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The Early Permian (Late Asselian? to Aktastinian?) brachiopod faunas of Peninsular India are revised in terms of current taxonomy. Genera such as Semilingula, Arctitreta, Etherilosia, Strophalosia, Aulosteges, Bandoproductus, Cyrtella, Neospirifer, Crassispirifer, Tomiopsis and Gilledia confirm the Gondwanan aspect of the faunas and a close relationship, at the generic level, to the Early Permian brachiopod faunas of Western Australia. Peninsular Indian Early Permian brachiopod faunas belong to a complex of Gondwanan and peri‐Gondwanan faunas from Oman and the Pamirs in the West to Australasia in the east. This distribution implies relative freedom of migration for the faunas along the northern margin of Gondwana during the Early Permian.  相似文献   

In this paper we redescribe and reassign two genera of Chinese blastoids previously described by Mu (1955) and Chi (1943) based on our own new collections and those of other Chinese geologists. Mesoblastus tushanensis is reassigned to the Schizoblastidae from the Granatocrinidae based on the presence of ten spiracles and a separate anus and to the new genus Pinguiblastus. Previously Mississippian schizoblastids have been restricted to North America. Pinguiblastus provides a paleogeographic and evolutionary transitional taxon between the North American schizoblastid genera and the very abundant Permian faunas from Timor. Devonoblastus heitaiensis is reassigned to the new genus Sinoblastus based on the presence of large exposed cryptodeltoids, a taxonomically significant character not found in Devonoblastus. This removes known occurrences of Devonoblastus from Asia.  相似文献   

Based on new, bed-rock controlled material from northwestern Guangxi and Oman, the Early Triassic genus Proharpoceras Chao is shown to be a representative of Otocerataceae. Character analysis excludes a direct link with the Griesbachian Otoceratidae and favours a derivation of Proharpoceras from the late Permian Anderssonoceratidae. The biostratigraphic range of Proharpoceras is restricted to the Smithian and its biogeographic distribution comprises Oman, South China, and Primorye, thus indicating an essentially low palaeolatitudinal distribution. Proharpoceras has no apparent relatives among other Early and Middle Triassic Ceratitida and is thus considered to be the last representative of Otocerataceae. This offshoot of the late Permian Anderssonoceratidae implies that an additional ammonoid lineage survived the end Permian extinction and that it dwindled away for some 2 Myr before going extinct.  相似文献   

A new Early Triassic marine fauna is described from an exotic block (olistolith) from the Ad Daffah conglomerate in eastern Oman (Batain), which provides new insights into the ecology and diversity during the early aftermath of the Permian–Triassic Boundary mass extinction. Based on conodont quantitative biochronology, we assign a middle Griesbachian age to the upper part of this boulder. It was derived from an offshore seamount and yielded both nektonic and benthic faunas, including conodonts, ammonoids, gastropods and crinoid ossicles in mass abundance. This demonstrates that despite the stratigraphically near extinction at the Permian–Triassic Boundary, Crinoidea produced enough biomass to form crinoidal limestone as early as middle Griesbachian time. Baudicrinus, previously placed in Dadocrinidae, is now placed in Holocrinidae; therefore, Dadocrinidae are absent in the Early Triassic, and Holocrinidae remains the most basal crown‐group articulates, originating during the middle Griesbachian in the Tethyan Realm. Abundant gastropods assigned to Naticopsis reached a shell size larger than 20 mm and provide another example against any generalized Lilliput effect during the Griesbachian. Whereas the benthic biomass was as high as to allow the resumption of small carbonate factories, the taxonomic diversity of the benthos remained low compared to post‐Early Triassic times. This slow benthic taxonomic recovery is here attributed to low competition within impoverished post‐extinction faunas.  相似文献   

