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Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is a maternally inherited trait in which plants do not produce viable pollen. Fertility in plants with CMS can be recovered by nuclear restorer genes. Most restorer genes cloned so far are members of the pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) protein family. The objective of our study was to use the CMS-D8 and restoration (Rf2) system of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to develop more DNA markers for the Rf2 gene. In a backcross population with 112 plants, segregation of male fertility was 1 fertile : 1 sterile. Three new RAPD markers were identified for Rf2, one of which was converted to a CAPS marker. In addition, 2 AFLP markers and 1 SSR marker were identified to be linked to the fertility restorer gene (Rf2). PPR motif primers were designed based on the conserved PPR motifs and used in combination with AFLP primers to test the mapping population, and 1 PPR-AFLP marker was identified. A linkage map with 9 flanking markers including 1 from a previous study was constructed.  相似文献   

The Rf3 gene restores the pollen fertility disturbed by S male sterile cytoplasm. In order to develop molecular markers tightly linked to Rf3, we used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique with near isogenic lines (NILs) and bulk segregant analysis (BSA). A BC1F1 population from a pair of NILs with different Rf3 locus was constructed and 528 primer combinations was screened. A linkage map was constructed around the Rf3 locus, which was mapped on the distal region of chromosome 2 long arm with the help of SSR marker UMC2184. The closest marker E7P6 was 0.9 cM away from Rf3. Marker E3P1, 2.4 cM from Rf3, and E12M7, 1.8 cM from Rf3, were converted into a codominant CAPS and a dominant SCAR marker, and designated as CAPSE3P1 and SCARE12M7, respectively. These markers are useful for marker-assisted selection and map-based cloning of the Rf3 gene.  相似文献   

Restoration of male fertility is a prerequisite for hybrid rye breeding and currently the most straightforward approach to minimize ergot infection in hybrid rye varieties. Molecular markers are important tools for the efficient introgression and management of restorer genes like Rfp1 originating from unadapted genetic resources. Furthermore, closely linked markers flanking Rfp1 are indispensible for identifying and selecting individuals with haplotypes showing recombination between Rfp1 and other gene(s) that reside in close proximity and have a negative influence on yield. We identified orthologous gene sets in rice, Brachypodium, and Sorghum and used these gene models as templates to establish conserved ortholog set (COS) markers for the restorer gene Rfp1 on the long arm of rye chromosome 4R. The novel co-dominant markers delimit Rfp1 within a 0.7-cM interval and allow prediction of Rfp1 genotypes with a precision not feasible before. The COS markers enabled an alignment of the improved genetic map of rye chromosome 4R with wheat and barley maps and allowed identification of regions orthologous to Rfp1 in wheat and barley on the short arms of chromosomes 6D and 6H, respectively. Results obtained in this study revealed that micro-collinearity around the Rfp1 locus in rye is affected by rearrangements relative to other grass genomes. The impact of the novel COS markers for practical hybrid rye breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed a cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line of Brassica juncea through somatic hybridization with Moricandia arvensis and introgressed the fertility restorer gene into B. juncea. This fertility restorer locus is unique in that it is capable of restoring male fertility to two other alloplasmic CMS systems of B. juncea. As a first step toward cloning of this restorer gene we attempted molecular tagging of the Rf locus using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique. A BC1F1 population segregating for male sterility/fertility was used for tagging using the bulk segregant analysis method. Out of 64 primer combinations tested in the bulks, 5 combinations gave polymorphic amplification patterns. Further testing of these primers in individual plants showed four amplicons associated with the male fertility trait. Polymorphic amplicons were cloned and used for designing SCAR primers. One of the SCAR primers generated amplicons mostly in the fertile plants. Linkage analysis using MAPMAKER showed two AFLP and one SCAR markers linked to the male fertility gene with a map distance ranging from 0.6 to 2.9 cM. All the markers are located on one side of the Rf locus.  相似文献   

