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Carlos Parra-O 《Brittonia》2000,52(4):320-324
Morella chevalieri is described as new and is illustrated; it grows in the Andes in northern Argentina and southern and central Bolivia. A key that differentiates this new species from the monoeciousMyrica pubescens is presented. The dioecious Morella chevalieri is characterized by the following: leaf blade elliptic to narrowly elliptic, margin serrate (at least in the distal 2/3); staminate flowers with one or no secondary bracts (if present, linear or band-shaped) and secondary bracts in the pistillate flower 2–3 (seldom 4).
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra aMorella chevalieri como nueva especie; se distribuye en los Andes de la parte norte de Argentina y de las partes sur y central de Bolivia. Se presenta una clave que diferencia a esta nueva especie de la monóicaMyrica pubescens. La dióica Morella chevalieri se reconoce por los siguientes caracteres: lámina de la hoja elíptica o angostamente elíptica, margen aserrada (al menos en las dos terceras partes distales); flores estaminadas sin o con una bráctea secundaria (esta con forma linear o acintada) y brácteas secundarias de la flores pistiladas de 2 a 3 (raramente 4).

Systolic blood pressure (SBP) is frequently measured in rats by the tail cuff method, which usually comprises pulse/flow disappearance and reappearance during cuff inflation (Inf) and deflation (Def), separated by an interval between cycles (IBC). Although Def values are habitually used to estimate SBP, in 58 Wistar rats we found (Def–Inf) to be −6 ± 1 mmHg, indicating that Def  < Inf in most cases. When the IBC was lengthened to 2 min, (Def–Inf) was increased to −17 ± 2 mmHg, indicating the probable accumulation of a vasodilating metabolite. This increase of (Def–Inf) was prevented by papaverine, indicating its relation to smooth muscle contractility. Adrenergic blockade did not prevent the increase of (Def–Inf), but pretreatment with L-NAME decreased it to −5 ± 2 mmHg (p < 0.05). Simultaneous measurement of SBP by tail-cuff method and carotid cannulation revealed that the Inf value was the most accurate estimation of intravascular SBP. We conclude that: (1) the Inf value should be taken as representative of SBP, since depending on the duration of suprasystolic compression the Def value can underestimate it, and (2) nitric oxide accumulation due to flow deprivation was the main cause of SBP underestimation by Def values. Mariana Fritz—Recipient of a Fellowship from the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), República Argentina. Gustavo Rinaldi—Established Investigator of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), República Argentina.  相似文献   

In order to recognize the realizability of inputs with different physical natures through a component, Yoneda's Lemma is applied. The major utility of this Lemma is when the components produce only energy. From this, it is assumed that a new material input must exist which was not recognized in the original developments in biological systems representation. Moreover, simple transfers of energy, between objects, components, and among both objects and components are developed under the generic name; energetical evolution. Thus, energetical evolution appears as anew element in the abstract representation of biological systems. These new concepts are incorporated into a new abstract diagram and a newM β category. This paper was made possible by a Fellowship from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas of the República Argentina.  相似文献   

We report the migration of Manayunkia speciosa from its distribution in North America into the Neotropical Region (Argentina). We collected specimens from November 2007 to March 2009 in the lower Uruguay River-at 33° 5.01′S 58° 12′W, 33° 5.9′S 58°25.2′W from sediments reaching densities of 2,890 ind. m−2, at a mean abundance of 350 ind. m−2. Introductions of nonindigenous species, resulting intentionally or accidentally from anthropic activities, cause significant changes in ecosystems. In aquatic environments, polychaetes are a key invasive group that increases the geographical range of several species through human activities. M. speciosa may have reached the Río de la Plata Basin through a shipping vector and thereafter the Uruguay River by self-navigation.  相似文献   

Information treatment, especially in a natural medium, may be done by a random system: given an input, possible solutions are randomly selected and successively tested until the right one is found and then emitted. This paper is a mathematical study of this type of system and its use as a model of some natural (biological) systems. The theoretical development is illustrated by several examples of possible applications to biological cases. We study, under different assumptions, the distribution of the number of trials needed to treat the input, the distribution of the time for this treatment, and the distribution of the average amount of information treated in a trial or in a unit of time. We consider the case of error, and study some optimal conditions of operation and the occurrence of memory influencing the treatment of an input according to previously processed inputs.

La partie mathématique du présent texte a fait l’objet d’une thèse de Doctorat ès-Sciences Mathématiques, soutenue le 21 mars 1969 devant la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université de Lyon, France.  相似文献   

From the Patagonian region in ArgentinaAstragalus neocarpus is described and illustrated. The false septum of its fruit is formed by union of the seed-funicles with the endocarp.
Se describe e ilustraAstragalus neocarpus de la región Patagónica de Argentina, su principal característica distintiva es la morfología del fruto, donde el falso tabique que divide en dos a la cavidad está formado por la unión de largos funículos de las semillas con el endocarpo.

