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Predation on skate eggs by snails was examined for three skate species at seven nursery sites in three regions (north, middle and south) of the eastern Bering Sea. Mean predation levels were 6·46% for the Alaska skate Bathyraja parmifera , 2·65% for the Aleutian skate Bathyraja aleutica and 22·25% for the Bering skate Bathyraja interrupta . Predation levels were significantly higher at the middle and north sites than the south sites for all species combined. Predation levels decreased with increasing egg-case densities at all nursery sites, and the highest predation levels occurred where egg-case densities were very low. Predated egg-case density increased with increasing snail densities across all nursery sites examined. The Oregon triton Fusitriton oregonensis was the most abundant snail species at all nursery sites and displayed ability to drill holes in the egg case of B. parmifera. Holes left by predatory snails in egg cases of B. parmifera were significantly larger, and of different shape at the middle site compared to the south site. Holes in B. parmifera were also significantly larger than those in egg cases of B. interrupta across all sites examined. Egg cases of B. aleutica possess surface spines that cover the egg case and may inhibit predation by snails at a greater rate than that of the B. parmifera and B. interrupta , which have a smoother egg-case surface.  相似文献   

The distributional patterns of deep-sea ostracods in the terminal Cretaceous South Atlantic were examined from seven DSDP/ODP holes (356, 525A, 527, 528, 529, 698A and 689B). Many of the genera recorded in this study are previously known from Campanian-Maastrichtian deep-sea sediments. However, the recovery of Aversovalva, Hemiparacytheridea, Profundobythere, Mayburya and Legitimocythere reveals considerable similarities with the Tertiary deep-sea ostracod fauna of the Pacific and the North Atlantic. The underlying causes controlling the variation in faunal density among the various sites are likely to be related to variation in food supply and, to a lesser extent, to variation in oxygen levels, since all sites quantitatively assessed are regarded to represent oligotrophic, well-oxygenated conditions. A Q -mode principal component analysis with varimax rotation yielded a first component largely dominated by Bythocypris and significantly correlated with palaeotemperature; there is an increasing abundance of Bythocypris towards higher latitudes with a maximum abundance at Site 689 where the palaeotemperature was around 9°C. A species of the thermophilic genus Cytherelloidea occurs also at this site, probably as a result of a slow adjustment to colder conditions in the absence of a thermocline at that time. The second component is largely dominated by Krithe and significantly correlated with palaeotemperature and palaeodepth. Among the sites studied, Krithe is most common at Site 356, where the palaeotemperature was around 15°C; today, most representatives of this genus are psychrospheric and adapted to temperatures below 10°C.  相似文献   

Dichotomously branched stem fragments with crowded, spirally arranged, trifurcate leaf base remains from the type area of the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous; SE Netherlands, NE Belgium) are described as a new genus and species: Mosacaulis spinifer Van der Ham et Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert. They are interpreted as fossils of (pseudo)herbaceous axes with densely spaced, semi-amplexicaul leaves arranged in low spirals, with reproductive structures (sporangia?, prophylls associated with flowering axes?) attached to the adaxial sides of the leaf bases. M. spinifer is considered to be of unknown affinity (incertae sedis), showing resemblances with such disparate lineages as lycopsids and angiosperms. Its seagrass-like habit, gregarious occurrence, the association with genuine seagrass and a diverse marine fauna (including epibionts on the stems), and the absence of any terrigenous material, remains of land plants and terrestrial palynomorphs suggest that M. spinifer grew in a fully marine environment.  相似文献   

Abstract: A mass occurrence, numbering tens of thousands of individuals in a single lens, belonging to a single species of asteroid, is described from the late Maastrichtian (Late Cetaceous) of Morocco. The lens of partially silicified asteroidal limestone is made up largely of fully articulated specimens of similar size and probably represents the mass mortality of a single recruitment. By comparison with mass strandings of the present‐day species Asterias rubens (Linnaeus), it can be inferred that a feeding swarm of individuals was swept into a submarine channel by either a storm or an exceptionally strong tidal current, and permanently buried. The genus and species are herein described as Cretasterias reticulatus gen. et sp. nov. The exceptional preservation of the material enables the identification of wreath organs (clusters of crossed pedicellariae set in a dermal pad around spines) for the first time in the fossil record. Comparison between extant Asteriidae, putative fossil asteriids and C. reticulatus provides ambiguous evidence of its affinities; it appears to display a combination of plesiomorphic and derived characters. It is shown that all Mesozoic forcipulatid asteroids described so far share a very simple arm construction (single row of adradial ossicles) unknown in adult extant Forcipulatida.  相似文献   

