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Summary Acute hemilabyrinthectomized tadpoles of the Southern Clawed Toad (Xenopus laevis), younger than stage 47 (about 6 days old), perform no static vestibulo-ocular reflex (Fig. 1). Older acute lesioned animals respond with compensatory movements of both eyes during static roll. Their threshold roll angle, however, depends on the developmental stage. For lesioned stages 60 to 64, it is 75° while stage 52 to 56 tadpoles respond even during a lateral roll of 15° (Figs. 1 and 2). Selective destruction of single macula and crista organs revealed that the static vestibulo-ocular reflex is evoked by excitation of the macula utriculi (Figs. 3 and 4) even in young tadpoles.The results demonstrate that bilateral projections of the vestibular apparatus must have developed at the time of occurrence of the static VOR, that during the first week of life the excitation of a single labyrinth is subthreshold (Fig. 1). We discuss the possibility whether the loss of the static VOR during the prometamorphic period of life (Fig. 2) is caused by increasing formation of multimodal connections in the vestibular pathway.Abbreviations eye angle - roll angle - () response characteristic - A response amplitude - G response gain - VOR vestibulo-ocular reflex  相似文献   

In the clawed toad, Xenopus laevis, the static vestibulo-ocular reflex appears in 3 days old tadpoles (developmental stage 42) (Fig. 2). The amplitude and gain of this reflex increase up to stage 52, and then decrease to an almost constant value at stage 60 and older tadpoles (Fig. 3). The most effective roll angle gradually increases during development (Fig. 4). The size of the sensory epithelia reaches the final value at the end of the premetamorphic period (stage 56) (Fig. 5). The small-cellular medial ventral vestibular nucleus (VVN) reaches its maximal number of neurons before the large-cellular lateral VVN. Cell death is more pronounced in the medial than in the lateral part of the VVN. In the dorsal vestibular nucleus (DVN), the numerical development of the small and large neurons is similar to that in the small-cellular medial and large-cellular lateral portion of the VVN (Fig. 7). The results demonstrate that labyrinth and oculomotor centres are anatomically connected before the labyrinth and the vestibular nuclei are fully developed. We discuss the possibility that the ciliary polarity pattern of the sensory epithelium is radial during the first period of life, and changes to the vertebrate fan-type pattern during the second week of life. According to the increase of gain during the first three weeks of life, an increase of the spontaneous activity of vestibular neurons may occur during this period.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis is a privileged period for the induction of tolerance to allografts. Transfers of lymphocytes from metamorphosing Xenopus into isogenic adults prevented the rejection of a skin graft differing from the adult host by minor histocompatibility antigens. This implies that active suppression is involved at one step of the induction of tolerance to the self-antigens that differentiate at the time of metamorphosis. The reciprocal experiments of preventing tolerance induction by transfer of normal adult cells into metamorphosing animals failed. However, passive transfer of anti-graft immunity in tolerant animals was partially observed, provided that a transfer of primed cells was done simultaneously with the challenging graft. Thus, memory cells are not as sensitive to the suppression as are the cells that respond in a first set reaction.  相似文献   

This report describes the histologic features of a pancreatic carcinoma in an adult female African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). The animal was found to be in poor body condition and subsequently euthanized for a complete necropsy. Histologically, the pancreas was effaced by packets of polyhedral cells consistent with a pancreatic islet cell carcinoma. Metastatic disease was not identified. Pancreatic tumors are uncommon in amphibians, and this report is the first to describe a pancreatic carcinoma in an African clawed frog.The African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) is one of the world''s most commonly used frog species in developmental biology, cell biology, toxicology, and neuroscience. Neoplastic diseases in Xenopus have rarely been reported in the literature but include hepatomas, teratomas, renal carcinoma, fibroma, fibrosarcoma, nephroblastoma, ovarian dysgerminoma, melanophoromas and lymphoma.1,2,5,6,10,14 Although hyperplasia of pancreatic islets in Xenopus has been described, pancreatic neoplasms in these frogs have not previously been reported.15 Pancreatic carcinomas have been reported to occur in hybrid species of pond frogs of the Pelophylax (previously Rana) genus.9 This report describes the first documented occurrence of a pancreatic carcinoma in X. laevis.  相似文献   

