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We describe a case of human oral myiasis by a first-stage larva of the reindeer warble fly, Hypoderma (Oedemagena) tarandi (L.) (Diptera: Oestridae), in a 12-year-old girl. In September the patient complained of erythema, swelling and conjunctivitis of the right eyelid. Symptoms subsided spontaneously but re-occurred in October. In December she presented with acute swelling of the right corner of the mouth. Later that day a living larva protruded from this swelling. The patient had been on vacation in Norway during the previous summer months.  相似文献   

Abstract. At 340–360 km North of the Arctic Circle in Norway, Hypoderma tarandi (L.) and Cephenemyia trompe (Modeer) females were caught in baited traps from 10 July to 21 August. During three summers, adverse climatic conditions inhibited flight activity of these oestrids on 56–68% of the days. Flies were not caught prior to or after these dates, nor at winds above 8 m/s, temperatures below 10C, light intensities below 20,000 lux, or during periods of rain or snow. C02-baited insect flight traps caught significantly more H. tarandi females than non-baited traps. However, neither a white reindeer hide or reindeer interdigital pheromone glands enhanced the attraction of C02to H. tarandi or C. trompe. Hypoderma tarandi females also were attracted to mobile people, but not to stationary individuals. There were no significant differences in the numbers of C.trompe or H.tarandi caught in C02-baited traps in a birch/willow woods, on the treeless vidda (=tundra-like biome), or at woodsrvidda ecotone sites. Flies were caught in traps on days when the nearest reindeer herds were 25–100 km away. Significantly more H.tarandi and C.trompe were caught from 09.30 to 14.30 hours than from 14.30 to 19.30 hours; no flies were caught from 20.00 to 07.00 hours (Norwegian Standard Time = NST). Because COz-baited traps caught from hundreds to thousands of mosquitoes, blackflies and Culicoides midges, when climatic conditions inhibited oestrid activity, reindeer aggregations and movements attributed to insect attacks during warm sunny days may be largely in response to attacks by H.tarandi and C.trompe.  相似文献   

在藏羚羊上发现的中国第四种皮蝇   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对于从可可西里藏羚羊上采集到的藏羚羊皮蝇Hypoderma sp.3龄幼虫进行了形态学观察,发现其在伪头、第10腹节上的刺、气门板形态上与中国现有记录的3种皮蝇(牛皮蝇、纹皮蝇和中华皮蝇)有着明显的区别。对藏羚羊皮蝇的线粒体COI 基因种属特异性序列研究表明,其与牛皮蝇、纹皮蝇和中华皮蝇对应序列的相似性分别为88.1%,87.8%和88.8%。据此认为采自藏羚羊的此种皮蝇可能为中国境内又一皮蝇新种或新记录种,为中国第四种皮蝇。  相似文献   

Wild-caught, tethered females of the reindeer warble fly, Hypoderma tarandi (L.) (= Oedemagena tarandi (L.)), (Diptera, Oestridae) were stimulated to oviposit on hairs of a reindeer hide. Newly laid eggs incubated at constant temperatures and relative humidities hatched within 3 days to 2 weeks, depending on the experimental conditions. Over a range of 7-40 degrees C, hatching only occurred between 20 and 37 degrees C. Eggs held at 100% relative humidity had lower hatchability and longer time to hatch relative to eggs held at 77% relative humidity. The average number of degree-days for hatching was 50.35. Between 20 and 33 degrees C there was a temperature-dependent linear trend in developmental rate, and the proportion of eggs hatching was highest, and least variable, at the mid-temperature ranges. The temperature range found in the natural host micro-habitat where H. tarandi commonly affix their eggs (close to the skin at the base of a host hair) was consistent with the experimental temperature treatments that produced the highest hatching rate. Newly emerged larvae displayed positive thermotaxis, while showing no phototaxic or geotaxic behaviour. Results indicate that constraints of the host environment, coupled with temperature-dependent hatching success, may impose a selective pressure on oviposition behaviour.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect cattle grub-infested animals in the autumn in Alberta has been developed. Antibody to Hypoderma lineatum de Vill. was detectable as early as 6 weeks post-infestation in artificially infested steers. Peak antibody concentrations preceded the peak in maximum 'apparent' grub numbers which occurred between 37 and 43 weeks after infestation. Natural infestations with H. lineatum and H. bovis L., ranging from one to ninety-two grubs per calf, were readily detected by November and the incidence of false positives in uninfested calves was only 5%. Low level (1-4 grubs) infestations of H. bovis only became detectable in February with peak antibody concentrations occurring at the end of April. Prevalence of cattle grub infestations in southern Alberta was shown to be 37% during this study.  相似文献   

