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The curve of mean critical illumination (Im) for response to flicker as a function of flicker frequency (F) for the larvae of the dragonfly Anax junius is progressively shifted toward higher intensities the lower the temperature. The maximum flicker frequency (one half the cycle time of light and no light) and the maximum intensity with which it is associated are very little if at all affected by change of temperature. These facts are in agreement with the requirements of the conception that recognition of critical illumination for reaction to flicker involves and depends upon a kind of intensity discrimination, namely between the effects of flashes and the after effects of these flashes during the intervals of no light. The shift of the F-Im curve with change of temperature is quite inconsistent with the stationary state conception of the determination of the shape of the curve. The dispersion (P.E. II1) of the measurements of I 1 is directly proportional to Im, but the factor of proportionality is less at high and at low temperature than at an intermediate temperature; the scatter of the values of P.E. II1 is also a function of the temperature. These facts can also be shown to be concordant with the intensity discrimination basis for marginal recognition of flicker.  相似文献   

The curve connecting mean critical illumination (Im) and flicker frequency (F) for response of the sunfish Lepomis (Enneacanthus gloriosus) to flicker is systematically displaced toward lower intensities by raising the temperature. The rod and cone portions of the curve are affected in a similar way, so that (until maximum F is approached) the shift is a nearly constant fraction of Im for a given change of temperature. These relationships are precisely similar to those found in the larvae of the dragonfly Anax. The modifications of the variability functions are also completely analogous. The effects found are consistent with the view that response to flicker is basically a matter of discrimination between effect of flashes of light and their after effects,—a form of intensity discrimination. They are not consistent with the stationary state formulation of the shape of the flicker curve. An examination of the relationships between the cone portion and the rod portion of the curves for the sunfish suggests a basis for their separation, and provides an explanation for certain "anomalous" features of human flicker curves. It is pointed out how tests of this matter will be made.  相似文献   

From the relations between critical illumination in a flash (Im) and the flash frequency (F) for response of the sunfish to visual flicker when the proportion of light time to dark time (tL/tD) in a flicker cycle is varied at one temperature (21.5°) the following results are obtained: At values of tL/tD between 1/9 and 9/1 the F - log Im curves are progressively shifted toward higher intensities and lower Fmax.. Fmax. is a declining rectilinear function of the percentage of the flash cycle time occupied by light. The rod and the cone portions of the flicker curve are not shifted to the same extent. The cone portion and the rod region of the curve are each well described by a probability integral. In terms of F as 100 F/Fmax. the standard deviation of the underlying frequency distribution of elemental contributions, summed to produce the effect proportional to F, is independent of tL/tD. The magnitude of log Im at the inflection point (r''), however, increases rectilinearly with the percentage light time in the cycle. The proportionality between Im and σII1 is independent of tL/tD. These effects are interpreted as consequences of the fact that the number of elements of excitation available for discrimination of flicker is increased by increasing the dark interval in a flash cycle. Decreasing the dark interval has therefore the same kind of effect as reducing the visual area, and not that produced by decreasing the temperature.  相似文献   

Arthropods with large convex eyes provide curves of critical illumination for response as a function of flicker frequency (or of visual acuity) which depart from the probability integral type characteristically found for F – log I with vertebrates. By means of experiments with Anax nymphs in which various parts of the eye have been opaqued it is shown that the special shape of the flicker curve is due to the mechanical disadvantage of the periphery of the eye in the reception of light, which is overcome by higher intensities. It is not due to a fixed spatial pattern of intrinsic individual excitabilities of the ommatidia. Reduction of retinal area decreases Fmax., and increases log I for F/Fmax. = 50 per cent. The direct proportionality of Im to P.E.1I is independent of area. Certain relations of these facts to the theory of response to flicker have been discussed.  相似文献   

Determinations of the flicker response curve (F – log Im) with larvae of Anax junius (dragonfly) for various ratios tL/tD of light time to dark time in a flash cycle provide relations between tL/tD and the parameters of the probability integral fundamentally describing the F – log I function, including the variability of I. These relations are quantitatively of the same form as those found for this function in the sunfish, and are therefore non-specific. Their meaning for the theory of reaction to visual flicker is discussed. The asymmetry of the Anax curve, resulting from mechanical conditions affecting the reception of light by the arthropod eye, is (as predicted) reduced by relative lengthening of the fractional light time in a cycle.  相似文献   

