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BACKGROUND: One prominent example of segmentation in vertebrate embryos is the subdivision of the paraxial mesoderm into repeating, metameric structures called somites. During this process, cells in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) are first patterned into segments leading secondarily to differences required for somite morphogenesis such as the formation of segmental boundaries. Recent studies have shown that a segmental pattern is generated in the PSM of Xenopus embryos by genes encoding a Mesp-like bHLH protein called Thylacine 1 and components of the Notch signaling pathway. These genes establish a repeating pattern of gene expression that subdivides cells in the PSM into anterior and posterior half segments, but how this pattern of gene expression leads to segmental boundaries is unknown. Recently, a member of the protocadherin family of cell adhesion molecules, called PAPC, has been shown to be expressed in the PSM of Xenopus embryos in a half segment pattern, suggesting that it could play a role in restricting cell mixing at the anterior segmental boundary. RESULTS: Here, we examine the expression and function of PAPC during segmentation of the paraxial mesoderm in Xenopus embryos. We show that Thylacine 1 and the Notch pathway establish segment identity one segment prior to the segmental expression of PAPC. Altering segmental identity in embryos by perturbing the activity of Thylacine 1 and the Notch pathway, or by treatment with a protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, leads to the predicted changes in the segmental expression of PAPC. By disrupting PAPC function in embryos using a putative dominant-negative or an activated form of PAPC, we show that segmental PAPC activity is required for proper somite formation as well as for maintaining segmental gene expression within the PSM. CONCLUSIONS: Segmental expression of PAPC is established in the PSM as a downstream consequence of segmental patterning by Thylacine 1 and the Notch pathway. We propose that PAPC is part of the mechanism that establishes the segmental boundaries between posterior and anterior cells in adjacent segments.  相似文献   

The anatomical and cell biological aspects of somite formation in the chick embryo have been rather well studied. Molecular regulation of somitogenesis in vertebrates is just beginning to be understood. We have studied the effects of human recombinant activin on somitogenesis in gastrulating chick embryos cultured in vitro with a view to assessing the possible role of activin-related molecules in this phenomenon. Activin disrupted somitogenesis in treated embryos, resulting in the formation of abnormal, split or ectopic somites. Light microscopic examination indicated that the ability of activin to interfere with somitogenesis might be partly due to initiation of somite formation at ectopic sites. We show that these cells are indeed somitogenic by their expression of one of the earliest somite-specific marker genes, Pax3. Scanning electron microscopic examination of control and treated embryos revealed direct effects of activin on cell-cell interactions. Cells from treated embryos exhibited disrupted intercellular adhesion leading to large intercellular spaces, altered cell shapes and modification of cell surface protrusions. The effects of activin on somitogenesis appear to be specific, since the neural structures, which are generally more susceptible to chemical insults during gastrulation, were relatively less affected. The results clearly point to a role of activin-related molecules in somitogenesis in the chick embryo.  相似文献   

The in ovo electroporation technique in chicken embryos has enabled investigators to uncover the functions of numerous developmental genes. In this technique, the ubiquitous promoter, CAGGS (CMV base), has often been used for overexpression experiments. However, if a given gene plays a role in multiple steps of development and if overexpression of this gene causes fatal consequences at the time of electroporation, its roles in later steps of development would be overlooked. Thus, a technique with which expression of an electroporated DNA can be controlled in a stage-specific manner needs to be formulated. Here we show for the first time that the tetracycline-controlled expression method, "tet-on" and "tet-off", works efficiently to regulate gene expression in electroporated chicken embryos. We demonstrate that the onset or termination of expression of an electroporated DNA can be precisely controlled by timing the administration of tetracycline into an egg. Furthermore, with this technique we have revealed previously unknown roles of RhoA, cMeso-1 and Pax2 in early somitogenesis. In particular, cMeso-1 appears to be involved in cell condensation of a newly forming somite by regulating Pax2 and NCAM expression. Thus, the novel molecular technique in chickens proposed in this study provides a useful tool to investigate stage-specific roles of developmental genes.  相似文献   

The discovery over the last 15 years of molecular clocks and gradients in the pre-somitic mesoderm of numerous vertebrate species has added significant weight to Cooke and Zeeman's ‘clock and wavefront’ model of somitogenesis, in which a travelling wavefront determines the spatial position of somite formation and the somitogenesis clock controls periodicity (Cooke and Zeeman, 1976). However, recent high-throughput measurements of spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression in different zebrafish mutant backgrounds allow further quantitative evaluation of the clock and wavefront hypothesis. In this study we describe how our recently proposed model, in which oscillator coupling drives the propagation of an emergent wavefront, can be used to provide mechanistic and testable explanations for the following observed phenomena in zebrafish embryos: (a) the variation in somite measurements across a number of zebrafish mutants; (b) the delayed formation of somites and the formation of ‘salt and pepper’ patterns of gene expression upon disruption of oscillator coupling; and (c) spatial correlations in the ‘salt and pepper’ patterns in Delta-Notch mutants. In light of our results, we propose a number of plausible experiments that could be used to further test the model.  相似文献   

