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The aim of this study was to investigate the cervicocephalic kinaesthesia of healthy subjects for gender and age effects and its reliability in a new virtual reality test procedure. 57 healthy subjects (30 male, 27 females; 18-64 years) were immersed into a virtual 3D scene via a headmounted display, which generated specific head movements. The joint repositioning error was determined in a static and dynamic test at the times T0, T1 (T0 + 10 minutes) and T2 (T0 + 24 hours). The intrasession reliability (T0-T1) and the intersession reliability (T0-T2) were analysed. In both tests no gender- or age-specific effects were found. In the overall group the means of the static test were 6.2°-6.9° and of the dynamic test were 4.5°-4.9°. The intratest difference in the static test was -0.16° and the intertest difference was 0.47°. The intratest difference in the dynamic test was 0.42° and the intertest difference was 0.37°. The static and dynamic test was reproducible in healthy subjects, with minor deviations, irrespective of gender and age. The smaller interindividual differences in the dynamic test could be beneficial in the comparison of healthy individuals and individuals with cervical spine disorders.  相似文献   

J Vohradsky  J J Ramsden 《FASEB journal》2001,15(11):2054-2056
The distributions of synthesis rates of expressed proteins in a liquid batch culture of the prokaryote S. coelicolor during 3 days' growth have been analyzed by using a law governing the relation between the synthesis rates and the corresponding ranks in a list of rates (the so-called simplified canonical law, scl), which we have found previously to characterize the distribution of prokaryotic protein expression. The scl remains valid throughout development and the two parameters of the distribution, q and r, evolve in a highly characteristic and revealing way. q is a measure of the degree to which available genomic resources are used, in the sense of exploiting their potential diversity. The passage from one developmental phase to another is marked by a sharp peak in q, as these resources are fully mobilized to deal with a crisis (i.e., exhaustion of the habitual food supply). This is followed by an even more pronounced trough, as the organism briefly focuses its resources on synthesizing just those proteins most essential for survival, especially those hitherto unavailable and needed for metabolizing the new nutrient source. The parameter r indicates redundancy among the most abundantly expressed proteins: higher r corresponds to more diversity; i.e., less duplication of function, hence less robustness. This parameter is relatively steady throughout the development of the culture, except for a pronounced peak during the developmental phase transition. This corresponds to the "emergency mode" characterized by extremely low q, during which a minimum repertoire of proteins is expressed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of a repeated modified agility test (RMAT) to assess anaerobic power and explosiveness. Twenty-seven subjects (age: 20.2 ± 0.9 years, body mass: 66.1 ± 6.0 kg, height: 176 ± 6 cm, and body fat: 11.4 ± 2.6%) participated in this study. After familiarization, subjects completed the RMAT consisting of 10 × 20-m maximal running performances (moving in forward, lateral, and backward) with ~25-second recovery between each run. Ten subjects performed the RMAT twice separated by at least 48 hours to evaluate relative and absolute reliability and usefulness of the test. The criterion validity of the RMAT was determined by examining the relationship between RMAT indices and the Wingate anaerobic test (WAT) performances and both vertical and horizontal jumps. Reliability of the total time (TT) and peak time (PT) of the RMAT was very good, with intraclass correlation coefficient > 0.90 and SEM < 5% and low bias. The usefulness of TT and PT of the RMAT was rated as "good" and "OK," respectively. The TT of the RMAT had significant correlations with the WAT (peak power: r = -0.44; mean power: r = -0.72), vertical jumps (squat jump: r = -0.50; countermovement jump: r = -0.61; drop jump (DJ): r = -0.55; DJ with dominant leg: r = -0.72; DJ with nondominant leg: r = -0.53) and 5 jump test (r = -0.56). These findings suggest that the RMAT is a reliable and valid test for assessing anaerobic power and explosiveness in multisprint sport athletes. Consequently, the RMAT is an easily applied, inexpensive field test and can provide coaches and strength and conditioning professionals with relevant information concerning the choice and the efficacy of training programs.  相似文献   

