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Summary The brush cells (BC) are highly polarized elements occurring in epithelia of endodermal origin. They have a preferential topographical distribution in the organs in which they reside. In the stomach of the rat, BC prevail near the transitional zone separating the forestomach from the glandular stomach. Thus, a method was developed to isolate and recover BC from this organ with the aim of investigating the changes they may undergo after dissociation. Strips of the rat stomach were severed from the very proximal border of the glandular region and incubated in Hanks' balanced salt solution containing pronase. After sedimentation of the dissociated cells (crude sediment containing all stomach epithelial cell types) two successive cell fractions were prepared on preformed Percoll gradient in an attempt to enrich BC in a defined layer. BC were recovered in a fraction at a density close to 1.03 g/ml where they represented about 2% of all cells. The isolated BC changed their form from columnar to pear-shaped; however, they maintained their structural polarity over 2 h as demonstrated by light microscopy, transmission-and scanning-electron microscopy. The fine structure of BC was always satisfactorily preserved. Maintenance of the structural polarity of isolated BC is contrary to the general rule according to which all conventional epithelial cells examined to date lose their polarity after isolation. This result is discussed in relation to morphological findings in isolated sensory cells (hair cells, photoreceptor cells) leading to the suggestion that BC are more similar to these than to conventional epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Summary The postnatal development of brush cells in the distal segment of the common bile duct of the rat was examined with respect to cell number and immuno-reactivity for liver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP). The brush cells, distinguishable from the principal cells by scanning electron microscopy, first appeared in the common bile duct 4 weeks after birth. They showed a remarkable increase in number, with a sex difference in time, i.e., between 8 and 12 weeks in the male and between 10 and 14 weeks in the female. In both sexes, the frequency of brush cells reached approximately 30% of total epithelial cells by 16 weeks and remained constant until 40 weeks of age. Cells with positive immuno-reactivity for L-FABP first appeared in small numbers at 8 weeks. Immuno-electron microscopy revealed that all immunoreactive cells were brush cells. They increased in number gradually from 16 to 40 weeks with no sex difference. At 40 weeks, the immunoreactive cells reached approximately 7.5% of total epithelial cells, corresponding to one-fourth of the number of brush cells. These results indicate that the occurrence of the brush cell population in the common bile duct is a late event in the postnatal development of the rat and that its functional maturation progresses with aging.  相似文献   

Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP) is a member of a family of 14–15 kDa lipid binding proteins which are believed to enhance intracellular transport of lipids by facilitating their cytoplasmic diffusion. To obtain sufficient amounts of protein for in vitro studies, we expressed rat H-FABP in Escherichia coli and compared its biochemical properties with the protein isolated from rat heart. An effective method was developed to purify recombinant rat H-FABP from cell lysates in a single step using anion-exchange chromatography. This method also proved to be applicable for purifying heterologously expressed human H-FABP. Recombinant rat H-FABP, which made up approximately 25% of the soluble proteins in E. coli, was obtained in a yield of 30–40 mg/l culture. Characterization showed that recombinant rat H-FABP was indistinguishable from the protein isolated from rat heart regarding molecular mass and oleic acid binding. Some heterogeneity upon isoelectric focusing was observed, presumably due to differences in N-terminal processing of the proteins. In conclusion, a method is presented for efficient high-yield production of recombinant rat H-FABP.  相似文献   

Chicken liver basic fatty acid-binding protein (pI = 9.0) has been purified with a high yield by a modification of a method originally applied to rat liver. The final product is highly homogeneous and can be used to grow crystals that belong to two different space groups. The crystals are either tetragonal, space group P42212 with a = b = 60.2 Å and c = 138.1 Å or orthorhombic, space group P212121 with a = 60.7 Å, b = 40.1 Å and c = 66.7 Å. The second form appears to be more suitable for X-ray diffraction studies, it diffracts to at least 2.8 Å resolution and it is believed to contain one protein molecule in the crystallographic asymmetric unit.  相似文献   

Summary This overview of recent work on FABP types is focussed on their detection and expression in various tissues, their cellular and subcellular distribution and their binding properties. Besides the 3 well-known liver, heart and intestinal types, new types as the adipose tissue, myelin and (rat) renal FABPs have been described. Recent observations suggest the occurrence of more tissue-specific types, e.g. in placenta and adrenals. Heart FABP is widely distributed and present in skeletal muscles, kidney, lung, brain and endothelial cells. The cellular distribution of FABP types appears to be related to the function of the cells in liver, muscle and kidney. The presence of FABP in cellular organelles requires more evidence. The functional significance of the occurrence of more FABP types is unclear, in spite of the observed differences in their ligand-protein interaction.Abbreviations FABP(s) Fatty Acid-Binding Protein(s)  相似文献   

