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Entomopathogenic bacilli B. thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) and B. sphaericus (Bf) exhibit low survival on field application. It was previously shown that their spores are very sensitive to different stress effectors (heat, UV light) and especially to osmotic variations. Since SASP (Small, Acid-Soluble Spore Proteins), α/β and γ type, are involved in spore tolerance to heat, UV light, peroxide, and salt, they were analyzed in Bti and Bf. The molecular weight, migration pattern and amino acid composition of different SASP were determined and compared with other bacilli, in particular to B. subtilis. A relation between spore osmotolerance, SASP content, and amino acid composition was shown. In addition, the absence of γ SASP in Bti and Bf is discussed. Received: 3 September 1997 / Accepted: 15 October 1997  相似文献   

The use of 1 N HCl for extraction of small, acid-soluble proteins (SASP) from different Bacillus spore species was examined. The extracts were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography and matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry and were found to be both qualitatively and quantitatively superior to extraction by acetonitrile-5% trifluoroacetic acid (70:30, vol/vol). Both major and minor α/β- and γ-type SASP were characterized by their molecular masses or tryptic peptide maps and by searches of both protein and unannotated genome databases. For all but 1 pair (B. cereus T and B. thuringiensis subsp. Kurstaki) among the 11 variants studied the suites of SASP masses are distinctive, consistent with the use of these proteins as potential biomarkers for spore identification by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus subtilis contain a number of small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) which comprise up to 20% of total spore core protein. The multiple α/β-type SASP have been shown to confer resistance to UV radiation, heat, peroxides, and other sporicidal treatments. In this study, SASP-defective mutants of B. subtilis and spores deficient in dacB, a mutation leading to an increased core water content, were used to study the relative contributions of SASP and increased core water content to spore resistance to germicidal 254-nm and simulated environmental UV exposure (280 to 400 nm, 290 to 400 nm, and 320 to 400 nm). Spores of strains carrying mutations in sspA, sspB, and both sspA and sspB (lacking the major SASP-α and/or SASP-β) were significantly more sensitive to 254-nm and all polychromatic UV exposures, whereas the UV resistance of spores of the sspE strain (lacking SASP-γ) was essentially identical to that of the wild type. Spores of the dacB-defective strain were as resistant to 254-nm UV-C radiation as wild-type spores. However, spores of the dacB strain were significantly more sensitive than wild-type spores to environmental UV treatments of >280 nm. Air-dried spores of the dacB mutant strain had a significantly higher water content than air-dried wild-type spores. Our results indicate that α/β-type SASP and decreased spore core water content play an essential role in spore resistance to environmentally relevant UV wavelengths whereas SASP-γ does not.Spores of Bacillus spp. are highly resistant to inactivation by different physical stresses, such as toxic chemicals and biocidal agents, desiccation, pressure and temperature extremes, and high fluences of UV or ionizing radiation (reviewed in references 33, 34, and 48). Under stressful environmental conditions, cells of Bacillus spp. produce endospores that can stay dormant for extended periods. The reason for the high resistance of bacterial spores to environmental extremes lies in the structure of the spore. Spores possess thick layers of highly cross-linked coat proteins, a modified peptidoglycan spore cortex, a low core water content, and abundant intracellular constituents, such as the calcium chelate of dipicolinic acid and α/β-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins (α/β-type SASP), the last two of which protect spore DNA (6, 42, 46, 48, 52). DNA damage accumulated during spore dormancy is also efficiently repaired during spore germination (33, 47, 48). UV-induced DNA photoproducts are repaired by spore photoproduct lyase and nucleotide excision repair, DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) by nonhomologous end joining, and oxidative stress-induced apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites by AP endonucleases and base excision repair (15, 26-29, 34, 43, 53, 57).Monochromatic 254-nm UV radiation has been used as an efficient and cost-effective means of disinfecting surfaces, building air, and drinking water supplies (31). Commonly used test organisms for inactivation studies are bacterial spores, usually spores of Bacillus subtilis, due to their high degree of resistance to various sporicidal treatments, reproducible inactivation response, and safety (1, 8, 19, 31, 48). Depending on the Bacillus species analyzed, spores are 10 to 50 times more resistant than growing cells to 254-nm UV radiation. In addition, most of the laboratory studies of spore inactivation and radiation biology have been performed using monochromatic 254-nm UV radiation (33, 34). Although 254-nm UV-C radiation is a convenient germicidal treatment and relevant to disinfection procedures, results obtained by using 254-nm UV-C are not truly representative of results obtained using UV wavelengths that endospores encounter in their natural environments (34, 42, 50, 51, 59). However, sunlight reaching the Earth''s surface is not monochromatic 254-nm radiation but a mixture of UV, visible, and infrared radiation, with the UV portion spanning approximately 290 to 400 nm (33, 34, 36). Thus, our knowledge of spore UV resistance has been constructed largely using a wavelength of UV radiation not normally reaching the Earth''s surface, even though ample evidence exists that both DNA photochemistry and microbial responses to UV are strongly wavelength dependent (2, 30, 33, 36).Of recent interest in our laboratories has been the exploration of factors that confer on B. subtilis spores resistance to environmentally relevant extreme conditions, particularly solar UV radiation and extreme desiccation (23, 28, 30, 34 36, 48, 52). It has been reported that α/β-type SASP but not SASP-γ play a major role in spore resistance to 254-nm UV-C radiation (20, 21) and to wet heat, dry heat, and oxidizing agents (48). In contrast, increased spore water content was reported to affect B. subtilis spore resistance to moist heat and hydrogen peroxide but not to 254-nm UV-C (12, 40, 48). However, the possible roles of SASP-α, -β, and -γ and core water content in spore resistance to environmentally relevant solar UV wavelengths have not been explored. Therefore, in this study, we have used B. subtilis strains carrying mutations in the sspA, sspB, sspE, sspA and sspB, or dacB gene to investigate the contributions of SASP and increased core water content to the resistance of B. subtilis spores to 254-nm UV-C and environmentally relevant polychromatic UV radiation encountered on Earth''s surface.  相似文献   