The effects of hypothalamic lesioning and removal of the eyes on locomotor activity rhythms of African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis were examined under light-dark cycles (LD12:12) and constant conditions. Frogs were kept individually and the activity rhythms at the bottom layer of water tank were recorded by means of the infrared photocells. Intact frogs displayed clear entrained nocturnal activity and expressed freerunning activity rhythms in constant darkness (DD), while some frogs did not freerun under co nstant dim light (dimLL) and constant light (LL). Freerunning periods in intact frogs were significantly shorter in dimLL than in DD. Although freerunning periods were shortened after blinding in same individuals, no significant changes in the freerunning periods were observed after blinding under dimLL and LL. When electrolytic lesions to the hypothalamus were performed, all frogs with more than 70% damage of the SCN abolished freerunning rhythms and in frogs with less than 70% damage, 57% of the animals became arrhythmic. In conclusion, (1) There is a circadian pacemaker somewhere outside the eyes, and it is probably situated in the hypothalamusincluding the SCN. (2) Both the eyes and the SCN are involved in the circadian system of the frogs.  相似文献   

The effects of hypothalamic lesioning and removal of the eyes on locomotor activity rhythms of African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis were examined under light-dark cycles (LD12:12) and constant conditions. Frogs were kept individually and the activity rhythms at the bottom layer of water tank were recorded by means of the infrared photocells. Intact frogs displayed clear entrained nocturnal activity and expressed freerunning activity rhythms in constant darkness (DD), while some frogs did not freerun under co nstant dim light (dimLL) and constant light (LL). Freerunning periods in intact frogs were significantly shorter in dimLL than in DD. Although freerunning periods were shortened after blinding in same individuals, no significant changes in the freerunning periods were observed after blinding under dimLL and LL. When electrolytic lesions to the hypothalamus were performed, all frogs with more than 70% damage of the SCN abolished freerunning rhythms and in frogs with less than 70% damage, 57% of the animals became arrhythmic. In conclusion, (1) There is a circadian pacemaker somewhere outside the eyes, and it is probably situated in the hypothalamusincluding the SCN. (2) Both the eyes and the SCN are involved in the circadian system of the frogs.  相似文献   

The distribution of E-cadherin during Xenopus laevis development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A vast amount of experimental evidence suggests that cell surface molecules involved in cell-to-cell and/or cell-to-substrate interactions participate in the control of basic events in morphogenesis. E-cadherin is a cell adhesion molecule directly implicated in the control of Ca2(+)-dependent interactions between epithelial cells. We report here the patterns of expression of E-cadherin in developmental stages of Xenopus laevis ranging from early embryo to adult using immunofluorescence microscopy. Although its distribution shares some similarities with those of L-CAM in the chicken and E-cadherin/Uvomorulin in the mouse, the distribution of E-cadherin in Xenopus presents several peculiar and unique features. In early stages of Xenopus development, E-cadherin is not expressed. The molecule is first detectable in the ectoderm of late gastrulas (stage 13-13.5 NF). At this time both the external and the sensory layer of the nonneural ectoderm accumulate high levels of E-cadherin while the ectoderm overlying the neural plate and regions of the involuting marginal zone (IMZ) not yet internalized by the movements of gastrulation are E-cadherin-negative. Unlike most other species, endodermal cells express no or very low levels of E-cadherin up to stage 20 NF. Endodermal cells become strongly E-cadherin-positive only when a well-differentiated epithelium forms in the gut. No mesodermal structures are stained during early development. In the placodes, in contrast to other species, E-cadherin disappears very rapidly after placode thickening. During further embryonic development E-cadherin is present in the skin, the gut epithelium, the pancreas, many monostratified epithelia and most glands. Hepatocytes are stained weakly while most other tissues, including the pronephros, are negative. In the mesonephros, the Wolffian duct and some tubules are positive. During metamorphosis a profound restructuring of the body plan takes place under the control of thyroid hormones, which involves the degeneration and subsequent regeneration of several tissues such as the skin and the gut. All newly formed epithelia express high levels of E-cadherin. Surprisingly, degenerating epithelia of both skin and intestine maintain high levels of the protein even after starting to become disorganized and to degenerate. In the adult, staining is strong in the skin, the glands, the lungs, the gut epithelium and the pancreas, weak in the liver and absent from most other tissues. Our results show that the expression of E-cadherin in Xenopus is strongly correlated with the appearance of differentiated epithelia.  相似文献   

