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Annual and seasonal variation in reproductive timing and performance were studied in a population of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor over 10 years in southern Sweden. The median laying date of the first egg varied by up to 17 days between years, being generally larger than the variation of laying dates within years. Neither clutch size, brood size in successful nests, fledging success in successful nests nor mean nestling weight differed significantly between years. There was no trend for mean clutch size to vary between early and late years. In spite of a more than threefold variation in population size, no reproductive variable demonstrated an apparent density-dependence. Within the season, clutch size declined steeply with increasing clutch initiation date, whereas fledging success and nesting success did not, leading to a trend in brood size almost identical to the trend in clutch size. The survival prospects of fledged young declined with increasing clutch initiation date, and it is argued that the clutch size laid is a strategic adjustment to laying date. Out of 124 breeding attempts, 34% did not produce fledged young. In 9% of the breeding attempts, pairs laid no eggs. At least 20% of the breeding attempts failed after egg-laying. The most common cause of breeding failure was loss of the breeding partner followed by nest abandonment (40% of the failures). Only 16–28% of the failures were due to predation on the nest. Most complete failures, and also partial losses from nests, occurred at the early breeding stages. It is argued that the early nestling phase may be a critical stage, which the woodpeckers adjust to coincide with the seasonal food peak, explaining the strikingly late breeding season compared with other non-migrant species.  相似文献   

Selection for synchronous breeding in the European starling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Henrik G. Smith 《Oikos》2004,105(2):301-311
Colonial birds often demonstrate considerable breeding synchrony. In southern Sweden the semi-colonial European starling initiated the vast majority of clutches within one week. Laying dates were positively skewed so that many birds initiated clutches at similar dates early in the season. Breeding was further synchronised by a particularly strong clutch-size reduction equivalent to one third of an egg per day during the first part of the breeding season. The decline in clutch size with season also held true for separate age-classes of females, for individual females laying at different times at different years and for individual females laying at different times the same year. Trends in breeding success during nestling rearing were unlikely to explain the high degree of breeding synchrony or the seasonal decline in clutch size; nestling survival and growth were weakly related or unrelated to reproductive timing. In contrast recruitment success of fledged offspring declined sharply with season. Even within the synchronous laying period, defined as clutches initiated during the first week each year, local recruitment success declined. It is suggested that the early seasonal decline is caused by selection for synchronous fledging permitting the immediate formation of flocks after fledging, whereas the late seasonal trends may be caused by either population differences in female quality or deteriorating conditions for raising young.  相似文献   

We report on variation in rates of egg loss among Brünnich's Guillemot Uria lomvia breeding at Coats Island, northern Hudson Bay, in 1997–1999, and on several cases of adult mortality during incubation in the same years. Common factors in the dates of peak egg loss and adult mortality were high maximum daily temperatures and the presence of high numbers of mosquitoes in the area. Mortality was confined to breeding sites close to the edge of the colony, where mosquito parasitism was highest, and to those sites exposed to afternoon sunshine. High temperatures that occurred on days without mosquitoes were not associated with high egg losses or with adult mortality. Hence, it appears that a combination of heat and mosquitoes was necessary to bring about observed mortality and egg losses. The dates of first appearance and peak abundance of mosquitoes at Coats Island have advanced since the mid-1980s, perhaps in response to ongoing climate change. The effects on breeding Brünnich's Guillemots suggest that the birds have not had time to adjust their behaviour to the resulting changes in the timing of peak mosquito parasitism.  相似文献   