The Richards Spur Locality of Oklahoma, USA, long known for its highly diverse Early Permian terrestrial tetrapod assemblage, is particularly interesting for the presence of many endemic taxa. The parareptilian component of the assemblage, rare members of other Early Permian communities, is especially diverse at Richards Spur, consisting of six species. The newest parareptile, A byssomedon williamsi gen. et sp. nov. , consists of an articulated left jaw and various disarticulated cranial and postcranial elements. A new phylogenetic analysis of parareptiles, based on an updated modified data matrix revealed that Ab . williamsi is a member of the small clade Nyctiphruretidae. This makes Ab . williamsi the first and oldest nyctiphruretid, a clade of parareptiles otherwise known from the Middle and Late Permian of Russia, extending the age of the clade back into the Early Permian. This discovery also raises the possibility that nyctiphruretids may have dispersed from western Laurasia to eastern Laurasia. The characteristic jugal morphology of Ab . williamsi shows that it would have possessed a slender, deep, temporal emargination. The current topology of Parareptilia indicates that there was considerable variability in the patterns of lateral temporal openings amongst the various members of this clade, suggesting that there may have been multiple, independent modifications of this region of the skull. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Summary The roles of Permian colonial corals in forming organic reefs have not been adequately assessed, although they are common fossils in the Permian strata. It is now known that colonial corals were important contributors to reef framework during the middle and late Permian such as those in South China, northeast Japan, Oman and Thailand. A coral reef occurs in Kanjia-ping, Cili County, Hunan, South China. It is formed by erect and unscathed colonies ofWaagenophyllum growing on top of one anotherin situ to form a baffle and framework. Paleontological data of the Cili coral reef indicates a middle to late Changhsing age (Late Permian), corresponding to thePalaeofusulina zone. The coral reef exposure extends along the inner platform margin striking in E-S direction for nearly 4 km laterally and generally 35 to 57 m thick. The Cili coral reef exhibits a lateral differentiation into three main reef facies; reef core facies, fore-reef facies, and marginal slope facies. The major reef-core facies is well exposed in Shenxian-wan and Guanyin-an sections where it rests on the marginal slope facies. Colonial corals are dispersed and preserved in non-living position easward. Sponges become major stabilizing organisms in the eastern part of Changhsing limestone outcrop in Kanjia-ping, but no read sponge reefs were formed. Coral reefs at Cili County in Human are different distinctly from calcisponge reefs in South China in their palaeogeography, lithofacies development, organic constitutuents, palaeoecology and diagenesis. The Cili coral reef also shows differences in age, depositional facies association, reef organisms and diagenesis from coral reefs in South Kitakami of Japan, Khorat Plateau of Thailand, and Saih Hatat of Oman. Although some sponge reefs and mounds can reach up to the unconformable Permian/Triassic boundary, coral reef at Kanjia-ping, Cili County, is the latest Permian reef known. This reef appears to had been formed in a palaeoenvironment that is different from that of the sponge reefs and provides an example of new and unique Permian reef type in South China, and could help us to: 1) understand the significance of colonial corals in Permian carbonate buildups; 2) evaluate the importance of coral community evolution prior to the collapse of reef ecosystems at the Permian/Triassic boundary; 3) better understand the effects of the biotic extinction events in Palaeotethys realm; 4) look for environmental factors that may have controlled reefs through time and space, and 5) provide valuable data for the study of Permian palaeoclimate and global evolutionary changes of Permian reefs and reef community.  相似文献   

Summary Coral-dominated communties are rare in Upper Permian reefs. The study of Murghabian rugose and tabulate corals from allochtonous carbonates (‘Oman exotics’) of the Hawasina Complex and autochthonous carbonates of the Saih Hatat area/Arabian Platform (Oman) provides evidence for a significant contribution of rugose corals to the formation of Late Permian reefs. The corals are described with respect to taxonomy, microfacies and community structure. 8 genera and 7 species were recognized.Monothecalis minor n.sp.,Praewentzelella regulare n.sp. andWentzelella katoi magna n.ssp. are new. The corals represent three communities: (1)Praewentzelella community (Hawasina Complex), (2) cerioid coral community (Hawasina Complex), and (3)Waagenophyllum community (Hawasina Complex and Saih hatat). The corals from the Hawasina Complex and the Saih Hatat flourished in significantly different environments: Rugosa from the Hawasina Complex are representatives of reefs, whereas their counterparts from the Saih Hatat lived in level-bottom communities. Coral-bearing reefal boundstones are characterized by a diverse assemblage of sphinctozoans, inozoans, chaetetids, bryozoans, crinoids,Tubiphytes, Archaeolithoporella and algae. These communities produced bafflestones or framestones and were part of a sponge reef complex. The level-bottom community of the Saih Hatat is low-diverse only comprising rugose and tabulate corals. These of isolated colonies locally acted as bafflers.  相似文献   

