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The observations described in this paper were made during a study of the effects of tropical climate upon Vietnamese and Japanese. We measured rectal and skin temperatures every 10 min for 26 hrs in 6 Vietnamese and 6 Japanese. The experiments have been conducted for 2 hot months, June and July 1999 and 2000 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The ambient temperatures ranged from 33 to 36 degrees C. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) Skin temperatures at thigh, forearm and hand during the daytime were significantly higher in the Vietnamese subjects than in the Japanese ones. It would be physiological reactions to warm ambient temperatures, which is advantageous for dissipation of body heat. 2) The average rectal temperature during the daytime is significantly higher in the Vietnamese than in the Japanese, while significantly lower at night. 3) Average range of oscillation of rectal temperature was 1.26 degrees C in the Vietnamese, which was clearly greater than in the Japanese. The higher core temperature, which was actively regulated under warm temperature, seemed of adaptive significance, resulting in the reduction of water consumption like camels in the desert. A greater range of oscillation in tropical Vietnamese people might have ecological significance for efficient acclimatization in the warm environment, suggesting that the setpoint of core temperature could show a greater range of oscillation.  相似文献   

Many wildlife species are live captured, sampled, and released; for polar bears (Ursus maritimus) capture often requires chemical immobilization via helicopter darting. Polar bears reduce their activity for approximately 4 days after capture, likely reflecting stress recovery. To better understand this stress, we quantified polar bear activity (via collar-mounted accelerometers) and body temperature (via loggers in the body core [Tabd] and periphery [Tper]) during 2–6 months of natural behavior, and during helicopter recapture and immobilization. Recapture induced bouts of peak activity higher than those that occurred during natural behavior for 2 of 5 bears, greater peak Tper for 3 of 6 bears, and greater peak Tabd for 1 of 6 bears. High body temperature (>39.0°C) occurred in Tper for 3 of 6 individuals during recapture and 6 of 6 individuals during natural behavior, and in Tabd for 2 of 6 individuals during recapture and 3 of 6 individuals during natural behavior. Measurements of Tabd and Tper correlated with rectal temperatures measured after immobilization, supporting the use of rectal temperatures for monitoring bear response to capture. Using a larger dataset (n = 66 captures), modeling of blood biochemistry revealed that maximum ambient temperature during recapture was associated with a stress leukogram (7–26% decline in percent lymphocytes, 12–21% increase in percent neutrophils) and maximum duration of helicopter operations had a similar but smaller effect. We conclude that polar bear activity and body temperature during helicopter capture are similar to that which occurs during the most intense events of natural behavior; high body temperature, especially in warm capture conditions, is a key concern; additional study of stress leukograms in polar bears is needed; and additional data collection regarding capture operations would be useful.  相似文献   

Twenty-four serum chemistries were measured in blood samples collected from 20 adult female black bears (Ursus americanus) and their offspring, including 14 yearlings and 37 cubs, in northeastern Pennsylvania during winter 1984. Four other captive adult females were bled before, during, and after they were subjected to unseasonably warm temperatures during February. Levels of serum urea nitrogen (SUN) and creatinine were lower (P less than 0.05), and iron was higher (P less than 0.05) in male cubs compared to female cubs; serum chemistries were similar (P greater than or equal to 0.05) between sexes for yearlings. Total protein, albumin and creatinine levels increased with age of bears, whereas chloride, alkaline phosphatase, potassium, inorganic phosphorus and SUN/creatinine were higher (P less than 0.05) in cubs than in yearlings and adults. The relatively high serum calcium in cubs was probably related to rapid bone development and dietary intake of calcium during winter dormancy in cubs. Low serum calcium in adults was attributed to lactation and a lack of dietary intake. Urea/creatinine ratios averaged 5.5 and 4.6 for yearling females and males, respectively, 6.3 for adult females, and 29.0 and 22.8 for female and male cubs, respectively. Levels of serum chemistries of black bears apparently are relatively stable during winter denning, when bears are without food or water and do not urinate or defecate for several months. This stability indicates that black bears are resistant to the extremes in extrinsic environmental conditions. Abnormal blood chemistry values may indicate metabolic stresses that are not being controlled by bears.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) and sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) are sympatric in mainland Southeast Asia and face similar threats of habitat loss and commercial poaching. They are rarely seen but leave distinct signs, especially claw marks on climbed trees. These markings, which are potentially valuable indicators of presence, population status, and behavior of black bears and sun bears, have limited usefulness if the 2 species cannot be differentiated. We measured 121 claw mark imprints on climbed trees from 43 known (mainly captive) individual black bears and sun bears of both sexes in Thailand and Cambodia. The span across the markings made by 3, 4, or 5 claws from the hind foot was significantly greater for black bears than sun bears. We developed discriminant function models with these variables and arranged them in a 3-step process that distinguished claw marks as either sun bear, black bear, or indeterminate. This procedure correctly classified 95% of claw marks from the experimental animals. Tested on wild bears (at sites where only one species occurred), the procedure correctly classified 91% of claw marks of black bears in China (n = 94) and 100% of claw marks of sun bears in Indonesia (n = 32). The main limitation of the method was in distinguishing young, small black bears (cubs and yearlings) from sun bears. Nevertheless, application of these findings will be valuable in bear research and monitoring programs throughout Southeast Asia, where sign surveys have, until now, been hampered by the inability to differentiate these 2 ecologically and behaviorally similar species. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):814–821; 2008)  相似文献   

