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For many permanent cell lines the transition from a growing (P) to a resting (R) state is reversibly controlled by growth factors present in serum. This P-to-R transition was studied in a neuronal cell line (B 104) with respect to the action of serum, dibutyryl cyclic AMP (DBcAMP), gangliosides, and a glioma cell-produced growth factor GGF. In this cell system gangliosides seem to act as differentiation and survival factors. The kinetics of uptake of radioactively labeled gangliosides and survival experiments both support the idea of the stable incorporation of exogenously added gangliosides into the cells. Based on the experimental evidence a new model of cell development is proposed. Thus in addition to the R or G0 state, which in this cell system is rather unstable and probably regulated by cyclic nucleotides, we postulate a differentiated D state, which is controlled by gangliosides and which is characterized by its stability (survival time). This D compartment seems to be closer to the in vivo differentiated neuron than does the R or P state. The possible mechanisms for the action of gangliosides are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Ob17 is a clonal cell line isolated from the epididymal fat pad of C57 BL/6J ob/ob mouse that differentiates into adiposelike cells in serum-supplemented medium. In serum-free medium, this cell line shows increased growth under the addition of insulin, transferrin, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and a factor present in extract of rat submaxillary gland (SMGE). This medium is referred to as 4F. Epidermal growth factor or nerve growth factor cannot replace SMGE, whereas partially purified platelet extract can substitute for FGF but only partially for SMGE. 4F Medium is able to support the proliferation of cells from other established preadipocyte clonal lines, HGFu and 3T3-F442A, and also of preadipocyte cells isolated from the stromal-vascular fraction of rat and mouse adipose tissues. In each case 4F medium is insufficient to support the differentiation of these cells into adipocytes. Ob17 cells grown and maintained in serum-free hormone-supplemented medium retain the ability to convert to adiposelike cells after serum addition. This serum requirement for differentiation cannot be substituted by the addition of growth hormone or of other putative adipogenic factors, or both. The results are discussed with respect to the requirements for growth and differentiation of the 3T3-L1 and 1246 preadipocyte cell lines previously described. This work was supported by the “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique” (Grant 1208-Biochimie du Développement and Grant 4162-Endocrinologie), by the “Ministère de la Recherce et de la Technologie” (Grant 81-L-1322), by the “Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale,” by NATO (Grant 1704), and by the “Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale” (Grant 827006).  相似文献   

PiA水稻悬浮细胞系的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以抗稻瘟病的粳稻PiA开花后12~15d的幼胚为材料,将诱导10~15d的愈伤不经固体培养基继代,直接转到AA液体培养基上,在较短时间内成功建立起了优良的水稻悬浮细胞系;并测定了该悬浮细胞系不同时期的生长特性和分化情况,结果表明悬浮培养适宜的继代天数是7~10d;培养30~120d的细胞分化能力和植株再生能力较好,细胞分化率和成苗率分别为57.1%和20%,为进一步利用悬浮细胞进行遗传转化和原生质体分离奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Summary Three related mouse mammary cell lines were cultured in collagen gels and assayed for growth factor responsiveness and interaction via soluble factors. The CL-S1 cell line is nontumorigenic and grows poorly in collagen gel culture. The +SA and −SA cell lines exhibit different degrees of malignant behavior in vivo and have different growth properties in vitro. In collagen gel culture, +SA growth was stimulated by serum but not by epidermal growth factor (EGF), whereas both serum and EGF were required for optimal growth of −SA cells of early passage number as well as CL-S1 cells. −SA cells of later passage repeatedly exhibited a change so as to no longer require serum while retaining EGF responsiveness. [125I]EGF binding analyses indicated that CL-S1 cells bound EGF with less affinity than did −SA cells whereas +SA cells bound almost to ligand. When cell lines were maintained in separate collagen gels but shared the same culture medium, growth of +SA or −SA cells was slightly enhanced in the presence of CL-S1 cells and −SA cell growth was enhanced by the presence of +SA cells. Using the normal rat kidney fibroblast line NRK (clone 49F) as an indicator, serum-containing conditioned media from each cell line and from each pair of cell lines cultured in collagen gels were tested for transforming growth factor (TGF) activity. Both the −SA and CL-S1 lines tested positive for TGF-α production and possibly released a TGF-β activity. These results suggest mechanisms by which cell populations in and around tumors can modify one another’s growth characteristics. The work was supported by a grant from the American Institute for Cancer Research, by American Cancer Society Institutional grant IN-119, by funds from the Poncin Trust (Seattle-First National Bank), and by grants CA-39611 and CA46885 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells represent an ideal source for cell engraftment in the damaged central nervous system (CNS). Understanding key signals that control ES cell differentiation may improve cell type-specific differentiation that is suitable for transplantation therapy. We tested the hypothesis that extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 phosphorylation is an early signaling event required for the neuronal differentiation of ES cells. Cultured mouse ES cells were treated with an all-trans-retinoic-acid (RA) protocol to generate neurally induced progenitor cells. Western blot analysis showed a dramatic increase in ERK 1/2 phosphorylation (p-ERK 1/2) 1-5 days after RA induction, which was attenuated in the presence of the p-ERK 1/2-specific inhibitor UO126. Phospho-ERK 1/2 inhibition significantly reduced the number of NeuN-positive cells and the expression of associated cytoskeletal proteins. In differentiating ES cells, there was increased nuclear translocation of STAT3 and decreased protein expression levels of GDNF, BDNF and NGF. STAT3 translocation was attenuated by UO126. Finally, caspase-3 activation was observed in the presence of UO126, suggesting that the ERK pathway also contributes to the survival of differentiating ES cells. These data indicate that ERK 1/2 phosphorylation is a key event required for early neuronal differentiation and survival of ES cells.  相似文献   