The first Permian occurence of a crustacean coprolite association, composed ofFavreina martellensis Brönnimann & Zaninetti (1972),Palaxius salataensis Brönnimann, Cros & Zaninetti (1972) and an undeterminated form are recorded from Late Permian reef limestones of the Oman Mountains.  相似文献   

Summary Diverse and abundant trace fossils of the deep-waterNereites ichnofacies have been found in well-dated Early Permian deep-water turbidites (Lercara Formation) of western Sicily (Italy). Conodonts indicate a latest Artinskian to Cathedralian (late Early Permian) age. Microfossils (pelagic conodonts, albaillellid Radiolaria, paleopsychrospheric ostracods, foraminiferal associations dominated byBathysiphon), trace fossils (deep-bathyal to abyssalNereites ichnofacies) and sedimentologic data collectively indicate a deep-water environment for the Early Permian turbidites of the Lercara Formation. The dominance ofAgrichnium and of thePaleodictyon subichnogeneraSquamodictyon andMegadictyon suggests that this icnofauna is closely related in ichnotaxonomic composition to other late Paleozoic deep-water ichnofaunas. The occurrence ofAcanthorhaphe. Dendrotichnium andHelicoraphe, to date only reported from Cretaceous or Tertiary flysch deposits, suggests that the entire ichnofauna corresponds well to previously documented Silurian-Tertiary flysch ichnofaunas. Eight new ichnospecies and a new ichnosubgenus,Megadictyon, are described.  相似文献   

Précédemment décrite chez Kerforneidictyum et Palaeacis I'organisation des rides septales suivant un schema de type tetracoralliaire est reconnue chez Trachypsammia monoseptata (Permien de Timor) où n'avait été signalé qu'un fort “Medianseptum”. II détermine un plan de symétrie bilatérale dans le calice; la ride cardinale forte est en position dorsale ou interne, la ride antipode également bien développée en position ventrale ou externe souvent plus courte, les rides considérées comme alaires sont identifiables au moins dam leur partie proximale. L'ensemble des rides clairement observables sont les rides majeures (protorides et métarides), les rides mineures sont à peine ébauchées. T. monoseptata pourrait représenter un stade calicinal jeune de T. dendroides. Trachypsammia dendroides (Permien de Timor) posséde un plan de symétrie bilatérale net. la ride cardinale est plus forte et plus longue que les autres rides, la ride antipode plus courte, les rides alaires sont identifiables en coupe transversale. rides majeures el mineures sont bien differenciées; le nombre total de rides est souvent de 32. Chez T. xizangensis (Permien du Tibet), seule une symétrie bilatérale a été observée en coupe. Pas de donnees pour T. mrditerranea (Permien de Sicile). Les affinités systéinatiques très étroites mises en évidence entre Polaeacis et Trachypsammia par les caractéres microstructuraux sont confirmées par Ie dispositif septal, ces Tabulés constituent-ils un groupe particulier? La question est posée A rugosan pattern of the septal ridges, formerly described in Kerforneidictyum and Palaeacis is pointed out in Trachypsammia monoseptata (Permian of Timor) for which only the ‘Medianseptum’ had been observed. T. monoseptata exhibits a strong cardinal ridge in dorsal or internal position. just opposite a shorter counter ridge, thus creating a plane of bilateral symmetry. The ridges assumed to be alar can be identified by their proximal ends being in contact with the ‘Medianseptum’. The major ridges (proto and metaridges) are obvious, the minor ones show only their very proximal ends. T. monoseptuta could be a calicinal young stage of T. dendroides. T. dendroides (Permian of Timor) shows a plane of bilateral symmetry, the cardinal ridge is stronger and longer than the others, the counter shorter, the alar ridges can be identified in transverse section. major and minor ridges are well developed; the number of ridges is often 32. In T.xizangensis (Permian of Tibet) only the bilateral symmetry is known, while there are no data for T mediterranea (Permian of Sicily). The systematic affinities between Palaeacis and Trachiypsammia pointed out on the basis of microstructural data are also supported by the septal ridges pattern. Do Palaeacis, Trochypsammia and others form a special division of Tabulate corals? That is the question  相似文献   

New Catillocrinidae Allocatillocrinus rarus sp. nov., with a previously unknown tegmenal structure, Paracatillocrinus shamovi sp. nov., and P. shakhtauensis sp. nov., with an unusual relative position of the crown and stem are described from the Artinskian Stage (Lower Permian) of the western slope of the Middle and Southern Ural Mountains (Boets, Krasnoufimsk, and Shakh-Tau localities). The genus Allocatillocrinus has not previously been recorded from the Permian, while Paracatillocrinus has only previously been reported from the Upper Permian of Timor Island.  相似文献   

