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Urbanization induces changes in species abundance and richness that are beginning to be extensively described. However, the functional structure of urban communities still requires attention to provide a basis for a more accurate understanding of urban ecosystems’ functioning. This study has been performed in order to assess functional changes in ecological communities related to changes of urban landscape features along an urbanization gradient. Species abundance and richness of birds and butterflies in the city parks of Marseille (south-east France) have been used to assess these changes. On the basis of easily accessible traits (reproduction parameters, size, feeding habits), we have examined whether different contexts of urbanization favour some strategies more than others. Some differences occur between butterflies and birds in terms of species abundance and richness through the urbanization gradient, showing that at least some species of birds manage to colonize city centre and/or exploit urban resources better than butterflies. But our results also clearly reveal general patterns in biological traits for both birds and butterflies that further reflect the gradient of urban features from outskirts to city centre. Species associated with the city centre tolerate a wide range of conditions whereas species associated with city outskirts have more specialized abilities. Urbanization acts as an environmental filter for bird and butterfly communities selecting species able to colonize and settle in the city centre on the basis of their biological traits. In our context, environmental filters induce a biotic homogenization with urbanization through loss of species (taxonomic homogenization) and over-representation of generalist species (functional homogenization). This homogenization reflects an underlying process of disruption of biotic interactions for butterflies and birds. This study has enabled us to identify a combination of biological traits sensitive to urban features that may represent useful indicators for both theoretical and applied purposes in order to understand the impact of urbanization on animal communities.  相似文献   

In the present study, the frequency distributions of 20 discrete cranial traits in 70 major human populations from around the world were analyzed. The principal-coordinate and neighbor-joining analyses of Smith's mean measure of divergence (MMD), based on trait frequencies, indicate that 1). the clustering pattern is similar to those based on classic genetic markers, DNA polymorphisms, and craniometrics; 2). significant interregional separation and intraregional diversity are present in Subsaharan Africans; 3). clinal relationships exist among regional groups; 4). intraregional discontinuity exists in some populations inhabiting peripheral or isolated areas. For example, the Ainu are the most distinct outliers of the East Asian populations. These patterns suggest that founder effects, genetic drift, isolation, and population structure are the primary causes of regional variation in discrete cranial traits. Our results are compatible with a single origin for modern humans as well as the multiregional model, similar to the results of Relethford and Harpending ([1994] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 95:249-270). The results presented here provide additional measures of the morphological variation and diversification of modern human populations.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this work is to update the distribution data of Galaxiidae in South America, relating extant distribution to physiological and reproductive characteristics of the species, latitude, temperature, and post-glacial opportunities for colonization. Location Lakes and rivers of Patagonia. Methods We compared, and eventually reconsidered, general data about distribution based on the original literature about capture sites, incorporating several published and unpublished data to the analysis of the biological traits and distribution of Galaxiidae. Results The more consistent issue in the comprehension of galaxiid biogeography in South America is the ability to establish landlocked populations. Different founding events in landlocked populations of Galaxias maculatus suggest the possible existence of older and younger landlocked populations. This difference in the time since the establishment of lacustrine populations could have been expressed in their ability for colonization of post-glacial areas. Galaxias maculatus, Aplochiton and Brachygalaxias are more clearly excluded from the post-glacial area than G. platei. For all the species we could note a more abundant record of lake populations at the area of glacial refuges. It could be noted that the most successful species, Galaxias platei, is a specialized deep bottom dweller. Deep bottom dwelling helps to endure winter constraints and it appears to be an alternative to the colonization of the littoral and limnetic zones of post-glacial lakes, the prefered habitat of the other Patagonian fish species. Main conclusions At the end of this process of post-glacial colonization, in the beginning of twentieth century, man introduced several salmonid species in Patagonia. In addition, antropogenic actions had its more recent consequences in global warming. Nowadays we were able to observe new localities for Brazilian fishes into the Austral Subregion and expect some changes in the distribution of Galaxiidae. Northern limits for all species and southern limits for landlocked G. maculatus, Brachigalaxias bullocki and Aplochiton zebra, could be displaced southward. Probably, the species less affected by the changes will be G. platei. These predictions could be accurately formulated using the model of B.J. Shuter & J.R. Post (1990) Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 119 , 314–336, when biological database on these species are completed.  相似文献   