Cleavage of Viral Precursor Proteins In Vivo and In Vitro   总被引:26,自引:18,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The use of protease inhibitors causes the accumulation of very large polypeptides (polyprotein) in tissue culture cells infected with either poliovirus or echovirus 12. The effectiveness of the inhibitor varies, depending on the cell line chosen. In infected monkey kidney cells, polyprotein is not cleaved when a chymotrypsin inhibitor is added, but in infected HeLa cells a trypsin inhibitor is most effective. Therefore, at least a part of the proteolytic activity is supplied by the host cell. Extracted viral polyprotein can be cleaved in vitro by trypsin or chymotrypsin. As estimated by migration in sodium dodecyl sulfate gels and antigenicity, chymotrypsin cleavage of the poliovirus polyprotein yields fragments which are similar to the in vivo product. The polyprotein is not in soluble form but is attached to a fast-sedimenting, membrane-bound structure. Proteolytic activities in cell extracts were assayed using polyprotein as substrate, and infected and uninfected extracts produced qualitatively dissimilar cleavages.  相似文献   

Germination of Bacillus spores requires degradation of a modified layer of peptidoglycan (PG) termed the spore cortex by two redundant cortex-lytic enzymes (CLEs), CwlJ and SleB, plus SleB''s partner protein, YpeB. In this study, in vitro and in vivo analyses have been used to clarify the roles of individual SleB and YpeB domains in PG degradation. Purified mature Bacillus cereus SleB without its signal sequence (SleBM) and the SleB C-terminal catalytic domain (SleBC) efficiently triggered germination of decoated Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus subtilis spores lacking endogenous CLEs; previously, SleB''s N-terminal domain (SleBN) was shown to bind PG but have no enzymatic activity. YpeB lacking its putative membrane anchoring sequence (YpeBM) or its N- and C-terminal domains (YpeBN and YpeBC) alone did not exhibit degradative activity, but YpeBN inhibited SleBM and SleBC activity in vitro. The severe germination defect of B. subtilis cwlJ sleB or cwlJ sleB ypeB spores was complemented by ectopic expression of full-length sleB [sleB(FL)] and ypeB [ypeB(FL)], but normal levels of SleBFL in spores required normal spore levels of YpeBFL and vice versa. sleB(FL) or ypeB(FL) alone, sleB(FL) plus ypeB(C) or ypeB(N), and sleB(C) or sleB(N) plus ypeB(FL) did not complement the cortex degradation defect in cwlJ sleB ypeB spores. In addition, ectopic expression of sleB(FL) or cwlJ(FL) with a Glu-to-Gln mutation in a predicted active-site residue failed to restore the germination of cwlJ sleB spores, supporting the role of this invariant glutamate as the key catalytic residue in SleB and CwlJ.  相似文献   