Mating behavior and factors affecting mating success of males were studied using wild Anastrepha ludens on a fieldcaged host tree. The most common courtship sequence had five components: (1) male calls from the underside of a leaf, (2) female arrives to the maleoccupied leaf, (3) male orients to female and stops calling, (4) one or both approach to a face-to-face position 1–3 cm apart, and (5) male mounts female after 1–2 s. Courtship behavior was almost identical to that of laboratoryculture flies observed previously under laboratory conditions. Most malefemale encounters occurred at a height of 1–2m, well inside the outer canopy of the tree. Differential mating success by males occurred. No male mated more than once per day, owing possibly to a very short sexual activity period. Factors favoring mating success of males were survival ability and tendency to join male aggregations and to fight other males. Thorax length and age (9–11 days difference) had no effects on male copulatory success. Overall win/loss percentage was not related to mating success because the males that were most successful at mating fought mostly among themselves, driving their win/loss percentage down. However, these successful males (at mating) won most of their fights against less successful males. Results confirmed a lek mating system: males aggregated, called, and defended territories; territories did not contain femalerequired resources; and females exercised mate choice, apparently through selection of sites within leks.  相似文献   

在实验室内对橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)的交配行为进行了观察。描述了橘小实蝇交配中雄虫的“求偶场”,雄雄相遇、雌雌相遇、雌雄相遇时的相互反应,雌雄虫的交配行为与交配后行为。  相似文献   

The mating success of individually marked male Mediterranean fruit flies was monitored over 6 consecutive days in the laboratory. Mating frequency was nonrandom, as the numbers of both males that failed to mate and males that mated many (more than four) times were much higher than expected by chance alone. Differential mating success resulted in part from intermale variation in activity level. Male copulatory success was positively correlated with the numbers of courtships performed, attempted copulations (mountings), and females courted. Male-male aggression, on the other hand, and a negligible effect on male mating success. Female choice also appeared to influence male mating frequency. Fewer than 10% of courtships resulted in mating, and in most cases females terminated courtship by simply moving away from the male. Females that did mate generally selected males having higher copulatory scores than previously rejected males.  相似文献   

Considerable behavioural evidence supports harassment by insects as the most important causal link between warm summer temperatures and low body condition of reindeer Rangifer tarandus , and that insect activity is influenced by weather condition. However, much less is known about the effect of insect harassment on individual performance, measured as reduced weight gain during summer, and the related consequences on both the reindeer pastoral economy and reindeer as a biological resource. Using climatic data, this paper develops a simple index for the analysis of insect harassment that takes into consideration weather variables known to significantly affect insect activity and/or the level of insect harassment. The insect harassment index, which is based on mid-day ambient temperature ≥13 °C, wind speed <6 m/s and cloud cover <40%, is further used to test the hypothesis that insect harassment has a negative effect on reindeer performance during summer in three Norwegian populations. Results show that harassment by insects negatively affects the autumn weight of reindeer calves, most probably through reduced grazing time and increased energy expenditure, but also indirectly by negatively influencing milk production of the dam. Moreover, female calves were more vulnerable to insect harassment than males. Insect harassment may have consequences on future reproductive performance, calving time, calf birth weight and hence neonatal mortality, and thus affect reindeer productivity. The presented index is easy to estimate and may be used to quantify and compare harassment levels on various reindeer summer grazing areas for management purposes. Our results also suggest that the expected temperature increase in the course of global warming may increase the insect-related stress on reindeer.  相似文献   

