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The sun-fish Lepomis responds to a moving system of stripes by a motion of its body. By changing the velocity of motion of the stripe system different flicker frequencies can be produced and thus the relation of flicker frequency to critical intensity of illumination can be studied. Threshold illumination varies with flicker frequency in such a way that with increasing flicker frequency the intensity of illumination must be increased to produce a threshold response in the fish. The curve of critical illumination as a function of frequency is made up of two distinct parts. For an intensity range below 0.04 millilambert and flicker frequencies below 10 per second, the rods are in function. For higher intensities and flicker frequencies above 10, the cones come into play. The maximum frequency of flicker which can be perceived by the fish''s eye is slightly above 50 per second. The flicker curve for the eye of Lepomis can easily be compared with that for the human eye. The extent of the curve for the fish is greater at low illuminations, the fish being capable of distinguishing flicker at illuminations lower than can the human eye. The transition of rod vision to cone vision occurs for the fish and for the human eye at the same intensity and flicker frequency. The maximum frequency of flicker which can be perceived is for both about the same.  相似文献   

Summary A special pattern of the flicker is studied in insects belonging to four Orders, i. e. the differential electrical synchronised response of the eye periodically stimulated by two slightly different alternating illuminations.After having checked that the flicker in response to a regular periodical stimulation at every frequency is made up of successive equal potentials, we use two slightly different alternate flickering flashes. It is established that the alternation of two periodical stimulations of a different duration, as well as the alternation of two periodical stimulations of a different intensity, results, over a certain frequency which depends on the insect studied, in the appearance of a flicker marked with the alternation of two potentials whose difference increases at the same time as the frequency of stimulation.The dependence of this phenomenon on modulation of the light flux is described. At a given frequency of stimulation, the alternation of a high and low potential is more obvious when the modulation is lower.A particular experiment allows us to admit that the differential threshold of electrical response to two different stimulations is under 0.25%, at the frequency 100 Hz, inCalliphora erythrocephala.All the phenomena observed can be explained by a mathematical theory which considers the characteristics of the amplitude of the response to sinusoidal stimulations of various frequencies, i. e. the characteristics of the transfer function of the frequencies.  相似文献   

How do humans perceive the passage of time and the duration of events without a dedicated sensory system for timing? Previous studies have demonstrated that when a stimulus changes over time, its duration is subjectively dilated, indicating that duration judgments are based on the number of changes within an interval. In this study, we tested predictions derived from three different accounts describing the relation between a changing stimulus and its subjective duration as either based on (1) the objective rate of changes of the stimulus, (2) the perceived saliency of the changes, or (3) the neural energy expended in processing the stimulus. We used visual stimuli flickering at different frequencies (4–166 Hz) to study how the number of changes affects subjective duration. To this end, we assessed the subjective duration of these stimuli and measured participants'' behavioral flicker fusion threshold (the highest frequency perceived as flicker), as well as their threshold for a frequency-specific neural response to the flicker using EEG. We found that only consciously perceived flicker dilated perceived duration, such that a 2 s long stimulus flickering at 4 Hz was perceived as lasting as long as a 2.7 s steady stimulus. This effect was most pronounced at the slowest flicker frequencies, at which participants reported the most consistent flicker perception. Flicker frequencies higher than the flicker fusion threshold did not affect perceived duration at all, even if they evoked a significant frequency-specific neural response. In sum, our findings indicate that time perception in the peri-second range is driven by the subjective saliency of the stimulus'' temporal features rather than the objective rate of stimulus changes or the neural response to the changes.  相似文献   

The bee''s characteristic response to a movement of its visual field is used for the study of the relation between critical frequency of flicker and illumination. The critical flicker frequency varies with illumination in such a way that with increasing flicker frequency the intensity of illumination must be increased to produce a threshold response in the bee. The illuminations required to give a response in a bee at different flicker frequencies closely correspond to the intensities for threshold response in visual acuity tests. This is due to the different thresholds of excitability of the elements of the ommatidial mosaic. An analysis of the variation of the values for threshold intensities at the several flicker frequencies shows that the variation depends upon flicker frequency and upon the number of elements functioning at different intensities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Temporal resolution of freely-flying bees was measured by training bees, Apis mellifera (Linn.), to discriminate between a steady light and a flickering light. Two kinds of experiments were conducted: those using a homochromatic flicker, in which the intensity of the flickering light varied periodically with time; and ones using a heterochromatic flicker, in which the colour of the flickering light varied periodically. In either case, the time-averaged properties (intensity and colour) of the flickering light matched those of the steady light, and the bees' ability to discriminate between the two stimuli was measured for various flicker frequencies. The results indicate that bees perform poorly in the homochromatic flicker experiments, regardless of the colour of the light (u.v., blue or green), but well in those with heterochromatic flicker. Heterochromatic flicker experiments using various pairwise combinations of the colours U.V., blue and green (corresponding to the three known spectral receptor-types in the bee's retina) reveal that temporal resolution is much better when blue is one of the component colours, than when it is not. The simplest interpretation of the results is in terms of colour channels possessing different response speeds. Heterochromatic flicker promises to be a useful tool in investigating the temporal properties of colour vision in bees.  相似文献   

