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A unique feature of the mechanism of iron binding to the transferrin (TF) family is the synergistic relationship between metal binding and anion binding. Little or no iron will bind to the protein without concomitant binding of an anion, physiologically identified as carbonate. Substitution of oxalate for carbonate produces no significant changes in polypeptide folding or domain orientation in the N-lobe of human serum TF (hTF) as revealed by our 1.2A structure. The oxalate is able to bind to the iron in a symmetric bidentate fashion, which, combined with the low pK(a) of the oxalate anion, makes iron displacement more difficult as documented by both iron release kinetic and equilibrium data. Characterization of an N-lobe in which the arginine at position 124 is mutated to alanine reveals that the stabilizing effect of oxalate is even greater in this mutant and nearly cancels the destabilizing effect of the mutation. Importantly, incorporation of oxalate as the synergistic anion appears to completely inhibit removal of iron from recombinant full-length hTF by HeLa S(3) cells, strongly indicating that oxalate also replaces carbonate in the C-lobe to form a stable complex. Kinetic studies confirm this claim. The combination of structural and functional data provides a coherent delineation of the effect of oxalate binding on hTF and rationalizes the results of many previous studies. In the context of iron uptake by cells, substitution of carbonate by oxalate effectively locks the iron into each lobe of hTF, thereby interfering with normal iron metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary Studies with Human x Human (HxH), Human x Mouse (HxM), and Mouse x Mouse (MxM) hybridomas have enabled us to define specific factors that affect hybridoma growth in a species-specific manner. Three transferrins and three lipophilic iron chelates have been tested for their ability to support hybridoma proliferation and antibody production. The results of these studies demonstrate that HxH hybridomas do not respond to bovine transferrin a+ concentrations up to 100 μg/ml and are approximately 100-fold less responsive to mouse transferrin than to human transferrin. HxM and MxM hybridomas respond equally to human or mouse transferrin but are 100-fold less sensitive to bovine transferrin. An antibody to the human transferrin receptor inhibited the growth-promoting activity of human or mouse transferrin on HxH hybridomas but was ineffective on HxM hybridomas. This semonstrated the functionality of the human transferrin receptor in HxH hybridomas and that human, mouse, and bovine transferrin were interacting through the mouse transferrin receptor in HxM hybridomas. HxH and HxM hybridomas respond similarly to three different iron chelates exhibiting 80 to 110% of the growth response to human transferrin. MxM hybridomas fail to respond to the iron chelates at similar concentrations, suggesting that the human genome present in the other hybridoma species confers a unique ability for utilizing iron when delivered in this form.  相似文献   

The effect of lead on cellular iron metabolism has been investigated using human erythroleukemia (K562) cells. When the cells were cultured with 100 m Pb2+ for 48 h, the rate of cellular iron uptake from transferrin decreased to 46% of that in untreated cells. Scatchard analysis of the binding data revealed that this reduction was the result of a decrease in the number of transferrin receptors rather than an alteration in ligand-receptor affinity. The results of immunoprecipitation of transferrin receptors on the cell surface also confirmed the decreased expression of transferrin receptors by lead-treated cells. The down-regulation of transferrin receptors by treatment with lead did not result from a decrease in the total amount of the receptor, as determined by immunoblotting. Moreover, the biosynthesis of the receptor was unaffected by lead treatment. Thus, the down-regulation of surface transferrin receptors in lead-treated cells might be due to a redistribution of receptors rather than an actual loss of receptors from the cell. Using kinetic analysis, it was shown that redistribution of the receptor did not result from the alteration in the rates of transferrin receptor recycling. A comparison of the amounts of transferrin receptor on the cell surface and in the cycling pool revealed that the sequestration of the receptor from normal flow through the cycle might cause down-regulation of the surface receptor.  相似文献   

In human beings, serum transferrin levels increase during iron deficiency and decrease with iron overload. Yet, whether or not iron levels actually affect the synthesis of transferrin in human liver cells is not known. In previous studies, iron was shown to suppress the expression of chimeric human transferrin genes in livers of transgenic mice. The goal of this study was to determine if iron suppresses intact endogenous human transferrin synthesis by testing the effects of changes in iron levels on synthesis of transferrin in a human hepatoma cell line HepG2. In HepG2 cells, normalized(35)S-metabolically labeled transferrin synthesis was consistently less following iron treatment with hemin or ferric citrate, than following treatment with an iron-chelator deferroxamine. Thus, this study provides new evidence that iron can regulate synthesis of intact endogenous human transferrin.  相似文献   