Malesherbiaceae are xerophytic plants of Chile, Peru, and Argentina. The 24 species of the only genus,Malesherbia, live in a variety of arid habitats in the Pacific coastal desert and adjacent Andes of Peru, Chile, and neighboring Argentina. Taxa with distributions in both Peru and Chile are rare; for this reason the family provides an excellent case study for the biogeography of this region of western South America. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequence data using Turneraceae as an outgroup shows a correlation between the phylogeny and the distribution of Malesherbiaceae. The origin of the family is placed in the late Miocene to early Pliocene, when the region became permanently arid. The five major clades of the family likely diverged during the Pliocene. A single clade consisting of species native to Peru and the Atacama Desert indicates that the family was introduced to Peru once. Most modern species appear to have evolved in response to Pleistocene climatic fluctuations.
Resumen  Las Malesherbiaceae son plantas xerófitas de Chile, el Perú, y Argentina. Las 24 especies del genero único,Malesherbia, viven en una variedad de hábitats en el desierto costero del Pacífico y en la zona andina vecina en el Perú, Chile, y Argentina. Los taxones con distribuciones tanto en el Perú como en Chile son raros; por eso la familia es un buen ejemplo para el estudio de la biogeografía de esta región del oeste de América del Sur. El análisis filogenético de datos de secuencias de ITS usando Turneraceae como un grupo extemo muestra una correlación entre la filogenia y la distribución de Malesherbiaceae. La familia se originó en el Mioceno tardío o Plioceno temprano, cuando la región se volvió permanentemente árida. Los cinco clados mayores de la familia probablemente divergieron en el Plioceno. Un solo clado que tiene especies nativas a Perú y el Desierto de Atacama indica que la familia llegó al Perú una vez. La mayoría de las especies modernas probablemente evolucionaron en respuesta a las fluctuaciones climáticas en el Pleistoceno.

The aim of this work is to describe an epidemiological model for a capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris) population. The model considers a tabanid (“mutuca”) population (Diptera: tabanidae), as a vector for the disease called “mal de las caderas” in Estero del Ibera, Corrientes, Argentina. The study of this problem has ecological and economical importance since the meat and the hide of the capybara can be an exploitation resource. At first, a threshold value is determined as a function of the model parameters, obtaining a critical carrying capacity which determines the disease propagation or eradication. Then as the carrying capacity condition for the disease existence is satisfied, the existence of traveling wave solution is studied. Independent speeds are considered for the susceptible capybaras, the noninfected insect, and the disease. The speed of propagation for this model is obtained as function of model parameters followed by a discussion of strategies for controlling the spread of the disease. N.A. Maidana is a fellowship Fapesp and partially supported by Grant Fapesp (temático).  相似文献   

In many developing nations, “paper parks”, or protected areas that have little or no formal management on the ground, have resulted from the failure of protected area systems to achieve their foremost goal: biodiversity conservation. This analysis incorporates biophysical, socioeconomic, and land use/tenure data collected by a multi-disciplinary team of Guatemalan and American researchers in order to identify potential management plans and multiple-use/concession arrangements. The Sierra Chinajá is a classic paper park protected area in Guatemala. Many factors have rendered Guatemalan protected areas management policies ineffectual in the Sierra Chinajá despite the fact that it has been an “area of special protection” since 1989. Proximate causes of forest conversion mask underlying driving forces responsible for rapid biodiversity loss. Despite the fact that Guatemala’s protected areas management system is similar to that promoted by international conservation organizations it has yet to effectively conserve biodiversity. These factors suggest that protected areas management in Guatemala, and other developing nations possessing unique cultural and natural histories, must be rooted in the local context as promulgated by the local non-governmental organization ProPéten in their proposal for an official Indigenous Reserve category. The proposal suggests the devolution of management responsibilities from federal institutions to local communities in the effort to develop a community-based, site specific conservation agenda.
Resumen  En muchos países en desarrollo, las “áreas protegidas en papel” o parques que no poseen un plan de manejo formal, han sido el resultado de la incapacidad del sistema nacional de áreas protegidas de alcanzar su meta mas importante: la conservación de la biodiversidad. El siguiente análisis incorpora datos biofísicos, socioeconómicos, de uso y tenencia de la tierra recolectados por un grupo multidisciplinario de investigadores guatemaltecos y norteamericanos con el objetivo de formular una estrategia de conservación que incorpore concesiones de usos múltiples. La Sierra de Chinajá es un ejemplo clásico de un “área protegida en papel” en Guatemala. Muchos son los factores por los cuales la política de áreas protegidas ha fracasado en la Sierra de Chinajá, a pesar de estar clasificada como un “área de Protección Especial” desde 1989. Las causas subyacentes responsables por el cambio en la cobertura forestal están escondidas debajo de los síntomas más visibles de la perdida de biodiversidad. A pesar de que el Sistema Guatemalteco de áreas Protegidas es similar al promovido por organizaciones internacionales aun no es efectivo en la conservación de la biodiversidad. Estos factores sugieren que el manejo de las áreas protegidas en Guatemala, y en otros países en desarrollo que poseen historias naturales y culturales únicas, deben estar enraizadas en el contexto local, como ha sido propuesto por la organización Pro-Peten en su propuesta por una categoría de manejo denominada Reservas Comunitarias Indígenas. La propuesta sugiere la delegación de la protección la biodiversidad de instituciones estatales a las comunidades locales con el propósito de establecer una agenda de conservación basada en el manejo comunitario.

