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Abstract Low desiccation resistance of Drosophila ananassae reflects its rarity outside the humid tropics. However, the ability of this sensitive species to evolve under seasonally varying subtropical areas is largely unknown. D. ananassae flies are mostly lighter during the rainy season but darker and lighter flies occur in the autumn season in northern India. We tested the hypothesis whether seasonally varying alternative body color phenotypes of D. ananassae vary in their levels of environmental stress tolerances and mating behavior. Thus, we investigated D. ananassae flies collected during rainy and autumn seasons for changes in body melanization and their genetic basis, desiccation‐related traits, cold tolerance and mating propensity. On the basis of genetic crosses, we found total body color dimorphism consistent with a single gene model in both sexes of D. ananassae. A significant increase in the frequency of the dark morph was observed during the drier autumn season, and body color phenotypes showed significant deviations from Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium, which suggests climatic selection plays a role. Resistance to desiccation as well as cold stress were two‐ to three‐fold higher in the dark body color strain as compared with the light strain. On the basis of no‐choice mating experiments, we observed significantly higher assortative matings between dark morphs under desiccation or cold stress, and between light morphs under hot or higher humidity conditions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the ecological significance of seasonally varying total body color dimorphism in a tropical species, D. ananassae.  相似文献   

Evolutionary change of thermal traits (i.e., heat tolerance and behavioural thermoregulation) is one of the most important mechanisms exhibited by organisms to respond to global warming. However, the evolutionary potential of heat tolerance, estimated as narrow‐sense heritability, depends on the methodology employed. An alternative adaptive mechanism to buffer extreme temperatures is behavioural thermoregulation, although the association between heat tolerance and thermal preference is not clearly understood. We suspect that methodological effects associated with the duration of heat stress during thermal tolerance assays are responsible for missing this genetic association. To test this hypothesis, we estimated the heritabilities and genetic correlations for thermal traits in Drosophila subobscura, using high‐temperature static and slow ramping assays. We found that heritability for heat tolerance was higher in static assays (h2 = 0.134) than in slow ramping assays (h2 = 0.084), suggesting that fast assays may provide a more precise estimation of the genetic variation of heat tolerance. In addition, thermal preference exhibited a low heritability (h2 = 0.066), suggesting a reduced evolutionary response for this trait. We also found that the different estimates of heat tolerance and thermal preference were not genetically correlated, regardless of how heat tolerance was estimated. In conclusion, our data suggest that these thermal traits can evolve independently in this species. In agreement with previous evidence, these results indicate that methodology may have an important impact on genetic estimates of heat tolerance and that fast assays are more likely to detect the genetic component of heat tolerance.  相似文献   

In temperate regions, an organism's ability to rapidly adapt to seasonally varying environments is essential for its survival. In response to seasonal changes in selection pressure caused by variation in temperature, humidity, and food availability, some organisms exhibit plastic changes in phenotype. In other cases, seasonal variation in selection pressure can rapidly increase the frequency of genotypes that offer survival or reproductive advantages under the current conditions. Little is known about the relative influences of plastic and genetic changes in short‐lived organisms experiencing seasonal environmental fluctuations. Cold hardening is a seasonally relevant plastic response in which exposure to cool, but nonlethal, temperatures significantly increases the organism's ability to later survive at freezing temperatures. In the present study, we demonstrate seasonal variation in cold hardening in Drosophila melanogaster and test the extent to which plasticity and adaptive tracking underlie that seasonal variation. We measured the post‐cold hardening freeze tolerance of flies from outdoor mesocosms over the summer, fall, and winter. We bred outdoor mesocosm‐caught flies for two generations in the laboratory and matched each outdoor cohort to an indoor control cohort of similar genetic background. We cold hardened all flies under controlled laboratory conditions and then measured their post‐cold hardening freeze tolerance. Comparing indoor and field‐caught flies and their laboratory‐reared G1 and G2 progeny allowed us to determine the roles of seasonal environmental plasticity, parental effects, and genetic changes on cold hardening. We also tested the relationship between cold hardening and other factors, including age, developmental density, food substrate, presence of antimicrobials, and supplementation with live yeast. We found strong plastic responses to a variety of field‐ and laboratory‐based environmental effects, but no evidence of seasonally varying parental or genetic effects on cold hardening. We therefore conclude that seasonal variation in post‐cold hardening freeze tolerance results from environmental influences and not genetic changes.  相似文献   

