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Summary Over the last three decades, sunfish of the familyCentrarchidae have become recognized as a model system in which the ecological consequences of species interactions can be observed and tested. The evolutionary consequences of species interactions in sunfish have received less attention. Bluegill (Lepomis machrochirus) and pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) sunfish are two common and well-studied species that occupy separate ecological niches. Adult bluegill are generalists that feed in the open water on zooplankton during much of the year, while adult pumpkinseeds specialize on crushing hard-bodied prey such as snails. These species coexist over much of their geographical ranges, but bluegill are historically absent from several large drainage basins in the northeastern US. Here we show that pumpkinseeds from an Adirondack lake without bluegills have differentiated into two morphological forms, one of which is planktivorous. Differentiation is independent of sex and occurs over a broad range of sizes. Thus, the ecological diversity that exists between the bluegill and pumpkinseeds in sympatry has been replaced by a comparable degree of diversity within pumpkinseeds in allopatry.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the invasion history of aquatic invasive species can enhance understanding of invasion risks by recognizing areas most susceptible to invasion and forecasting future spread based on past patterns of population expansion. Here we reconstruct the invasion history of the Japanese amphipod Grandidierella japonica Stephensen 1938 combining information from historical collection data with molecular genetic data to better understand post-invasion range expansion and anthropogenic connectivity across the Pacific coast of North America. Compilation of collection data from bays and estuaries of the Pacific North American coast show many new localities have been colonized in the last two decades, moving outward from harbors and bays with high commercial traffic into smaller coastal locations dominated by local recreational traffic. DNA barcode sequence data for G. japonica reveals two distinct clades: one found in San Francisco Bay and sites to the north, and one also found in San Francisco Bay and sites to the south. The two clades differ by an average 7.28 % genetic distance, large enough to consider these invasive amphipods two separate species. Both northern and southern clades exhibit low levels of genetic diversity, suggesting a single introduction event for each. The presence of cryptic diversity within this invasive amphipod highlights the need for more extensive study of the invasive and native populations of aquatic invasive invertebrates to address questions of taxonomy, diversity, and invasion history.  相似文献   

Synopsis The influence of available food resources on growth and patterns of reproduction was studied in two populations of pumpkinseed sunfish in adjacent lakes in southeastern Ontario. Ideally, mature individuals should be long-lived, attain a large size, and maintain a high reproductive effort. However, rarely are environmental conditions ideal and compromises are necessary. In the present study, there were smaller quantities of preferred prey items (gastropods), and total benthos available in one lake. Pumpkinseed in this population ate less in general, and were smaller in body size in the older age classes. These fish matured at a younger age and a smaller size than individuals in the other lake studied, and in populations in this geographic area reported in the literature. In addition, the relationships of both fecundity and ovary weight to total weight were different between lakes. Mean ovary weight, ripe egg size and lifetime fecundity were less in the population of small-bodies fish. Variation in patterns of reproduction between populations suggests that fish may be able to fine-tune responses to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The transmembrane glycoprotein encoded by the Toll-like receptor 4 gene ( TLR4 ) acts as the transducing subunit of the lipopolysaccharide receptor complex of mammals, which is a major sensor of infections by Gram-negative bacteria. As variation in TLR4 may alter host immune response to lipopolysaccharide, the association between TLR4 polymorphisms and immune traits of the respiratory and gut systems has important implications for livestock. Here, a sequence dataset from 259 animals belonging to commercial and traditional European pig populations, consisting of 4305 bp of TLR4, including the full transcribed region, a portion of intron 2 and the putative promoter region, was used to explore genetic variation segregating at the TLR4 locus. We identified 34 single nucleotide polymorphisms, 17 in the coding sequence and 17 in the non-coding region. Five non-synonymous mutations clustered within, or in close proximity to, the hypervariable domain of exon 3. In agreement with studies in other mammals, a major exon 3 haplotype segregated at high frequency in the whole sample of 259 pigs, while variants carrying non-synonymous substitutions showed frequencies ranging between 0.6% and 8.7%. Although results on exon 3 provided suggestive evidence for purifying selection occurring at the porcine TLR4 gene, the analysis of both coding and non-coding regions highlighted the fact that demographic factors strongly influence the tests of departure from neutrality. The phylogenetic analysis of TLR4 identified three clusters of variation (ancestral, Asian, European), supporting the evidence of Asian introgression in European main breeds and the well documented history of pig breed domestication previously identified by mtDNA analysis.  相似文献   

