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Each spring, millions of songbirds migrate across the Gulf of Mexico on their way to breeding sites in North America. Data from radar and migration monitoring stations have revealed broad patterns in the spatial and temporal course of trans-Gulf migration. Unfortunately, we have limited information on where these birds have previously spent the winter and where they are migrating to breed. Here we measure stable-hydrogen isotopes in feathers (δDf) to infer the breeding latitude of five species of songbirds – hooded warblers Wilsonia citrina , American redstarts Setophaga ruticilla , black-and-white warblers Mniotilta varia , ovenbirds Seiurus aurocapilla , and northern waterthrushes S. noveboracensis – that were captured at a stopover site along the coast of southwestern Louisiana in spring 2004. Values of δDf across all species ranged from −163 to −35‰ (n=212), and within most species the range was consistent with the latitudinal extent of known breeding sites in central and eastern North America. Individuals that arrived first along the northern Gulf coast had δDf values indicative of southerly breeding sites in hooded warblers, American redstarts, black-and-white warblers, and ovenbirds, but no relationship was found between passage timing and δDf for northern waterthrushes. Our findings suggest that spring passage is often timed to coincide with the emergence of suitable conditions on breeding areas, with southern breeding birds migrating first.  相似文献   

Bird banding has allowed us to understand diverse aspects of the life histories of migratory raptors. However, most banding stations are located at northern latitudes so what we know about the movements of these raptors is biased toward higher latitudes, primarily from Canada and the United States, leaving important gaps in our knowledge of their movements at lower latitudes. Our objective was to describe the migratory movements of Sharp-shinned (Accipiter striatus) and Cooper’s (A. cooperii) hawks based on banding and recapture records of birds that migrate through Veracruz, Mexico. More specifically, we sought to determine their breeding, migration, and non-breeding locations, estimate their migration distances, and contribute to a better understanding of their migration patterns. With a total of 80 records, we calculated migration distances and used Kernel Density Estimation analyses to identify where these hawks were recaptured or recovered by season. The distribution of recaptures and recoveries largely coincided with breeding locations in the Laurentian Upland and the Interior Plains physiographic regions. All migration records follow a trajectory that extends from the midwestern United States to the Gulf coastal plain of Mexico. The mean breeding season migration distance to Veracruz was 3374 km (a difference of 27 degrees of latitude) for Sharp-shinned Hawks and 2926 km (a difference of 25 degrees of latitude) for Cooper’s Hawks. Our non-breeding records indicate that populations of Accipiter hawks from these North American populations migrate the longest distances to reach Central America, the southernmost distribution of their migratory populations. Distances covered by both species represent round-trip migrations that may be as long as 10,000 km. Our results support those of previous studies and illustrate how continental physiography influences the migration routes, migratory behavior, and migratory connectivity of these hawks.  相似文献   

DNA sequences of the mitochondrial control region were analysed from 298 individual sharp-shinned hawks (Accipiter striatus velox) sampled at 12 different migration study sites across North America. The control region proved to be an appropriate genetic marker for identification of continental-scale population genetic structure and for determining the historical demography of population units. These data suggest that sharp-shinned hawks sampled at migration sites in North America are divided into distinct eastern and western groups. The eastern group appears to have recently expanded in response to the retreat of glacial ice at the end of the last glacial maximum. The western group appears to have been strongly effected by the Holocene Hypsithermal dry period, with molecular evidence indicating the most recent expansion following this mid-Holocene climatic event 7000-5000 years before present.  相似文献   