In the Pax gene family, which encodes DNA-binding proteins, Pax 2 has been known to play important roles in the formation of the midbrain/hindbrain boundary, eye, inner ear and kidney in vertebrates (Bioessays 19 (1997) 755). In this article, we report a segmentally regulated pattern of Pax 2 expression during chicken somitogenesis. Pax 2 mRNA is localized in the rostral end of the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm (PSM), abutting anteriorly on a prospective segmentation border. This pattern repeats every segmentation cycle (90 min) observed in ovo and also in the half embryo culture assay in which one half of PSM along the midline is fixed immediately while the other half is cultured for a given period. We also determined the sequence of changes in Pax 2 expression during a segmentation cycle by comparing the pattern of Pax 2 with that of Lunatic-fringe (L-fringe), known to cycle periodically in posterior PSM. A systematic comparison of the expression patterns between Pax 2, L-fringe and EphA4 further highlighted a close relationship between EphA4 and Pax 2 during a segmentation cycle. Lastly, Pax 2 is not segmentally expressed in mouse PSM, suggestive of species (avian)-specific mechanisms underlying somitic segmentation.  相似文献   

In the Pax gene family, which encodes DNA-binding proteins, Pax 2 has been known to play important roles in the formation of the midbrain/hindbrain boundary, eye, inner ear and kidney in vertebrates (Bioessays 19 (1997) 755). In this article, we report a segmentally regulated pattern of Pax 2 expression during chicken somitogenesis. Pax 2 mRNA is localized in the rostral end of the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm (PSM), abutting anteriorly on a prospective segmentation border. This pattern repeats every segmentation cycle (90 min) observed in ovo and also in the half embryo culture assay in which one half of PSM along the midline is fixed immediately while the other half is cultured for a given period. We also determined the sequence of changes in Pax 2 expression during a segmentation cycle by comparing the pattern of Pax 2 with that of Lunatic-fringe (L-fringe), known to cycle periodically in posterior PSM. A systematic comparison of the expression patterns between Pax 2, L-fringe and EphA4 further highlighted a close relationship between EphA4 and Pax 2 during a segmentation cycle. Lastly, Pax 2 is not segmentally expressed in mouse PSM, suggestive of species (avian)-specific mechanisms underlying somitic segmentation.  相似文献   

Gorodilov IuN 《Ontogenez》2004,35(2):124-139
New data were obtained corroborating that somitogenesis is a rhythmic process, in which the time of somite formation is strictly constant. This constant (tau s) can be considered as a natural unit of developmental "biological clock" characterizing rhythmic processes. The constant tau s can be determined with an exceptional accuracy that has no analogs among the known biological processes. This fact alone suggests that the accuracy of developmental clock is very high. In addition to the constancy of tau s, all forming somites have equal linear size along the notochord axis. In the process with strictly constant temporal and spatial factors, time plays the leading role in triggering the formation of new somite. This became clear in studies of twin embryos. Both embryos had the same number of somites but they were shorter than in the normal embryos. Also, we measured the length of head and both segmented and unsegmented caudal parts of the trunk. Combined with the published data on somitogenesis, our results suggest that the previously proposed scheme for the role of developmental clock in embryogenesis predicts: (1) a possible loss of some embryonic stages without serious consequences for subsequent development and (2) periodic switching on/off any embryonic processes (at the molecular, cellular, or supercellular level) with intervals multiple to tau s.  相似文献   

The rate of somitogenesis was observed in plaice embryos reared at 5 and 12°C. Somite formation occurred relatively later in development at 12 than at 5°C. At any given stage of development 5°C plaice embryos had significantly more somites than embryos reared at 12°C.  相似文献   

