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Time-course microarray experiments produce vector gene expression profiles across a series of time points. Clustering genes based on these profiles is important in discovering functional related and co-regulated genes. Early developed clustering algorithms do not take advantage of the ordering in a time-course study, explicit use of which should allow more sensitive detection of genes that display a consistent pattern over time. Peddada et al. [1] proposed a clustering algorithm that can incorporate the temporal ordering using order-restricted statistical inference. This algorithm is, however, very time-consuming and hence inapplicable to most microarray experiments that contain a large number of genes. Its computational burden also imposes difficulty to assess the clustering reliability, which is a very important measure when clustering noisy microarray data.  相似文献   

We propose an algorithm for selecting and clustering genes according to their time-course or dose-response profiles using gene expression data. The proposed algorithm is based on the order-restricted inference methodology developed in statistics. We describe the methodology for time-course experiments although it is applicable to any ordered set of treatments. Candidate temporal profiles are defined in terms of inequalities among mean expression levels at the time points. The proposed algorithm selects genes when they meet a bootstrap-based criterion for statistical significance and assigns each selected gene to the best fitting candidate profile. We illustrate the methodology using data from a cDNA microarray experiment in which a breast cancer cell line was stimulated with estrogen for different time intervals. In this example, our method was able to identify several biologically interesting genes that previous analyses failed to reveal.  相似文献   



There are some limitations associated with conventional clustering methods for short time-course gene expression data. The current algorithms require prior domain knowledge and do not incorporate information from replicates. Moreover, the results are not always easy to interpret biologically.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Multi-series time-course microarray experiments are useful approaches for exploring biological processes. In this type of experiments, the researcher is frequently interested in studying gene expression changes along time and in evaluating trend differences between the various experimental groups. The large amount of data, multiplicity of experimental conditions and the dynamic nature of the experiments poses great challenges to data analysis. RESULTS: In this work, we propose a statistical procedure to identify genes that show different gene expression profiles across analytical groups in time-course experiments. The method is a two-regression step approach where the experimental groups are identified by dummy variables. The procedure first adjusts a global regression model with all the defined variables to identify differentially expressed genes, and in second a variable selection strategy is applied to study differences between groups and to find statistically significant different profiles. The methodology is illustrated on both a real and a simulated microarray dataset.  相似文献   



Time-course microarray experiments are widely used to study the temporal profiles of gene expression. Storey et al. (2005) developed a method for analyzing time-course microarray studies that can be applied to discovering genes whose expression trajectories change over time within a single biological group, or those that follow different time trajectories among multiple groups. They estimated the expression trajectories of each gene using natural cubic splines under the null (no time-course) and alternative (time-course) hypotheses, and used a goodness of fit test statistic to quantify the discrepancy. The null distribution of the statistic was approximated through a bootstrap method. Gene expression levels in microarray data are often complicatedly correlated. An accurate type I error control adjusting for multiple testing requires the joint null distribution of test statistics for a large number of genes. For this purpose, permutation methods have been widely used because of computational ease and their intuitive interpretation.  相似文献   



Cluster analyses are used to analyze microarray time-course data for gene discovery and pattern recognition. However, in general, these methods do not take advantage of the fact that time is a continuous variable, and existing clustering methods often group biologically unrelated genes together.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Microarray technology allows the monitoring of expression levels for thousands of genes simultaneously. In time-course experiments in which gene expression is monitored over time, we are interested in testing gene expression profiles for different experimental groups. However, no sophisticated analytic methods have yet been proposed to handle time-course experiment data. RESULTS: We propose a statistical test procedure based on the ANOVA model to identify genes that have different gene expression profiles among experimental groups in time-course experiments. Especially, we propose a permutation test which does not require the normality assumption. For this test, we use residuals from the ANOVA model only with time-effects. Using this test, we detect genes that have different gene expression profiles among experimental groups. The proposed model is illustrated using cDNA microarrays of 3840 genes obtained in an experiment to search for changes in gene expression profiles during neuronal differentiation of cortical stem cells.  相似文献   

We propose a general theoretical framework for analyzing differentially expressed genes and behavior patterns from two homogenous short time-course data. The framework generalizes the recently proposed Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC)-based framework adapting it to the time-series scenario by utilizing tensor analysis for data transformation. The proposed framework is effective in yielding criteria that can identify both the differentially expressed genes and time-course patterns of interest between two time-series experiments without requiring to explicitly cluster the data. The results, obtained by applying the proposed framework with a linear kernel formulation, on various data sets are found to be both biologically meaningful and consistent with published studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a hybrid clustering method that combines the strengths of bottom-up hierarchical clustering with that of top-down clustering. The first method is good at identifying small clusters but not large ones; the strengths are reversed for the second method. The hybrid method is built on the new idea of a mutual cluster: a group of points closer to each other than to any other points. Theoretical connections between mutual clusters and bottom-up clustering methods are established, aiding in their interpretation and providing an algorithm for identification of mutual clusters. We illustrate the technique on simulated and real microarray datasets.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Multiclass response (MCR) experiments are those in which there are more than two classes to be compared. In these experiments, though the null hypothesis is simple, there are typically many patterns of gene expression changes across the different classes that led to complex alternatives. In this paper, we propose a new strategy for selecting genes in MCR that is based on a flexible mixture model for the marginal distribution of a modified F-statistic. Using this model, false positive and negative discovery rates can be estimated and combined to produce a rule for selecting a subset of genes. Moreover, the method proposed allows calculation of these rates for any predefined subset of genes. RESULTS: We illustrate the performance our approach using simulated datasets and a real breast cancer microarray dataset. In this latter study, we investigate predefined subset of genes and point out interesting differences between three distinct biological pathways. AVAILABILITY: http://www.bgx.org.uk/software.html  相似文献   

