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Summary Epidermal cell proliferation and differentiation were investigated in vitro after exposure to the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Human skin organ cultures were exposed topically to various concentrations of SDS for 22 h, after which the irritant was removed. Cell proliferation was measured immunohistochemically by incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) into the DNA of cells during S-phase, while the expression of transglutaminase and involucrin were used as markers of differentiation. Cell proliferation was moderately increased at concentrations of SDS that did not affect the histomorphology (0.1% and 0.2% SDS). A marked increase of cell proliferation was observed 22 to 44 h after removal of SDS at a concentration (0.4%) that induced slight cellular damage. Exposure of human skin organ cultures to a toxic concentration of SDS (1.0%) led to decreased cell proliferation. Transglutaminase and involucrin were expressed in the more basal layers of the epidermis after exposure to 0.4% or 1.0% SDS. Moreover, intra-epidermal sweat gland ducts were positive for transglutaminase at these irritant concentrations. These in vitro data demonstrate that SDS-induced alterations of epidermal cell kinetics, as described in vivo are at least partly due to local mechanisms and do not require the influx of infiltrate cells. However, we were unable to relate the altered cell kinetics to the release of interleukin-1α or interleukin-6. Furthermore, supplementation of the culture medium with 12-hydroxyeicosantetraenoic acid did not affect epidermal cell proliferation. Rabbit skin cultures appeared more sensitive to SDS than human skin. At nontoxic doses, the irritant induced an increase of epidermal cell proliferation, similar to that observed in human skin discs.  相似文献   

We describe an organotypic model of human skin comprised of a stratified layer of human epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts within a contracted collagen lattice. Feasible and reproducible production of the skin construct has required the use of traditional as well as specialized culture techniques. The configuration of the construct has been engineered to maintain polarity and permit extended culture at the air-liquid interface. Morphological, biochemical and kinetic parameters were assessed and functional assays were performed to determine the degree of similarity to human skin. Light and ultrastructural morphology of the epidermis closely resembled human skin. The immunocytochemical localization of a number of differentiation markers and extracellular matrix proteins was also similar to human skin. Kinetic data showed a transition of the epidermal layer to a morein vivo-like growth rate during the development of the construct at the air-liquid interface. The barrier properties of the construct also increased with time reaching a permeability to water of less than 2%·h after approximately 2 weeks at the air-liquid interface which is still on average 30-fold more water-permeable than normal human skin. The construct is currently used forin vitro research and testing and is also being tested in clinical applications.  相似文献   

Male mice of the Q strain were exposed to 60Co gamma-rays at 2 Gy and 2 X 2 Gy separated by increasing time intervals (from 0 min to 4 min). The chromosome translocations induced in spermatogonia were scored at diakinesis-metaphase I. A significant decrease of the translocation frequency at time intervals higher than 2 min was observed, confirming results obtained with plant materials.  相似文献   

Animal models are considered to be the "gold standard" for determining the potential contact allergenicity of low molecular weight chemicals. However, governmental regulations and ethical considerations limit the use of animals for such purposes. There is therefore a need for in vitro alternative models. The human organotypic skin explant culture (HOSEC) model is reported to be a promising alternative method for the predictive testing of contact allergens. The accelerated migration of Langerhans cells from the epidermis upon exposure to contact allergens is used to identify chemicals that are potentially capable of inducing a delayed-type hypersensitivity. In the study described in this paper, the model was further refined, and used, in two independent laboratories, to screen 23 low molecular weight compounds of known classification for their allergenicity. Each laboratory was able to accurately detect the contact allergens, despite small variations in the protocols used. However, the classification of dermal irritants, which have often been falsely classified as allergens, varied between the two laboratories. Despite the current limitations of the HOSEC model, the accuracy of the predictions made (sensitiser or non-sensitiser) compare favourably with classifications obtained with commonly used animal models. The HOSEC model has the potential to be developed further as an in vitro alternative to animal models for screening for contact allergens.  相似文献   

