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Monica G. Kidd Vicki L. Friesen 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1998,52(4):1158-1168
We surveyed population-level sequence variation in part of the mitochondrial control region for three species including eight subspecies of Cepphus guillemots (Charadriiformes: Alcidae) to test specific predictions about mechanisms of population differentiation. We found that sequences of spectacled guillemots (C. carbo) were more closely related to those of pigeon guillemots (C. columba; both found in the Pacific Ocean) than to those of black guillemots (C. grylle; Arctic and Atlantic Oceans), despite dissimilarities in plumage between spectacled guillemots and the other species. Distributions of species and timing of divergence events suggest that speciation involved allopatric and microallopatric populations isolated by Pleistocene glaciers. Control region sequences were significantly differentiated among populations within species and suggest that gene flow is low; however, populations are probably not in genetic equilibrium, so these results probably reflect historical isolation of colonies. In contrast, phylogenetic relationships among sequences within species were poorly resolved, probably because of a combination of incomplete lineage sorting and contemporary gene flow. Indices of genetic diversity provided no suggestion of recent bottlenecks in most populations, although two populations apparently underwent recent severe bottlenecks. Genetic divergence among populations was not correlated with geographic distance, which argues against isolation by distance. Results of these analyses, combined with breeding distributions and timing of divergence events, suggest that populations diverged during isolation in glacial refugia. Our results are consistent with earlier hypotheses posed by Storer and Udvardy. 相似文献
The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (1043 base pairs) and 162-bp of flanking transfer RNA genes were sequenced in 316 European grayling, Thymallus thymallus, from 44 populations throughout the Western European range of the species. A total of 58 haplotypes were revealed with pairwise divergence ranging from 0.001 to 0.038. An inferred intraspecific phylogenetic tree revealed two well-supported clades within the Danube basin, one highly divergent clade in the Adriatic basin, and one large, diverse group representing most other populations. A deeply divergent haplotype fixed in the Loire basin in central France, more groups of haplotypes from distinct Danubian tributaries, and a relatively ancestral haplotype fixed in former tributaries of the Elbe in Denmark all suggest a complex pattern of interglacial and postglacial expansions originating from disjunct refugia throughout central Europe. Despite some evidence of human-mediated stock transfers, parsimony-network-based nested-clade analysis (NCA) supported specific inferences relating to corridors of postglacial expansion such as the lower Rhine (Moselle) and Elbe systems (Danish populations) serving as sources for expansion into the Baltic to the north as well as the upper Rhine and Danube to the south; and specific Rhine populations (Doller, Orbe and Reuss) serving as sources for colonization of the Rhone. The multiple divergent clades representing populations in the upper Danube, as well as the deeply divergent haplotypes found in the Adriatic and Loire basins (> 5% divergence from Asian outgroups) support the theory that European grayling have had a long history in Western Europe, pre-dating Pleistocene glacial cycles. The patterns of mtDNA divergence shown here support a perspective of rich inter- and intrabasin genetic diversity that should be protected from current trends to translocate brood stocks for rearing and release in response to declining populations, especially in southern European basins. 相似文献
Patrick Schwab Paul V. Debes Thorsten Witt Günther B. Hartl San San Hmwe Frank E. Zachos J. Paul Grobler 《Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research》2012,50(1):76-84
We analysed 131 common impala (Aepyceros melampus melampus) samples from two provinces in South Africa (Limpopo and KwaZulu‐Natal) that are separated by the Drakensberg Mountain Range using sequences of the mitochondrial control region and seven polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci. In line with earlier studies on bovid species, we found very high values of genetic diversity, particularly at the mtDNA locus with an overall nucleotide diversity of 3.6% and an overall haplotype diversity of 0.98. All statistical approaches confirmed a significant population differentiation between Limpopo and KwaZulu‐Natal, suggesting that areas of unsuitable habitat caused by the presence of the Drakensberg Range and the Indian Ocean coastal belt act as a barrier to gene flow. Only few individuals with signs of admixed origin were indicative of translocations or rare migration between the two provinces. Combination of our mtDNA data set with those of previous studies on impala from south‐western, southern and eastern Africa revealed the highest diversity in South Africa. This is in line with the hypothesis of a southern glacial refuge from which various African ungulate species spread northeast during the Holocene, although in the case of impala further analyses based on larger data sets will be necessary to definitively settle this question. 相似文献