Flicker response curves have been obtained at 21.5°C. for three genera of fresh water teleosts: Enneacanthus (sunfish), Xiphophorus (swordtail), Platypoecilius (Platy), by the determination of mean critical intensities for response at fixed flicker frequencies, and for a certain homogeneous group of backcross hybrids of swordtail x Platy (Black Helleri). The curves exhibit marked differences in form and proportions. The same type of analysis is applicable to each, however. A low intensity rod-governed section has added to it a more extensive cone portion. Each part is accurately described by the equation F = Fmax./(1 + e -p log-p logI/Ii), where F = flicker frequency, I = associated mean critical intensity, and Ii is the intensity at the inflection point of the sigmoid curve relating F to log I. There is no correlation between quantitative features of the rod and cone portions. Threshold intensities, p, Ii, and Fmax. are separately and independently determined. The hybrid Black Helleri show quantitative agreement with the Xiphophorus parental stock in the values of p for rods and cones, and in the cone Fmax.; the rod Fmax. is very similar to that for the Platy stock; the general level of effective intensities is rather like that of the Platy form. This provides, among other things, a new kind of support for the duplicity doctrine. Various races of Platypoecilius maculatus, and P. variatus, give closely agreeing values of Im at different flicker frequencies; and two species of sunfish also agree. The effect of cross-breeding is thus not a superficial thing. It indicates the possibility of further genetic investigation. The variability of the critical intensity for response to flicker follows the rules previously found to hold for other forms. The variation is the expression of a property of the tested organism. It is shown that, on the assumption of a frequency distribution of receptor element thresholds as a function of log I, with fluctuation in the excitabilities of the marginally excited elements, it is to be expected that the dispersion of critical flicker frequencies in repeated measurements will pass through a maximum as log I is increased, whereas the dispersion of critical intensities will be proportional to Im; and that the proportionality factor in the case of different organisms bears no relation to the form or position of the respective curves relating mean critical intensity to flicker frequency. These deductions agree with the experimental findings.  相似文献   

1. In the presence of 0.05 per cent dextrose the respiration of Aspergillus niger is increased by NaCl in concentrations of 0.25 to 0.5M, and by 0.5M CaCl2. 2. Stronger concentrations, as 2M NaCl and 1.25M CaCl2, decrease the respiration. The decrease in the higher concentrations is probably an osmotic effect of these salts. 3. A mixture of 19 cc. of NaCl and 1 cc. of CaCl2 (both 0.5M) showed antagonism, in that the respiration was normal, although each salt alone caused an increase. 4. Spores of Aspergillus niger did not germinate on 0.5M NaCl (plus 0.05 per cent dextrose) while they did on 0.5M CaCl2 (plus 0.05 per cent dextrose) and on various mixtures of the two. This shows that a substance may have different effects on respiration from those which it has upon growth.  相似文献   

1. Collodion bags coated with gelatin on the inside were filled with a M/256 solution of neutral salt (e.g., NaCl, CaCl2, CeCl3, or Na2SO4) made up in various concentrations of HNO3 (varying from N/50,000 to N/100). Each collodion bag was put into an HNO3 solution of the same concentration as that inside the bag but containing no salt. In this case water diffuses from the outside solution (containing no salt) into the inside solution (containing the salt) with a relative initial velocity which can be expressed by the following rules: (a) Water diffuses into the salt solution as if the particles of water were negatively charged and as if they were attracted by the cation and repelled by the anion of the salt with a force increasing with the valency of the ion. (b) The initial rate of the diffusion of water is a minimum at the hydrogen ion concentration of about N/50,000 HCl (pH 4.7, which is the point at which gelatin is not ionized), rises with increasing hydrogen ion concentration until it reaches a maximum and then diminishes again with a further rise in the initial hydrogen ion concentration. 2. The potential differences between the salt solution and the outside solution (originally free from salt) were measured after the diffusion had been going on for 1 hour; and when these values were plotted as ordinates over the original pH as abscissae, the curves obtained were found to be similar to the osmotic rate curves. This confirms the view expressed by Girard) Bernstein, Bartell, and Freundlich that these cases of anomalous osmosis are in reality cases of electrical endosmose where the driving force is a P.D. between the opposite sides of the membrane. 3. The question arose as to the origin of these P. D. and it was found that the P.D. has apparently a double origin. Certain features of the P.D. curve, such as the rise and fall with varying pH, seem to be the consequence of a Donnan equilibrium which leads to some of the free HNO3 being forced from the solution containing salt into the outside solution containing no (or less) salt. This difference of the concentration of HNO3, on the opposite sides of the membrane leads to a P.D. which in conformity with Nernst''s theory of concentration cells should be equal to 58 x (pH inside minus pH outside) millivolts at 18°C. The curves of the values of (pH inside minus pH outside) when plotted as ordinates over the original pH as abscissae lead to curves resembling those for the P. D. in regard to location of minimum and maximum. 4. A second source of the P.D. seems to be diffusion potentials, which exist even if no membranes are present and which seem to be responsible for the fact that the rate of diffusion of negatively charged water into the salt solution increases with the valency of the cation and diminishes with the valency of the anion of the salt. 5. The experiments suggest the possibility that the establishment of a Donnan equilibrium between membrane and solution is one of the factors determining the Helmholtzian electrical double layer, at least in the conditions of our experiments.  相似文献   