Absorption of methionine and its sulfoxide was investigated in vitro with everted sacs and in situ with circulated loops of rat small intestine. Transmural transport and tissue accumulation of methionine sulfoxide in the everted sacs were in fair agreement with those of methionine. Apparent kinetic parameters for the difference of transmural transport in the absence and presence of 10?5 m carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, i.e. for the energy-dependent active transport, were similar for both methionine and its sulfoxide. Methionine was found at a low level in the serosal fluid of the everted sac on incubation with methionine sulfoxide. It was attributed to the methionine leaked out from the tissue but not to that formed by reduction of methionine sulfoxide during the course of intestinal transport. Similar transport was also observed in situ in circulated intestinal loops for methionine and its sulfoxide. The absorption efficiency of methionine sulfoxide in the small intestine is not the reason for the decreased nutritional availability of the most likely oxidation product of methionine.  相似文献   

Bacillus sp. strain SG-1 is a marine bacterial species isolated from a near-shore manganese sediment sample. Its mature dormant spores promote the oxidation of Mn2+ to MnO2. By quantifying the amounts of immobilized and oxidized manganese, it was established that bound manganese was almost instantaneously oxidized. When the final oxidation of manganese by the spores was partly inhibited by NaN3 or anaerobiosis, an equivalent decrease in manganese immobilization was observed. After formation of a certain amount of MnO2 by the spores, the oxidation rate decreased. A maximal encrustment was observed after which no further oxidation occurred. The oxidizing activity could be recovered by reduction of the MnO2 with hydroxylamine. Once the spores were encrusted, they could bind significant amounts of manganese, even when no oxidation occurred. Purified spore coat preparations oxidized manganese at the same rate as intact spores. During the oxidation of manganese in spore coat preparations, molecular oxygen was consumed and protons were liberated. The data indicate that a spore coat component promoted the oxidation of Mn2+ in a biologically catalyzed process, after adsorption of the ion to incipiently formed MnO2. Eventually, when large amounts of MnO2 were allowed to accumulate, the active sites were masked and further oxidation was prevented.  相似文献   

含硫氨基酸甲硫氨酸在体内易被胞内、外活性氧氧化为甲硫氨酸-R,S-亚砜。蛋白质肽链中的甲硫氨酸残基被氧化后,蛋白活性发生显著改变,如钙调素与钙调素结合蛋白亲和力的下降、钙离子/钙调素依赖性蛋白激酶Ⅱ的激活、钾离子通道ShC/B失活动力学的改变。多数生物都存在一个msrA基因和1~3个msrB基因,编码两种序列和结构都明显不同的酶:甲硫氨酸亚砜还原酶A(MsrA)和甲硫氨酸亚砜还原酶B(MsrB),分别还原甲硫氨酸-S-亚砜和甲硫氨酸-R-亚砜。两种酶的催化机制基本相同,其活性中心结构互为镜像。两种还原酶分布于体内不同器官及各种亚细胞结构。对于MsrA活性的研究,已有30年的历史,最初主要集中在低等生物,已发现MsrA对于延缓衰老和神经退行性疾病具有重要作用,也是致病菌的主要毒力因子。最近10年对MsrB也进行了系统研究,并取得了重要进展。人们正在逐渐认识到这些酶在细胞信号蛋白分子活性调节中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Germinating spores of Bacillus subtilis mutants which lack small, acid-soluble spore proteins α and β did not exhibit the transient elevated UV resistance seen during germination of wild-type spores.  相似文献   

