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Microbial communities from a subseafloor sediment core from the southwestern Sea of Okhotsk were evaluated by performing both cultivation-dependent and cultivation-independent (molecular) analyses. The core, which extended 58.1 m below the seafloor, was composed of pelagic clays with several volcanic ash layers containing fine pumice grains. Direct cell counting and quantitative PCR analysis of archaeal and bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments indicated that the bacterial populations in the ash layers were approximately 2 to 10 times larger than those in the clays. Partial sequences of 1,210 rRNA gene clones revealed that there were qualitative differences in the microbial communities from the two different types of layers. Two phylogenetically distinct archaeal assemblages in the Crenarchaeota, the miscellaneous crenarchaeotic group and the deep-sea archaeal group, were the most predominant archaeal 16S rRNA gene components in the ash layers and the pelagic clays, respectively. Clones of 16S rRNA gene sequences from members of the gamma subclass of the class Proteobacteria dominated the ash layers, whereas sequences from members of the candidate division OP9 and the green nonsulfur bacteria dominated the pelagic clay environments. Molecular (16S rRNA gene sequence) analysis of 181 isolated colonies revealed that there was regional proliferation of viable heterotrophic mesophiles in the volcanic ash layers, along with some gram-positive bacteria and actinobacteria. The porous ash layers, which ranged in age from tens of thousands of years to hundreds of thousands of years, thus appear to be discrete microbial habitats within the coastal subseafloor clay sediment, which are capable of harboring microbial communities that are very distinct from the communities in the more abundant pelagic clays.  相似文献   

Microorganisms are known to play fundamental roles in the biogeochemical cycling of carbon in the coastal environments. To get to know the composition and ecological roles of the archaeal communities within the sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, Southern China, the diversity and vertical distribution of archaea in a sediment core was reported based on the 16S rRNA and mcrA genes for the first time. Quantitative PCR analysis revealed that archaea were present at 106–107 16S rRNA gene copies/g (wet weight) in the sediment core, and the proportion of mcrA versus 16S rRNA gene copies varied from 11 to 45%. 16S rRNA gene libraries were constructed and analyzed for the top layer (0–6 cm), middle layer (18–24 cm), sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ, 32–42 cm), and bottom layer (44–50 cm) sediments. The results indicated that Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group (MCG) was the main component in the sediments. The MCG archaea could be further divided into six subgroups: MCG-A, B, C, D, E, and F. On the other hand, mcrA sequences from methanogens related to the order Methanomicrobiales and ANME-2 methanotrophs were detected in all sediment layers. Taken together, our data revealed a largely unknown archaeal community in which MCG dominated within the Pearl River estuarine sediments, while methanogens and methane-oxidizing archaea putatively involving in methane metabolism, were also found in the community. This is the first important step towards elucidating the biogeochemical roles of these archaea in the Pearl River Estuary.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages might be the main ‘predators'' in the marine deep subsurface and probably have a major impact on indigenous microbial communities. To identify their function within this habitat, we have determined their abundance and distribution along the sediment columns of two continental margin and two open ocean sites that were recovered during Leg 201 of the Ocean Drilling Program. For all investigated sites, viral abundance followed the total cell numbers with a virus-to-cell ratio between 1 and 10 in the upper 100 mbsf (meters below seafloor). An increasing ratio of about 20 in deeper layers indicated an ongoing viral production in up to 11 Ma old sediments. We have used Rhizobium radiobacter as the most frequently isolated organism from the deep subsurface with a high in situ abundance to identify the frequency of associated rhizobiophages. In this study, 16S rRNA gene copies of R. radiobacter accounted for up to 5.6% of total bacterial 16S rRNA genes (average: 0.75%) as detected by quantitative PCR. A distinctive distribution was identified for R. radiobacter as indicated by a site-specific arrangement of genetically similar populations. Whole genome information of rhizobiophage RR1-A was used to generate a primer system for quantitative PCR specifically targeting the prophage antirepressor gene, indicative for temperate phages. The quantification of this gene within various sediment horizons showed a contribution of temperate phages of up to 14.3% to the total viral abundance. Thus, the high amount of temperate phages within the sediments and among all investigated isolates indicates that lysogeny is the main viral proliferation mode in deep subsurface populations.  相似文献   