String galvanometer records show the effect of current flow upon the bioelectric potential of Nitella cells. Three classes of effects are distinguished. 1. Counter E.M.F''S, due either to static or polarization capacity, probably the latter. These account for the high effective resistance of the cells. They record as symmetrical charge and discharge curves, which are similar for currents passing inward or outward across the protoplasm, and increase in magnitude with increasing current density. The normal positive bioelectric potential may be increased by inward currents some 100 or 200 mv., or to a total of 300 to 400 mv. The regular decrease with outward current flow is much less (40 to 50 mv.) since larger outward currents produce the next characteristic effect. 2. Stimulation. This occurs with outward currents of a density which varies somewhat from cell to cell, but is often between 1 and 2 µa/cm.2 of cell surface. At this threshold a regular counter E.M.F. starts to develop but passes over with an inflection into a rapid decrease or even disappearance of positive P.D., in a sigmoid curve with a cusp near its apex. If the current is stopped early in the curve regular depolarization occurs, but if continued a little longer beyond the first inflection, stimulation goes on to completion even though the current is then stopped. This is the "action current" or negative variation which is self propagated down the cell. During the most profound depression of P.D. in stimulation, current flow produces little or no counter E.M.F., the resistance of the cell being purely ohmic and very low. Then as the P.D. begins to recover, after a second or two, counter E.M.F. also reappears, both becoming nearly normal in 10 or 15 seconds. The threshold for further stimulation remains enhanced for some time, successively larger current densities being needed to stimulate after each action current. The recovery process is also powerful enough to occur even though the original stimulating outward current continues to flow during the entire negative variation; recovery is slightly slower in this case however. Stimulation may be produced at the break of large inward currents, doubtless by discharge of the enhanced positive P.D. (polarization). 3. Restorative Effects.—The flow of inward current during a negative variation somewhat speeds up recovery. This effect is still more strikingly shown in cells exposed to KCl solutions, which may be regarded as causing "permanent stimulation" by inhibiting recovery from a negative variation. Small currents in either direction now produce no counter E.M.F., so that the effective resistance of the cells is very low. With inward currents at a threshold density of some 10 to 20 µa/cm.2, however, there is a counter E.M.F. produced, which builds up in a sigmoid curve to some 100 to 200 mv. positive P.D. This usually shows a marked cusp and then fluctuates irregularly during current flow, falling off abruptly when the current is stopped. Further increases of current density produce this P.D. more rapidly, while decreased densities again cease to be effective below a certain threshold. The effects in Nitella are compared with those in Valonia and Halicystis, which display many of the same phenomena under proper conditions. It is suggested that the regular counter E.M.F.''S (polarizations) are due to the presence of an intact surface film or other structure offering differential hindrance to ionic passage. Small currents do not affect this structure, but it is possibly altered or destroyed by large outward currents, restored by large inward currents. Mechanisms which might accomplish the destruction and restoration are discussed. These include changes of acidity by differential migration of H ion (membrane "electrolysis"); movement of inorganic ions such as potassium; movement of organic ions, (such as Osterhout''s substance R), or the radicals (such as fatty acid) of the surface film itself. Although no decision can be yet made between these, much evidence indicates that inward currents increase acidity in some critical part of the protoplasm, while outward ones decrease acidity.  相似文献   