A field study revealed that the mating system of the richardiid Setellia sp. meets even the most stringent definition of lek behavior. Males remain on the upper surface of the leaves of Saranthe aff. klotzchiana (Maranthaceae), where they perform ritualized displays related to courtship and territorial behavior. Correlational data support the existence of reproductive dominance hierarchies, which are based on both male vs. male and female vs. female agonistic interactions. Curiously, the behavioral acts performed by Setellia sp. show remarkable similarities to other nonrelated dipteran lekkers. Aspects of evolution and convergence of these behaviors in the Acalyptratae are considered.  相似文献   

Three species of crane flies-Dactylolabis montana, Limonia simulans,and Antocha saxicola-gather near streams to mate and oviposit. All species are polygamous and sex ratios at these sites are male-biased. After a short mating bout, males guard females by standing over them during oviposition. Sperm competition appears to be intense and to follow last-male advantage, based on the packing of sperm within the two elongate spermathecae. Males of A. saxicolasuccessfully defend against rivals over 85% of the time. In contrast, defending males of D. montanaand L. simulanslose the female over 65% of the time during interactions with rivals. Despite the high frequency of loss, defending males gain additional oviposition time by engaging rivals in combat while the female continues to oviposit. Thus, a guarding male does not have to retain the female for guarding to be adaptive. Legs and claws of all species are sexually dimorphic and play an important role in guarding and defending.  相似文献   

Besnoitia tarandi tissue cysts were found in naturally-infected reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) from Finland. Infectivity of its tissue cysts, bradyzoites, and tachyzoites to animals and cell culture was studied. The bradyzoites and tissue cysts were not infectious to out-bred mice, rabbits or gerbils. When fed tissue cysts, neither cats nor dogs excreted oocysts. However, the parasite was lethal to interferon-gamma gene knock out mice irrespective of the route of inoculation. The parasite was grown successfully in African Green Monkey cells from tissues of two reindeer for the first time. Non-dividing, uninucleate tachyzoites from smears from cell cultures were 5.6 x 1.4 microm (4.5-7.4 x 1.0-1.9, n=50) in size. Longitudinally-cut bradyzoites in tissue sections measured 7.4 x 1.3 microm (6.5-7.8 x 1.0-1.6, n=30). Ultrastructurally, tachyzoites and bradyzoites were similar to those in other Besnoitia species, and in particular to parasites described from cattle (Besnoitia besnoiti) and equids (Besnoitia bennetti) in that their bradyzoites lacked enigmatic bodies. Based on comparative analysis of three portions of nuclear ribosomal DNA (the small and large subunits and the first internal transcribed spacer) B. tarandi was found to be more closely related to the other congeners described from ungulates. The parasite was formally redescribed and specimens deposited in the US National Parasite Collection.  相似文献   