Studies of variation in breeding parameters are often based on temporal analyses of a single population. However, to differentiate between the effects of regional and local factors, neighboring populations with limited interpopulational dispersal need to be compared. We studied two nearby (< 5 km apart) populations of House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon bonariae) at two ranches (Los Zorzales, 10 years; La Esperanza, 13 years) in south-temperate Argentina to assess the possible effects of regional and local factors on breeding phenology. For each breeding season, we recorded laying dates, clutch sizes, and length of the breeding season, and estimated the reproductive synchrony of first and second breeding attempts. We examined how these breeding parameters were affected by weather, population density, and rates of nest failure. With favorable temperatures during the pre-reproductive period (September–October), wrens in both populations initiated first breeding attempts earlier. However, ordinal laying dates were also affected by local factors, with wrens at Los Zorzales initiating breeding attempts earlier than those at La Esperanza. We found a spatial correlation in clutch sizes between populations for the 2007–2012 breeding seasons, but clutch sizes of first and second nesting attempts showed low variability. Reproductive synchrony of first nesting attempts varied among years, suggesting an effect of regional factors. However, we detected no synchronization between populations and were unable to identify environmental variables that explained the temporal variation. Ordinal laying dates of second clutches were strongly correlated with the ordinal laying dates of first clutches. We also found that the length of breeding seasons was longer when daily nest mortality rates were lower. Although environmental factors seemed to affect the decision of when to start breeding, pairs with successful first nesting attempts were more likely to initiate second nests, thus affecting the length of the breeding season. The spatial variation and temporal variation of the breeding parameters of House Wrens in our study provide evidence of marked plasticity in their breeding decisions and allowed us to identify local and regional environmental factors related to this variation.  相似文献   

The influence of climate, age and egg-laying experience on reproductive performance (propensity, fecundity, timing) of a flock of captive houbara bustards was determined. The flock, established in Saudi Arabia for reintroduction purposes, was housed in outdoor pens, and fed food and water ad libitum. Birds were artificially inseminated when they came into breeding condition and eggs were removed soon after laying. Winter temperatures, rather than rainfall, synchronized reproduction in the captive flock. Cooler winter temperatures led to higher proportions of females laying, an earlier start to laying, and greater numbers of eggs laid per season. The first significant rainfall of the season stimulated some females to lay their last egg. Age per se had little effect on breeding performance independent of egg-laying experience. Females with no previous egg-laying experience laid fewer eggs than similarly aged females with previous experience. This difference, in combination with a pattern of increasing recruitment into the breeding population between 1 and 5 years of age, led to improved breeding performance in the population with age. The inferior performance of first-time egg-layers, despite ad libitum food, indicates restraint in the onset of breeding, which may be an adaptation for optimizing life-time fitness.  相似文献   

Climate change is profoundly affecting the phenology of many species. In migratory birds, there is evidence for advances in their arrival time at the breeding ground and their timing of breeding, yet empirical studies examining the interdependence between arrival and breeding time are lacking. Hence, evidence is scarce regarding how breeding time may be adjusted via the arrival‐breeding interval to help local populations adapt to local conditions or climate change. We used long‐term data from an intensively monitored population of the northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) to examine the factors related to the length of 734 separate arrival‐to‐breeding events from 549 individual females. From 1993 to 2017, the mean arrival and egg‐laying dates advanced by approximately the same amount (~5–6 days), with considerable between‐individual variation in the arrival‐breeding interval. The arrival‐breeding interval was shorter for: (a) individuals that arrived later in the season compared to early‐arriving birds, (b) for experienced females compared to first‐year breeders, (c) as spring progressed, and (d) in later years compared to earlier ones. The influence of these factors was much larger for birds arriving earlier in the season compared to later arriving birds, with most effects on variation in the arrival‐breeding interval being absent in late‐arriving birds. Thus, in this population it appears that the timing of breeding is not constrained by arrival for early‐ to midarriving birds, but instead is dependent on local conditions after arrival. For late‐arriving birds, however, the timing of breeding appears to be influenced by arrival constraints. Hence, impacts of climate change on arrival dates and local conditions are expected to vary for different parts of the population, with potential negative impacts associated with these factors likely to differ for early‐ versus late‐arriving birds.  相似文献   

Jaime Potti   《Acta Oecologica》2008,33(3):387-393
The predicted effects of recent climate warming on egg size in birds are controversial, as only two long-term studies have been reported, with contrasting results. Long-term data on egg size variation are analyzed in relation to ambient temperatures in a southern European population of pied flycatchers where breeding phenology has not matched the spring advancement in the last decades. Cross-sectional, population analyses indicated that egg breadth, but not egg length, has decreased significantly along the 16-year period, leading to marginally non-significant decreases in egg volume. Longitudinal, individual analyses revealed that despite females consistently laying larger eggs when they experienced warmer temperatures during the prelaying and laying periods, there was an overall negative response – i.e. decreasing egg volume and breadth with increasing spring (May) average temperatures – across individuals. This trend is hypothesised to be caused by the mismatched breeding phenology, in relation to climate warming, of this population. Except in the unlikely cases of populations capable of perfectly synchronising their phenology to changes in their environment, maladjustments are likely for traits such as egg size, which depend strongly on female condition. Slight changes or absence thereof in breeding dates may be followed by mismatched dates, in terms of food abundance, for optimal egg formation, which would be reflected in smaller average egg size, contrary to early predictions on the effects of climate warming on bird egg size.  相似文献   