In normal cells of Valonia the order of the apparent mobilities of the ions in the non-aqueous protoplasmic surface is K > Cl > Na. After treatment with 0.01 M guaiacol (which does not injure the cell) the order becomes Na > Cl > K. As it does not seem probable that such a reversal could occur with simple ions we may assume provisionally that in the protoplasmic surface we have to do with charged complexes of the type (KX I)+, (KX II)+, where X I and X II are elements or radicals, or with chemical compounds formed in the protoplasm. When 0.01 M guaiacol is added to sea water or to 0.6 M NaCl (both at pH 6.4, where the concentration of the guaiacol ion is negligible) the P.D. of the cell changes (after a short latent period) from about 10 mv. negative to about 28 mv. positive and then slowly returns approximately to its original value (Fig. 1, p. 14). This appears to depend chiefly on changes in the apparent mobilities of organic ions in the protoplasm. The protoplasmic surface is capable of so much change that it does not seem probable that it is a monomolecular layer. It does not behave like a collodion nor a protein film since the apparent mobility of Na+ can increase while that of K+ is decreasing under the influence of guaiacol.  相似文献   

At fixed flash frequency (F = 20, F = 55) and with constant light time fraction (50 per cent) in the flash cycle, the critical illumination I for response of Anax nymphs to visual flicker falls continuously as the temperature rises. The temperature characteristic µ for the measure of excitability (1/I) increases continuously with elevation of temperature. The form of the F - log I curve does not change except at quite high temperature (35.8°), and then only slightly (near F = 55); Fmax. is not altered. The very unusual form of the 1/I curve as a function of temperature is quantitatively accounted for if two processes, with respectively µ = 19,200 and µ = 3,400, contribute independently and simultaneously to the control of the speed of the reaction governing the excitability; the velocities of these two processes are equal at 15.9°.  相似文献   

The alternation of substrate specificity expands the application range of enzymes in industrial, medical, and pharmaceutical fields. l‐Glutamate oxidase (LGOX) from Streptomyces sp. X‐119‐6 catalyzes the oxidative deamination of l‐glutamate to produce 2‐ketoglutarate with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. LGOX shows strict substrate specificity for l‐glutamate. Previous studies on LGOX revealed that Arg305 in its active site recognizes the side chain of l‐glutamate, and replacement of Arg305 by other amino acids drastically changes the substrate specificity of LGOX. Here we demonstrate that the R305E mutant variant of LGOX exhibits strict specificity for l‐arginine. The oxidative deamination activity of LGOX to l‐arginine is higher than that of l‐arginine oxidase form from Pseudomonas sp. TPU 7192. X‐ray crystal structure analysis revealed that the guanidino group of l‐arginine is recognized not only by Glu305 but also Asp433, Trp564, and Glu617, which interact with Arg305 in wild‐type LGOX. Multiple interactions by these residues provide strict specificity and high activity of LGOX R305E toward l‐arginine. LGOX R305E is a thermostable and pH stable enzyme. The amount of hydrogen peroxide, which is a byproduct of oxidative deamination of l‐arginine by LGOX R305E, is proportional to the concentration of l‐arginine in a range from 0 to 100 μM. The linear relationship is maintained around 1 μM of l‐arginine. Thus, LGOX R305E is suitable for the determination of l‐arginine.  相似文献   

1.25 per cent gelatin solutions containing enough NaOH to bring them to pH 7.367 (or KOH to pH 7.203) were made up with various concentrations of NaCl, KCl and MgCl2, alone and in mixtures, up to molar ionic strength. The effects of these salts on the pH were observed. MgCl2 and NaCl alone lower the pH of the Na gelatinate or the K gelatinate, in all amounts of these salts. KCl first lowers the pH (up to 0.01 M K+), then raises the pH. Mixtures of NaCl and KCl (up to 0.09 M of the salt whose concentration is varied) raise the pH; then (up to 0.125 M Na+ or K+) lower the pH; and finally (above 0.125 M) behave like KCl alone. Mixtures of MgCl2 and NaCl raise the pH up to 0.10 M Na+, and lower it up to 0.15 M Na+ regardless of the amount of MgCl 2. Higher concentrations of NaCl have little effect, but the pH in this range of NaCl concentration is lowered with increase of MgCl2. Mixtures of MgCl2 and KCl behave as above described (for MgCl2 and NaCl) and the addition of NaCl plus KCl to gelatin containing MgCl2 produces essentially the same effect as the addition of either alone, except that the first two breaks in this curve come at 0.07 M and 0.08 M [Na+ + K+] and there is a third break at 0.12 M. In this pH range the free groups of the dicarboxylic acids and of lysine are essentially all ionized and the prearginine and histidine groups are essentially all non-ionized. The arginine group is about 84 per cent ionized. Hence we are studying a solution with two ionic species in equilibrium, one with the arginine group ionized, and one with it non-ionized. It is shown that the effect of each salt alone depends upon the effect of the cation on the activity of these two species due to combination. The anomalous effects of cation mixtures may be qualitatively accounted for if one or both of these species fail to combine with the cations in a mixture in proportion to the relative combination in solutions of each cation alone. Special precautions were taken to ensure accuracy in the pH measurements. The mother solutions gave identical readings to 0.001 pH and the readings with salts were discarded when not reproducible to 0.003 pH. All doubtful data were discarded.  相似文献   