Crinoids are diverse and well-known from the Permian of Timor, but the literature has failed to document the numerous specimens of crinoid pluricolumnals from the fauna, many showing unusual morphology or yielding palaeoecological information. A curious and instructive specimen demonstrates the relationship between a living Permian crinoid and coeval invasive, pit-forming, invertebrates in detail. The pit-former is not preserved; most likely it was unmineralized or, if mineralized, then the shell simply dropped out. The infesting organism made pits assigned to the ichnospecies Oichnus paraboloides Bromley. The pit-former was unusually site selective. Either (1) one spatfall attached to just one side of the elevated (either up-current or down-current) or recumbent column and each individual centered their pits on the sutures between adjacent columnals; or (2) a single individual migrated along the column. The living crinoid showed an extreme reaction to this infestation. Excess stereom growth on the side of the pits transformed what was a circular column by addition of a thick, triangular ridge on the pitted side.  相似文献   

Nineteen arabica coffee introgression lines (BC1F4) and two accessions derived from a spontaneous interspecific cross (i.e. Timor Hybrid) between Coffea arabica (2n=4x=44) and C. canephora (2n=2x=22) were analysed for the introgression of C. canephora genetic material. The Timor Hybrid-derived genotypes were evaluated by AFLP, using 42 different primer combinations, and compared to 23 accessions of C. arabica and 8 accessions of C. canephora. A total of 1062 polymorphic fragments were scored among the 52 accessions analysed. One hundred and seventy-eight markers consisting of 109 additional bands (i.e. introgressed markers) and 69 missing bands distinguished the group composed of the Timor Hybrid-derived genotypes from the accessions of C. arabica. AFLP therefore seemed to be an extremely efficient technique for DNA marker generation in coffee as well as for the detection of introgression in C. arabica. The genetic diversity observed in the Timor Hybrid-derived genotypes appeared to be approximately double that in C. arabica. Although representing only a small proportion of the genetic diversity available in C. canephora, the Timor Hybrid obviously constitutes a considerable source of genetic diversity for arabica breeding. Analysis of genetic relationships among the Timor Hybrid-derived genotypes suggested that introgression was not restricted to chromosome substitution but also involved chromosome recombinations. Furthermore, the Timor Hybrid-derived genotypes varied considerably in the number of AFLP markers attributable to introgression. In this way, the introgressed markers identified in the analysed arabica coffee introgressed genotypes were estimated to represent from 9% to 29% of the C. canephora genome. Nevertheless, the amount of alien genetic material in the introgression arabica lines remains substantial and should justify the development of adapted breeding strategies. Received: 2 February 1999 / Accepted: 12 May 1999  相似文献   

The occurrence of Paleozoic gastropods attached to echinoderms has been recognized for nearly 170 years. Specimens have been illustrated from each of the geologic periods from the Ordovician to Permian. We illustrate two occurrences of Permian platycrinitid camerate crinoids from West Timor, Platycrinites s.s. wachsmuthi (Wanner) and Neoplatycrinus dilatatus Wanner, that have the platyceratid attached on the tegmen on the former and along the radial summit on the latter. Both platyceratids barely cover the anal opening and suppress the development of the arms of at least one ray. The D ray arms are suppressed on Platycrinites s.s. wachsmuthi, whereas the development of the C ray arms and perhaps the most adjacent arms of the D and B rays are suppressed on Neoplatycrinus dilatatus. An additional specimen of Neoplatycrinus major retains the impressed conch outline of a formerly attached platyceratid on the tegmen. This is the first report of a platyceratid/Neoplatycrinus association. The West Timor occurrences are among the youngest known of the platyceratid/platycrinitid association before the End-Permian extinction of the camerates. In addition, an abnormal four-rayed theca of Platycrinites s.s. wachsmuthi is described.  相似文献   