Seasonal migration in birds is known to be highly labile and subject to rapid change in response to selection, such that researchers have hypothesized that phylogenetic relationships should neither predict nor constrain the migratory behaviour of a species. Many theories on the evolution of bird migration assume a framework that extant migratory species have evolved repeatedly and relatively recently from sedentary tropical or subtropical ancestors. We performed ancestral state reconstructions of migratory behaviour using a comprehensive, well-supported phylogeny of the Parulidae (the 'wood-warblers'), a large family of Neotropical and Nearctic migratory and sedentary songbirds, and examined the rates of gain and loss of migration throughout the Parulidae. Counter to traditional hypotheses, our results suggest that the ancestral wood-warbler was migratory and that losses of migration have been at least as prevalent as gains throughout the history of Parulidae. Therefore, extant sedentary tropical radiations in the Parulidae represent losses of latitudinal migration and colonization of the tropics from temperate regions. We also tested for phylogenetic signal in migratory behaviour, and our results indicate that although migratory behaviour is variable within some wood-warbler species and clades, phylogeny significantly predicts the migratory distance of species in the Parulidae.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity may increase the performance and fitness and allow organisms to cope with variable environmental conditions. We studied within‐generation plasticity and transgenerational effects of thermal conditions on temperature tolerance and demographic parameters in Drosophila melanogaster. We employed a fully factorial design, in which both parental (P) and offspring generations (F1) were reared in a constant or a variable thermal environment. Thermal variability during ontogeny increased heat tolerance in P, but with demographic cost as this treatment resulted in substantially lower survival, fecundity, and net reproductive rate. The adverse effects of thermal variability (V) on demographic parameters were less drastic in flies from the F1, which exhibited higher net reproductive rates than their parents. These compensatory responses could not totally overcome the challenges of the thermally variable regime, contrasting with the offspring of flies raised in a constant temperature (C) that showed no reduction in fitness with thermal variation. Thus, the parental thermal environment had effects on thermal tolerance and demographic parameters in fruit fly. These results demonstrate how transgenerational effects of environmental conditions on heat tolerance, as well as their potential costs on other fitness components, can have a major impact on populations’ resilience to warming temperatures and more frequent thermal extremes.  相似文献   

Global warming and anthropogenic disturbances significantly influence the biosphere, tremendously increasing species extinction rates. In Central Alabama, we analyzed Drosophilidae species composition change nearly 100 years after the previous survey. We found ten Drosophilid species that were not reported during the last major biodiversity studies, two of which are invasive pests. In addition, we analyzed the influence of seasonal environmental variables characteristic of the subtropical climate zone on Drosophila abundance and biodiversity. We found a significant correlation between temperature and abundance of total Drosophila as well as for six of the seven most represented species individually, with a maximum abundance at intermediate temperatures (18–26°C). In addition, temperature was positively correlated with biodiversity of Drosophila. Precipitation produced a significant effect on the abundance of five species of Drosophila, with different optima for each species, but did not affect overall biodiversity. We concluded that in the subtropical climate zone of Central Alabama, seasonal temperature and precipitation changes produce a significant effect on Drosophila abundance and biodiversity, while local land use also impacts fly abundance, contributing to an apparent shift in species composition over the last century. We expect global climate change and other anthropogenic factors to further impact Drosophila species composition in the subtropical climate zone into the future.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that geographic variation in traits and genes associated with climatic adaptation may be initially driven by the correlated evolution of thermal preference and thermal sensitivity. This assumes that an organism's preferred body temperature corresponds with the thermal optimum in which performance is maximized; hence, shifts in thermal preferences affect the subsequent evolution of thermal-related traits. Drosophila subobscura evolved worldwide latitudinal clines in several traits including chromosome inversion frequencies, with some polymorphic inversions being apparently associated with thermal preference and thermal tolerance. Here we show that flies carrying the warm-climate chromosome arrangement O(3+4) have higher basal protein levels of Hsp70 than their cold-climate O(st) counterparts, but this difference disappears after heat hardening. O(3+4) carriers are also more heat tolerant, although it is difficult to conclude from our results that this is causally linked to their higher basal levels of Hsp70. The observed patterns are consistent with the thermal co-adaptation hypothesis and suggest that the interplay between behaviour and physiology underlies latitudinal and seasonal shifts in inversion frequencies.  相似文献   