The pH of a 0.01 molar solution of glycine, half neutralized with NaOH, is 9.685. Addition of only one of the salts NaCl, KCl, MgCl2, or CaCl2 will lower the pH of the solution (at least up to 1 µ). If a given amount of KCl is added to a glycine solution, the subsequent addition of increasing amounts of NaCl will first raise the pH (up to 0.007 M NaCl). Further addition of NaCl (up to 0.035 M NaCl) will lower the pH, and further additions slightly raise the pH. The same type of curve is obtained by adding NaCl to glycine solution containing MgCl2 or CaCl2 except that the first and second breaks occur at 0.015 M and 0.085 M NaCl, respectively. Addition of CaCl2 to a glycine solution containing MgCl2 gives the same phenomena with breaks at 0.005 M and 0.025 M CaCl; or at ionic strengths of 0.015 µCaCl2 and 0.075 µCaCl2. This indicates that the effect is a function of the ionic strength of the added salt. These effects are sharp and unmistakable. They are almost identical with the effects produced by the same salt mixtures on the pH of gelatin solutions. They are very suggestive of physiological antagonisms, and at the same time cannot be attributed to colloidal phenomena.  相似文献   

The effects of light upon the potential difference across the protoplasm of impaled Halicystis cells are described. These effects are very slight upon the normal P.D., increasing it 3 or 4 per cent, or at most 10 per cent, with a characteristic cusped time course, and a corresponding decrease on darkening. Light effects become much greater when the P.D. has been decreased by low O2 content of the sea water; light restores the P.D. in much the same time course as aeration, and doubtless acts by the photosynthetic production of O2. There are in both cases anomalous cusps which decrease the P.D. before it rises. Short light exposures may give only this anomaly. Over part of the potential range the light effects are dependent upon intensity. Increased CO2 content of the sea water likewise depresses the P.D. in the dark, and light overcomes this depression if it is not carried too far. Recovery is probably due to photosynthetic consumption of CO2, unless there is too much present. Again there are anomalous cusps during the first moments of illumination, and these may be the only effect if the P.D. is too low. The presence of ammonium salts in the sea water markedly sensitizes the cells to light. Subthreshold NH4 concentrations in the dark become effective in the light, and the P.D. reverses to a negative sign on illumination, recovering again in the dark. This is due to increase of pH outside the cell as CO2 is photosynthetically reduced, with increase of undissociated NH3 which penetrates the cell. Anomalous cusps which first carry the P.D. in the opposite direction to the later drift are very marked in the presence of ammonia, and may represent an increased acidity which precedes the alkaline drift of photosynthesis. This acid gush seems to be primarily within the protoplasm, persisting when the sea water is buffered. Glass electrode measurements also indicate anomalies in the pH drift. There are contrary cusps on darkening which suggest temporarily increased alkalinity. Even more complex time courses are given by combining low O2 and NH4 exposures with light; these may have three or more cusps, with reversal, recovery, and new reversal. The ultimate cause of the light effects is to be found in an alteration of the surface properties by the treatments, which is overcome (low O2, high CO2), or aided (NH4) by light. This alteration causes the surface to lose much of its ionic discrimination, and increases its electrical resistance. Tests with various anion substitutions indicate this, with recovery of normal response in the light. A theory of the P.D. in Halicystis is proposed, based on low mobility of the organic anions of the protoplasm, with differences in the two surfaces with respect to these, and the more mobile Na and K. ions.  相似文献   