ELENA V. BUŽAN DANIEL W. FÖRSTER JEREMY B. SEARLE BORIS KRYŠTUFEK 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2010,100(4):788-796
The phylogeographic architecture of the common vole, Microtus arvalis, has been well‐studied using mitochondrial DNA and used to test hypotheses relating to glacial refugia. The distribution of the five described cytochrome b (cyt b) lineages in Europe west of Russia has been interpreted as a consequence of postglacial expansion from both southern and central European refugia. A recently proposed competing model suggests that the ‘cradle’ of the M. arvalis lineages is in western central Europe from where they dispersed in different directions after the Last Glacial Maximum. In the present study, we report a new cyt b lineage of the common vole from the Balkans that is not closely related to any other lineage and whose presence might help resolve these issues of glacial refugia. The Balkan phylogroup occurs along the southern distributional border of M. arvalis in central and eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and eastern Serbia. Further north and west in Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia, common voles belong to the previously‐described Eastern lineage, whereas both lineages are sympatric in one site in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Balkan phylogroup most reasonably occupied a glacial refugium already known for various Balkan endemic species, in contrast to the recently proposed model. South‐east Europe is an absolutely crucial area for understanding the postglacial colonization history of small mammals in Europe and the present study adds to the very few previous detailed phylogeographic studies of this region. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 788–796. 相似文献
Range-wide genetic variation of black spruce (Picea mariana) was studied using polymerase chain reaction-random fragment length polymorphism markers of the mitochondrial genome. Four polymorphic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) loci were surveyed and two or three alleles were detected at each locus, resulting in 10 multilocus mtDNA types or mitotypes. A significant subdivision of population genetic diversity was detected (GST = 0.671; NST = 0.726), suggesting low levels of gene flow among populations. The distribution of mitotypes was not random (NST > GST; P < 0.05) and revealed four partially overlapping zones, presumably representative of different glacial populations. Comparison of the genetic structure derived from mtDNA markers and the colonization paths previously deduced from the fossil and pollen records allow us to infer at least three southern and one northeastern glacial populations for black spruce. The patterns revealed in this study suggest that black spruce shares its biogeographical history with other forest-associated North American species. 相似文献
The Balkan Peninsula is one of three major European refugial areas. It has high biodiversity and endemism, but data on the age and origin of its fauna, especially endemics, are limited. Mitochondrial sequence data (COI and 16S genes) were used to study the population structure and phylogeography of the caddisfly Drusus croaticus and the phylogeny and divergence of seven other Drusus species, mostly range-restricted endemics of the Dinaric region of the Balkan Peninsula. The divergence of D. croaticus populations in Croatia and allopatric Drusus species in Bosnia dated to the Pleistocene, showing the importance of this time period for the origin and diversification of Balkan endemic taxa. The divergence of more distantly related species dated to the Late Miocene/Early Pliocene. Population genetic and phylogeographic analysis of 115 individuals from 11 populations of D. croaticus revealed a high level of genetic differentiation and absence of gene flow between populations separated by more than 10 km. The existence of allopatrically fragmented lineages in D. croaticus and the endemic Bosnian species is most likely the result of long-term isolation in multiple microrefugia, probably due to the specific habitat requirements and life-history traits of Drusinae coupled with the topographic complexity and historical changes in geomorphology of the region. Overall, these findings shed light on the processes generating the high genetic complexity of this refugial region that parallels the 'refugia within refugia' pattern widely reported from the Iberian refugium. 相似文献
Doellman MM Trussell GC Grahame JW Vollmer SV 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2011,278(1722):3175-3183
