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We study the uniformly 13C,15N isotopically enriched Escherichia coli multidrug resistance transporter EmrE using MAS solid-state NMR. Solid-state NMR can provide complementary structural information as the method allows studying membrane proteins in their native environment as no detergent is required for reconstitution. We compare the spectra obtained from wildtype EmrE to those obtained from the mutant EmrE-E14C. To resolve the critical amino acid E14, glutamic/aspartic acid selective experiments are carried out. These experiments allow to assign the chemical shift of the carboxylic carbon of E14. In addition, spectra are analyzed which are obtained in the presence and absence of the ligand TPP+.  相似文献   

Solid-state magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has sufficient resolving power for full assignment of resonances and structure determination of immobilised biological samples as was recently shown for a small microcrystalline protein. In this work, we show that highly resolved spectra may be obtained from a system composed of a receptor-toxin complex. The NMR sample used for our studies consists of a membrane preparation of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from the electric organ of Torpedo californica which was incubated with uniformly 13C-,15N-labelled neurotoxin II. Despite the large size of the ligand-receptor complex ( > 290 kDa) and the high lipid content of the sample, we were able to detect and identify residues from the ligand. The comparison with solution NMR data of the free toxin indicates that its overall structure is very similar when bound to the receptor, but significant changes were observed for one isoleucine.  相似文献   

The ability of lysolipids to enter into a membrane bi-layer and disturb the membrane structure was used to study the behavior of K562 erythroleukemic cells, K562 wild type (K562wt) as well as the multidrug resistant cells K562adr. Both types of cells, when analyzed by proton NMR spectroscopy exhibit the high resolution signals assigned to so-called "mobile lipid" signals, which, in most cases, are located outside the lipid bi-layer as lipid droplets. In order to perform these studies, the K562wt and K562adr cells were treated for 48h with lysophosphatidylcholine oleoyl (LPC18), lysophosphatidylcholine palmitoyl (LPC16) and L-alpha-lysophosphatidyslerine (LPS). After evaluating toxicity of lysolipids, proton NMR of whole treated cells was used to analyze the mobile lipid content. Nile red staining and fluorescence microscopy were used to detect the presence of intracellular lipid droplets. Membrane lipid asymmetry perturbation was estimated by annexin V staining with use of flow cytometry. Using fluorescence spectroscopy the functioning of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) responsible for multidrug resistance was also evaluated after the treatment with lysolipids. Lysolipids were found to be more toxic for K562wt than for K562adr cells. LPS and LPC16 produced an increased of a mobile lipid NMR signal and amount of lipid droplets in K562wt cells only. LPC18, with the lowest toxicity, has shown more intense effects on NMR spectra with a large increase of lipid NMR signal without changes in lipid droplet staining. The functioning of the P-gp pump and membrane asymmetry were not modified by any of the lysolipids used.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli EmrE is a small multidrug resistance protein encompassing four transmembrane (TM) sequences that oligomerizes to confer resistance to antimicrobials. Here we examined the effects on in vivo protein accumulation and ethidium resistance activity of single residue substitutions at conserved and variable positions in EmrE transmembrane segment 2 (TM2). We found that activity was reduced when conserved residues localized to one TM2 surface were replaced. Our findings suggest that conserved TM2 positions tolerate greater residue diversity than conserved sites in other EmrE TM sequences, potentially reflecting a source of substrate polyspecificity.  相似文献   

27Al and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopies were used to investigate aluminum interactions at pH 3.4 with model membranes composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC). A solution state 27Al NMR difference assay was developed to quantify aluminum binding to POPC multilamellar vesicles (MLVs). Corresponding one-dimensional (1D) fast magic angle spinning (MAS) 31P NMR spectra showed that aluminum induced the appearance of two new isotropic resonances for POPC shifted to -6.4 ppm and -9.6 ppm upfield relative to, and in slow exchange with, the control resonance at -0.6 ppm. Correlation of the (27)Al and (31)P NMR binding data revealed a 1:2 aluminum:phospholipid stoichiometry in the aluminum-bound complex at -9.6 ppm and a 1:1 aluminum:phospholipid stoichiometry in that at -6.4 ppm. Slow MAS 31P NMR spectra demonstrated shifts in the anisotropic chemical shift tensor components of the aluminum-bound POPC consistent with a close coordination of aluminum with phosphorus. A model of the aluminum-bis-phospholipid complex is proposed on the basis of these findings.  相似文献   