Electrical resistance and polarization were measured during the passage of direct current across a single layer of protoplasm in the cells of Valonia ventricosa impaled upon capillaries. These were correlated with five stages of the P.D. existing naturally across the protoplasm, as follows: 1. A stage of shock after impalement, when the P.D. drops from 5 mv. to zero and then slowly recovers. There is very little effective resistance in the protoplasm, and polarization is slight. 2. The stage of recovery and normal P.D., with values from 8 to 25 mv. (inside positive). The average is 15 mv. At first there is little or no polarization when small potentials are applied in either direction across the protoplasm, nor when very large currents pass outward (from sap to sea water). But when the positive current passes inward there is a sudden response at a critical applied potential ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 volts. The resistance then apparently rises as much as 10,000 ohms in some cases, and the rise occurs more quickly in succeeding applications after the first. When the potential is removed there is a back E.M.F. displayed. Later there is also an effect of such inward currents which persists into the first succeeding outward flow, causing a brief polarization at the first application of the reverse potential. Still later this polarization occurs at every exposure, and at increasingly lower values of applied potentials. Finally there is a "constant" state reached in which the polarization occurs with currents of either direction, and the apparent resistance is nearly uniform over a considerable range of applied potential. 3. A state of increased P.D.; to 100 mv. (inside positive) in artificial sap; and to 35 or 40 mv. in dilute sea water or 0.6 M MgSO4. The polarization response and apparent resistance are at first about as in sea water, but later decrease. 4. A reversed P.D., to 50 mv. (outside positive) produced by a variety of causes, especially by dilute sea water, and also by large flows of current in either direction. This stage is temporary and the cells promptly recover from it. While it persists the polarization appears to be much greater to outward currents than to inward. This can largely be ascribed to the reduction of the reversed P.D. 5. Disappearance of P.D. caused by death, and various toxic agents. The resistance and polarization of the protoplasm are negligible. The back E.M.F. of polarization is shown to account largely for the apparent resistance of the protoplasm. Its calculation from the observed resistance rises gives values up to 150 mv. in the early stages of recovery, and later values of 50 to 75 mv. in the "constant" state. These are compared with the back E.M.F. similarly calculated from the apparent resistance of intact cells. The electrical capacitance of the protoplasm is shown by the time curves to be of the order of 1 microfarad per cm.2 of surface.  相似文献   

1. In relatively low concentrations of NaCl, KCl, and CaCl2 the rate of respiration of Bacillus subtilis remains fairly constant for a period of several hours, while in the higher concentrations, there is a gradual decrease in the rate. 2. NaCl and KCl increase the rate of respiration of Bacillus subtilis somewhat at concentrations of 0.15 M and 0.2 M respectively; in sufficiently high concentrations they decrease the rate. CaCl2 increases the rate of respiration of Bacillus subtilis at a concentration of 0.05 M and decreases the rate at somewhat higher concentrations. 3. The effects of salts upon respiration show a well marked antagonism between NaCl and CaCl2, and between KCl and CaCl2. The antagonism between NaCl and KCl is slight and the antagonism curve shows two maxima.  相似文献   

1. The effects of a number of respiratory inhibiting agents on the cell division of fertilized eggs of Arbacia punctulata have been determined. For eggs initially exposed to the reagents at 30 minutes after fertilization at 20°C., the levels of oxygen consumption prevailing in the minimum concentrations of reagents which produced complete cleavage block were (as percentages of the control): In 0.4 per cent O2-99.6 per cent N2, 32; in 0.7 per cent O2-99.3 per cent CO, 32; in 1.6 x 10–4 M potassium cyanide, 34; in 1 x 10–3 M phenylurethane, 70; in 4 x 10–3 M 5-isoamyl-5-ethyl barbituric acid, 20; in 3 x 10–4 M iodoacetic acid, 53. 2. The carbon monoxide inhibition of oxygen consumption and cell division was reversed by light. The percentage inhibition of oxygen consumption by carbon monoxide in the dark is described by the usual mass action equation with K, the inhibition constant, equal to approximately 60, as compared to values of 5 to 10 for yeast and muscle. In 20 per cent O2-80 per cent CO in the dark there was a slight stimulation of oxygen consumption, averaging 20 per cent. 3. Spectroscopic examination of fertilized and unfertilized Arbacia eggs reduced by hydrosulfite revealed no cytochrome bands. The thickness and density of the egg suspension was such as to indicate that, if cytochrome is present at all, the amount in Arbacia eggs is extremely small as compared to that in other tissues having a comparable rate of oxygen consumption. 4. Three reagents poisoning copper catalyses, potassium dithio-oxalate (10–2 M), diphenylthiocarbazone (10–4 M), and isonitrosoacetophenone (2 x 10–3 M) produced no inhibition of division of fertilized Arbacia eggs. 5. These results indicate that the respiratory processes required to support division in the Arbacia egg may perhaps differ in certain essential steps from the principal respiratory processes in yeast and muscle.  相似文献   

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