Adult male and female Beagle dogs (eight total) were exposed individually, in series, to each of 23 effective temperatures for a period of 2 hours or until rectal temperature increased 1.1 degrees C. Rectal temperature was measured to the nearest 0.1 degree C by thermistor probes in the pre-test condition (basal temperature) and at each 5-minute interval during the test conditions (effective temperatures between 21.1 degrees C and 34.7 degrees C). The frequency at which dogs displayed a 1.1 degree C rise in rectal temperature was related to the magnitude of the effective temperature. At an effective temperature of 32.6 degrees C or greater, 100% of the dogs displayed a 1.1 degree C rise in rectal temperature. Between an effective temperature of 29.3 degrees C and 31.4 degrees C, some animals displayed a 1.1 degree C rise while others did not. At an effective temperature of 28.4 degrees C or below no animals displayed a 1.1 degree C rise. The mean time necessary for a 1.1 degree C rise was negatively correlated (P less than 0.01) to the magnitude of the effective temperature. The minimum effective temperature necessary to increase rectal temperature by 1.1 degree C in male Beagles (29.6 +/- 1.0 degree C) was not significantly different from females (30.8 +/- 0.4 degrees C).  相似文献   

Sympatric black bears (Ursus americanus) and brown bears (Ursus arctos) are common in many boreal systems; however, few predator assemblages are known to coexist on a single seasonally abundant large prey item. In lowland southwestern interior Alaska, black bears and brown bears are considered the primary cause of moose (Alces alces) calf mortality during the first 6 weeks of life. The objective of this study was to document habitat use of global-positioning system (GPS)-collared black bears during peak and non-peak seasons of black bear-induced and brown bear-induced moose calf mortality within southwestern interior Alaska, in spring 2002. We compared habitats of GPS-collared black bears to those of presumably uncollared black bears and brown bears at their moose calf mortality sites. Results from this study suggest that GPS-collared black bears use similar habitat as conspecifics more than expected during the peak period of black bear predation on moose calves, whereas they use habitat in proportion to home range availability during the peak in brown bear predation on moose calves. Sex-specific Ivlev's electivity indices describe greater than expected use of mixed-deciduous forest and needleleaf forest by male GPS-collared black bears during the peak of moose calf predation, whereas females have a tendency to use these habitats less than expected. Juvenile GPS-collared black bears largely use the same habitat as other sympatric predators during the peak of moose calf predation, whereas during the non-peak period juveniles use opposite habitats as adult GPS-collared black bears. The outcome of this study offers possible explanations (e.g., sex, age) for spatial overlap or segregation in one member of a complex predator guild in relation to a seasonal pulse of preferred prey.  相似文献   

A study on the effects of different color temperatures of fluorescent lamps on skin and rectal temperatures in a moderately cold environment involving (i) changes in skin temperature of 7 male subjects exposed to an ambient temperature ranging from 28 degrees C to 18 degrees C (experiment I) and (ii) changes in skin and rectal temperatures and metabolic heat production of 11 male subjects exposed to ambient temperature of 15 degrees C for 90 min (Experiment II) was conducted. In Experiment I, the reduction of mean skin temperature from the control value was significantly greater under 3000 K than under 5000 K or 7500 K lighting. In Experiment II, the reductions in mean skin temperature and rectal temperature were respectively greater and smaller under 3000 K than those under 5000 K or 7500 K lighting. However, metabolic heat production was not affected by color temperature conditions. The relationships between morphological and physiological parameters revealed that no significant relation of rectal temperature to body surface area per unit body weight was found only under 3000 K. Furthermore, while the mean skin temperature was independent on the mean skinfold thickness under 3000 K, a significant negative correlation between the rectal and mean skin temperatures was observed. Therefore, body heat loss might be suppressed effectively by increasing the vasoconstrictor tone under a color temperature of 3000 K, and the body shell was dependent only on morphological factors under 5000 K and 7500 K lighting.  相似文献   

