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The holotype of Chitinotylenchus paragracilis (Micoletzky, 1922) is redescribed and illustrated. Chitinotylenchus is proposed as a synonym of Ditylenchus Filipjev, 1936 and C. paragracilis as Ditylenchus paragracilis (Micoletzky, 1922) new comb. The four other species in the genus Chitinotylenchus are considered species inquirendae.  相似文献   

The family Heteroderidae, its two subfamilies Heteroderinae and Meloidogyninae and the nominal genera of Heteroderinae (Heterodera Schmidt, 1871; Meloidodera Chitwood, Hannon &Esser, 1956; and Cryphodera Colbran, 1966) are rediagnosed. Meloidoderita Pogosyan, 1966 is considered a genus inquirenda. Two new genera from southern California are described in the subfamily Heteroderinae. A key to the genera, illustrations and a phylogeny of the Heteroderinae are proposed.  相似文献   

Four populations of Panagrellus redivivus (Linnaeus, 1767) Goodey, 1945, and syntypes of P. dubius Sanwal, 1960, P. redivivoides (Goodey, 1943) Goodey, 1945, P. pycnus Thorne, 1938, P. zymosiphilus (Brunold, 1950) Brunold, 1954, and P. leucocephalus Steiner, 1936 were examined. Additional information on the morphology of spicules and stoma is presented. P. zymosiphilus is synonymized with P. redivivoides and Rühm''s synonymization of P. silusiae and P. leucocephalus with P. redivivus is supported. Lectolypes for P. pycnus and P. redivivoides are designated.  相似文献   

The cellular architecture of the female gonoduct of 68 nematode populations representing 42 species belonging to Tylenchidae, Belonolaimidae, Hoplolaimidae and Meloinema is shown to have an overall similarity in cellular gonoduct structure. The oviduct consists of two rows of four cells; the spermatheca is comprised of 10 to 20 cells, and the uterus cells, except in the case of Psilenchus, are arranged in four (Tylenchidae) or three (Belonolaimidae, Hoplolaimidae and Meloinema) regular rows. Although the genus Meloinema is classified within Meloidogynidae, its spermatheca is clearly hoplolaimid-like and lacks the spherical shape with lobe-like protruding cells typical of Meloidogyne. Detailed morphology of expelled gonoducts may provide a valuable character set in phylogenetic analysis, and the cellular morphology of the spermatheca appears to be a distinguishing feature at species level, especially in the genera Tylenchus and Geocenamus. Ultrastructural data on the oviduct-spermatheca region of Meloidogyne incognita complement light-microscopic (LM) results. The combination of LM of expelled organs and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on selected sections is put forward as a powerful tool to combine three-dimensional knowledge with ultrastructural detail.  相似文献   

In a survey of ecotypes for longidorids, primarily from the rhizosphere hardwood trees growing in sandy soil along stream banks, 828 soil samples were collected from 37 Arkansas counties in 1999-2001. Eight populations of Longidorus breviannulatus were identified from the Arkansas survey samples. A total of 19 populations from California, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, and Wisconsin were identified from the collection of the second author. A few males were found in New York and Nebraska populations and are described herein. Seven populations of L. fragilis were identified in the Arkansas survey samples, and one population was found from Indiana. Four juvenile stages of L. fragilis are present, and data are given for them herein.  相似文献   

To show the relationship of the monodelphic species of Trichodoridae with the nominal taxa, the genus Monotrichodorus is redefined, with the addition of one new species. The new genus Allotrichodorus is proposed on the basis of new species found in Brazil; and one new species is described in the genus Paratrichodorus.  相似文献   