We conducted a large‐scale population genetic survey of genetic diversity of the host grass Festuca rubra s.l., which fitness can be highly dependent on its symbiotic fungus Epichloë festucae, to evaluate genetic variation and population structure across the European range. The 27 studied populations have previously been found to differ in frequencies of occurrence of the symbiotic fungus E. festucae and ploidy levels. As predicted, we found decreased genetic diversity in previously glaciated areas in comparison with nonglaciated regions and discovered three major maternal genetic groups: southern, northeastern, and northwestern Europe. Interestingly, host populations from Greenland were genetically similar to those from the Faroe Islands and Iceland, suggesting gene flow also between those areas. The level of variation among populations within regions is evidently highly dependent on the postglacial colonization history, in particular on the number of independent long‐distance seed colonization events. Yet, also anthropogenic effects may have affected the population structure in F. rubra. We did not observe higher fungal infection rates in grass populations with lower levels of genetic variability. In fact, the fungal infection rates of E. festucae in relation to genetic variability of the host populations varied widely among geographical areas, which indicate differences in population histories due to colonization events and possible costs of systemic fungi in harsh environmental conditions. We found that the plants of different ploidy levels are genetically closely related within geographic areas indicating independent formation of polyploids in different maternal lineages.  相似文献   

Intrasexual variation in reproductive behaviour and morphology are common in nature. Often, such variation appears to result from conditional strategies in which some individuals (e.g. younger males or those in poor condition) adopt a low pay-off phenotype as a 'best of a bad job'. Alternatively, reproductive polymorphisms can be maintained by balancing selection, with male phenotypes having equal fitnesses at equilibrium, but examples from nature are rare. Many species of sunfish (genus Lepomis) are thought to have alternative male reproductive behaviours, but most empirical work has focused on the bluegill sunfish and the mating systems of other sunfish remain poorly understood. We studied a population of pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) in upstate New York. Field observations confirm the existence of two male reproductive strategies: 'parentals' were relatively old and large males that maintained nests, and 'sneakers' were relatively young and small males that fertilize eggs by darting into nests of parentals during spawning. The sneaker and parental male strategies appear to be distinct life-history trajectories. Sneaker males represented 39% of the males observed spawning, and sneakers intruded on 43% of all mating attempts. Microsatellite analyses revealed that sneaker males fertilized an average of 15% of the eggs within a nest. This level of paternity by sneaker males appears to be higher than seen in most other fishes, and preliminary analyses suggest that the two male reproductive strategies are maintained as a balanced polymorphism.  相似文献   

Thorough assessment of modern genetic diversity and interpopulation affinities within the African continent is essential for understanding the processes that have been at work during the course of worldwide human evolution. Regardless of whether autosomal, Y-chromosome, or mtDNA markers are used, allele- or haplotype-frequency data from African populations are necessary in setting the framework for the construction of global population phylogenies. In the present study we analyze genetic differentiation and population structure in a data set of nine African populations using 12 polymorphic Alu insertions (PAls). Furthermore, to place our findings within a global context, we also examined an equal number of non-African groups. Frequency data from 456 individuals presented for the first time in this work plus additional data obtained from the literature indicate an overall pattern of higher intrapopulation diversity in sub-Saharan populations than in northern Africa, a prominent differentiation between these two locations, an appreciably high degree of transcontinental admixture in Egypt, and significant discontinuity between Morocco and the Iberian peninsula. Moreover, the topologies of our phylogenetic analyses suggest that out of the studied sub-Saharan groups, the southern Bantu population of Sotho/ Tswana presents the highest level of antiquity, perhaps as a result of ancestral or acquired Khoisan genetic signals. Close affinities of eastern sub-Saharan populations with Egypt in the phylogenetic trees may indicate the existence of gene flow along the Nile River.  相似文献   

To evaluate the potential invasiveness of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus introduced to northwestern European inland waters, growth and reproduction traits were examined in ten populations along a trajectory spanning northwestern Europe (Norway, England, Holland, Belgium and France) and evaluated in light of published dataset from Europe. In the 848 pumpkinseed captured, maximum age was 3–4 years, with a sex ratio near unity in all but one population. Significant variations with increasing latitude were observed in adult growth (age 2–3 increment in total length, TL) and mean age at maturity (A M), with non-significant variations observed in juvenile growth (TL at age 2), sex ratio and gonado-somatic index. As observed elsewhere in Europe, mean A M decreased significantly with increasing TL at age 2. Using this relationship, which has been proposed elsewhere as a potential predictive model of pumpkinseed invasiveness, eight of the ten populations could be provisionally categorized as ‘non-invasive’ (five populations), ‘transitional’ (one population) and ‘potentially invasive’ (two populations), with two populations not categorized due to insufficient data. Based on the available knowledge on each population, the relationship between juvenile growth and age at maturity appeared to predict reasonably the status of pumpkinseed in northwestern Europe and its applicability to other species should be tested.  相似文献   

