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Pharmaceutical companies and regulatory agencies are broadly pursuing biomarkers as a means to increase the productivity of drug development. Quantifying differential levels of proteins from complex biological samples such as plasma or cerebrospinal fluid is one specific approach being used to identify markers of drug action, efficacy, toxicity, etc. We have developed a comprehensive, fully automated, and label-free approach to relative protein quantification from LC-MS/MS experiments of proteolytic protein digests including: de-noising, mass and charge state estimation, chromatographic alignment, and peptide quantification via integration of extracted ion chromatograms. Results from a variance components study of the entire method indicate that most of the variability is attributable to the LC-MS injection, with a median peptide LC-MS injection coefficient of variation of 8% on a ThermoFinnigan LTQ mass spectrometer. Spiked recovery results suggest a quantifiable range of approximately 32-fold for a sample protein.  相似文献   

Villén J  Gygi SP 《Nature protocols》2008,3(10):1630-1638
The success in profiling the phosphoproteome by mass spectrometry-based proteomics has been intimately related to the availability of methods that selectively enrich for phosphopeptides. To this end, we describe a protocol that combines two sequential enrichment steps. First, strong cation exchange (SCX) chromatography separates peptides by solution charge. Phosphate groups contribute to solution charge by adding a negative charge at pH 2.7. Therefore, at that pH, phosphopeptides are expected to elute earlier than their nonphosphorylated homologs. Second, immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) takes advantage of phosphate's affinity for metal ions such as Fe(3+) to uniformly enrich for phosphopeptides from the previously collected SCX fractions. We have successfully employed the SCX/IMAC enrichment strategy in the exploration of phosphoproteomes from several systems including mouse liver and Drosophila embryos characterizing over 5,500 and 13,000 phosphorylation events, respectively. The SCX/IMAC enrichment protocol requires 2 days, and the entire procedure from cells to a phosphorylation data set can be completed in less than 10 days.  相似文献   

To further improve the selectivity and throughput of phosphopeptide analysis for the samples from real-time cell lysates, here we demonstrate a highly efficient method for phosphopeptide enrichment via newly synthesized magnetite microparticles and the concurrent mass spectrometric analysis. The magnetite microparticles show excellent magnetic responsivity and redispersibility for a quick enrichment of those phosphopeptides in solution. The selectivity and sensitivity of magnetite microparticles in phosphopeptide enrichment are first evaluated by a known mixture containing both phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated proteins. Compared with the titanium dioxide-coated magnetic beads commercially available, our magnetite microparticles show a better specificity toward phosphopeptides. The selectively-enriched phosphopeptides from tryptic digests of β-casein can be detected down to 0.4 fmol μl−1, whereas the recovery efficiency is approximately 90% for monophosphopeptides. This magnetite microparticle-based affinity technology with optimized enrichment conditions is then immediately applied to identify all possible phosphorylation sites on a signal protein isolated in real time from a stress-stimulated mammalian cell culture. A large fraction of peptides eluted from the magnetic particle enrichment step were identified and characterized as either single- or multiphosphorylated species by tandem mass spectrometry. With their high efficiency and utility for phosphopeptide enrichment, the magnetite microparticles hold great potential in the phosphoproteomic studies on real-time samples from cell lysates.  相似文献   