黄菊  郝莉  刘愫  李林  张文霞  戴灼华 《遗传学报》2002,29(5):417-423
果蝇immigrans种组中的curviceps种亚组是1992年新建立的中国特有果蝇类群。该种亚组中的物种主要分布在中国大陆和台湾。目前除了形态学水平的研究外,还没有其他证据支持建立该种亚组的合理性及其起源和种系发生地位。为了在DNA分子水平上探讨果蝇curviceps种亚组在果蝇immigrans种组中的种系发生地位,从而为今后更深入地研究中国特有果蝇,甚至为果蝇亚属的进化遗传学提供理论依据,测定了immigrans种组5个种亚组(nasuta、immigrans、hypocausta、quadrilineata、curviceps)中12个代表物种的rDNA的ITS1和部分Adh基因的序列。其中ITS1序列的长度为513-587bp,共有191个信息位点;Adh基因片段的长度在714-747bp之间,共99个信息位点。考虑到单个分子提供的信息较少,将两个分子的序列综合起来,组成一个较长的复合序列。分别根据ITS1,Adh和两个分子的复合序列排比(Alignment)结果,和最大简约法和邻接法构建分子系统树,其中根据复合序列构建的系统树与形态学研究结果最为一致。分子树显示curviceps种亚组的特种确定单独形成一个分枝,为种亚组级的分类阶元,支持了形态学将其建立为一个新种亚组。根据Kimura距离,估算了复合分子的替换速率约为每百万年1.48%,进而计算出5个种亚组的分 歧年代。结合各物种的地理分布,推测了immigrans种组的进化历史:curviceps种亚组与quadrilineata种亚组的亲缘关系最近,主要分布在中国南部的温带地区。它们之间的分歧时间大约为3.4百万年,是最年轻的两个种亚组。主要分布在苏门答腊及附近的热带地区的hypocausta种亚组的物种是最早分化出来的,与其他种亚组的分歧时间约为9.2百万年。该结果与形态学和生物地理学研究相吻合。值得一提是的,目前归属仍存在争议的物种D.neohypocausta,在分子系统树中与hypocausta种亚组的物种相距较远,而与immiagrasn种亚组的关系较近,但分枝置信度较低(<50%)。由于还缺乏其他方面的证据,因此D.neohypocausta的归属有待今后的研究来作定论。  相似文献   

中国黑腹果蝇种组40种果蝇的核型多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过传统的敲片、Giemsa染色的方法制片对中国黑腹果蝇种组(Drosophilamelanogasterspeciesgroup)8个种亚组40种果蝇的染色体进行了分析,共发现18种核型,即A、A′′、C、C′、C′′、C′′′、C′′′′、D、D′、D′′、E、E′、E′′、F、F′、G、H和I,其中A、A′′、C′′′、C′′′′、D′′和F′为新发现的核型。8个种亚组的基本核型分别是:嗜凤梨果蝇种亚组(D.ananassaesubgroup)的核型为F、F′、G和H型;牵牛花果蝇种亚组(D.eleganssubgroup)的核型为A和A′′型;细针果蝇种亚组(D.eugracilissubgroup)的核型为C型;嗜榕果蝇种亚组(D.ficusphilasubgroup)的核型为C′型;黑腹果蝇种亚组(D.melanogastersubgroup)的核型为C和C′型;山果蝇种亚组(D.montiumsubgroup)的核型为C、C′、C′′、D、D′、D′′、E、E′、E′′和I型;铃木氏果蝇种亚组(D.suzukiisubgroup)的核型为C′′′和C′′′′型;高桥氏果蝇种亚组(D.takahashiisubgroup)的核型为C、C′′′和C′′′′型。透明翅果蝇(D.lucipennis)雌性核型2n=8,雄性核型2n=7,雄性Ⅳ号染色体为染色体单体。此外还发现,吉川氏果蝇(D.kikkawai)、林氏果蝇(D.lini)、奥尼氏果蝇(D.ogumai)、拟嗜凤梨果蝇(D.pseudoananassae)和叔白颜果蝇(D.triauraria)5种果蝇有B染色体。本文确定了D.sp.likeelegans、D.sp.likenyinyii、D.sp.liketrapezifrons1、D.sp.liketakahashii、D.sp.liketrapezifrons2和D.sp.likeauraria等6个未描述种的核型和1个新记录种吉里果蝇(D.giriensis)的核型。本研究证明了在黑腹果蝇种组内、亚组内、种内和单雌系内的核型多样性,为果蝇遗传和进化提供了进一步的细胞学证据。  相似文献   

