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Beach‐cast marine macroalgae and seagrasses, collectively termed wrack, provide shelter and habitat for beach fauna and can often provide a large input of energy and nutrients to sandy beaches. Wrack deposition on sandy beaches varies spatially and could be affected by morphological features on the beach face such as cusps. This study tested a series of hypotheses regarding the differences in wrack deposits, sediments and macrofaunal assemblages between cusp bays and horns on two beaches in South Australia. Bays had greater cover and larger pieces of wrack than horns. Sediment organic matter content was greater on horns than in bays but mean particle size did not differ consistently between bays and horns. Macrofaunal diversity was higher in bays and this pattern was probably driven by differences in the cover of wrack between bays and horns. Cusp morphology thus influences the distribution of wrack on the beach face, which in turn influences the distribution of macrofauna. Studies of sandy beaches with cusps should therefore be explicitly designed to sample cusp features and associated wrack deposits.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the spatial and temporal effects of a freshwater discharge (Andreoni Canal) on polychaete assemblages and the corresponding habitat in a sandy beach of Uruguay. Bimonthly, we examined 17 environmental variables plus polychaete abundance, richness, and diversity of three sites: ‘Andreoni’ (highly disturbed) at the canal mouth, ‘Coronilla’ (moderately disturbed), 1 km far away, and ‘Barra del Chuy’ (less disturbed), 13 km north from Andreoni Canal. The highly disturbed site showed significantly lower values of salinity, beach width, swash width, slope, chlorophyll a, and significantly higher values of sediment organic matter. Polychaete abundance and diversity significantly decreased towards the canal and were positively correlated with spatial variations in salinity, which was the most important factor structuring polychaete assemblages. The results highlighted the negative effects of this artificial freshwater discharge on the sandy beach environment and stress the usefulness of polychaetes as effective and reliable ecological indicators for these ecosystems.  相似文献   

Annual fishes (AF) are ecologically unique assemblage with major conservation concern. Several AF species are found in temporary waters of South American subtropical grasslands, an ecoregion largely neglected by conservation policies. We applied a broad-scale approach to understand distribution pattern of the AF and tested the effects of environmental predictors on occurrence, abundance and assemblage structure of this diverse Neotropical group of threatened endemic aquatic fauna. We recorded 23 AF species. AF assemblage was strongly spatially structured and many individual species formed discrete units. AF presence was negatively associated with altitude at the landscape scale, and negatively associated with maximum pool depth and presence of predatory fish at the local scale. We found negative association between AF abundance and water depth. Assemblage composition was spatially structured, differed among hydrographic regions and was influenced by altitude, temperature and monthly precipitation. AF inhabits highly vulnerable habitats currently located in livestock and agricultural landscapes. Habitat maintenance through wildlife-friendly practices should be considered as an alternative to promote AF conservation.  相似文献   

A study on the spatial distribution of two tenebrionids and an isopod species was conducted at a small extent. Two species of the genus Phaleria were chosen because of their sympatric distribution and apparently similar adaptations to the beach environment. These scavenger species were studied in association to Tylos europaeus. Distributions, both perpendicular and parallel to the shoreline, were studied simultaneously with a grid of 20 × 20 pitfall traps arranged at a distance of 1 m from each other. Faunal samples were collected at two different hours of the night and core samples of sand were taken next to each pitfall trap for successive laboratory analysis. An index of dispersion was applied to test for aggregation of all species and of environmental parameters on the total, across- and long-shore. Kolmogorov–Smirnov two-sample test was used to compare the distributions between species. Regression analyse were applied to evaluate relationships between environmental parameters and species distributions. The study showed that the distribution of Phaleria species and T. europaeus was scale-dependent. The species and the values of the environmental parameters showed aggregated distributions both across- and long-shore. Aggregations of each Phaleria species differed according to their resting and foraging phases. For all species, sand moisture and salinity were the most important parameters explaining distribution. Granulometric parameters were correlated with the choice of the resting areas of both Phaleria species, whereas the spatial distribution of T. europaeus was correlated to the distribution of the organic matter.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2006,29(3):249-265
A study on the spatial distribution of two tenebrionids and an isopod species was conducted at a small extent. Two species of the genus Phaleria were chosen because of their sympatric distribution and apparently similar adaptations to the beach environment. These scavenger species were studied in association to Tylos europaeus. Distributions, both perpendicular and parallel to the shoreline, were studied simultaneously with a grid of 20 × 20 pitfall traps arranged at a distance of 1 m from each other. Faunal samples were collected at two different hours of the night and core samples of sand were taken next to each pitfall trap for successive laboratory analysis. An index of dispersion was applied to test for aggregation of all species and of environmental parameters on the total, across- and long-shore. Kolmogorov–Smirnov two-sample test was used to compare the distributions between species. Regression analyse were applied to evaluate relationships between environmental parameters and species distributions. The study showed that the distribution of Phaleria species and T. europaeus was scale-dependent. The species and the values of the environmental parameters showed aggregated distributions both across- and long-shore. Aggregations of each Phaleria species differed according to their resting and foraging phases. For all species, sand moisture and salinity were the most important parameters explaining distribution. Granulometric parameters were correlated with the choice of the resting areas of both Phaleria species, whereas the spatial distribution of T. europaeus was correlated to the distribution of the organic matter.  相似文献   