While the contribution of Bacteria to bioremediation of oil-contaminated shorelines is well established, the response of Archaea to spilled oil and bioremediation treatments is unknown. The relationship between archaeal community structure and oil spill bioremediation was examined in laboratory microcosms and in a bioremediation field trial. 16S rRNA gene-based PCR and denaturing gradient gel analysis revealed that the archaeal community in oil-free laboratory microcosms was stable for 26 days. In contrast, in oil-polluted microcosms a dramatic decrease in the ability to detect Archaea was observed, and it was not possible to amplify fragments of archaeal 16S rRNA genes from samples taken from microcosms treated with oil. This was the case irrespective of whether a bioremediation treatment (addition of inorganic nutrients) was applied. Since rapid oil biodegradation occurred in nutrient-treated microcosms, we concluded that Archaea are unlikely to play a role in oil degradation in beach ecosystems. A clear-cut relationship between the presence of oil and the absence of Archaea was not apparent in the field experiment. This may have been related to continuous inoculation of beach sediments in the field with Archaea from seawater or invertebrates and shows that the reestablishment of Archaea following bioremediation cannot be used as a determinant of ecosystem recovery following bioremediation. Comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis showed that the majority of the Archaea detected (94%) belonged to a novel, distinct cluster of group II uncultured Euryarchaeota, which exhibited less than 87% identity to previously described sequences. A minor contribution of group I uncultured Crenarchaeota was observed.  相似文献   

Extracting DNA from deep subsurface sediments is challenging given the complexity of sediments types, low biomasses, resting structures (spores, cysts) frequently encountered in deep sediments, and the potential presence of enzymatic inhibitors. Promising results for cell lysis efficiency were recently obtained by use of a cryogenic mill (Lipp et al., 2008). These findings encouraged us to devise a DNA extraction protocol using this tool. Thirteen procedures involving a combination of grinding in liquid nitrogen (for various durations and beating rates) with different chemical solutions (phenol, chloroform, SDS, sarkosyl, proteinase, GTC), or with use of DNA recovery kits (MagExtractor®) were compared. Effective DNA extraction was evaluated in terms of cell lysis efficiency, DNA extraction efficiency, DNA yield and determination of prokaryotic diversity. Results were compared to those obtained by standard protocols: the FastDNA®SPIN kit for soil and the Zhou protocol. For most sediment types grinding in a cryogenic mill at a low beating rate in combination with direct phenol-chloroform extraction resulted in much higher DNA yields than those obtained using classical procedures. In general (except for clay-rich sediments), this procedure provided high-quality crude extracts for direct downstream nested-PCR, from cell numbers as low as 1.1 × 106 cells/cm3. This procedure is simple, rapid, low-cost, and could be used with minor modifications for large-scale DNA extractions for a variety of experimental goals.  相似文献   

The community compositions of Bacteria and Archaea were investigated in deep, sub-seafloor sediments from the highly productive Peru Margin (ODP Leg 201, sites 1228 and 1229, c. 25 km apart) down to nearly 200 m below the seafloor using taxonomic (16S rRNA) and functional (mcrA and dsrA) gene markers. Bacterial and archaeal groups identified from clone libraries of 16S rRNA gene sequences at site 1229 agreed well with sequences amplified from bands excised from denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) depth profiles, with the exception of the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group (MCG). This suggested that the prokaryotic community at site 1228, obtained from DGGE profiling alone, was reliable. Sites were dominated by Bacteria in the Gammaproteobacteria, Chloroflexi (green non-sulphur bacteria) and Archaea in the MCG and South African Gold Mine Euryarchaeotic Group, although community composition changed with depth. The candidate division JS1 was present throughout both sites but was not dominant. The populations identified in the Peru Margin sediments consisted mainly of prokaryotes found in other deep subsurface sediments, and were more similar to communities from the Sea of Okhotsk (pelagic clays) than to those from the low organic carbon Nankai Trough sediments. Despite broad similarities in the prokaryotic community at the two sites, there were some differences, as well as differences in activity and geochemistry. Methanogens (mcrA) within the Methanosarcinales and Methanobacteriales were only found at site 1229 (4 depths analysed), whereas sulphate-reducing prokaryotes (dsrA) were only found at site 1228 (one depth), and these terminal-oxidizing prokaryotes may represent an active community component present at low abundance. This study clearly demonstrates that the deep subsurface sediments of the Peru Margin have a large diverse and metabolically active prokaryotic population.  相似文献   