Acetic acid tolerance compared with ethanol tolerance of Drosophila simulans and six Drosophila melanogaster strains shows a curvilinear relation with apparent asymptotic hyperbolic profile. The upper limit of acetic acid tolerance is lower than that for ethanol. We compared strains which had pairwise identical alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) coding regions but different genetic backgrounds. A positive regression existed for ethanol tolerance on ADH activity. Adh-null mutants with very low ethanol tolerances had appreciable acetic acid tolerances and as a consequence did not fit the curve. ADH-F and ADH-S strains selected for high ethanol tolerances had the ability to tolerate high ethanol concentrations even after selection had been relaxed for several years. These selected lines tolerated higher acetic acid concentrations than the non-selected original strains. We propose that intake of high concentrations of ethanol and oxidation into acetic acid induces esterification of ethanol and acetic acid into ethylacetate. This cannot take place after the intake of acetic acid only, which also gives a lower energy yield.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of migratory potential of male and female Drosophila subobscura has been quantified using tethered flight in the laboratory. In both sexes there is an increase in the few days immediately after eclosion, and a decline before the flies cease reproductive activity. There is an intervening peak in the potential of males, which may result from an increased rejection-rate by inseminated females. The migratory potential generally appears greater than that usually utilized in the field. Such extended migration extracts a significant cost from female flies in terms of reduced fecundity.  相似文献   

We investigated associations of the species specific divergence of thermal adaptations of Drosophila nasuta and Drosophila immigrans with seasonal as well as geographical changes in the relative abundance. In D. immigrans, cold resistance and egg-to-adult viability after a cold-shock have shown a positive cline with latitude, whereas no such clinal patterns were evident for heat resistance as well as egg-to-adult viability after heat stress. In contrast, basal heat tolerance and egg-to-adult viability after a heat-shock increased towards the equator i.e. from north to south in D. nasuta. Further, we also found species-specific divergence in seasonal climatic selection responses for heat as well as cold resistance i.e. warmer and higher humidity conditions of the rainy season have evidenced ∼2-fold higher heat tolerance of D. nasuta, but lower temperature as well as lower humidity conditions of the autumn significantly increased (∼3-fold) cold tolerance of D. immigrans. Geographical variations were significant for the absolute and relative hardening capacity for cold tolerance in D. immigrans, but for heat resistance of D. nasuta. Results of multiple regression analysis of changes in thermal tolerance level in latitudinal populations as a simultaneous function of climatic variables (Tave and RH) have shown that average yearly relative humidity levels significantly affect heat tolerance of D. nasuta, but both Tave and RH contribute to changes in the cold tolerance of D. immigrans. Thus, our results suggest that climatic selection responses for basal and hardened thermo-tolerance levels affect relative abundance of D. nasuta and D. immigrans across a latitudinal transect as well as seasons.  相似文献   

Aggregation pheromones in five taxa of the Drosophila virilis species group   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT. Aggregation pheromones have been demonstrated in the closely related taxa: Drosophila americana americana Spencer, D. a. texana Patterson, D. novamexicana Patterson, and D. lummei Hackman. These pheromones function much as has been reported previously for D. virilis Sturtevant. The compounds are produced by sexually mature males, but both sexes respond in a wind-tunnel olfactometer. In all species except D. lummei , a 21-carbon alkene is an important pheromone component. In D. virilis the hydrocarbon is (Z)-10-heneicosene (Z10–21), but in D. a. americana, D. a. texana and D. novamexicana it is (Z)-9-heneicosene (Z9-21). All these taxa respond best to the heneicosene which they produce. D. lummei possesses no heneicosenes but, curiously, responds well to both Z9-21 and Z10-21. All species possess five male-specific esters which were previously discovered in D. virilis : methyl tiglate, ethyl tiglate, isopropyl tiglate, methyl hexanoate and ethyl hexanoate. Ethyl tiglate is the most abundant in each case. Responses to the esters vary among the taxa, ranging from highly significant in D. lummei , particularly to ethyl tiglate, to not demonstrable in D. a. americana. Variability in ester response has also been demonstrated between two strains of D. virilis. In all cases the crude male-derived pheromone is synergistic with an extract of fermented willow bark, on which oviposition is said to occur.  相似文献   

