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Background and Aims

Genome size is known to affect various plant traits such as stomatal size, seed mass, and flower or shoot phenology. However, these associations are not well understood for species with very large genomes, which are laregly represented by geophytic plants. No detailed associations are known between DNA base composition and genome size or species ecology.


Genome sizes and GC contents were measured in 219 geophytes together with tentative morpho-anatomical and ecological traits.

Key Results

Increased genome size was associated with earliness of flowering and tendency to grow in humid conditions, and there was a positive correlation between an increase in stomatal size in species with extremely large genomes. Seed mass of geophytes was closely related to their ecology, but not to genomic parameters. Genomic DNA GC content showed a unimodal relationship with genome size but no relationship with species ecology.


Evolution of genome size in geophytes is closely related to their ecology and phenology and is also associated with remarkable changes in DNA base composition. Although geophytism together with producing larger cells appears to be an advantageous strategy for fast development of an organism in seasonal habitats, the drought sensitivity of large stomata may restrict the occurrence of geophytes with very large genomes to regions not subject to water stress.  相似文献   

The extreme polymorphism of antigen‐presenting genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has spurred intense research unparalleled for any other gene family. This applies also to teleosts where sequence information is available for 3559 MHC class I and class II allelic variants from 137 species. This review summarizes current knowledge on the origin and maintenance of diversity at classical MHC loci. Most studies identified positive selection (i.e. elevated rates of non‐synonymous over synonymous substitutions, dN/dS) as a sign of balancing selection. A meta‐analysis on nine species with sufficient numbers of class I and class II sequences revealed that recombination rate and intensity of positive selection were positively correlated, suggesting that recombination and gene conversion played a significant role in shaping the allelic repertoire. Processes that create diversity over long timescales need to be complemented by contemporary balancing selection, either through overdominance or frequency‐dependent selection, in order to explain the high allelic diversity observed today. While some evidence for overdominance exists for a few taxa (mainly salmonids) by correlating parasite infection data or survival to MHC genotypes, field or experimental data on negative frequency‐dependent selection are lacking altogether, even though some fish species are particularly suitable as model systems. Theoretical predictions suggest that negative frequency‐dependent selection is necessary to maintain the existing polymorphism. Hence, future empirical studies should focus on detecting signals that differentiate between mechanisms of contemporary selection rather than repeatedly showing historical selection events.  相似文献   

What stops populations expanding into new territory beyond the edge of a range margin? Recent models addressing this problem have brought together population genetics and population ecology, and some have included interactions among species at range edges. Here, we review these models of adaptation at environmental or parapatric margins, and discuss the contrasting effects of migration in either swamping local adaptation, or supplying the genetic variation that is necessary for adaptation to continue. We illustrate how studying adaptation at range margins (both with and without hybridization) can provide insight into the genetic and ecological factors that limit evolution more generally, especially in response to current rates of environmental change.  相似文献   

The radiation chemical yields of unaltered base release have been measured in three crystalline double-stranded DNA oligomers after X irradiation at 4 K. The yields of released bases are between 10 and 20% of the total free radical yields measured at 4 K. Using these numbers, we estimate that the yield of DNA strand breaks due to the direct effect is about 0.1 micromol J(-1). The damage responsible for base release is independent of the base type (C, G, A or T) and is not scavenged by anthracycline drugs intercalated in the DNA. For these reasons, reactions initiated by the hydroxyl radical have been ruled out as the source of base release. Since the intercalated anthracycline scavenges electrons and holes completely but does not inhibit base release, the possibility for damage transfer from the bases to the sugars can also be ruled out. The results are consistent with a model in which primary radical cations formed directly on the sugar-phosphate backbone react by two competing pathways: deprotonation, which localizes the damage on the sugar, and hole tunneling, which transfers the damage to the base stack. Quantitative estimates indicate that these two processes are approximately equally efficient.  相似文献   

Recent research into the human genome has generated a wealth of scientific knowledge and increased both public and professional interest in the concept of personalised medicine. Somewhat unexpectedly, in addition to increasing our understanding about the genetic basis for numerous diseases, these new discoveries have also spawned a burgeoning new industry of ‘consumer genetic testing’. In this paper, we present the principles learnt though the evaluation of tests for single gene disorders and suggest a comparable framework for the evaluation of genetic tests for susceptibility to common complex diseases. Both physicians and the general public will need to be able to assess the claims made by providers of genetic testing services, and ultimately policy-makers will need to decide if and when such tests should be offered through state funded healthcare systems.  相似文献   