Renewed interest in the use of the embryonic chicken as a model of perinatal cardiovascular regulation has inspired new questions about the control mechanisms that respond to acute perturbations, such as hypoxia. The objectives of this study were to determine the cardiovascular responses, the regulatory mechanisms involved in those cardiovascular responses, and whether those mechanisms involved the central nervous system (CNS) of embryonic chickens. Heart rate (f(H)) and blood pressure were measured in chicken embryos of different incubation ages during exposure to different levels of hypoxia (15, 10, and 5% O(2)). At all levels of hypoxia and at all developmental ages, a depression of f(H) and arterial pressure was observed, with the exception of day 20 embryos in 15 and 10% O(2). The intensity of the embryonic f(H) and blood pressure responses were directly related to the level of hypoxia used. Muscarinic and alpha-adrenergic receptor stimulation limited the hypoxic hypotension on days 15-19 and 15-21, respectively, as indicated after blockade with atropine and phentolamine. During the final 3 days of incubation, the intensity of the hypoxic hypotension was magnified due to alpha-vasodilation caused by beta-adrenergic and muscarinic receptor stimulation. In 19- to 21-day-old embryos, the f(H) response to hypoxia was limited by alpha-adrenergic receptor stimulation as indicated by the accentuated bradycardia after blockade with phentolamine. Furthermore, on day 21, atropine limited the hypoxic bradycardia, indicating that muscarinic receptors also play a role in the f(H) response at this age. In addition, the muscarinic actions on the heart and the adrenergic effects on the vasculature appeared to occur through a hypoxic-induced direct release from chromaffin tissue and autonomic nerve terminals. Thus, in embryonic chickens, the only cardiovascular response to hypoxia that involves the CNS was the cholinergic regulation of arterial pressure after day 15 of incubation. Therefore, although embryonic chickens and fetal sheep, the standard models of perinatal cardiovascular physiology, respond to hypoxia with a similar redistribution of cardiac output, the underlying mechanisms differ between these species.  相似文献   

A variety of evidence suggests that fibronectin (FN) promotes cell migration during embryogenesis, and it has been suggested that the deposition of FN along migratory pathways may also play a role in cell guidance. In order to investigate such a role for FN, it is important to determine the relative contribution of migrating and pathway-forming cells to the FN in the migratory track, as any synthesis of FN by the migrating cells might be expected to mask guidance cues provided by the exogenous FN from pathway-forming cells. We have therefore used in situ hybridization to determine in developing chicken embryos the distribution and alternative splicing of FN mRNA during three different cell migrations known to occur through FN-rich environments; neural crest cell migration, mesenchymal cell migration in the area vasculosa and endocardial cushion cell migration in the heart. Our results show that trunk neural crest cells do not contain significant FN mRNA during their initial migration. In contrast, migrating mesenchymal cells of the area vasculosa and endocardial cushion cells both contain abundant FN mRNA. Furthermore, the FN mRNA in these migrating mesenchymal and endocardial cells appears to be spliced in a manner identical with that present in the cells adjacent to their pathways. This in vivo evidence for FN synthesis by migrating and pathway cells argues against a generalized role for exogenously produced FN as a guidance mechanism for cell migration.  相似文献   

Adhesion molecules during somitogenesis in the avian embryo   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
In avian embryos, somites constitute the morphological unit of the metameric pattern. Somites are epithelia formed from a mesenchyme, the segmental plate, and are subsequently reorganized into dermatome, myotome, and sclerotome. In this study, we used somitogenesis as a basis to examine tissue remodeling during early vertebrate morphogenesis. Particular emphasis was put on the distribution and possible complementary roles of adhesion-promoting molecules, neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM), N-cadherin, fibronectin, and laminin. Both segmental plate and somitic cells exhibited in vitro calcium-dependent and calcium-independent systems of cell aggregation that could be inhibited respectively by anti-N-cadherin and anti-N-CAM antibodies. In vivo, the spatio-temporal expression of N-cadherin was closely associated with both the formation and local disruption of the somites. In contrast, changes in the prevalence of N-CAM did not strictly accompany the remodeling of the somitic epithelium into dermamyotome and sclerotome. It was also observed that fibronectin and laminin were reorganized secondarily in the extracellular spaces after CAM-mediated contacts were modulated. In an in vitro culture system of somites, N-cadherin was lost on individual cells released from somite explants and was reexpressed when these cells reached confluence and established intercellular contacts. In an assay of tissue dissociation in vitro, antibodies to N-cadherin or medium devoid of calcium strongly and reversibly dissociated explants of segmental plates and somites. Antibodies to N-CAM exhibited a smaller disrupting effect only on segmental plate explants. In contrast, antibodies to fibronectin and laminin did not perturb the cohesion of cells within the explants. These results emphasize the possible role of cell surface modulation of CAMs during the formation and remodeling of some transient embryonic epithelia. It is suggested that N-cadherin plays a major role in the control of tissue remodeling, a process in which N-CAM is also involved but to a lesser extent. The substratum adhesion molecules, fibronectin and laminin, do not appear to play a primary role in the regulation of these processes but may participate in cell positioning and in the stabilization of the epithelial structures.  相似文献   