Hu J  He X 《Biometrics》2007,63(1):50-59
In microarray experiments, removal of systematic variations resulting from array preparation or sample hybridization conditions is crucial to ensure sensible results from the ensuing data analysis. For example, quantile normalization is routinely used in the treatment of both oligonucleotide and cDNA microarray data, even though there might be some loss of information in the normalization process. We recognize that the ideal normalization, if it ever exists, would aim to keep the maximal amount of gene profile information with the lowest possible noise. With this objective in mind, we propose a valuable enhancement to quantile normalization, and demonstrate through three Affymetrix experiments that the enhanced normalization can result in better performance in detecting and ranking differentially expressed genes across experimental conditions.  相似文献   

A mixture model-based approach to the clustering of microarray expression data   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
MOTIVATION: This paper introduces the software EMMIX-GENE that has been developed for the specific purpose of a model-based approach to the clustering of microarray expression data, in particular, of tissue samples on a very large number of genes. The latter is a nonstandard problem in parametric cluster analysis because the dimension of the feature space (the number of genes) is typically much greater than the number of tissues. A feasible approach is provided by first selecting a subset of the genes relevant for the clustering of the tissue samples by fitting mixtures of t distributions to rank the genes in order of increasing size of the likelihood ratio statistic for the test of one versus two components in the mixture model. The imposition of a threshold on the likelihood ratio statistic used in conjunction with a threshold on the size of a cluster allows the selection of a relevant set of genes. However, even this reduced set of genes will usually be too large for a normal mixture model to be fitted directly to the tissues, and so the use of mixtures of factor analyzers is exploited to reduce effectively the dimension of the feature space of genes. RESULTS: The usefulness of the EMMIX-GENE approach for the clustering of tissue samples is demonstrated on two well-known data sets on colon and leukaemia tissues. For both data sets, relevant subsets of the genes are able to be selected that reveal interesting clusterings of the tissues that are either consistent with the external classification of the tissues or with background and biological knowledge of these sets. AVAILABILITY: EMMIX-GENE is available at http://www.maths.uq.edu.au/~gjm/emmix-gene/  相似文献   



Time-course microarray experiments are being increasingly used to characterize dynamic biological processes. In these experiments, the goal is to identify genes differentially expressed in time-course data, measured between different biological conditions. These differentially expressed genes can reveal the changes in biological process due to the change in condition which is essential to understand differences in dynamics.  相似文献   

DNA-microarrays find broad employment in biochemical research. This technology allows the monitoring of the expression levels of thousands of genes at the same time. Often, the goal of a microarray study is to find differentially expressed genes in two different types of tissue, for example normal and cancerous. Multiple hypothesis testing is a useful statistical tool for such studies. One approach using multiple hypothesis testing is nonparametric analysis for replicated microarray experiments. In this paper we present an improved version of this method. We also show how p-values are calculated for all significant genes detected with this testing procedure. All algorithms were implemented in an R-package, and instructions on it's use are included. The package can be downloaded at http://www.statistik.unidortmund.de/de/content/einrichtungen/lehrstuehle/personen/jung.html  相似文献   

A key step in the analysis of microarray data is the selection of genes that are differentially expressed. Ideally, such experiments should be properly replicated in order to infer both technical and biological variability, and the data should be subjected to rigorous hypothesis tests to identify the differentially expressed genes. However, in microarray experiments involving the analysis of very large numbers of biological samples, replication is not always practical. Therefore, there is a need for a method to select differentially expressed genes in a rational way from insufficiently replicated data. In this paper, we describe a simple method that uses bootstrapping to generate an error model from a replicated pilot study that can be used to identify differentially expressed genes in subsequent large-scale studies on the same platform, but in which there may be no replicated arrays. The method builds a stratified error model that includes array-to-array variability, feature-to-feature variability and the dependence of error on signal intensity. We apply this model to the characterization of the host response in a model of bacterial infection of human intestinal epithelial cells. We demonstrate the effectiveness of error model based microarray experiments and propose this as a general strategy for a microarray-based screening of large collections of biological samples.  相似文献   



One of the most commonly performed tasks when analysing high throughput gene expression data is to use clustering methods to classify the data into groups. There are a large number of methods available to perform clustering, but it is often unclear which method is best suited to the data and how to quantify the quality of the classifications produced.  相似文献   

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