The marsh deer is the largest neotropical cervid with morphological and ecological adaptations to wetlands and riparian habitats. Historically, this now endangered species occupied habitats along the major river basins in South America, ranging from southern Amazonia into northern Argentina to the Paraná river delta. This particularly close association with wetlands makes marsh deer an excellent species for studying the effects of Pleistocene climatic changes on their demographic and phylogeographic patterns. We examined mitochondrial DNA variation in 127 marsh deer from 4 areas distributed throughout the Río de la Plata basin. We found 17 haplotypes in marsh deer from Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina that differed by 1–8 substitutions in a 601 bp fragment of mitochondrial control region sequence, and 486 bp of cytochrome b revealed only 3 variable sites that defined 4 haplotypes. Phylogeny and distribution of control region haplotypes suggest that populations close to the Pantanal area in central Brazil underwent a rapid population expansion and that this occurred approximately 28,000–25,000 years BP. Paleoclimatic data from this period suggests that there was a dramatic increase for precipitation in the medium latitudes in South America and these conditions may have fostered marsh deer’s population growth.  相似文献   

Cognitive functions rely on the extensive use of information stored in the brain, and the searching for the relevant information for solving some problem is a very complex task. Human cognition largely uses biological search engines, and we assume that to study cognitive function we need to understand the way these brain search engines work. The approach we favor is to study multi-modular network models, able to solve particular problems that involve searching for information. The building blocks of these multimodular networks are the context dependent memory models we have been using for almost 20 years. These models work by associating an output to the Kronecker product of an input and a context. Input, context and output are vectors that represent cognitive variables. Our models constitute a natural extension of the traditional linear associator. We show that coding the information in vectors that are processed through association matrices, allows for a direct contact between these memory models and some procedures that are now classical in the Information Retrieval field. One essential feature of context-dependent models is that they are based on the thematic packing of information, whereby each context points to a particular set of related concepts. The thematic packing can be extended to multimodular networks involving input-output contexts, in order to accomplish more complex tasks. Contexts act as passwords that elicit the appropriate memory to deal with a query. We also show toy versions of several ‘neuromimetic’ devices that solve cognitive tasks as diverse as decision making or word sense disambiguation. The functioning of these multimodular networks can be described as dynamical systems at the level of cognitive variables.  相似文献   

The 27th meeting of the Willi Hennig Society was held at the Sierras de San Javier, Tucumán (27–31 October 2008), jointly with the VIII Reunión Argentina de Cladística y Biogeografía. This was the second Hennig meeting held in South America and the third in Latin America. The event was attended by 129 participants from 16 countries, with the strongest presence from Argentina, USA and Brazil. As pointed out in the minutes of previous meetings, student participation is a good measure of the health of a society, and by this measure, the Hennig society is doing very well. For this meeting, 64 of the participants (50%) were students, 40 of which had authored or co‐authored a talk or poster. The schedule was intense, with 98 presentations (67 talks and 31 posters). The sessions consisted of contributed papers, and five symposia on diverse topics: Large Scale Analyses of Large Chunks of Life, Molecular Systematics, Latin American Biogeography in the 21st Century, Methodology, and Botanical Phylogenetics (each of the symposia, except the “green” one, had two or three student speakers). As is usual at these meetings, the atmosphere was informal and relaxed, with much discussion and debate (although the biogeographic symposium took first place for the heat of its exchanges). The Student Award Committee (Lone Aagesen, Dan Janies and Gitte Petersen) selected Santiago Catalano for the Hennig Award (‘The optimization of landmark data: a three‐dimensional approach’), Prashant Sharma for the Brundin Award (‘Phylogenetic analysis of Sandokanidae (Arachnida, Opiliones, Laniatores): Evaluating the independence of associated gene regions’), and Sebastian Barrionuevo for the Rosen Award (‘Continuous characters in a phylogenetic analysis of the frog genus Telmatobius’). In addition to the logistics and funding provided by the Willi Hennig Society, the event was supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Fundación Miguel Lillo, Instituto Superior de Entomología ‘Dr Abraham Willink’, and the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica.
© The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   