Pigeons accustomed to food reinforcement for responding in the presence of a 25-Hz flickering light were exposed to several sets of flicker-frequency stimuli arranged as increasing and decreasing series. In the first experiment, food was occasionally delivered for key pecks during 30-s periods of 25-Hz flicker appearing at the beginning, midway, and at the end of an ascending and descending series of nine frequencies, ranging from 13 to 37 Hz. These stimuli appeared for 15-s periods with no food available (extinction). Gradients of responding to flicker values in the ascending series differed from those in the descending series, showing displacements in peak responding toward the lower and higher frequency values, respectively. The same effects occurred when the sequence was changed so that a descending series was followed by an ascending series of frequencies. These effects are consonant with an adaptation level (AL) interpretation and were replicated in a second experiment in which durations of the extinction presentations were increased to 30s. In a final condition, only a descending series was presented and displacement of peak responding from 25 Hz to a higher frequency stimulus, 28 Hz, was observed.  相似文献   

Aotus monkeys were tested in a forced-choice discrimination task to determine their ability to discriminate sinusoidally flickering lights varying in temporal frequency and luminance contrast. Under conditions of moderate light adaptation this primate is maximally sensitive to lights flickering at 10 Hz while the highest frequency they can discriminate is about 42 Hz. At very low light levels (10(-5) ft L) maximum sensitivity is for 2.2--5 Hz flicker. The highest flicker rate that could be discriminated under these conditons was about 29 Hz. In comparison to humans tested in the same situation. Aotus monkeys show relatively lower sensitivity to temporal flicker under conditions of light adaptation but relatively higher sensitivity at very low light levels.  相似文献   

Experiments were made to compare the stimulating effectiveness of vertically and horizontally polarized lights and non-polarized lights of equal intensity upon phototropic movements of the beetle Tetraopes tetraopthalmus; and to compare the effectiveness of two light beams polarized at right angles to one another upon phototropic orientation of the land isopod Cylisticus convexus. Tetraopes is positively, and Cylisticus, negatively phototropic. Tests were also made of the intensities of horizontally and of vertically polarized light required to inhibit stereotropism in larvæ of Tenebrio. Under the conditions of the tests, no certain qualitative effect connected with polarization could be detected.  相似文献   

The several parameters of the flicker response contour (F – log I) are considered as a function of wave-length composition (white, blue, and red) and light-time fraction, for an extra-foveal region (monocular, temporal retina). These data are compared with those secured for the same image area centrally fixated at the fovea. The systematic changes in the parameters are shown to be in rational relation to other relevant excitability data. Since for two retinal regions the primary contours are quite different, the systematic nature of the behavior of the parameters in the two cases is a real test of the power of the analysis proposed. Theoretical interpretation is required to deal with the properties of sets of performance contours under systematically varied conditions, and cannot rely simply on the comparison of (for example) two contours under the same arbitrary conditions at two retinal locations. In particular it is emphasized that a qualitative separation must be made of the two factors of (a) number of units and (b) the frequencies of their actions, before the wave-length problem can be dealt with effectively.  相似文献   