TonB-dependent transport is a mechanism for active uptake across the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. The system promotes transport of rare nutrients and was thought to be restricted to iron complexes and vitamin B12. Recent experimental evidence of TonB-energized transport of nickel and different carbohydrates, in addition to bioinformatic-based predictions, challenges this notion and reveals that the number and variety of TonB-dependent substrates is underestimated. It is becoming clear that the chemical nature of the substrates, the energetic requirements for transport and the subsequent translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane can differ from those of the well-studied systems for iron complexes and vitamin B12. These findings question the understanding of TonB-dependent uptake and provide insights into the adaptation of bacteria to their environments.  相似文献   

We investigate using relative amounts of prey DNA recovered from pinniped faeces to obtain diet composition data. Faeces were obtained from captive sea lions being fed a diet containing three fish species (50%, 36% and 14% by mass). Real-time PCR was used to quantify mtDNA in undigested tissue and in the faecal samples. The percent composition of fish mtDNA extracted from tissue corresponded reasonably well to the mass of fish in the mixture. In faecal samples the absolute amount of fish mtDNA recovered varied 100-fold, but the percent composition of the samples was relatively consistent (57.5 ± 9.3%, 19.3 ± 6.6% and 23.2 ± 12.2%). These results indicate there are prey-specific biases in DNA survival during digestion. However, the biases may be less than those commonly observed in conventional diet studies.  相似文献   

In a previous paper [Bedoussac L, Justes E (2009) Plant Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-009-0082-2], we showed that intercropping of durum wheat and winter pea increased the yield and protein concentration of durum wheat when early N availability was less than 120 kg N ha?1. The aim of the present work was to understand these results by analysing intercrop species dynamics for growth, light and N acquisition. A 2-year field experiment was carried out in southwest France with different fertilizer-N levels in order to compare wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) grown as sole crops and as an intercrop in a row substitutive design. The advantages of intercropping in low N conditions were due mainly to: (1) better light use (up to 10%), thanks to species dynamic complementarity for leaf area index and height; (2) growth complementarity over time (higher growth rate of wheat until pea flowering and then of pea until wheat flowering); and (3) dynamic complementary N acquisition associated with better wheat N status throughout growth. Disadvantages, underlining poorer complementarity within the intercrop stand, were observed with ample available N in early growth. This induced higher cereal growth during winter, which led to increase interspecies competition by reducing pea light absorption and, consequently, its biomass production.  相似文献   

Two rounds of whole-genome duplications are thought to haveplayed an important role in the establishment of gene repertoiresin vertebrates. These events occurred during chordate evolutionafter the split of the urochordate and cephalochordate lineagesbut before the radiation of extant gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates).During this interval, diverse agnathans (jawless fishes), includingcyclostomes (hagfishes and lampreys), diverged. However, thereis no solid evidence for the timing of these genome duplicationsin relation to the divergence of cyclostomes from the gnathostomelineage. We conducted cDNA sequencing in diverse early vertebratesfor members of homeobox-containing (Dlx and ParaHox) and othergene families that would serve as landmarks for genome duplications.Including these new sequences, we performed a molecular phylogeneticcensus using the maximum likelihood method for 55 gene families.In most of these gene families, we detected many more gene duplicationsbefore the cyclostome–gnathostome split, than after. Manyof these gene families (e.g., visual opsins, RAR, Notch) havemultiple paralogs in conserved, syntenic genomic regions thatmust have been generated by large-scale duplication events.Taken together, this indicates that the genome duplicationsoccurred before the cyclostome–gnathostome split. We proposethat the redundancy in gene repertoires possessed by all vertebrates,including hagfishes and lampreys, was introduced primarily bygenome duplications. Apart from subsequent lineage-specificmodifications, these ancient genome duplication events mightserve generally to distinguish vertebrates from invertebratesat the genomic level.  相似文献   

Gal J 《Chirality》2008,20(10):1072-1084
Louis Pasteur presented his historic memoir on the discovery of molecular chirality to the Académie des sciences in Paris on May 22nd, 1848. The literature, however, nearly completely ignores this date, widely claiming instead May 15th, 1848, which first surfaced in 1922 in Pasteur's collected works edited by his grandson Louis Pasteur Vallery-Radot. On May 21st, 1848, i.e., one day before Pasteur's presentation in Paris, his mother died in Arbois, eastern France. Informed at an unknown point in time that she was "very ill," Pasteur left for Arbois only after his presentation. Biographies of Pasteur by his son-in-law René Vallery-Radot or the grandson, and Pasteur's collected correspondence edited by the grandson are incomprehensibly laconic or silent about the historic presentation. While no definite conclusions are possible, the evidence strongly suggests a deliberate alteration of the record by the biographer relatives, presumably for fear of adverse public judgment of Pasteur for a real or perceived insensitivity to a grave family medical emergency. Such fear would have been in accord with their hagiographic portrayal of Pasteur, and the findings raise questions concerning the extent of their zeal in protecting his "demigod" image. Universal recognition of the true date of Pasteur's announcement of molecular chirality is long overdue.  相似文献   