Two new and closely related species of the genus Cygnonema Allen & Noffsinger, 1978 are described from a cold-water coral degradation zone in the Porcupine Seabight (NE Atlantic). Both species differ from C. steineri Allen & Noffsinger, 1978 by more pronounced pharyngeal and posterior swellings, a smaller body, a shorter pharynx in relation to body length, a higher number of CAT, and by the absence of a dorsal tooth. Cygnonema verum sp. n. differs from C. belgicae sp. n. by its greater body length, the relatively larger head capsule, a higher number of CAT, a more anteriorly positioned anteriormost laterodorsal CAT, a higher number of PAT, by the external labial sensilla being setiform, a higher number of subcephalic setae, and by a more anterior position of the amphidial fovea on the head capsule. Males of C. verum sp. n. are easily recognised by the presence of two large subventral, precloacal corniform setae. They also differ from males of C. belgicae sp. n. in the smaller amount of cytoplasm in the sperm cells, a knob-like capitulum, and a relatively shorter tail tip. The diagnosis of Cygnonema is emended, a dichotomic identification key to the three species is provided, and their biogeography is discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty populations of Meloidogyne of diverse geographic origin representing 10 nominal species and various reproductive, cytological, and physiological forms known to exist in the genus were examined to determine their enzymatic relationships. The 184 bands resolved in the study of 27 enzymes were considered as independent characters. Pair-wise comparisons of populations were performed in all possible combinations to estimate the enzymatic distances (ED) and coefficients of similarity (S). A phylogenetic tree was constructed. The apomictic species M. arenaria, M. microcephala, M. javanica, and M. incognita shared a common lineage. M. arenaria was highly polytypic, whereas conspecific populations of M. javanica and M. incognita were largely monomorphic. The mitotic and meiotic forms of M. hapla were very similar (S = 0.93), suggesting that the apomictic race B evolved only recently from the meiotic race A. The five remaining meiotic species (M. chitwoodi, M. graminicola, M. graminis, M. microtyla, and M. naasi - each represented by a single population) were not closely related to each other or to the mitotic species.  相似文献   

An identification key to 111 species of Tylenchorhynchus is given. Tylenchorhynchus is defined as containing only those species with four incisures in the lateral field. A compendium providing the most important diagnostic characters for use in identification of species is included as a supplement to the key. Some species in a related but unnecessary genus were placed in the genus Tylenchorhynchus, based on morphological structures and logical groupings of the species. Bitylenchus iphilus is transferred to Tylenchorhynchus. The diagnosis of Tylenchorhynchus is emended, and a list of all the valid species of the genus is given. The characters most useful for separating species are the stylet length, shape of lip region, number of lip annules, shape of tail and tail terminus, number of tail annules, and position of vulva (V%). As defined in the paper, the genus currently is composed of 111 valid species.  相似文献   

Hoplolaimus concaudajuvencus n. sp., of the genus Hoplolaimus Daday, 1905, characterized by larval heteromorphism, is described and illustrated as recovered from ryegrass/bermudagrass golf green turf in Florida. Females and males are closely related to H. galeatus (Cobb, 1913) Thorne, 1935, but have longer stylets with more definitely tulip-shaped stylet knobs which anteriorly tend to close upon the stylet shaft more than in H. galeatus. First and second-stage larvae have a conically-pointed tail unlike any known species of the genus. Subsequent stages, including females, have rounded tails essentially similar to other species of the genus and males possess the typical hopolaimid tail and bursa. The first molt was found to occur within the egg.  相似文献   

Recent inferences of phylogeny from molecular characters, as well as a reexamination of morphological and biological characters, reject the monophyly of the nematode genus Koerneria Meyl, 1960 (Diplogastridae). Here, Koerneria sensu lato is revised. The genus, which previously consisted of 40 species, is separated into three genera. Almost all of the transferred species are moved to the resurrected genus Allodiplogaster Paramonov & Sobolev in Skrjabin et al. (1954). Koerneria and Allodiplogaster are distinguished from each other by a weakly vs. clearly striated body surface, an undivided vs. divided stomatal cheilostom, and arrangement of the terminal ventral triplet of male genital papillae, namely in that v5 and v6 are paired and separated from v7 vs. v5–v7 being close to each other. Allodiplogaster is further divided into two groups of species, herein called the henrichae and striata groups, based on both morphological and life-history traits. The henrichae group is characterized by papilliform labial sensilla and male genital papillae, a conical tail in both males and females, and an association with terrestrial habitats and insects, whereas the striata group is characterized by setiform labial sensilla and male genital papillae, an elongated conical tail in both sexes, and an association with aquatic habitats. A second genus, Anchidiplogaster Paramonov, 1952, is resurrected to include a single species that is characterized by its miniscule stoma and teeth, unreflexed testis, and a distinct lack of male genital papillae or stomatal apodemes. Lastly, one further species that was previously included in Koerneria sensu lato is transferred to the genus Pristionchus Kreis, 1932. The revision of Koerneria sensu lato is necessitated by the great variability in its subordinate taxa, which occupy a variety of habitats, in addition to the increased attention to Diplogastridae as a model system for comparative mechanistic biology.  相似文献   