Stephen Donovan  John Jagt 《Ichnos》2013,20(1-2):67-74
Three ichnospecies of Oichnus Bromley occur in tests of the large holasteroid echinoid Hemipneustes striatoradiatus (Leske) in the type area of the Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) in The Netherlands and Belgium; Oichnus simplex Bromley (penetrative), Oichnus paraboloides Bromley (nonpenetrative and showing two distinct morphologies), and Oichnus excavatus isp. nov. (nonpenetrative). The two distinct morphologies of O. paraboloides (both shallow, one with a central boss) are gregarious, but do not occur together on the same specimens, suggesting they were generated by different taxa. Oichnus paraboloides with a central boss occurs on H. striatoradiatus from the upper Nekum Member, Maastricht Formation (Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous). Tests of the host echinoid are smaller in the overlying Meerssen Member, Maastricht Formation, where they are infested by O. excavatus, the largest borings considered herein, which have concave walls and a large central boss. Blisters inside tests from the Meerssen Member show that this infestation occurred when the echinoid was alive. It is postulated that producers of these borings in H. striatoradiatus may have been genetically related and increased in size during the Maastrichtian even as the host echinoids showed a size decrease. This size increase in H. striatoradiatus was genetic and cannot be related to increase in size of borings.  相似文献   

Summary A rich dasycladalean assemblage, mainly consisting of new taxa, has been discovered in upper Maastrichtian coarse bioclastic limestones of shelf margin facies cropping out along the southeastern coast of Salento peninsula (Puglia, Southern Italy). It consists of 8 species grouped into 6 genera:Cymopolia decastroi Parente 1994;C. barattoloi Parente, 1994;Zittelina fluegeli n.sp;Jodotella koradae (Dieni, Massari & Radoicic, 1983) nov. comb.;Barattoloporella salentina n. gen. n. sp.;Morelletpora dienii n. sp.;Neomeris spp. (two different species). Zittelina fluegeli n. sp. is characterized by an ovoid thallus with calcification made by a calcareous wall enveloping only the proximal part of the branches (except in basal whorls) and by closely packed, and partly coalescent, calcified ampullae arranged all around the median and distal portion of branches. The transferral ofNeomeris (Larvaria) koradae Dieni, Massari & Radoicic, 1983 into the genusJodotella, with the new combinationJodotella koradae, is proposed on the basis of new observations on the number and arrangement of fertile ampullae. The new genusBarattoloporella, type-speciesBarattoloporella salentina n. gen. n. sp., is erected for dasycladalean algae characterized by a segmented thallus. Each segment consists of: a) basal and apical sterile whorls made by primary branches only, b) central fertile whorls made by primary branches bearing in terminal position one fertile ampulla and one or two secondary branches. morelletpora dienii n. sp. is characterized by a segmented thallus with barrel shaped to pear shaped repetitive elements, consisting of simple whorls of first order branches only. Shape of the branches varies from regularly phloiophorous to more or less differentiated in a stalk and a swollen portion, with or without a subterminal constriction. This is by far the most diverse dasycladalean assemblage ever found in the Maastrichtian. Its diversity supports the conclusion that, within the Late Cretaceous, the Maastrichtian represents a maximum in dasycladalean diversity. Its taxonomic composition strenghtens the hypothesis that dasycladaleans were hardly affected by K/T mass extinction.  相似文献   

The Kopet-Dagh Basin is located in northeastern Iran and southern Turkmenistan. The Late Maastrichtian Kalat Formation caps the Cretaceous interval in this Basin. Based on eight measured stratigraphic sections, the depositional environments and the sea-level history of the Kalat Formation have been interpreted. Petrographic and field observations led to identification of four major carbonates (A–D) and two siliciclastic lithofacies types. Carbonate rocks were deposited on a ramp setting within three zones including restricted and semi-restricted lagoons, bars, and open marine environments, while the siliciclastics were deposited at the shoreline. Sequence stratigraphic analysis identified two depositional sequences in the western and eastern parts and three depositional sequences in the central parts of the study area. Comparing the sea-level curve of Late Maastrichtian time in the Kopet-Dagh Basin with the global sea-level curve for the same time interval, there are some geometrical similarities and differences. The variations in the Basin are related to regional tectonic settings and sediment loading of the study area. Reconstructions of depositional environment during eight time slices of the Late Maastrichtian are presented. These results could be used for comparison with other localities worldwide and provide additional data for Late Cretaceous paleogeographic reconstructions.  相似文献   