某型歼击机综合抗荷措施的防护效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究以KH-x扩大囊覆盖面积抗荷服、无胸部代偿的抗荷加压呼吸及PHP动作组成的某型歼击机综合抗荷措施的抗荷效果;探讨采用该措施进行防护时伴有的疲劳、疼痛等问题.方法:5名被试者在载人离心机上进行了5组 Gz暴露试验,分别为:①基础 Gz耐力试验;②KH-x抗荷服配KT-x抗荷调压器试验;③抗荷加压呼吸试验;④6.5 G持续45 s试验;⑤9.0 G持续15 s试验.以第2组及第1组试验的 Gz耐力差值作为KH-x抗荷服配KT-x抗荷调压器的抗荷性能;以第3组及第2组试验的 Gz耐力差值作为PBG的抗荷性能.在每次试验结束后用主观量表记录被试者疲劳及疼痛的程度.结果:试验中没有发生1例G-LOC(Ginduced lose of consciousness).KH-x抗荷服配KT-x抗荷调压器的抗荷效果为2.3 G;PBG的抗荷效果为1.7 G;被试者均完成了6.5G持续45 s及9.0 G持续15 s试验.试验中被试者的颈、腰、臂及手部在 Gz暴露时均出现过疼痛,其中腰部疼痛出现的次数最多.结论:某型歼击机综合抗荷措施可以满足现代高性能战斗机9.0 G的防护需要;该措施还应在高G导致的疼痛及颈部损伤的防护方面加以改进.  相似文献   

Resource utilization function (RUF) models permit evaluation of potential habitat for endangered species; ideally such models should be evaluated before use in management decision-making. We evaluated the predictive capabilities of a previously developed black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) RUF. Using the population-level RUF, generated from ferret observations at an adjacent yet distinct colony, we predicted the distribution of ferrets within a black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colony in the Conata Basin, South Dakota, USA. We evaluated model performance, using data collected during post-breeding spotlight surveys (2007–2008) by assessing model agreement via weighted compositional analysis and count-metrics. Compositional analysis of home range use and colony-level availability, and core area use and home range availability, demonstrated ferret selection of the predicted Very high and High occurrence categories in 2007 and 2008. Simple count-metrics corroborated these findings and suggested selection of the Very high category in 2007 and the Very high and High categories in 2008. Collectively, these results suggested that the RUF was useful in predicting occurrence and intensity of space use of ferrets at our study site, the 2 objectives of the RUF. Application of this validated RUF would increase the resolution of habitat evaluations, permitting prediction of the distribution of ferrets within distinct colonies. Additional model evaluation at other sites, on other black-tailed prairie dog colonies of varying resource configuration and size, would increase understanding of influences upon model performance and the general utility of the RUF. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Karlson AM  Näslund J  Rydén SB  Elmgren R 《Oecologia》2011,166(4):1055-1065
Ecosystem consequences of biodiversity change are often studied from a species loss perspective, while the effects of invasive species on ecosystem functions are rarely quantified. In this experimental study, we used isotope tracers to measure the incorporation and burial of carbon and nitrogen from a simulated spring phytoplankton bloom by communities of one to four species of deposit-feeding macrofauna found in the species-poor Baltic Sea. The recently invading polychaete Marenzelleria arctia, which has spread throughout the Baltic Sea, grows more rapidly than the native species Monoporeia affinis, Pontoporeia femorata (both amphipods) and Macoma balthica (a bivalve), resulting in higher biomass increase (biomass production) in treatments including the polychaete. Marenzelleria incorporated and buried bloom material at rates similar to the native species. Multi-species treatments generally had higher isotope incorporation, indicative of utilization of bloom material, than expected from monoculture yields of the respective species. The mechanism behind this observed over-yielding was mainly niche complementarity in utilization of the bloom input, and was more evident in communities including the invader. In contrast, multi-species treatments had generally lower biomass increase than expected. This contrasting pattern suggests that there is little overlap in resource use of freshly deposited bloom material between Marenzelleria and the native species but it is likely that interference competition acts to dampen resulting community biomass. In conclusion, an invasive species can enhance incorporation and burial of organic matter from settled phytoplankton blooms, two processes fundamental for marine productivity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to create a reliable method to measure novelty-seeking (NS) temperament in stumptailed macaques. We correlated two behavioral indexes (risk-taking and curiosity) with the NS index. Cochran's concordance index yielded ethogram reliability (risk: alpha = 0.88; curiosity: alpha = 0.79). Risk and curiosity indexes were obtained with a synthetic index obtainment approach. Intraclass correlation of the instrument yielded a value of 0.88. Temperament index was established from the average score given by each judge. The instrument presented 92% specificity and 70% sensitivity, with a 56-point score taken as the cuttoff point to classify individuals. The results of a Spearman's analysis of the three indexes were significant (temperament-risk, n = 32, P<0.01; temperament-curiosity, n = 29, P<0.05; risk curiosity, n = 29, P<0.05). We conclude that the method we developed is reliable.  相似文献   