Olmi M  Guglielmino A 《ZooKeys》2010,(70):57-66
Esagonatopus floridensissp. n. is described from Florida, Oklaloosa County (USA). A revision of the three Nearctic species of Esagonatopus Olmi, 1984 is presented. New data on geographic distribution, morphologic variability and opposite sexes of Esagonatopus niger (Fenton, 1924) and Esagonatopus perdebilis (Perkins, 1907) are given. A key to the Nearctic species of Esagonatopus is presented.  相似文献   

Funaria maryanneae n. sp., distinguished by its large size and long prerectum, is described from specimens collected in Bad Sooden, Germany, D. B. R. This nematode was collected also from Fräkmüntegg (Mt. Pilatus), Switzerland. Proleptonchus weischeri n. sp., with short hemispheroid female tail and relatively anterior vulva, is described from specimens collected in Kaufunger Wald near Kassel, Germany, D. B. R. This is the first report of either genus from the continent of Europe. Leptonchus parisii Zullini, 1973, from Chiapas, Mexico, becomes a junior synonym of Funaria obtusa (Thorne, 1939) Goseco, Ferris and Ferris, 1974. Leptonchus acutus Zulliui, 1973 becomes Funaria acuta n. comb., and Funaria rothi Goseco, Ferris and Ferris, 1974 becomes a junior synonym of Funaria acuta.  相似文献   

Two new species of Actinolaimidae are described from China. Trachactinolaimus brevicaudatus n. sp. is 3.4-4.4 mm long; a = 40-60, b = 3.5-5.2, c = 20-21 in female and 34-39 in male; odontostyle length is 29-33 µm; spicules are 67-77 µm long; and the stoma has four onchia with numerous mural denticles. The female has a longitudinal vulva, and the male has 20 to 23 contiguous ventromedian supplements. Egtitus sinensis n. sp. is 1.7-2.2 mm long; a = 24-33, b = 3.1-3.9, c = 16-19 in female and 0.7-0.9 in male; odontostyle length is 25-29 µm; spicules are 55-56 µm long; and the prerectum 53-77 µm long. The cardia is short and blunt conoid, 13-19 µm long. The male has 12 to 13 ventromedian supplements at intervals of 2-3 µm.  相似文献   

An identification key to 29 valid species of Hoplolaimus is given. A compendium of the most important diagnostic characters for use in identification of species is included as a practical alternative and supplement to the key. Diagnosis of Hoplolaimus is emended and lists of species of the genus, their synonymies, species inquirendae, nomina nuda, and species transferred to other genera are given. Hoplolaimus sheri, H. chambus, H. casparus, and H. capensis are recognized as valid species.  相似文献   

Trichodorus intermedius n. sp., Trichodorus dilatatus n. sp., and Paratrichodorus (Atlantadorus) grandis n. sp. are described from soil around native plants of Southern California. The females of the three subgenera of Paratrichodorus are further characterized on the basis of the vulva, which is pore-like in Atlantadorus, a longitudinal slit in Paratrichodorus, and a transverse slit in Nanidorus.  相似文献   

Bursaphelenchus anatolius n. sp., a phoretic associate of Halictus bees from Ankara, Turkey, is described and illustrated. Bursaphelenchus anatolius n. sp. is closest to B. kevini, which is phoretically associated with Halictus bees from the Pacific Northwest. Bursaphelenchus anatolius n. sp. and B. kevini appear to be sister taxa based upon several shared morphological features, similar life histories involving phoresy with soil-dwelling Halictus bees, and molecular analysis of the near-full-length small subunit rDNA, D2D3 expansion segments of the large subunit rDNA, and partial mitochondrial DNA COI. Bursaphelenchus anatolius n. sp. can be differentiated from all other species of Bursaphelenchus based upon spicule morphology. The paired spicules are uniquely shaped and ventrally recurved, and both B. anatolius n. sp. and B. kevini possess extending flaps that open when the spicules are protracted beyond the cloaca. Population growth of B. anatolius n. sp. was measured at 23 °C in the laboratory on cultures of the fungus Monilinia fructicola grown on lactic acid-treated, 5% glycerol-supplemented potato dextrose agar. Nematode population densities rapidly increased from 110 to about 110,000/9-cm-diam. dish within 21 days.  相似文献   

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