Successful quantitative mass spectrometry (MS) requires strategies to link the mass spectrometer response to the analyte abundance, with the response being dependent on more factors than just analyte abundance. Label-dependent strategies rely on the incorporation of an isotopically labeled internal standard into the sample. Current label-free strategies (performed without internal standards) are useful for analyzing samples that are unsuitable for isotopic labeling but are less accurate. Here we describe a label-free technique applicable to analysis of products from related genes (isotypes). This approach enables the invariant tryptic peptide sequences within the family to serve as “built-in” internal standards and the isotype-specific peptide sequences to report the amount of the various isotypes. A process of elimination segregates reliably trypsin-released standard and reporter peptides from unreliably released peptides. The specific MS response factors for these reporter and standard peptides can be determined using synthetic peptides. Analysis of HeLa tubulin digests revealed peptides from βI-, βII-, βIII-, βIVb-, and βV-tubulin, eight of which were suitable; along with five standard peptides for quantification of the β-tubulin isotypes. To show the utility of this method, we determined that βI-tubulin represented 77% and βIII-tubulin represented 3.2% of the total HeLa β-tubulin.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry-driven proteomics is increasingly relying on quantitative analyses for biological discoveries. As a result, different methods and algorithms have been developed to perform relative or absolute quantification based on mass spectrometry data. One of the most popular quantification methods are the so-called label-free approaches, which require no special sample processing, and can even be applied retroactively to existing data sets. Of these label-free methods, the MS/MS-based approaches are most often applied, mainly because of their inherent simplicity as compared to MS-based methods. The main application of these approaches is the determination of relative protein amounts between different samples, expressed as protein ratios. However, as we demonstrate here, there are some issues with the reproducibility across replicates of these protein ratio sets obtained from the various MS/MS-based label-free methods, indicating that the existing methods are not optimally robust. We therefore present two new methods (called RIBAR and xRIBAR) that use the available MS/MS data more effectively, achieving increased robustness. Both the accuracy and the precision of our novel methods are analyzed and compared to the existing methods to illustrate the increased robustness of our new methods over existing ones.  相似文献   

Advances in analytical techniques, specifically in mass spectrometry, have allowed for both facile protein identification and routine sequencing of proteins at increased sensitivity levels. Protein modifications present additional challenges because they occur at low stoichiometries and often change the analytical behavior of the molecule. For example, characterization of protein phosphorylation provides crucial information to signaling processes that are often associated with disease. Research into protein phosphorylation requires inter-disciplinary co-operation involving multiple investigators with expertise in diverse scientific fields. As such, techniques must be simple, effective, and incorporate multiple checkpoints that confirm the sample contains a phosphorylated protein in order to ensure resources are conserved. In this study, tumor progression locus 2 (Tpl2), which has been implicated in cell cycle regulation and has been shown to play a significant role in critical signal transduction pathways, was transfected into 293T cells, overexpressed and isolated from the cell lysate. Isolated proteins were separated via 1D gel electrophoresis, and their phosphorylation was confirmed using phosphospecific staining. The bands were excised and subjected to tryptic digestion and immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) prior to analysis by capillary-LC-MS/MS. Three phosphorylation sites were detected on Tpl2. One site had previously been reported in the literature but had not been characterized by mass spectrometric methods until this time; two additional novel sites of phosphorylation were detected.  相似文献   

Tandem mass spectrometry allows for fast protein identification in a complex sample. As mass spectrometers get faster, more sensitive and more accurate, methods were devised by many academic research groups and commercial suppliers that allow protein research also in quantitative respect. Since label-free methods are an attractive alternative to labeling approaches for proteomics researchers seeking for accurate quantitative results we evaluated several open-source analysis tools in terms of performance on two reference data sets, explicitly generated for this purpose.In this paper we present an implementation, T3PQ (Top 3 Protein Quantification), of the method suggested by Silva and colleagues for LC-MSE applications and we demonstrate its applicability to data generated on FT-ICR instruments acquiring in data dependent acquisition (DDA) mode. In order to validate this method and to show its usefulness also for absolute protein quantification, we generated a reference data set of a sample containing four different proteins with known concentrations. Furthermore, we compare three other label-free quantification methods using a complex biological sample spiked with a standard protein in defined concentrations. We evaluate the applicability of these methods and the quality of the results in terms of robustness and dynamic range of the spiked-in protein as well as other proteins also detected in the mixture. We discuss drawbacks of each method individually and consider crucial points for experimental designs. The source code of our implementation is available under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 and can be downloaded from sourceforge (http://fqms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/fqms). A tarball containing the data used for the evaluation is available on the FGCZ web server (http://fgcz-data.uzh.ch/public/T3PQ.tgz).  相似文献   