The stratified squamous epithelia differ regionally in their patterns of morphogenesis and differentiation. Although some reports suggested that the adult epithelial phenotype is an intrinsic property of the epithelium, there is increasing evidence that subepithelial connective tissue can modify the phenotypic expression of the epithelium. The aim of this study was to elucidate whether the differentiation of cutaneous and oral epithelia is influenced by underlying mesenchymal tissues. Three normal skin samples and three normal buccal mucosa samples were used for the experiments. Skin equivalents were constructed in four ways, depending on the combinations of keratinocytes (cutaneous or mucosal keratinocytes) and fibroblasts (dermal or mucosal fibroblasts), and the effects of subepithelial fibroblasts on the differentiation of oral and cutaneous keratinocytes were studied with histological examinations and immunohistochemical analyses with anti-cytokeratin (keratins 10 and 13) antibodies. For each experiment, three paired skin equivalents were constructed by using single parent keratinocyte and fibroblast sources for each group; consequently, nine (3 x 3) organotypic cultures per group were constructed and studied. The oral and cutaneous epithelial cells maintained their intrinsic keratin expression. The keratin expression patterns in oral and cutaneous epithelia of skin equivalents were generally similar to their original patterns but were partly modified exogenously by the topologically different fibroblasts. The mucosal keratinocytes were more differentiated and expressed keratin 10 when cocultured with dermal fibroblasts, and the expression patterns of keratin 13 in cutaneous keratinocytes cocultured with mucosal fibroblasts were different from those in keratinocytes cocultured with cutaneous fibroblasts. The results suggested that the epithelial phenotype and keratin expression could be extrinsically modified by mesenchymal fibroblasts. In epithelial differentiation, however, the intrinsic control by epithelial cells may still be stronger than extrinsic regulation by mesenchymal fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The rejoining of DNA double strand breaks (dsb) induced by 60Co gamma-rays, 241Am alpha-particles or bleomycin was measured by neutral filter elution. In agreement with their colony-forming ability, ataxia-telangiectasia cells (AT2BE) and normal fibroblasts exhibited similar dsb rejoining capacity following alpha-irradiation, but showed marked differences in the rejoining kinetics of dsb induced by gamma-rays or bleomycin.  相似文献   

Human breast milk incorporated at 1% concentration into the culture medium significantly (p less than 0.05) increased the binding of 125I-LDL to receptors of human skin fibroblasts in culture. Homogenized cows milk and infant formula (Similac) also possessed this stimulating property. The stimulating activity of milk persisted after dialysis and extraction with cold acetone. These preliminary studies suggest that milk might contain potent factor(s) influencing cholesterol metabolic process in early life.  相似文献   

Excessive exposure to solar radiation, especially ultraviolet A (UVA: 320-400 nm) and ultraviolet B (UVB: 290-320 nm) radiation, may induce UV-carcinogenesis and erythema in the skin. Although the protective effects of carotenoids against skin lesions are still unclear, beta-carotene has been proposed as an oral sun protectant. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of the protective effects of oral alpha- and beta-carotene supplementation for 24 weeks on UVA- and UVB-induced erythema in humans. While being exposed to UVA and UVB radiation, 22 subjects (11 men and 11 women) were supplemented with natural carotenoids for 24 weeks. Each day for the first 8 weeks, subjects were given 30 mg of natural carotenoids containing 29.4 mg of beta-carotene, 0.36 mg of alpha-carotene, and traces of other carotenoids in vegetable oil. The natural carotenoid dose was progressively raised by 30-mg increments, at every 8 weeks, from 30 mg to 90 mg. Small areas (1 cm2) of the skin were exposed to increasing doses of UV light (16-42 mJ/cm2) to determine the minimal erythema dose (MED). MED was defined as a uniform pink color with well-defined borders. MED readings were obtained by visual inspection 24 hr postirradiation. Blood samples taken during supplementation were used to determine alpha- and beta-carotene serum levels and for a lipid peroxidation analysis. During natural carotenoid supplementation, the MED of solar simulator radiation increased significantly (P<0.05). After 24 weeks of supplementation, serum beta-carotene levels were increased from 0.22 microg/ml (95% CI; 0.16-0.27) to 1.72 microg/ml (95% CI;1.61-1.83). Similarly, alpha-carotene serum levels increased from 0.07 microg/ml (95% CI;0.048-0.092) to 0.36 microg/ml (95% CI; 0.32-0.40). Serum lipid peroxidation was significantly (P<0.05) inhibited in a dose-dependent manner during natural carotenoid supplementation. The present data suggest that supplementation with natural carotenoids may partially protect human skin from UVA- and UVB-induced erythema, although the magnitude of the protective effect is modest.  相似文献   

Organotypic cultures of human breast skin incubated with silver bandage or treated with silver sulfadiazine accumulated silver in epithelial cells and in macrophages, fibroblasts and collagen fibrils and fibres of underlying connective tissue. Ultrastructurally, the accumulated silver was found in lysosome-like vesicles of the different cells and evenly spread along collagen structures. Apoptotic nuclei were present but few. Autometallographic amplification of 2D-PAGE gels revealed that glutathione S-transferase and glutathion detoxify silver ions in the epidermal cell by binding them in silver–sulphur nanocrystals. Thus, the cytotoxic effect of silver ions seems to be muted by silver ions by being: (1) taken up by undamaged cells, neutralised by glutathione (GSH) and accumulated in lysosomal vesicles, (2) bound extracellularly to SH-groups of the collagen fibres.  相似文献   