Phylogeographic studies provide critical insight into the evolutionary histories of model organisms; yet, to date, range-wide data are lacking for the rough periwinkle Littorina saxatilis, a classic example of marine sympatric speciation. Here, we use mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data to demonstrate that L. saxatilis is not monophyletic for this marker, but is composed of two distinct mtDNA lineages (I and II) that are shared with sister species Littorina arcana and Littorina compressa. Bayesian coalescent dating and phylogeographic patterns indicate that both L. saxatilis lineages originated in the eastern North Atlantic, around the British Isles, at approximately 0.64 Ma. Both lineages are now distributed broadly across the eastern, central and western North Atlantic, and show strong phylogeographic structure among regions. The Iberian Peninsula is genetically distinct, suggesting prolonged isolation from northeastern North Atlantic populations. Western North Atlantic populations of L. saxatilis lineages I and II predate the last glacial maximum and have been isolated from eastern North Atlantic populations since that time. This identification of two distinct, broadly distributed mtDNA lineages further complicates observed patterns of repeated incipient ecological speciation in L. saxatilis, because the sympatric origins of distinct ecotype pairs on eastern North Atlantic shores may be confounded by admixture of divergent lineages. 相似文献
Phylogeographic studies are often focused on temperate European species with relict footholds in the Mediterranean region. Past climatic oscillations usually induced range contractions and expansions from refugial areas located in southern Europe, and spatial distribution of genetic diversity show that northward expansions were usually pioneer-like. Actually, few studies have focused on circum-Mediterranean species, which probably were not influenced in the same way by climatic oscillations. We present the phylogeography of the bark beetle Tomicus destruens, which is restricted to the whole Mediterranean basin and the Atlantic coasts of North Africa and Portugal. We systematically sequenced 617 bp of the mitochondrial genes COI and COII for 42 populations (N = 219). Analysis revealed 53 haplotypes geographically structured in two clades, namely eastern and western clades, that diverged during the Pleistocene. A contact zone was identified along the Adriatic coast of Italy. Interestingly, we found contrasting levels of genetic structure within each clade. The eastern group was characterized by a significant phylogeographic pattern and low levels of gene flow, whereas the western group barely showed a spatial structure in haplotype distribution. Moreover, the main pine hosts were different between groups, with the Aleppo-brutia complex in the east and the maritime pine in the west. Potential roles of host species, climatic parameters and geographical barriers are discussed and the phylogeographic patterns are compared to classical models of postglacial recolonization in Europe. 相似文献
Heckel G Burri R Fink S Desmet JF Excoffier L 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2005,59(10):2231-2242
The level of genetic differentiation within and between evolutionary lineages of the common vole (Microtus arvalis) in Europe was examined by analyzing mitochondrial sequences from the control region (mtDNA) and 12 nuclear microsatellite loci (nucDNA) for 338 voles from 18 populations. The distribution of evolutionary lineages and the affinity of populations to lineages were determined with additional sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Our analyses demonstrated very high levels of differentiation between populations (overall FST: mtDNA 70%; nucDNA 17%). The affinity of populations to evolutionary lineages was strongly reflected in mtDNA but not in nucDNA variation. Patterns of genetic structure for both markers visualized in synthetic genetic maps suggest a postglacial range expansion of the species into the Alps, as well as a potentially more ancient colonization from the northeast to the southwest of Europe. This expansion is supported by estimates for the divergence times between evolutionary lineages and within the western European lineage, which predate the last glacial maximum (LGM). Furthermore, all measures of genetic diversity within populations increased significantly with longitude and showed a trend toward increase with latitude. We conclude that the detected patterns are difficult to explain only by range expansions from separate LGM refugia close to the Mediterranean. This suggests that some M. arvalis populations persisted during the LGM in suitable habitat further north and that the gradients in genetic diversity may represent traces of a more ancient colonization of Europe by the species. 相似文献