Summary A method for measuring respiratory activity in anchorage-dependent cultured cells has been developed. This method is based on a technique that permits the perfusion of standard plastic culture dishes with attached cells. Basal respiratory activities were studied in two continuous cell lines of neural origin, neuroblastoma C1300 clone 41A3 and glioma 138MG. As compared to traditional measurements on detached cells, a fourfold increase in value was obtained. Investigations on membrane permeability suggested that the observed difference could be attributed to alterations in cell membrane integrity. Pretreatment with dibutyryl cyclic AMP, known to induce a morphological and biochemical differentiation in C1300 and 138MG cells, caused in both cell lines an enhanced respiration. This work was supported by grants from the National Swedish Board for Technical Development (grant 82-5025).  相似文献   

Although numerous insect cell lines have been developed over the past three decades, few of these have been from the order Hymenoptera. This report describes two new continuous cell lines from trichogrammid wasps. The extremely small size of these insects has made physiological and biochemical studies difficult. Now, with the development of the cell lines, a limitless supply of biologically active material is available for a wide variety of basic biological studies. The Trichogramma confusum and T. exiguum cell lines (designated IPLB-Tcon1 and IPLB-Tex2) were characterized by chromosome and isozymes techniques. Evidence of their utility is shown by morphological response to the developmental hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone. The morphological change in IPLB-Tex2 is accompanied by an induction of highly contractile cells which indicates this cell line may be composed of myoblast cells.  相似文献   

Summary Iron is essential for tumor cell growth. Previous studies have demonstrated that apart from transferrin-bound iron uptake, mammalian cells also possess a transport system capable of efficiently obtaining iron from small molecular weight iron chelates (Sturrock et al., 1990). In the present study, we have examined the ability of tumor cells to grow in the presence of low molecular weight iron chelates of citrate. In chemically defined serum-free medium, most human tumor cell lines required either transferrin (5 μg/ml) or a higher concentration of ferric citrate (500 μM) as an iron source. However, we have also found that from 13 human cell lines tested, 4 were capable of long-term growth in transferrin-free medium with a substantially lower concentration of ferric citrate (5 μM). When grown in medium containing transferrin, both regular and low-iron dependent cell lines use transferrin-bound iron. Growth of both cell types in transferrin medium was inhibited to a certain degree by monoclonal antibody 42/6, which specifically blocks the binding of transferrin to the transferrin receptor. On the contrary, growth of low-iron dependent cell lines in transferrin-free, low-iron medium (5 μM ferric citrate) could not be inhibited by monoclonal antibody 42/6. Furthermore, no autocrine production of transferrin was observed. Low-iron dependent cell lines still remain sensitive to iron depletion as the iron(III) chelator, desferrioxamine, inhibited their growth. We conclude that low-iron dependent tumor cells in transferrin-free, low-iron medium may employ a previously unknown mechanism for uptake of non-transferrin-bound iron that allows them to efficiently use low concentrations of ferric citrate as an iron source. The results are discussed in the context of alternative iron uptake mechanisms to the well-characterized receptor-mediated endocytosis process.  相似文献   

The polyamine titers in three cell lines of Nicotiana sylvestris were compared: Type 1, rapidly adapting to NaCl; Type 2, constantly resistant to NaCl; Type 3, a saltsensitive wild strain. During short-term cultivation in MS medium in the presence of 170 mM NaCl (1 passage, 14 d) the changes in polyamine titer in cell suspensions of type 1 (in a slightly adapted state) and non-adapted wild strain (type 3) showed a considerable increase in spermidine and spermine and a decrease in putrescine. After prolonged adaptation to NaCl (20 passages) the putrescine content in the cells of type 1 and of type 2 was increased at the expense of the polyamines. This suggests that the pattern of polyamine titer varies under short- and long-term adaptation to NaCl. The inverse ratio between growth processes and changes in polyamine and proline level indicates that polyamines fulfil primarily a protective and osmorepulatory function in plant cells under NaCl stress.  相似文献   