The changes in the electric activity of the extraocular muscles as a consequence of static tilt stimulation were investigated in rabbits of different postnatal ages by the registration of the electromyogram. The postnatal development of the tonic vestibulo-ocular reflex in the rabbit runs parallel with the transition from an irregular fluctuating eye muscle activity during the first postnatal days to a constantly tonic muscle activity depending on the tilt position.  相似文献   

Heightened awareness for the welfare of earlier-evolved laboratory species has prompted increasing inquiries by institutional animal care committees, investigators, and laboratory animal veterinarians regarding the need for post-surgical analgesics in laboratory Xenopus. Basic research into the mechanisms and regulation of pain in Rana pipiens has demonstrated the clinical potential of opioid, alpha2-adrenergic, and non-opioid analgesic agents in amphibians. However, clinical studies using objectively established indices of amphibian pain, or pharmacological studies in either Rana pipiens or laboratory Xenopus have not been conducted. As discussed above, comparison of limited lethality data suggests that the safety index for these agents is quite narrow in Rana pipiens. Analgesic use in laboratory Xenopus has the added risk of drowning due to over sedation. Drug doses extrapolated from such studies and intended to provide pain relief in Xenopus should therefore be considered very carefully. An additional concern for laboratory Xenopus is that the effects of these agents on amphibian oogenesis, oocyte quality, and embryogenesis are unknown. As the numbers of laboratory Xenopus used in basic and biomedical research continues to increase, clinical studies that address all of these issues cannot come too soon.  相似文献   

The post-embryonic development of 'fictive' swimming in immobilized Xenopus laevis tadpoles has been examined during the first day of larval life. In Xenopus embryos (stage 37-38; Nieuwkoop & Faber 1956), the rhythmic ventral root activity underlying swimming occurs as single brief (ca. 7 ms) compound impulses on each cycle. However, by stage 42 (about 24 h after hatching), ventral root discharge consists of bursts lasting around 20 ms per cycle. In addition to increased burst duration in each cycle of larval swimming, the range of cycle periods within an episode increases, although mean period values (ca. 70-80 ms) remain similar to those of the younger animal. Consequently, motoneurons at developmental stage 42 are active during swimming for a greater percentage (ca. 25%) of cycle time than at stage 37-38 (ca. 10%). Developmental stage 40 (ca. 12 h post-hatching) is an intermediate stage in rhythm development. Ventral root discharge varies from bursts of 10-20 ms at the start of an episode to embryonic (ca. 7 ms) spikes at the end of an episode. Furthermore, discharge varies from bursts of activity in rostral segments of stage 40 larvae to 7 ms spikes more caudally, as in embryos. The data thus suggest that Xenopus swimming rhythmicity develops relatively rapidly, along a rostrocaudal gradient, and may involve acquisition of multiple spiking in spinal neurons.  相似文献   