Summary Iron-free RITC 80-7 defined medium was used to examine effects of ferrous iron and transferrin on cell proliferation of human diploid fibroblasts. Both ferrous iron and holotransferrin stimulated cell proliferation in the medium, but apotransferrin did not. When 5 g/l human serum albumin (HSA) was added to the defined medium, excellent growth was obtained under hypoxic conditions, whereas a reduction of cellular growth during the culture periods was observed under aerobic conditions. When ferrous iron was added to the HSA medium alone, the reduction in growth increased in proportion to the concentrations, whereas the addition of transferrin prevented this reduction in a concentration-dependent manner. This suggests that the ferrous iron concentration in media causes a reduction in growth under aerobic conditions and transferrin prevents this reduction because it decreases the ferrous iron concentration. Further, serum albumin seems to be a source of iron in media.  相似文献   

Human bi-bi-antennary transferrin (Tf) was partially deglycosylated by subsequently incubating with one or more of the following exoglycosidases: neuraminidase, β-galactosidase or N-Acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase. Aglyco-Tf obtained from serum of a patient suffering from the Carbohydrate Deficient Glycoprotein syndrome was isolated. Receptor binding and the Tf and iron uptake capacities of the fully glycosylated-, partially deglycosylated- and aglyco-Tf were compared using the human hepatoma cell line PLC/PRF/5. No difference in binding capacity between the iso-Tf fractions could be demonstrated, however, the Tf and iron uptake capacity of aglyco-Tf was clearly reduced compared with the other Tf fractions. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tryptophan 128 of hydroxynitrile lyase of Manihot esculenta (MeHNL) covers a significant part of a hydrophobic channel that gives access to the active site of the enzyme. This residue was therefore substituted in the mutant MeHNL-W128A by alanine to study its importance for the substrate specificity of the enzyme. Wild-type MeHNL and MeHNL-W128A showed comparable activity on the natural substrate acetone cyanohydrin (53 and 40 U/mg, respectively). However, the specific activities of MeHNL-W128A for the unnatural substrates mandelonitrile and 4-hydroxymandelonitrile are increased 9-fold and approximately 450-fold, respectively, compared with the wild-type MeHNL. The crystal structure of the MeHNL-W128A substrate-free form at 2.1 A resolution indicates that the W128A substitution has significantly enlarged the active-site channel entrance, and thereby explains the observed changes in substrate specificity for bulky substrates. Surprisingly, the MeHNL-W128A--4-hydroxybenzaldehyde complex structure at 2.1 A resolution shows the presence of two hydroxybenzaldehyde molecules in a sandwich type arrangement in the active site with an additional hydrogen bridge to the reacting center.  相似文献   

Transferrin and transferrin receptors play an important role in the transport of iron into the brain. To determine whether gallium enters the brain by the same mechanism, uptakes of Ga and 59Fe have been compared under controlled conditions. Rates of gallium penetration into brain (K) were four times slower than those for 59Fe. Kin for Ga when infused with citrate were 0.88 ± 0.24 and 0.94 ± 0.39 x 10 ml gh for cerebral hemisphere and cerebellum, respectively. When infused as the transferrin complex, Ga uptake into the brain was not different from that when infused with citrate. The presence of the anti-transferrin receptor antibody OX-26 significantly reduced uptake of Fe by 60% and 64% into cerebral hemisphere and cerebellum, respectively. By contrast, pretreatment of rats with OX-26 enhanced the uptake of Ga into brain, particularly when infused with citrate; mean increases in uptake of Ga were 120% and 144% for cerebral hemisphere and cerebellum, respectively. Purified Ga-transferrin was also taken up into both brain regions examined in the presence of OX-26. These results indicate that the transport of non-transferrin bound gallium is an important mechanism for gallium uptake into brain.  相似文献   