Four commercially available immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) methods for phosphopeptide enrichment were compared using small volumes and concentrations of phosphopeptide mixtures with or without extra-added bovine serum albumin (BSA) nonphosphorylated peptides. Addition of abundant tryptic BSA peptides to the phosphopeptide mixture increases the demand for selective IMAC capture. While SwellGel gallium Discs, IPAC Metal Chelating Resin, and ZipTipMC Pipette Tips allow for the possibility of enriching phosphopeptides, the Gyrolab MALDI IMAC1 also presents the possibility of verifying existing phosphopeptides after a dephosphorylation step. Phosphate-containing peptides are identified through a mass shift between phosphorylated and dephosphorylated spectra of 80 Da (or multiples of 80 Da). This verification is useful if the degree of phosphorylation is low in the sample or if the ionization is unfavorable, which often is the case for phosphopeptides. A peptide mixture in which phosphorylated serine, threonine, and tyrosine were represented was diluted in steps and thereafter enriched using the four different IMAC methods prior to analyses with matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. The enrichment of phosphopeptides using SwellGel Gallium Discs or Gyrolab MALDI IMAC1 was not significantly affected by the addition of abundant BSA peptides added to the sample mixture, and the achieved detection limits using these techniques were also the lowest. All four of the included phosphopeptides were detected by MALDI-MS only after enrichment using the Gyrolab MALDI IMAC1 compact disc (CD) and detection down to low femtomole levels was possible. Furthermore, selectivity, reproducibility, and detection for a number of other phosphopeptides using the IMAC CD are reported herein. For example, two phosphopeptides sent out in a worldwide survey performed by the Proteomics Research Group (PRG03) of the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) were detected and verified by means of the 80 Da mass shift achieved by on-column dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

The selective enrichment of phosphorylated peptides prior to reversed-phase separation and mass spectrometric detection significantly improves the analytical results in terms of higher number of detected phosphorylation sites and spectra of higher quality. Metal oxide chromatography (MOC) has been recently described for selective phosphopeptide enrichment (Pinkse et al., 2004 [1]; Larsen et al., 2005 [2]; Kweon and Hakansson, 2006 [3]; Cantin et al., 2007 [4]; Collins et al., 2007 [5]). In the present work we have tested the effect of a modified loading solvent containing a novel acid mix and optimized wash conditions on the efficiency of TiO2-based phosphopeptide enrichment in order to improve our previously published method (Mazanek et al., 2007 [6]). Applied to a test mixture of synthetic and BSA-derived peptides, the new method showed improved selectivity for phosphopeptides, whilst retaining a high recovery rate. Application of the new enrichment method to digested purified protein complexes resulted in the identification of a significantly higher number of phosphopeptides as compared to the previous method. Additionally, we have compared the performance of TiO2 and ZrO2 columns for the isolation and identification of phosphopeptides from purified protein complexes and found that for our test set, both media performed comparably well. In summary, our improved method is highly effective for the enrichment of phosphopeptides from purified protein complexes prior to mass spectrometry, and is suitable for large-scale phosphoproteomic projects that aim to elucidate phosphorylation-dependent cellular processes.  相似文献   

Information about phosphorylation status can be used to prioritize and characterize biological processes in the cell. Various analytical strategies have been proposed to address the complexity of phosphorylation status and comprehensively identify phosphopeptides. In this study, we evaluated four strategies for phosphopeptide enrichment, using titanium dioxide (TiO2) and Phos-tag ligand particles from in-gel or in-solution digests prior to mass spectrometry-based analysis. Using TiO2 and Phos-tag magnetic beads, it was possible to enrich phosphopeptides from in-gel digests of phosphorylated ovalbumin separated by Phos-tag SDS-PAGE or in-solution serum digests, while minimizing non-specific adsorption. The tip-column strategy with TiO2 particles enabled enrichment of phosphopeptides from in-solution digests of whole-cell lysates with high efficiency and selectivity. However, the tip-column strategy with Phos-tag agarose beads yielded the greatest number of identified phosphopeptides. The strategies using both types of tip columns had a high degree of overlap, although there were differences in selectivity between the identified phosphopeptides. Together, our results indicate that multi-enrichment strategies using TiO2 particles and Phos-tag agarose beads are useful for comprehensive phosphoproteomic analysis.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometric analysis of proteolytically derived phosphopeptides has developed into a widespread technique for the identification of phosphorylated amino acids. Using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, 14 phosphorylation sites were identified on Xenopus laevis His6-Aurora A, a highly conserved regulator of centrosome maturation and cell division. These included seven novel phosphorylation sites, Ser-12, Thr-21, Thr-103, Ser-116, Thr-122, Tyr-155, and Thr-294, as well as the previously identified regulatory sites, Ser-53, Thr-295, and Ser-349. The identification of these novel phosphorylation sites will be important for future studies aimed at elucidating the mechanisms of Aurora A regulation by phosphorylation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a "kinase-inactive" mutant of Aurora A, K169R, still retains 10% of activity of the wild-type enzyme in vitro along with occupancy of Thr-295 and Ser-12. However, mutation of Asp-281 to Ala completely abolishes activity of the enzyme and should therefore be used preferentially as a genuine kinase-dead construct. Because of the abundance of phosphorylated residues on His6-Aurora A, we found this protein to be an ideal tool for the characterization of immobilized metal-affinity chromatography (IMAC) as a method for phosphopeptide enrichment from complex mixtures. We present a detailed analysis of the binding and elution properties of both the phosphopeptides and unphosphorylated peptides of His6-Aurora A to Fe3+-IMAC before and after methyl esterification. Moreover, we demonstrate a significant difference in enrichment of phosphopeptides when different resins are used for Fe3+-IMAC and characterize the strengths and limitations of this methodology for the study of phosphoproteomics.  相似文献   