Community concordance describes similarity in distributions and abundances of organisms from different taxonomic groups across a region of interest, with highly concordant communities assumed to respond similarly to major environmental gradients, including anthropogenic stressors. While few studies have explicitly tested for concordance among stream-dwelling organisms, it frequently is assumed that both macroinvertebrates and fish respond in concert to environmental factors, an assumption that has implications for their management. We investigated concordance among fish and macroinvertebrates from tributaries of two catchments in southeastern Michigan having varied landscape characteristics. Classifications of fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages resulted in groups distinguished by differences in taxonomic characteristics, functional traits, and stressor tolerance of their respective dominant taxa. Biological groups were associated with principal landscape gradients of the study region, which ranged from forests and wetlands on coarse surficial geology to agricultural lands on finer, more impervious surficial geology. Measures of stream habitat indicated more stable stream flows and greater heterogeneity of conditions at site groups with catchments comprising forests and wetlands on the coarsest geology, but did not distinguish well among remaining site groups, suggesting that habitat degradation may not be the driving mechanism leading to differences in groups. Despite broadly similar interpretations of relationships of site groups with landscape characteristics for both fish and macroinvertebrates, examination of site representation within groups indicated weak community concordance. Our results suggest that explicit responses of fish and macroinvertebrates to landscape factors vary, due to potential differences in their susceptibility to controls or to differences in the scale at which landscape factors influence these organisms. Handling editor: Robert Bailey  相似文献   

Twenty-two sites were monitored in the Lower Sassandra River Basin (Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa) to examine patterns in fish species assemblage structure along environmental gradients. Hierarchical clustering of the species presence–absence data identified four types of assemblages corresponding to the man-made Lake Buyo, the main channel, and the two major tributaries. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) indicated that canopy closure, leaves-wood, aquatic plants, temperature, width, total dissolved solids and depth were the environmental factors most strongly correlated with variation in the fish assemblages. Five species: Papyrocranus afer, Micralestes elongatus, Parailia pellucida, Tilapia busumana and T. mariae were reported from the basin for the first time. The investigation of the variation in species richness led to the assessment of a major anthropogenic disturbance induced by a palm oil factory. In conjunction with the fact that the Sassandra River hosts an endemic species, Synodontis koensis, it was concluded that this basin is of high conservation priority.  相似文献   

Assemblages of non-cryptic, substrate-oriented species of fish were compared on a series of reefs in Southern California, USA. Reefs were grouped according to algal cover: dense beds of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) with turf understorey; sparse beds of giant kelp with foliose algae understorey: foliose algae < 1 m in height; and open barrens. Despite affinities to particular algal substrates by many individual species, we detected no differences in fish species richness and only weak differences in species composition among reefs of different habitat types. Planktivores and species that consume macro-invertebrates were less likely to occur on reefs that supported giant kelp; the frequencies of occurrence of three other trophic groups (piscivores, herbivores and micro-carnivores) were unaffected by giant kelp. Algal composition on reefs in Southern California is temporally highly dynamic. Changes in macro-algal composition of reefs influenced population dynamics of two fish species (black surfperch and striped surfperch) examined. Overall, the weak spatial variation in fish assemblages on reefs in Southern California appears to result from relatively unspecialized ecological requirements of many species combined with temporal changes in algal structure on reefs that are rapid relative to generation times of the fish. We hypothesize that the degree of spatial differentiation in assemblages of substrate-associated species of fish may be inversely related to the temporal constancy of biogenic reef structure.  相似文献   

