of activated NK1-CD4+8- thymocytes did not use the invariant V alpha 14-J alpha 281 chain characteristic of typical CD1-restricted NK1+CD4+ T cells. Stat6-null NK1-CD4+8- thymocytes produced bioactive IL-4, with induction of IL-4 mRNA expression within 1 h of stimulation. Our results support the possibility that TCR repertoire-diverse conventional NK1-CD4+ T cells are a potential IL-4 source for directing naive T cells toward Th2/type 2 CD8+ T cell (Tc2) effector development.  相似文献   

In the induction of an immune response, IL-15Ralpha on APCs transpresents IL-15 to NK and CD8(+)/CD44(high) T cells that express the IL-2/15Rbeta and gammac subunits only. In this study, we show data mimicking this transpresentation by using IL-15 preassociated with a chimeric protein that is comprised of the extracellular domain of murine IL-15Ralpha and the Fc portion of human IgG1. When tested in vitro, IL-15Ralpha-IgG1-Fc strongly increased the IL-15-mediated proliferation of murine NK and CD8(+)/CD44(high) T cells. The effect of IL-15Ralpha-IgG1-Fc was dependent on the presence of both IgG1-Fc and IL-15Ralpha. When injected into mice, IL-15Ralpha-IgG1-Fc enhanced the capacity of IL-15 to expand the number of NK and CD8(+)/CD44(high) T cells. The effect on cell numbers in vivo also depended on Fc receptor binding because reduced expansion was observed in FcRgamma(-/-) mice. NK cells cultured in IL-15/IL-15Ralpha-IgG1-Fc complex gained cytotoxic activity toward a number of NK-sensitive targets. When mice bearing the NK-sensitive syngeneic tumor B16 were treated, the presence of IL-15Ralpha-IgG1-Fc increased the antitumor activity of IL-15. Thus, a preassociation with IL-15Ralpha-IgG1-Fc enhances the activities of IL-15 in vivo and in vitro that may be useful in the treatment of tumors.  相似文献   

During their development, immature CD4CD8 double positive thymocytes become committed to either the CD4 or CD8 lineage. The final size of the peripheral CD4 and CD8 T cell compartments depends on thymic output and on the differential survival and proliferation of the respective T cell subsets in the periphery. Our results reveal that the development of the distinct peripheral CD4/CD8 T cell ratio between Lewis and Brown Norway rats originates in the thymus and, as shown by the use of radiation bone marrow chimeras, is determined by selection on radio-resistant stromal cells. Furthermore, this difference is strictly correlated with the MHC haplotype and is the result of a reduction in the absolute number of CD8 T cells in Brown Norway rats. These data suggest that the distinct CD4/CD8 T cell ratio between these two rat strains is the consequence of differential interactions of the TCR/CD8 coreceptor complex with the respective MHC class I haplotypes during selection in the thymus.  相似文献   

Analysis of TCR of a series of CD4-8- (double negative; DN) alpha beta T cell lines induced with IL-3 revealed that their V gene usage was biased for V alpha 4 and V beta 2. This has been confirmed in the primary short-term cultures. Thus, IL-3 induced the generation of DN alpha beta T cells with predominant V beta 2 gene expression from the CD4+/CD8+ T cell-depleted spleen or bone marrow (BM) cells of both normal and nude BALB/c mice within 10 days. It was further indicated that the V beta 2+ beta-chain genes contained few junctional N regions in both IL-3-induced primary DN alpha beta T cells and continuous lines. Search for the in vivo counterpart of in vitro IL-3-induced DN alpha beta T cells revealed that BM, but not spleens, of normal BALB/c and B6 mice did contain a significant proportion of DN alpha beta T cells, and that the majority of them expressed V beta 2+ beta-chain genes with few junctional N regions. The presence of V beta 2+ DN alpha beta T cells was similarly observed in the BM of BALB/c nude mice, but their proportion varied markedly among various strains of mice, which was not linked to H-2 haplotypes. The results indicated that V beta 2+ DN alpha beta T cells in the BM represented one of the thymus-independent T cell populations, whose development was under the major histocompatibility Ag complex-unlinked genetic control. TCR of these T cells were shown to be functional as judged by the proliferative response to anti-V beta 2 antibody. Taken together, present results suggested that IL-3 could induce differentiation and/or proliferation of DN alpha beta T cells with uniquely limited repertoire, which existed preferentially in BM in vivo, and implied the possible involvement of extrathymic endogenous ligands as a positive selection force.  相似文献   

