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The diet of seven fish species from the Río de la Plata was studied to evaluate their behaviour as predators on the invasive bivalves Corbicula fluminea and Limnoperna fortunei. It was concluded that the teleosts Pterodoras granulosus, Pimelodus maculatus, Paraloricaria vetula and Ricola macrops prey upon C. fluminea, whilst Leporinus obtusidens, Rhinodoras dorbignyi and Brochiloricaria chauliodon feed on Lim. fortunei. These fish species had altered their diets to consume large amounts of these molluscs. Three of the fishes recorded here were previously unknown to feed on molluscs. The fishes studied here prey upon molluscs that ingest trace metals with their food items, thus monitoring the situation is suggested as several of these fish species are caught for human consumption.  相似文献   

The whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri) is a demersal teleostean fish inhabiting the Atlantic Ocean from northern Venezuela to southern Argentina. In terms of biomass, the whitemouth croaker is the dominant sciaenid in the Río de la Plata and constitutes an important renewable resource for the Uruguayan and Argentinean fisheries. In the present study, analyzed were the gametogenesis and histological gonadal cycle in female and male whitemouth croakers collected at the Uruguayan coast of the Río de la Plata, between March 1997 and February 1998. In addition, the experimental conditions required to obtain mature viable gametes and achieve in vitro fertilization in this species were investigated. These studies indicate that the whitemouth croaker inhabiting the Río de la Plata is a multiple spawner, which reproduces on the Uruguayan coast between October and February. In vitro studies showed that following activation, sperm remain motile for up to 40 min, and under optimal dilution conditions that they retain a high fertilization capability for 15 min. Taken together these results could support future aquaculture research and exploitation of this species.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the impacts of two invasive species, Rapana venosa (Gastropoda, Muricidae) and Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia, Corbiculidae), in the food web of the Río de la Plata estuary and adjacent nearshore oceanic ecosystem. We analyzed certain functional traits of these mollusks assessed by a mass balance trophic model previously constructed for the years 2005–2007. This model incorporates 37 functional groups: three marine mammals species, one coastal bird, 17 fishes, 12 invertebrates, two zooplankton, one phytoplankton, and detritus. The model also includes 5 fishing fleets operating in the area. The results showed that the two invasive species affect multiple ecosystem components both directly and indirectly. R. venosa and the whitemouth croaker, Micropogonias furnieri, exhibited a high level of niche overlap (91%), while C. fluminea exhibited a high level of niche overlap with Mytilidae (94%), which suggests in both cases high levels of competition for similar resources. R. venosa had mixed trophic impacts but exhibited a predominantly top down effect on most bivalves. R. venosa could be a threat to natural resources in the area including to the fishing fleets. C. fluminea negatively influenced phytoplankton and detritus biomass and its positive effects on higher trophic level groups suggest a central bottom-up role in the food web as a bentho-pelagic coupler. Both species had negative impacts on the five fleets modeled, showing that the effects of these invasive species could extend to the socio-economic sector.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to compare the morphometric and meristic characteristics of whitemouth croaker, Micropogonias furnieri, from two different areas: the Río de la Plata (to the west) and the oceanic coast (to the east) during the summer spawning season (December 1999), and to determine whether they constitute one demographic unit or independent management groups. Data from 966 whitemouth croakers were analysed for stock discrimination between areas. The results provided further evidence that the two cohorts differ significantly in these areas. However, an important misclassification of individuals was found. The morphometric variables that contributed more to discriminate the groups were mouth length, head length, horizontal eye diameter and length of the pectoral fin. Misclassified individuals from the western and eastern groups have shown that whitemouth croaker do not display high fidelity to their known spawning grounds. The well‐classified and misclassified individuals for the western and eastern groups were found to be mature and in spawning condition, representing between 82–84%, and 66–88%, respectively. These results support the hypothesis of contemporary gene flow between the Río de la Plata and coastal Atlantic populations. Despite the misclassified individuals, morphometrics presented in this study and genetic information originating from other studies show differences between Río de la Plata and oceanic groups, and predict the two‐stock hypothesis. Problems related arising from these mixed population groups and potential implications for managements are discussed.  相似文献   

We established the presence of Eucinostomus at the Río de la Plata Estuary (36°17′74′′S–56°46′68′′W). The report is based on specimen of 191.6 mm. total length, captured in shallow, warm and brackish water with sandy bottom. This is southernmost record for the Southwest Atlantic Ocean, and appears related with an event of low discharge of the Río de la Plata.  相似文献   