在磷酸化蛋白质组学研究中,根据是否需要对待富集样品进行甲酯化处理,可将固化金属离子亲和层析(IMAC)方法分为两类,即需要甲酯化处理的IMAC方法(ME—IMAC)和不需要甲酯化处理的IMAC方法(Non—ME—IMAC)。要实现对磷酸化多肽的有效富集和鉴定,就必须对富集方法进行选择和优化。利用基质辅助激光解析离子化串联飞行时间质谱(MALDI—TOF—MS)对两种方法富集的磷酸化多肽进行了比较研究。结果表明,ME—IMAC方法容易发生样品丢失,质谱结果的分析也比较复杂,而Non—ME—IMAC方法则不仅操作简单而且富集效果理想。另外,优化了Non—ME—IMAC方法的实验条件,指出最佳的结合溶液是8%ACN/0.3%TFA,最佳的洗脱溶液是0.1mol/LEDTA(pH值8.0),从而建立了一套完整而简单有效的磷酸化多肽富集方法。  相似文献   

Iodixanol is a widely used iso-osmolar contrast medium agent. Similar to iohexol, it can also be a good exogenous marker for the measurement of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). This article describes the development and validation of an HPLC-UV method for quantification of iodixanol in human plasma. Internal standard, iohexol (20 microl, 1 mg/ml), and perchloric acid (30 microl, 20%, v/v) were added to plasma samples (300 microl), followed by neutralization with 10 microl potassium carbonate (5M). Samples were centrifuged and 10 microl of the supernatant was injected onto a C(18) EPS analytical column (3 microm particle size, 150 mm x 4.6 mm). The extraction method yielded >95% recovery for both iodixanol and iohexol. The mobile phase consisted of 0.1% (w/v) sodium formate buffer and acetonitrile. Iohexol and iodixanol peaks were eluted at approximately 5 and 9 min, respectively using a fast gradient method. The assay lower limit of detection was 2.0 microg/ml and lower limit of quantification was 10 microg/ml. The calibration curves, assessed in six replicates, were linear over an iodixanol concentration range of 10-750 microg/ml. Intra- and inter-day accuracy was >95% and precision expressed as % coefficient of variation was <10%. This method is simple, accurate, precise and robust and can potentially be used for iodixanol quantification in large-scale clinical studies.  相似文献   

In this study, a label-free relative quantification strategy was developed for quantifying low-abundance glycoproteins in human serum. It included three steps: (1) immunodepletion of 12 high-abundance proteins, (2) enrichment of low-abundance glycoproteins by multi-lectin column, (3) relative quantification of them between different samples by micrOTOF-Q. We also evaluated the specificity and efficiency of immunodepletion, the accuracy of protein quantification and the possible influence of immunodepletion, glycoprotein enrichment, trypsin digestion and peptide ionization on quantification. In conclusion, the relative quantification method can be effectively applied to the screening of low-abundance biomarkers.  相似文献   