1. Using data from 327 nests over a consecutive 8-year period we examined age-specific variation in reproduction in a population of stitchbirds (or hihi) Notiomystis cincta and related how differences in reproductive performance were linked to the timing of territory establishment and breeding. 2. Across the population all reproductive parameters showed a quadratic relationship with an increase mainly between the first and second breeding season and a decline after the fourth year. A longitudinal analysis showed evidence of senescence by the sixth year in the numbers of chicks fledged and recruited. 3. Reproductive increases between years 1 and 2 were the result of poor-quality females dying after their first breeding season (differential selection hypothesis) in combination with surviving females showing improvements in reproduction in their second year (individual improvement/constraint hypothesis). 4. There was no effect of mate experience or territory quality on improvements in breeding between years. 5. The key variable influencing reproductive output was the timing of breeding. Birds that started laying earlier were more likely to lay multiple clutches in any given season. This was the main difference between first-year and older birds; generally first-year birds initiated egg laying later and consequently laid fewer clutches. 6. Approximately half of all first-year birds did not establish their territory until after the breeding season had begun. This delay in territory establishment resulted in these birds delaying breeding, which resulted in them having a lower reproductive output relative to all other birds. First-year birds that managed to establish their territory before breeding commenced, had similar rates of reproduction as older birds. 7. There was a positive relationship between the timing of territory establishment during a female's first year and her hatching date in the previous breeding season. We hypothesize that this was because late-hatched females were less able to effectively compete for territories against earlier-hatched members of their cohort, and this delayed their establishment and breeding in their first year. Thus, this social constraint is likely to be a major factor driving age-specific reproductive variation in this population.  相似文献   

CLARE S. LLOYD 《Ibis》1979,121(2):165-176
A study of the breeding biology of the Razorbill was carried out on Skokholm (South Wales) during 1971-73. Birds ringed or colour ringed before the study began provided additional information upon the effects of age on breeding. Mean laying date was delayed in 1972, compared with 1971; the effect is attributed chiefly to stormy weather which upset colony attendance. Eggs were also smaller in 1972. A seasonal decline in egg size (volume) was noted in all three years, attributed mainly to the later laying of young birds. Egg size increased with age, at least up to the fifteenth year. Eggs lost totalled 30% of those laid; 73% of this total was due to predation by Herring Gulls and of Jackdaws. Most losses (45%) occurred during the first 10 days after laying. Of lost eggs, 25% were replaced, usually 14 days after the loss of the original; only eggs laid and lost early in the season could be replaced. Only 7% of the chicks which hatched failed to fledge. Most (62.5%) chick losses occurred in the first week of nestling life, when chick weight was related to egg size. Afterwards, both growth rate and fledging weight were independent of egg size. The chicks fledging early in the season were heavier than later chicks. Failure to fledge was mainly due to a breakdown in behaviour between parent and young, rather than to predation. Breeding success was highest for birds breeding early in the season, most of which were older, more experienced breeders. These laid early enough to replace an egg if it was lost; they produced large eggs, and their chicks were therefore both heavier than average during the critical first 7–10 days of life, and fledged at a high weight. Thus experience accumulated with age, and the ability to lay early in the season are important for successful breeding in the Razorbill.  相似文献   

Temporal heterogeneity in the effects of food supply during the breeding season on the productivity of the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo was investigated in a supplementary feeding experiment. Pairs were fed artificially (1) before egg‐laying, (2) after chicks hatched and (3) continuously throughout the season, and compared with (4) unfed controls. Pairs fed before egg‐laying had marginally larger clutches than those not fed, but lay date, egg volume and weight, brood size and hatching success were unaffected. Territorial quality had far greater effects, with pairs nesting in low‐quality habitats (bog, scrub and semi‐natural grassland) laying later and having lower hatching success, smaller broods and fewer fledglings than those in more productive agricultural landscapes. Supplementary feeding after egg hatching neutralized the negative effect of poor habitat, resulting in fed birds having significantly more fledglings. This study emphasizes the importance of food availability when provisioning chicks in suboptimal habitats and has implications for the success of diversionary feeding in reducing game losses to Buzzards.  相似文献   

