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Thirty to eighty-seven percent of patients treated by radical prostatectomy experience erectile dysfunction (ED). The reduced efficacy of treatments in this population makes novel therapeutic approaches to treat ED essential. We propose that abundant apoptosis observed in penile smooth muscle when the cavernous nerve (CN) is cut (mimicking the neural injury which can result from prostatectomy) is a major contributing factor to ED development. We hypothesize that decreased Sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling is a cause of ED in neurological models of impotence by increasing apoptosis in penile smooth muscle. We examined this hypothesis in a bilateral CN injury model of ED. We found that the active form of SHH protein was significantly decreased 1.2-fold following CN injury, that SHH inhibition causes a 12-fold increase in smooth muscle apoptosis in the penis, and that SHH treatment at the time of CN injury was able to decrease CN injury-induced apoptosis (1-3-fold) in a dose-dependent manner. These results show that SHH stabilizes the alterations of the corpora cavernosal smooth muscle following nerve injury.  相似文献   

Here we report the expression of the zebrafish zic1 gene, also known as opl, a homologue to other vertebrate Zic genes and the Drosophila odd-paired gene. zic1 expression starts during epiboly stages in lateral parts of the neural plate and eventually comes to lie in dorsal regions of the developing brain following the morphogenetic movements of neural tube formation. To address the question whether BMP2 signalling affects the extent of zic1 expression, we analysed swirl and chordino mutant embryos. Expanded Zic1 expression in swirl and reduced expression in chordino as well as in bmp2 injected embryos suggest that BMP2 and its antagonists define the extent of zic1 expression in the neural plate. By searching for factors responsible for the dorsal restriction of Zic1 expression, we found zic1 expression is eliminated in sonic hedgehog (shh) injected embryos. The most rostral expression however is not affected by Shh suggesting that Shh plays a different role in dorso-ventral patterning of the future telencephalon. During somitogenesis zic1 is expressed in the dorsal most part of the developing somites. Here zic1 marks cells that are distinct from the main adaxial somite portion, the future myomere. zic1 expression in the somites is expanded in swirl but reduced in shh injected embryos, suggesting these factors have opposing activity in dorsoventral patterning of the somites. Later, a growing mass of zic1 expressing cells occurs in a dorsal mesenchyme that eventually invades the dorsal fin fold, suggesting a somitic contribution to the dorsal fin mesenchyme.  相似文献   

Proteolytic processing yields two secreted forms of sonic hedgehog.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is expressed in tissues with known signalling capacities, such as the notochord, the floor plate of the central nervous system, and the zone of polarizing activity in the limb. Several lines of evidence indicate that Shh is involved in floor plate induction, somite patterning, and regulation of anterior-posterior polarity in the vertebrate limb. In this report, we investigate the biochemical behavior of Shh in a variety of expression systems and embryonic tissues. Expression of mouse Shh in Xenopus oocytes, COS cells, and baculovirus-infected insect cells demonstrates that in addition to signal peptide cleavage and N-linked glycosylation, chicken and mouse Shh proteins undergo additional proteolytic processing to yield two peptides with molecular masses of approximately 19 kDa (amino terminus) and 27 kDa (carboxy terminus), both of which are secreted. In transfected COS cells, we show that the 19-kDa peptide does not accumulate significantly in the medium unless heparin or suramin is added, suggesting that this peptide associates with the cell surface or extracellular matrix. This retention appears to depend on sequences in the carboxy-terminal part of the peptide. Finally, detection of the 19-kDa product in a variety of mouse and chicken embryonic tissues demonstrates that the proteolytic processing observed in cell culture is a normal aspect of Shh processing in embryonic development. These results raise the possibility that amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of Shh may have distinct functions in regulating cell-cell interactions in the vertebrate embryo.  相似文献   