The tournefortii cytoplasmic male-sterility system is being used as a method of pollination control to develop hybrids in Brassica napus. Genetic analyses have indicated that two dominant genes, one major ( Rft1) and another minor ( Rft2), were required to achieve complete fertility restoration. Though the major gene ( Rft1) can cause complete fertility restoration on its own, its expression was significantly enhanced in the presence of the minor gene ( Rft2). In the absence of Rft1, Rft2 caused only partial fertility restoration. We used a pair of near-isogenic lines (NILs), differing for the presence/absence of Rf genes, to identify AFLP markers linked to fertility restorer genes. A total of 64 EcoRI/ MseI primer combinations were surveyed which produced 3,225 bands, of which 19 (0.006%) were polymorphic between parental NILs. Primer combinations which led to the identification of polymorphic bands present in fertile parental NILs were used for assaying a mapping population of 70 F(2) plants for determining the segregation pattern of markers. Initial screening resulted in the identification of five AFLP markers. The recombination analyses of these AFLP markers revealed that at least two (EACC/MCTT(105), EAAG/MCTC(80)) were present in the same linkage group along with the Rf loci. Marker EACC/MCTT(105) was separated from the major gene ( Rft1) by a distance of 18.1 cM, while it was 33.2 cM away from the minor fertility restorer gene ( Rft2). Another marker EAAG/MCTC(80) was also located adjacent to Rft1 at a distance of 18.1 cM, but on other side. Identification of flanking markers (EACC/MCTT(105), EAAG/MCTC(80)) for the major fertility restorer gene ( Rft1) provides a crucial component for marker-assisted selection and map-based cloning of the restorer genes, and can hence be used to construct elite restorer genotypes.  相似文献   

Hessian fly is one of the world's most destructive insect pests of wheat Triticum aestivum L. We have used the combination of near-isogenic lines (NIL) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis to screen up to 2,000 primers to identify DNA markers that are linked to gene H6 that confers resistance to biotype B of the insect. This screen produced six primers that show polymorphic fragments associated with resistance by H6. We have screened 440 F2 individuals from a cross of the susceptible cultivar Newton and a NIL that contains H6 to verify the linkage between these markers and the resistance gene. A high-resolution genetic map was constructed based on recombination frequency. Two of the markers were tightly linked to the gene with no recombination observed, three were within 2.0 cM, and one was 11 cM from the gene. Three of the six markers were successfully converted to sequence tagged site (STS) markers. Both RAPD and STS primers were used to screen for the presence or absence of the resistance gene in wheat varieties. The identification of markers and construction of the genetic high resolution map provide the first steps toward localization of this resistance gene.  相似文献   

Bulked segregant analysis was employed to identify random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers linked to the restorer gene (Rfo) used in theOgura radish cytoplasmic male sterility of rapeseed. A total of 138 arbitrary 10-mer oligonucleotide primers were screened on the DNA of three pairs of bulks, each bulk corresponding to homozygous restored and male sterile plants of three segregating populations. Six primers produced repeatable polymorphisms between paired bulks. DNA from individual plants of each bulk was then used as a template for amplification with these six primers. DNA polymorphisms generated by four of these primers were found to be completely linked to the restorer gene with the polymorphic DNA fragments being associated either with the fertility restorer allele or with the sterility maintainer allele. Pairwise cross-hybridization demonstrated that the four polymorphic DNA fragments did not share any homology. Southern hybridization of labelled RAPD fragments on digested genomic DNA from the same three pairs of bulks revealed fragments specific to either the male sterile bulks or to the restored bulks and a few fragments common to all bulks, indicating that the amplified sequences are low copy. The four RAPD fragments that were completely linked to the restorer locus have been cloned and sequenced to develop sequence characterized amplified regions (SCARs). This will facilitate the construction of restorer lines used in breeding programs and is the first step towards map-based cloning of the fertility restorer allele.  相似文献   

Kim DS  Kim DH  Yoo JH  Kim BD 《Molecules and cells》2006,21(1):135-140
Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in plants, which is due to failure to produce functional pollen, is a maternally inherited trait. Specific nuclear genes that sup-press CMS, termed fertility restorer (Rf) genes, have been identified in several plants. In this study, Rf-linked molecular markers in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) were detected by bulked segregant analysis of eight amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). Only AFRF8 was successfully converted to a cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker. This was named AFRF8CAPS and genotype determination using it agreed with that obtained with the original AFRF8. A linkage map with a total size of 54.1 cM was constructed with AFRF8CAPS and the seven AFLP markers using the Kosambi function. The AFRF8CAPS marker was shown to be closest to Rf with a genetic distance of 1.8 cM. These markers will be useful for fast and reliable detection of restorer lines during F(1) hybrid seed production and breeding programs in pepper.  相似文献   