EmrE is a member of the small multidrug resistance (SMR) protein family in Escherichia coli. It confers resistance to a wide variety of quaternary cation compounds (QCCs) as an efflux transporter driven by the transmembrane proton motive force. We have expressed hexahistidinyl (His6) – myc epitope tagged EmrE, extracted it from membrane preparations using the detergent n-dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside (DDM), and purified it using nickel-affinity chromatography. The size of the EmrE protein, in DDM environment, was then examined in the presence and absence of a range of structurally different QCC ligands that varied in their chemical structure, charge and shape. We used dynamic light scattering and showed that the size and oligomeric state distributions are dependent on the type of QCC. We also followed changes in the Trp fluorescence and determined apparent dissociation constants (Kd). Overall, our in vitro analyses of epitope tagged EmrE demonstrated subtle but significant differences in the size distributions with different QCC ligands bound.  相似文献   

Natural maize starches having a range of amylose contents have been characterised by CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy. Chemical shifts, relative resonance intensities, line-widths and spectral shapes were compared at different moisture contents. At 10% moisture content, these parameters showed few significant differences across a range of apparent amylose levels from 0 to 84%. After hydration of the granules to ≈30% moisture, it was found that the amylose content significantly affected the relative signal intensities and line-widths especially of C-1 and C-4 resonances. Narrower line-widths after hydration were attributed to (i) an increased degree of crystallinity, and (ii) disappearance of the signals of amorphous material which, on becoming more mobile, became invisible to the CP/MAS experiment. The enhanced resolution at higher moisture levels revealed signals which were assigned to the amylose–lipid complex, i.e. V-type amylose. The amount of V-amylose detected by NMR increased with both amylose content and lipid content of the granule. Prolonged treatment of the granules with iodine vapour significantly increased the amount of V-type amylose in the high amylose samples, but caused a decrease in their degree of crystallinity. Waxy-maize starch was barely affected by iodination. The results provide evidence that amylose tends to disrupt the structural order within amylopectin crystallities. This effect is enhanced by the formation of the amylose–iodine complex, indicating that V-amylose could be a major crystallite-disrupting agent in native starch granules.  相似文献   

Summary A method is proposed for defining a probability distribution on an ensemble of protein conformations from a 2D NOE spectrum, while at the same time back-calculating the experimental spectrum from the ensemble. This enables one to assess the relative quality and significance of the conformations, and to test the consistency of the ensemble as a whole with the experimental spectrum. The method eliminates the need to integrate the cross-peak intensities and is surprisingly insensitive to random noise in the spectrum. In this communication, these advantages are demonstrated by applying the method to simulated data, for which the correct result is already known.Abbreviations NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - BPTI basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor - rmsd root-mean-square deviation  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method of determining ionized magnesium in erythrocytes using a potentiometric clinical analyzer, Microlyte 6 (Kone, Finland), was investigated. The erythrocyte cell membranes were destroyed using ultrasound. The results were compared with those obtained with the (31)P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy method and the zero-point titration method using atomic absorption spectrometry. The results obtained from potentiometry and from the other methods did not differ significantly (Student t test, alpha = 0.01). Total magnesium concentration was determined using atomic absorption spectrometry.  相似文献   

Acute liver ischaemia‐reperfusion injury (IRI), commonly encountered during liver resection and transplantation surgery, is strongly associated with unfavourable clinical outcome. However, a prompt and accurate diagnosis and the treatment of this entity remain formidable challenges. This study tested the hypothesis that 31P‐magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P‐MRS) findings could provide reliable living images to accurately identify the degree of acute liver IRI and melatonin‐pretreated mitochondria was an innovative treatment for protecting the liver from IRI in rat. Adult male SD rats were categorized into group 1 (sham‐operated control), group 2 (IRI only) and group 3 (IRI + melatonin [ie mitochondrial donor rat received intraperitoneal administration of melatonin] pretreated mitochondria [10 mg/per rat by portal vein]). By the end of study period at 72 hours, 31P‐MRS showed that, as compared with group 1, the hepatic levels of ATP and NADH were significantly lower in group 2 than in groups 1 and 3, and significantly lower in group 3 than in group 1. The liver protein expressions of mitochondrial‐electron‐transport‐chain complexes and mitochondrial integrity exhibited an identical pattern to 31P‐MRS finding. The protein expressions of oxidative stress, inflammatory, cellular stress signalling and mitochondrial‐damaged biomarkers displayed an opposite finding of 31P‐MRS, whereas the protein expressions of antioxidants were significantly progressively increased from groups 1 to 3. Microscopic findings showed that the fibrotic area/liver injury score and inflammatory and DNA‐damaged biomarkers exhibited an identical pattern of cellular stress signalling. Melatonin‐pretreated mitochondria effectively protected liver against IRI and 31P‐MRS was a reliable tool for measuring the mitochondrial/ATP consumption in living animals.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology was applied to study the glucose metabolism inTribolium confusum (Coleoptera).13C signals of D-(1-13C)glucose eaten by beetles were clearly detected in such metabolites of the glucose metabolism as glycogen, trehalose, triacylglycerol, alanine and proline by13C-NMR. After glucose feeding the31P-NMR spectra ofT. confusum showed the signal intensity increases in arginine-phosphate, sugar-phosphate and uridine diphosphoglucose. The results demonstrated the potential of NMR analysis for the study of glucose metabolism inT. confusum.  相似文献   