From the relations between critical illumination in a flash (Im) and the flash frequency (F) for response of the sunfish to visual flicker when the proportion of light time to dark time (tL/tD) in a flicker cycle is varied at one temperature (21.5°) the following results are obtained: At values of tL/tD between 1/9 and 9/1 the F - log Im curves are progressively shifted toward higher intensities and lower Fmax.. Fmax. is a declining rectilinear function of the percentage of the flash cycle time occupied by light. The rod and the cone portions of the flicker curve are not shifted to the same extent. The cone portion and the rod region of the curve are each well described by a probability integral. In terms of F as 100 F/Fmax. the standard deviation of the underlying frequency distribution of elemental contributions, summed to produce the effect proportional to F, is independent of tL/tD. The magnitude of log Im at the inflection point (r''), however, increases rectilinearly with the percentage light time in the cycle. The proportionality between Im and σII1 is independent of tL/tD. These effects are interpreted as consequences of the fact that the number of elements of excitation available for discrimination of flicker is increased by increasing the dark interval in a flash cycle. Decreasing the dark interval has therefore the same kind of effect as reducing the visual area, and not that produced by decreasing the temperature.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of intracellular K+ and Rb+ on single-channel currents recorded from the large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ (BK) channel of the embryonic rat telencephalon using the inside-out patch-clamp technique. Our novel observation concerns the effects of these ions on rapid flickering of channel openings. Specifically, flicker gating was voltage dependent, i.e., it was reduced by depolarization in the -60 to -10 mV range with equimolar concentrations of K+ ions (150 Ko+/150 Ki+). Removal of Ki+ resulted in significant flickering at all potentials in this voltage range. In other words, the voltage dependence of flicker gating was effectively eliminated by the removal of Ki+. This suggests that a K+ ion entering the channel from the intracellular medium binds, in a voltage-dependent manner, at a site that locks the flicker gate in its open position. No effects of changes in Ki+ were observed on the primary, voltage-dependent gate of the channel. The change in flickering did not cause a change in the mean burst duration, which indicates that the primary gate is stochastically independent of the flicker gate. Intracellular Rb+ can substitute for--and is even more effective than--Ki+ with regard to suppression of flickering. Substitution of Rbi+ for Ki+ also increased the mean burst duration for V > or = -30 mV. Both effects of Rbi+ were removed by membrane hyperpolarization.  相似文献   

The expression of galvanotropic excitation in energy units is obtained by the measurement of the current densities required to balance phototropic excitation (or reciprocally). With the triclad Leptoplana preliminary measurements show that the current is proportional to the logarithm of the light intensity.  相似文献   

Monkeys exposed to a rhythmically flickering light (flicker frequency 7/sec, intensity 1614 lumens/m2) show a higher incorporation of intracisternally administered l -(U-3H)-lysine into proteins of the visual cortex as compared to monkeys kept in darkness. An increase in specific radioactivity is noticed in both the soluble and particulate (including membrane linked) proteins. The 105,000 g supernatant proteins from the visual cortex have been fractionated on DEAE-cellulose columns followed by resolution of each fraction on polyacrylamide gels. The results suggest that there is a group of acidic low molecular weight proteins whose synthesis is significantly stimulated during the exposure of the animal to flickering light. The fractions give immunological cross-reaction with anti S-100 Serum.  相似文献   

The ERG of the dragonfly ocellus has been analyzed into four components, two of which originate in the photoreceptor cells, two in the ocellar nerve fibers (Ruck, 1961 a). Component 1 is a sensory generator potential, component 2 a response of the receptor axons. Component 3 is an inhibitory postsynaptic potential, component 4, a discharge of afferent nerve impulses in ocellar nerve fibers. Responses to flickering light are examined in terms of this analytic scheme. It has been found that the generator potential can respond to higher rates of flicker—up to 220/sec.—than can the receptor axon responses, the postsynaptic potential, or the ocellar nerve impulses. The maximum flicker fusion frequency as measured by fusion of the ERG is that of the sensory generator potential itself.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the effects of visual flicker on subjective time in humans using a temporal bisection task. A 200–800 ms duration range and 400–1600 ms duration range were presented. Each duration range was presented separately in three different conditions: (1) filled stimuli were presented in both the training and the testing phases, (2) flickering stimuli were presented in the training phase and filled stimuli were presented in the testing phase, and (3) filled stimuli were presented in the training phase and flickering stimuli were presented in the testing phase. Psychophysical functions displacements and bisection point values suggested that flicker increased the speed of the clock; however the direction of the displacement and bisection point changes depended on the phase of the task in which the flicker was presented. This result agrees with the specific storage in either working or reference memory components of Scalar Expectancy Theory of the increased number of pulses from the clock. Weber fractions and difference limens suggested that flicker did not affect subjects’ temporal sensitivity.  相似文献   