曹莎莎  贾文双  赵庆顺 《遗传》2012,34(9):1159-1164
视黄酸(RA)在脊椎动物胚胎发生过程中发挥着关键作用。但是脊椎动物不能从头合成RA, 而必须以维生素A为前体通过视黄醇脱氢酶和视黄醛脱氢酶(Aldh1A)先将其氧化为视黄醛再氧化成RA。已知维生素A缺乏(VAD)会导致多种动物出现维生素A缺乏综合征, 但有关VAD对斑马鱼胚胎发育的影响尚未见报道。文章通过用不含维生素A及其他视黄类前体的饲料饲喂斑马鱼获得斑马鱼VAD胚胎。分析表明, 缺乏维生素A可导致斑马鱼胚胎体节出现不对称发育、胚胎的后脑图式形成异常。这些表型虽与aldh1a2基因敲落的及经醛脱氢酶抑制剂处理的斑马鱼胚胎表型类似, 但远不及后二者的严重, 提示VAD胚胎可能只是缺少而不是完全没有维生素A, 且可能存在不依赖视黄醛脱氢酶的RA合成途径。  相似文献   

Fibronectin distribution during somitogenesis in the chick embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Somite formation in vertebrates is a multi-stage process. From a relatively homogeneous rod of mesenchyme, the segmental plate, somites are formed in a repeating sequence. Cell-cell adhesion has been proposed as a causal factor in somitogenesis. This led to an analysis of fibronectin in the segmental plate with respect to the initiation of somitogenesis. The pattern of fibronectin distribution can be correlated with the initiation of somitogenesis in the anterior portion of the segmental plate. Fibronectin distribution was determined using a high resolution antibody localization technique. Differences in fibronectin distribution were verified with computer-assisted image analysis. The evidence presented supports the hypothesis that an increase in cell-cell adhesion is a significant factor in the initiation of somitogenesis.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to characterize pulmonary vascular reactivity in the chicken embryo from the last stage of prenatal development and throughout the perinatal period. Isolated intrapulmonary arteries from non-internally pipped embryos at 19 days of incubation and from internally and externally pipped embryos at 21 days of incubation were studied. Arterial diameter and contractile responses to KCl, endothelin-1, and U-46619 increased with incubation but were unaffected by external pipping. In contrast, the contractions induced by norepinephrine, phenylephrine, and electric field stimulation decreased with development. No developmental changes were observed in endothelium-dependent [acetylcholine (ACh) and cyclopiazonic acid] or endothelium-independent [sodium nitroprusside (SNP)] relaxation. These relaxations were abolished by the soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one. Endothelium-dependent relaxation was unaffected by blockade of cyclooxygenase or heme oxygenase but was significantly reduced by nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitors. Reduction of O2 concentration from 95 to 5% produced a marked reduction in ACh and SNP-induced relaxations. Chicken embryo pulmonary arteries show a marked endothelium-dependent relaxation that is unaffected by transition to ex ovo life. Endothelium-derived NO seems to be the main mediator responsible for this relaxation.  相似文献   

M Girbau  L Bassas  J Roth  F de Pablo 《Life sciences》1989,44(25):1971-1978
The tumor promoting phorbol esters can affect early embryonic development by causing interference with the normal pathways of cellular growth and differentiation. The present study was designed to: a) define a time in organogenesis when a vertebrate embryo model, the chicken, was sensitive to the phorbol ester 12-0-tetradecanoyl-13-acetate (TPA), and b) attempt a rescue of the embryos disturbed by TPA with simultaneous addition of insulin. In embryos treated at days 2 and 3 of development, TPA caused dose-dependent mortality. Survivors were biochemically retarded as indicated by their decreased weight, protein, DNA, RNA, total creatine kinase, triglycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol contents. When intermediate doses of TPA (50 ng/embryo) were applied together with insulin (100 ng/embryo), the embryonic growth disturbance was largely antagonized. These data, generated with an in vivo whole embryo, These data, generated with an in vivo whole embryo, support the strong link between the mode of action of insulin and signal transduction mechanisms typical of phorbol esters.  相似文献   

Genetic networks that include positive and negative feedback can exhibit oscillations. These oscillations are a form of emergence, which is when novel patterns or properties arise during self organization of complex systems. Within the extending trunk and tail of the developing vertebrate embryo, the somitogenesis oscillator governs the periodic formation of segments that ultimately become the vertebral column and musculature. These oscillations occur within the context of noise created by cell movement, mitosis, and stochastic gene expression. Here, we review recent progress in our understanding of the role of the Notch signaling pathway in the zebrafish segmentation oscillator and our appreciation of how the oscillator interfaces with different sources of noise.  相似文献   

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