为了解多网目单层组合刺网(MGN)和三重组合刺网(MTN)在近岸软相和硬相生境中的鱼类采集效果,于2011年10月选择枸杞岛沙地(SB)和岩礁(RR)生境为研究对象,从种类组成、捕获方式、优势种渔获率、多样性和群落格局上对MGN和MTN在两种生境中的鱼类采集效果进行了比较.结果表明:SB中MTN比MGN多采集鱼类5种,RR中相应多采集鱼类8种;SB中的MGN采获优势种为青鳞小沙丁鱼(Sardinella zunasi)和小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis),MTN增加了日本须鳎(Paraplagusia japonica);RR中的MTN仅采获褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)和斑头鱼(Hexagrammos agrammus)两种优势种,但MGN相应多出青鳞小沙丁鱼和小黄鱼;两生境中MGN的捕获方式均以契入为主,而MTN的渔获个体中其他捕获方式的比例明显增加;MGN对两生境近底层小黄鱼和中上层青鳞小沙丁鱼的捕获率显著高于MTN,但对褐菖鲉、斑头鱼以及日本须鳎等底层鱼类的捕获率上,MGN要低于MTN;SB中基于MTN的多样性指标均显著大于MGN,而RR中两者之间的各指标并无显著差异;两生境中MGN和MTN所呈现的群落格局均存在显著差异.在进行刺网采样时,需依据研究目标应用适宜的网具和方法,以最大限度地了解鱼类组成的真实情况.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics in fish assemblage structure, comprising postlarval to early adult stages, in the surf zone on an exposed sandy beach on the Kashimanada coast were studied over a 2-year period. A total of 32 species and two higher group taxa were found. In terms of abundance, Salangichthys ishikawae, Mugil cephalus cephalus, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, and Engraulis japonicus were the four most dominant species. The results of cluster analysis and canonical correspondence analysis using 12 dominant species in terms of abundance revealed that water temperature and wind factor (wind speed × wind direction) had significant independent associations on species occurrence patterns for 11 species; that is, occurrence of 11 species was significantly related to water temperature and occurrence of 7 species was related to wind factor. Two species (S. ishikawae and P. altivelis altivelis) showed clear monthly increases in size, consequently suggesting their use of the surf zone as a nursery area. In contrast, M. cephalus cephalus and E. japonicus showed few increases in standard length, indicating their use of the surf zone only in their postlarval and/or juvenile stage. It is suggested that numerous fish species use the surf zone as shelter and/or a nursery area, even in the harsh conditions of an exposed sandy beach with great wave action.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the hypothesis that after flooding events, non-random patterns of species co-occurrence (segregation) are progressively intensified in fish assemblages inhabiting seasonally isolated lagoons. We sampled lagoons in the upper Paraná River floodplain between 1992 and 1993, and classified them into five hydrological phases, according to their surface connectivity. During the period of isolation (9 months), lagoons depth decreased progressively, but desiccation was reversed after 4 months (possibly due to groundwater infiltration and rainfall). A significant co-occurrence pattern (segregation) occurred in the last phase, supporting our initial hypothesis. However, richness, abundance and composition were significantly correlated with habitat depth, indicating that assemblage structure and organization is closely associated with dynamics of habitat retraction/expansion during isolation. Although environmental conditions of lagoons (absence of prolonged desiccation) prevented an adequate test of our hypothesis, our data suggests that, in addition to the importance of surface floods, the hydrological cycle as a whole has a crucial role shaping the organization of fish assemblages in floodplain lagoons seasonally isolated.  相似文献   

The structure of summer fish assemblages was examined along longitudinal gradients in 31 Mediterranean-type rivers of the middle Guadiana basin (south-west Iberian Peninsula), using data from 157 sites including small streams to deep rivers. An ordination analysis, based on 16 variables, was applied to species presence, using principal component and canonical correspondence analysis. The results for the habitat data were compared with those for the biological data using a Mantel analysis, and the agreement was highly significant. Spatial structure was considered by partitioning the total variability among the environmental and geographical variables. The fish assemblages showed longitudinal zoning during the summer, with species distributed over gradients of habitat size (depth), water quality (current and physico-chemical variables), and cover (substratum and vegetation), according to their adult size and life history. The size of the habitat that remained available in summer had the greatest biological effect, being the most important factor explaining fish species distribution and assemblage structure during this stressing season. Strictly spatial variation was low, but there was still a high residual variation. Habitat associations and life-history strategies are discussed for native and exotic species.  相似文献   

