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Virosomes as new carrier system for cancer vaccines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HER-2/neu, a tumor-associated antigen (TAAg), plays a critical role in oncogenesis of various tumor types, and its selective overexpression by malignant tumor cells makes it an ideal target for immunotherapy. A prerequisite for clinical vaccines is the construction of safe and highly immunogenic reagents able to generate efficient immune responses against TAAg. Previous protein vaccines, consisting of the extracellular domain of HER-2/neu (pNeuECD), were shown to elicit an immune response that did not provide protection from transplantable tumors expressing HER-2/neu. Here we showed that virosomes, which consist of reconstituted viral envelopes without viral genetic material, can act as a carrier and an adjuvant for a truncated protein pNeuECD . Mice vaccinated with pNeuECD either encapsulated in virosomes or bound to the virosomal membrane (Vir-pNeuECD), generated rNeu-specific humoral and cytotoxic immune responses. In addition, Vir-pNeuECD induced significant tumor rejection and additionally did not lead to delayed tumor formation when compared with free pNeuECD in complete Freunds adjuvant. There was no difference between the virosomal constructs. Taken together these results suggest that virosomes, as clinically approved safe vaccines, can be used to elicit both humoral and cell-mediated responses against TAAg and induce tumor rejection. Our model is providing important preclinical data to design human vaccination trials for patients with tumors overexpressing HER-2/neu, either as a primary vaccination or as a boost in combination with other vaccines in a context of an adjuvant treatment plan.Ruth Schwaninger and Ernst Waelti contributed equally to this article  相似文献   

In the gas-liquid phase automated protein sequencer, polyethylenimine was used as a hydrophilic entrapping polymer. Glass fiber filters soaked in 0.3% solution of polyethylenimine were used. Sperm whale myoglobin, beta-lactoglobulin, and several peptides with basic or acidic pI were sequenced. Loads from 20 to 26,000 pmol were tested. Initial and repetitive yields compare favorably to those obtained with polybrene-coated glass fiber filters. Recovery of individual amino acids shows that none gave a particularly low yield, in contrast with the low recovery of Arg, Trp, His, Glu, and Asp when polybrene was used. The usual artefacts were greatly diminished and even disappeared as in the case of N,N'-diphenylurea. Substitution of polyethylenimine for polybrene sped up the analysis because the precycling employed to condition polybrene-coated glass fiber filters was no longer necessary. In conclusion polyethylenimine appears superior to polybrene for sequencing protein and peptides.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Direct protein transduction is a recent technique that involves use of peptide vectors. In this study, we demonstrate that adenovirus dodecahedron (Dd), a virus-like particle devoid of DNA and able to penetrate cells with high efficiency, can be used as a vector for protein delivery. METHODS: Taking advantage of Dd interaction with structural domains called WW, we have elaborated a universal adaptor to attach a protein of interest to this vector. RESULTS: A tandem of three WW structural domains derived from the Nedd4 protein enables the formation of stable complexes with Dd, without impairing its endocytosis efficiency. Our protein of interest fused to the triple WW linker is delivered by the dodecahedron in 100% of cells in culture with on average more than ten million molecules per cell. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate the great potential of adenovirus dodecahedron in combination with WW domains as a protein transduction vector.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported very low capacity during sterile filtration of glycoconjugate vaccines due to rapid fouling of the sterile filter. The objective of this study was to explore the potential for significantly increasing the capacity of the sterile filter through the use of an appropriate prefilter. Data were obtained using prefilters with different pore size and chemistry, with the sterile filtration performed at constant filtrate flux using 0.22 μm nominal pore size Durapore® polyvinylidene difluoride membranes. Prefiltration through 5 μm pore size Durapore® or Nylon prefilters nearly eliminated the fouling of the sterile filter, leading to more than a 100-fold reduction in the rate of pressure increase for the sterile filter. This dramatic improvement in sterile filter performance was due to the removal of large components (greater than 1 μm in size) as confirmed by dynamic light scattering. These results demonstrate the potential of using large pore size prefilters to significantly enhance the performance of the sterile filtration process for the production of important glycoconjugate vaccines.  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger produces an extracellular beta-galactofuranosidase, which can specifically hydrolyse beta-D-galactofuranose (Galf) from glycoconjugates. The production of this enzyme can be induced by the addition of a Galf-containing A. niger mycelial wall extract. However, on other carbon sources accumulation occurred only during the starvation conditions of the late stationary phase. Extracellular glucoamylases from this stage of cultivation possessed significantly lower levels of Galf than those from the earlier exponential growth phase when beta-galactofuranosidase is absent, suggesting in situ beta-galactofuranosidic hydrolysis. The beta-galactofuranosidase responsible was subsequently purified to homogeneity and characterised. It is a glycoprotein of 90 kDa (determined by SDS-PAGE) with activity against beta-linked Galf residues, with a Km of 4 mM against p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactofuranoside and a pH optimum of 3-4. The preparation did not contain other contaminating glycosidase activities; p-nitrophenyl-beta-D- and -alpha-D-galactopyranose, and alpha-D-methyl-Galf were not hydrolysed. Results are presented to show that this enzyme could be employed as a useful tool for the analysis of glycoconjugates containing biologically important Galf components.  相似文献   