Extracting DNA from deep subsurface sediments is challenging given the complexity of sediments types, low biomasses, resting structures (spores, cysts) frequently encountered in deep sediments, and the potential presence of enzymatic inhibitors. Promising results for cell lysis efficiency were recently obtained by use of a cryogenic mill (Lipp et al., 2008). These findings encouraged us to devise a DNA extraction protocol using this tool. Thirteen procedures involving a combination of grinding in liquid nitrogen (for various durations and beating rates) with different chemical solutions (phenol, chloroform, SDS, sarkosyl, proteinase, GTC), or with use of DNA recovery kits (MagExtractor®) were compared. Effective DNA extraction was evaluated in terms of cell lysis efficiency, DNA extraction efficiency, DNA yield and determination of prokaryotic diversity. Results were compared to those obtained by standard protocols: the FastDNA®SPIN kit for soil and the Zhou protocol. For most sediment types grinding in a cryogenic mill at a low beating rate in combination with direct phenol-chloroform extraction resulted in much higher DNA yields than those obtained using classical procedures. In general (except for clay-rich sediments), this procedure provided high-quality crude extracts for direct downstream nested-PCR, from cell numbers as low as 1.1 × 106 cells/cm3. This procedure is simple, rapid, low-cost, and could be used with minor modifications for large-scale DNA extractions for a variety of experimental goals.  相似文献   

A quantitative survey of the macrobenthos in the south-west lagoon of New Caledonia was carried out at 35 stations, sampled both with a grab and by diving. The stations were classified by multivariate analysis on the basis of their floral and faunal composition and three major communities, corresponding to muddy bottoms, grey sand bottoms and white sand bottoms, were identified. At the same time, grain-size analysis performed on sediment samples at each station enabled us to identify the most discriminating grain-size parameters for each type of bottom. Classification of stations with respect to the mud fraction and the very fine + fine sand fraction reproduced the groups identified on the basis of purely taxonomic criteria. Application of these results to the available sedimentological data allowed the main benthic communities in the investigation area to be mapped.  相似文献   

Bacterial communities in sediments of the shallow Lake Dongping in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aims: The purpose of this study was to discuss how the environmental inputs and anthropogenic activities impact bacterial communities in the sediments of a shallow, eutrophic and temperate freshwater lake. Methods and Results: Sediment cores were collected from Lake Dongping, located in Taian, Shandong, China. All samples were processed within 4 h of collection. Total nitrogen, total phosphorus (TP), total organic carbon, ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen content of samples were measured by Kjeldahl determination, sulphuric acid–perchloric acid digestion and molybdenum blue colorimetry, potassium dichromate titration, Nessler’s reagent colorimetric and the phenol disulphonic acid colorimetric method, respectively. Seasonal and temporal diversity of sediment bacterial communities at six stations in Lake Dongping were investigated using molecular approaches (terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and 16S rDNA clone libraries). Noticeable seasonal and temporal variations were observed in bacterial diversity and composition at all six stations. Sediment bacterial communities in Lake Dongping belonged to 16 phyla: Proteobacteria (including α‐Proteobacteria, β‐Proteobacteria, δ‐Proteobacteria, ε‐Proteobacteria, γ‐Proteobacteria), Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia, Nitrospira, Chloroflexi, Gemmatimonadetes, Chlorobi, Cyanobacteria, Deferribacteres, Actinobacteria, OP8, Spirochaetes and OP11. Members of β‐, δ‐ and γ‐Proteobacterial sequences were predominant in 11 of 12 clone libraries derived from sediment samples. Sediment samples collected at stations 1 and 4 in July had the greatest bacterial diversity while those collected at station 2 in October had the least diversity. TP concentration was significantly correlated with the distribution of bacterial communities. Conclusions: Our results suggested that different environmental nutrient inputs contribute to seasonal and temporal variations of chemical features and bacterial communities in sediments of Lake Dongping. TP concentration was significantly correlated with the distribution of bacterial communities. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study has an important implication for the optimization of integrated ecosystem assessment of shallow temperate freshwater lake and provides interesting information for the subsequent of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Microbial enumeration, 16S rRNA gene clone libraries, and chemical analysis were used to evaluate the in situ biological reduction and immobilization of uranium(VI) in a long-term experiment (more than 2 years) conducted at a highly uranium-contaminated site (up to 60 mg/liter and 800 mg/kg solids) of the U.S. Department of Energy in Oak Ridge, TN. Bioreduction was achieved by conditioning groundwater above ground and then stimulating growth of denitrifying, Fe(III)-reducing, and sulfate-reducing bacteria in situ through weekly injection of ethanol into the subsurface. After nearly 2 years of intermittent injection of ethanol, aqueous U levels fell below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant level for drinking water and groundwater (<30 microg/liter or 0.126 microM). Sediment microbial communities from the treatment zone were compared with those from a control well without biostimulation. Most-probable-number estimations indicated that microorganisms implicated in bioremediation accumulated in the sediments of the treatment zone but were either absent or in very low numbers in an untreated control area. Organisms belonging to genera known to include U(VI) reducers were detected, including Desulfovibrio, Geobacter, Anaeromyxobacter, Desulfosporosinus, and Acidovorax spp. The predominant sulfate-reducing bacterial species were Desulfovibrio spp., while the iron reducers were represented by Ferribacterium spp. and Geothrix spp. Diversity-based clustering revealed differences between treated and untreated zones and also within samples of the treated area. Spatial differences in community structure within the treatment zone were likely related to the hydraulic pathway and to electron donor metabolism during biostimulation.  相似文献   