Summary Myosin was localized in rat intestinal epithelium by means of indirect immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy (unlabeled antibody peroxidase method), using a specific antibody to myosin from chicken gizzard. Immunoreactivity was localized in the apical cytoplasm, where it was concentrated along the rootlets of the microvillar filament bundles and in the terminal web. A model of microvillar contraction is proposed.  相似文献   

Ischemia of the heart is accompanied by the tissue accumulation of long-chain fatty acids and their metabolic derivatives such as -hydroxy fatty acids and fatty acyl-CoA and acyl-L-carnitine esters. These substances might be detrimental for proper myocardial function. Previously, it has been suggested that intracellular lipid binding proteins like cytoplasmic fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) and acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP) may bind these accumulating fatty acyl moieties to prevent their elevated levels from potentially harmful actions. In addition, the suggestion has been made that the abundantly present FABP may scavenge free radicals which are generated during reperfusion of the ischemic heart. However, these protective actions are challenged by the continuous physico-chemical partition of fatty acyl moieties between FABP and membrane structures and by the rapid release of FABP from ischemic and reperfused cardiac muscle. Careful evaluation of the available literature data reveals that at present no definite conclusion can be drawn about the potential protective effect of FABP on the ischemic and reperfused heart. Biochem123: 167–173, 1993)Abbreviations FABP Fatty Acid-Binding Protein - ACBP Acyl-CoA Binding Protein - MDGI Mammary-Derived Growth Inhibitor - CK Creatine Kinase - LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase  相似文献   

Dendritic cells in the splenic white pulp of mice were intensely immunoreactive for epidermal-type fatty acid binding protein (E-FABP). This specific immunostaining revealed a clear difference in morphology between the dendritic cells in the periarterial lymphoid sheath (PALS) and follicular dendritic cells in the follicles in terms of cell sizes and process branching. No immunoreactivity was detected in dendritic cells in the marginal zones and the red pulp, although endothelial cells of almost all capillaries in the red pulp were immunoreactive for E-FABP. After peritoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide, the immunoreactive cells in PALS progressively enlarged and became rounded in shape with a peak in size at 24 h postinjection and they eventually resumed the dendritic form at 48 h postinjection. Within each of the enlarged immunoreactive cell perikarya were included small immunonegative apoptotic cells, presumptive lymphocytes. Taken together, E-FABP is useful as a marker for dendritic cells in the splenic white pulp, and may be involved through combination with fatty acids in antigen presentation and retention as well as in cytokine production.  相似文献   

Summary The coding part of the cDNA of cardiac fatty acid-binding protein (cFABP) from bovine heart was cloned into the vector pKK233-2. After induction with isopropyl--d-thiogalactopyranoside cFABP was found in a soluble form in the cytosol of plasmid transformed E. coli amounting up to 5.7% of the soluble protein. cFABP was detected after SDS-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis and/or isoelectric focusing and Western blot by immuno-staining and was determined quantitatively by a solid phase enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay. The cFABP produced by bacteria binds oleic acid with high affinity as shown by comigration of protein and ligand in both gelfiltration and isoelectric focusing. cFABP was purified from bacterial lysates to near homogeneity and resolved into four isoproteins.  相似文献   

Fatty acid-binding protein from bovine liver but not from bovine heart binds hematin in a saturable manner with high affinity. This property is not confined to a particular isoform as both, pI 6.0- and pI 7.0 L-FABP, bind hematin similarly. In competition experiments hematin and oleic acid could replace each other demonstrating that they share at least parts of the same binding site. Common structural features, i.e. the presence of carboxylic groups and of hydrophobic carbon chains led to the hypothesis that both ligands interact similarly with L-FABP. This was supported by the decrease of binding affinity for either ligand upon modification with phenylglyoxal. Modification in the presence of fatty acid revealed the protection of one of the two arginines of L-FABP. By peptide mapping and Edman degradation Arg122 was identified as the counterpart of the fatty acids carboxylic group.  相似文献   

Summary Cardiac-type fatty acid-binding protein (cFABP) from human heart muscle of three individuals was isolated and characterized as pI 5.3-cFABP. The proteins were structurally analyzed by tryptic peptide mapping, application of plasma desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry and amino acid sequencing. All three preparations of human heart FABP, having 132 amino acids, differed from the published sequence [Offner et al. Biochem J 251: 191–198, 1988] in position 104, where Leu is found instead of Lys, and in position 124, where Cys is found instead of Ser.  相似文献   

The enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells of the gastric mucosa in animals play an important role in gastric acid secretion. They contain few granules and numerous secretory vesicles and microvesicles. They operate under the control of circulating gastrin. In the present study, we conducted an immunoelectron microscopic study for histamine (HA) in the ECL cells of rats given the proton pump inhibitor lansoprazole (LP), which is known to induce hypergastrinemia. The pre-embedding indirect immunoperoxidase procedure utilized a mouse monoclonal antibody AHA-2 against glutaraldehyde-conjugated HA. Rats received LP (50 g/kg per day, subcutaneously) over a period of a month, and developed hypertrophy of the ECL cells in the stomach. It was clearly demonstrated that HA was located to a much higher degree in the cytoplasm of ECL cells of LP-treated rats than in normal rats. HA immunoreactivity was observed in the cores of the granules and secretory vesicles of the ECL cells in all the rats, but in the LP-treated rats it was observed in the cores of the newly developed vacuoles as well. These results may suggest that HA may be actively generated in the cytoplasm of the hypertrophic ECL cells of LP-treated rats. Also suggested in the present study is that HA is instrumental in the transformation of granules into secretory vesicles and in their consequent enlargement, and that vacuoles are formed by the fusion of large secretory vesicles. Furthermore, the finding that relatively little HA immunoreactivity existed in the vacuoles may suggest that the vacuoles actively degrade superfluous secretory products (for example, HA) through enhanced autophagocytosis and/or oxidative stress. Another possibility may be that the membrane-bounded structure regarded as the vacuoles in this study might actually be an invagination structure produced as a result of successive series of exocytosis through which the secretory vesicles actively and rapidly release HA.  相似文献   

Using an affinity purified antibody raised against the RI-H fragment of rat intestinal lectin L-36, the latter protein has been identified within the esophageal epithelium by means of ultracryotomy followed by immunogold labeling. The epithelium consists of 4 morphologically distinct cell-types, namely, the basal, spiny, granular and squamous cells, and each of these exhibits a different immunolabeling pattern. The basal cells form a layer on the basal lamina, and in these a diffuse cytoplasmic staining is observed. This basal cell layer is overlaid by spiny cells that extend many cell processes into wide intercellular spaces. In these cells, immunogold particles are found only on small granular inclusions consisting of an electron-lucent homogeneous substance. The granular cells from a third layer over the spiny cells, and are characterized by a number of large granular inclusions with an electron-dense core rimmed by a less electron-dense substance. Immunogold labeling is found on these granules, both on the core and peripheral region. Squamous cell-types constitute the most superficial layer of the epithelium. They are without granular inclusions, and immunogold labeling is confined to the cytoplasmic surface of the thickened plasma membrane. These findings suggest that L-36 is produced in the basal cells as free cytosolic protein, then becomes progressively aggregated into the granular inclusions of the spiny and granular cells, and is eventually transferred onto the cytoplasmic surface of the squamous cell plasma membrane where it may interact with complementary glycoconjugate(s) located at this site. The membrane lining substance thus formed may play a role in stabilizing the squamous cell membranes, thereby maintaining the structural integrity of the epithelium against mechanical stress coming from the esophageal lumen.  相似文献   

Liu RZ  Li X  Godbout R 《Genomics》2008,92(6):436-445
We have identified a new member of the FABP gene family, designated FABP12. FABP12 has the same structure as other FABP genes and resides in a cluster with FABP4/5/8/9 within 300,000 bp chromosomal region. FABP12 orthologs are found in mammals, but not in the zebrafish or chicken genomes. We demonstrate that FABP12 is expressed in rodent retina and testis, as well as in human retinoblastoma cell lines. In situ hybridization of adult rat retinal tissue indicates that FABP12 mRNA is expressed in ganglion and inner nuclear layer cells. Analysis of adult rat testis reveals a pattern of expression that is different from that of the known testis FABP (FABP9) in the testicular germ cells, suggesting distinct roles for these two genes during mammalian spermatogenesis. We propose that FABP12 arose as the result of tandem gene duplication, a mechanism that may have been instrumental to the expansion of the FABP family.  相似文献   

the present immunohistochemical study demonstrates the ontogenetic appearance of aromatase-immunoreactive neurons in several discrete regions of the hypothalamus and limbic system in the rat brain, using a purified antibody against human placental aromatase cytochrome P450. Immunoreactive cells were first detected in the preoptic area on the 13th day of embryonic life (E 13), and additionally in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis on E 15. Labeled cells were also found in the medial amygdaloid nucleus and the ventromedial nucleus on E 16, and some were detected in the arcuate nucleus on E 19. As gestation progressed, the number and the immunoreactivity of these cells gradually increased and peaked within definite periods of perinatal life and there-after declined or disappeared. The immunoreactive cells were also found in the central amygdaloid nucleus and the lateral septal nucleus, and in the ventral pallidum, after the 14th day of postnatal life (P 14) and 30th day (P 30), respectively. The distribution of aromatase-immunoreactive neurons was similar between the sexes, while the immunoreactivity was higher in males than in females after late gestational days. No immunoreaction was detectable in other regions of the telencephalon or midbrain at any time periods studied. The aromatase-immunoreactive neurons in the specific regions may be involved in the sexual differentiation of the brain.  相似文献   