Phylogeographical studies are typically based on haplotype data, occasionally on nuclear markers such as microsatellites, but rarely combine both. This is unfortunate because the use of markers with contrasting modes of inheritance and rates of evolution might provide a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of a species' history. Here we present a detailed study of the phylogeography of the greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum , using 1098 bp of the mitochondrial ND2 gene from 45 localities from across its Palaearctic range to infer population history. In addition, we re-analysed a large microsatellite data set available for this species and compared the results of both markers to infer population relationships and the historical processes influencing them. We show that mtDNA, the most popular marker in phylogeography studies, yielded a misleading result, and would have led us to conclude erroneously that a single expansion had taken place in Europe. Only by combining the mitochondrial and microsatellite data sets are we able to reconstruct the species' history and show two colonization events in Europe, one before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and one after it. Combining markers also revealed the importance of Asia Minor as an ancient refugium for this species and a source population for the expansion of the greater horseshoe bat into Europe before the LGM. 相似文献
Deffontaine V Libois R Kotlík P Sommer R Nieberding C Paradis E Searle JB Michaux JR 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(6):1727-1739
This study details the phylogeographic pattern of the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus, a European rodent species strongly associated with forest habitat. We used sequences of 1011 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene from 207 bank voles collected in 62 localities spread throughout its distribution area. Our results reveal the presence of three Mediterranean (Spanish, Italian and Balkan) and three continental (western, eastern and 'Ural') phylogroups. The endemic Mediterranean phylogroups did not contribute to the post-glacial recolonization of much of the Palaearctic range of species. Instead, the major part of this region was apparently recolonized by bank voles that survived in glacial refugia in central Europe. Moreover, our phylogeographic analyses also reveal differentiated populations of bank voles in the Ural mountains and elsewhere, which carry the mitochondrial DNA of another related vole species, the ruddy vole (Clethrionomys rutilus). In conclusion, this study demonstrates a complex phylogeographic history for a forest species in Europe which is sufficiently adaptable that, facing climate change, survives in relict southern and northern habitats. The high level of genetic diversity characterizing vole populations from parts of central Europe also highlights the importance of such regions as a source of intraspecific genetic biodiversity. 相似文献
Geographical variation in genetic structure of an Atlantic Coastal Forest frog reveals regional differences in habitat stability 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Climatic oscillations throughout the Pleistocene combined with geological and topographic complexity resulted in extreme habitat heterogeneity along the Atlantic coast of Brazil. Inferring how these historic landscape patterns have structured the current diversity of the region's biota is important both for our understanding of the factors promoting diversification, as well as the conservation of this biodiversity hotspot. Here we evaluate potential historical scenarios of diversification in the Atlantic Coastal Forest of Brazil by investigating the population genetic structure of a frog endemic to the region. Using mitochondrial and nuclear sequences, we generated a Bayesian population-level phylogeny of the Thoropa miliaris species complex. We found deep genetic divergences among five geographically distinct clades. Southern clades were monophyletic and nested within paraphyletic northern clades. Analyses of historical demographic patterns suggest an overall north to south population expansion, likely associated with regional differences in habitat stability during the Pliocene and early Pleistocene. However, genetic structure among southern populations is less pronounced and likely represents more recent vicariant events resulting from Holocenic sea-level oscillations. Our analyses corroborate that the Atlantic Coastal Forest has been a biogeographically dynamic landscape and suggest that the high diversity of its fauna and flora resulted from a combination of climatic and geologic events from the Pliocene to the present. 相似文献
JÉRÔME VRANCKEN CHRISTIAN BROCHMANN RENATE A. WESSELINGH 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2009,98(1):1-13