Cichlids are a conspicuous component of Amazonian ichthyofauna, filling a wide range of niches. Yet taxonomy of many groups is still poorly known in the Amazon, and most of the yet-to-be discovered species are concentrated there. We analyzed 230 individuals sampled from six major Amazonian River Basins representing 56 morpho-species, 34 nominal and 22 undescribed species in 18 cichlid genera. We used four different single-locus species-discovery (SLSD) methods, delimiting between 53 (mPTP) and 57 (GMYC) species/lineages. When detected, species/lineages are hierarchically geographically structured. Many groups such as the Geophaginae and the Cichlinae have recently diversified, and species of genera such as Cichla and Symphysodon hybridize or have a history of hybridization; thus, these species will not be detected by SLSD methods. At the same time, for example, the genera Apistogramma and Biotodoma harbor cryptic species. For all these reasons, species/lineage diversity of Amazonian cichlids is significantly underestimated. The diversity of Amazonian cichlids is particularly remarkable given that the 570 species of Neotropical cichlids, many of which are from the Amazon Basin, are found in just 1.7% of the freshwater aquatic habitat in which the ~ 2,000 species of the East African rift lake cichlids evolved.


"A meta-enzyme approach" is proposed as an ecological enzymatic method to explore the potential functions of microbial communities in extreme environments such as the deep marine subsurface. We evaluated a variety of extra-cellular enzyme activities of sediment slurries and isolates from a deep subseafloor sediment core. Using the new deep-sea drilling vessel "Chikyu", we obtained 365 m of core sediments that contained approximately 2% organic matter and considerable amounts of methane from offshore the Shimokita Peninsula in Japan at a water depth of 1,180 m. In the extra-sediment fraction of the slurry samples, phosphatase, esterase, and catalase activities were detected consistently throughout the core sediments down to the deepest slurry sample from 342.5 m below seafloor (mbsf). Detectable enzyme activities predicted the existence of a sizable population of viable aerobic microorganisms even in deep subseafloor habitats. The subsequent quantitative cultivation using solid media represented remarkably high numbers of aerobic, heterotrophic microbial populations (e.g., maximally 4.4 x 10(7) cells cm(-3) at 342.5 mbsf). Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that the predominant cultivated microbial components were affiliated with the genera Bacillus, Shewanella, Pseudoalteromonas, Halomonas, Pseudomonas, Paracoccus, Rhodococcus, Microbacterium, and Flexibacteracea. Many of the predominant and scarce isolates produced a variety of extra-cellular enzymes such as proteases, amylases, lipases, chitinases, phosphatases, and deoxyribonucleases. Our results indicate that microbes in the deep subseafloor environment off Shimokita are metabolically active and that the cultivable populations may have a great potential in biotechnology.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to relate depth profiles of prokaryotic community composition with geochemical processes in the deep subseafloor biosphere at two shallow-water sites on the Peru Margin in the Pacific Ocean (ODP Leg 201, sites 1228 and 1229). Principal component analysis of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis banding patterns of deep-sediment Bacteria, Archaea, Euryarchaeota and the novel candidate division JS1, followed by multiple regression, showed strong relationships with prokaryotic activity and geochemistry (R(2)=55-100%). Further correlation analysis, at one site, between the principal components from the community composition profiles for Bacteria and 12 other variables quantitatively confirmed their relationship with activity and geochemistry, which had previously only been implied. Comparison with previously published cell counts enumerated by fluorescent in situ hybridization with rRNA-targeted probes confirmed that these denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles described an active prokaryotic community.  相似文献   