Measles virus protein synthesis has been analyzed in acutely and persistently infected cells. To assess the role of measles in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), measles viral proteins synthesized in vivo or in vitro were tested for reactivity with serum from a guinea pig(s) immunized with measles virus and sera from patients with SSPE. Guinea pig antimeasles virus serum immunoprecipitates the viral polypeptides of 78,000 molecular weight (glycosylated [G]), 70,000 molecular weight (phosphorylated [P]), 60,000 molecular weight (nucleocapsid [N]), and 35,000 molecular weight (matrix [M]) from cells acutely infected with measles virus as well as from chronically infected cells, but in the latter case, immunoprecipitated M protein has a reduced electrophoretic migration. Sera of SSPE patients immunoprecipitated all but the G protein in acutely infected cells and only the P and N proteins from chronically infected cells. In immunoprecipitates of viral polypeptides synthesized in a reticulocyte cell-free translation system, in response to mRNA from acutely or persistently infected cells, the 78,000-molecular-weight form of the G protein was not detected among the cell-free products of either mRNA. Guinea pig antimeasles virus serum immunoprecipitated P, N, and M polypeptides from the products of either form of mRNA, whereas SSPE serum immunoprecipitated the P and N polypeptides but not the M polypeptide. The differences in immunoreactivity of the antimeasles virus antiserum and the SSPE serum are discussed in terms of possible modifications of measles virus proteins in SSPE.  相似文献   

Ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) killed wild-type Bacillus subtilis spores as rapidly as spores lacking small, acid-soluble proteins (SASP) of the α/β type (αβ spores), and 20% of the survivors had obvious mutations. A recA mutation increased the EMS sensitivity of wild-type and αβ spores similarly but reduced their mutagenesis; EMS treatment of dormant spores also resulted in the induction of RecA synthesis during spore germination. EMS generated similar levels of alkylated bases in wild-type and αβ spore DNAs, in purified DNA, or in DNA saturated with α/β-type SASP. Ethylene oxide (EtO) also generated similar levels of base alkylation in wild-type and αβ spore DNAs. These data indicate that EMS and EtO kill spores at least in part by DNA damage but that α/β-type SASP, which protect DNA against many types of damage, do not protect spore DNA from base alkylation.  相似文献   

Among the natural compounds, terpenoids play an important role in the drug discovery process for tropical diseases. The aim of the present work was to isolate antiprotozoal compounds from Ambrosia elatior and A. scabra. The sesquiterpene lactone (STL) cumanin was isolated from A. elatior whereas two other STLs, psilostachyin and cordilin, and one sterol glycoside, daucosterol, were isolated from A. scabra. Cumanin and cordilin were active against Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes showing 50% inhibition concentrations (IC50) values of 12 µM and 26 µM, respectively. Moreover, these compounds are active against bloodstrean trypomastigotes, regardless of the T. cruzi strain tested. Psilostachyin and cumanin were also active against amastigote forms with IC50 values of 21 µM and 8 µM, respectively. By contrast, daucosterol showed moderate activity on epimastigotes and trypomastigotes and was inactive against amastigote forms. We also found that cumanin and psilostachyin exhibited an additive effect in their trypanocidal activity when these two drugs were tested together. Cumanin has leishmanicidal activity with growth inhibition values greater than 80% at a concentration of 5 µg/ml (19 µM), against both L. braziliensis and L. amazonensis promastigotes. In an in vivo model of T. cruzi infection, cumanin was more active than benznidazole, producing an 8-fold reduction in parasitemia levels during the acute phase of the infection compared with the control group, and more importantly, a reduction in mortality with 66% of the animals surviving, in comparison with 100% mortality in the control group. Cumanin also showed nontoxic effects at the doses assayed in vivo, as determined using markers of hepatic damage.  相似文献   

