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In Escherichia coli biotin biosynthesis is repressed by high concentrations of exogenous biotin. This paper reports that upon high level production of the apo form of a biotinated protein, biotin operon expression was derepressed by 8-10-fold. The biotinated protein studied was the 1.3 S subunit of Propionibacterium shermanii, and transcarboxylase derepression was assayed by beta-galactosidase production in strains which carry a lacZ gene altered such that it is transcribed from biotin operon promoters. Depression of beta-galactosidase synthesis upon production of the apo 1.3 S protein was observed over a several hundred-fold range of biotin concentrations and also resulted in an increased level of biotin operon expression at maximally repressing biotin concentrations. Biotin operon derepression by apobiotin protein production seems a direct consequence of the properties of the biotin repressor protein which also functions as the ligase catalyzing the covalent attachment of biotin to apoproteins.  相似文献   

The ilvIH operon of Escherichia coli is positively regulated.   总被引:30,自引:23,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The ilvIH operon of Escherichia coli (located near min 2) encodes acetohydroxyacid synthase III, an isozyme involved in branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis. A strain with lacZ fused to the ilvIH promoter was constructed. Transposon Tn10 was introduced into this strain, and tetracycline-resistant derivatives were screened for those in which ilvIH promoter expression was markedly reduced. In one such derivative, strain CV1008, beta-galactosidase expression was reduced more than 30-fold. The transposon giving rise to this phenotype inserted near min 20 on the E. coli chromosome. Extract from a wild-type strain contains a protein, the IHB protein, that binds to two sites upstream of the ilvIH promoter (E. Ricca, D. A. Aker, and J. M. Calvo, J. Bacteriol. 171:1658-1664, 1989). Extract from strain CV1008 lacks IHB-binding activity. These results indicate that the IHB protein is a positive regulator of ilvIH operon expression. The gene that encodes the IHB protein, ihb, was cloned by complementing the transposon-induced mutation. Definitive evidence that the cloned DNA encodes the IHB protein was provided by determining the sequence of more than 17 amino acids at the N terminus of the IHB protein and comparing it with the nucleotide sequence. A mutation that prevents repression of the ilvIH operon by leucine in vivo and that alters the DNA-binding characteristics of the IHB protein in vitro was shown to be an allele of the ihb gene. The ihb gene is identical to oppI, a gene that regulates the oppABCDF operon (E. A. Austin, J. C. Andrews, and S. A. Short, Abstr. Mol. Genet. Bacteria Phages, p. 153, 1989). Thus, oppI/ihb encodes a protein that regulates both ilvIH, an operon that is repressed by leucine, and oppABCDF, an operon involved in peptide transport that is induced by leucine. We propose that the designation lrp be used in the future instead of oppI or ihb and that Lrp (leucine-responsive regulatory protein) be used in place of IHB.  相似文献   

Random TnphoA and TnlacZ translational fusions were introduced into an Escherichia coli strain with a deletion of the multiple antibiotic resistance (mar) locus, complemented in trans by a temperature-sensitive plasmid bearing the mar locus with a constitutively expressed mar operon. Five gene fusions (two with lacZ and three with phoA) regulated by the mar operon were identified by increased or decreased marker enzyme activity following loss of the complementary plasmid at the restrictive temperature. Expression of LacZ from both lacZ fusions increased in the presence of the mar operon; expression from the three phoA fusions was represented by the mar operon. The lacZ fusions were mapped at 31.5 and 14 min on the Escherichia coli chromosome. One of the phoA fusions was located at 51.6 min while the two others mapped at 77 min. Cloning and sequencing of a portion of the fused genes showed all of them to be different. The phoA fusions at 77 min were located in a recently identified gene, slp, a lipoprotein of unknown function (D.M. Alexander and A. C. St. John, Mol. Microb. 11:1059-1071, 1994). The others showed no homology with any known genes of E. coli. The insertions caused small but reproducible changes in the antibiotic susceptibility profile. This approach has enabled the identification of new genes in E. coli which are regulated by the marRAB operon and involved in the Mar phenotype.  相似文献   

K A Madden  A Landy 《Gene》1989,76(2):271-280

A regulatory gene, cynR, was found to be located next to the cyn operon but transcribed in the opposite direction. cynR encodes a positive regulatory protein that controls the cyn operon as well as its own synthesis. Positive regulation of the cyn operon requires cyanate and the cynR protein, but the negative autoregulation of the cynR gene appears to be independent of cyanate. The predicted amino acid sequence of the cynR protein derived from the DNA sequence was found to have significant homology to the predicted amino acid sequence of the lysR family of regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

Dihydropicolinate synthase (DHDPS; E.C. catalyses the first committed step of lysine biosynthesis in plants and bacteria. Plant DHDPS enzymes, which are responsible solely for lysine biosynthesis, are strongly inhibited by lysine (I0.5 =10 microM), whereas the bacterial enzymes which are less responsive or insensitive to lysine inhibition have the additional function of meso-diaminopimelate biosynthesis which is required for cell wall formation. Previous studies have suggested that expression of the Escherichia coli dapA gene, encoding DHDPS, is unregulated. We show here that this is not the case and that expression of LacZ from the dapA promoter (PdapA) increases in response to diaminopimelic acid limitation in E. coli K-12.  相似文献   

The dam-containing operon in Escherichia coli is located at 74 min on the chromosomal map and contains the genes aroK, aroB, a gene called urf74.3, dam and trpS. We have determined the nucleotide sequence between the dam and trpS genes and show that it encodes two proteins with molecular weights of 24 and 27 kDa. Furthermore, we characterize the three genes urf74.3, 24kDa, 27kDa and the proteins they encode. The predicted amino acid sequences of the 24 and 27 kDa proteins are similar to those of the CbbE and CbbZ proteins, respectively, of the Alcaligenes eutrophus cbb operon, which encodes enzymes involved in the Calvin cycle. In separate experiments, we have shown that the 24 kDa protein has d-ribulose-5-phosphate epimerase activity (similar to CbbE), and we call the gene rpe. Similarly, the 27 kDa protein has 2-phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity (similar to CbbZ), and we name the gene gph. The Urf74.3 protein, with a predicted molecular weight of 46 kDa, migrated as a 70 kDa product under denaturing conditions. Overexpression of Urf74.3 induced cell filamentation, indicating that Urf74.3 directly or indirectly interferes with cell division. We present evidence for translational coupling between aroB and urf74.3 and also between rpe and gph. Proteins encoded in the dam superoperon appear to be largely unrelated: Dam, and perhaps Urf74.3, are involved in cell cycle regulation, AroK, AroB, and TrpS function in aromatic amino acid biosynthesis, whereas Rpe and Gph are involved in carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

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