Summary One bovine mammary epithelial cell clone, designated PS-BME-C1, and two bovine mammary epithelial cell lines, designated PS-BME-L6 and PS-BME-L7, were derived from mammary tissue of a pregnant (270 day) Holstein cow. The cells exhibit the distinctive morphologic characteristics of mammary epithelial cells and express the milk fat globule membrane protein, PAS-III. They form domes when cultured on plastic substrata and acinilike aggregates when cultured on a collagen matrix. These cells are capable of synthesizing and secretingα-lactalbumin andα-s1-casein when cultured on a collagen matrix in the presence of insulin, cortisol, and prolactin. The cells have a near-normal diploid number and do not grow in suspension culture. When transplanted to the cleared mammary fat pads of female athymic nude mice, the cells readily proliferate forming noninvasive palpable spherical cellular masses within 8 wk after inoculation. The cells may become a useful tool to study the regulation of ruminant mammary epithelial cell growth and differentation. This work was supported by the Pennsylvania State University Experiment Station. The PS-BME cells are the property of The Pennsylvania Research Corporation. Scientists interested in obtaining the PS-BME clone or cell lines for their research may request them from the corresponding author.  相似文献   

The effects of anticonvulsant drugs on growth, cholinergic, and GABAergic properties were examined in the neuronal cell clone NG108-15. Cells were exposed for 4 days to valproic acid, phenobarbital, phenytoin, or carbamazepine in concentrations equivalent to therapeutic free levels in human serum. Experiments were also performed with varying concentrations of a recently proposed antiepileptic, gamma-vinyl GABA. Of these five anticonvulsants, cell growth (total protein and cell counts) was decreased with valproic acid and phenytoin but only valproic acid and gamma-vinyl GABA altered neurotransmitter markers. Therapeutic concentrations of valproic acid increased choline acetyltransferase activity to 142% of control but had no effect on either the activity of glutamate decarboxylase or the level of GABA. The effects of a higher (toxic) concentration of valproic acid (200 g/ml) were similar to those induced by the differentiating agent dibutyryl cyclic AMP: both decreased cell growth, enhanced the activity of choline acetyltransferase and reduced the activity of glutamate decarboxylase. Gamma-vinyl GABA had no effect on cholinergic markers but, at 1300 g/ml, increased GABA levels to 135% of control despite the reduction of glutamate decarboxylase to 68% of control. In the NG108-15 cell clone, anticonvulsants have varying effects on cell growth, differentiation, and neurotransmitter systems. Our findings do not support the proposal that the mechanism of action for valproic acid, phenobarbital, phenytoin, and carbamazepine is via alteration of GABA levels.  相似文献   

Summary Nine permanent cell lines have been established from five species of salmonids native to America's Pacific Northwest. With the exception of a hepatoma from an adult trout, the lines were derived from normal tissues of embryonic or juvenile fish. Cells were routinely grown in Eagle's minimum essential medium with 10% fetal bovine serum. Optimum growth temperatures for these lines ranged from 21 to 24°C. All survived storage for at least 1 yr at −65°C and at least 5 yr in liquid nitrogen. Six of the lines were demonstrably free of any microbial contamination but mycoplasmas were found in three. Eight of the lines were heteroploid. The morphology of only one was fibroblastic. All the lines effectively replicated one or more of the common salmonid viruses. Isozyme patterns were consistent with those of the species of origin. These cell lines have significant application in fish virology. This work is a result of research sponsored in part by the Oregon State University Sea Grant College Program supported by NOAA Office of Sea Grant, U.S. Department of Commerce, under Grant NA79AA-D-0016 and by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife under PL-89304 Anadromous Fish Act and is Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Paper 6857.  相似文献   

Summary Cell extracts of five mosquito cell lines and a tick cell line were examined for four cellular isozymes using a cellulose-acetate electrophoretic technique. This method distinguished the cell lines that were derived from the different species. Intraspecies distinctions were not made using the cell lines tested; the significance of this finding is discussed. The usefulness of this technique in identifying a potentially mislabeled cell line was demonstrated. This research was supported by contracts, DADA 17-72C-2170 of the U.S. Army and N00014-78C-0104 of the U.S. Office of Naval Research and grants from the World Health Organization and the Rockefeller Foundation.  相似文献   

We report the use of three classes of variants from the long-established malignantly transformed LM cell line to demonstrate that the apparent mobility of cell surface receptors need not be dependent on the expression of the transformed phenotype in vitro.  相似文献   