The impact of climate fluctuations during the Pleistocene on the geographic structure of genetic variation in plant populations is well documented, but there is a lack of studies of annual species at the European scale. The present study aimed to infer the history of the widespread European annual Rhinanthus angustifolius C. C. Gmelin (Orobanchaceae). We explored variation in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequences and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) in twenty-nine populations covering the entire distribution area of the species. Five AFLP groups were identified, suggesting at least two glacial refugial areas: one area in southwestern Europe and one large eastern area in the Balkan/Caucasus. Recolonization of previously glaciated areas mainly took place from the east of Europe. Despite the difference in life-history traits, the patterns found for the annual R. angustifolius show similarities with those of perennial species in terms of genetic diversity and geographic organization of genetic variation. Although organelle markers have typically been preferred in phylogeographic studies, the cpDNA variation in R. angustifolius did not show any clear geographic structure. The absence of geographic structure in the cpDNA variation may reflect persistence of ancestral polymorphisms or hybridization and introgression with closely-related species. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 1–13. 相似文献
Jesús T. García Julio Domínguez-Villaseñor Fernando Alda María Calero-Riestra Pedro Pérez Olea Juan Antonio Fargallo Jesús Martínez-Padilla Jesús Herranz Juan José Oñate Ana Santamaría Yoav Motro Carole Attie Vincent Bretagnolle Juan Delibes Javier Viñuela 《Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research》2020,58(1):459-474
The role of glacial refugia in shaping contemporary species distribution is a long-standing question in phylogeography and evolutionary ecology. Recent studies are questioning previous paradigms on glacial refugia and postglacial recolonization pathways in Europe, and more flexible phylogeographic scenarios have been proposed. We used the widespread common vole Microtus arvalis as a model to investigate the origin, locations of glacial refugia, and dispersal pathways, in the group of “Continental” species in Europe. We used a Bayesian spatiotemporal diffusion analysis (relaxed random walk model) of cytochrome b sequences across the species range, including newly collected individuals from 10 Iberian localities and published sequences from 68 localities across 22 European countries. Our data suggest that the species originated in Central Europe, and we revealed the location of multiple refugia (in both southern peninsulas and continental regions) for this continental model species. Our results confirm the monophyly of Iberian voles and the pre-LGM divergence between Iberian and European voles. We found evidence of restricted postglacial dispersal from refugia in Mediterranean peninsulas. We inferred a complex evolutionary and demographic history of M. arvalis in Europe over the last 50,000 years that does not adequately fit previous glacial refugial scenarios. The phylogeography of M. arvalis provides a paradigm of ice-age survival of a temperate continental species in western and eastern Mediterranean peninsulas (sources of endemism) and multiple continental regions (sources of postglacial spread). Our findings also provide support for a major role of large European river systems in shaping geographic boundaries of M. arvalis in Europe. 相似文献
Pedro Abellán Jens‐Christian Svenning 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2014,113(1):13-28
In Europe, southern peninsulas served as major refugia during Pleistocene cold periods. However, growing evidence has revealed complex patterns of glacial survival within these southern regions, with multiple glacial refugia within each larger refugial area. We investigated the extent to which patterns of endemism and phylogeographic are concordant across animal species in the Iberian Peninsula, one of the most important unglaciated areas in Europe during the Pleistocene, can be explained in terms of climatic stability. We found that historical climatic stability (notably climate velocity measures integrating macroclimatic shifts with local spatial topoclimate gradients) was often among the most important predictors of endemic species richness for different taxonomic groups using models that also incorporated measures of modern climate. Furthermore, for some taxonomic groups, climatic stability was also correlated with patterns of spatial concordance in interpopulation genetic divergence across multiple taxa, and private haplotypes were more frequently found in relatively stable areas. Overall, our results suggest that both endemism patterns and cross‐taxa concordant phylogeographic patterns across the Iberian Peninsula to some extent are linked to spatial variation in Late Quaternary climate stability, in agreement with the proposed ‘refugia‐within‐refugia’ scenario. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 13–28. 相似文献