To find alternative genetic resources for D-serine dehydratase (E.C., dsdA) mediating the deamination of D-serine into pyruvate, metagenomic libraries were screened. The chromosomal dsdA gene of a wild-type Escherichia coli W3110 strain was disrupted by inserting the tetracycline resistance gene (tet), using double-crossover, for use as a screening host. The W3110 dsdA::tet strain was not able to grow in a medium containing D-serine as a sole carbon source, whereas wild-type W3110 and the complement W3110 dsdA::tet strain containing a dsdA-expression plasmid were able to grow. After introducing metagenome libraries into the screening host, a strain containing a 40-kb DNA fragment obtained from the metagenomic souce derived from a compost was selected based on its capability to grow on the agar plate containing D-serine as a sole carbon source. For identification of the genetic resource responsible for the D-serine degrading capability, transposon- micron was randomly inserted into the 40-kb metagenome. Two strains that had lost their D-serine degrading ability were negatively selected, and the two 6-kb contigs responsible for the D-serine degrading capability were sequenced and deposited (GenBank code: HQ829474.1 and HQ829475.1). Therefore, new alternative genetic resources for D-serine dehydratase was found from the metagenomic resource, and the corresponding ORFs are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that social interactions (e.g., the actions and reactions elicited by the interaction of co-specific individuals) induce individual fruit flies (Tephritidae) to ingest more food, especially protein-rich food. Changes in feeding behavior related to social interactions have been associated with reproduction (e.g., when different sexes are present), reproductive facilitation (e.g., when two females interact) and stress and aggression (e.g., flies of the same sex, or crowdedness). The present study investigated the effect of social interaction on the feeding, longevity and resource management of the Ethiopian fruit fly, Dacus ciliatus. Single flies and pairs of flies (of the same or different sexes) were confined to a small arena (the PUB system), in which we measured the amount of liquid food ingested daily by each fly. In addition, we sampled flies of different ages, extracted and quantified their lipid and protein contents, and related individual metabolic contents to the ingestion of a fructose and protein hydrolysate solution. Results showed that individual ingestion was significantly higher in flies maintained in pairs than in flies kept as solitary individuals. The highest intake rates were observed for the female–female pairs. In general, females ingested significantly greater volumes than males. Lipid contents tended to decrease progressively with age in flies kept as solitary individuals, especially in female flies, while lipid levels decreased and then increased in flies maintained in pairs. Protein trends were similar, although less pronounced than the patterns observed for the lipids. The flies kept as solitary individuals lived significantly longer than those kept in pairs. A resource-management analysis points to a decreased metabolic rate in flies kept as solitary individuals, as compared to paired flies. Results are discussed in view of theories of resource management and survival strategies.  相似文献   

综述了上海市水稻种质资源的收集、保存、鉴定、评价和种质创新的研究概况。重点介绍了近年来上海市各科研单位在水稻种质资源的收集保存情况以及在水稻生理、生化、分子生物学和新品种选育等方面的研究进展,为优良稻种资源的系统研究和有效利用提供了一定的借鉴与参考作用。  相似文献   

介绍了发菜资源在内蒙古自治区苏尼特左旗的分布情况和发菜产地的植被类型与地貌特征。记述了当地蒙古族群众对发菜认识与利用的历史,以及最近20多年大规模采搂史的全过程。根据对产地实地调查研究的结果,认为发菜生长的必须条件是稳定的表层粘土,发菜生物量的限制条件是降水,并就采搂发菜对于草场的利与弊,发菜产地萎缩的主要原因作了具体分析,最后提出了建立“发菜自然生态保护区”的设想。  相似文献   