We investigated the contribution of fatty acid-binding protein 3 (FABP3) to adaptive thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT) in rodents. The expression of FABP3 mRNA in BAT was regulated discriminatively in response to alteration of the ambient temperature, which regulation was similar and reciprocal to the regulation of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) and leptin, respectively. FABP3 expression in the BAT was significantly higher in the UCP1-knockout (KO) mice than in the wild-type ones, and these KO mice showed a higher clearance rate of free fatty acid from the plasma. In addition, FABP3 expression in the BAT was increased greatly with the development of diet-induced obesity in mice. These results indicate that the induction of FABP3 in BAT correlates with an increased demand for adaptive thermogenesis in rodents. FABP3 appears to be essential for accelerating fatty acid flux and its oxidation through UCP1 activity for non-shivering thermogenesis in BAT.  相似文献   

Summary 67 kDa elastin-binding protein (RL-67EBP) has been isolated from neonatal rat lungs by the use of an elastin-coupled affinity column, followed by elution with either lactose or synthetic elastin hexapeptide (VGVAPG), and immunohistochemistry has been used on perinatal rat lungs to determine the tissue localization of this protein. No immunoreactive structures occur in fetal lungs, or in the lungs of day-1 and-4 neonates. On day-7 after birth, immunoreactive cells appear in the subepithelial connective tissue of the intrapulmonary airways, from day-10 on, these cells become evenly distributed in the alveolar parenchyma. Occasionally, some cells occur in the alveolar air space, being free from the surface of the alveolar septum. Unpermeabilized cells obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage, show cell surface immunoreactivity, indicating that RL-67EBP is expressed on the surface membrane of the cells. From these findings, it is suggested that the immunoreactive cells are blood-borne monocytes, and that RL-67EBP may function as an elastin peptide receptor by which monocytes mobilize through interstitial connective tissue during their migration from blood to alveolar air space, where they eventually differentiate into alveolar macrophages.  相似文献   

Summary The present study examined the presence and cellular distribution of angiotensinogen, the precursor to the angiotensin peptides, in the ovary of the normal cycling rat by immunocytochemistry. Angiotensinogen staining was present in the granulosa cells of maturing follicles and to a lesser extent in those undergoing atresia. Staining was not seen in the granulosa cells of primordial or early primary follicles. In maturing follicles intense staining for angiotensinogen was confined to the antral cell layers, cells of the cumulus oophorus and in the follicular fluid. Strong immunostaining was also seen in the germinal epithelium covering the ovary. Lighter angiotensinogen staining was observed in some parts of the cortical and medullary stroma and occasionally in corpora lutea. No variation in the intensity or pattern of angiotensinogen staining was observed throughout the estrous cycle. Comparison of the distribution of angiotensinogen with the previously described localization of renin, AII, angiotensin converting enzyme and AII receptors, suggests that there are a number of intra-ovarian sites at which AII could be produced.  相似文献   

The contribution of brush border cytoskeletal proteins (actin, villin, fimbrin, and brush border myosin-1) to organization of the cytoskeletal network underlying apical plications of oxynticopeptic cells was examined by immunohistochemical techniques in frozen sections of gastric mucosa from the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. Apical localization of F-actin with phalloidin in oxynticopeptic cells inhibited with cimetidine revealed small, punctate domains within the apical cytoplasm that were consistent with the presence of short microvilli revealed by electron microscopy. Localization of F-actin in cells stimulated with forskolin was limited to a wide continuous band of cytoplasm corresponding to the location of numerous long surface folds. Inhibition of protein synthesis with cycloheximide did not prevent acid secretion or formation of actin filaments within surface folds in stimulated oxynticopeptic cells, suggesting that the formation of filaments does not require actin synthesis. Staining of gastric mucosae with fluorescent DNase-1 demonstrated that oxynticopeptic cells possess an unusually large pool of non-filamentous actin. Taken together, these results suggest that actin-filament formation in stimulated cells occurs by polymerization of an existing pool of non-filamentous actin. Localization of antibodies specific for villin and fimbrin revealed that these proteins were present within intestinal absorptive cells and gastric surface and neck cells but were not present within inhibited or stimulated oxynticopeptic cells. Brush border myosin-1, present in intestinal absorptive cells, was not present in gastric epithelium. Thus, we propose that actin-containing projections in oxynticopeptic cells are not organized like intestinal microvilli and that filament formation occurs after stimulation by modulating intracellular pools of filamentous and non-filamentous actin.  相似文献   

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