We report on the first sightings of the invasive Rapa Whelk Rapana venosa in Maldonado Bay (Punta del Este Harbor and Gorriti Island) using in vivo, underwater observations and video surveys. The species was first detected in the Río de la Plata (Uruguay and Argentina) in 1999, and by 2004 it had extended its local distribution to Punta del Este at the eastern boundary of the estuary. Observations performed by SCUBA diving showed that R. venosa is preying on native mussels Mytilus edulis and Brachidontes spp., and that formerly abundant mussel beds are being seriously depleted due to a combination of human extraction, habitat deterioration and predation by the Rapa Whelk.  相似文献   

In temperate regions, populations of Aedes aegypti survive the cold season in the egg stage. In the present work, we studied the cold‐season mortality of Ae. aegypti eggs and their subsequent hatching pattern in Buenos Aires city. Eggs were exposed during the winter season (three months) in three neighborhoods located along a gradient of distance toward the Río de la Plata River, coincident with a gradient of activity of Ae. aegypti. Results showed mortalities lower (30.6%) than those from tropical regions during the dry season. Significant differences were detected among the egg mortalities of each site with a maximum value at the site nearest the Río de la Plata River (50%), and a minimum value at the most continental site (9%). Post‐experimental hatching response of eggs differed between sites, with the highest proportion of hatched eggs during the first immersion in the site nearest to the river and the lowest proportion in the most continental site. The hatching proportion also differed between age classes, with older (early‐laid) eggs hatching later than new (late‐laid) ones. Our results provide the first information of Ae. aegypti egg mortality in temperate South America and support the hypothesis that differences in egg mortality are associated with abundance patterns of Ae. aegypti in Buenos Aires city.  相似文献   

Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia) invaded Argentina through the Río de la Plata estuary around 1990 and is presently established throughout five South American countries as a dominant component of the benthic fauna and a major nuisance for industry and power plants. Between 1997 and 2006 we monitored the reproductive activity of L. fortunei through weekly measurements of planktonic larvae in six South American water bodies: Río de la Plata estuary, Paraná and Carapachay rivers, Salto Grande, Itaipú and Embalse de Río Tercero reservoirs. Mean larval densities varied between 4000 and 7000 individuals m?3; except in the reservoirs of Itaipú (450 ind. m?3) and Salto Grande (869 ind. m?3), where the mussel was first recorded shortly before our surveys, and upstream dispersal is limited (Salto Grande). In all cases, reproductive output decreases during the winter. At four of the six sites surveyed larval densities were comparatively high for 8.8–10.2 months per year. A lower food supply is possibly responsible for the shorter reproductive period of 5.9 months at Embalse. At Salto Grande, there is a well‐defined mid‐summer drop in larval numbers, coinciding with blooms of cyanobacteria. We propose that, in addition to temperature, two major factors may regulate the reproductive activity of L. fortunei: (i) the availability of food; and (ii) blooms of toxic cyanobacteria, significantly shortening the otherwise very long reproductive period. This information is important for the design of antifouling programmes involving the use of molluscicides, and has potential for reduced biocide use. These results provide supporting evidence for some fundamental ecological theories of invasions discussed here.  相似文献   

The material was been collected in 1972 during a field trip performed by the research vessel of the National Institute of Limnology, Argentina, along the main course of the Paraná River from the Santa Fe harbor down to the Río de la Plata. Sixty sampling stations were covered. In the lower course of the river sampling was carried out in the Paraná Guazú and the Paraná Bravo branches down to its confluence with the Uruguay River, and the Paraná de las Palmas and the Rio de la Plata down to the Buenos Aires harbor. Water samples for chemical analysis were collected and some physical parameters were measured.

Due to the characteristics of the part of the river under consideration, we have divided it into four sectors.

Sixty six species were seen. The rotifers were always the most important. Trichocerca rattus was the predominant species.

The Zooplankton density and specific diversity showing differences between those from industrialized areas and not industrialized ones.  相似文献   