The midgut glands (hepatopancreas) of terrestrial isopods contain bacterial symbionts. We analysed the phylogenetic diversity of hepatopancreatic bacteria in isopod species from various suborders colonizing marine, semiterrestrial, terrestrial and freshwater habitats. Hepatopancreatic bacteria were absent in the marine isopod Idotea balthica (Valvifera). The symbiotic bacteria present in the midgut glands of the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus (Asellota) were closely related to members of the proteobacterial genera Rhodobacter, Burkholderia, Aeromonas or Rickettsiella, but differed markedly between populations. By contrast, species of the suborder Oniscidea were consistently colonized by the same phylotypes of hepatopancreatic bacteria. While symbionts in the semiterrestrial isopod Ligia oceanica (Oniscidea) were close relatives of Pseudomonas sp. (Gammaproteobacteria), individuals of the terrestrial isopod Oniscus asellus (Oniscidea) harboured either 'Candidatus Hepatoplasma crinochetorum' (Mollicutes) or 'Candidatus Hepatincola porcellionum' (Rickettsiales), previously described as symbionts of another terrestrial isopod, Porcellio scaber. These two uncultivated bacterial taxa were consistently present in each population of six and three different species of terrestrial isopods, respectively, collected in different geographical locations. However, infection rates of individuals within a population ranged between 10% and 100%, rendering vertical transmission unlikely. Rather, feeding experiments suggest that 'Candidatus Hepatoplasma crinochetorum' is environmentally transmitted to the progeny.  相似文献   

Salinity and inlet distance were the most consistent indicators of species groupings among the 40 most abundant fish species in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), Florida. In contrast to findings of other studies conducted on small juveniles and forage fishes in the IRL, this study suggested that distributions of the more mobile organisms are influenced more by physical conditions than by biological interactions. Consequently, environmentally-corrected single-species models will be more effective in assessing changes in stock abundance and habitat preferences of mobile species in the IRL. Because of the fluctuations in physical conditions in the IRL and other estuaries, it may be inappropriate to use biologically based methods that rely solely on species interactions to assess fish stocks in those systems.  相似文献   

Changes in the Mondego estuary (Portugal) fish assemblage were documented with a long-term monitoring program between June 2003 and March 2010, during which several extreme environmental events occurred, including severe droughts and heavy precipitation. The structure and composition of the fish assemblage was analyzed based on a set of indicators: dominance, diversity, evenness, and composition in functional groups (ecological and feeding guilds). Higher species number, diversity, and evenness were observed in the dry periods. Variations in the relative abundance of the ecological guilds were also observed: in dry years, estuarine residents were the most abundant group, while in typical and rainy years, the marine estuarine-dependent species increased in abundance. Among the feeding guilds, the most abundant group was the invertebrate and fish feeders. Planktivorous and invertebrate feeders occurred in higher abundance in dry years, while the opposite was verified for omnivorous species. The mean trophic level of the fish assemblage increased during the drought period, constantly decreasing afterward, which could be attributed to an increase in predators in dry years. The cumulative responses of estuarine fish assemblages to ongoing climate changes and discrete extreme weather events confirm their importance as indicators of environmental changes.  相似文献   