Migratory birds generally have higher dispersal propensity than resident species and are thus expected to show less genetic differentiation. On the other hand, specific migration patterns may promote genetic structure, such as in situations where migratory divides impede random mixing of individuals. Here we investigated population genetic structure and gene flow patterns in a polytypic passerine, the reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus which shows a migratory divide in central Europe. Using ten polymorphic microsatellite loci and extensive sampling we found low but significant overall genetic differentiation (FST=0.013, G’ST=0.078, D=0.063). Hierarchical F‐statistics and barrier analyses showed low but significant genetic differentiation of Iberian populations, and also slight genetic differences across the migratory divide and between subspecies (A. s. scirpaceus and A. s. fuscus). Three individual‐based Bayesian methods, however, inferred a single genetic unit. Our study thus found low levels of genetic differentiation among reed warbler populations but this genetic differentiation was not pronounced enough to detect a clear population structure using the microsatellite data and no prior information on geographic location of the sampled individuals. This result indicates high levels of gene flow and suggests a possibly recent divergence of European populations after a rapid range expansion. Further studies are necessary to assess divergence times and to reveal the evolutionary history of the reed warbler populations.  相似文献   

We conducted a quantitative literature review of genetic diversity (GD) within and among populations in relation to categorical population size and isolation (together referred to as “insularity”). Using populations from within the same studies, we were able to control for between‐study variation in methodology, as well as demographic and life histories of focal species. Contrary to typical expectations, insularity had relatively minor effects on GD within and among populations, which points to the more important role of other factors in shaping evolutionary processes. Such effects of insularity were sometimes seen—particularly in study systems where GD was already high overall. That is, insularity influenced GD in a study system when GD was high even in non‐insular populations of the same study system—suggesting an important role for the “scope” of influences on GD. These conclusions were more robust for within population GD versus among population GD, although several biases might underlie this difference. Overall, our findings indicate that population‐level genetic assumptions need to be tested rather than assumed in nature, particularly for topics underlying current conservation management practices.  相似文献   

The negative binomial distribution model is reformulated and used to demarcate a host population at a specific level of infection by defining an attribute spanning a range of parasite aggregations. The upper limit of the range specifies the boundary for the classification of the host population and provides a technique to determine the cumulative probability at any level of parasite infection to a high degree of accuracy. This approach also leads to the evaluation of the k parameter, i.e. an inverse measure of dispersion of parasite aggregation, for each fraction of the host population with a discrete level of infection. The basic mathematical premise of the negative binomial function is unaltered in developing this reformulation which was applied to data on the distribution of the trichostrongylid nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus in populations of the field mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus.  相似文献   

Disease dynamics hinge on parasite transmission among hosts. However, canonical models for transmission often fit data poorly, limiting predictive ability. One solution involves building mechanistic yet general links between host behaviour and disease spread. To illustrate, we focus on the exposure component of transmission for hosts that consume their parasites, combining experiments, models and field data. Models of transmission that incorporate parasite consumption and foraging interference among hosts vastly outperformed alternatives when fit to experimental data using a zooplankton host (Daphnia dentifera) that consumes spores of a fungus (Metschnikowia bicuspidata). Once plugged into a fully dynamic model, both mechanisms inhibited epidemics overall. Foraging interference further depressed parasite invasion and prevalence at high host density, creating unimodal (hump‐shaped) relationships between host density and these indices. These novel results qualitatively matched a unimodal density–prevalence relationship in natural epidemics. Ultimately, a mechanistic approach to transmission can reveal new insights into disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

Different degrees of isolation found in various part of Bosnia and Herzegovina may be induced by various factors. Bjelasnica-Treskavica region, located around 40 kilometers southwest from Sarajevo — capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is highly specific in that way. We chose three isolated communities: Dejcici, Bobovica and Lukomir for the study of genetic structure of isolated human populations. Based on general data three relative degrees of isolation/openness among the villages have been presumed as follows: first (lower-Dejcici), second (middle — Bobovica) and third (higher — Lukomir) 15 short tandem repeat (STR) loci and hypervariable region of mtDNA were chosen as a markers for study of population structure. Microsatellite allele frequencies, and mtDNA molecular diversity of Heterozigosity and coefficient of gene differentiation across all observed STR loci were estimated. Also, gene and nucleotide diversity of observed mtDNA regions were obtained. Genetic distance between three populations was calculated using method of Reynolds et al. (1983). For analysis of interpopulation relationship based on polymorphism of HV I and HV II region, estimation of pairwise differences was used. results of this research showed consistence with initial hypothesis on divergence based on socio-cultural factors.  相似文献   