For the preparation of glycoconjugate vaccines, polysaccharide antigens can usually be chemically modified to generate reactive functional groups (e.g., the formation of aldehyde groups by periodate oxidation of adjacent diols) for covalent coupling with proteins. In a recent issue of JBC, Duke et al. showed that an alternative agent, galactose oxidase (GOase) isolated from the fungus Fusarium sp. can generate aldehyde groups in a unique chemoenzymatic approach to prepare a conjugate vaccine against Streptococcus pneumoniae. These findings introduce a new strategy for the design and development of glycoconjugate vaccines.  相似文献   

Oral induction of a disseminated mucosal immune response with polyplex-based DNA vaccines requires the delivery of intact polyplexes (polyelectrolyte complexes formed by self-assembly of plasmid DNA with a cationic polymer) to subepithelial lymphoid tissue (e.g. Peyer's patches) within the gastrointestinal tract. This work describes the formulation of a microparticle polyplex carrier allowing the potential of this approach to be realised. PEGylated PEI/DNA polyplexes (DNA concentration 20 microg/ml) formed at N/P 5:0 (defined as the ratio of polycation amino groups to DNA phosphates) were stable to salt-induced aggregation and could be concentrated to a final DNA concentration of 1 mg/ml without polyplex size increase. Polyplexes containing 1:1 polyethylene glycol (PEG)/polyethylenimine (PEI) ratio (mass/mass) gave similar levels of luciferase gene expression in B16F10 cells compared to non-PEG complexes. Poly-(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microparticles containing PEGylated polyplexes (approximately 17% DNA encapsulation efficiency) were formulated using a modified double emulsion solvent evaporation method. The microencapsulation and release of intact polyplexes from the microparticle carrier was demonstrated using polyanion (heparin sulfate and poly(aspartic acid) (PAA)) displacement techniques and electron microscopy. Microparticles containing PEGylated polyplexes (24 microg beta-galactosidase DNA) were given orally to Wistar rats. Significant transgene expression (compared to background) was found in peripheral tissue (spleen) 72 h after administration. This work demonstrates the potential application of microparticle carriers for mucosal polyplex-based vaccination.  相似文献   

The specificity of the Golgi carrier for CMP-sialic-acids and the lumenal sialylation of glycoconjugates in mechanically permeabilized cells (semi-intact CHO 15B cells) was studied with CMP-activated fluorescent sialic acids as sensitive markers. Semi-intact cells represent a well-established cellular model for studies on the constitutive secretion pathway because the perforated plasma membrane allows membrane-impermeable CMP-sialic-acids to gain access to cellular organelles. The subcellular structures of semi-intact cells remain morphologically intact and hence synthetic CMP-sialic-acids can be assayed as substrates for the corresponding Golgi sugar-nucleotide transporter. The results prove that the CMP-sialic-acid carrier is able to translocate fluorescent CMP-glycosides, despite the bulky fluoresceinyl residue located at position C5 or C9 of the sialic-acid moiety; the data suggest a slightly higher affinity of the carrier for the C9-substituted CMP-glycoside, whereas the affinity of cellular sialyltransferases is fourfold higher for CMP-5-N-fluoresceinylaminoacetylneuraminic acid (5-FTIUNeuAc; 5-N-fluoresceinylaminoneuraminic acid). Using CMP-9-fluoresceinylthioureido-N-acetylneuraminic acid (CMP-9-FTIUNeuAc), an easy and sensitive fluorometric assay was established for the lumenal sialylation in semi-intact cells. Cellular proteins and gangliosides are both labelled by covalent incorporation of the fluorescent N-acetylneuraminic acid analogue. The assay allows rapid screening for small biomolecules or proteins that influence cellular sialyl transport and sialyl transfer; the lumenal fluorescence incorporation does not require ATP or cytosolic compounds. The suitability of fluorescent CMP-glycosides as markers for intracellular sialylation, proven in this paper, introduces the use of synthetic sialic acids for visualisation of cellular sialic acid pathways by fluorescence microscopy. Based on the data presented here, specific CMP-N-acetylneuraminic-acid analogues can be produced and used for the characterization of the Golgi CMP-sialic-acid carrier.  相似文献   