Sixty-one species belonging to 32 foraminiferal genera are reported from the Paleocene to Early Eocene Muthaymimah Formation at different localities in the western flank of the Northern Oman Mountains of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman. Several of the discovered species provide precise ages for the Paleocene series (Bolivinoides curtus and Neoflabellina jarvisi). A prominent conglomerate bed marks the K–T boundary between the Late Cretaceous Simsima Formation and Muthaymimah Formation in the study area. Occurrences of planktonic foraminiferal Morozovella inconstans (Subbotina, 1947) and Morozovella trinidadensis (Bolli, 1957) of Early Paleocene age (P1–P2 zones) are recorded for the first time in some locations in the study area.

http://zoobank.org/2266E0F1-0C0F-428F-B18C-F8347F0CEE07  相似文献   

Abundant tetrapod footprints are described from the Early Permian Yacimiento Los Reyunos Formation including both collected and in situ specimens. The slabs come from several quarries at the Sierra Pintada and Sierra de las Peñas area, south-west of Mendoza, Argentina. The trace fossil assemblage, which constitutes one of the oldest known from Gondwana, comprises excellent-preserved tetrapod tracks (Chelichnusduncani, Chelichnusgigas and ‘pear-like’ footprints) and invertebrate simple sub-horizontal (Palaeophycustubularis) and vertical (Skolithos isp.) burrows formed in a aeolian dune field. The analysis of the tetrapod track producers indicates the presence of at least three different taxa of sprawling to semi-erect therapsids, thus suggesting the presence of members of this clade, or closest relatives, in the Early Permian of southern Gondwana. Moreover, a series of measurements and simple indexes were developed to estimate body proportions and locomotion styles of the putative trackmakers. The new assemblage, analysed in the context of other known Permian assemblages from Pangea, is one the few known in Gondwana to be present in an aeolian environment. The evaluation of the assemblage, in the light of aeolian ichnofacies (Chelichnus, Octopodichnus and Entradichnus), shows that it has common elements with the Chelichnus and Entradichnus ichnofacies.  相似文献   

A new mayfly genus and species, Alexandrinia gigantea gen. et sp. nov., is described in the family Protereismatidae from the Upper Permian locality of Isady (Severodvinian Stage, Poldarsa Formation). Protereisma directum Carpenter, 1979, known from the Early Permian of Oklahoma, United States, is transferred to this new genus. Another new species, Misthodotes tshernovae sp. nov., is described in the family Misthodotidae.  相似文献   

Mimicry rings are present among Delias butterflies, and those butterflies are also considered to be mimetic models of other lepidopteran insects; however, experimental evidence for their unpalatability to predators is limited. In Bali and Timor, a total of three mimicry rings of Delias species are present; particularly, male and female D. lemoulti join different rings in Timor. The present study examined the unpalatability of Delias in Bali and Timor to the caged avian predator Pycnonotus aurigaster. The birds ate eight Delias species in similar numbers, and ate the palatable butterfly Mycalesis horsfieldii much more frequently than Delias butterflies. The result suggests that the three mimicry rings of Delias species in Bali and Timor are Müllerian rather than Batesian. Based on previous findings on their phylogenetic relationships, the Müllerian mimicry rings of Delias in Bali and Timor are suggested to have emerged through the convergent evolution and phylogenetic constraints of wing color patterns. In the D. hyparete species group, mimetic radiation may have occurred between Bali and Timor.  相似文献   

A total of 24 isolates of Pythium spinosum from cucumber obtained from five regions in Oman were characterized for genetic diversity using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting and three isolates from the Netherlands, South Africa and Japan were included for comparison. Isolates from Oman were also characterized for aggressiveness on cucumber seedlings and sensitivity to metalaxyl. Identity of all isolates was confirmed using sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA), which showed more than 99% nucleotide similarity among all isolates. Using six primer‐pair combinations, AFLP fingerprinting resolved 295 AFLP markers of which 193 were polymorphic among isolates from other countries and only six were polymorphic among isolates of P. spinosum from Oman. Seven different AFLP phenotypes of P. spinosum were recovered in Oman; two of them were found to contain over 79% of isolates and one was recovered from all regions in Oman. Phenotypes from Oman showed very high (≥99%) levels of genetic similarity to each other compared to moderate (mean =53%) levels of genetic similarity with phenotypes from other countries. In addition, all isolates from Oman were found to be highly sensitive to metalaxyl and all were aggressive on cucumber seedlings at 25°C. The high genetic similarity among phenotypes of P. spinosum in Oman as well as recovering two major clones across regions may suggest that P. spinosum has been recently introduced in Oman via a common source.  相似文献   

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