4-1BB (CD137), a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (TNFRSF), is primarily expressed on activated T cells and is known to enhance proliferation of T cells, prevent activation-induced cell death, and promote memory formation of CD8+ T cells. In particular, it is well acknowledged that 4-1BB triggering preferentially enhances the expansion of CD8+ T cells rather than CD4+ T cells, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here we found that 4-1BB triggering markedly increased IL-2Rα (CD25) and IL-2 expressions of CD8+ T cells but minimally for CD4+ T cells. Proliferation of CD8+ T cells was moderately enhanced by direct 4-1BB triggering in the absence of signaling through IL-2Rα/IL-2 interactions, but further promoted in the presence of IL-2Rα/IL-2 interactions. Among the TNFRSF members including OX40, GITR, CD30, and CD27, 4-1BB was superior in the ability to induce IL-2Rα expression on CD8+ T cells. When the primary and secondary expansions of CD8+ T cells in vivo were examined by adoptively transferring OVA-specific CD8+ T cells along with the treatment with agonistic anti-4-1BB and/or antagonistic anti-CD25 F(ab’)2 mAb, 4-1BB triggering enhanced both primary and secondary expansion of CD8+ T cells in vivo, and the 4-1BB effects were moderately suppressed in primary expansion while completely abolished in secondary expansion of OVA-specific CD8+ T cells by blocking IL-2Rα. These results suggest that 4-1BB-mediated increases of IL-2Rα and IL-2 prolong the effects of transient TCR- and 4-1BB-mediated signaling in CD8+ T cells, and that 4-1BB triggering preferentially enhances the expansion of CD8+ T cells through the amplification of autocrine IL-2/IL-2R signaling loop.  相似文献   

Previously we reported that as AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b mice become older than 9 wk of age they begin to specifically lose the ability to generate anti-AKR/Gross murine leukemia virus (MuLV) CTL responses after immunization and in vitro restimulation with cells expressing AKR/Gross MuLV-encoded Ag. Interestingly, the frequency of virus-specific precursor cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) observed in moderately-aged AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b mice was not substantially decreased from that found in their young responder counterparts. To further investigate the mechanism(s) responsible for the inability of moderately-aged AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b mice to mount AKR/Gross MuLV-specific CTL responses, adoptive transfer experiments were performed in the present study. Transferring splenocytes from moderately-aged AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b donors into young AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b recipients resulted in inhibition of AKR/Gross MuLV-specific CTL responsiveness. Anti-Thy-1.1 plus complement depletion of T cells from the donor cell population before adoptive transfer resulted in a near complete restoration of AKR/Gross MuLV responsiveness of young recipient AKR.H-2b:Fv-1b mice suggesting that the inhibition observed in moderately aged mice was mediated by T lymphocytes. Additional experiments using depletion of T subsets before cell transfer demonstrated that inhibition of AKR/Gross MuLV-specific CTL responsiveness was mediated by a CD4-CD8+ T lymphocyte.  相似文献   

A novel thymocyte subpopulation expressing an unusual TCR repertoire was identified by high surface expression of the Ly-6C Ag. Ly-6C+ thymocytes were distributed among all four CD4/CD8 thymocyte subsets, and represented a readily identifiable subpopulation within each one. Ly-6C+ thymocytes express TCR-alpha beta, arise late in ontogeny, and appear in the CD4/CD8 developmental pathway after birth in a sequence that resembles that followed by conventional Ly-6C- cells during fetal ontogeny. Most interestingly, adult Ly-6C+ thymocytes express an unusual TCR-V beta repertoire that is identical to that expressed by CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes in its overexpression of TCR-V beta 8 and in its expression of some potentially autoreactive TCR-V beta specificities. This unusual TCR-V beta repertoire was even expressed by Ly-6C+ thymocytes contained within the CD4+ CD8- 'single positive' thymocyte subset. Thus, expression of this unusual TCR-V beta repertoire is not limited to CD4-CD8-thymocytes, and is unlikely to be a consequence of their double negative phenotype. Rather, we think that Ly-6C+TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes and CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ are developmentally interrelated, a conclusion supported by several lines of evidence including the selective failure of both Ly-6C+ and CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocyte subsets to appear in TCR-beta transgenic mice. In contrast, peripheral Ly-6C+ T cells are developmentally distinct from Ly-6C+ thymocytes in that peripheral Ly-6C+ T cells expressed a conventional TCR-V beta repertoire and developed normally in TCR-beta transgenic mice in which Ly-6C+ thymocytes failed to arise. We conclude that: 1) expression of a skewed TCR-V beta repertoire is a characteristic of Ly-6C+TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes as well as CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes, and is not unique to thymocytes expressing neither CD4 nor CD8 accessory molecules; and 2) Ly-6C+ thymocytes are developmentally linked to CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes, but not to Ly-6C+ peripheral T cells. We suggest that Ly-6C+TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes are not the developmental precursors of Ly-6C+ peripheral T cells, but rather may be the developmental precursors of CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes.  相似文献   

Peripheral CD4+CD8+ T cells have been identified as a T cell subset existing in animals and humans. However, the characterization of CD4+CD8+ T cells, their relationship with T memory (TM), T effector (TE), Th1/Th2, Treg and Th-17, remain unclear. This study was to characterize the CD4+CD8+ T cells. The results from human subjects showed that activated T cells were CD4+CD8+ T cells, comprised CD4hiCD8lo, CD4hiCD8hi and CD4loCD8hi subsets. They expressed CD62Lhi/lo, granzyme B (GrB), CD25, Foxp3, interleukin 17 (IL-17) and the cytokines of both Th1 and Th2, and had cytolytic function. These findings suggested that CD4+CD8+ T cells had over-lap function while they kept diversity, and that T cells could be divided into two major populations: activated and inactivated. Hence, the hypotheses of Th1/Th2, Treg and Th-17 might reflect the positive/negative feedback regulation of immune system. When compared to GrB+CD62Llo T effector (TE) cells, GrB+CD62Lhi T central memory effector (TCME) cells had a quicker response to virus without CD62L loss.  相似文献   

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