Adult plum curculios, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), were dislodged from branches of apple trees by tapping on 14 days between blossom petal fall and 3 weeks thereafter. They fell onto a small square of framed white cloth that was quickly but carefully moved to a position beneath or adjacent to the canopy of another apple tree.There, adults were observed for 50-min periods from 0800–1950 h for propensity to fly from or walk off the cloth or move to hide beneath foliage on the cloth. At each position, the mean time from observation initiation until flight, walking off or hiding did not differ significantly among these behaviors (averaging 21–30 min), but significantly more flew (31–40%) than crawled off (16–19%) or hid (18–20%). Substantial walking off but no flights occurred at air temperatures below 20 °C, whereas at temperatures of 20 °C or greater, propensity for flight was usually significantly greater than that for walking off.Flights were predominantly toward the tree canopy or inter-tree space, with only a small proportion (17% or less) toward the tree trunk or (in a parallel study) toward an unbaited black pyramid trap (mimicking a tree trunk). Walking was overwhelmingly toward the tree trunk or a black pyramid trap adjacent to the trunk. Our observations lead us to conclude that unbaited black pyramid traps next to trunks of host trees (the most attractive position) can be effective at air temperatures below 20 °C by attracting plum curculio adults that would have entered host trees by walking toward and up tree trunks.Such traps appear to be less effective at 20 °C or greater because under such conditions, adults tend to enter host trees by flight into the canopy.  相似文献   

Swab specimens were obtained from nasal, rectal, and preputial or vaginal areas of 37 grizzly and 17 black bears, captured during May to June of 1981 to 1983, to determine the types and frequency of predominant aerobic microflora. Bacterial genera most frequently isolated from bears were Escherichia, Citrobacter, Hafnia, Proteus, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus species, comprising about 65% of the isolates. Erwinia, Xanthomonas, Agrobacterium, Rhizobium, and Gluconobacter/Acetobacter were also isolated but at lower frequencies (less than 5%). Comparison of bacterial generic composition using similarity quotient values showed no appreciable differences between grizzly and black bear flora. Also, no outstanding differences in bacterial generic composition were observed among grizzly bear samples; however, differences were noted among black bear samples. Fungal genera most commonly encountered included Cryptococcus, Rhodotorula, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Sporobolomyces, and Candida. In general, the microflora of both bear types were marked by generic diversity and random distribution. The majority of microorganisms isolated from the plant samples in the study area were also found in bear samples. This observation and the presence of certain water and soil bacteria in samples from bears suggest that the predominant microflora of both grizzly and black bears were transient and probably influenced by their foraging habits and surrounding environments.  相似文献   

In sub-Arctic and north-temperate ecosystems, opportunistic carnivores, such as black bears (Ursus americanus) and brown bears (Ursus arctos), are active on the landscape for a shorter period annually than sympatric gray wolves (Canis lupus). Therefore, bear movement patterns and habitat use might be expected to be more deliberate and of greater consequence, in terms of energy acquisition, than those of predators not undergoing hibernation. Habitat choices concerning feeding, bedding, and denning grounds made by black bears therefore should reflect seasonal abundance and distribution of vegetation and key prey items as these are sites where bears remain and forage for prolonged periods of time. We recorded the movement patterns of 6 GPS-collared black bears from den emergence to onset of moose (Alces alces) parturition in 2003. Over approximately 3 weeks prior to parturition, results from average distance calculations suggest that black bears moved closer to probable moose calving-site habitat. Additionally, the seasonal habitat use by black bears surrounding dens reflected the same trend for areas where cow moose gave birth in spring 2003, with a propensity to use needleleaf forest more than any other habitat.  相似文献   

