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In this paper, we present a new scheme named ProtClass for automatic classification of three-dimensional (3D) protein structures. It is a dedicated and unified multiclass classification scheme. Neither detailed structural alignment nor multiple binary classifications are required in this scheme. We adopt a nearest neighbor-based classification strategy. We use a filter-and-refine scheme. In the first step, we filter out the improbable answers using the precalculated parameters from the training data. In the second, we perform a relatively more detailed nearest neighbor search on the remaining answers. We use very concise and effective encoding schemes of the 3D protein structures in both steps. We compare our proposed method against two other dedicated protein structure classification schemes, namely SGM and CPMine. The experimental results show that ProtClass is slightly better in accuracy than SGM and much faster. In comparison with CPMine, ProtClass is much more accurate, while their running times are about the same. We also compare ProtClass against a structural alignment-based classification scheme named DALI, which is found to be more accurate, but extremely slow. The software is available upon request from the authors. The supplementary information on ProtClass method can be found at: http://xena1.ddns.comp.nus.edu.sg/ approximately genesis/PClass.htm.  相似文献   

The various roles of versatile non-coding RNAs typically require the attainment of complex high-order structures. Therefore, comparing the 3D structures of RNA molecules can yield in-depth understanding of their functional conservation and evolutionary history. Recently, many powerful tools have been developed to align RNA 3D structures. Although some methods rely on both backbone conformations and base pairing interactions, none of them consider the entire hierarchical formation of the RNA secondary structure. One of the major issues is that directly applying the algorithms of matching 2D structures to the 3D coordinates is particularly time-consuming. In this article, we propose a novel RNA 3D structural alignment tool, STAR3D, to take into full account the 2D relations between stacks without the complicated comparison of secondary structures. First, the 3D conserved stacks in the inputs are identified and then combined into a tree-like consensus. Afterward, the loop regions are compared one-to-one in accordance with their relative positions in the consensus tree. The experimental results show that the prediction of STAR3D is more accurate for both non-homologous and homologous RNAs than other state-of-the-art tools with shorter running time.  相似文献   

We offer a tool, denoted VISTAL, for two-dimensional visualization of protein structural alignments. VISTAL describes aligned structures as a series of matched secondary structure elements, colored according to the three-dimensional distance of their Calpha atoms. AVAILABILITY: VISTAL can be downloaded from http://trantor.bioc.columbia.edu/~kolodny/software.html.  相似文献   

The 3Dee database is a repository of protein structural domains. It stores alternative domain definitions for the same protein, organises domains into sequence and structural hierarchies, contains non-redundant set(s) of sequences and structures, multiple structure alignments for families of domains, and allows previous versions of the database to be regenerated. AVAILABILITY: 3Dee is accessible on the World Wide Web at the URL http://barton.ebi.ac.uk/servers/3Dee.html.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complexes (SCs) are evolutionarily conserved nuclear structures of meiotic cells which form during the zygotene stage of the first meiotic prophase and are responsible for the pairing of homologous chromosomes. Their formation appears to be a prerequisite for crossing-over events and proper chromosome segregation during the first meiotic division. Despite knowledge of their central role in genetic recombination processes very little is known about the molecular composition and the mechanisms governing the assembly of the SCs. In the present study we report on the characterization of a monoclonal antibody (SC14f10) which enabled us to identify a novel SC protein termed SC48. Protein SC48 has a Mr of 48,000 and migrates in two-dimensional gels with a pH value of 6.9. By means of immunogold EM we localized this protein to the central region of the SC. In cell fractionation experiments we recovered protein SC48 together with SC-residual structures in a karyoskeletal fraction of pachytene spermatocytes. Our results indicate that SC48 is a meiosis-specific structural protein component of the SC probably involved in the pairing of homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