Transferrins function in iron sequestration and iron transport by binding iron tightly and reversibly. Vertebrate transferrins coordinate iron through interactions with two tyrosines, an aspartate, a histidine, and a carbonate anion, and conformational changes that occur upon iron binding and release have been described. Much less is known about the structure and functions of insect transferrin‐1 (Tsf1), which is present in hemolymph and influences iron homeostasis mostly by unknown mechanisms. Amino acid sequence and biochemical analyses have suggested that iron coordination by Tsf1 differs from that of the vertebrate transferrins. Here we report the first crystal structure (2.05 Å resolution) of an insect transferrin. Manduca sexta (MsTsf1) in the holo form exhibits a bilobal fold similar to that of vertebrate transferrins, but its carboxyl‐lobe adopts a novel orientation and contacts with the amino‐lobe. The structure revealed coordination of a single Fe3+ ion in the amino‐lobe through Tyr90, Tyr204, and two carbonate anions. One carbonate anion is buried near the ferric ion and is coordinated by four residues, whereas the other carbonate anion is solvent exposed and coordinated by Asn121. Notably, these residues are highly conserved in Tsf1 orthologs. Docking analysis suggested that the solvent exposed carbonate position is capable of binding alternative anions. These findings provide a structural basis for understanding Tsf1 function in iron sequestration and transport in insects as well as insight into the similarities and differences in iron homeostasis between insects and humans.  相似文献   

The ribosomal protein L22 is a core protein of the large ribosomal subunit interacting with all domains of the 23S rRNA. The triplet Met82-Lys83-Arg84 deletion in L22 from Escherichia coli renders cells resistant to erythromycin which is known as an inhibitor of the nascent peptide chain elongation. The crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus L22 mutant with equivalent triplet Leu82-Lys83-Arg84 deletion has been determined at 1.8A resolution. The superpositions of the mutant and the wild-type L22 structures within the 50S subunits from Haloarcula marismortui and Deinococcus radiodurans show that the mutant beta-hairpin is bent inward the ribosome tunnel modifying the shape of its narrowest part and affecting the interaction between L22 and 23S rRNA. 23S rRNA nucleotides of domain V participating in erythromycin binding are located on the opposite sides of the tunnel and are brought to those positions by the interaction of the 23S rRNA with the L22 beta-hairpin. The mutation in the L22 beta-hairpin affects the orientation and distances between those nucleotides. This destabilizes the erythromycin-binding "pocket" formed by 23S rRNA nucleotides exposed at the tunnel surface. It seems that erythromycin, while still being able to interact with one side of the tunnel but not reaching the other, is therefore unable to block the polypeptide growth in the drug-resistant ribosome.  相似文献   

Trichosanthin(TCS)isanimportantmemberofribosomeinactivatingproteins[1].ItpossessesNglycosidaseactivityremovingadenine(ADE)atpositionA4324of28SrRNA[2].TheactivepocketofNglycosidasehasbeenestablishedthroughthecrystalstructuresofTCS,αMMCandricinandassayofmutants…  相似文献   

Up to now, efforts to crystallize the cataract‐associated P23T mutant of human γD‐crystallin have not been successful. Therefore, insights into the light scattering mechanism of this mutant have been exclusively obtained from solution work. Here we present the first crystal structure of the P23T mutant at 2.5 Å resolution. The protein exhibits essentially the same overall structure as seen for the wild‐type protein. Based on our structural data, we confirm that no major conformational changes are caused by the mutation, and that solution phase properties of the mutant appear exclusively associated with cataract formation. Proteins 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Supply of iron into human cells is achieved by iron carrier protein transferrin and its receptor that upon complex formation get internalized by endocytosis. Similarly, the iron needs to be delivered into the brain, and necessitates the transport across the blood-brain barrier. While there are still unanswered questions about these mechanisms, extensive efforts have been made to use the system for delivery of therapeutics into biological compartments. The dimeric form of the receptor, where each subunit consists of three domains, further complicates the detailed investigation of molecular determinants responsible for guiding the receptor interactions with other proteins. Especially the apical domain's biological function has been elusive. To further the study of transferrin receptor, we have computationally decoupled the apical domain for soluble expression, and validated the design strategy by structure determination. Besides presenting a methodology for solubilizing domains, the results will allow for study of apical domain's function.  相似文献   