Feng  Juanjuan  Zhu  Haiyong  Zhang  Meng  Zhang  Xuexian  Guo  Liping  Qi  Tingxiang  Tang  Huini  Wang  Hailin  Qiao  Xiuqin  Zhang  Bingbing  Shahzad  Kashif  Xing  Chaozhu  Wu  Jianyong 《Molecular biology reports》2020,47(2):1275-1282
Molecular Biology Reports - The cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system is a useful tool for commercial hybrid cotton seed production. Two main CMS systems, CMS-D8 and CMS-D2, have been recognized...  相似文献   

A BC2 population of 353 plants segregating for the Ppd-H1 photoperiod response gene was developed from a cross between the winter barley ’Igri’ and the spring barley ’Triumph.’ Bulk segregant analysis identified six AFLP markers closely linked to the Ppd–H1 gene and three strongly amplified AFLP bands that mapped 0.8-cM distal, 0.6-cM proximal and 2.3-cm proximal to Ppd-H1 were cloned and sequenced. Southern-blot analysis showed that the cloned fragments were single-copy sequences in ’Igri’, the variety from which they were derived. Two of the sequences were absent from ’Triumph’ while the third detected a single-copy sequence. The cloned fragments were used to design specific sequence tagged site (STS) primer pairs to assist in the construction of a high-resolution map of the Ppd-H1 region. Received: 22 March 2000 / Accepted: 10 April 2000  相似文献   

A study on mode of inheritance and mapping of fertility restorer (Rf) gene(s) using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers was conducted in a cross of male sterile line 2041A having Triticum timopheevi cytoplasm and a restorer line PWR4099 of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The F1 hybrid was completely fertile indicating that fertility restoration is a dominant trait. Based on the pollen fertility and seed set of bagged spikes in F2 generation, the individual plants were classified into fertile and sterile groups. Out of 120 F2 plants, 97 were fertile and 23 sterile (based on pollen fertility) while 98 plants set ≥5 seeds/spike and 22 produced ≤4 or no seed. The observed frequency fits well into Mendelian ratio of 3 fertile: 1 sterile with χ2 value of 2.84 for pollen fertility and 2.17 for seed setting indicating that the fertility restoration is governed by a single dominant gene in PWR4099. The three linked SSR markers, Xwmc503, Xgwm296 and Xwmc112 located on the chromosome 2DS were placed at a distance of 3.3, 5.8 and 6.7 cM, respectively, from the Rf gene. Since, no known Rf gene is located on the chromosome arm 2DS, the Rf gene in PWR4099 is a new gene and proposed as Rf8. The closest SSR marker, Xwmc503, linked to the Rf8 was validated in a set of Rf, maintainer and cytoplasmic male sterile lines. The closely linked SSR marker Xwmc503 may be used in marker-assisted backcross breeding facilitating the transfer of fertility restoration gene Rf8 into elite backgrounds with ease.  相似文献   

The restoration of male fertility in the sorghum IS1112 C (A3) male-sterile cytoplasm is through a two-gene gametophytic system involving complementary action of the restoring alleles Rf3 and Rf4. To develop markers suitable for mapping rf4, AFLP technology was applied to bulks of sterile and fertile individuals from a segregating BC3F1 population. Three AFLP markers linked to rf4 were identified and subsequently converted to STS/CAPS markers, two of which are co-dominant. Based on a population of 378 BC1F1 individuals, two STS/CAPS markers, LW7 and LW8, mapped to within 5.31 and 3.18 cM, respectively, of rf4, while an STS marker, LW9, was positioned 0.79 cM on the flanking side of rf4. Markers LW8 and LW9 were used to screen sorghum BAC libraries to identify the genomic region encoding rf4. A series of BAC clones shown to represent a genomic region of linkage group E were identified by the rf4-linked markers. A contig of BAC clones flanking the LW9 marker represent seed clones on linkage group E, from which fine mapping of the rf4 locus and chromosome walking can be initiated. Received: 20 June 2001 / Accepted: 3 August 2001  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is associated with a mitochondrial mutation that causes an inability to produce fertile pollen. The fertility of CMS plants is restored in the presence of a nuclear-encoded fertility restorer (Rf) gene. In Lead Rice-type CMS, discovered in the indica variety 'Lead Rice', fertility of the CMS plant is restored by the single nuclear-encoded gene Rf2 in a gametophytic manner. We performed map-based cloning of Rf2, and proved that it encodes a protein consisting of 152 amino acids with a glycine-rich domain. Expression of Rf2 mRNA was detected in developing and mature anthers. An RF2-GFP fusion was shown to be targeted to mitochondria. Replacement of isoleucine by threonine at amino acid 78 of the RF2 protein was considered to be the cause of functional loss in the rf2 allele. As Rf2 does not encode a pentatricopeptide repeat protein, unlike a majority of previously identified Rf genes, the data from this study provide new insights into the mechanism for restoring fertility in CMS.  相似文献   