The objective of the present article is to document the first stratigraphic occurrence of the colonial oculinid Madrepora, known from the modern seas as an azooxanthellate taxon that contributes to the formation of deep-water coral reefs. The Upper Cretaceous specimens of Madrepora sp. reported herein from Poland were recovered from Upper Maastrichtian (Nasiłów and Bochotnica localities) and Lower Maastrichtian (Bliżów locality) siliceous limestones. The corals are preserved as imprints of the branch fragments and molds of the calices. Despite their moldic preservation, the coral remains exhibit key generic features of the genus Madrepora; including (1) sympodial colony growth form with calices arranged in opposite and alternating rows in one plane of the branch, and (2) imprints of the granular coenosteum texture, occasionally showing peculiar reticulate patterns. Some features of the Cretaceous Madrepora sp., such as the reticulate coenosteum texture, the range of the corallite diameter (2.8–4 mm), and the arrangement of the septa in three regular cycles resemble the skeletal features of the modern, typically constructional, species M. oculata (type species). The lack of any evidence of coral buildups and related debris in the whole Upper Cretaceous/Paleogene sequences from Poland and the sparse occurrence of colony fragments, suggests that the Cretaceous Madrepora sp. formed small, isolated colonies.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal distribution patterns throughout the late Maastrichtian Tethyan deep sea are analyzed. Many species are ubiquitously distributed throughout this region and therefore it is hard to assess their ecological preferences. However, five species show distribution patterns, which suggest that they may have distinctive paleoenvironmental preferences. These preferences are interpreted from hypothesized surface circulation and upwelling patterns. Additional information comes from Recent benthic foraminiferal ecology and from responses to the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary event. This enables us to assess the ecological preferences of these late Maastrichtian taxa, and establish them as ecological-marker (ecomarker) species for paleoenvironmental interpretation of the late Maastrichtian bathyal-abyssal Tethyan realm.(1) Eouvigerina subsculptura is suggested to be indicative of reasonably oxygenated upper-middle bathyal environments, though with high abundance of utilizable organic matter. (2) Sliteria varsoviensis is linked to areas of late Maastrichtian upwelling and seems to have been an epibenthic species with an opportunistic life mode. (3) Gavelinella beccariiformis and (4) Nuttallides truempyi are considered to be indicative of oligotrophic conditions unless they occur with a large proportion of endobenthic morphotypes. (5) Gavelinella pertusa is proposed to indicate neritic-middle bathyal environments of the ‘boreal’ realm, which might be influenced by more seasonal food-fluxes and by higher oxygen levels than similar settings in the (sub)tropics.Finally, the anomalous high abundances of the buliminid species Sitella cf. plana in deep open ocean environments is discussed in terms of possible mechanisms permitting such a (morphologically) opportunistic species to thrive in such an assumedly oligotrophic environment.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton response (calcareous nannofossils) to the Late Maastrichtian climate evolution is investigated in the South Atlantic DSDP Hole 525A and compared to published geochemical and micropaleontological data. The results point to a succession of dramatic climatic fluctuations. “Cool-water indicators” (Ahmuellerella octoradiata, Kamptnerius magnificus and Nephrolithus frequens) suggest cool surface water conditions prevailed during Chron C30n. At the top of C30n, their sudden drop in abundance, the last occurrence of B. constans and the concomitant increase in the tropical species Micula murus suggest warming and lower surface water productivity. An M. murus acme within Chron C29r reflects maximum warming. During the last 100 kyr of the Maastrichtian, the decrease in M. murus and increase in cool-water indicators reflect rapid cooling with the cool climate persisting over. The calcareous nannoplankton response to climate change correlate with similar findings in the Equatorial Atlantic Hole 1258A and parallels the stable isotope record of planktic and benthic foraminifera of DSDP Hole 525A as well as the decline in 187Os/188Os. Comparison of this marine record and the continental climate record in North America suggests a link between Deccan volcanism and the late Maastrichtian warm event.  相似文献   