Understanding the winter distributions of migrant birds is important because productivity and recruitment are influenced by conditions at several locations and periods in the life cycle of individuals. The western loggerhead shrike, Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides , is a threatened species in Canada, and its decline is attributed to potential limitations on the wintering grounds. We examined patterns of stable-hydrogen isotope (δD) distributions in feathers of loggerhead shrikes, primarily of L. l. excubitorides , during winter at three regions in north and central Mexico, to establish relative abundance and origins of migrants. We also investigated potential movements of Mexican winter resident individuals. Using shrike museum specimens of known summer provenance, a shrike deuterium base map for Mexico was developed from isotopic measurement of feathers of resident shrikes and use of a recently established feather base map for raptors in North America. Stable hydrogen isotope analyses of inner secondary feather (s9) of all loggerhead shrikes examined in Mexico during winter indicated that north-central (Region A), north-eastern (Region B) and south-central (Region C) sites in Mexico consisted of 28.1%, 73.7% and 63.8% of migrant individuals from northern breeding grounds, respectively. Isotopic evidence suggested movements of a few local residents birds (7.9%) into the Chihuahuan desert from south-western USA and north-eastern Mexico to winter.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that declines in breeding populations of Swainson's hawks ( Buteo swainsoni ) in California, Oregon, and Nevada may be due to differential mortality of hawks on their wintering grounds. Although massive mortality incidents reported on the wintering grounds partially support this suggestion, there are no data showing differential use of wintering areas by breeding populations of Swainson's hawks. We used stable-hydrogen isotope analysis of feathers to determine whether large flocks of hawks wintering in Argentina consisted of a mixture of individuals from across the North American breeding range or consisted of individuals from discrete breeding populations. We found that flocks of wintering Swainson's hawks consisted of a mixture of individuals. The lack of connectivity between populations of breeding and wintering hawks suggests that high wintering mortality, either natural or human-induced, is unlikely to have direct consequences on a single breeding area in North America. The demographic effects of winter mortality should be 'diluted' across the entire breeding range of Swainson's hawks.  相似文献   

Several species of migrant birds overlap in range on their wintering grounds with non-migrant conspecifics or other species that occupy a similar niche. Very little is known whether such overlap results in competition and subsequent habitat segregation since it is usually impossible to separate resident from migrant individuals. The Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) is a declining grassland species in North America that winters in the southern United States and Mexico. Using stable-hydrogen isotope (δD) analysis of feathers, we identified resident and migrant shrikes wintering in northeastern Mexico based on a latitudinal gradient in precipitation and feather δD values. Indicator species analyses showed that migrants occupied areas where bare ground was less available than those occupied by residents, a pattern which held when a more restricted set of birds from the extremes of the δD distribution were considered. This provides evidence for conspecific habitat segregation. Habitat differences were also found between sites occupied by shrikes and apparently suitable but unoccupied sites. Shrikes occupied more open sites that contained shorter tall shrubs and huisache (Acacia farneasiana) and fewer tall shrubs, mesquite (Prosopsis glandulosa) and huisache than unoccupied sites. The availability of suitable winter habitat and the potential competition between migrants and residents may be factors that influence the population dynamics of migrant shrikes in North America.  相似文献   

Abstract: One of the primary assumptions associated with many wildlife and population trend studies is that target species are correctly identified. This assumption may not always be valid, particularly for species similar in appearance to co-occurring species. We examined size overlap and identification error rates among Cooper's (Accipiter cooperii) and sharp-shinned (A. striatus) hawks specific to a raptor migration count station along the Pacific Coast of North America. Illustrating the difficulty of distinguishing between these 2 species, we found overlap in 7 metrics among species-sex groups and in 2 metrics between species, and a principal components analysis revealed a continuum of discrete clusters for each species-sex combination in morphospace. Among juvenile hawks (n = 940), we found the greatest misidentification rate for male Cooper's hawks (23% of the 156 males were identified as sharp-shinned), lesser error rates for female Cooper's (8%, n = 339) and female sharp-shinned (6%, n = 246), and the lowest misidentification rate for male sharp-shinned hawks (0%, n = 199). We observed a similar pattern of misidentification among adult hawks (n = 48). We attempted to use conditional probabilities (identification rates) from calibration data to calculate the true number of adult and juvenile Cooper's hawks and sharp-shinned hawks. Discrepancies between total number of observed accipiters and estimated number using calibration data suggest that daily observer misclassification rates are higher than misclassification rates estimated from calibration data and prevent correction of the raw data. Our results illustrate the importance of testing for and quantifying observer error in species identification in wildlife census and population trend studies particularly when target species may be easily confused with other nontarget species.  相似文献   