Mecoptera and Siphonaptera represent two insect orders that have largely been overlooked in the study of insect vision. Recent phylogenetic evidence demonstrates that Mecoptera (scorpionflies) is paraphyletic, with the order Siphonaptera (fleas) nesting as sister to the family Boreidae (snow fleas), showing an evolutionary trend towards reduction in gross eye morphology within fleas. We provide the first molecular characterization of long-wavelength opsins from these three lineages (opsin gene from fleas [FL-Opsin], the Boreidae [B-Opsin], and a mecopteran family [M-Opsin]) and assess the effects of loss of visual acuity on the structure and function of the opsin gene. Phylogenetic analysis implies a physiological sensitivity in the red-green spectrum for these opsins. Analysis of intron splice sites reveals a high degree of similarity between FL-Opsin and B-Opsin as well as conserved splice sites across insect blue-green and long-wavelength opsins. Calculated rates of evolution and tests for destabilizing selection indicate that FL-Opsin, B-Opsin, and M-Opsin are evolving at similar rates with no radical selective pressures, implying conservative evolution and functional constraint across all three lineages.  相似文献   

Clinical trials are governed by an increasingly stringent regulatory framework, which applies to all levels of trial conduct. Study critical immunological endpoints, which define success or failure in early phase clinical immunological trials, require formal pre-trial validation. In this case study, we describe the assay validation process, during which the sensitivity, and precision of immunological endpoint assays were defined. The purpose was the evaluation of two multicentre phase I/II clinical trials from our unit in Southampton, UK, which assess the effects of DNA fusion vaccines on immune responses in HLA-A2+ patients with carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-expressing malignancies and prostate cancer. Validated immunomonitoring is being performed using ELISA and IFNγ ELISPOTs to assess humoral and cellular responses to the vaccines over time. The validated primary endpoint assay, a peptide-specific CD8+ IFNγ ELISPOT, was tested in a pre-trial study and found to be suitable for the detection of low frequency naturally occurring CEA- and prostate-derived tumour-antigen-specific T cells in patients with CEA-expressing malignancies and prostate cancer. This paper is a Focussed Research Review based on a presentation given at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Association for Immunotherapy of Cancer (CIMT), held in Mainz, Germany, 15–16 May 2008.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the role of algal composition on pumping, clearance, assimilation, pseudofaeces and faeces production, feeding time budgets, and condition of zebra mussels from spring to autumn at two sites in Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) and one site in western Lake Erie. Size‐fractioned chlorophyll was used to distinguish between feeding on small (<53 μm) and large (>53 μm) size fractions, and mussel feeding behaviour was quantified by video observations. 2. Mussel pumping, clearance and assimilation rates varied among sites, particularly during summer, when phytoplankton composition varied considerably among sites. Lowest values were seen at the inner‐bay site of Saginaw Bay, low to moderate values at the outer‐bay site of Saginaw Bay, and high values at the Lake Erie site. Clearance, pumping and assimilation rates were all highly positively correlated (R2 = 0.76) with per cent contribution of flagellates to total algal biomass and negatively correlated with per cent of Microcystis aeruginosa (R2 = 0.63). The negative effects on pumping rate (as determined by clearance rate on the <53 μm fraction) of Microcystis, which occurred in the >53 μm fraction, could be mitigated by the presence of flagellates in the <53 μm fraction. 3. Visual observations of mussel feeding showed evidence for poor seston quality during summer negatively affecting feeding rates. High faeces production during times of low assimilation rate was suggestive of poor assimilation efficiency and/or viable gut passage of grazing resistant algae. Long periods of time not filtering by the mussels during some Microcystis blooms and lack of production of a filtering current during one experiment were suggestive of intoxication from microcystin or other secondary compounds. 4. Clearance and feeding rates of the mussels in Saginaw Bay were high during spring and autumn and very low in summer, particularly at the inner‐bay site. Condition of the mussels (mass : length ratio) was highest in spring and lowest during summer. This seasonal variation probably reflected high food assimilation rate during autumn and spring and low assimilation rate and reproduction during summer. The condition of mussels throughout the year was higher at the outer‐bay than the inner‐bay site, reflecting better feeding conditions at the former. Mussel selective feeding may have been responsible for the poor quality of food at the inner bay site; therefore, we postulate that a regime shift in phytoplankton composition promoted by the mussels fed back into lowered condition of the mussels.  相似文献   