Timber interests target coastal temperate rainforests, and within them stands composed of large trees potentially selected by American black bears (Ursus americanus) for denning. We identified the location of 75 black bear dens (used ≥14 days) in an intensively logged area on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, USA. We ground-visited a subset (n = 43) of these sites to measure the diameter of living trees and woody structures used by black bears for denning. We contrasted dens with random trees available in the study area in a series of models to characterize black bear den selection. All but 1 of 43 ground-visited dens were located within woody structures, and all but 2 of these structures were >1 m diameter at breast height (dbh). We built resource selection functions (RSFs) to investigate black bear den selection across a range of spatial scales, though estimated selection was generally scale invariant. Black bears strongly selected large-diameter woody structures (dead or alive) as dens at the home-range scale, with the estimated relative strength of selection (RSS) for a 2-m-diameter tree approximately 166 times that of a 1-m-diameter tree. The estimated RSS of logged forest was unexpectedly greater (2.75 times) than that of the remaining commercially valuable old-growth forest. Selection for den structures within stumps in previously logged stands suggests features of the woody structure may be of greater importance to black bears selecting dens than attributes of the surrounding forest. There was no observed correlation between bear den selection and second-growth age, indicating that stumps may persist as suitable dens well after logging. Because denning is an important part of their life history and the denning structures used by black bears on Prince of Wales Island will eventually decay, retaining habitat value for bears in areas intensively managed for timber harvest requires strategies to recruit very large, old trees throughout the landscape. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether heat shock protein 72 (HSP72) is induced in a heated rat model at rectal temperatures below 42 degrees C. Rats were divided into a control group and six groups (n = 6) heated to different rectal temperatures: 39 degrees C for 1 h (39), 40.0 degrees C for either 15 min (40S) or 1 h (40L), 41.0 degrees C for either 15 min (41S) or 1 h (41L) and 42.0 degrees C for 15 min (42). Tissues were sampled 4 h after heating. Following 1 h at 40.0 degrees C, HSP72 was significantly elevated in heart (p < 0.005), but not in gut or liver tissue. In all three tissues, HSP72 was significantly elevated under the conditions 41L and 42 compared to control tissue (p < 0.005). Marked differences were found in the amount of HSP72 induced in different tissues in response to the same heat stress. Duration of heating was important in modulating HSP72 induction, with a significantly greater induction of HSP72 following 1 h compared to 15 min at 41 degrees C in all three tissues (p < 0.02). A correlation was found between thermal load and HSP72 content in liver, heart (both p < 0.01) and gut (p < 0.001) for the rats heated to 41 and 42 degrees C. These data show that HSP72 is induced at temperatures below 42 degrees C, with striking differences between tissues.  相似文献   

Eight healthy and physically well-trained male students exercised on a treadmill for 60 min while being immersed in water to the middle of the chest in a laboratory flowmill. The water velocity was adjusted so that the intensity of exercise correspond to 50% maximal oxygen uptake of each subject, and experiments were performed once at each of three water temperatures: 25, 30, 35°C, following a 30-min control period in air at 25°C, and on a treadmill in air at an ambient temperature of 25°C. Thermal states during rest and exercise were determined by measuring rectal and skin temperatures at various points, and mean skin temperatures were calculated. The intensity of exercise was monitored by measuring oxygen consumption, and heart rate was monitored as an indicator for cardiovascular function. At each water temperature, identical oxygen consumption levels were attained during exercise, indicating that no extra heat was produced by shivering at the lowest water temperature. The slight rise in rectal temperature during exercise was not influenced by the water temperature. The temperatures of skin exposed to air rose slightly during exercise at 25°C and 30°C water temperature and markedly at 35°C. The loss of body mass increased with water temperature indicating that both skin blood flow and sweating during exercise increased with the rise in water temperature. The rise in body temperature provided the thermoregulatory drive for the loss of the heat generated during exercise. Heart rate increased most during exercise in water at 35°C, most likely due to enhanced requirements for skin blood flow. Although such requirements were certainly smallest at 25°C water temperature, heart rate at this temperature was slightly higher than at 30°C suggesting reflex activation of sympathetic control by cold signals from the skin. There was a significantly greater increase in mean skin and rectal temperatures in subjects exercising on the treadmill in air, compared to those exercising in water at 25°C. Accepted: 22 May 1998  相似文献   

Newborn southern elephant seal pups were reported by Laws (1953) to be "to some extent poikilothermic at birth." Rectal temperatures of known age southern elephant seal pups were recorded during the 1985 pupping season at Macquarie Island. The mean pup rectal temperature was found to be 381°C ± 0.1°C SEM ( n = 131, range = 36.5°-39.1°C). Pups at two hours, six hours, and one day after birth had significantly higher rectal temperatures than pups two, three, or four days of age. Rectal temperatures of neonatal southern elephant seals were within the range observed for other pinnipeds, (but never as low as the 31°C previously observed for southern elephant seals at Signy Island in 1953). A significant though weak positive correlation was found between pup temperature and body weight. However, no correlation between pup temperature and age or any environmental factor was found. These observations demonstrated that southern elephant seal pups at Macquarie Island are homeothermic, rather than heterothermic from birth.  相似文献   