细胞质雄性不育辣椒育性恢复基因特异分子标记的筛选   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用集团分离分析法(Bulked segregant analysis BSA),以辣椒细胞质雄性不育系BU-12、恢复系RF-12为材料共筛选了336条RAPD引物,其中引物S418在恢复系中呈现特异性扩增,得到一条约3000bp的特异片段。回扩得到两条片段,测序表明大小为1515bp,1162bp。荧光原位杂交证实1515bp片段为恢复系特有,命名为S4181515。序列分析表明S4181515为一新发现的序列,Blastn序列比对同源性小于40%,tBlastx比对发现该序列与水稻2、4、7、10号染色体的几个BAC克隆上的序列高度同源。推测可能与其具有相似的编码功能,为进一步从分子水平研究辣椒育性恢复打下了坚实的基础。根据测序结果设计特异引物,将S4181515转化成特异PCR标记,证明能用于候选材料的初筛。  相似文献   

 The present study shows that the recently described mitochondrial H haplotype is associated with cytoplasmic male-sterility (CMS). This new source of CMS appears to be different from the mitotype E-associated CMS most frequently found in natural populations. A mitotype H progeny with a sexual phenotype segregation was used to identify a gene restoring male fertility (R1H ). Using bulk segregant analysis (BSA), nine RAPD markers linked to this restorer locus were detected and mapped. The comparison with other Beta genetic maps shows that the closest RAPD marker, distant from R1H by 5.2 cM, belongs to the same linkage group as the monogermy locus. In order to determine the position of R1H more precisely, four RFLP loci within this linkage group were mapped in the segregating progeny. It thus became possible to construct a linkage map of the region containing the RFLP, RAPD and R1H loci. The closest RFLP marker was located 1.7 cM away from R1H. However, a nuclear gene restoring the ‘Owen’ CMS which is currently used in sugar beet breeding is reportedly linked to the monogermy locus, raising the question of a possible identity between the new CMS system and the ‘Owen’ CMS. Received: 15 September 1997 / Accepted: 1 December 1997  相似文献   

 We have used two targeting approaches [pairs of nearly isogenic lines (NILs) and bulked segregant analysis] to identify DNA markers linked to the Rfp1 restorer gene for the pol CMS of canola (Brassica napus L.). We were able to target the Rfp1 locus as efficiently by comparing NILs as by bulked segregant analysis, and it was demonstrated in this instance that double-screening strategies could significantly improve the overall targeting efficiency. The chance occurrence of shared homozygosity at specific unlinked chromosomal regions in the bulks was found to limit the efficiency of bulked segregant analysis, while the efficiency of NIL comparison was limited by residual DNA from the donor cultivar at scattered sites throughout the genome of the NILs. Received: 6 June 1997 / Accepted: 12 February 1998  相似文献   