Gavin R. Hunt 《Ibis》1996,138(4):778-785
The first comprehensive survey of the threatened Kagu Rhynochetos jubatus of New Caledonia based on 177 different listening areas outside the Rivière Bleue Park was carried out between June 1991 and January 1992. A total of 491 adult Kagus, including 208 pairs, were recorded in 84 of the areas, mostly in the Southern Province (403 birds, 177 pairs). Low Kagu numbers (one to four birds) were recorded in 56% (n = 47) of the areas. More than nine Kagus were recorded in each of 19 areas, which accounted for 57% (n = 282) of all birds. In these 19 areas, virtually all birds sang from intact forest. Kagu distribution was fragmented over a large area of the island, but birds occurred mostly in inland mountainous regions. Generalized linear modelling was used to investigate associations between Kagu numbers and eight environmental variables measured at each area. A minimal adequate model without interactions indicated that larger numbers of Kagus were in remoter habitat and on volcanic rock types. These results supported the qualitative analyses in previous surveys. A minimal adequate model with interactions suggested that greater numbers of Kagus were likely to be present with increasing remoteness from human settlements. The Kagu population is now fragmented amongst remote patches of habitat, and the results suggest this is most likely because of human-associated factors. Additional managed reserves to protect significant numbers of Kagus are urgently needed to ensure birds remain throughout the island and in a variety of biotypes.  相似文献   

玄武岩玻璃中的生物蚀变微结构为微生物摄取玄武岩玻璃中营养成分,通过新陈代谢产生有机酸溶解玄武岩玻璃而形成的微米级孔洞或钻穴.生物蚀变微结构在现代海洋洋壳及代表古老洋壳残片的蛇绿岩和绿岩带中广泛存在.研究玄武岩玻璃中蚀变微结构的形态特征、形成机制及其时空分布,不仅对探索地球早期生命起源和演化具有重要启示意义,也为研究海洋...  相似文献   

The processes that lead to the precipitation of authigenic calcium phosphate minerals in certain marine pore waters remain poorly understood. Phosphogenesis occurs in sediments beneath some oceanic upwelling zones that harbor polyphosphate‐accumulating bacteria. These bacteria are believed to concentrate phosphate in sediment pore waters, creating supersaturated conditions with respect to apatite precursors. However, the relationship between microbes and phosphorite formation is not fully resolved. To further study this association, we examined microbial community data generated from two sources: sediment cores recovered from the shelf of the Benguela upwelling region where phosphorites are currently forming, and DNA preserved within phosphoclasts recovered from a phosphorite deposit along the Benguela shelf. iTag and clone library sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene showed that many of our sediment‐hosted communities shared large numbers of phylotypes with one another, and that the same metabolic guilds were represented at localities across the shelf. Sulfate‐reducing bacteria and sulfur‐oxidizing bacteria were particularly abundant in our datasets, as were phylotypes that are known to carry out nitrification and the anaerobic oxidation of ammonium. The DNA extracted from phosphoclasts contained the signature of a distinct microbial community from those observed in the modern sediments. While some aspects of the modern and phosphoclast communities were similar, we observed both an enrichment of certain common microbial classes found in the modern phosphogenic sediments and a relative depletion of others. The phosphoclast‐associated DNA could represent a relict signature of one or more microbial assemblages that were present when the apatite or its precursors precipitated. While these taxa may or may not have contributed to the precipitation of the apatite that now hosts their genetic remains, several groups represented in the phosphoclast extract dataset have the genetic potential to metabolize polyphosphate, and perhaps modulate phosphate concentrations in pore waters where carbonate fluorapatite (or its precursors) are known to be precipitating.  相似文献   

In order to obtain evidence for the existence of psychrophilic methanogenic communities in sediments of deep lakes that are low-temperature environments (4 to 5 degrees C), slurries were first incubated at temperatures between 4 and 60 degrees C for several weeks, at which time they were amended, or not, with an additional substrate, such as cellulose, butyrate, propionate, acetate, or hydrogen, and further incubated at 6 degrees C. Initial methane production rates were highest in slurries preincubated at temperatures between 4 and 15 degrees C, with maximal rates in slurries kept at 6 degrees C. Hydrogen-amended cultures were the only exceptions, with the highest methane production rates at 6 degrees C after preincubation at 30 degrees C.  相似文献   

The subsurface realm is colonized by microbial communities to depths of >1000 meters below the seafloor (m.b.sf.), but little is known about overall diversity and microbial distribution patterns at the most profound depths. Here we show that not only Bacteria and Archaea but also Eukarya occur at record depths in the subseafloor of the Canterbury Basin. Shifts in microbial community composition along a core of nearly 2 km reflect vertical taxa zonation influenced by sediment depth. Representatives of some microbial taxa were also cultivated using methods mimicking in situ conditions. These results suggest that diverse microorganisms persist down to 1922 m.b.sf. in the seafloor of the Canterbury Basin and extend the previously known depth limits of microbial evidence (i) from 159 to 1740 m.b.sf. for Eukarya and (ii) from 518 to 1922 m.b.sf. for Bacteria.  相似文献   

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