Mammalian carnivores play an important role in regulating food webs and ecosystems. While many carnivore populations are facing various threats such as habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching, and illegal trade, others have adapted to human-dominated landscapes. Information about Neotropical carnivore communities in particular is limited, especially in disturbed landscapes. We conducted a camera trap survey at 38 sites across the San Juan–La Selva Biological Corridor in Costa Rica to assess occupancy and detection probabilities of the carnivore community. We developed hypotheses within a likelihood-based framework in order to determine the landscape features and species traits (diet and size) that influenced their occupancy. We detected nine of the 13 native carnivores predicted to occur in the corridor. When modeled separately, each species responded to land cover changes differently, suggesting no strong community-wide predictors of occupancy. We then modeled three separate guilds within the carnivore community: omnivorous mesopredators, obligate carnivorous mesopredators, and apex predators. These community guild models revealed a negative relationship between omnivorous mesopredators and increasing forest and tree plantation cover, suggesting omnivores utilize forest fragments and edge habitats in agricultural landscapes. Obligate carnivorous mesopredator models did not reveal any strong habitat relationships, but landscape effects tended to contradict our a priori predictions. Apex predators were positively associated with increasing forest and tree plantation cover, protected areas, and increasing distances to villages. Alarmingly, apex predators and obligate carnivorous mesopredators were generally rare within the biological corridor. A lack of top-down control alone might result in heightened occupancy for all mesopredators, but because the community is dominated by omnivorous species, bottom-up release from human-induced land cover changes and resource provision may better explain their high occupancy.  相似文献   

The impact of the urban heat-island effect, the warming-up of an urban area caused by human activity, on the blowfly Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) was examined at two British sites, 30 km apart. Waterloo in Central London is a highly urbanised built-up area, whereas Box Hill in the county of Surrey is a rural pasture and woodland location. The phenotypic plasticity of 12 C. vicina cultures, originated from single females from each of the two sites, was measured using three developmental characters: adult body size (represented as the length of the cross vein dm-cu of the right wing), development time as accumulated degree-days (ADD), and growth rate (length of dm-cu/ADD), along a constant temperature series of 16, 20, 24, and 28 °C in the laboratory. The blowflies from Box Hill had the same ADD as those from Waterloo, but showed a significantly larger adult size and growth rate at lower temperatures, suggesting the existence of local adaptations that may be caused by the differing levels of urbanisation between the two studied sites. Not surprisingly, a trade-off between adult size and development time was found. Females showed longer development times than males at all four temperatures, indicating they may need to ingest more food as larvae to furnish ovarioles and increase fecundity. However, females had larger adult size than males at 16 and 20 °C but a reverse at 28 °C, suggesting that females may be more cold-adapted than males.  相似文献   

Increasingly, local ecological knowledge (LEK) held by groups of people engaging directly with their ecosystems for food production is recognized as a valuable tool for understanding environmental change, as well as for ecosystem management and conservation. However, the acceptance of LEK for resource management has been partly hindered by difficulties in translating local knowledge into a form that can be applied directly to Western scientific endeavors. Anthropology's focus on cultural meaning makes its practitioners uniquely qualified to find common ground between different systems of knowledge. Here, I report the use of ethnographic methods to represent Puerto Rican small-scale fishers' knowledge about tropical coastal habitat connectivity and the composition of species assemblages by underwater habitats. These two topics are of current interest for tropical fishery science and their study can benefit from fishers' extensive experience with the coastal environments on which they depend.  相似文献   


