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Giardiasis is the most common human protozoal infection. In their cystic phase, giardias are protected from the environment by a filamentous cyst wall made up of carbohydrates, proteins, and by two outer membranes separated from the plasma membrane of the parasite by a peripheral space. The present transmission electron microscope observations of G. lamblia cysts of human origin suggest that the extracellular peritrophic space originates from the growth, elongation, and fusion of large cytoplasmic vacuoles. As the large clear vacuoles grew in size, flattening against the inner face of the plasma membrane, they formed a single vacuole that surrounded the body of the parasite, eventually forming two outer membranes. In mature Giardia cysts, the original plasma membrane of the trophozoite becomes the outermost membrane of the cyst wall (CM1). The large vacuoles form a second membrane surrounding the cyst (CM2), and also form a third membrane (CM3), that becomes the new plasma membrane of the trophozoite. During excystation CM1 and CM2 attach to each other and fragment, leaving abundant membrane residues in the peritrophic space. Knowledge of the biochemical composition and functional properties of the complex outer membranous system of G. lamblia cysts here described will be of use to understand the survival of Giardia cysts in the environment, a major factor responsible for the high prevalence of giardiasis worldwide.  相似文献   

The Giardia lamblia genome   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Giardia lamblia is a protozoan parasite of humans and other mammals that is thought to be one of the most primitive extant eukaryotic organisms. Although distinctly eukaryotic, it is notable for its lack of mitochondria, nucleoli, and perixosomes. It has been suggested that Giardia spp. are pre-mitochondriate organisms, but the identification of genes in G. lamblia thought to be of mitochondrial origin has generated controversy regarding that designation. Giardi lamblia trophozoites have two nuclei that are identical in all ways that have been studied. They are polyploid with at least four, and perhaps eight or more, copies of each of five chromosomes per organism and have an estimated genome complexity of 1.2x10(7)bp of DNA, and GC content of 46%. There is evidence for recombination at the telomeres of some of the chromosomes, and multiple size variants of single chromosomes have been identified within cloned isolates. However, the internal regions of the chromosomes demonstrate no evidence of recombination. For example, there is no evidence for control of vsp gene expression by DNA recombination, and no evidence for rapid mutation in the vsp genes. Single pass sequences of approximately 9% of the G. lamblia genome have already been obtained. An ongoing genome project plans to obtain approximately 95% of the genome by a random approach, as well as a complete physical map using a bacterial artificial chromosome library. The results will facilitate a better understanding of the biology of Giardia spp. as well as their phylogenetic relationship to other primitive organisms.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia, which belongs to the earliest identified lineage to diverge from the eukaryotic line of descent, is one of many protists reported to lack a Golgi apparatus. Our recent finding of a developmentally regulated secretory pathway in G. lamblia makes it an ideal organism with which to test the hypothesis that the Golgi may be more readily demonstrated in actively secreting cells. These ultrastructural studies now show that a regulated pathway of transport and secretion of cyst wall antigens via a novel class of large, osmiophilic secretory vesicles, the encystation-specific vesicles (ESV), is assembled during encystation of G. lamblia. Early in encystation, cyst antigens are localized in simple Golgi membrane stacks and concentrated within enlarged Golgi cisternae which appear to be precursors of ESV. This would represent an unusual mechanism of secretory vesicle biogenesis. Later in differentiation, cyst antigens are localized within ESV, which transport them to the plasma membrane and release them by exocytosis to the nascent cell wall. ESV are not observed after completion of the cyst wall. In contrast to the regulated transport of cyst wall proteins, we demonstrate a distinct constitutive lysosomal pathway. During encystation, acid phosphatase activity is localized in endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, and small constitutive peripheral vacuoles which function as lysosomes. However, acid phosphatase activity is not detectable in ESV. These studies show that G. lamblia, an early eukaryote, is capable of carrying out Golgi-mediated sorting of proteins to distinct regulated secretory and constitutive lysosomal pathways.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia is a flagellated protozoan parasite and a major cause of diarrhoea in humans. Its microtubular cytoskeleton mediates trophozoite motility, attachment and cytokinesis, and is characterised by an attachment disk and eight flagella that are each nucleated in a basal body. To date, only 10 giardial basal body proteins have been identified, including universal signalling proteins that are important for regulating mitosis or differentiation. In this study, we have exploited bioinformatics and proteomic approaches to identify new Giardia basal body proteins and confocal microscopy to confirm their localisation in interphase trophozoites. This approach identified 75 homologs of conserved basal body proteins in the genome including 65 not previously known to be associated with Giardia basal bodies. Thirteen proteins were confirmed to co-localise with centrin to the Giardia basal bodies. We also demonstrate that most basal body proteins localise to additional cytoskeletal structures in interphase trophozoites. This might help to explain the roles of the four pairs of flagella and Giardia-specific organelles in motility and differentiation. A deeper understanding of the composition of the Giardia basal bodies will contribute insights into the complex signalling pathways that regulate its unique cytoskeleton and the biological divergence of these conserved organelles.  相似文献   