The Pyrenean region exhibits high levels of endemism suggesting a major contribution to the phylogeography of European species. But, to date, the role of the Pyrenees and surrounding areas as a glacial refugium for temperate species remains poorly explored. In the current study, we investigated the biogeographic role of the Pyrenean region through the analyses of genetic polymorphism and morphology of a typical forest-dwelling small mammal, the bank vole ( Myodes glareolus ). Analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and the third upper molar (M3 ) show a complex phylogeographic structure in the Pyrenean region with at least three distinct lineages: the Western European, Spanish and Basque lineages. The Basque lineage in the northwestern (NW) Pyrenees was identified as a new clearly differentiated and geographically localized bank vole lineage in Europe. The average M3 shape of Basque bank voles suggests morphological differentiation but also restricted genetic exchanges with other populations. Our genetic and morphological results as well as palaeo-environmental and fossils records support the hypothesis of a new glacial refugium in Europe situated in the NW Pyrenees. The permissive microclimatic conditions that prevailed for a long time in this region may have allowed the survival of temperate species, including humans. Moreover, local differentiation around the Pyrenees is favoured by the opportunity for populations to track the shift of the vegetation belt in altitude rather than in latitude. The finding of the Basque lineage is in agreement with the high level of endemic taxa reported in the NW Pyrenees. 相似文献
Jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) is a broadly distributed North American conifer and its current range was covered by the Laurentian ice sheet during the last glacial maximum. To infer about the history and postglacial colonization of this boreal species, range-wide genetic variation was assessed using a new and highly variable minisatellite-like marker of the mitochondrial genome. Among the 543 trees analysed, 14 distinct haplotypes were detected, which corresponded to different repeat numbers of the 32-nucleotide minisatellite-like motif. Several haplotypes were rare with limited distribution, suggesting recent mutation events during the Holocene. At the population level, an average of 2.6 haplotypes and a mean haplotype diversity (H) of 0.328 were estimated. Population subdivision of genetic diversity was quite high with G(ST) and R(ST) values of 0.569 and 0.472, respectively. Spatial analyses identified three relatively homogeneous groups of populations presumably representative of genetically distinct glacial populations, one west and one east of the Appalachian Mountains in the United States and a third one presumably on the unglaciated northeastern coastal area in Canada. These results indicate the significant role of the northern part of the US Appalachian Mountains as a factor of vicariance during the ice age. A fourth distinct group of populations was observed in central Québec where the continental glacier retreated last. It included populations harbouring haplotypes present into the three previous groups, and it had higher level of haplotype diversity per population (H = 0.548) and lower population differentiation (G(ST) = 0.265), which indicates a zone of suture or secondary contact between the migration fronts of the three glacial populations. Introgression from Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm. was apparent in one western population from Alberta. Altogether, these results indicate that the mitochondrial DNA variation of jack pine is geographically highly structured and it correlates well with large-scale patterns emerging from recent phylogeographical studies of other tree boreal species in North America. 相似文献
John S. Sproul Derek. D. Houston Nicholas Davis Emily Barrington Sun Yeong Oh R. Paul Evans Dennis K. Shiozawa 《Freshwater Biology》2014,59(10):2051-2063
- Phylogeographic studies provide insights about complex systems at different evolutionary scales. In addition to providing evidence about ecological processes at the organismal level, a synthesis of studies across taxa can illuminate broad phylogeographic patterns at the landscape scale.
- We compared the phylogeographic patterns of two codistributed species of aquatic insects, Pteronarcella badia (Plecoptera: Pteronarcyidae) and Drunella grandis (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae), across much of their range in western North America.
- We conducted population genetic analyses of P. badia and D. grandis individuals that co‐occurred in 22 western North American localities. Patterns of genetic structure and gene flow were compared to test for differential dispersal ability and to determine whether broad‐scale phylogeographic trends are consistent with patterns seen in terrestrial taxa across a similar geographic area. We also evaluated whether patterns observed in these species fit previously proposed models of genetic structure in aquatic organisms.
- Pteronarcella badia showed greater genetic structure and lower rates of dispersal than D. grandis. Both taxa showed several shared geographic regions of genetic isolation, including the Bitterroot Valley in Montana, the Pacific Northwest, the southern Rocky Mountains and the Colorado Plateau. These broad‐scale phylogeographic patterns are largely consistent with trends observed in several terrestrial taxa across the sample area. D. grandis showed patterns of gene flow consistent with an isolation‐by‐distance model of genetic structure. Patterns observed in P. badia reflect elements of multiple models and may highlight the value of the dendritic network approach to understanding genetic patterns of aquatic taxa at broad geographic scales.