The vertebrate vestibular system detects linear (otolith organs) and angular (semicircular canals) acceleration. The function of the otolith system is twofold, 1: perception of linear acceleration of the head, and 2: assessment of the spatial orientation of the head relative to the vector of gravity. Because of the latter function, a change of gravity will affect the vestibular input which, in turn, may have a wide range of serious physiological effects, for instance on ocular reflexes. The function of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) is to stabilize the visual image on the retina. Measurement of this VOR provides a method to investigate the (processing within the) vestibular system. Discrimination between gravity and linear acceleration, caused by movement of the head, is not possible. Therefore, information from the otolith system must be constantly compared with additional information from other sensory systems in order to solve the inherent ambiguity between tilt and translation. In this processing, cues from the semicircular canals also play a role. During parabolic flight, experiments can be performed at altered gravity levels for brief periods of time. On earth, the only effective possibility to manipulate gravity for longer periods of time is a centrifuge. Together with experiments in weightlessness during orbital flight, these methods form useful tools to investigate the influence of gravity on physiology. In our laboratory, rats have been kept inside a centrifuge at 2.5 g during their entire life-span (i.e. including gestation).  相似文献   

During early periods of life, modifications of the gravitational environment affect the development of sensory, neuronal and motor systems. The vestibular system exerts significant effects on motor networks that control eye and body posture as well as swimming. The objective of the present study was to study whether altered gravity (AG) affects vestibuloocular and spinal motor systems in a correlated manner. During the French Soyuz taxi flight Andromède to the International Space Station ISS (launch: October 21, 2001; landing: October 31, 2001) Xenopus laevis embryos were exposed for 10 days to microgravity (microg). In addition, a similar experiment with 3g-hypergravity (3g) was performed in the laboratory. At onset of AG, embryos had reached developmental stages 24 to 27. After exposure to AG, each tadpole was tested for its roll-induced vestibuloocular reflex (rVOR) and 3 hours later it was tested for the neuronal activity recorded from the ventral roots (VR) during fictive swimming. During the post-AG recording periods tadpoles had reached developmental stages 45 to 47. It was observed that microgravity affected VR activity during fictive swimming and rVOR. In particular, VR activity changes included a significant decrease of the rostrocaudal delay and a significant increase of episode duration. The rVOR-amplitude was transiently depressed. Hypergravity was less effective on the locomotor pattern; occurring effects on fictive swimming were the opposite of microg effects. As after microgravity, the rVOR was depressed after 3g-exposure. All modifications of the rVOR and VR-activity recovered to normal levels within 4 to 7 days after termination of AG. Significant correlations between the rVOR amplitude and VR activity of respective tadpoles during the recording period have been observed in both tadpoles with or without AG experience. The data are consistent with the assumptions that during this period of life which is characterized by a progressive development of vestibuloocular and vestibulospinal projections (i) microgravity retards the development of VR activity while hypergravity weakly accelerates it; (ii) that microgravity retards the rVOR development while hypergravity caused a sensitization, and that (iii) AG-induced changes of VR activity during fictive swimming have a vestibular origin.  相似文献   

Expression of ribosomal-protein genes in Xenopus laevis development   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Using probes to Xenopus laevis ribosomal-protein (r-protein) mRNAs, we have found that in the oocyte the accumulation of r-protein mRNAs proceeds to a maximum level, which is attained at the onset of vitellogenesis and remains stable thereafter. In the embryo, r-protein mRNA sequences are present at low levels in the cytoplasm during early cleavage (stages 2-5), become undetectable until gastrulation (stage 10) and accumulate progressively afterwards. Normalization of the amount of mRNA to cell number suggests an activation of r-protein genes around stage 10; however, a variation in mRNA turnover cannot be excluded. Newly synthesized ribosomal proteins cannot be found from early cleavage up to stage 26, with the exception of S3, L17 and L31, which are constantly made, and protein L5, which starts to be synthesized around stage 7. A complete set of ribosomal proteins is actively produced only in tailbud embryos (stages 28-32), several hours after the appearance of their mRNAs. Before stage 26 these mRNA sequences are found on subpolysomal fractions, whereas more than 50% of them are associated with polysomes at stage 31. Anucleolate mutants do not synthesize ribosomal proteins at the time when normal embryos do it very actively; nevertheless, they accumulate r-protein mRNAs.  相似文献   

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