The efficacious delivery of eukaryotic expression plasmids to inductive cells of the immune system constitutes a key prerequisite for the generation of effective DNA vaccines. Here, we have explored the use of bacteria as vehicles to orally deliver expression plasmids. Attenuated Salmonella typhimurium aroA harbouring eukaryotic expression plasmids that encoded virulence factors of Listeria monocytogenes were administered orally to BALB/c mice. Strong cytotoxic and helper T cell responses as well as antibody production were elicited even after a single administration. Mice immunised four times with Salmonella that carried a eukaryotic expression plasmid encoding the secretory listerial protein listeriolysin were protected against a subsequent lethal challenge with this pathogen. A single dose was already partially protective. The efficiency of this vaccination procedure was due to transfer of the expression plasmid from the bacterial carrier to the mammalian host. Evidence for such an event could be obtained in vivo and in vitro. Expression of the desired antigen in various lymphoid tissues was already detectable 1 day after administration of the DNA vaccine and persisted for at least 1 month in spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes. Induction of cytotoxic and helper T cell responses was observed in all mouse strains tested including outbred strains whereas antibodies were mainly detected in BALB/c. Furthermore, we could show that immunogenicity could be improved by increasing the invasiveness of the bacterial carrier.  相似文献   

Tetanus toxoid protein has been characterized with regard oligomeric state and hydrodynamic (low-resolution) shape, important parameters with regard its use in glycoconjugate vaccines. From sedimentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium analysis in the analytical ultracentrifuge tetanus toxoid protein is shown to be mostly monomeric in solution (~86%) with approximately 14% dimer. The relative proportions do not appear to change significantly with concentration, suggesting the two components are not in reversible equilibrium. Hydrodynamic solution conformation studies based on high precision viscometry, combined with sedimentation data show the protein to be slightly extended conformation in solution with an aspect ratio ~3. The asymmetric structure presents a greater surface area for conjugation with polysaccharide than a more globular structure, underpinning its popular choice as a conjugation protein for glycoconjugate vaccines.  相似文献   

A microbioreactor immobilized with a synthase-type mutant enzyme, Endo-M-N175Q (glycosynthase) of endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase derived from Mucor hiemalis (Endo-M), was constructed and used for glycoconjugate synthesis. The transglycosylation was performed with a reaction mixture containing an oxazoline derivative of sialo complex-type glycoside (SG), which was prepared from a sialo complex-type glycopeptide SGP derived from hen egg yolk, as a glycosyl donor and N-Fmoc-N-acetylglucosaminyl-l-asparagine [Fmoc-Asn(GlcNAc)-OH] as an acceptor. The reaction mixture was injected into a glycosynthase microbioreactor at a constant flow rate. Highly efficient and nearly stoichiometric transglycosylation occurred in the microbioreactor, and the transglycosylation product was eluted from the other end of the reactor. The glycosynthase microbioreactor was stable and could be used repeatedly for a long time.  相似文献   

Alphavirus vectors have become widely used in basic research to study the structure and function of proteins and for protein production purposes. Development of a variety of vectors has made it possible to deliver foreign sequences as naked RNA or DNA, or as suicide virus particles produced using helper vector strategies. Preliminary reports also suggest that these vectors may be useful for in vivo applications where transient, high-level protein expression is desired, such as recombinant vaccines. The initial studies have already shown that alphavirus vaccines can induce strong humoral and cellular immune responses with good immunological memory and protective effects.  相似文献   