Taste buds on the anterior part of the tongue develop in conjunction with epithelial-mesenchymal specializations in the form of gustatory (taste) papillae. Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 (BMP4) are expressed in developing taste papillae, but the roles of these signaling molecules in specification of taste bud progenitors and in papillary morphogenesis are unclear. We show here that BMP4 is not expressed in the early tongue, but is precisely coexpressed with Shh in papillary placodes, which serve as a signaling center for both gustatory and papillary development. To elucidate the role of Shh, we used an in vitro model of mouse fungiform papillary development to determine the effects of two functional inhibitors of Shh signaling: anti-Shh (5E1) antibody and cyclopamine. Cultured E11.5 tongue explants express Shh and BMP4(LacZ) in a pattern similar to that of intact embryos, localizing to developing papillary placodes after 2 days in culture. Tongues cultured with 5E1 antibody continue to express these genes in papillary patterns but develop more papillae that are larger and closer together than in controls. Tongues cultured with cyclopamine have a dose-dependent expansion of Shh and BMP4(LacZ) expression domains. Both antibody-treated and cyclopamine-treated tongue explants also are smaller than controls. Taken together, these results suggest that, although Shh is not involved in the initial specification of papillary placodes, Shh does play two key roles during pmcry development: (1) as a morphogen that directs cells toward a nonpapillary fate, and (2) as a mitogen, causing expansion of the interplacodal epithelium and underlying mesenchyme.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) secreted from the axial signaling centers of the notochord and prechordal plate functions as a morphogen in dorsoventral patterning of the neural tube. Active Shh is uniquely cholesterol-modified and the hydrophobic nature of cholesterol suggests that it might regulate Shh spreading in the neural tube. Here, we examined the capacity of Shh lacking the cholesterol moiety (ShhN) to pattern different cell types in the telencephalon and spinal cord. In mice expressing ShhN, we detected low-level ShhN in the prechordal plate and notochord, consistent with the notion that ShhN can rapidly spread from its site of synthesis. Surprisingly, we found that low-level ShhN can elicit the generation of a full spectrum of ventral cell types in the spinal cord, whereas ventral neuronal specification and ganglionic eminence development in the Shh(N/-) telencephalon were severely impaired, suggesting that telencephalic patterning is more sensitive to alterations in local Shh concentration and spreading. In agreement, we observed induction of Shh pathway activity and expression of ventral markers at ectopic sites in the dorsal telencephalon indicative of long-range ShhN activity. Our findings indicate an essential role for the cholesterol moiety in restricting Shh dilution and deregulated spread for patterning the telencephalon. We propose that the differential effect of ShhN in patterning the spinal cord versus telencephalon may be attributed to regional differences in the maintenance of Shh expression in the ventral neuroepithelium and differences in dorsal tissue responsiveness to deregulated Shh spreading behavior.  相似文献   

cGMP enhances the sonic hedgehog response in neural plate cells.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The elaboration of distinct cell types during development is dependent on a small number of inductive molecules. Among these inducers is Sonic hedgehog (Shh), which, in combination with other factors, patterns the dorsoventral (DV) axis of the nervous system. The response of a cell is dependent in part on its complement of cyclic nucleotides. cAMP antagonizes Shh signaling, and we examined the influence of cGMP on the Shh response. Cells in chick neural plate explants respond to Shh by differentiating into ventral neural-cell types. Exposure of intermediate-zone explants to cGMP analogs enhanced their response to Shh in a dose-dependent manner. The Shh response was also enhanced in dorsal-zone explants exposed to chick natriuretic peptide (chNP), which stimulates cGMP production by membrane-bound guanylate cyclase (mGC). Addition of chNP to intermediate-zone explants did not enhance the Shh response, consistent with a reported lack of mGC in this region of the neural tube. Finally, the presence of a nitric oxide (NO)-sensitive guanylate cyclase (GC) was established by demonstrating cGMP immunoreactivity in neural tissue following NO stimulation of whole chick embryos. Intracellular levels of cGMP and cAMP may thus provide a mechanism through which other factors modulate the Shh response during neural development.  相似文献   