We report the determination in cell-free assays of the mechanism of iron release from the N-lobe and C-lobe of human serum transferrin in interaction with intact transferrin receptor 1 at 4.3< or =pH< or =6.5. Iron is first released from the N-lobe in the tens of milliseconds range and then from the C-lobe in the hundreds of seconds range. In both cases, iron loss is rate-controlled by slow proton transfers, rate constant for the N-lobe k(1)=1.20(+/-0.05)x10(6)M(-1)s(-1) and for the C-lobe k(2)=1.6(+/-0.1)x10(3)M(-1)s(-1). This iron loss is subsequent to a fast proton-driven decarbonation and is followed by two proton gains, (pK(1a))/2=5.28 per proton for the N-lobe and (pK(2a))/2=5.10 per proton for the C-lobe. Under similar experimental conditions, iron loss is about 17-fold faster from the N-lobe and is at least 200-fold faster from the C-lobe when compared to holotransferrin in the absence of receptor 1. After iron release, the apotransferrin-receptor adduct undergoes a slow partial dissociation controlled by a change in the conformation of the receptor; rate constant k(3)=1.7(+/-0.1)x10(-3)s(-1). At endosomic pH, the final equilibrated state is attained in about 1000 s, after which the free apotransferrin, two prototropic species of the acidic form of the receptor and apotransferrin interacting with the receptor coexist simultaneously. However, since recycling of the vesicle containing the receptor to the cell surface takes a few minutes, the major part of transferrin will still be forwarded to the biological fluid in the form of the apotransferrin-receptor protein-protein adduct.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of a modified human lysozyme (HL), Glu 53 HL, in which Asp 53 was replaced by Glu, has been determined at 1.77 A resolution by X-ray analysis. The backbone structure of Glu 53 HL is essentially the same as the structure of wild-type HL. The root mean square difference for the superposition of equivalent C alpha atoms is 0.141 A. Except for the Glu 53 residue, the structure of the active site region is largely conserved between Glu 53 HL and wild-type HL. However, the hydrogen bond network differs because of the small shift or rotation of side chain groups. The carboxyl group of Glu 53 points to the carboxyl group of Glu 35 with a distance of 4.7 A between the nearest carboxyl oxygen atoms. A water molecule links these carboxyl groups by a hydrogen bond bridge. The active site structure explains well the fact that the binding ability for substrates does not significantly differ between Glu 53 HL and wild-type HL. On the other hand, the positional and orientational change of the carboxyl group of the residue 53 caused by the mutation is considered to be responsible for the low catalytic activity (ca. 1%) of Glu 53 HL. The requirement of precise positioning for the carboxyl group suggests the possibility that the Glu 53 residue contributes more than a simple electrostatic stabilization of the intermediate in the catalysis reaction.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of the separate processes of Fe2(III)-transferrin binding to the transferrin receptor, transferrin-receptor internalization, iron dissociation from transferrin, iron passage through the membrane, and iron mobilization into the cytoplasm were studied by pulse-chase experiments using rabbit reticulocytes and59Fe,125I-labeled rabbit transferrin. The binding of59Fe-transferrin to transferrin receptors was rapid with an apparent rate constant of 2×105 m –1 sec–1. The rate of internalization of59Fe-transferrin was directly measured at 520±100 molecules of Fe2(III)-transferrin internalized/sec/cell with 250±43 sec needed to internalize the entire complement of reticulocyte transferrin receptors. Subsequent to Fe2(III)-transferrin internalization the flux of59Fe was followed through three compartments: internalized transferrin, membrane, and cytosol.A process preceding iron dissociation from transferrin and a reaction involving membrane-associated iron required 17±2 sec and 34±5 sec, respectively. Apparent rate constants of 0.0075±0.002 sec–1 and 0.0343±0.0118 sec–1 were obtained for iron dissociation from transferrin and iron mobilization into the cytosol, respectively. Iron dissociation from transferrin is the rate-limiting step. An apparent rate constant of 0.0112±0.0025 sec–1 was obtained for processes involving iron transport through the membrane although at least two reactions are likely to be involved. Based on mechanistic considerations, iron transport through the membrane may be attributed to an iron reduction step followed by a translocation step. These data indicate that the uptake of iron in reticulocytes is a sequential process, with steps after the internalization of Fe2(III)-transferrin that are distinct from the handling of transferrin.  相似文献   