The photic orientation of Limax creeping geotropically upon a vertical plate is such that the phototropic vector determining the angular deflection β from the vertical path is proportional to log I. This is proved by the fact that with horizontal illumination tan β is directly proportional to log I; with non-horizontal light rays from a small source the ratio See PDF for Equation is directly proportional to log I (where A = the angle between light rays and the path of orientation), the vector diagram of the field of excitation being in this case not a right-angled triangle.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of stochastic low-frequency oscillations of erythrocyte cell membrane, termed usually the flicker of erythrocytes, is reviewed. The first part [Biol. Membrany (Rus.), 2009, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 352–369] describes theoretical models of erythrocyte flickering and the registration techniques. In the second part presented below the main experimental results are reviewed, the problem of identification of acting mechanisms of flicker excitation is analyzed, and flicker interrelations are considered with the membrane functioning as well as with the dynamics of proteins embedded in the membrane. The possibilities and the prospects of medical diagnostics applications of flicker of erythrocytes are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Flicker response curves have been obtained at 21.5°C. for three genera of fresh water teleosts: Enneacanthus (sunfish), Xiphophorus (swordtail), Platypoecilius (Platy), by the determination of mean critical intensities for response at fixed flicker frequencies, and for a certain homogeneous group of backcross hybrids of swordtail x Platy (Black Helleri). The curves exhibit marked differences in form and proportions. The same type of analysis is applicable to each, however. A low intensity rod-governed section has added to it a more extensive cone portion. Each part is accurately described by the equation F = Fmax./(1 + e -p log-p logI/Ii), where F = flicker frequency, I = associated mean critical intensity, and Ii is the intensity at the inflection point of the sigmoid curve relating F to log I. There is no correlation between quantitative features of the rod and cone portions. Threshold intensities, p, Ii, and Fmax. are separately and independently determined. The hybrid Black Helleri show quantitative agreement with the Xiphophorus parental stock in the values of p for rods and cones, and in the cone Fmax.; the rod Fmax. is very similar to that for the Platy stock; the general level of effective intensities is rather like that of the Platy form. This provides, among other things, a new kind of support for the duplicity doctrine. Various races of Platypoecilius maculatus, and P. variatus, give closely agreeing values of Im at different flicker frequencies; and two species of sunfish also agree. The effect of cross-breeding is thus not a superficial thing. It indicates the possibility of further genetic investigation. The variability of the critical intensity for response to flicker follows the rules previously found to hold for other forms. The variation is the expression of a property of the tested organism. It is shown that, on the assumption of a frequency distribution of receptor element thresholds as a function of log I, with fluctuation in the excitabilities of the marginally excited elements, it is to be expected that the dispersion of critical flicker frequencies in repeated measurements will pass through a maximum as log I is increased, whereas the dispersion of critical intensities will be proportional to Im; and that the proportionality factor in the case of different organisms bears no relation to the form or position of the respective curves relating mean critical intensity to flicker frequency. These deductions agree with the experimental findings.  相似文献   

The relation between flash duration and mean critical intensity (white light) for threshold recognition of visual flicker, as a function of flash frequency, was investigated by means of measurements at five values of the light-time fraction: 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90, with flash frequencies of the interrupted beam ranging from 2 to 60 per second. A square area, 6.1 x 6.1°, centrally fixated) was viewed monocularly; the discriminometer used provides automatically an artificial pupil 1.8 mm. in diameter. Except for the slight day-to-day fluctuation in the magnitudes of the parameters, the data for the observer used are shown to form an essentially homogeneous group. As for other animals tested, the F - log Im curve is enlarged and moved toward lower flash intensities as the light-time fraction is decreased. The high intensity segments of the duplex curves are fitted by normal probability integrals for which F max. and the abscissa of inflection are rectilinear functions of tL(tL + tD), with opposite slopes. The third parameter, (σ''log I, is invariant. The low intensity segments are composites, their shapes determined by the summation of the lower part of the high intensity curve with an overlapping low intensity population of effects. Both the rising and the declining branches of this latter assemblage suffer competitive partial suppression by the effects in the high intensity population. The detailed analysis shows that these results are consistent with the theory of the central, rather than peripheral, location of the dynamically recognizable elements in the determination of flicker.  相似文献   

Frequency spectra of the surface undulations (flickering) of erythrocyte plasma membranes are measured by direct spectral analysis of the intensity fluctuations of the light passing the cells in a phase contrast microscope. Spectra are taken as a function (1) of the temperature (2) of the viscosity and osmolarity of the outer medium (3) of the aging of cells and (4) of pathological transformations. The spectra are approximately superpositions of two Lorentzian lines. At large frequencies,f, the spectra follow f?2. This behaviour can be interpreted in terms of cell thickness fluctuations caused by thermally excited membrane undulations provided the range of wavelengths is small. The undulations are determined by the membrane curvature elasticity while the lateral tension is negligibly small for cells of discoid shape. The technique presented allows accurate measurements of relative curvature (bending) elastic constants. The spectra of freshly drawn cells are remarkably reproducible. Aging of the cells in the medium leads to an increase in the curvature elastic constant. A decrease in osmolarity causes a reduction in the intensity and line width of the spectra and the flickering vanishes if the cell approaches a spherical shape. The effect of temperature between 10 and 40°C is astonishingly small with the exception of a sudden increase in the amplitude with increasing temperature at 35°C. The flicker spectra of a large fraction of the cells from patients suffering from cronical alcoholism exhibit a reduced line width or an increase in the curvature elastic constant.  相似文献   

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