The fate of hydrogen atoms at C-2 of glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) and C-1 of fructose 6-phosphate (F6P) was studied in the reaction catalysed by phosphoglucose isomerase from Thermococcus kodakarensis (TkPGI) through 1D and 2D NMR methods. When the reaction was performed in 2H2O the hydrogen atoms in the aforementioned positions were exchanged with deuterons indicating that the isomerization occurred by a cis-enediol intermediate involving C-1 pro-R hydrogen of F6P. These features are similar to those described for phosphoglucose isomerases from rabbit muscle and Pyrococcus furiosus.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance transporter MRP1 could be effectively inhibited by some flavonoids. The influence of the two pairs of isoflavones: formononetin/daidzein and biochanin A/genistein on the efflux of fluorescent substrate of MRP1-like protein from erythrocytes and biophysical properties of lipid membranes has been compared. Compounds in each pair differ by the substituent in position 4' of B ring of isoflavone molecule. In the process of O-demethylation, CH(3) group (present in formonetin and biochanin A) is replaced by hydrogen (daidzein, genistein). Inhibition of MRP1-like protein transport activity by methylated and demethylated isoflavones was very similar. Their influence on lipid thermotropic properties and fluidity of lipid bilayer was not also significantly different.  相似文献   

Porcine stress syndrome (PSS) which is an example of malignant hyperthermia (MH) in swine has previously been attributed to oxidative stress primarily due to an inherited antioxidant abnormality in MH susceptible (MHS) animals. C-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN), a free radical spin trap, was selected to investigate whether free radicals are involved in MH. If free radicals cause the MH stress attack, then PBN should alter the time required for the onset of the stress attack, or perhaps protect the animal from experiencing the stress attack. In vivo phosphorus-31 (31P) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was used to monitor metabolism in three to four week old normal and MHS piglets administered halothane as the stress challenge. Malignant hyperthermia was not reproducibly induced by halothane anesthesia. For those animals which did develop MH a dramatic fall in the level of PCr and a rise in the level of Pi was detected by 31P MRS. Intravenous administration of PBN prior to halothane exposure had no effect on the number of animals experiencing the stress attack. PBN does not appear to prevent, delay or reverse the onset of halothane-induced MH in three to four week old MHS piglets. The primary events leading to the MH syndrome do not appear to be influenced by the intervention of the type of free radicals normally trapped by PBN.  相似文献   

The effects of a type I AFP on the bulk melting of frozen AFP solutions and frozen AFP+solute solutions were studied through an NMR microimaging experiment. The solutes studied include sodium chloride and glucose and the amino acids alanine, threonine, arginine, and aspartic acid. We found that the AFP is able to induce the bulk melting of the frozen AFP solutions at temperatures lower than 0 °C and can also keep the ice melted at higher temperatures in the AFP+solute solutions than those in the corresponding solute solutions. The latter shows that the ice phases were in super-heated states in the frozen AFP+solute solutions. We have tried to understand the first experimental phenomenon via the recent theoretical prediction that type I AFP can induce the local melting of ice upon adsorption to ice surfaces. The latter experimental phenomenon was explained with the hypothesis that the adsorption of AFP to ice surfaces introduces a less hydrophilic water-AFP-ice interfacial region, which repels the ionic/hydrophilic solutes. Thus, this interfacial region formed an intermediate chemical potential layer between the water phase and the ice phase, which prevented the transfer of water from the ice phase to the water phase. We have also attempted to understand the significance of the observed melting phenomena to the survival of organisms that express AFPs over cold winters.  相似文献   

The folding properties of a bile acid binding protein, belonging to a subfamily of the fatty acid binding proteins, have been here investigated both by hydrogen exchange measurements, using the SOFAST NMR approach, and urea denaturation experiments. The urea unfolding profiles of individual residues, acting as single probes, were simultaneously analyzed through a global fit, according to a two-state unfolding model. The resulting conformational stability ΔGU(H2O) = 7.2 ± 0.25 kcal mol−1 is in good agreement with hydrogen exchange stability ΔGop. While the majority of protein residues satisfy this model, few amino-acids display a singular behavior, not directly amenable to the presence of a folding intermediate, as reported for other fatty acid binding proteins. These residues are part of a protein patch characterized by enhanced plasticity. To explain this singular behavior a tentative model has been proposed which takes into account the interplay between the dynamic features and the formation of transient aggregates. A functional role for this plasticity, related to translocation across the nuclear membrane, is discussed.  相似文献   