We investigated if IRFI 042, an analog of vitamin E, protects the brain against oxidative stress induced by intraperitoneal administration of Kainic acid (KA) (10 mg/kg); sham brain injury rats were used as controls. Animals received either IRFI 042 (20 mg/kg) or its vehicle 30 min before KA injection and after 6 h were sacrificed to measure malonildyaldheide (MDA) and glutathione levels (GSH) in the diencephalon. Behavioral changes were also monitored. Intraperitoneal administration of IRFI decreased MDA (micromol/g wet tissue: KA + vehicle = 22.5 ± 4.2; KA + IRFI = 17.1 ± 1; P  < 0.005) and prevented GSH loss (nmol/g wet tissue: KA + vehicle = 0.41 ± 0.1; KA + IRFI = 1.86 ± 0.2; P  < 0.005) in the diencephalon. The latency of occurrence of behavioral signs increased from 39 ± 1 to 62 ± 6 min in IRFI 042 group. The data suggest that IRFI 042 might protect against KA-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》1998,92(3-4):305-308
Pyridostigmine bromide (PB) promotes and then silences cholinergic muscle activity, and disrupts the junctional regions of muscle fibers and associated nerve terminals, in organotypic mouse spinal cord-muscle cultures continuously treated with low concentrations of the drug for up to 14 days. Spontaneous muscle activity is restored within 1 week of drug removal.  相似文献   

Calcium plays an important role in the regulation of different functions of keratinocytes. In the present work we studied the effect of different extracellular calcium concentrations (0.01 mM-2.0 mM) on the proliferation and differentiation of human keratinocytes in normal human and non-lesional psoriatic skin. Using explant culture model, the proliferative and differentiated subsets of keratinocytes were detected by specific antibodies related to cell proliferation [beta-1 integrin (CD29), proliferating cell antigen (Ki67), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)] and differentiation [differentiated cell cytokeratins (K1/K10) and differentiating cell antigen (lectin Ulex europaius agglutinin, UEA-1)]. After 4 days of culturing at high Ca2+ (2.0 mM) we observed marked hyperproliferation among the normally quiescent keratinocytes of non-lesional psoriatic skin. In normal uncultured and cultured skin and in uncultured and two-day-cultured non-lesional psoriatic skin both at normal (1.2 mM) and at high (2.0 mM) Ca2+ concentration only one layer of basal CD29+/Ki67+/K1/K10-/UEA-1- cell was observed. In sections from non-lesional psoriatic skin cultured for 4 days in the presence of high Ca2+ (2.0 mM) this cell population has expanded from at least three layers above the basement membrane. This expanded cell population of the 4-day high Ca2+ cultured non-lesional skin showed clear PCNA positive staining on frozen sections with the strongest positivity among the most basal localized cells. These data suggest that (i) extracellular Ca2+ concentration can influence the proliferation of basal ("stem") keratinocytes, (ii) the proliferative response to high Ca2+ concentration of psoriatic non-lesional basal keratinocytes differs from that of normal basal keratinocytes, (iv) changes in the extracellular Ca2+ milieu might play a role in the induction of the hyperproliferative psoriatic lesion.  相似文献   

The effect of hyaluronidase treatment on the incorporation of [3H]glucosamine into hyaluronate in human skin fibroblast cultures was investigated. Fourth passage cells in confluent cultures were treated with hyaluronidase from bovine tests, Streptomyces and leech in Dulbecco's minimum essential medium in the presence of 3% fetal calf serum. The medium was removed from the control (non-treated) and the treated cultures and the washed cell layers were incubated with [3H]glucosamine and [35S]sulfate. [3H]Hyaluronate was separated by DEAE Trisacyl chromatography and identified by specific enzymic assays. Hyaluronidase treatment induced an increase in the amount of labelled hyaluronate secreted into the medium and into the pericellular compartment. This amount reached a plateau with increasing enzyme concentration and with the time of treatment. Oligosaccharides derived from hyaluronate did not produce this effect. The maximal increase was about 3-fold, and was not inhibited by exogenous hyaluronate (25-100 micrograms/ml) or by oligosaccharides from hyaluronate. Cycloheximide (0.03 mM) inhibited hyaluronate synthesis by 18% or less in the control cells and by 50% in the hyaluronidase-pretreated fibroblasts. No significant difference was found in the hyaluronate synthase activity between control and treated cells, at 60 min following treatment, indicating the reversibility of the effect. The persistence of the stimulation required the presence of hyaluronidase. The treatment of cells with specific hyaluronidases (from Streptomyces and leech) or with testicular hyaluronidase did not modify the labelling of the sulfated glycosaminoglycans. The incorporation kinetics of the [3H]glucosamine into labeled hyaluronate and the increased amount of non-labelled hyaluronate determined by radiometric assay indicated a specific stimulation of hyaluronate synthesis in the hyaluronidase-pretreated fibroblast cultures.  相似文献   

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