Lutzomyia longipalpis was recorded for the first time in Argentina in 2004, in the province of Formosa. In the following years, the vector spread to the south and west in the country and was recorded in the province of Chaco in 2010. From November 2010-May 2012, captures of Phlebotominae were made in the city of Resistencia and its surroundings, to monitor the spread and possible colonisation of Lu. longipalpis in the province of Chaco. In this monitoring, Lu. longipalpis was absent in urban sampling sites and its presence was restricted to Barrio de los Pescadores. This suggests that the incipient colonisation observed in 2010 was not followed by continuous installation of vector populations and expansion of their spatial distribution as in other urban centres of Argentina.  相似文献   

The current advocacy for the so-called PhyloCode has a history rooted in twentieth-century arguments among biologists and philosophers regarding a putative distinction between classes and individuals. From this seemingly simple and innocuous discussion have come supposed distinctions between definitions and diagnosis, classification and systematization, and now Linnaean and “phylogenetic” nomenclature. Nevertheless, the metaphysical dichotomy of class versus individual, insofar as its standard applications to the issue of biological taxonomy are concerned, is an outdated remnant of early logical positivist thinking. Current views on natural kinds and their definitions under a scientific realist perspective provide grounds for rejecting the class versus individual dichotomy altogether insofar as biological entities are concerned. We review the role of natural kinds in scientific practice and the nature of definitions and scientific classifications. Although inherent instabilities of the PhyloCode are clearly sufficient to argue against the general application of this nominally phylogenetic system, our goal here is to address serious and fundamental flaws in its very foundation by exposing the unsubstantiated philosophical assumptions preceding and subtending it.
Resumen  Las propuestas actuales en favor del llamado Código de Nomenclatura Filogenética (Phylo-Code) tienen una historia basada en argumentos desarrollados, durante el siglo veinte, por biólogos y filósofos sobre una distinción putativa entre clases e individuos. De esta simple y aparentemente inocua discusión han surgido supuestas distinciones entre definición y diagnosis, clasificación y sistematización, y ahora entre nomenclatura Lineana y “filogenética.” Sin embargo, la dicotomía metafísica clase contra individuo, al menos en lo concerniente a su aplicación estándar al tema de taxonomía biológica, es un remanente obsoleto del pensamiento positivista lógico. Opiniones actuales sobre categorías naturales y sus definiciones bajo la perspectiva del realismo científico proveen bases para rechazar por completo dicha dicotomía, al menos en lo que concierne a las entidades biológicas. En este artículo se revisa el papel de las categorías naturales en la práctica científica, y la naturaleza de las definiciones y la clasificación científica. Aún cuando la inestabilidad inherente en el Código de Nomenclatura Filogenética es claramente suficiente para argumentar contra la aplicación general de este sistema nominal filogenético, el objetivo de este artículo es mostrar las serias y fundamentales deficiencias en sus propias bases al exponer las suposiciones filosóficas sin fundamento que le preceden y sustentan.

Temperature and humidity conditions affect livestock production in Central Argentina. This study evaluates the risk of thermal stress affecting dairy production. The temperature-humidity index (THI) was used to analyze the regional and seasonal effects of temperature and humidity. Statistically, the THI was found to be normally distributed. The probability of occurrence of a daily THI higher than 72 was 40% for Río Cuarto during January. Regional variability of THI indicates a low risk of harmful extreme thermal stress conditions. The probability of THI being 78 or above ranges between 4% and 10% for the main dairy region of Córdoba during January. Also, in January and February, dairy production losses between 3 and 4 l cow(-1) day(-1) could be expected with a frequency of 5% in Río Cuarto and 15% in Villa de María de Río Seco.  相似文献   