1. Despite wide recognition that fish assemblages are influenced by factors operating over a range of spatial scales, little effort has been devoted to quantifying large‐scale variation and the multiscale dependencies of assemblage patterns and processes. This is particularly true for Mediterranean streams, where seasonally predictable drying‐up may lead to a strong association between assemblage attributes and large‐scale factors affecting the distribution of population sources and extinction likelihood. 2. The contribution of large‐scale factors to stream fish assemblage variation was quantified across a Mediterranean landscape, in south‐west Portugal. Fish abundance and species composition were estimated at 166 sites across third‐ to sixth‐order streams, in March–July 1998. Variance partitioning by redundancy analyses was used to analyse assemblage variation against three sets of predictor variables: environmental (catchment position, and geomorphic and hydrological factors), large‐scale spatial trends and neighbourhood effects. 3. Environmental variables and spatial trends accounted for 34.6% of the assemblage variation across the entire region, and for 36.6 and 57.8% within the two largest catchments (Mira and Seixe). Neighbourhood effects were analysed at the catchment scale, increasing the explained variation to 56.1% (Mira) and 70.7% (Seixe). 4. A prevailing environmental gradient was reflected in an increase in the abundance of all species and size‐classes in relation to catchment position, with more fish present in larger streams and in downstream reaches. Variables describing geomorphic and hydrological settings were less important in explaining assemblage variation. 5. Spatial trends always accounted for the smallest fraction of assemblage variation, and they were probably associated with historical barriers to fish dispersal. The strong neighbourhood effects may be related to spatially autocorrelated habitat conditions, but they are also a likely consequence of fish emigration/extinction and colonisation processes. 6. These results emphasise that a substantial proportion of fish assemblage variation in Mediterranean streams may be explained by large‐scale factors, irrespective of microhabitats and local biotic interactions. It is suggested that this pattern results to a large extent from the seasonal drying‐up, with the summer shortage of surface water limiting fish occurrence in headwaters, and consequently the key core areas for fish concentrating in larger streams and tributaries adjacent to large streams because of neighbourhood effects.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analyses and derived population-level metrics were used to quantitatively analyse spatial and seasonal heterogeneity in the fish trophic dynamics in relation to environmental variables in Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria (Tanzania). The fish community in Lake Victoria, including the top predator Nile perch, is generally omnivorous with a heavy reliance on invertebrates. This is in contrast to findings based on stomach content analyses of Nile perch, which showed a stronger reliance on fish. We tested two hypotheses: (1) during the rainy seasons multiple carbon sources influence the food-web structure inside the Gulf, leading to increased carbon ranges and trophic diversity. (2) During dry periods, the food-web structure mainly relies on pelagic primary production, reducing carbon ranges and trophic diversity. Carbon sources indeed varied seasonally and spatially, affecting the fish community at the highest trophic levels. With the onset of rains, carbon sources became spatially highly differentiated with enriched δ13C values of fish in shallow water inside the Gulf and depleted δ13C values in open waters. Metrics associated with niche size correlated significantly with seasonally varying environmental variables, while δ13C ranges correlated with spatially varying environmental variables.  相似文献   

During the flood season of 1992–1993, 139 species of fishes were collected from a floodplain lake system in the central Amazon Basin. Fish species distribution was examined relative to abiotic variables in seven vegetation strata on Marchantaria Island, Solimões River. Both environmental variables and species distributions were influenced by a river channel to floodplain-interior gradient. Species diversity was significantly higher in vegetated areas than in unvegetated areas, with deeper water Paspalum repens stands harbouring the highest diversity. As a result, species richness and catches were positively related to habitat complexity, while catch was also negatively related to dissolved oxygen (DO) and water depth. Low DO and shallow waters appeared to act as a refuge from predation. Fish assemblages were related to water chemistry, but species richness was not. Canonical correspondence analysis provided evidence that floodplain fish assemblages formed by the 76 most common species were influenced by physical variables, macrophyte coverage and habitat complexity, which jointly accounted for 67% of the variance of fish species assemblages. Omnivores showed no pattern relative to the river channel to floodplain-interior gradient while detritivores were more likely to be found at interior floodplain sites and piscivores closer to the river. Piscivores could be further separated into three groups, one with seven species associated with free-floating macrophytes in deep water, a second with five species found in shallow waters with rooted grasses and a third with six open water orientated species. The results suggest that fish assemblages in the Amazon floodplain are not random associations of species.  相似文献   

Kelp forests are patchy fish-associated habitats, which can vary greatly in their size, foundation species, and several physical habitat attributes. The structure of fish assemblages can vary with these characteristics and with the location of the assemblage within the forest, i.e. edges versus interiors. This study quantified the biological and physical heterogeneity within different sized kelp forests and identified which factors are important in structuring the associated fish assemblages. Fish and habitat surveys were conducted at the edge and interiors of ten kelp forests of varying sizes in Kachemak Bay, south-central Alaska. Fish assemblage structure was not correlated with the species composition of surface canopy forming foundation kelps (Nereocystis leutkeana and Eualaria fistulosa) or with kelp forest size. Instead, it correlated with the abundances of two understory foundation kelps (Agarum clathratum and Saccharina latissima), substratum rugosity, and water depth. Together these benthic attributes explained 53.6 % of the fish assemblage variability. Additionally, significantly different fish assemblages were found at edge compared to interior locations with the relative abundance of seven species (Artedius fenestralis, Ammodytes hexapterus, Blepsias cirrhosis, Gadus macrocephalus, Hexagrammos stelleri, Pholis laeta, and Sebastes melanops) explaining 91.4 % of the variability. This study highlights the importance of habitat characteristics such as understory foundation species, substratum rugosity, water depth and location within a patch on the variability of fish assemblages in high latitude kelp forests.  相似文献   

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