In early development of vertebrates, sonic hedgehog functions in dorsal-ventral patterning of dorsal tissue (nervous system and somites). In Xenopus, sonic hedgehog (Xshh) is first expressed in the Spemann organizer/notochord and floor plate. We report here the mechanism governing Xshh mRNA induction in these regions. In animal cap assays, the antagonizing BMPs signal was not sufficient to induce Xshh mRNA expression; however, it could induce Xshh mRNA expression in the presence of Xnr-1. In whole embryos, when secondary axes were induced by coexpressing noggin and Xnr-1 or follistatin and Xnr-1, Xshh mRNA expression was observed in the notochord and floor plate within the induced axes. It seems apparent that spatially restricted Xshh mRNA expression is determined as intersection of the two signals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To estimate the rate of malformations observed during early human development, a series of 38,913 first-trimester abortions were studied. Neural tube defects (NTD) were found in 57 cases. METHODS: A histological study of serial sections performed in 25 embryos revealed a spectrum of axial structure abnormalities. Expression of the SHH gene was studied by in situ hybridization in one case of CRS and in two cases of SB. RESULTS: A cervical notochord duplication was always found in craniorachischisis (CRS, n = 8), but not in spina bifida (SB, n = 10) or diplomyelia (split cord malformation, n = 3). In the embryo with CRS, expression of SHH was found in both domains, corresponding to the duplicated part of the notochord, whereas a single signal was observed in the nonduplicated part. This expression was associated at the cervical level of the open neural tube with a broad SHH expression domain and with two or even three domains in its lumbar region, suggesting multiple functional floor plates. Similarly, in two embryos with SB, two domains of SHH expression were found in the ventral neural tube. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that notochord splitting in the cervical region might be involved in the pathogenesis of CRS. Interestingly, similar notochord abnormality and altered expression of the shh gene are observed in Lp mice with NTD. This suggests that the Lp gene could be a candidate gene for human CRS. Further studies are needed to establish the primary event responsible for the notochord splitting and for the abnormal expression of the SHH gene in the floor plate in embryos with CRS and SB.  相似文献   

For neural crest cells to engage in migration, it is necessary that epithelial premigratory crest cells convert into mesenchyme. The mechanisms that trigger cell delamination from the dorsal neural tube remain poorly understood. We find that, in 15- to 40-somite-stage avian embryos, BMP4 mRNA is homogeneously distributed along the longitudinal extent of the dorsal neural tube, whereas its specific inhibitor noggin exists in a gradient of expression that decreases caudorostrally. This rostralward reduction in signal intensity coincides with the onset of emigration of neural crest cells. Hence, we hypothesized that an interplay between Noggin and BMP4 in the dorsal tube generates graded concentrations of the latter that in turn triggers the delamination of neural crest progenitors. Consistent with this suggestion, disruption of the gradient by grafting Noggin-producing cells dorsal to the neural tube at levels opposite the segmental plate or newly formed somites, inhibited emigration of HNK-1-positive crest cells, which instead accumulated within the dorsal tube. Similar results were obtained with explanted neural tubes from the same somitic levels exposed to Noggin. Exposure to Follistatin, however, had no effect. The Noggin-dependent inhibition was overcome by concomitant treatment with BMP4, which when added alone, also accelerated cell emigration compared to untreated controls. Furthermore, the observed inhibition of neural crest emigration in vivo was preceded by a partial or total reduction in the expression of cadherin-6B and rhoB but not in the expression of slug mRNA or protein. Altogether, these results suggest that a coordinated activity of Noggin and BMP4 in the dorsal neural tube triggers delamination of specified, slug-expressing neural crest cells. Thus, BMPs play multiple and discernible roles at sequential stages of neural crest ontogeny, from specification through delamination and later differentiation of specific neural crest derivatives.  相似文献   

In Xenopus, ectodermal patterning depends on a mediolateral gradient of BMP signaling, higher in the epidermis and lower in the neuroectoderm. Neural crest cells are specified at the border between the neural plate and the epidermis, at intermediate levels of BMP signaling. We recently described a novel secreted protein, Tsukushi (TSK), which works as a BMP antagonist during chick gastrulation. Here, we report on the Xenopus TSK gene (X-TSK), and show that it is involved in neural crest specification. X-TSK expression accumulates after gastrulation at the anterior-lateral edges of the neural plate, including the presumptive neural crest region. In gain-of-function experiments, X-TSK can strongly enhance neural crest specification by the dorsolateral mesoderm or X-Wnt8 in ectodermal explants, while the electroporation of X-TSK mRNA in the lateral ectoderm of embryos after gastrulation can induce the expression of neural crest markers in vivo. By contrast, depletion of X-TSK in explants or embryos impairs neural crest specification. Similarly to its chick homolog, X-TSK works as a BMP antagonist by direct binding to BMP4. However, X-TSK can also indirectly regulate BMP4 mRNA expression at the neural plate border via modulation of the Delta-Notch signaling pathway. We show that X-TSK directly binds to the extracellular region of X-delta-1, and modulates Delta-dependent Notch activity. We propose that X-TSK plays a key role in neural crest formation by directly regulating BMP and Delta activities at the boundary between the neural and the non-neural ectoderm.  相似文献   