Ulrich Eskuche 《Plant Ecology》1973,28(3-4):201-250
Summary The study on the vegetation of the coastal dunes and sandy beaches of Argentine, Uruguay and southern Brazil deals with the following plant communities:12) 1. Cakiletea maritimae Tx. et Prsg. ap. Tx. 1950 - p. 221 Halo- and nitrophil plant communities on tidal drift of the holarctic sea shores; in Argentine and Uruguay represented by the neophyticCakile maritima on fringes of tidal drift in the area of the Calycero-Panicetum racemosi. 2. Spartinetum coarctatae Cabr. 1941 - p. 222 Plant community consisting mainly of the sparse, perennial tussocks ofSpartina coarctata, which settles on the salt-water moistened sandy beach above the MHW, flooded only by spring tides; coast of Argentine and Uruguay in the area of the Senecioni-Panicetum urvilleani and the Calycero-Panicetum racemosi. 3. Sporoboletea rigentis (prov.) 3.1 Sporoboletalia rigentis (prov.) - p. 236 Perennial plant communities on the mobil dunes in the arid to semiarid, temperate to subtropical zones (see fig. 2) of the coast and in the interior of Argentine. 3.11 Sporoboli-Panicion urvilleani all. nova - p. 236 Thin plant communities formed mainly by grasses with subterranean stolones, on dunes with intense accumulation of sand. 3.111 Panico-Sporoboletum rigentis (Cabr. 1941) emend. - p. 207–208 On dunes of the arid temperate area of the coast and in the arid to semi-arid, temperate to subtropical interior of Argentine. This association probably will have to be divided in two or three associations, when more information on the dunes of the interior is obtainable. 3.112 Senecioni-Panicetum urvilleani ass. nova - p. 210–211 On coastal dunes in the semi-arid zone of Argentine, from Bahía Blanca to Necochea. 3.12 Sporoboli-Baccharidion (prov.) - p. 237 Sparsely covering communities of dwarf shrubs and grasses on dunes with little sand accumulation. 3.121 Sporoboli-Baccharidetum divaricatae ass. nova - p. 224–225 On the coastal dunes in the arid (to subarid) temperate zone of Argentine; with some floristical affinity to the Baccharidi-Androtrichion (Baccharis genistifolia, Poa lanuginosa), but predominating elements of the Sporoboletea. 3.122 Sporoboli-Psiletum spartioidis ass. nova - p. 225 The community, formed mainly byPsila spartioides Sporobolus rigens andGlycyrrhiza astragalina, settles on dunes in the arid temperate South of the Prov. of Mendoza. AsCabreras's (1945) andCano & Movia's (1967) fitosociological tables show, the communities on fossil dunes in the western part of the Prov. of Buenos Aires and in the South of San Luis, where sometimesPanicum urvilleanum andHyalis argentea grow together withElyonurus muticus, Poa ligularis, Aristida jubata and other species, cannot be placed in the Sporoboletea rigentis, but are related with other communities of the “steppe”. In the same area the Panico-Sporoboletum rigentis can be found on dunes that recovered movement by influence of man (Cabrera 1945). 4. Panicetea racemosi cl. nova 4.1 Panicetalia racemosi ord. nov. 4.11 Panicion racemosi all. nova Thin, evergreen communities consisting principally of geophyta rhizomatosa, which settle on coastal dunes with intense accumulation of sand; distributed mainly over the humid to perhumid, temperate to subtropical regions of Argentine, Uruguay and southern Brazil. 4.111 Calycero-Panicetum racemosi (Cabr. 1941) emend.- p. 212–213, 238 Grows on the coastal dunes of Argentine and Uruguay in a humid to perhumid temperate climate. 4.112 Philoxero-Panicetum racemosi ass. nova - p. 214–215, 238 Regional community on the coastal dunes in the perhumid subtropical climate of Río Grande do Sul. Also as an initial phase of succession on dunes in the tropical area, where it merges with communities of the Canavaletea maritimae. 4.113 Paspalo-Philoxeretum portulacoidis (Hueck 1955) emend. - p. 223 Community of the fordunes, consisting almost exclusively ofPhiloxerus portulacoides andPaspalum vaginatum; narrowly related to the Philoxero-Panicetum racemosi in the subtropical area, and to the Canavaletea maritimae in the tropical zone. 5. Canavaletea maritimae cl. nova - p. 239 Perennial evergreen plant communities, which consist principally of geophyta and chamaephyta with long stolones creeping below or above the soil surface; on dunes and sandy beaches of all the tropical sea shores throughout the world. In America distributed from Florida and the Bermudas Islands southward to Santa Catarina (Laguna). Still cannot be established orders and alliances. 