It has been established that oligodendrocytes, the myelin forming cells, participate in iron homeostasis through the synthesis and secretion of transferrin. Here we investigated whether a correlation exists between myelination, the commonly studied function of oligodendrocytes, and that of transferrin synthesis and secretion. We used a proteolipid protein mutant, the myelin deficient rat, whose condition is characterized by severe hypomyelination. We compared the ontogenic profile for transferrin gene expression in mutants with that of unaffected rat pups through northern blot analysis and in situ hybridization. Surprisingly, transferrin synthesis was null in mutant oligodendrocytes. Next, we demonstrated that a single apo-transferrin intraparenchymal injection administered to P5 rat pups enabled mutant oligodendrocytes to synthesize myelin basic protein and to myelinate axons, indicating that transferrin effects mutant oligodendrocyte maturation regardless of its source. Thus, transferrin availability is essential for oligodendrocyte maturation and function, and oligodencrocytes are most vulnerable to transferrin deficiency during the premyelinating stage.  相似文献   

Nonpermeable electron acceptors can be reduced by a transplasma membrane electron transport system in suspensions of intact cells. Here we report that diferric transferrin is reduced by HeLa S3 cells. The reduction is recorded spectrophotometrically as the formation of the ferrous complex of bathophenanthroline disulfonate. Ferric ammonium citrate can also be used as an electron acceptor, and the presence of low concentrations of diferric transferrin greatly stimulates the reduction of trivalent iron under these conditions. Likewise very low concentrations of ferricyanide, which does not give rise to a ferrous bathophenanthroline disulfonate complex formation, have a strong stimulatory effect on the complex formation when ferric ammonium citrate is the source of ferric iron. Apotransferrin is a potent inhibitor of the reaction. The inhibition occurs at the concentration necessary for complete occupancy of the transferrin receptors. The inhibition can be demonstrated also when high concentrations of ferricyanide are used as electron acceptor. The possible mechanism behind the reported phenomena is discussed, and it is concluded that the transplasma membrane electron transport system can be involved in the process of cellular iron uptake.  相似文献   

We investigated the remodeling of iron metabolism during megakaryocytic development of K562 cells. Differentiation was successfully verified by increase of the megakaryocytic marker CD61 and concomitant decrease of the erythroid marker γ-globin. The reduction of erythroid properties was accompanied by changes in the cellular iron content and in the expression of proteins regulating cellular iron homeostasis. Independent of available inorganic or transferrin-bound extracellular iron, total intracellular iron increases while the iron-to-protein ratio decreases. The iron exporter ferroportin is downregulated within 1-6 h, followed by downregulation of transferrin receptor-1 (TfR1) and ferritin heavy chain (H-ferritin) mainly after 24-48 h. The hemochromatosis protein-1, a ligand of TfR1, peaked after 24 h. All effects were independent of iron supply with the exception of H-ferritin, which was restored by excess iron. While alterations of CD61, TfR1 and ferritin expression were revoked by a protein kinase C inhibitor, downregulation of ferroportin remained unaffected.  相似文献   

The chemotherapeutic agent, bleomycin, forms a 1:1complex with both Fe(III) and Fe(II). The rate offerric ion transfer from bleomycin toapotransferrin is rather slow. However, when ascorbate was added toFe(III)-bleomycin priorto exposure to apotransferrin, the transfer rate was markedly increased. Ascorbatereadilyreduces Fe(III)-bleomycin to Fe(II)-bleomycin. A second order rate constant of 2.4 mM min wasestimated for this reaction. Fe(II)-bleomycinimmediately combines with O 2 , generating the so-called'acti-vatedbleomycin' complex. The data suggest that a reduced form of iron-bleomycin more readilydonatesits iron ion to apotransferrin. Reoxidation of ferrous ions, andFe(III)-transferrin formation occur rapidly.  相似文献   

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