Campesinos are the most numerous hunters in Latin America. Yet, local and traditional knowledge (LTK) among campesinos about hunting is often invisible to conservationists who perceive them as nonindigenous or illegal hunters. Moreover, research and methods for accessing campesino hunting LTK are limited in theory and practice. Conservationists therefore know little about campesinos’ cultural understandings of hunting. We assessed the LTK of Nicaraguan campesinos to determine whether they shared cultural hunting knowledge. Through 11 months of ethnographic fieldwork, an ethnoecology framework, and cultural consensus analysis, we found that campesino hunting LTK was shared across the study community. This knowledge extended from a worldview that emphasized subsistence and hunting secrets to ensure bountiful harvests, expressed through folk taxonomies, hunting strategies, campesino-dog relationships, and preparation of hunted animals. Campesino hunting LTK emerged from campesino culture, yielding numerous implications for conservation in Latin America.


1. Previous work has indicated, at least in two river systems, that some Characiformes species migrate from nutrient‐poor rivers to spawn in nutrient‐rich rivers. In the present work, larval and juvenile fish were surveyed to index spawning activity in order to determine whether this spawning pattern is repeated in nine major tributaries of the Amazon basin. 2. Adult Mylossoma aureum, M. duriventre, Colossoma macropomum, Anodus elongatus, Triportheus elongatus, Brycon cephalus, Semaprochilodus insignis, S. taeniurus and Prochilodus nigricans were recorded in nutrient‐poor and nutrient‐rich rivers. However, larval and juvenile individuals of these species were found in nutrient‐rich rivers only, indicating that spawning activity was restricted to that river type. 3. Concentration of suspended solids in the river was correlated with total ichthyoplankton density and related to species composition of juvenile characiform assemblages. 4. Our findings reinforce the hypothesis that nutrient‐rich rivers and associated floodplains function as spawning and nursery grounds, and suggest that they function as source habitats for these species in the Amazon Basin.  相似文献   

Whilst the biological traits composition of invertebrate assemblages has been successfully used to monitor temperate rivers, it has been seldom tested in tropical areas. We compared the trait composition of Ephemeroptera assemblages (five traits, 21 modalities) in three categories of headwater streams of FG: reference (undisturbed) sites, sites formerly impacted by gold-mining, and sites currently impacted by gold-mining. Differences in macroinvertebrate assemblage according to environmental characteristics and disturbance were evaluated using correspondence analysis and MANOVA. Among the considered traits, food acquisition, respiration and locomotion detected both past and current disturbance associated with gold-mining in headwaters. A fuzzy correspondence analysis showed a significant segregation of currently gold-mined, formerly gold-mined, and reference sites according to species traits. Shifts in trait composition were mostly related to changes in assemblage composition. Interestingly, no significant decline in diversity indices was observed in formerly gold-mined sites compared to the reference sites, 2 years after abandonment, while the taxonomic and trait composition of communities changed at these sites. These results support the case for further fundamental quantification of species traits, and for the inclusion of sensitive, trait-related metrics in upcoming multimetric indices for the assessment of river health.  相似文献   

Climate change affects the climatic disturbance patterns and regimes and is altering the frequency and intensity of subtropical cyclones. These events can affect population dynamics of seabirds (e.g., survival, reproduction). In this work we tested the effect of adverse weather on a colony of European storm petrels (Hydrobates pelagicus) located in a small islet (Aketx) in northern Spain. Over a long-term monitoring period (1993–2014) we ringed 3728 petrels. From 2003 onwards we also monitored breeding success, the percentage of immature individuals and moult scores. We used Cormack-Jolly-Seber models and Underhill and Zucchini models to analyze the effects of climatic conditions on a number of biological traits (survival, breeding parameters, moulting patterns). Our analyses revealed a constant value of adult survival over the 26-year monitoring period. Recapture probability, however, tended to be positively influenced by NAO conditions in spring, and negatively influenced by NAO conditions in winter (although this would only affect to a fraction of first-captured birds). Moreover, the impact of adverse weather, especially in 2011 and 2014, resulted in an increasing proportion of yearlings in the breeding population, a lower breeding success and a delayed onset of moult. These effects were similar to those observed during the Prestige oil spill catastrophe.  相似文献   