We used results from the analysis of microsatellite DNA variation and hydrogen stable-isotope ratios to characterize the population structure of a neotropical migrant passerine, the Wilson's warbler (Wilsonia pusilla). The resulting information was then used to infer migration patterns and population connectivity between breeding grounds in North America and overwintering areas in Mexico and Central America. The microsatellite data revealed genetic structure across the North American continent; populations in the west were found to significantly differ from the east. Minimal genetic structure was observed among western sites. The lack of isolation by distance and low variance in FST values suggests that gene flow could play an ongoing role in limiting genetic differentiation among sites in the western part of the distribution. However, additional information including estimates of effective population size and the proximity of the population to equilibrium is required before the role of gene flow can be assessed fully. Analysis of isotope data showed a negative relationship between latitude and hydrogen isotope ratios in breeding ground individuals. There was a positive relationship between wintering ground latitude and hydrogen isotope ratios for individuals that were genetically western in origin. This is consistent with a leapfrog pattern of migration, in which genetically western birds from the northernmost breeding areas overwinter at the most southerly locations in Central America. Additionally, isotopic ratios of western birds suggest that coastal breeders overwinter in western Mexico, while western birds from further inland and at high elevations overwinter in eastern Mexico. Using information from both genetic an isotopic approaches will probably be useful for identifying patterns of migration and population connectivity between breeding and overwintering areas, both important issues for conservation efforts, and may also contribute to investigation of the evolution of migration.  相似文献   

There is an overdue and urgent need to establish patterns of migratory connectivity linking breeding grounds, stopover sites, and wintering grounds of migratory birds. Such information allows more effective application of conservation efforts by applying focused actions along movement trajectories at the population level. Stable isotope methods, especially those using stable hydrogen isotope abundance in feathers (δ2Hf) combined with Bayesian assignment techniques incorporating prior information such as relative abundance of breeding birds, now provide a fast and reliable means of establishing migratory connectivity, especially for Neotropical migrants that breed in North America and molt prior to fall migration. Here we demonstrate how opportunistic sampling of feathers of 30 species of wintering birds in Cuba, Venezuela, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, and Mexico, regions that have typically been poorly sampled for estimating migratory connectivity, can be assigned to breeding areas in North America through both advanced spatial assignment to probability surfaces and through simpler map lookup approaches. Incorporating relative abundance information from the North American Breeding Bird Survey in our Bayesian assignment models generally resulted in a reduction in potential assignment areas on breeding grounds. However, additional tools to constrain longitude such as DNA markers or other isotopes would be desirable for establishing breeding or molt origins of species with broad longitudinal distributions. The isotope approach could act as a rapid means of establishing basic patterns of migratory connectivity across numerous species and populations. We propose a large‐scale coordinated sampling effort on the wintering grounds to establish an isotopic atlas of migratory connectivity for North American Neotropical migrants and suggest that isotopic variance be considered as a valuable metric to quantify migratory connectivity. This initiative could then act as a strategic template to guide further efforts involving stable isotopes, light‐sensitive geolocators, and other technologies.  相似文献   

We tested two hypotheses that have been proposed to explain why large numbers of sharpshinned hawks (Accipiter striatus) are counted during fall migration at Cape May Point, New Jersey. The most popular hypothesis, which suggests that hawks are drifted to the coast by west to northwest winds, was rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis, which suggests that the large numbers of hawks seen on west winds resulted from a sampling bias. Using modified marine radar, we found that sharp-shinned hawks flew significantly lower at Cape May on days with west winds than on days with other winds, making them easier to count. The altitude of flight on days with other winds was regularly greater than 400 m, and hawks were difficult to detect without the radar. Migration traffic rates at Cape May were consistently greater than the broad-front migration rates computed from counts taken 36 km north and inland from Cape May. Flight directions measured at the inland site, away from topographic leading lines, showed that sharp-shinned hawks compensate for different wind directions by adjusting their headings, and the direction realized on all winds brings them to the coast. Our results suggest that counts of migrating hawks at some topographic features are subject to systematic biases and the conclusions derived from these counts may be erroneous.  相似文献   