Eddy covariance (EC) continues to provide invaluable insights into the dynamics of Earth's surface processes. However, despite its many strengths, spatial replication of EC at the ecosystem scale is rare. High equipment costs are likely to be partially responsible. This contributes to the low sampling, and even lower replication, of ecoregions in Africa, Oceania (excluding Australia) and South America. The level of replication matters as it directly affects statistical power. While the ergodicity of turbulence and temporal replication allow an EC tower to provide statistically robust flux estimates for its footprint, these principles do not extend to larger ecosystem scales. Despite the challenge of spatially replicating EC, it is clearly of interest to be able to use EC to provide statistically robust flux estimates for larger areas. We ask: How much spatial replication of EC is required for statistical confidence in our flux estimates of an ecosystem? We provide the reader with tools to estimate the number of EC towers needed to achieve a given statistical power. We show that for a typical ecosystem, around four EC towers are needed to have 95% statistical confidence that the annual flux of an ecosystem is nonzero. Furthermore, if the true flux is small relative to instrument noise and spatial variability, the number of towers needed can rise dramatically. We discuss approaches for improving statistical power and describe one solution: an inexpensive EC system that could help by making spatial replication more affordable. However, we note that diverting limited resources from other key measurements in order to allow spatial replication may not be optimal, and a balance needs to be struck. While individual EC towers are well suited to providing fluxes from the flux footprint, we emphasize that spatial replication is essential for statistically robust fluxes if a wider ecosystem is being studied.  相似文献   

While the effect of drought on plant communities and their associated ecosystem functions is well studied, little research has considered how responses are modified by soil depth and depth heterogeneity. We conducted a mesocosm study comprising shallow and deep soils, and variable and uniform soil depths, and two levels of plant community composition, and exposed them to a simulated drought to test for interactive effects of these treatments on the resilience of carbon dioxide fluxes, plant functional traits, and soil chemical properties. We tested the hypotheses that: (a) shallow and variable depth soils lead to increased resistance and resilience of ecosystem functions to drought due to more exploitative plant trait strategies; (b) plant communities associated with intensively managed high fertility soils, will have more exploitative root traits than extensively managed, lower fertility plant communities. These traits will be associated with higher resistance and resilience to drought and may interact with soil depth and depth heterogeneity to amplify the effects on ecosystem functions. Our results showed that while there were strong soil depth/heterogeneity effects on plant‐driven carbon fluxes, it did not affect resistance or resilience to drought, and there were no treatment effects on plant‐available carbon or nitrogen. We did observe a significant increase in exploitative root traits in shallow and variable soils relative to deep and uniform, which may have resulted in a compensation effect which led to the similar drought responses. Plant community compositions representative of intensive management were more drought resilient than more diverse “extensive” communities irrespective of soil depth or soil depth heterogeneity. In intensively managed plant communities, root traits were more representative of exploitative strategies. Taken together, our results suggest that reorganization of root traits in response to soil depth could buffer drought effects on ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

We present the findings of a DNA barcoding study of the UK tree flora, implemented as part of an innovative, research‐based science education programme called ‘Tree School’. The UK tree flora comprises native and introduced species, and is a taxonomically diverse study group for the exploration of the potential and limitations of DNA barcoding. The children participating in the project collected voucher specimens and generated DNA barcode sequences from trees and shrubs found in the grounds and surrounding woodlands of a residential field centre in Dorset, UK. We assessed the potential of rbcL and matK markers for amplification and DNA sequencing success and for species discrimination among the 67 tree and shrub species included in this study. Although we achieved 100% PCR amplification and sequencing success for rbcL and matK, mononucleotide repeats affected sequence quality in matK for some taxonomic groups (e.g. Rosaceae). Species discrimination success ranged from 65% to 71% using tree‐based methods to 86% using BLASTN. The occurrence of known hybrids (diploid and polyploid) and their progenitors on the study site reduced the overall species discrimination success for both loci. This study demonstrates that, even in a floristic context, rbcL and matK alone are insufficient for the discrimination of UK tree species, especially where taxonomically complex groups are present. From a science education perspective, DNA barcoding represents a compelling and accessible platform for the engagement of non‐experts in ongoing research, providing an opportunity for them to contribute authentic scientific data to an international research campaign.  相似文献   

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