The Berkeley Phylogenomics Group presents PhyloFacts, a structural phylogenomic encyclopedia containing almost 10,000 'books' for protein families and domains, with pre-calculated structural, functional and evolutionary analyses. PhyloFacts enables biologists to avoid the systematic errors associated with function prediction by homology through the integration of a variety of experimental data and bioinformatics methods in an evolutionary framework. Users can submit sequences for classification to families and functional subfamilies. PhyloFacts is available as a worldwide web resource from .  相似文献   

Brakoulias A  Jackson RM 《Proteins》2004,56(2):250-260
A method is described for the rapid comparison of protein binding sites using geometric matching to detect similar three-dimensional structure. The geometric matching detects common atomic features through identification of the maximum common sub-graph or clique. These features are not necessarily evident from sequence or from global structural similarity giving additional insight into molecular recognition not evident from current sequence or structural classification schemes. Here we use the method to produce an all-against-all comparison of phosphate binding sites in a number of different nucleotide phosphate-binding proteins. The similarity search is combined with clustering of similar sites to allow a preliminary structural classification. Clustering by site similarity produces a classification of binding sites for the 476 representative local environments producing ten main clusters representing half of the representative environments. The similarities make sense in terms of both structural and functional classification schemes. The ten main clusters represent a very limited number of unique structural binding motifs for phosphate. These are the structural P-loop, di-nucleotide binding motif [FAD/NAD(P)-binding and Rossman-like fold] and FAD-binding motif. Similar classification schemes for nucleotide binding proteins have also been arrived at independently by others using different methods.  相似文献   



Since many of the new protein structures delivered by high-throughput processes do not have any known function, there is a need for structure-based prediction of protein function. Protein 3D structures can be clustered according to their fold or secondary structures to produce classes of some functional significance. A recent alternative has been to detect specific 3D motifs which are often associated to active sites. Unfortunately, there are very few known 3D motifs, which are usually the result of a manual process, compared to the number of sequential motifs already known. In this paper, we report a method to automatically generate 3D motifs of protein structure binding sites based on consensus atom positions and evaluate it on a set of adenine based ligands.  相似文献   

A new approach to the functional classification of protein 3D structures is described with application to some examples from structural genomics. This approach is based on functional site prediction with THEMATICS and POOL. THEMATICS employs calculated electrostatic potentials of the query structure. POOL is a machine learning method that utilizes THEMATICS features and has been shown to predict accurate, precise, highly localized interaction sites. Extension to the functional classification of structural genomics proteins is now described. Predicted functionally important residues are structurally aligned with those of proteins with previously characterized biochemical functions. A 3D structure match at the predicted local functional site then serves as a more reliable predictor of biochemical function than an overall structure match. Annotation is confirmed for a structural genomics protein with the ribulose phosphate binding barrel (RPBB) fold. A putative glucoamylase from Bacteroides fragilis (PDB ID 3eu8) is shown to be in fact probably not a glucoamylase. Finally a structural genomics protein from Streptomyces coelicolor annotated as an enoyl-CoA hydratase (PDB ID 3g64) is shown to be misannotated. Its predicted active site does not match the well-characterized enoyl-CoA hydratases of similar structure but rather bears closer resemblance to those of a dehalogenase with similar fold.  相似文献   



Popular bioinformatics approaches for studying protein functional dynamics include comparisons of crystallographic structures, molecular dynamics simulations and normal mode analysis. However, determining how observed displacements and predicted motions from these traditionally separate analyses relate to each other, as well as to the evolution of sequence, structure and function within large protein families, remains a considerable challenge. This is in part due to the general lack of tools that integrate information of molecular structure, dynamics and evolution.


Here, we describe the integration of new methodologies for evolutionary sequence, structure and simulation analysis into the Bio3D package. This major update includes unique high-throughput normal mode analysis for examining and contrasting the dynamics of related proteins with non-identical sequences and structures, as well as new methods for quantifying dynamical couplings and their residue-wise dissection from correlation network analysis. These new methodologies are integrated with major biomolecular databases as well as established methods for evolutionary sequence and comparative structural analysis. New functionality for directly comparing results derived from normal modes, molecular dynamics and principal component analysis of heterogeneous experimental structure distributions is also included. We demonstrate these integrated capabilities with example applications to dihydrofolate reductase and heterotrimeric G-protein families along with a discussion of the mechanistic insight provided in each case.