In classical and multi-clutch polyandry, females lay multiple clutches during a breeding season for more than one mate. The production of multiple clutches may be energetically demanding. We used comparative analyses to investigate three possible ways of reducing such egg-laying costs in polyandrous shorebirds: (1) reduction in egg size, (2) reduction in clutch size, and (3) evolutionary increase in female size. Paired comparisons of polyandrous and non-polyandrous taxa showed that females of polyandrous shorebirds lay smaller eggs than females of closely related monogamous and polygynous species. Directional analyses corroborated this result by indicating a significant decrease in egg size after phylogenetically independent origins of polyandry. The comparative analyses uniformly rejected the two alternatives, i.e. neither clutch size nor female size is related to social mating pattern. We also tested and rejected three alternative explanations for reduced egg size in polyandrous taxa. First, we found no evidence that polyandrous females have evolved smaller egg sizes in response to selection to match smaller size of males, which provide the parental care in these species. Second, reduction in egg size was not related to longer breeding seasons (and hence more opportunity for re-nesting). Third, reduced egg sizes were also not related to rates of clutch predation (another potential correlate of multiple clutch production). Our results are thus consistent with the hypothesis that selection for reducing laying costs explains small egg size in socially polyandrous shorebirds.  相似文献   

Alpine environments are unique systems to examine variation in life-history strategies because temperature and seasonality are similar across broad latitudinal gradients. We studied the life-history strategies, demography and population growth of white-tailed ptarmigan Lagopus leucura, an alpine specialist, at the latitudinal extremes of the range in the Yukon (YK, studied from 2004 to 2008) and Colorado (CO, 1987–1996). The two populations were separated by 2,400 km of latitude, and the Yukon site was approximately 2,000 m lower in elevation than the Colorado site. Yukon females bred on average 9 days earlier than those in Colorado, but the latter study was conducted 15 years earlier and breeding dates may have advanced over this period. The length of the breeding season was similar between the two populations, and females had comparable probabilities of re-nesting after failure. The two populations differed in how they allocated effort to the first clutch as Yukon females laid larger clutches (7.1 vs. 5.9 eggs) but smaller eggs (18.8 vs. 20.5 g) than those in Colorado. Demographic rates also differed; nest survival was higher in the Yukon (0.40) than in Colorado (0.24), and the resultant annual fecundity was nearly twice as high in the Yukon (3.92 vs. 1.77 chicks/female). In contrast, annual adult survival was higher in Colorado although the confidence intervals overlapped (females: YK = 0.35, CO = 0.44; males: YK = 0.48, CO = 0.59). Estimates of annual population growth (λ) indicated both populations were declining, especially in Colorado (λ YK = 0.83, λ CO = 0.66), and thus, dispersal movements are likely key to long-term persistence in both cases. Our findings suggest that breeding-season temperature and seasonality affect measures related to timing of reproduction, but not the costs and benefits of clutch and egg size.  相似文献   

Correlations between female investment in egg production and age, breeding experience and laying date have been reported in several seabird species. In general, clutch and egg sizes increase with female age and breeding experience but decrease with laying date. Positive correlations of clutch and egg size with age and breeding experience can be caused by an increase in reproductive investment with maturation or they may be an artefact of lower survival rates for individuals with poor-quality phenotypes. Negative correlations of clutch and egg size with laying date might signal an adaptive reduction in egg production or be due in part to variation among individuals. We examined the interactions of female age, breeding experience, laying date and clutch and egg size in Adélie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae . Breeding experience strongly affected clutch size with 87.3% of all one-egg clutches laid by first-time breeders. In addition, increasing age had a positive influence on egg size and was associated with earlier laying dates. However, there was little evidence to suggest that either clutch or egg sizes are influenced by laying date. Laying dates and clutch and egg sizes did not affect a female's probability of returning to breed in the following year, indicating that increased investment is a product of maturation and not of the loss of poor-quality breeders from the population. Our results suggest that as female Adélie Penguins gain foraging and breeding experience they are able to initiate breeding earlier, to lay complete clutches of two eggs and to lay larger eggs.  相似文献   