Steady state metabolic parameters for hybridoma cell line H22 were determined over a wide range of cell densities and specific growth rates in a filtration based homogeneous perfusion reactor. Operating the reactor at perfusion rates of 0.75, 2.0, and 2.9 day(-1)(each at four different specific growth rates), viable cell densities as high as 2 x 10(7) cells/mL were obtained. For the cell line under investigation, the specific monoclonal antibody production rate was found to be a strong function of the viable cell density, increasing with increasing cell density. In contrast, most of the substrate consumption and product formation rates were strong functions of the specific growth rate. Substrate metabolism became more efficient at high cell densities and low specific growth rates. The Specific rates of metabolite formation and the apparent yields of lactate from glucose and ammonia from glutamine decreased at low specific growth rates and high cell densities. While the specific oxygen consumption rate was independent of the specific growth rate and cell density, ATP production was more oxidative at lower specific growth rate and higher cell density. These observed shifts are strong indications of the production potential of high-density perfusion culture. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

ARPE-19, a human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell line, has been widely used in studies of RPE function as well as gene expression. Here, we report the novel finding that N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide (fenretinide), a synthetic retinoic acid derivative and a potential chemopreventive agent against cancer, induced the differentiation of ARPE-19 cells into a neuronal phenotype. The treated cells lost their epithelial phenotype and exhibited a typical neuronal shape with long processes (four to five times longer than the cell body). The onset of fenretinide-induced neuronal differentiation was dose and time dependent, started within 1-2 days, and lasted at least 4 weeks. Immunohistochemical studies indicated that the expression of neurofilament proteins (NF160 and NF200), calretinin and neural cell adhesion molecule was increased in these differentiated cells. Western blot analysis indicated that cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein, which is normally expressed in RPE cells, was decreased in treated cells. Protein analysis on a two-dimensional gel followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometric analysis demonstrated that heat-shock protein 70 was increased after fenretinide treatment. Thus, fenretinide, a synthetic retinoid, is able to induce neuronal differentiation of human RPE cells in culture.  相似文献   

Extracellular nucleotides modulate synaptic transmission and neuronal communication by activating purinergic 2 (P2) (nucleotide) receptors. Here, we assessed changes in the regulation by nucleotides and their receptors of an important physiological response - release and uptake of catecholamines - that accompanies sympathoadrenal neuronal differentiation. Nerve growth factor (NGF)-promoted differentiation of pheochromocytoma 12 (PC12) cells enhanced the ability of the non-hydrolyzable ATP analog, ATPgammaS, to stimulate catecholamine (norepinephrine, NE) release and this enhancement occurred without a significant alteration in NE uptake. In addition to ATPgammaS, 2-MeSATP and alphabetaMeATP, P2X receptor-selective agonists, caused greater NE release from NGF-differentiated than from undifferentiated PC12 cells. NGF-differentiated PC12 cells had altered mRNA expression of several P2Y and P2X receptors but protein expression was only increased for P2X, in particular P2X(1-4,) receptors and P2X, but not P2Y, receptor inhibitors blunted the NGF-promoted enhancement in nucleotide-regulated catecholamine release. Surprisingly, siRNA directed against P2X(2), the receptor with the highest expression, failed to alter NE release by ATPgammaS. These findings indicate that sympathetic neuronal differentiation by NGF increases both the expression of P2X receptor sub-types and their regulation of catecholamine release. NGF-promoted increased expression of P2X receptors thus appears to be a physiologically important response that characterizes sympathetic neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

Suppression of proliferation of cells which contain stable or stabilized mRNA coded for a protein to be produced, a partial mimic of cell differentiation, was examined for enhancing protein production by cultured mammalian cells. Hybridoma 2E3 cells which were adapted to be interleukin-6 sensitively growth-suppressed accumulated the mRNA of IgG1 which is reported stable, and IgG1 production rate increased as a result when their growth was suppressed with interleukin-6. A myeloma cell line was similarly adapted; the obtained myeloma cells can be used as host cells for enhancing production of exogenous proteins by suppressing growth with interleukin-6. Temperature-sensitively growth-suppressible mutants of mouse mammary carcinoma FM3A were transfected with cDNA of IgM 1 chain and cultured at nonpermissive temperature to enhance production of 1. Addition of various growth-suppressive reagents to culture medium was studied for finding methods suitable for suppressing growth while maintaining high cell viability. Caffeine yielded the best results among these reagents. Deprivation of various growth-supporting components in culture medium was also tested; simultaneous deprivation of insulin and transferrin viably suppressed growth of hybridoma 2E3 cells, resulting in enhanced antibody productivity.Abbreviations IL6 recombinant human interleukin-6 - TGF- recombinant human TGF-1 - X63.653-P3X63 Ag8.653 myeloma  相似文献   

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