Abstract. Dissection of flies caught in northern Norway revealed that only mated, gravid females of H.tarandi (L.) and larviparous C.trompe (Modeer) were caught in host-mimicking C02-baited traps. Trapped females had the same gonotrophic and fat body (FB) conditions as females caught on and around reindeer. Most trapped females of both species were of middle to old age, having only one-half to no FB reserves left and only a few to moderate numbers of eggs or larvae remaining. Most young females trapped also had previously oviposited or larviposited at least once, and some newly eclosed, mated females were present throughout the fly season. Based on the known location of reindeer herds, it was evident that trapped flies that had recently oviposited or larviposited had dispersed into the trapping area from 25–100 km away. Declining FB reserves sustained wild-caught C.trompe females (and in utero larvae) in the laboratory for 14 days and H.tarandi females for 18 days. Reserve FB also was depleted during long flights. Females of both species that flew for the longest times (5.1–11.7 h) on a laboratory flight mill had low FB reserves, but nearly maximum numbers of eggs or larvae. Conversely, most females that flew for less than 5 h on the flight mill had little or no FB remaining, and few eggs or larvae. The large FB reserves accumulated as larvae feed in the vertebrate host enable the non-feeding adults to survive and infect their hosts even after prolonged periods of flight-inhibiting climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior between males and females, as well as between males, is described and discussed for the cerambycid beetlePhytoecia rufiventris. The beetles' taxis toward plants taller than average height brings the sexes together from a distance. A male may mount another individual (male or female) and attempt copulation without sex discrimination. The male can discern the sex of another individual only when the terminal part of his abdomen touches the ventral surface of the fifth visible sternite of the latter. No evidence of a sex pheromone is found in this species. Within 1.5–5.5 cm the substrateborne vibrations produced by a moving individual may be the important factor which elicits males to approach a moving individual and attempt copulation. If a female is receptive when a male touches her, he can copulate with her without any courtship display. However, if the female runs away and appears unreceptive, the male will perform courtship displays. Copulation is usually terminated by males. Homosexual behavior between males is discussed.  相似文献   

Lana Knoll 《Hydrobiologia》1995,298(1-3):73-81
The clam shrimp,Eulimnadia texana (Crustacea, Conchostraca), is found in freshwater ephemeral environments throughtout the United States. Individual clam shrimp of this species are either hermaphroditic or male, a relatively rare mating system for animals known as androdioecy. Comparison of sex ratios between four neighboring populations ofE. texana in Southern New Mexico showed wide variation in the ratio of males to hermaphrodites with males making up as much as 42% of some populations and not occurring at all within others. Since little is known about the behavior of this species, an ethogram and time budget were prepared based on observations of laboratory populations. Males attempt to clasp hermaphrodites prior to mating. Precopulatory mate guarding occurs in this species. Outcrossing generally occurs during mate guarding and after the hermaphrodite molts. Hermaphrodites, however, seem to control the mating process. Successful mating by males never occured if the hermaphrodite struggled with him; hermaphrodite will self in the presence of males.  相似文献   

Unlike any other mosquito reported, Sabethes cyaneus(Fabricius) displays an elaborate courtship before and during copulation. A male approaches a female suspended from a horizontal stick, suspends himself in front of her as he grasps her folded wings, and proceeds with a series of discrete stereotyped behaviors that involve proboscis vibration and movement of iridescent blue paddles on his midlegs. The sequence of these behaviors is as follows: freeleg waving, swinging, copulation attempt, superficial coupling, waving, genital shift, waggling, and release. Insemination occurs after genital shift. The only overt reciprocation by the female is abdomen lowering during the male's swinging. Courtship is often unsuccessful, and males are usually rejected during freeleg waving. The relation between male performance and mating success remains obscure.  相似文献   

Males of the tachinid fly Leschenaultia adusta perch on small trees and shrubs on the highest parts of Usery Peak in central Arizona. Individuals select twig perches on the downwind side of these plants and fly out spontaneously from time to time or in response to another passing insect. Conspecific males elicit chases that on occasion escalate into elaborate, high-speed pursuit flights that go back and forth near the plant for several minutes. Although several males sometimes perch together briefly in the same plant, typically only one individual remains at a site for more than an hour on any given day. These site-faithful males can be considered territorial residents; they constituted about one-quarter of the males marked during the study. More than half of these residents returned to the same perch plant for two or more days. Perch plants varied in their attractiveness to male flies; male preferences were largely consistent across two years of study. Given that females were occasionally observed mating at male-occupied plants, we place the mating system of L. adusta within the hilltopping territorial category in which males compete for landmark perching sites attractive to receptive females. As is true for other hilltopping insects, receptive females of L. adusta appear to be rare and widely distributed.  相似文献   

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