Previous work has suggested that a group of α/β-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) is involved in the resistance of Clostridium perfringens spores to moist heat. However, this suggestion is based on the analysis of C. perfringens spores lacking only one of the three genes encoding α/β-type SASP in this organism. We have now used antisense RNA to decrease levels of α/β-type SASP in C. perfringens spores by ~90%. These spores had significantly reduced resistance to both moist heat and UV radiation but not to dry heat. These results clearly demonstrate the important role of α/β-type SASP in the resistance of C. perfringens spores.  相似文献   

Biological Trace Element Research - Manganese (Mn) is essential for several species and daily requirements are commonly met by an adequate diet. Mn overload may cause motor and psychiatric...  相似文献   

Aggregated alpha-synuclein is the main component of Lewy bodies, intraneuronal deposits observed in Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. The objective of the study was to identify surface-exposed epitopes of alpha-synuclein in vitro and in vivo formed aggregates. Polyclonal immunoglobulin Y antibodies were raised against short linear peptides of the alpha-synuclein molecule. An epitope in the N-terminal region (1–10) and all C-terminal epitopes (90–140) were found to be exposed in an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using recombinant monomeric, oligomeric, and fibrillar alpha-synuclein. In a phospholipid ELISA, the N-terminus and mid-region of alpha-synuclein (i.e., 1–90) were associated with phosphatidylserine and thus occluded from antibody binding. The antibodies that reacted most strongly with epitopes in the in vitro aggregates (i.e., 1–10 and epitopes between positions 90–140) also labeled alpha-synuclein inclusions in brains from transgenic (Thy-1)-h[A30P] alpha-synuclein mice and Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites in brains of patients with alpha-synucleinopathies. However, differences in reactivity were observed with the C-terminal antibodies when brain tissue from human and transgenic mice was compared. Taken together, the study shows that although similar epitopes are exposed in both in vitro and in vivo formed alpha-synuclein inclusions, structural heterogeneity can be observed between different molecular species.  相似文献   