The integration of structural dynamics and evolutionary analysis in Bio3D enables researchers to go beyond a prediction of single protein dynamics to investigate dynamical features across large protein families. The Bio3D package is distributed with full source code and extensive documentation as a platform independent R package under a GPL2 license from http://thegrantlab.org/bio3d/.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0399-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

SCOP: a structural classification of proteins database   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  



Formal classification of a large collection of protein structures aids the understanding of evolutionary relationships among them. Classifications involving manual steps, such as SCOP and CATH, face the challenge of increasing volume of available structures. Automatic methods such as FSSP or Dali Domain Dictionary, yield divergent classifications, for reasons not yet fully investigated. One possible reason is that the pairwise similarity scores used in automatic classification do not adequately reflect the judgments made in manual classification. Another possibility is the difference between manual and automatic classification procedures. We explore the degree to which these two factors might affect the final classification.  相似文献   



Classification of newly resolved protein structures is important in understanding their architectural, evolutionary and functional relatedness to known protein structures. Among various efforts to improve the database of Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP), automation has received particular attention. Herein, we predict the deepest SCOP structural level that an unclassified protein shares with classified proteins with an equal number of secondary structure elements (SSEs).  相似文献   

GeMMA (Genome Modelling and Model Annotation) is a new approach to automatic functional subfamily classification within families and superfamilies of protein sequences. A major advantage of GeMMA is its ability to subclassify very large and diverse superfamilies with tens of thousands of members, without the need for an initial multiple sequence alignment. Its performance is shown to be comparable to the established high-performance method SCI-PHY. GeMMA follows an agglomerative clustering protocol that uses existing software for sensitive and accurate multiple sequence alignment and profile–profile comparison. The produced subfamilies are shown to be equivalent in quality whether whole protein sequences are used or just the sequences of component predicted structural domains. A faster, heuristic version of GeMMA that also uses distributed computing is shown to maintain the performance levels of the original implementation. The use of GeMMA to increase the functional annotation coverage of functionally diverse Pfam families is demonstrated. It is further shown how GeMMA clusters can help to predict the impact of experimentally determining a protein domain structure on comparative protein modelling coverage, in the context of structural genomics.  相似文献   



Macromolecular visualization as well as automated structural and functional annotation tools play an increasingly important role in the post-genomic era, contributing significantly towards the understanding of molecular systems and processes. For example, three dimensional (3D) models help in exploring protein active sites and functional hot spots that can be targeted in drug design. Automated annotation and visualization pipelines can also reveal other functionally important attributes of macromolecules. These goals are dependent on the availability of advanced tools that integrate better the existing databases, annotation servers and other resources with state-of-the-art rendering programs.  相似文献   

Goyal K  Mande SC 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1206-1218
High throughput structural genomics efforts have been making the structures of proteins available even before their function has been fully characterized. Therefore, methods that exploit the structural knowledge to provide evidence about the functions of proteins would be useful. Such methods would be needed to complement the sequence-based function annotation approaches. The current study describes generation of 3D-structural motifs for metal-binding sites from the known metalloproteins. It then scans all the available protein structures in the PDB database for putative metal-binding sites. Our analysis predicted more than 1000 novel metal-binding sites in proteins using three-residue templates, and more than 150 novel metal-binding sites using four-residue templates. Prediction of metal-binding site in a yeast protein YDR533c led to the hypothesis that it might function as metal-dependent amidopeptidase. The structural motifs identified by our method present novel metal-binding sites that reveal newer mechanisms for a few well-known proteins.  相似文献   

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