Tightly linked markers for the neurofibromatosis type 1 gene   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Relationships among genetic markers in the region of the neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) gene on chromosome 17 were investigated by linkage studies in a large sample set of affected families and in a panel of 58 normal families. A new marker, pHHH202 (D17S33), was included along with two markers known to be closely linked to NF. The maximum likelihood estimate of the recombination rate between the pHHH202 and NF1 loci was found to be O. Multilocus analysis suggested the following marker order: pA10-41-(p3-6, pHHH202); the NF1 gene fell with equal likelihood between either pA10-41-p3-6 or p3-6-pHHH202. The odds against NF1 being outside this cluster of tightly linked markers were greater than 15:1.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated a new fertility restorer (Rf) locus for cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in radish. We have obtained a CMS-Rf system consisting of sterile line '9802A1', maintainer line '9802B1' and restorer line '9802H'. F(1) plants from cross between sterile line '9802A1' and restorer line '9802H' were all male fertile, self pollination of F(1) plants produced an F(2) segregating population consisting of 600 individuals. The segregating population was found to fit a segregation ratio 3:1 for male fertile and sterile types, indicating that male fertility is restored by a single dominant gene (termed Rfo2) in the CMS-Rf system. Based on the DNA sequence of Rfo/Rfk1 (AJ535623), just one full length gene in the sterile line '9802A1', in the restorer line '9802H' and in the male fertile line '2006H', was cloned, respectively. The three sequences correspond to the same gene with two alleles: Rfob in '9802H' and rfob in '9802A1' and '2006H'. These two alleles differ from Rfo/Rfk1 and rfk1 (AJ535624) alleles by two synonymous base substitutions, respectively. Based on the differences between the Rfob and rfob genes, one PCR-based marker was developed, and designated Marker 1, which is identical to the corresponding region of Rfob by sequence analysis. In the F(2) segregating population described above, the Marker 1 was present in 5 sterile plants and in 453 fertile plants, absent in 4 fertile plants and in 138 sterile plants, and was found to fit a segregation ratio 3:1 indicating that Rfob was single copy in '9802H'. Linkage analysis showed that the Rfo2 locus for our CMS-Rf system was distant from the Rfo locus by about 1.6 cM. The sterile line '9802A1' was pollinated by the male fertile line '2006H' and the resulting F(1) plants were all male fertile. These results indicated that the male fertility of radish CMS can be restored by a new Rf locus, which linked tightly to the Rfo locus.  相似文献   

Restoration of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in sunflower was demonstrated to be controlled by polygenes by analysing 982 effective crosses among 109 self-crossed lines and 16 CMS lines. Two self-crossed lines and one CMS line with distinct genotypes were applied to creation of segregating populations for DNA bulks of the target gene Rfl. Bulked DNA was prepared in order to investigate single gene Rfl and its gene marker among polygenic characters at the same genetic background. Using 80 10-mer operon primers, 620 RAPD reactions were carried out between fertile and sterile DNA bulks. In about 800 loci, primary results showed that 8 were related to the restoration genes. Furthermore. 2 were confirmed as RAPD markers for gene Rfl by examining 9 maintenance and 7 restoration lines. This method is the improvement for bulked segregant analysis[1] with which markers of single gene of target can be identified rapidly among polygenic characters.  相似文献   

Among the 400 soybean (Glycine max) landraces, we selected 3 tolerant (KAS150-9, KAS160-15, and KAS170-9) and 3 susceptible lines (KAS160-14, KAS160-20, and KAS201-6-1) by the survival percentage and injury scores. Susceptible lines showed decrease in chlorophyll content and increase in glucose and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents under waterlogging stress, while tolerant lines did not change significantly. For AFLP analysis, 8 EcoRI (+3) and 8 MseI (+3) primers used in 32 primer combinations generated a total of 2 566 bands with a mean of 80 bands per primer combination, of which 1 117 (43.5 %) were clearly polymorphic between the tolerant and susceptible lines. A genetic similarity coefficient, based on cluster analysis using an unweighted pair grouping method of average (UPGMA), was 0.79 for the tolerant group, while the susceptible landraces were genetically less related, with a genetic similarity coefficient of 0.17. The 10 reproducible polymorphic PCR products present in the 3 tolerant or susceptible lines were sequenced and converted into sequence tagged site (STS) markers. These STS primer sets were designated GmWT01-GmWT06 and GmWS01-GmWS04. Two STS primer sets, GmWT06 and GmWS02, generated a single monomorphic PCR product identical in size to the original AFLP fragments. For the broad application of these STS markers in marker-assisted selection (MAS) for soybean genotypes tolerant to waterlogging stress, two developed STS markers are being evaluated with putative waterlogging tolerant mutant lines induced by γ-radiation in soybean mutation breeding programs.  相似文献   

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