5.001 Acicarpho-Alternantheretum maritimae ass. nova - p. 219–220 Community of the beach banks, known from the Brazilean coast from Santa Catarina to Cabo Frío. 5.002 Spartinetum ciliatae Hueck 1955 - p. 217 On the coastal dunes of tropical southern Brazil. The community probably is to be divided in regional associations, e.g.: Senecioni-Spartinetum ciliatae (prov.) - p. 239 From Santa Catarina to Paraná. Plantagino-Spartinetum ciliatae (prov.) - p. 239 On the shore of S?o Paulo, and probably northward. According to literature,Spartina ciliata andAcicarpha spathulata are distributed along the american coast only,Alternanthera maritima is to be found also in Westafrica; the Canavaletea maritimae of India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Oceania, and the Philipines are differentiated bySpinifex squarrosus. Pedley & Isbell (1971) indicated two north-australian fordune communities withIpomoea pes-caprae, Oenothera drummondii, Tridax procumbens andSpinifex longifolius. On coastal dunes on HawaiiIpomoea pes-caprae is associated withNama sandwicense. Tribulus cistoides, Vigna marina andCuscuta sandwichiana (Knapp 1965). 6. Dwarf-Shrub Communities 6.01 Baccharidi-Androtrichion all. nova - p. 240 Plant communities with predominance of dwarf shrubs, which form a kind of heath on fixed dunes with no or with only little sand accumulation along the atlantic coast from Argentine (Prov. of Buenos Aires) to southern Brazil (Santa Catarina). 6.011 Hyalidi-Baccharidetum genistifoliae (prov.) - p. 226 This community represents the “Heath ofBaccharis” in the semiarid temperate part of the coast of the Prov. of Buenos Aires; it is syndynamically related to the Senecioni-Panicetum urvilleani; still unsufficiently studied. 6.012 Androtricho-Baccharidetum genistifoliae (Cabr. 1941) emend. - p. 227–228 Baccharis Heath of the coastal dunes in the humid to perhumid temperate area of the Prov. of Buenos Aires; follows the Calycero-Panicetum racemosi in succession. 6.013 Androtricho-Baccharidetum gnaphalioidis ass. nova - p. 228–229 On the dunes in the perhumid temperate to subtropical area of the coast of Uruguay and Río Grande do Sul, where in succession it follows the Calycero-Panicetum (var. of Philoxerus) and the Philoxero-Panicetum racemosi. 6.014 Androtricho-Baccharidetum leucopappae (prov.) - p. 229–230 Plant community till now only known as fragments, which settle on the dunes in the northern, perhumid subtropical area of the coast of Río Grande do Sul and in the South of Santa Catarina; syndynamically related to the Philoxero-Panicetum racemosi. The sociological position of theBaccharis Heathes among plant communities is still unknown; by species likeMargvricarpus pinnatus andAchyrocline satureioides, Baccharis rufescens, Solidago chilensis, Aster calendulaceus and others, they may be related to communities of the interior, e.g. to the Elyonuro-Panicetum racemosi Mart.-Crov. 1962. Similar communities were found in Uruguay and in Río Grande do Sul, but they are not yet sufficiently studied that their systematic place might be judged.
Resúmen El estudio de la vegetación de las playas arenosas y dunas maritimas de la Argentina, del Uruguay y del Brasil Meridional abarca las siguientes comunidades vegetales:11) 1. Cakileteamaritimae Tx. et Prsg. ap. Tx. 1950 - p. 221 Comunidades halo y nitrófilas de las franjas de resaca en las costas marítimas holárcticas, representadas en la Argentina y en el Uruguay por el neófitoCakile maritima que ocupa franjas de resaca en el área del Calycero-Panicetum racemosi. 2. Spartinetum coarctatae Cabr. 1941 - p. 222 Comunidad vegetal formada principalmente por las aisladas matas perennes y siempreverdes deSpartina coarctata; habita las playas arenosas empapadas por agua del mar, inundadas solamente por mareas vivas, en el área templada subárida a perhúmeda de la Argentina y del Uruguay. 3. Sporoboletea rigentis (prov.) 3.1 Sporoboletalia rigentis (prov.) 236 Comunidades perennes de las dunas vivas del clima árido y subárido templado a subtropical del litoral y del interior de la República Argentina. 3.11 Sporoboli-Panicion urvilleani all. nova - p. 236 Comunidades abiertas formadas mayormente por gramíneas con estolones subterráneos, sobre dunas con ± fuerte acumulación de arena. 3.111 Panico-Sporoboletum rigentis (Cabr. 1941) emend. - p. 207–208 Sobre dunas de la costa marítima y del interior en el clima árido. Al disponer de mas observaciones, probablemente habría que desmembrar la asociación. 3.112 Senecioni-Panicetum urvilleani ass.nova - p. 210–211 Sobre dunas marítimas del clima subárido templado (Bahía Blanca a Necochea). 3.12 Sporoboli-Baccharidion (prov.) - p. 237 Comunidades ± abiertas con predominancia de arbustos enanos y gramíneas, sobre dunas con poca acumulación de arena. 3.121 Sporoboli-Baccharidetum divaricatae ass. nova - p. 224–225 Sobre dunas marítimas del clima árido (a subárido) templado; con alguna afinidad florística a las comunidades del Baccharidi-Androtrichion; dominan, sin embargo, los elementos de los Sporoboletea rigentis. 3.122 Sporoboli-Psiletum spartioidis ass. nova - p. 225 La comunidad, pobre en especies y con predominancia dePsila spartioides ySporobolus rigens, habita dunas en el árido sur de la Prov. de Mendoza. Las comunidades conElyonurus muticus de las dunas fósiles en el oeste de la Prov. de Buenos Aires y en el sur de la Prov. de San Luis, las que en parte contienenPanicum urvilleanum yHyalis argentea, no pueden incorporarse en los Sporoboletearigentis, según permiten reconocer las tablas sociológicas deCabrera (1945) y deCano & Movia (1967), sino que están relacionadas con otras comunidades de la “estepa”. En la misma zona se encuentra el Panico-Sporoboletum rigentis sobre dunas vivas que por la influencia del hombre volvieron a moverse (Cabrera 1945). 