To survive in the environment and infect a new host, Giardia lamblia secretes an extracellular cyst wall using a poorly understood pathway. The two cyst wall proteins (CWPs) form disulphide-bonded heterodimers and are exported via novel encystation-specific secretory vesicles (ESVs). Exposure of eukaryotic cells to dithiothreitol (DTT) blocks the formation of disulphide bonds in nascent proteins that accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and induces an unfolded protein response (UPR). Proteins that have exited the ER are not susceptible. Exposure to DTT inhibits ESV formation by > 85%. Addition of DTT to encysting cells causes rapid ( t 1/2 < 10 min), reversible disappearance of ESVs, correlated with reduction of CWPs to monomers and reformation of CWP oligomers upon removal of DTT. Neither CWPs nor ESVs are affected by mercaptoethanesulphonic acid, a strong reducing agent that does not penetrate cells. DTT does not inhibit the overall protein secretory pathway, and recovery does not require new protein synthesis. We found evidence of protein disulphide isomerases in the ESV and the surface of encysting cells, in which they may catalyse initial CWP folding and recovery from DTT. This is the first suggestion of non-CWP proteins in ESVs and of enzymes on the giardial surface. DTT treatment did not stimulate a UPR, suggesting that Giardia may have diverged before the advent of this conserved form of ER quality control.  相似文献   

Inactivation of Giardia lamblia and Giardia muris cysts was compared by using an ozone demand-free 0.05 M phosphate buffer in bench-scale batch reactors at 22 degrees C. Ozone was added to each trial from a concentrated stock solution for contact times of 2 and 5 min. The viability of the control and treated cysts was evaluated by using the C3H/HeN mouse and Mongolian gerbil models for G. muris and G. lamblia, respectively. The resistance of G. lamblia to ozone was not significantly different from that of G. muris under the study conditions, contrary to previously reported data that suggested G. lamblia was significantly more sensitive to ozone than G. muris was. The simple Ct value for 2 log unit inactivation of G. lamblia was 2.4 times higher than the Ct value recommended by the Surface Water Treatment Rule.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia, the causative agent of giardiasis, is an intestinal infection with worldwide distribution and high rates of prevalence. Increased resistance of the parasite and the side effects of the reference drugs employed in the treatment of giardiasis make it necessary to seek new therapeutic agents. Therefore,the aim of this study was to examine the activity of hexadecylphosphocholine (miltefosine), a membrane active alkylphospholipid, that is licensed as an antileishmanial agent against giardiasis. The efficacy of miltefosine was evaluated both in vitro and in vivo in Swiss albino mice. Results of the in vitro testing revealed susceptibility of G. lamblia trophozoites to miltefosine with the following effective concentrations:EC50s of between 20 and 40 lM, and EC90s of between 20 and 80 lM. Immediate total lysis of the organisms was achieved by 100 lM. In vivo testing showed that oral administration of miltefosine,in a daily dose regimen course of 20 mg/kg for three successive days, to infected mice resulted in total elimination of the parasite from the intestine and amelioration of intestinal pathology. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy studies revealed that miltefosine induced severe morphological alterations to G. lamblia trophozoites, mainly at the level of cell membrane and adhesive disc. In conclusion,we believe that this is the first study highlighting G. lamblia as a possible new target for miltefosine.  相似文献   

An isolate of Giardia lamblia infected with the double-stranded RNA virus (GLV) has two major species of RNA that are not present in an uninfected isolate. One of these species is the previously characterized double-stranded RNA genome of GLV (1). The second species of RNA appears to be a full length copy of one strand of the double-stranded RNA genome. This full length single-stranded RNA is not present in viral particles isolated from the growth medium. The cellular concentration of the single-stranded RNA changes during exponential and stationary phases of cell growth in a fashion consistent with a viral replicative intermediate or mRNA. The single-stranded species does not appear to be polyadenylated.  相似文献   