In many species, females produce fewer offspring than they are capable of rearing, possibly because increases in current reproductive effort come at the expense of a female's own survival and future reproduction. To test this, we induced female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) to lay more eggs than they normally would and assessed the potential costs of increasing cumulative investment in the three main components of the avian breeding cycle – egg laying, incubation and nestling provisioning. Females with increased clutch sizes reared more offspring in the first brood than controls, but fledged a lower proportion of nestlings. Moreover, nestlings of experimental females were lighter than those of control females as brood size and prefledging mass were negatively correlated. In second broods of the season, when females were not manipulated, experimental females laid the same number of eggs as controls, but experienced an intraseasonal cost through reduced hatchling survival and a lower number of young fledged. Offspring of control and experimental females were equally likely to recruit to the breeding population, although control females produced more recruits per egg laid. The reproductive success of recruits from broods of experimental and control females did not differ. The manipulation also induced interseasonal costs to future reproduction, as experimental females had lower fecundity than controls when breeding at least 2 years after having their reproductive effort experimentally increased. Finally, females producing the modal clutch size of seven eggs in their first broods had the highest lifetime number of fledglings.  相似文献   

The population of great hornbills (Buceros bicornis) in the United States is rapidly aging, and captive breeding efforts have not met population managers' expectations for a sustainable captive group. Little is known about the reproductive physiology of these birds. This study reports the first data on the re‐productive endocrinology of the great hornbill. The hormone profiles of the only pair of these birds that hatched a chick in the 1999–2000 breeding season are compared to the profiles of six other pairs of hornbills, from different institutions in the United States, that did not reproduce successfully that season. The study investigates the estradiol, corticosterone, and testosterone profiles of these seven pairs of birds, establishing a base of knowledge from which endocrine data may be used to improve the success of captive breeding programs. The estradiol profiles from this study indicate a difference in hormonal patterns between laying and non‐laying female great hornbills. Egg‐laying females had significantly higher estradiol concentrations during the breeding season than the non‐laying females (P<0.003). Testosterone concentrations of the males were not significantly different between the mates of egg‐laying and non‐egg‐laying females. The corticosterone concentrations tended to be lower in the females that laid eggs vs. the non‐egg‐laying group. The males of the egg‐laying pairs showed a significantly lower (P<0.036) corticosterone concentration than the non‐egg‐laying male pairs. This, combined with the extremely low corticosterone levels (compared to the other birds in the study) of the pair of hornbills that hatched a chick in the 1999–2000 breeding season, suggests that adrenal activity may play a role in the reproductive failure of some captive great hornbills. Zoo Biol 22:135–145, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We removed first eggs from early‐laying females to measure rates and consequences of relaying in Cassin's auklets Ptychoramphus aleuticus and rhinoceros auklets Cerorhinca monocerata at Triangle Island, British Columbia, Canada. Based on egg size and composition, the investment that Cassin's auklets made in first eggs was very close to that predicted from adult body mass, whereas rhinoceros auklets invested more. In both species, a high percentage of females relaid (90% of Cassin's and 87% of rhinoceros auklets). Breeding success declined weakly with later laying among control Cassin's auklet pairs, but pairs that we induced to relay bred more successfully than naturally late pairs, and similar to values predicted from laying dates of their first eggs. Their chicks also fledged heavier and younger than late control chicks, and similar to values in early control chicks, but followed the population‐wide seasonal decline in wing length at fledging. Nestling diets were dominated by Neocalanus copepods until late in the season, a sign that feeding conditions remained favourable until late. In contrast, rhinoceros auklet pairs induced to relay followed the population‐wide seasonal decline in breeding success, which was driven by a decline in hatching success. Pacific sandlance Ammodytes hexapterus, thought to be a preferred prey species, virtually disappeared from nestling diets in mid‐to‐late season, yet there was no seasonal decline in fledging mass. However, chicks from replacement eggs followed the declines among control chicks in both age and wing length at fledging. Despite the female having produced a replacement egg, and despite delayed breeding, there appeared to be little immediate consequence associated with relaying for Cassin's auklets, except for a tendency for their chicks to fledge with short wings. Consequences were more marked in rhinoceros auklets (greatly reduced hatching success, and having their chicks fledge with short wings), and this may have been due to the large investment made in eggs, and/or to delayed breeding. Results of this study show that attributes of Cassin's and rhinoceros auklets that lay at different times in the season can be important in driving seasonal declines in breeding performance, as found in studies on other Alcidae. They also show how decisions taken during the egg stage can have variable yet potentially important implications for fitness, even in relatively long‐lived species that lay single‐egg clutches.  相似文献   