The ability of an invasive species to establish is mostly determined by its biotic interactions with native species from the recipient community. Here, we evaluate the competitive effects and responses of the invasive Eragrostis plana when interacting with native species, in order to identify possible mechanisms driving invasion in Río de la Plata grasslands. A pairwise competition experiment was performed consisting of treatments that varied in the identity of neighbour plant species: (i) control (no interaction); (ii) intraspecific interaction; (iii) interspecific interaction between native and invasive species; and (iv) interspecific interaction between two co‐occurring native species. Data analysis was separated into the effect of E. plana on the performance of three native perennial grasses (target species: Aristida laevis, Eragrostis neesii and Paspalum notatum) and the response of E. plana to natives (target species: E. plana). Separately for each target species, components of plant performance were compared between neighbouring species treatments. We found that the strength of competitive interactions depended on both target and neighbour species identity. Regarding natives, interspecific competition was stronger than intraspecific. Native species showed distinctive responses to whether the neighbour was the invasive or a co‐occurring native (Eragrostis lugens). Competition between E. plana and native species was stronger than between co‐occurring natives. We demonstrated E. plana had a greater negative effect on native's species performance than the native congener E. lugens. Regarding E. plana, intraspecific competition was stronger than interspecific, and its response was positive or neutral when interacting with natives, suggesting its high tolerance to grow in competition with neighbours. We conclude E. plana's negative effects on native species performance, and its positive or neutral responses to neighbouring native plants demonstrate its strong competitive ability in the recipient community. This may explain its invasion success in southern Brazil and in the encompassing Río de la Plata grasslands. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

The increase of human population, especially in urban areas, correlates with an alarming destruction of green spaces. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms by which urbanization processes affect biodiversity is crucial in integrating the environment in a proper urban planning. The main urban center of Argentina is known as the Greater Buenos Aires (GBA), and it includes the autonomous city of Buenos Aires and 24 surrounding districts. Avellaneda, one of the districts of the GBA, is an important urban and industrial center with green areas and low level of urbanization on the coastal area of the Río de la Plata. This paper provides the first Odonata inventory for Avellaneda, determines the species’ level of synanthropy with the Nuorteva index, and assess the Odonata species replacement along a latitudinal gradient on the occidental margin of the Río de la Plata.  相似文献   

This article performed a comprehensive assessment of the structure and functioning of the Río de la Plata estuary and adjacent shelf ecosystem, including the effect of fishing. A formerly implemented 37 trophic groups’ mass-balance model (Ecopath) was used to (1) evaluate the particular role of individual biotic components on the ecosystem; (2) characterize the ecosystem in terms of aquatic food web theory; and (3) assess the role of diverse fishing fleets on the ecosystem. Our results indicate a trophic structure and functioning common to other estuaries, where outstanding primary production exceeds consumption, and detritus accumulates in the system. Moreover, our analysis revealed an elevated total system throughput, herbivory outweighing detritivory, and an intermediate state in terms of ecosystem growth and development. Fisheries analyses showed widespread impacts produced by industrial bottom trawl fleets, and specific impacts produced by artisanal fisheries over several groups. Unexpectedly, the evaluation of the effects of fishing showed minor ecosystem consequences by the loss of secondary production and suggests exploitation rates at sustainable levels. This study sets up the basis for temporal ecosystem-level monitoring of the state of the Río de la Plata estuary and adjacent shelf ecosystem.  相似文献   

Se describen y dibujan 3 nuevas especies de la Fam. Parastenocarididae (P. columbiensis n. sp., P. kubitzkii n. sp., P. röttgeri n. sp.) encontradas en aguas subterráneas en las orillas del Río Ariari (sistema fluvial del Río Orinoco, Llanos Columbianos cerca de la pies de los Andes).

Estas 3 especies son estrechamente relacionadas. Se las reune como un nuevo grupo denominado columbiensis nov. y se da la diagnosis de este grupo.

Se discute la distribución del nuevo grupo y la del grupo remanei Noodt.

Las investigaciones se continuan.  相似文献   

Weight–length relationships are presented for 12 fish species from a subsystem of the Río de la Plata estuary in Uruguay. This study provides new maximum lengths for three species and a new reference for the weight–length relationship of one species.  相似文献   

We report the migration of Manayunkia speciosa from its distribution in North America into the Neotropical Region (Argentina). We collected specimens from November 2007 to March 2009 in the lower Uruguay River-at 33° 5.01′S 58° 12′W, 33° 5.9′S 58°25.2′W from sediments reaching densities of 2,890 ind. m−2, at a mean abundance of 350 ind. m−2. Introductions of nonindigenous species, resulting intentionally or accidentally from anthropic activities, cause significant changes in ecosystems. In aquatic environments, polychaetes are a key invasive group that increases the geographical range of several species through human activities. M. speciosa may have reached the Río de la Plata Basin through a shipping vector and thereafter the Uruguay River by self-navigation.  相似文献   