Wildlife density estimates are important to accurately formulate population management objectives and understand the relationship between habitat characteristics and a species’ abundance. Despite advances in density and abundance estimation methods, management of common game species continues to be challenged by a lack of reliable population estimates. In Washington, USA, statewide American black bear (Ursus americanus) abundance estimates are predicated on density estimates derived from research in the 1970s and are hypothesized to be a function of precipitation and vegetation, with higher densities in western Washington. To evaluate current black bear density and landscape relationships in Washington, we conducted a 4-year capture-recapture study in 2 areas of the North Cascade Mountains using 2 detection methods, non-invasive DNA collection and physical capture and deployment of global positioning system (GPS) collars. We integrated GPS telemetry from collared bears with spatial capture-recapture (SCR) data and created a SCR-resource selection model to estimate density as a function of spatial covariates and test the hypothesis that density is higher in areas with greater vegetative food resources. We captured and collared 118 bears 132 times and collected 7,863 hair samples at hair traps where we identified 537 bears from 1,237 detections via DNA. The most-supported model in the western North Cascades depicted a negative relationship between black bear density and an index of human development. We estimated bear density at 20.1 bears/100 km2, but density varied from 13.5/100 km2 to 27.8 bears/100 km2 depending on degree of human development. The model best supported by the data in the eastern North Cascades estimated an average density of 19.2 bears/100 km2, which was positively correlated with primary productivity, with resulting density estimates ranging from 7.1/100 km2 to 33.6 bears/100 km2. The hypothesis that greater precipitation and associated vegetative production in western Washington supports greater bear density compared to eastern Washington was not supported by our data. In western Washington, empirically derived average density estimates (including cubs) were nearly 50% lower than managers expected prior to our research. In eastern Washington average black bear density was predominantly as expected, but localized areas of high primary productivity supported greater than anticipated bear densities. Our findings underscore the importance that black bear density is not likely uniform and management risk may be increased if an average density is applied at too large a scale. Disparities between expected and empirically derived bear density illustrate the need for more rigorous monitoring to understand processes that affect population numbers throughout the jurisdiction, and suggest that management plans may need to be reevaluated to determine if current harvest strategies are achieving population objectives. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Two kinkajous (Potos flavus, Procyonidae) showed marked nycthemeral variations in their rectal temperature. The mean Tr at night was 38.1 +/- 0.4 degrees C SD and 36.0 +/- 0.6 degrees C SD while resting during the day. Body temperature and O2-consumption were measured at ambient temperatures from 5-35 degrees C. With one exception at 35 degrees C, hypo- or hyperthermia was never observed. At air temperatures above 30 degrees C the bears reacted with behavioural responses. O2-consumption was minimal at Ta's from 23-30 degrees C. The mean basal metabolic rate was 0.316 ml O2 g-1 h-1 which is only 65% of the expected value according to the Kleiber formula. Below 23 degrees C heat production followed the equation : y (ml O2 g-1 h-1) = 0.727--0.018 Ta. The minimal thermal conductance was 90% of the predicted value according to the formula : C (ml O2 g-1 h-1 degrees C-1) = 1.02 W-0.505 (HERREID & KESSEL, 1967). Kinkajous are another distinct exception to the mouse to elephant curve.  相似文献   