Modulation of neural network activity by patterning.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Using neuronal cultures on microelectrode arrays, researchers have shown that recordable electrical activity can be influenced by chemicals in the culture environment, thus demonstrating potential applicability to biosensors or drug screening. Since practical success requires the design of robust networks with repeatable, reliable responses understanding the sources of variation is important. In this report, we used lithographic technologies to confine neurons to highly defined patterns (40 microm wide stripes); in turn these patterns gave us a measure of control over the local density of neurons (100-500 cells/mm(2)). We found that the apparent electrical activity of the network, as measured by the fraction of electrodes from which signals were recordable, increases 8-10-fold with greater local density. Also, average-firing rates of the active neurons increased 3-5-fold. We conclude that patterned networks offer one means of controlling and enhancing the responsiveness of cultured neural networks.  相似文献   

Signaling via bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) regulates a vast array of diverse biological processes in the developing embryo and in postembryonic life. Many insights into BMP signaling derive from studies of the BMP signaling gradients that pattern cell fates along the embryonic dorsal-ventral (DV) axis of both vertebrates and invertebrates. This review examines recent developments in the field of DV patterning by BMP signaling, focusing on extracellular modulation as a key mechanism in the formation of BMP signaling gradients in Drosophila, Xenopus, and zebrafish.  相似文献   

The Drosophila strawberry (sty) locus was isolated by P-element insertion mutagenesis in a screen for mutations affecting eye development. Analysis of the mutant phenotype and the putative expression pattern of the sty gene suggested that it has multiple functions. Mutations in the sty gene lead to irregular spacing of ommatidia, an increase in the number of photoreceptor cells, as well as abnormal axonal projections to the lamina and disrupted structure of the optic lobes in the adult fly. The sty mutation also causes abnormal head involution, a change in a number of sensilla in the antennomaxillary complex in the embryonic stage and abnormal morphogenesis of the maxillary palp and wings in later stages. We examined the presumptive expression of the sty gene during development by histochemical staining for lacZ expression from enhancer trap elements inserted within the sty gene. During embryogenesis, expression of lacZ showed a segmental pattern in the ectoderm and in the nervous system. In the eye imaginal discs, lacZ was expressed in photoreceptor cells beginning a few rows posterior to the morphogenetic furrow. The lacZ was also expressed in the wing disc. In the adult, lacZ was expressed in the retina and lamina. We cloned the sty gene by P-element tagging and found that it encodes a putative secreted protein containing a cysteine-rich region similar to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeat. On the basis of the loss of functional phenotype, the expression pattern and the predicted structure of its product, we propose that sty encodes a diffusible protein acting as a signal involved in lateral inhibition within the developing nervous system and also as a factor involved either directly or indirectly in axonal guidance and optic lobe development.  相似文献   

A prevalent developmental mechanism for the assignment of cell identities is the production of spatiotemporal concentration gradients of extracellular signaling molecules that are interpreted by the responding cells. One of such signaling systems is the Shh gradient that controls neuronal subtype identity in the ventral spinal cord. Using loss and gain of function approaches in chick and mouse embryos, we show here that the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling pathway is required to restrict the domains of ventral gene expression as neuroepithelial cells become exposed to Shh during caudal extension of the embryo. FGF signaling activates the expression of the Shh receptor and negative pathway regulator Patched 2 (Ptch2) and therefore can enhance a negative feedback loop that restrains the activity of the pathway. Thus, we identify one of the mechanisms by which FGF signaling acts as a modulator of the onset of Shh signaling activity in the context of coordination of ventral patterning and caudal axis extension. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 956–971, 2016  相似文献   

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