4. Panicetea racemosi cl. nova 4.1 Panicetalia racemosi ord. nov. 4.11 Panicion racemosi all. nova - p. Comunidades siempreverdes de poca cobertura, formadas principalmente por geophyta rhizomatosa, que habitan las dunas marítimas con ± fuerte acumulación de arena en el área húmeda a perhúmeda templada a subtropical de la Argentina, del Uruguay y del Brasil Meridional. 4.111 Calycero-Panicetum racemosi (Cabr. 1941) emend.- p. 212–213,238 Comunidad de las dunas marítimas argentinas y uruguayas en el clima húmedo a perhúmedo templado. 4.112 Philoxero-Panicetum racemosi ass. nova - p. 214–215,238 Comunidad regional de las dunas en el clima perhúmedo subtropical del litoral de Río Grande do Sul. Como fase pionera del desarrollo de la vegetación se halla también sobre dunas del área tropical, donde queda, por lo demas, absorbida por las comunidades de los Canavaletea maritimae. 4.113 Paspalo-Philoxeretum portulacoidis (Hueck 1955) emend. - p. 223 Comunidad de las antedunas, compuesta casi exclusivamente porPaspalum vaginatum yPhiloxerus portulacoides; en el área subtropical estrechamente relacionada con el Philoxero-Panicetum racemosi, en la zona tropical con los Canavaletea maritimae. 5. Canavaletea maritimae cl. nova - p. 239 Comunidades perennes y siempreverdes, formadas principalmente por geófitos y caméfitos provistos de largos estolones aéreos o subterráneos, sobre dunas y cordones de playa de todas las costas tropicales. En America se extienden desde Florida y las Islas Bermudas hasta el extremo sur del Estado de Santa Catarina. Todavía no se pueden establecer ordenes y alianzas. 5.001 Acicarpho-Alternantheretum maritimae ass. nova - p. 219–220 Comunidad de cordon de playa, conocida hasta ahora para la costa brasile?a desde Santa Catarina hasta Cabo Frío. 5.002 Spartinetum ciliatae Hueck 1955 - p. 217 Comunidad de las dunas maritimas del sur del Brasil, la que en base de observaciones mas detalladas se desmembraría en asociaciones regionales, por ejemplo: Senecioni-Spartinetum ciliatae (prov.) - p. 239 Dunas marítimas de Santa Catarina hasta Paraná. Plantagino-Spartinetum ciliatae (prov.) - p. 239 Dunas marítimas de S?o Paulo o Paraná al norte. Según la literatura,Spartina ciliata yAcicarpha spathulata están restringidas a América, el área deAlternanthera maritima abarca America y la costa occidental de Africa, y los Canavaletea maritimae de la India, de Malaysia, Indonesia, Oceania y de las Filipinas se distinguen porSpinifex squarrosus. Del norte de Australia se indicaron dos comunidades de la anteduna conIpomoea pes-caprae, Oenothera drummondii, Tridax procumbens ySpinifex longifolius (Pedley & Isbell 1971). Sobre dunas marítimas de Hawaii,Ipomoea pes-caprae se asocia conNama sandwicense, Tribulus cistoides, Vigna marina yCuscuta sandwichiana (Knapp 1965). 6. Comunidades de Arbustos Enanos 6.01 Baccharidi-Androtrichion all. nova - p. 240 Comunidades fisionómicamente ± parecidas a las landas deCalluna yErica de Europa, con predominancia de arbustos enanos; habitan dunas fijas sin o con muy poca acumulación de arena a lo largo de la costa atlántica desde la Argentina (Prov. de Buenos Aires) hasta el sur del Brasil (Santa Catarina) bajo condiciones climáticas subáridas a perhúmedas, templadas hasta subtropicales. 6.011 Hyalidi-Baccharidetum genistifoliae (prov.) (- p. 226–227) Representante de las landas deBaccharis en la parte subárida templada de la costa bonariense, relacionado como comunidad de sucesión con el Senecioni-Panicetum urvilleani. Todavía insuficientemente estudiado. 6.012 Androtricho-Baccharidetum genistifoliae (Cabr. 1941) emend. - p. 227–228 Landa deBaccharis de las dunas en el área húmeda a perhúmeda templada de la costa bonariense, comunidad de sucesión del Calycero-Panicetum racemosi. 6.013 Androtricho-Baccharidetum gnaphalioidis ass. nova - p. 228–229 Sobre las dunas del área perhúmeda templada a subtropical de la costa uruguayense y riograndense, comunidad de sucesión del Calycero-Panicetum (var. de Philoxerus) y del Philoxero-Panicetum racemosi. 6.014 Androtricho-Baccharidetum leucopappae (prov.) - p. 229–230 Comunidad hasta ahora conocida solamente en forma de fragmentos que habitan las dunas muy pastoreadas en el área perhúmeda subtropical de la costa de Río Grande de Sul y Santa Catarina. La posición de las landas deBaccharis entre las demás comunidades vegetales todavía es incierta; especies comoMargvricarpus pinnatus yAchyrocline satureioides, Baccharis rufescens, Solidago chilensis, Aster calendulaceus y otras las relacionan probablemente con comunidades del interior, por ejemplo con el Elyonuro-Panicetum racemosi Mart.-Crov. 1962. En Uruguay y en Río Grande do Sul se hallaron comunidades mas o menos parecidas, todavía insuficientemente estudiadas para juzgar su ubicación sociológico-sistemática.