Wing membranes of laboratory and field-reared monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) were analyzed for their stable-hydrogen (δD) and carbon (δ13C) isotope ratios to determine whether this technique could be used to identify their natal origins. We hypothesized that the hydrogen isotopic composition of monarch butterfly wing keratin would reflect the hydrogen isotope patterns of rainfall in areas of natal origin where wings were formed. Monarchs were reared in the laboratory on milkweed plants (Asclepias sp.) grown with water of known deuterium content, and, with the assistance of volunteers, on native milkweeds throughout eastern North America. The results show that the stable hydrogen isotopic composition of monarch butterflies is highly correlated with the isotopic composition of the milkweed host plants, which in turn corresponds closely with the long-term geographic patterns of deuterium in rainfall. Stable-carbon isotope values in milkweed host plants were similarly correlated with those values in monarch butterflies and showed a general pattern of enrichment along a southwest to northeast gradient bisecting the Great Lakes. These findings indicate that natal origins of migratory and wintering monarchs in Mexico can be inferred from the combined δD and δ13C isotopic signatures in their wings. This relationship establishes that analysis of hydrogen and carbon isotopes can be used to answer questions concerning the biology of migratory monarch butterflies and provides a new approach to tracking similar migratory movements of other organisms. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 11 November 1998  相似文献   

Long-distance migration can lower parasite prevalence if strenuous journeys remove infected animals from wild populations. We examined wild monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) to investigate the potential costs of the protozoan Ophryocystis elektroscirrha on migratory success. We collected monarchs from two wintering sites in central Mexico to compare infection status with hydrogen isotope (δ 2H) measurements as an indicator of latitude of origin at the start of fall migration. On average, uninfected monarchs had lower δ 2H values than parasitized butterflies, indicating that uninfected butterflies originated from more northerly latitudes and travelled farther distances to reach Mexico. Within the infected class, monarchs with higher quantitative spore loads originated from more southerly latitudes, indicating that heavily infected monarchs originating from farther north are less likely to reach Mexico. We ruled out the alternative explanation that lower latitudes give rise to more infected monarchs prior to the onset of migration using citizen science data to examine regional differences in parasite prevalence during the summer breeding season. We also found a positive association between monarch wing area and estimated distance flown. Collectively, these results emphasize that seasonal migrations can help lower infection levels in wild animal populations. Our findings, combined with recent declines in the numbers of migratory monarchs wintering in Mexico and observations of sedentary (winter breeding) monarch populations in the southern U.S., suggest that shifts from migratory to sedentary behavior will likely lead to greater infection prevalence for North American monarchs.  相似文献   

Roth TC  Lima SL 《Oecologia》2007,152(1):169-178
Studies focused on how prey trade-off predation and starvation risk are prevalent in behavioral ecology. However, our current understanding of these trade-offs is limited in one key respect: we know little about the behavior of predators. In this study, we provide some of the first detailed information on temporal patterns in the daily hunting behavior of bird-eating Accipiter hawks and relate that to their prey. During the winters of 1999–2004, twenty-one sharp-shinned hawks (A. striatus) and ten Cooper’s hawks (A. cooperii) were intensively radio tracked in rural and urban habitats in western Indiana, USA. Cooper’s hawks left roost before sunrise and usually returned to roost around sunset, while sharp-shinned hawks left roost at sunrise or later and returned to roost well before sunset. An overall measure of Cooper’s-hawk-induced risk (a composite variable of attack rate and activity patterns) generally reflected the timing of prey activity, with peaks occurring around sunrise and sunset. In contrast, risk induced by the smaller sharp-shinned hawk did not strongly reflect the activity of their prey. Specifically, an early morning peak in prey activity did not correspond to a period with intense hawk activity. The lack of early morning hunting by sharp-shinned hawks may reflect the high risk of owl-induced predation experienced by these hawks. The net effect of this intraguild predation may be to “free” small birds from much hawk-induced predation risk prior to sunrise. This realization presents an alternative to energetics as an explanation for the early morning peak in small bird activity during the winter.  相似文献   