American black bears (Ursus americanus) were extirpated from Oklahoma, USA, in the early twentieth century but have since recolonized eastern portions of the state after immigrating from Arkansas, where they were successfully translocated. Within the last 2 decades, a population of black bears was detected in the Oklahoma Ozark region, prompting studies to determine population size, growth rate, and genetic makeup. To understand how black bears were recolonizing the human-dominated landscape, we investigated resource selection at 2 scales. Between 2011 and 2016, we collected global positioning system collar spatial data for 10 males and 13 females. We calculated average kernel density home ranges on a seasonal scale for all collared bears. We used generalized linear mixed models to calculate resource selection functions at the study area, defined by locations of all radio-collared black bears (second order) and the scale of individual black bear home ranges (third order). Resource selection did not differ significantly by sex. Black bears across seasons and scales selected riparian forest and moist oak (Quercus spp.) forest land cover types and mostly selected against indicators of human activity (e.g., pasture-prairie, anthropogenic land cover types, roads, and areas of high human population density). Black bears also selected areas with rugged terrain at high elevations, although not consistently across seasons and scales. Black bear recolonization appeared to be negatively affected by areas and features characterized as human-altered. Further expansion of the range of black bears may be limited by anthropogenic disturbance in the region. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation, metabolism, and stages of sleep in cold-exposed men   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four naked men, selected for their ability to sleep in the cold, were exposed to an ambient temperature (Ta) of 21 degrees C for five consecutive nights. Electrophysiological stages of sleep, O2 consumption (VO2), and skin (Tsk), rectal (Tre), and tympanic (Tty) temperatures were recorded. Compared with five nights at a thermoneutral Ta of 29 degrees C, cold induced increased wakefulness and decreased stage 2 sleep, without significantly affecting other stages. Tre and Tty declined during each condition. The decrease in Tre was greater at 21 degrees C than at 29 degrees C, whereas Tty did not differ significantly between conditions. Increases in Tty following REM sleep onset at 21 degrees C were negatively correlated with absolute Tty. VO2 and forehead Tsk also increased during REM sleep at both TaS, whereas Tsk of the limb extremities declined at 21 degrees C. Unsuppressed REM sleep in association with peripheral vasoconstriction and increased Tty and VO2 in cold-exposed humans, do not signify an inhibition of thermoregulation during this sleep stage as has been observed in other mammals.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the nutritional ecology of omnivorous Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) in Nepal. We characterized the diet of black bears in two seasons (June–July, “summer”; and October–November “autumn”) and two study areas (Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve [DHR]; and Kailash Sacred Landscape [KSL]). We then conducted nutritional analysis of species consumed by black bears in each study area, in combination with nutritional estimates from the literature, to estimate the proportions of macronutrients (i.e., protein [P], lipid [L], and carbohydrate [C]) in the seasonal bear foods and diets, as well as their macronutrient niche breadth. We found that bamboo (Arundinaria spp.) had the highest relative frequency in both study areas and seasons. Ants and termites were found in DHR diets, but not KSL diets. One anthropogenic crop was found in DHR summer diets (Zea mays) and two were found in KSL summer diets (Z. mays; and Kodo millet [Paspalum scrobiculatum]). Other than insects, no animal prey was found in either diet. The proportions of macronutrients in diets (i.e., realized macronutrient niches) were relatively high in carbohydrate for both study areas and seasons: DHRsummer 24.1P:8.7L:67.2C; KSLsummer 16.7P:8.2L:75.1C; DHRautumn 21.1P:10.5L:68.4C; KSHautumn 19.0P:11.0L:70.0C. Macronutrient niche breadth was 3.1 × greater in the DHR than KSL during summer, and 4.0 × greater in the autumn, primarily due to the higher proportion of lipid in ants and termites relative to plant foods. Within‐study area differences in niche breadth were greater during summer than autumn; in the KSH the macronutrient breadth was 1.4 × greater in summer, while in the DHR it was 1.1 × greater in summer. Similarity in dietary macronutrient proportions despite differences in foods consumed and niche breadth are suggestive of foraging to reach a preferred macronutrient balance.  相似文献   

The quality and availability of resources are known to influence spatial patterns of animal density. In Yellowstone National Park, relationships between the availability of resources and the distribution of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) have been explored but have yet to be examined in American black bears (Ursus americanus). We conducted non-invasive genetic sampling during 2017–2018 (mid-May to mid-July) and applied spatially explicit capture-recapture models to estimate density of black bears and examine associations with landscape features. In both years, density estimates were higher in forested vegetation communities, which provide food resources and thermal and security cover preferred by black bears, compared with non-forested areas. In 2017, density also varied by sex, with female densities being higher than males. Based on our estimates, the northern range of Yellowstone National Park supports one of the highest densities of black bears (20 black bears/100 km2) in the northern Rocky Mountains (6–12 black bears/100 km2 in other regions). Given these high densities, black bears could influence other wildlife populations more than previously thought, such as through displacement of sympatric predators from kills. Our study provides the first spatially explicit estimates of density for black bears within an ecosystem that contains the majority of North America's large mammal species. Our density estimates provide a baseline that can be used for future research and management decisions of black bears, including efforts to reduce human–bear conflicts.  相似文献   

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