Dem Altmeister der Vegetationskunde Argentiniens, Dr.Angel Lulio Cabrera, in Verehrung gewidmet.  相似文献   

The Southern river otter or huillín Lontra provocax has been classified as ‘endangered’, with the loss of riparian forest identified as the main threat to its survival. We used new information on distribution from Argentina to define their status. There are no data on the huillin’s population structure and dynamics, and no estimate of its abundance or population trends at a relevant scale. Our survey teams covered 435 locations in lakes, rivers and coastal sites using a standard and repeatable methodology of 600 m survey transects as adopted for otter surveys across Europe. We found that its present geographic range in Argentina is slightly larger than is characteristic of a species at risk of extinction at the national level, although its contemporary distribution is still radically contracted in comparison to its historical distribution.  相似文献   

Chuquiraga is a genus of 23 species of evergreen shrubs endemic to South America. It is distributed principally along the Andes from Colombia to Chile and Argentina, and it is especially diversified in the Central Andes and in the deserts and semideserts of southern South America. The genus exhibits a wide array of leaf-morphology types and two different head and floral types apparently related to hummingbird and insect pollination. In this study, phylogenetic relationships amongChuquiraga species were resolved by parsimony cladistic analysis using morphological characters. The resulting cladogram was used to interpret morphological, ecological, and biogeographical patterns in a historical context. Biotic and abiotic environmental factors hypothesized to have exerted selective pressure on morphological traits of its species were optimized onto the phylogeny to suggest how and when these factors may have affected the evolution and diversification of the genus. Results suggest an origin of the genus in southern South America, with two major evolutionary radiations, one more northern in the Central and Northern Andes, and the other in the Southern Andes and the North Chilean, Patagonia and Monte Deserts. Pollination by hummingbirds seems to have been an important factor in the origin of the northern clade, affecting floral morphology. Herbivory by vertebrates and increased aridity seem to have been important selective forces in the evolution and diversification of the southern clade, especially affecting leaf morphology. These changes were probably associated with the major elevation of the Andes in late Tertiary and with the hyperaridization and climatic fluctuations of Pleistocene and Holocene times.
Resumen   Chuquiraga es un género con 23 especies de arbustos perennifolios endémico de América del Sur. Se distribuye principalmente a lo largo de los Andes desde Colombia hasta Chile y Argentina y está especialmente diversificado en los desiertos y semidesiertos de América del Sur. El género presenta un amplio espectro de tipos de morfología foliar y dos tipos florales y de capítulos aparentemente relacionados con la polinización por colibríes y por insectos. En este trabajo las relaciones filogenéticas entre las especies deChuquiraga se resolvieron mediante análisis cladístico de parsimonia utilizando caracteres morfológicos. El cladograma resultante se empleó para interpretar patrones morfológicos, ecológicos y biogeográficos de las especies en un contexto histórico. Factures bióticos y abióticos que se han hipotetizado que han ejercido presión selectiva sobre los caracteres morfológicos fueron optimizados sobre la filogenia para sugerir cómo y cuándo podrían haber afectado la evolución y la diversificación del género. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren un origen del género en el sur de América del Sur, y dos principales radiaciones evolutivas, una más al norte en los Andes Centrales y en los Andes del Norte, y la otra más al sur en los Andes del Sur y en los desiertos del norte de Chile, la Patagonia y el Monte. La polinización por colibríes parece haber sido un factor importante en el origen del clado del norte, afectando la morfología floral. La herbivoría por vertebrados y el incremento en la aridez parecen haber sido fuerzas selectivas importantes en la evolución y diversificación del clado austral, afectando especialmente la morfología foliar. Estos cambios probablemente estuvieron asociados a la elevación máxima de los Andes a fines del Terciario y a la hiperaridización y fiuctuaciones climáticas del Pleistoceno y Holoceno.

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