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【目的】明确不同种类有机物对氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans) BYM磁小体形成的促进作用,为安全有效提升细菌磁小体产量提供新思路。【方法】以A. ferrooxidans BYM为目的菌株,采用单因素试验分析10种有机物对A. ferrooxidans BYM亚铁氧化的影响,通过4 L发酵体系进一步筛选促进磁小体合成的有机物;通过分批发酵实验基于经典发酵动力学模型(Logistic、Luedeking-Piret、底物消耗动力学方程)分别构建A. ferrooxidans BYM菌体生长、磁小体合成以及亚铁消耗动力学模型。【结果】筛选得到10 mmol/L葡萄糖酸能使磁小体产量最高达到2.00×10−3 g/L,葡萄糖酸使A. ferrooxidans BYM细胞呈椭圆形,表面光滑;在葡萄糖酸作用下,A. ferrooxidans BYM的发酵符合Logistic、Luedeking-Piret、底物消耗动力学方程。【结论】添加10 mmol/L葡萄糖酸能够使A. ferrooxidans BYM磁小体产量提升8倍,葡萄糖酸通过改变细胞形态和表面结构促进磁小体合成,菌体生长、产物生成以及底物消耗动力学模型可以阐明A. ferrooxidans BYM在葡萄糖酸存在下的分批发酵过程。  相似文献   

Selective enrichments enabled the recovery of moderately thermophilic isolates with copper bioleaching ability from a spent copper sulfide heap. Phylogenetic and physiological characterization revealed that the isolates were closely related to Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans, Acidithiobacillus caldus and Acidimicrobium ferrooxidans. While isolates exhibited similar physiological characteristics to their corresponding type strains, in general they displayed similar or greater tolerance of high copper, zinc, nickel and cobalt concentrations. Considerable variation was found between species and between several strains related to S. thermosulfidooxidans. It is concluded that adaptation to metals present in the bioleaching heap from which they were isolated contributed to but did not entirely explain high metals tolerances. Higher metals tolerance did not confer stronger bioleaching performance, suggesting that a physical, mineralogical or chemical process is rate limiting for a specific ore or concentrate.  相似文献   

【目的】驯化得到喜温嗜酸硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus caldus)SM-1在低于最适生长温度下具有较高生长活力的突变菌株,并认知喜温嗜酸硫杆菌在不同温度下的基因组可塑性。【方法】利用实验室长期进化实验对菌株进行3个温度的驯化:37、40、45°C。运用454测序技术对驯化获得的菌株进行基因组重测序,通过比较基因组分析驯化株基因组单核苷酸位点变化(SNPs),对包含位点变化的基因从功能上进行分类,在此基础上,分析可能与温度适应性相关的基因。【结果】通过不同温度下的长期驯化,得到了在低于最适生长温度下具有较高活力的菌株;重测序结果发现,SM-1基因组具有较好的可塑性,不同温度(37、40、45°C)生长的菌株中,基因组中分别有418、384和347个核苷酸位点发生累计变化,其中3个温度下有20个相同的非同义突变位点,分别分布于编码重金属和毒性抗性系统、DNA甲基化和蛋白乙酰化酶、核酸代谢相关酶类等相关基因上;相比而言,在低于最适生长温度(37、40°C)下生长菌株特有的位点变化涉及能量代谢、信号转导以及DNA/RNA稳定性相关基因;其中,2个低温菌株共同发生位点变化的基因有3个,其中两个编码转座相关的蛋白Atc_1031与Atc_1623,另一个编码假想蛋白Atc_1130,该蛋白分别与外膜蛋白组装因子B和二硫键形成蛋白具有23%和35%的相似性。另外,不同生长温度下相关蛋白中氨基酸的组成也发生变化。【结论】喜温嗜酸硫杆菌SM-1基因组具有较好的可塑性,对于其基因组变化的研究结果为认识微生物温度适应性提供了组学数据。本研究揭示喜温嗜酸硫杆菌(At.caldus)SM-1可能通过多种途径适应向低温过渡生长,既包括微生物通用的环境适应机制,也存在菌株特有的温度适应途径。  相似文献   