A strategy of movement and resource utilization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A set of age-specific rates of birth and death implies expected numbers of kin. An individual girl or woman chosen at random out of a population whose birth and death rates are specified can be expected to have a certain number of older sisters, younger sisters, nieces, cousins; expressions for these values are provided for both total kin and kin who are still living. Included also are the probabilities of living mother, grandmother, and great grandmother for girls and women of various ages. The methods are applicable to the size of the nuclear and the extended family. All formulas have been programmed and specimen numerical values are given.  相似文献   

PIR: a new resource for bioinformatics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SUMMARY: The Protein Information Resource (PIR) has greatly expanded its Web site and developed a set of interactive search and analysis tools to facilitate the analysis, annotation, and functional identification of proteins. New search engines have been implemented to combine sequence similarity search results with database annotation information. The new PIR search systems have proved very useful in providing enriched functional annotation of protein sequences, determining protein superfamily-domain relationships, and detecting annotation errors in genomic database archives. AVAILABILITY: http://pir.georgetown.edu/. CONTACT: mcgarvey@nbrf.georgetown.edu  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop a reliable, valid measure of patient satisfaction with out of hours care suitable for large scale service evaluation. DESIGN: Focus group meetings and semistructured interviews with patients to identify issues of importance to patients and possible questionnaire items; interviews and two pilot studies to test and identify new questionnaire items; modification or removal of items to eliminate ambiguity and reduce non-response and skewed responses; questionnaire survey of out of hours care. SETTING: Greater Manchester and Leicester. SUBJECTS: 11 general practice patients participated in the focus groups and 28 in the semistructured interviews; 41 in the preliminary interviews; 41 and 378 in the postal pilots; and 1466 in the survey of out of hours care. RESULTS: A 32 item questionnaire was developed. Component analysis indicated seven scales (satisfaction with communication and management, doctor''s attitude, continuity of care, delay until visit, access to out of hours care, initial contact person, telephone advice) related to overall satisfaction and containing issues identified as important to patients. Levels of reliability were satisfactory, Cronbach''s alpha correlation coefficient exceeding 0.60 for all scales. CONCLUSION: A reliable, valid measure of patient satisfaction has been developed, suitable for large scale evaluation of out of hours care.  相似文献   

Dispersions and resource utilization of primary and secondary parasitoids developing in non-depletable primary host populations were determined for an aphid-parasitoid community occurring on strawberries. Analyses of dispersions based onGreen 's coefficient andLloyd 's Patchiness Index indicated parasitized aphids were highly aggregated initially, became less aggregated as density increased, and remained aggregated following collapse of the aphid populations. The “index of aggregation” values calculated usingTaylor 's Power Law concurred with results from the other indices, and the similarity of the regression coefficients from both seasons suggests that the index of aggregation may be characteristic for communities as well as species. Analysis withIwao 's regression of mean crowding on the mean generated similar results when population data were stratified temporally, and also indicated that the individual was the basic unit of the population. In a non-depletable environment, oviposition of individuals exhibiting an aggregated dispersion pattern within clumps of hosts provides primary parasitoids with a suitable trade-off between energy utilization or genetic potential, and losses associated with hyperparasitism.  相似文献   

There is widespread concern that increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere will ultimately lead to climate changes. Recognizing the important role that fossil fuels have in the economies and lifestyles of people throughout the world, it is reasonable to ask if the global economy can be powered in ways that might have less impact on the environment because they discharge less carbon dioxide. A way of addressing this sensitive issue could be through the biodevelopment of biowaste as an alternative and renewable energy resource. Landfilling and incineration are popular ways to deal with biowaste but both cause negative environmental effects such as the use of valuable land and production of dangerous gases. The structural components of cells, cellulose and hemicellulose, make biowaste very susceptible for bioproduct development and biowaste offers biotechnology an opportunity to assist in maintaining environmental quality.  相似文献   

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