The immigrans species group in the Drosophilinae is one of the representative species groups of Drosophila in East Asia. Although this group constitutes a significant part of the drosophilid fauna in the Old World, only a few species have been analyzed in previous molecular phylogenetic studies. To study the phylogeny of the immigrans group, we analyzed the nucleotide sequences of two nuclear genes, alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gpdh), for 36 drosophilid species, including 12 species of the immigrans group. In the resultant phylogenetic trees, 10 species of the immigrans group (D. immigrans, D. formosana, D. ruberrima, D. albomicans, D. nasuta, D. neonasuta, D. pallidifrons, D. hypocausta, D. neohypocausta, D. siamana) consistently formed a clade (the immigrans group proper), although the phylogeny within this clade did not exactly correspond to the classification of species subgroups. However, D. annulipes and D. quadrilineata, both of which belong to the quadrilineata subgroup of the immigrans group, were not included in the immigrans group proper. Furthermore, we obtained the unexpected result that D. annulipes was included in a clade comprising Scaptomyza and Hawaiian Drosophila, together with D. maculinotata of the funebris group, although the phylogenetic relationships within this clade remain uncertain and need to be substantiated with further studies. Thus, according to the present study, the immigrans group is polyphyletic.  相似文献   

Early experience and environmental conditions during ontogeny may affect organismal structure, physiology and fitness. Here, we assessed the effect of developmental acclimation to environmental thermal variability on walking speed in Drosophila melanogaster adults. Our results showed a shift in the performance curve to the right. Thus, upper and lower thermal limits exhibited developmental plasticity. Additionally, in constant and variable climatic scenarios, flies shifted to the right the optimum temperature but the maximum performance decreased only in flies reared on high temperatures and high thermal variability. Overall, we showed that environmental cues during ontogeny might help to construct phenotypic variation, which supports the hypothesis of ontogenetic dependence of thermal tolerances.  相似文献   

Enterobacter sakazakii is an opportunistic pathogen that causes meningitis and necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates. Here we characterized the thermal tolerance of E. sakazakii isolates obtained from powdered infant formula and other food products in Japan. Isolates were categorized into three classes according to their thermal tolerance, and differential gene expression analysis showed that the heat-resistant clones expressed a higher level of infB (which encodes a translation initiation factor), than did the heat-sensitive isolates. Gene expression and DNA polymorphism analyses suggested that this gene target might be useful to unequivocally detect and identify heat-resistant clones, permitting epidemiological surveillance for this pathogen.  相似文献   

通过对热带季节雨林雾凉季和湿热季昼间林窗区域不同热力作用面的热力效应初步分析,指出在西双版纳,不论是雾凉季还是湿热季,热带季节雨林林窗边缘壁面均具有不可忽视的热力作用,且由于受林缘树木的影响,热力效应较强的东侧,北侧林缘壁面最大区域出现位置高于次生林林窗,而强度小于次生林林窗,显示了林窗边缘壁面的热力效应除与太阳高度角,太阳辐射的时间长短和强度有关之外,林窗边缘树木高度也是不可忽视的因子,其结果可为进一步研究林窗小气候形成机制提供研究基础,为研究林窗更新及生物多样性问题提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Taxa in the early stages of speciation may bear intraspecific allelic variation at loci conferring barrier traits in hybrids such as hybrid sterility. Additionally, hybridization may spread alleles that confer barrier traits to other taxa. Historically, few studies examine within- and between-species variation at loci conferring reproductive isolation. Here, we test for allelic variation within Drosophila persimilis and within the Bogota subspecies of D. pseudoobscura at regions previously shown to contribute to hybrid male sterility. We also test whether D. persimilis and the USA subspecies of D. pseudoobscura share an allele conferring hybrid sterility in a D. pseudoobscura bogotana genetic background. All loci conferred similar hybrid sterility effects across all strains studied, although we detected some statistically significant quantitative effect variation among D. persimilis alleles of some hybrid incompatibility QTLs. We also detected allelism between D. persimilis and D. pseudoobscura USA at a second chromosome hybrid sterility QTL. We hypothesize that either the QTL is ancestral in D. persimilis and D. pseudoobscura USA and lost in D. pseudoobscura bogotana, or gene flow transferred the QTL from D. persimilis to D. pseudoobscura USA. We discuss our findings in the context of population features that may contribute to variation in hybrid incompatibilities.  相似文献   

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