【目的】嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans)作为湿法冶金的主要功能菌,其在重金属Ni2+胁迫下的亚铁氧化应激机制还不清楚。【方法】在两步法培养体系中,设计由低到高Ni2+胁迫浓度,利用分光光度法、电化学法和实时荧光定量PCR法等从宏观到微观探究Ni2+胁迫下A.ferrooxidans菌亚铁氧化应激效应。【结果】两步培养法体系下A.ferrooxidans菌能够耐受较高浓度的Ni2+毒性(≤30 g/L Ni2+)。当Ni2+胁迫浓度增加至40 g/L时,与对照组(不添加Ni2+胁迫)相比,A.ferrooxidans亚铁氧化率和速率显著降低(24 h的亚铁氧化抑制率约为59.4%),亚铁氧化代谢相关的rus操纵子各功能基因的表达量也显著下调,尤其是基因cyc1(最高下调了16倍)和coxBACD(4个不同亚基最高下调2.7–7.4倍);同时Fe2+氧化相关的胞外电子传递能力也降低,对照组(0 g/L Ni2+,29.0µA)最大还原峰电流值高于实验组(40 g/L Ni2+,24.5µA)。【结论】超高浓度Ni2+胁迫环境对A.ferrooxidans菌有毒性,导致该菌rus操纵子上各功能基因表达量下调,同时造成胞外电子传递速率降低,最终致使A.ferrooxidans菌亚铁氧化能力降低。研究结果将为含Ni固废高效生物浸出提供理论支持。  相似文献   

The pH of two buffered media having their initial pH ranging between 3.5 and 8.5 was monitored during growth of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. The first media was buffered with tricyclic phosphate whereas the second one contained phosphate ions and thus exhibited a stronger buffer capacity. Bacterial growth was not observed in any of the two media when the initial pH was higher than 5.5. On the other hand, for initial pH lower than 5.5, bacterial growth induced pH drops in both media. This drop was preceded by a lag phase during which the pH remained unchanged. However, in the medium buffered with phosphate ions, the lag periods were longer. As these media were developed for designing a bioleaching test to evaluate concrete biodeterioration caused by A. thiooxidans, the medium containing tricyclic phosphate appeared to be the most appropriate.  相似文献   

Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans was immobilized in poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) by a PVA–boric acid method, and spherical beads of uniform size were produced. Biooxidation of ferrous iron by immobilized cells was investigated in repeated batch culture and continuous operation in a laboratory scale packed-bed bioreactor. During repeated batch culture, the cell-immobilized gels were stable and showed high constant iron-oxidizing activity. In continuous operation in a packed-bed bioreactor, biooxidation of ferrous iron fits a plug-flow reaction model well. A maximum Fe2+ oxidation rate of 1.89 g l−1 h−1 was achieved at the dilution rate of 0.38 h−1 or higher, while no obvious precipitate was detected in the bioreactor.  相似文献   

Metal tolerance has been found to vary among Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strains and this can impact the efficiency of biomining practices. To explain observed strain variability for differences in metal tolerance we examined the effects of Cu2+ and Ni2+ concentrations (1-200 mM) on cytoplasmic membrane properties of two A. ferrooxidans type strains (ATCC 23270 and 19859) and four strains isolated from AMD water around Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Growth rate, membrane fluidity and phase, determined from the fluorescence polarization of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH), and fatty acid profiles indicated that three different modes of adaptation were present and could separate between strains showing moderate, or high metal tolerance from more sensitive strains. To compensate for the membrane ordering effects of the metals, significant remodelling of the membrane was used to either maintain homeoviscous adaptation in the moderately tolerant strains or to increase membrane fluidity in the sensitive strains. Shifts in the gel-to-liquid crystalline transition temperature in the moderately tolerant strains led to multiple phase transitions, increasing the potential for phase separation and compromised membrane integrity. The metal-tolerant strain however, was able to tolerate increases in membrane order without significant compensation via fatty acid composition. Our multivariate analyses show a common adaptive response which involves changes in the abundant 16:0 and 18:1 fatty acids. However, fatty acid composition and membrane properties showed no difference in response to either copper or nickel suggesting that adaptive response was non-specific and tolerance dependent. We demonstrate that strain variation can be evaluated using differences in membrane properties as intrinsic determinants of metal susceptibility.  相似文献   