Pulgar JM  Bozinovic F  Ojeda FP 《Oecologia》2005,142(4):511-520
Geographic variability in the physiological attributes of widely distributed species can be a result of phenotypic plasticity or can reflect evolutionary responses to a particular habitat. In the field, we assessed thermal variability in low and high intertidal pools and the distribution of resident fish species Scartichthys viridis and transitory Girella laevifrons along this vertical intertidal gradient at three localities along the Chilean coast: Antofagasta (the northernmost and warmest habitat), Carrizal Bajo (central coast) and Las Cruces (the southernmost and coldest habitat). In the laboratory, we evaluated the thermal sensitivity of fish captured from each locality. The response to temperature was estimated as the frequency of opercular movements and as thermal selectivity in a gradient; the former being a indirect indicator of energy costs in a particular environment and the latter revealing differential occupation of habitat. Seawater temperature in intertidal pools was greatest at Antofagasta, and within each site was greatest in high intertidal pools. The two intertidal fish species showed opposite patterns of local distribution, with S. viridis primarily inhabiting the lower sectors of the intertidal zone, and G. laevifrons occupying the higher sectors of the intertidal zone. This pattern was consistent for all three localities. Locality was found to be a very important factor determining the frequency of opercular movement and thermal selectivity of both S. viridis and G. laevifrons. Our results suggest that S. viridis and G. laevifrons respond according to: (1) the thermal history of the habitat from which they came, and (2) the immediate physical conditions of their habitat. These results suggest local adaptation rather than plasticity in thermoregulatory and energetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

We used cultural consensus models to test whether hunters shared perceptions of wildlife abundance and the relative importance of hunting and fishing in a Guarayo indigenous community in the Bolivian Amazon. Results show that highly prized animals that were considered rare are either those with lower reproductive rates and more sensitivity to land use changes and harvest (white-lipped peccary and spider monkey) or those with marked seasonal distribution patterns (barred sorubim and tiger-fish). Rapidly reproducing and resilient species (agouti and armored catfish) were perceived as abundant. More tapirs and red brocket deer were present than predicted by scientific models possibly because hunters were harvesting these species in new forest management areas. Residents identified hunting and fishing among their most important livelihood activities, recognized bush meat and fish as basic food resources, and expected wildlife harvests to be part of their future livelihoods, although market-based livelihoods and domestic replacements for bush meat were reported.  相似文献   

In the last decades, a number of studies based on historical records revealed the diversity loss in the oceans and human-induced changes to marine ecosystems. These studies have improved our understanding of the human impacts in the oceans. They also drew attention to the shifting baseline syndrome and the importance of assessing appropriate sources of data in order to build the most reliable environmental baseline. Here we amassed information from artisanal fishermen''s local ecological knowledge, fisheries landing data and underwater visual census to assess the decline of fish species in Southeastern Brazil. Interviews with 214 fishermen from line, beach seine and spearfishing revealed a sharp decline in abundance of the bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix, the groupers Epinephelus marginatus, Mycteroperca acutirostris, M. bonaci and M. microlepis, and large parrotfishes in the past six decades. Fisheries landing data from a 16-year period support the decline of bluefish as pointed by fishermen''s local knowledge, while underwater visual census campaigns show reductions in groupers'' abundance and a sharp population decline of the Brazilian endemic parrotfish Scarus trispinosus. Despite the marked decline of these fisheries, younger and less experienced fishermen recognized fewer species as overexploited and fishing sites as depleted than older and more experienced fishermen, indicating the occurrence of the shifting baseline syndrome. Here we show both the decline of multigear fisheries catches – combining anecdotal and scientific data – as well as changes in environmental perceptions over generations of fishermen. Managing ocean resources requires looking into the past, and into traditional knowledge, bringing historical baselines to the present and improving public awareness.  相似文献   