Since the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in the eastern hemisphere, numerous surveillance programs and studies have been undertaken to detect the occurrence, distribution, or spread of avian influenza viruses (AIV) in wild bird populations worldwide. To identify demographic determinants and spatiotemporal patterns of AIV infection in long distance migratory waterfowl in North America, we fitted generalized linear models with binominal distribution to analyze results from 13,574 blue-winged teal (Anas discors, BWTE) sampled in 2007 to 2010 year round during AIV surveillance programs in Canada and the United States. Our analyses revealed that during late summer staging (July-August) and fall migration (September-October), hatch year (HY) birds were more likely to be infected than after hatch year (AHY) birds, however there was no difference between age categories for the remainder of the year (winter, spring migration, and breeding period), likely due to maturing immune systems and newly acquired immunity of HY birds. Probability of infection increased non-linearly with latitude, and was highest in late summer prior to fall migration when densities of birds and the proportion of susceptible HY birds in the population are highest. Birds in the Central and Mississippi flyways were more likely to be infected compared to those in the Atlantic flyway. Seasonal cycles and spatial variation of AIV infection were largely driven by the dynamics of AIV infection in HY birds, which had more prominent cycles and spatial variation in infection compared to AHY birds. Our results demonstrate demographic as well as seasonal, latitudinal and flyway trends across Canada and the US, while illustrating the importance of migratory host life cycle and age in driving cyclical patterns of prevalence.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Altitudinal migration by birds in the tropics is poorly described and the migratory patterns of many species remain unknown. Stable-isotope analysis may be a suitable method for tracking elevational movements. Globally, stable-hydrogen isotope (δ D , deuterium) values of rainwater show a linear depletion trend with increasing elevation. Birds incorporate local δ D values during tissue synthesis and, if individuals move altitudinally, their tissue δ D should reflect the area where the tissues were grown. We tested the feasibility of this method for tracking elevational movements of birds on the eastern slope of the Ecuadorian Andes by exploring the relationship between elevation, rainwater δ D , and avian tissue δ D . We sampled rainwater as well as the blood and feathers of 122 birds representing 18 species over an elevational gradient (1350–3500 m asl). Bird tissue and rainwater δ D decreased with increasing altitude. δ D feather values showed a weaker relationship with elevation than blood δ D values, reflecting the short-term recent synthesis of blood. Elevation explained little of the variability in feather δ D , which could reflect altitudinal migration. However, we could not reliably identify migrants because of the potential effects of intrannual shifts in rainwater δ D , diet, and molt timing on feather δ D . Rainwater δ D differed from global averages and data available for Ecuador, underlining the importance of local sampling in the year(s) of interest. Our results indicate that altitudinal migrants may be tracked using δ D only at larger scales (>1000 m) when local variability in tissues driven by molt and diet are understood.  相似文献   

Migrating birds require en route habitats to rest and refuel. Yet, habitat use has never been integrated with passage to understand the factors that determine where and when birds stopover during spring and autumn migration. Here, we introduce the stopover‐to‐passage ratio (SPR), the percentage of passage migrants that stop in an area, and use 8 years of data from 12 weather surveillance radars to estimate over 50% SPR during spring and autumn through the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts of the south‐eastern US, the most prominent corridor for North America’s migratory birds. During stopovers, birds concentrated close to the coast during spring and inland in forested landscapes during autumn, suggesting seasonal differences in habitat function and highlighting the vital role of stopover habitats in sustaining migratory communities. Beyond advancing understanding of migration ecology, SPR will facilitate conservation through identification of sites that are disproportionally selected for stopover by migrating birds.  相似文献   