Projecting population responses to climate change requires an understanding of climatic impacts on key components of reproduction. Here, we investigate the associations among breeding phenology, climate and incubation schedules in the chestnut‐crowned babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps), a 50 g passerine with female‐only, intermittent incubation that typically breeds from late winter (July) to early summer (November). During daylight hours, breeding females spent an average of 33 min on the nest incubating (hereafter on‐bouts) followed by 24‐min foraging (hereafter off‐bouts), leading to an average daytime nest attentiveness of 60%. Nest attentiveness was 25% shorter than expected from allometric calculations, largely because off‐bout durations were double the expected value for a species with 16 g clutches (4 eggs × 4 g/egg). On‐bout durations and daily attentiveness were both negatively related to ambient temperature, presumably because increasing temperatures allowed more time to be allocated to foraging with reduced detriment to egg cooling. By contrast, on‐bout durations were positively associated with wind speed, in this case because increasing wind speed exacerbated egg cooling during off‐bouts. Despite an average temperature change of 12°C across the breeding season, breeding phenology had no effect on incubation schedules. This surprising result arose because of a positive relationship between temperature and wind speed across the breeding season: Any benefit of increasing temperatures was canceled by apparently detrimental consequences of increasing wind speed on egg cooling. Our results indicate that a greater appreciation for the associations among climatic variables and their independent effects on reproductive investment are necessary to understand the effects of changing climates on breeding phenology.  相似文献   

Trends in the onset of breeding, clutch size and numbers of hatchlings and fledglings are examined for a Mediterranean montane population of Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) subject to recent warming in springtime monitored during 20 years. Blue Tits advanced their breeding dates in relation to mean air temperatures in April and, as a consequence, laid larger clutches. However, increases in the numbers of hatchlings and fledged young over time were not statistically significant after accounting for variables of influence. The entire breeding season seems to have been displaced towards earlier dates by adjusting breeding time to increased temperatures in prebreeding time, to which Blue Tits have been more responsive than Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in the same area. The alternative hypothesis, that interference competition with Pied Flycatchers for nestboxes and caterpillars, the main common food base of nestlings, has been the driving force behind the advancement of laying of the Blue Tit population, was not supported. However, the significant advance of breeding dates in Blue Tits has not been sufficient to overcome the precipitous decline in reproductive fitness with the advancement of the season.  相似文献   

In the Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus one of the adults, typically the female, deserts the brood when the chicks are a few days old. Once parental care is terminated, adults may initiate a second nesting attempt if sufficient time remains within the season. For these nests, individuals pair with different mates from those of the first nesting attempt, thus becoming sequentially polygamous. In a small population of Kentish Plovers in Fuente de Piedra lake (southern Spain), the duration of biparental care of broods was longer than in other localities. It also showed considerable variation between years that was evidently related to Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica predation pressure on the chicks. There was year-to-year variation in the number of polygamous matings. Both the duration of the breeding season and nesting success in the first half of the season limited the occurrence of polygamy. Despite females deserting broods earlier than males, the interval between the first and second nesting of polyandrous females and polygynous males was similar. The interval was not affected by the body condition of females after the first nesting attempt, nor by problems related to egg formation ability, but was probably due to the availability of potential mates. More females than males initiated second nests, suggesting that polygamous opportunities were more limited for males than for females. In terms of delayed breeding, reduced survivorship or reduced breeding opportunities in years following polygamous breeding, polygamous individuals did not have greater costs than non-polygamous ones. Females with second nests did not seem to be selective in mate choice, mating with any available male. Mates for second nests may therefore be of lower quality than those for first nests, as judged by male plumage characteristics. Clutch sizes and egg characteristics of polyandrous females were similar in first and second nests. Nest success of second nests was only 40% of that of first ones, with nest desertion accounting for 60% of the losses. As the costs of polygamy are apparently low and as breeding success is very variable among years, polygamous breeding of the long-lived Kentish Plover may be an important breeding strategy with which to increase individual lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

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