Five sections of the Cardenas and Tabaco formations in east-central Mexico have been analyzed by means of bio-, Sr-isotope, and sequence stratigraphy, in order to evaluate their age as well as the timing of rudist decline.Ammonites [Pachydiscus (Pachydiscus) neubergicus (Hauer), Sphenodiscus pleurisepta (Conrad), Coahuilites sheltoni Böse] indicate an early Maastrichtian age for the topmost lower member of the Cardenas Formation and planktic foraminifera [e.g., Globotruncanita stuarti (de Lapparent), Archaeoglobigerina cretacea (d’Orbigny), Globotruncanella petaloidea (Gandolfi), Gansserina gansseri (Bolli), Globotruncana linneiana (d’Orbigny)] a late early Maastrichtian age for the middle member corresponding to the foraminiferal zones CF5 and CF6. Sr-isotope stratigraphic data yield an early late Maastrichtian age (66.93 Ma < 67.98 Ma < 68.96 Ma) for the last rudist assemblage in the topmost upper member of the Cardenas Formation, coinciding with the foraminiferal zone CF4.17 small-scale and 3 large-scale depositional cycles have been identified, which correspond to para- and depositional sequences. The progradational pattern of the large-scale cycles indicates an overall regression trend, which terminated in subaerial exposure of the area, indicated by paleosoils in the red beds of the Tabaco Formation. The correlation of the large-scale cycles with the global sea level charts indicate that eustatic sea level fall caused the regression and led to the exposure during the middle late Maastrichtian. This subaerial exposure resulted in the loss of habitat and thus the disappearance of rudists in east-central Mexico.  相似文献   

The paper reports three species of fossil phaeodarian Radiolaria of the family Challengeriidae, of which two (Protocystis pacifica and Challengeron takahashii) are new and one is determined at generic level. They have been found in a Maastrichtian sample from Site 275 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project located on Campbell Plateau, near New Zealand. Together with the two species of the same family recently described by Bragina [Paleontol. J. 37 (2003) 8] from the upper Cenomanian of Sakhalin Island, and three other species found by Takahashi [Tenth Meeting of the International Association of Radiolarian Palaeontologists, Abstracts and Programme, Lausanne (2003) 107] from the upper Campanian to lower Maastrichtian of central Japan, they represent the only Cretaceous phaeodarian species so far known. The family Challengeriidae, to which most of these species belong, seems to contain the most resistant phaeodarians to fossilization. These species prove that the skeleton structure of Cretaceous Challengeriidae is similar to Recent ones and that the difference between them is only at species level.  相似文献   

An abrupt global warming of 3–4°C occurred near the end of the Maastrichtian at 65.45–65.10 Ma. The environmental effects of this warm event are here documented based on stable isotopes and quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera at the South Atlantic DSDP Site 525A. Stable isotopes of individual species mark a rapid increase in temperature and a reduction in the vertical water mass stratification that is accompanied by a decrease in niche habitats, reduced species diversity and/or abundance, smaller species morphologies or dwarfing, and reduced photosymbiotic activity. During the warm event, the relative abundance of a large number of species decreased, including tropical–subtropical affiliated species, whereas typical mid-latitude species retained high abundances. This indicates that climate warming did not create favorable conditions for all tropical–subtropical species at mid-latitudes and did not cause a massive retreat in the local mid-latitude population. A noticeable exception is the ecological generalist Heterohelix dentata Stenestad that dominated during the cool intervals, but significantly decreased during the warm event. However, dwarfing is the most striking response to the abrupt warming and occurred in various species of different morphologies and lineages (e.g. biserial, trochospiral, keeled globotruncanids). Dwarfing is a typical reaction to environmental stress conditions and was likely the result of increased reproduction rates. Similarly, photosymbiotic activity appears to have been reduced significantly during the maximum warming, as indicated by decreased δ13C values. The foraminiferal response to climate change is thus multifaceted resulting in decreased species diversity, decreased species populations, increased competition due to reduced niche habitats, dwarfing and reduced photosymbiotic activity.  相似文献   

This paper describes dispersed angiospermous pollen grains from the Maastrichtian of Sakhalin, Russia, with scanning electron microscopy. These pollen grains includeClavatipollenites, Tricolpites, andBetulaepollenites. Exine sculpture of the pollen grains are shown in detail. The palynomorphs imply a wide range of angiosperm diversity during Maastrichtian time at the mid- or high-latitudes in the eastern Eurasia.  相似文献   