Deuterium isotope analyses have revolutionized the study of migratory connectivity because global gradients of deuterium in precipitation (δDP) are expressed on a continental scale. Several authors have constructed continental scale base maps of δDP to provide a spatial reference for studying the movement patterns of migratory species and, although they are very useful, these maps present a static, 40-year average view of the landscape that ignores much underlying inter-annual variation. To more fully understand the consequences of this underlying variation, we analyzed the GNIP deuterium data, the source for all current δDP maps, to estimate the minimum separation in δDP (and latitude) necessary to conclude with a given level of confidence that distinct δDP values represent different geographic sites. Extending analyses of δDP successfully to deuterium in tissues of living organisms, e.g., feathers in migratory birds (δDF), is dependent on the existence of geographic separation of δDP, where every geographic location has a distribution of values associated with temporal variability in δDP. Analyses were conducted for three distinct geographic regions: North America, eastern North America (east of longitude 100°W), and Argentina. At the 80% confidence level, the minimum separation values were 12, 7, and 14° of latitude (equivalent to 53, 31, and 32‰) for North America, eastern North America, and Argentina, respectively. Hence, in eastern North America, for example, one may not be able to accurately assign individual samples to sites separated by less than about 7° of latitude as the distributions of δDP were not distinct at latitudes <7° apart. Moreover, two samples that differ by less than 31‰ cannot be confidently said to originate from different latitudes. These estimates of minimum separation for δDP do not include other known sources of variation in feather deuterium (δDF) and hence are a first order approximation that may be useful, in the absence of more specific information for the system of interest, for planning and interpreting the results of new stable isotope studies.  相似文献   

The migratory patterns of birds have been the focus of ecologists for millennia. What behavioural traits underlie these remarkably consistent movements? Addressing this question is central to advancing our understanding of migratory flight strategies and requires the integration of information across levels of biological organisation, e.g. species to communities. Here, we combine species‐specific observations from the eBird citizen‐science database with observations aggregated from weather surveillance radars during spring migration in central North America. Our results confirm a core prediction of migration theory at an unprecedented national scale: body mass predicts variation in flight strategies across latitudes, with larger‐bodied species flying faster and compensating more for wind drift. We also find evidence that migrants travelling northward earlier in the spring increasingly compensate for wind drift at higher latitudes. This integration of information across biological scales provides new insight into patterns and determinants of broad‐scale flight strategies of migratory birds.  相似文献   

Melanins are common pigments used for colouration in animal tissue and recent evidence suggests that they may be condition-dependent signals used in mate choice. We examined the hypothesis that individuals moulting during migration produce relatively dull feathers compared to individuals moulting on the breeding grounds prior to migration because of the costs associated with overlapping these two activities. We estimated both the colour and moulting latitude of melanin-based feathers in barn swallows ( Hirundo rustica ). Moulting latitude was inferred from stable-hydrogen isotope (δD) values of individuals that were known to have bred at the same site the previous year. Contrary to expectations, δD values in feathers suggested that most, if not all, individuals moulted their feathers south of the breeding grounds. Furthermore, we found that males moulting at southern latitudes tended to produce darker, more rufous coloured throat feathers compared to males moulting at more northern latitudes, closer to the breeding grounds. However, we found no such relationship in females. Males could face a trade-off between growing new but relatively dull feathers before or just after the commencement of migration versus waiting to grow more rufous coloured feathers well into fall migration or on the wintering grounds. We suggest that this trade-off could produce an honest signal of male quality if only high quality males can afford to migrate large distances on feathers that are greater than a year old.  相似文献   

The Canadian Migration Monitoring Network consists of several fixed migration monitoring stations (MMS) that apply constant-effort protocols to track changes in the abundance of migratory birds. Such monitoring will be important for tracking long-term population trends of songbirds, especially for species breeding in remote areas such as the North American boreal forest. The geographical catchment sampled by individual MMS, however, remains largely unknown. Here, we used hydrogen isotope measurements (δD) of feathers of white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) moving through Delta Marsh MMS in Manitoba, Canada, to determine both wintering and breeding ground catchment areas monitored by this station. The δD of tail feathers, collected from spring and fall migrants delineated previous breeding or natal latitudes, ranging from the northern to the southern extremes of the western boreal forest. The δD values of head feathers grown on the wintering grounds and collected during spring migration revealed that individuals wintered in a broad region of the southeastern United States. The isotope data showed no relationship between estimated breeding/natal and wintering latitudes of white-throated sparrow populations. Stable isotope data provided little information on longitude. Band-encounter analyses, however, indicated a clear east–west segregation of these sparrows across Canada, supporting connectivity among breeding/natal and wintering longitudes over the entire scale of this species' range. Isotope analyses of multiple feather types representing different periods and geographic regions of the annual cycle can provide key information on migratory connectivity for species moving through dedicated MMS.  相似文献   

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