The peptidoglycan cortex of endospores of Bacillus species is required for maintenance of spore dehydration and dormancy, and the structure of the cortex may also allow it to function in attainment of spore core dehydration. A significant difference between spore and growing cell peptidoglycan structure is the low degree of peptide cross-linking in cortical peptidoglycan; regulation of the degree of this cross-linking is exerted by d,d-carboxypeptidases. We report here the construction of mutant B. subtilis strains lacking all combinations of two and three of the four apparent d,d-carboxypeptidases encoded within the genome and the analysis of spore phenotypic properties and peptidoglycan structure for these strains. The data indicate that while the dacA and dacC products have no significant role in spore peptidoglycan formation, the dacB and dacF products both function in regulating the degree of cross-linking of spore peptidoglycan. The spore peptidoglycan of a dacB dacF double mutant was very highly cross-linked, and this structural modification resulted in a failure to achieve normal spore core dehydration and a decrease in spore heat resistance. A model for the specific roles of DacB and DacF in spore peptidoglycan synthesis is proposed.Peptidoglycan (PG) is the structural element of the bacterial cell wall which determines cell shape and which resists the turgor pressure within the cell. The bacterial endospores produced by species of Bacillus, Clostridium, and several other bacterial genera are modified cells that are able to survive long periods and extreme conditions in a dormant, relatively dehydrated state. The PG wall within the endospore is required for maintenance of the dehydrated state (10, 11), which is the major determinant of spore heat resistance (2, 17, 22). Spore PG appears to be comprised of two distinct though contiguous layers. The thin inner layer, the germ cell wall, appears to have a structure similar to that of the vegetative wall and serves as the initial cell wall of the germinated spore (1, 20, 21, 31). The thicker outer layer, the spore cortex, has a modified structure which may determine its ability to carry out roles specific to the spore, and is rapidly degraded during spore germination (1, 20, 35, 37). The most dramatic of the cortex structural modifications results in partial cleavage or complete removal of ∼75% of the peptide side chains from the glycan strands. Loss of these peptides limits the cross-linking potential of the PG and results in the formation of only one peptide cross-link per 35 disaccharide units in the spore PG, compared to one peptide cross-link per 2.3 to 2.9 disaccharide units in the vegetative PG (1, 20, 36). This low degree of cross-linking has been predicted to give spore PG a flexibility that allows it to have a role in attainment of spore core dehydration (14, 34) in addition to its clear role in maintenance of dehydration. We are studying the structure and mechanism of synthesis of spore PG in an attempt to discern the roles of this structure and its individual components in determining spore properties.A family of proteins called the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) polymerizes PG on the external surface of the cell membrane (reviewed in reference 7). The high-molecular-weight (high-MW) members of this family (generally ≥60 kDa) carry the transglycosylase and transpeptidase activities involved in polymerization and cross-linking of the glycan strands. The low-MW PBPs have commonly been found to possess d,d-carboxypeptidase activity. This activity can remove the terminal d-alanine of the peptide side chains and thereby prevent the side chain from serving as a donor in the formation of a peptide cross-link. Analysis of the B. subtilis genome reveals six low-MW PBP-encoding genes: dacA (33), dacB (4), dacC (19), dacF (38), pbpE (23), and pbpX (accession no. Z99112). The four dac gene products exhibit very high sequence similarity to proven d,d-carboxypeptidases, and this activity has been demonstrated in vitro for the dacA and dacB products, PBP5 (12) and PBP5* (32), respectively. The sequences of the pbpE and pbpX products are more distantly related, and no activity has yet been established or ruled out for them.PBP5 is the major penicillin-binding and d,d-carboxypeptidase activity found in vegetative cells (12). Although dacA expression declines significantly during sporulation, a significant amount of PBP5 remains during the time of spore PG synthesis (29). A dacA-null mutation results in no obvious effects on vegetative growth, sporulation, spore characteristics, or spore germination (3, 33). However, loss of PBP5 does result in a reduction of cleavage of peptide side chains from the tetrapeptide to the tripeptide form in the spore PG (20). PBP5* is expressed only during sporulation and only in the mother cell compartment of the sporangium, under the control of the RNA polymerase ςE subunit (4, 5, 28, 29). A dacB-null mutation leading to loss of this d,d-carboxypeptidase results in a fourfold increase in the effective cross-linking of the spore PG (1, 20, 22). This structural change is accompanied by only slight decreases in spore core dehydration and heat resistance (3, 22). The suspected d,d-carboxypeptidase activities of the products of the dacC and dacF genes have not been demonstrated. The latter two genes are expressed only during the postexponential growth phase: dacC is expressed during early stationary phase under the control of ςH (19) and dacF is expressed only within the forespore under the control of ςF (27, 38). Null mutations effecting either gene result in no obvious phenotype and no change in spore PG structure (19, 38).The multiplicity of these proteins in sporulating cells and the lack of effect of loss of some of them suggested redundancy of function among these proteins, a situation observed previously with PBPs of a high-MW class (25, 30, 39). In order to examine this possibility we have constructed mutants lacking multiple low-MW PBPs and have examined their sporulation efficiency, spore PG structure, spore heat resistance and wet density, and spore germination and outgrowth. The present study demonstrates a role for the dacF gene product in synthesis of spore PG, and we also present a model for the roles of the dacB and dacF gene products in spore PG formation.  相似文献   

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