Giardia is an intestinal parasite that belongs to the earliest diverging branch of the eukaryotic lineage of descent. Giardia undergoes adaptation for survival outside the host's intestine by differentiating into infective cysts. Encystation involves the synthesis and transport of cyst wall constituents to the plasma membrane for release and extracellular organization. Nevertheless, little is known about the molecular events related to cyst wall biogenesis in Giardia. Among the components of the cyst wall there are two proteins that we have previously identified and characterized: CWP1 (26 kDa) and CWP2 (39 kDa). Expression of these proteins is coordinately induced, and both concentrated within encystation-specific secretory vesicles before their extracellular polymerization. Although highly similar to each other at the amino terminus, CWP2 includes a COOH-terminal 121-amino acid extension. Here, we show that this extension, rich in basic residues, is cleaved from CWP2 before cyst wall formation by an intracellular cysteine proteinase activity, which is induced during encystation like CWPs. Specific inhibitors prevent release of cyst wall materials, abolishing cyst wall formation. We also report the purification, cloning, and characterization of the encystation-specific cysteine proteinase responsible for the proteolytic processing of CWP2, which is homologue to lysosomal cathepsin C. Encystation-specific cysteine proteinase ESCP possesses unique characteristics compared with cathepsins from higher eukaryotes, such as a transmembrane domain and a short cytoplasmic tail. These features make this enzyme the most divergent cathepsin C identified to date and provide new insights regarding cyst wall formation in Giardia.  相似文献   

Giardia trophozoites are polyploid and have five chromosomes. The chromosome homologues demonstrate considerable size heterogeneity due to variation in the subtelomeric regions. We used clones from the genome project with telomeric sequence at one end to identify six subtelomeric regions in addition to previously identified subtelomeric regions, to study the telomeric arrangement of the chromosomes. The subtelomeric regions included two retroposons, one retroposon pseudogene, and two vsp genes, in addition to the previously identified subtelomeric regions that include ribosomal DNA repeats. The presence of vsp genes in a subtelomeric region suggests that telomeric rearrangements may contribute to the generation of vsp diversity. These studies of the subtelomeric regions of Giardia may contribute to our understanding of the factors that maintain stability, while allowing diversity in chromosome structure.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia parasitism accounts for the majority of cases of parasitic diarrheal disease, making this flagellated eukaryote the most successful intestinal parasite worldwide. This organism has undergone secondary reduction/elimination of entire organelle systems such as mitochondria and Golgi. However, trophozoite to cyst differentiation (encystation) requires neogenesis of Golgi‐like secretory organelles named encystation‐specific vesicles (ESVs), which traffic, modify and partition cyst wall proteins produced exclusively during encystation. In this work we ask whether neogenesis of Golgi‐related ESVs during G. lamblia differentiation, similarly to Golgi biogenesis in more complex eukaryotes, requires the maintenance of distinct COPII‐associated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) subdomains in the form of ER exit sites (ERES) and whether ERES are also present in non‐differentiating trophozoites. To address this question, we identified conserved COPII components in G. lamblia cells and determined their localization, quantity and dynamics at distinct ERES domains in vegetative and differentiating trophozoites. Analogous to ERES and Golgi biogenesis, these domains were closely associated to early stages ofnewly generated ESV. Ectopic expression of non‐functional Sar1 GTPase variants caused ERES collapse and, consequently, ESV ablation, leading to impaired parasite differentiation. Thus, our data show how ERES domains remain conserved in G. lamblia despite elimination of steady‐state Golgi. Furthermore, the fundamental eukaryotic principle of ERES to Golgi/Golgi‐like compartment correspondence holds true in differentiating Giardia presenting streamlined machinery for secretory organelle biogenesis and protein trafficking. However, in the Golgi‐less trophozoites ERES exist as stable ER subdomains, likely as the sole sorting centres for secretory traffic.  相似文献   

In the present study it was demonstrated the existence of a new set of membrane-bounded vesicles in Giardia lamblia. They were found in dividing and non-dividing trophozoites studied by routine transmission electron microscopy, freeze-fracture and Thiéry's technique. Encysting cells were not studied. These vesicles appear different to the previously reported components of the Giardia endomembranous system, such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), lysosome-like peripheral vesicles (PV), and the encystation-specific vesicles (ESV) that appear during trophozoite differentiation into cysts. They measure 100-150 nm in diameter, and thus are smaller than the peripheral vesicles, and the encystation-specific vesicles (ESV). They were found in clusters, scattered throughout the cytoplasm, but preferentially located close to the nuclei, axonemes, median bodies, and ER profiles. These internal vesicles are roughly spherical, and their contents present different electron densities and are more electrondense than those of the peripheral vesicles. They appeared to be budding from the outer nuclear membrane envelope. These cytoplasmic vesicles were found only in cells with very good fixation. Only few cells in the same preparation exhibited these vesicles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the 50% infective dose for Giardia lamblia (CDC:0284:1) cysts in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). The log10 50% infective dose results calculated by probit analysis and the Spearman-Karber method were 2.45 and 2.50, respectively.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the 50% infective dose for Giardia lamblia (CDC:0284:1) cysts in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). The log10 50% infective dose results calculated by probit analysis and the Spearman-Karber method were 2.45 and 2.50, respectively.  相似文献   

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