Urban landscapes are characterized by an urban matrix often unfavorable for biodiversity, interspersed with remnant corridors such as riparian areas. Those are increasingly threatened by urban expansion and land use change worldwide. We investigated the effect of the two components, matrix versus corridor, by comparing the riparian plant diversity and the community-level ecological traits along an urbanization gradient. Species distribution was surveyed at a local-scale along an urban riparian corridor in Strasbourg, eastern France. Ninety plots were sampled along an urbanization gradient. Several plant metrics were measured using both plant richness (R) and mean ecological trait values of species weighted by their abundance (CWM). The surroundings of each plot were first described by selecting representative variables of matrix and corridor. Secondly, the distribution of plant species according to a given i ecological trait was analyzed in relation with different levels of urbanization. Using mixed effects models, we verified whether matrix or corridor variables best explain the distribution of traits. Three levels of urbanization were detected, termed urban, suburban and peri-urban, based on landscape composition. Neither the peri-urban nor the suburban level affected plant metrics. At the urban level, and whatever indicator value was considered, the CWMi metrics clearly decreased, whereas species richness Ri increased. The upstream distance to the nearest natural area and tree cover were the most influential variables on CWMi metrics, whereas Ri metrics were mainly driven by built component and landscape heterogeneity. Matrix variables were more important in explaining Ri metrics while corridor features affected CWMi metrics. These results highlight the preponderance of the corridor effect on plant ecological types and the importance of the matrix on the selection and/or the implantation of novel species. Thus, the urbanization gradient may operate simultaneously on the abundance of local species and impose the recruitment of new co-existing species. This study suggests that ecological type responds to the urbanization gradient and may be an alternative tool to understand plant distribution rather than plant diversity.  相似文献   

Despite growing interest in traditional and local ecological knowledge for conservation and resource management, the role of migrant resource users is largely unexplored. Challenging many assumptions about what constitutes “local knowledge,” migrant and immigrant harvesters of non-timber forest products on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington possess useful ecological knowledge of overstory–understory relationships and how forestry practices affect understory biological and commercial production. Harvesters of salal (Gaultheria shallon), a shrub used in the multi-million dollar floral greens industry, were interviewed in Mason County, Washington in 2001–2003. Interviews revealed that harvesters possess different kinds of resource management knowledge depending on whether they are experienced harvesters or more recent newcomers to the area. These differences may also correlate with differences in their harvesting practices. Understanding how resource management knowledge differs between experienced and newcomer harvesters can inform forest managers in their efforts to develop effective management and permitting policies for floral greens and other non-timber forest resources in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
Heidi L. BallardEmail:

The sustainable use of resources requires that management practices and institutions take into account the dynamics of the ecosystem. In this paper, we explore the role of local ecological knowledge and show how it is used in management practices by a local fishing association in a contemporary rural Swedish community. We focus on the local management of crayfish, a common-pool resource, and also address the way crayfish management is linked to institutions at different levels of Swedish society. Methods from the social sciences were used for information gathering, and the results were analyzed within the framework of ecosystem management. We found that the practices of local fishing association resemble an ecosystem approach to crayfish management. Our results indicate that local users have substantial knowledge of resource and ecosystem dynamics from the level of the individual crayfish to that of the watershed, as reflected in a variety of interrelated management practices embedded in and influenced by institutions at several levels. We propose that this policy of monitoring at several levels simultaneously, together with the interpretation of a bundle of indicators and associated management responses, enhances the possibility of building ecological resilience into the watershed. Furthermore, we found that flexibility and adaptation are required to avoid command-and-control pathways of resource management. We were able to trace the development of the local fishing association as a response to crisis, followed by the creation of an opportunity for reorganization and the recognition of slow ecosystem structuring variables, and also to define the role of knowledgeable individuals in the whole process. We discuss the key roles of adaptive capacity, institutional learning, and institutional memory for successful ecosystem management and conclude that scientific adaptive management could benefit from a more explicit collaboration with flexible community-based systems of resource management for the implementation of policies as experiments. Received 26 April 2000; accepted 13 October 2000.  相似文献   

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