Pontoporia blainvillei (Gervais & d’Orbigny, 1844), the franciscana dolphin, is the most endangered small cetacean in the Western South Atlantic. It is an endemic species with a coastal and estuarine distribution that has been divided into four Franciscana Management Areas (FMAs). We used the mitochondrial DNA control region to conduct a phylogeographic analysis to evaluate the population structure of the franciscana and the influence of paleoceanographic events on its biogeographic history. We found nine populations along the entire distribution (ΦST?=?0.41, ΦCT?=?0.38, p?<?10–5), with estimated migration rates resulting in less than one female per generation. Populations from FMAIII and FMAIV in the south (including the Río de La Plata Estuary) showed higher long-term migration rates and effective population sizes than northern populations. The phylogeographic analysis supports the franciscana origin in the Río de La Plata Estuary, with further dispersal south and northwards. The first lineage split happened around 2.5 Ma, with lineage radiation throughout the Pleistocene until recent fragmentation events shaped current-day populations. We suggest that Pleistocene glaciations influenced the dispersion and population structure of the franciscana. Specifically, that the shift of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence drove the dispersion northwards. Then, low sea-level periods caused either the isolation in estuarine refugia or local extinctions, followed by re-colonizations.


The immature stages of Agelanius cortesi are described and illustrated from immatures collected in Quebrada Los Almendros, Río Clarillo National Reserve, Cordillera Province, central Chile, and reared in the laboratory. Larvae of A. cortesi were found below the soil surface associated with other invertebrates.


Se describe e ilustra los estados inmaduros de Agelanius cortesi colectados en la Quebrada Los Almendros, Reserva Nacional Río Clarillo, Provincia Cordillera de Chile central, los cuales fueron criados en el laboratorio. Las larvas de A. cortesi fueron encontradas bajo la superficie del suelo asociadas con otros invertebrados.  相似文献   

The neotropical cichlid genus Gymnogeophagus is distributed in the Río de la Plata basin and in Dos Patos and Merín coastal lagoons on the border between Uruguay and southern Brazil. A phylogeographic approach based on mitochondrial cytochrome b analysis was performed to assess the patterns and processes of differentiation in this taxon. Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys showed high haplotype diversity (H = 0.992) and corrected mtDNA genetic distances ranged from 0 to 5.3%. Our analyses yielded robust support for the existence of four monophyletic groups within G. gymnogenys from the analyzed basins. No correlation between the aforementioned clades and geographic structure was found, since individuals belonging to different phylogenetic clades inhabit the same locality. The phylogeographic approach presented here showed that these four phylogroups (1, 2, 3 and 4) were sister groups. Our present findings would corroborate that G. gymnogenys could be integrated by different phylogenetic lineages, showing an explosive differentiation pattern and confirming the hypothesis that this taxon constitutes a species complex.  相似文献   

Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii and A. gueldenstaedtii) specimens, native to the northern hemisphere, were reported in different environments of the La Plata Basin (South America). The objectives of this study were to provide the first insights into the natal origin and habitat use of these sturgeon species in the La Plata Basin through geochemical analysis (87Sr/86Sr) of fin spines and to review historical catch reports. Spine core-to-edge 87Sr/86Sr ratios were measured by LA-MC-ICPMS. A Quadratic Discriminant Analysis model based on water 87Sr/86Sr baseline of the La Plata Basin was run to infer the natal origin. The isotopic profiles indicate a common origin, compatible with the location of the fish farms in the Uruguay Basin. The A. baerii isotopic time series suggested that the fish moved towards the Paraná Basin months before capture, while A. gueldenstaedtii would have survived a longer time (perhaps years). Seventeen reports of sturgeons were recorded and preserved in museum collections between 1998 and 2020. Sturgeons were collected from Río de la Plata Estuary, Paraná and Uruguay basins and Atlantic coastal lagoons. It is recommended to closely monitor sturgeon catches, paying special attention to the appearance of specimens of reproductive age, in order to generate management and management plans if necessary.  相似文献   

The genus Potamolithus (Gastropoda: Tateidae) is endemic to South America where it is distributed mainly in the Ribeira, Itajaí-açú and Jacuhy Rivers in southern Brazil and the Uruguay River, part of the Paraná and Río de la Plata drainage systems. An exception to the pattern of distribution is Potamolithus valchetensis Miquel, 1998, which is endemic to the Valcheta Stream, Somuncurá Plateau, Patagonia, Argentina. Here we provide a review of Potamolithus from this plateau based on new samples and review of material deposited in collections. A new species, Potamolithus elenae, is named. The shell, head-foot, penis, pallial organs and radula are described. Differences between the new species and P. valchetensis include details in the shell, radula, body pigmentation and penis. A phylogeny using mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I is provided which shows that Potamolithus is related to species in New Caledonia (Australasia), suggesting that the Tateidae has a Gondwanan distribution.  相似文献   

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