Although important in epidemiological theory, the relationship between the size of host populations and the prevalence of parasites has not been investigated empirically. Commonly used models suggest no relationship, but this prediction is sensitive to assumptions about parasite transmission. In laboratory populations, I manipulated the size of Tribolium castaneum flour beetle populations and measured the prevalence and distribution of a parasitic mite, Acarophenax tribolii. I found that parasite prevalence did not vary for a wide range of host population sizes. However, prevalence was lower in populations with less than 40 hosts. This effect cannot be attributed to changes in host population density because host density was held constant among treatments. The reduction in prevalence of small populations below a threshold that I observed is predicted by the extinction debt model, but it is not expected from models of host-parasite interactions that assume density-dependent transmission. The distribution of parasites, measured using Lloyd's patchiness index, was not affected by host population size. The mean crowding of parasites, however, was negatively related with host density. Finally, the prevalence of parasites in large populations did not differ from that found in sets of smaller patches as long as the smaller populations in aggregate were equivalent in size to the large population.  相似文献   

The unprecedented polymorphism in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes is thought to be maintained by balancing selection from parasites. However, do parasites also drive divergence at MHC loci between host populations, or do the effects of balancing selection maintain similarities among populations? We examined MHC variation in populations of the livebearing fish Poecilia mexicana and characterized their parasite communities. Poecilia mexicana populations in the Cueva del Azufre system are locally adapted to darkness and the presence of toxic hydrogen sulphide, representing highly divergent ecotypes or incipient species. Parasite communities differed significantly across populations, and populations with higher parasite loads had higher levels of diversity at class II MHC genes. However, despite different parasite communities, marked divergence in adaptive traits and in neutral genetic markers, we found MHC alleles to be remarkably similar among host populations. Our findings indicate that balancing selection from parasites maintains immunogenetic diversity of hosts, but this process does not promote MHC divergence in this system. On the contrary, we suggest that balancing selection on immunogenetic loci may outweigh divergent selection causing divergence, thereby hindering host divergence and speciation. Our findings support the hypothesis that balancing selection maintains MHC similarities among lineages during and after speciation (trans‐species evolution).  相似文献   

and 1972. Parasite antigens and host antibodies in Ostertagia circumcincta infection of the sheep. International Journal for Parasitology, 2: 449–457. An allergenic component was separated from Ostertagia circumcincta antigens and specific reaginic antibody was separated from the corresponding 7S antibodies in sheep sera. Further evidence was obtained that the immunoglobulin class defined as IgG1A contains the reaginic or homocytotropic antibodies in sheep. Both the IgG1A antibody and P.C.A. levels continued to increase after the expulsion of the parasites, whereas the levels of anti-Ostertagia IgG1 did not.  相似文献   

Little is known of the genetic diversity and population structure of Plasmodium vivax, a debilitating and highly prevalent malaria parasite of humans. This article reviews the known polymorphic genetic markers, summarizes current data on the population structure of this parasite and discusses future prospects for using knowledge of the genetic diversity to improve control measures.  相似文献   

The Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) is culled in many states because of the real and presumed damages it inflicts on farmed and recreational fisheries and other ecosystem services. Resident cormorant colonies breeding in the southeastern United States are protected in some areas, so it is important to distinguish these from co-occurring but unprotected migratory cormorants. Migratory P. auritus are likely to contain helminthic parasite communities that differ from those of non-migratory, resident birds, because they will encounter a wider variety of habitats and intermediate host communities during migrations. Here, we document five distinct assemblages of helminth parasites collected from 218 P. auritus culled from 11 sites in Alabama, Minnesota, Mississippi, and Vermont. The assemblages of P. auritus parasites are distinct among many sampling locations and can be used to correctly predict where a host cormorant has been feeding. We provide evidence for mixing of cormorants at a regional scale using discriminant analysis, which suggests there is a single population of migratory cormorants. Furthermore, our models strongly differentiate between migratory and resident P. auritus in the southeastern United States. In conjunction with species-by species latitudinal and longitudinal trends, our models could serve as effective tools for managers interested in both the population control of migratory cormorants and the conservation of non-migratory, resident birds. Finally, parasite counts per host are notoriously variable with many zeros and a few large numbers, leading many researchers to use simple prevalence in their analyses. We show that an intermediate level of data resolution, using species occurrence ranks within individual hosts, behaves well statistically and provides the greatest discrimination among distinct host groupings.  相似文献   

Morphological plasticity can influence adaptive divergence when it affects fitness components such as foraging performance. We induced morphological variation in pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) ecomorphs and tested for effects on foraging performance. Young-of-year pumpkinseed sunfish from littoral and pelagic lake habitats were reared each on a 'specialist diet' representing their native habitat-specific prey, or a 'generalist diet' reflecting a combination of native and non-native prey. Specialist and generalist diets, respectively, induced divergent and intermediate body forms. Specialists had the highest capture success on their native prey whereas generalist forms were inferior. Specialists faced trade-offs across prey types. However, pelagic specialists also had the highest intake rate on both prey types suggesting that foraging trade-offs are relaxed when prey are abundant. This increases the likelihood of a resource polymorphism because the specialized pelagic form can be favoured by directional selection when prey are abundant and by diversifying selection when prey resources are restricted.  相似文献   

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