With the successful identification of many tumor-specific antigens, tumor-associated antigens, and the potential of using unfractioned tumor cell derivatives as tumor antigens, a system and/or adjuvant that can deliver these antigens and help them to induce strong and effective anti-tumor immune responses is greatly needed. Previously, we reported that a MHC class I-restricted peptide epitope derived from human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 E7 protein, when incorporated into a clinically proven safe LPD (liposome-polycation-DNA) particle, was able to effectively eradicate tumors established in mice. Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women worldwide. HPV infection is clearly linked to this cancer. Vaccines based on the early (E) gene products of HPV could be effective in controlling it. However, besides the fact that epitope vaccines have many limitations particularly, concerning the diverse HLAs in humans, the use of the epitope as an antigen prevented us from fully characterizing the immune responses induced by the LPD as a vaccine carrier and/or adjuvant in previous studies. In the present study, by using the HPV 16 E7 protein as an antigen, we first showed that LPD, as a vaccine carrier and adjuvant induced strong and robust immune responses, both cellular and antibody. We then showed that immunization with LPD particles incorporated with either the wild type HPV 16 E7 protein or a potentially safer mutant induced strong immune responses that caused complete regressions of a model cervical cancer tumor established in murines. LPD could be a potent vaccine carrier and/or adjuvant for many antigens.  相似文献   

Wu J  Guo Z 《Bioconjugate chemistry》2006,17(6):1537-1544
Sialyl Tn (sTn) antigen is a sialylated disaccharide abundantly expressed by many tumors. To search for effective cancer immunotherapies based on sTn antigen, we designed and synthesized a series of unnatural N-acyl derivatives of sTn and studied their immunological properties. For this purpose, an efficient method was developed to synthesize the natural and unnatural forms of sTn antigen and their protein conjugates. The resultant glycoconjugates were used to immunize C57BL/6 mice, and the immune response was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Whereas the keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) conjugate of sTn elicited low levels of IgM antibodies, the KLH conjugates of N-iso-butanoyl sTn and N-phenylacetyl sTn, especially the latter, induced high titers of antigen-specific IgG antibodies, showing a T-cell-dependent response that is critical for the antitumor activity. The results suggest that the modified forms of sTn, especially N-phenylacetyl sTn, have improved antigenicity and promising immunological properties for use as cancer vaccines.  相似文献   

Aluminium compounds for use in vaccines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aluminium adjuvants are the most widely used adjuvants in both human and veterinary vaccines. These adjuvants have been used in practical vaccination for more than 60 years and are generally recognized as safe and as stimulators of Th2 immunity. The present review gives a short introduction to the pioneering research at the start of the use of aluminium compounds as adjuvants, including references on the chemistry of these compounds. Analytical methods for identifying the most commonly used aluminium compounds, such as boehmite and aluminium hydroxyphosphate, are mentioned. Emphasis is placed on the important factors for antigen adsorption and on the latest work using gene-deficient mice in the research of the mechanism of aluminium adjuvants in terms of cytokine and T-cell subset stimulation. Key references on the ability of aluminium adjuvants to stimulate IgE and also in vivo clearing of aluminium adjuvants are discussed. Furthermore, the review addresses the issue of local reactions in the context of injection route and local tissue disturbance. Possible new applications of aluminium adjuvants in, for example, combined aluminium-adsorbed protein and DNA oligonucleotide vaccines as well as the possible use of aluminium adjuvants in combination with IL-12 to stimulate Th1-type immune responses are mentioned.  相似文献   

Saponins are well recognised as potent immune stimulators, but their applicability as vaccine adjuvants have been limited due to associated toxicity. Formulation of saponin adjuvant with cholesterol and phospholipid produces the particulate ISCOMATRIX adjuvant, and when antigen is also contained within the particle, an ISCOM vaccine is produced. These particulate vaccines retain the adjuvant activity of the saponin component but without toxicity. Saponin-adjuvanted particulate vaccines have significant potential as a novel strategy in vaccine development. This review discusses (i) recent methodologies which have attempted to increase the flexibility and applicability of this technology by modifying either the vaccine composition or the mode of formulation; (ii) recent evaluations of these technologies for inducing protection against infectious diseases and as cancer immunotherapeutics.  相似文献   

Jones C 《Carbohydrate research》2005,340(6):1097-1106
Glycoconjugate vaccines based on the capsular polysaccharides (CPSs) from Staphylococcus aureus serotypes 5 and 8 conjugated to genetically detoxified recombinant exoprotein A (rEPA) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa have been shown, in Phase 3 clinical trials, to elicit a strong bactericidal immune response in end-stage renal disease patients. Such vaccines have the potential to reduce morbidity and mortality due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a major cause of hospital-acquired infection. The serotype 5 and 8 polysaccharides have been fully characterized by NMR spectroscopy and full structural analyses carried out. Published structures were found incorrect and the revised structures of the repeat units of the two polysaccharides are: [carbohydrate structure: see text]. Resonances indicative of the presence of peptidoglycan were observed in the spectra of both CPSs, consistent with reports that the CPS is covalently linked to peptidoglycan.  相似文献   

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