 The Gd(III) complex of 4-pentylbicyclo[2.2.2]octane-1-carboxyl-di-l-aspartyl-lysine-derived DTPA, [GdL(H2O)]2–, binds to serum albumin in vivo, through hydrophobic interaction. A variable temperature 17O NMR, EPR, and Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion (NMRD) study resulted in a water exchange rate of k 298 ex=4.2×106 s–1, and let us conclude that the GdL complex is identical to [Gd(DTPA)(H2O)]2– in respect to water exchange and electronic relaxation. The effect of albumin binding on the water exchange rate has been directly evaluated by 17O NMR. Contrary to expectations, the water exchange rate on GdL does not decrease considerably when bound to bovine serum albumin (BSA); the lowest limit can be given as k ex, GdL-BSA=k ex, GdL / 2. In the knowledge of the water exchange rate for the BSA-bound GdL complex, the analysis of its NMRD profile at 35  °C yielded a rotational correlation time of 1.0 ns, one order of magnitude shorter than that of the whole protein. This value is supported by the longitudinal 17O relaxation rates. This indicates a remarkable internal flexibility, probably due to the relatively large distance between the protein- and metal-binding moieties of the ligand. Received: 25 June 1998 / Accepted: 11 August 1998  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) association can improve plant phosphorus (P) nutrition. Polyphosphates (polyP) synthesized in distant fungal cells after P uptake may contribute to P supply from the fungus to the host plant if they are hydrolyzed to phosphate in ECM roots then transferred to the host plant when required. In this study, we addressed this hypothesis for the ECM fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum grown in vitro and incubated without plant or with host (Pinus pinaster) and non‐host (Zea mays) plants, using an experimental system simulating the symbiotic interface. We used 32P labelling to quantify P accumulation and P efflux and in vivo and in vitro nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and cytological staining to follow the fate of fungal polyP. Phosphate supply triggered a massive P accumulation as newly synthesized long‐chain polyP in H. cylindrosporum if previously grown under P‐deficient conditions. P efflux from H. cylindrosporum towards the roots was stimulated by both host and non‐host plants. However, the host plant enhanced 32P release compared with the non‐host plant and specifically increased the proportion of short‐chain polyP in the interacting mycelia. These results support the existence of specific host plant effects on fungal P metabolism able to provide P in the apoplast of ectomycorrhizal roots.  相似文献   

31P-NMR in vivo spectroscopy is a non-invasive and non-hazardous technique which investigates chemical composition and metabolism of living objects, for example by determining phosphocreatine (PCr) and ATP concentrations. In the present study we investigated the influence of L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine on the energetic state of the Langendorff rat heart subjected to an ischemic period of 20 min followed by a reperfusion period of 60 min. To avoid an overlapping of the effects of fatty acids and glucose, the hearts were perfused with a Tyrode solution containing no fatty acids. Ischemia causes a rapid decrease in the PCr signal, followed by a decrease in the ATP signal after a prolonged period of ischemia. At the same time, a drastic increase in the Pi signal was observed. A partial recovery of the ATP and PCr signals was observed in the reperfusion period. With L-carnitine a markedly improved recovery of the high energy phosphates (e.g. increased PCr/Pi ratios) was found. With acetyl-L-carnitine this effect was enhanced in the first postischemic phase. It was followed, however, by a more rapid decrease in the PCr/Pi ratio in the late reperfusion period. The effect of propionyl-L-carnitine was not significantly improved in the first minutes of the reperfusion period, but during the whole reperfusion phase a stabilization of the PCr/Pi ratio was observed. Intracellular pH can be calculated from determination of the Pi-chemical shift. This shows that L-carnitine and its derivatives have a protective effect against intracellular pH decrease during ischemia. L-carnitine improves the energetic state of the heart, which leads to increased ischemia tolerance. Hearts under L-carnitine were able to tolerate up to four ischemia-reperfusion periods in succession, whereas the controls were not able to do so. These NMR results confirm the hypothesis that L-carnitine and its esters have a protective effect in the reperfusion period of the ischemic rat heart. This could be of importance for the treatment of ischemic cardiac diseases.  相似文献   

The GTPase effector domain (GED) of dynamin forms large soluble oligomers in vitro, while its mutant – I697A – lacks this property at low concentrations. With a view to understand the intrinsic structural characteristics of the polypeptide chain, the global unfolding characteristics of GED wild type (WT) and I697A were compared using biophysical techniques. Quantitative analysis of the CD and fluorescence denaturation profiles revealed that unfolding occurred by a two-state process and the mutant was less stable than the WT. Even in the denatured state, the mutation caused chemical shift perturbations and significant differences were observed in the 15N transverse relaxation rates (R2), not only at the mutation site but all around. These results demonstrate that the hydrophobic change associated with the mutation perturbs the structural and motional preferences locally, which are then relayed via different folding pathways along the chain and the property of oligomerization in the native state is affected.  相似文献   

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