Sulfur amino acids, such as taurine, hypotaurine, and thiotaurine, were found in high quantities in tissues of marine symbiotic organisms (e.g., bivalves, tubeworms) living close to hydrothermal vent sites. Therefore, they are assumed to play a key role in the S-oxidizing base metabolism or sulfide detoxification. We propose here a specific, rapid, and original analytical procedure for the direct determination of sulfur amino acids at the level of a few parts per billion in biological samples, avoiding the classical low specific post-column ortho-phthaldialdehyde derivatization step required by non-ultraviolet-absorbing molecules. Indeed, by coupling liquid chromatography on a porous graphitic stationary phase under isocratic conditions (10 mM ammonium acetate buffer adjusted to pH 9.3) to tandem mass spectrometry (ionization process by pneumatically assisted electrospray in negative ion mode), it is possible to perform specific quantification of these metabolites in less than 10 min directly in biological matrices without any derivatization step or other tedious sample treatments. Thus, taurine, hypotaurine, and thiotaurine have been identified and assayed in several deep sea organisms, showing that the developed method is well suited for this kind of application.  相似文献   

线上线下混合式教学是未来高校实验教学模式改革的方向之一。混合式教学具有体系性强、知识点可重复、学生自主学习及师生互动多等特点。浙江大学线上线下混合式教学生物化学实验课程包含大型开放式网络课程(massive open online course, MOOC)、线下综合性系列实验和自主实验设计与实践。该课程的混合式教学建设与实践表明,实验课程的混合式教学有助于扩充实验教学内涵,建设标准化的实验教学预习、过程与考核机制,并推动实验课程的共享应用。  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to electrospray mass spectrometry (MS) is well established in high-throughput proteomics. The technology enables rapid identification of large numbers of proteins in a relatively short time. Comparative quantification of identified proteins from different samples is often regarded as the next step in proteomics experiments enabling the comparison of protein expression in different proteomes. Differential labeling of samples using stable isotope incorporation or conjugation is commonly used to compare protein levels between samples but these procedures are difficult to carry out in the laboratory and for large numbers of samples. Recently, comparative quantification of label-free LC(n)-MS proteomics data has emerged as an alternative approach. In this review, we discuss different computational approaches for extracting comparative quantitative information from label-free LC(n)-MS proteomics data. The procedure for computationally recovering the quantitative information is described. Furthermore, statistical tests used to evaluate the relevance of results will also be discussed.  相似文献   

The application of high throughput experimentation (HTE) in protein purification process development has created an analytical bottleneck. Using a new label-free and non-invasive methodology for analyzing multicomponent protein mixtures by means of spectral measurements, we show that the analytical throughput for selective protein quantification can be increased significantly. An analytical assay based on this new methodology was shown to generate very precise results. Further, the assay was successfully applied as analytics for a resin screening performed in HTE mode. The increase in analytical throughput was obtained without decreasing the level of information when compared to analytical chromatography. This proves its potential as a valuable analytical tool in conjugation with high throughput process development (HTPD). Further, fast selective protein quantification can enhance process control in a commercial production environment and, hence, minimize the need for off-line release analysis.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(8):1044-1050

S-Nitrosation plays an important role in regulation of protein function and signal transduction. Discovering S-nitrosated targets is a prerequisite for further functional study. However, current proteomic methods used to quantify S-nitrosation are limited in their applicability to certain types of samples, or by the need for special reagents and complex procedures to obtain the results. Here we devised a label-free proteomic method for quantification of changes in the level of protein S-nitrosation on the basis of a spectral counting strategy, called S-nitrosothiol (SNO) spectral counting (SNOSC). With this method, samples can be from any source (cells, tissues); there is no need for labelling reagents or procedures, and the results yield quantitative information. Moreover, as it is based on the irreversible biotinylation procedure (IBP) for S-nitrosation protein enrichment, false positive targets caused by the interference of intermolecular disulphide bonds are ruled out. Using SNOSC we studied S-nitrosation in the cell line RAW264.7 induced exogenously with S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), or induced endogenously by lipopolysaccharides/interferon-gamma (LPS/IFN-γ). We detected a significant increase in S-nitrosation of 50 proteins after exogenous induction and 17 proteins after endogenous induction. We thus demonstrate that SNOSC is a widely applicable proteomic method for fast screening of SNO proteins.  相似文献   

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