【背景】广聚萤叶甲是恶性入侵杂草豚草的一种重要专一性天敌,在冬季低温且缺乏食物的条件下,广聚萤叶甲的耐饥饿能力直接关系到其越冬种群的虫源基数。【方法】在室内观察广聚萤叶甲成虫在10℃低温条件下的存活率和死亡率,研究了水分(有水、无水)、不同密度(一雌一雄、二雌二雄、五雌五雄)、加入泥土枯枝对广聚萤叶甲耐饥饿能力的影响。【结果】无水、有水条件下,广聚萤叶甲成虫的平均存活时间分别为(15.23±1.01)、(13.33±0.88)d,水分对广聚萤叶甲的耐饥力的影响不显著;随着密度的增加,广聚萤叶甲的耐饥饿能力增强,一雌一雄、二雌二雄和五雌五雄的平均存活时间依次为(11.96±0.57)、(13.78±0.60)、(14.81±0.42)d;加入泥土和豚草枯枝后,广聚萤叶甲的耐饥饿能力明显提高,其平均存活时间为(15.97±1.05)d。【结论与意义】低温条件下广聚萤叶甲的耐饥饿能力较强,可保证部分广聚萤叶甲的自然种群在野外安全越冬,研究低温条件下广聚萤叶甲的耐饥饿能力对豚草的生物防治具有重要意义。  相似文献   

闽楠对土壤水分要求较高,为了提高闽楠造林的成活率,该研究以正常供水为对照,测定了不同干旱胁迫时间(7d、14d)及复水后7d的叶片蛋白质组及生理生化指标变化,以探讨闽楠响应干旱胁迫的分子生理机制。结果表明:(1)不同干旱胁迫处理下闽楠叶片蛋白质双向电泳(2-DE)分析结果共发现51个差异表达蛋白;采用MALDI-TOF/TOF成功鉴定到45个蛋白点;这些鉴定出的差异蛋白与光合作用、碳水化合物和能量代谢、胁迫响应与防御、翻译后修饰、蛋白质转换与分子伴侣功能等生理代谢过程密切相关。(2)检测不同干旱处理时间闽楠叶片膜脂过氧化相关MDA含量,防御相关酶SOD、CAT、POD活性和糖代谢相关酶PFK、AGPase、PK及PDH活性,发现各指标在14d持续干旱胁迫时主要呈下降趋势,且变化均达到极显著水平(P0.01)。研究认为,持续干旱胁迫下,光合作用和植物防御系统以及能量和糖代谢的降低是闽楠不耐干旱的重要生理生化原因,研究结果为今后耐旱闽楠的分子育种提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Since starvation for carbon sources is a common condition for bacteria in nature and it can also occur in industrial fermentation processes due to mixing zones, knowledge about the response of cells to carbon starvation is beneficial. The preferred carbon source for bacilli is glucose. The response of Bacillus pumilus cells to glucose starvation using metabolic labeling and quantitative proteomics was analyzed. Glucose starvation led to an extensive reprogramming of the protein expression pattern in B. pumilus. The amounts of proteins of the central carbon metabolic pathways (glycolysis and TCC) remained stable in starving cells. Proteins for gluconeogenesis were found in higher amounts during starvation. Furthermore, many proteins involved in acquisition and usage of alternative carbon sources were present in elevated amounts in starving cells. Enzymes for fatty acid degradation and proteases and peptidases were also found in higher abundance when cells entered stationary phase. Among the proteins found in lower amounts were many enzymes involved in amino acid and nucleotide synthesis and several NRPS and PKS proteins.  相似文献   

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