The lower Maastrichtian deposits of the Mateur-Beja area in northern Tunisia are mainly composed of fine-grained marl and limestone alternations occasionally interbedded by coarse-grained calcarenites and gravel deposits. In the coarse-grained intervals sedimentary structures are indicative of storm-induced high-energy currents in an outer ramp to slope setting and of local reworking by bottom currents in the basin. In deeper environments, fine-grained sediments accumulated mainly while settling from storm-induced suspensions. The lower Maastrichtian deposits contain abundant Zoophycos exhibiting two main morphotypes, skirt-shaped Zoophycos in deposits around storm-wave base and tongue-shaped Zoophycos in somewhat deeper sediments. The types differ in burrow architecture, morphology of lobes, and size of structural elements. These differences are attributed to different behavioral programs modulated by the availability of benthic food that decreased seaward. Storm-affected environments seem to be a prerequisite for these Zoophycos-producers to choose their habitat.  相似文献   

The latest Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian) is characterized by several global cooling and intermittent warming events. These climatic changes influenced the palaeoceanography substantially, including changes of the deep water sources and surface water currents. One of the most prominent episodes of climatic cooling occurred during the Campanian–Maastrichtian transition. This study focuses on the palaeoclimate and palaeoceanography of the Campanian–Maastrichtian transition by analysing the calcareous nannofossils of DSDP Hole 390A (139.92–126.15 mbsf; Blake Nose). For the examination of calcareous nannofossils sixty samples were processed using the settling technique. Biostratigraphical index taxa (Broinsonia parca constricta, Uniplanarius trifidus, and Tranolithus orionatus) suggest a late Campanian age for the major part of the studied section. The calcareous nannofossils are well preserved, highly abundant (6.80 billion specimens/gram sediment) and diverse (80 species/sample). The assemblages are dominated by Prediscosphaera spp. (20.5%), Watznaueria spp. (20.3%) and Retecapsa spp. (9.8%). Cool water taxa (Ahmuellerella octoradiata, Gartnerago segmentatum, and Kamptnerius magnificus), however, appear less frequently and do not exceed more than 1%. Due to their rarity these cool water taxa do not support the existence of an intense cooling phase during the Campanian–Maastrichtian transition at DSDP Hole 390A. Around 133 mbsf several nannofossil taxa, however, show a distinctive turnover. Mesotrophic species like Discorhabdus ignotus, Zeugrhabdotus bicrescenticus and Zygodiscus exmouthiensis are abundant below 133 mbsf, whereas oligotrophic taxa like Watznaueria spp., Eiffellithus spp. and Staurolithites flavus become common above this level. These changes imply a decrease in the input of nutrients, perhaps caused by a reorganization of ocean currents (Palaeo Gulf Stream) and reduced upwelling.  相似文献   

Archaeonassa is a poorly known ichnogenus, originally described from the Cambrian of North America, which is a member of the Scolicia ’group’, but can be regarded as distinct from Scolicia. Archaeonassa was originally based on modern material, and therefore falls into a taxonomic grey zone concerning its availability, but as A. fossulata was erected on fossil material the ichnogenus is here retained. Although exhibiting a degree of morphological plasticity in its style of ornament, Archaeonassa is considered to be monospecific, with only the ichnospecies A. fossulata recognised. The ichnogenus appears to be restricted to the Paleozoic, although similar material is well documented from modern environments. Thus the ichnogenus is expected to be geographically and stratigraphically more widespread than it otherwise appears. Archaeonassa is a valuable tool for environmental reconstruction within the Paleozoic as it occurs within intertidal deposits. The ichnogenus is interpreted chiefly as the work of gastropods, although in many cases may have been produced by trilobites or even echinoids, and represents the exogenic expression of either surface or shallow subsurface locomotion.  相似文献   

内蒙古海拉尔盆地南部地区晚白垩世青元岗组介形类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古海拉尔盆地南部探井青元岗组红色碎屑岩中发现较丰富的介形类化石,即下段的Ahanicypris obesa-Talicypridea triangulata组合和上段的Chinocypridea augusta-Talicypridea qingyuangangensis组合,这些介形类化石地方性色彩强烈,表现为以具冠状壳喙类型的Ahanicypris,Talicypridea,Chinocypridea和网纹发育的Harbinia等属繁盛为特征,反映了中国东北地区晚白垩世晚期介形类动物群面貌。根据介形类化石组合特征及其分布规律,可以与松辽盆地晚白垩世四方台组的介形类动物群对比,时代为晚白垩世Maastrichtian期。  相似文献   

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