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We evaluated the hypothesis that Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) (CPB) flight frequency is related to diet, and that it changes with duration of food unavailability or exposure to poor quality food by exposing adult overwintered and summer CPB populations to an acceptable host plant (conventional foliage), a poor host (insect resistant transgenic foliage expressing Bacillus thuringiensis tenebrionis[Btt] Cry3a toxin) and no host. Exposure to poor host and no host treatments (with or without water) decreased mean daily flight frequencies and the overall number of overwintered CPB flying, but increased the mean daily flight frequency and number of summer population CPB that flew. Overwintered CPB did not react to an absence of plants at emergence whereas summer CPB increased mean daily flight frequencies when plants and water were not available. The flight response to insect resistant foliage was similar to that for starvation treatments in both populations indicating that flight may not be triggered by Btt toxins but by starvation brought on by feeding on poor quality food. Flight was observed in all treatments for the duration of the test with two exceptions; overwintered beetles fed insect resistant foliage ceased flying after day 17 and summer beetles starved without water ceased after day 8 of a 29‐day study.  相似文献   

对Cry3A毒素和氯菊酯杀虫剂经口注射处理的马铃薯甲虫的前肠、中肠和腿节样本的神经肌肉自发动作电位发射进行了记录。两种化合物均可呈现很典型的神经电生理症状:在初期阶段,它们均引起连放动作电位的发放程度大幅增加,而发放间隔期延长,且随着中毒加深而拉长。氯菊酯可在腿节样本引起典型高频爆排,表现出间隔非常短的静息期特征,但Cry3A毒素只在肠道样本中表现上述特征。而且Cry3A毒素可使处理甲虫的呕吐物大幅增加,而取食减少。这些结果显示处理虫的肠道神经肌肉系统较腿部神经肌肉系统对Cry3A毒素更敏感,Cry3A毒素最初的神经毒性或细胞毒性作用引起肠道活动的紊乱是其昆虫毒性作用的重要机制。  相似文献   

Modification of dispersal behaviour is a common response of insects to food and water deprivation. The literature suggests that different insects respond with different strategies: changing walking parameters, switching dispersal mode (walking to flight or vice versa), or changing the host searching path. The goal of this study was to add to the limited literature on the subject by investigating, whether the walking parameters of adult male Colorado potato beetles, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), change in response to food and water deprivation. Observations on the distance walked, the travel speed, and the frequency of walking bouts were carried out in laboratory arenas using motion monitoring equipment. Summer and overwintered beetles were exposed to short starvation periods (2, 4, 8, 24 h) and two ranges of long starvation periods (1, 2, 4, 8 days and 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 days). Only the longest food deprivation periods of 16 and 32 days significantly reduced the walking distance, speed, and frequency of walking bouts of summer beetles. No changes were observed with overwintered beetles. The tolerance of the beetles without access to water to the different periods of food deprivation was similar to that for beetles with water except after a starvation period of 32 days, when the travel speed of summer beetles was significantly reduced by 33%. The absence of increased walking parameters found in this study and earlier observations of increased flight frequency suggest that the strategy of summer beetles will be to change the dispersal mode from walking to flight and/or to change the walking host searching path. The same results of this study and earlier observations of a decrease in the mean frequency of daily flights suggest that the strategy of overwintered L. decemlineata, exposed to food deprivation, will be to change the host search walking path rather than the walking parameters themselves.  相似文献   

Abstract Maize production in the United States is dominated by plants genetically modified with transgenes from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Cry3Bb delta endotoxins expressed by Bt maize specifically target corn rootworms (genus Diabrotica) and have proven highly efficacious. However, development of resistance to Bt maize, especially among western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) populations, poses a significant threat to the future viability of this pest control biotechnology. The structured refuge insect resistance management (IRM) strategy implemented in the United States for Bt maize adopts a conservative approach to managing resistance by assuming no fitness costs of Bt resistance, even though these trade‐offs strongly influence the dynamics of Bt resistance within numerous agricultural pest species. To investigate the effects of Bt resistance on fitness components of western corn rootworm, we compared survivorship, fecundity and viability of five Bt‐resistant laboratory lines reared on MON863 (YieldGard Rootworm), a Bt maize product that expresses Cry3Bb1 delta endotoxin, and on its non‐transgenic isoline. Analysis of performance on the isoline maize demonstrated no fitness costs associated with Bt resistance. In fact, resistant lines emerged approximately 2–3 days earlier than control lines when reared on both MON863 and the isoline, indicating that selection for Bt resistance resulted in a general increase in the rate of larval development. In addition, resistant lines reared on Bt maize displayed higher fecundity than those reared on the isoline, which may have significant management implications. These data will be valuable for formulating improved IRM strategies for a principal agricultural pest of maize.  相似文献   

Four species of Bacillus were isolated from soil in an effort to find safe, effective and alternative biological control agents against plant pests. These bacteria were identified as Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus sphaericus, Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus cereus on the basis of fatty acid methyl ester analysis and carbon utilization profiles by using Microbial Identification and Biolog Microplate Systems. Laboratory experiments carried out to determine the insecticidal activities of these isolates showed that B. pumilus caused 95.7 and 26.7% mortality and B. sphaericus caused 74.5 and 23.3% mortality of Leptinotarsa decemlineata larvae and adults, respectively. B. cereus and B. megaterium showed 51.1 and 29.7%, respectively, of L. decemlineata larvae. This study presents at least two Turkish isolates from the genus Bacillus showing high insecticidal activity against L. decemlineata.  相似文献   

The western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is the most significant pest of field maize, Zea mays L. (Poaceae), in the USA. Maize plants expressing Bt toxins targeting the corn rootworm complex have been widely adopted and are the primary insecticidal control measure for this pest in North America. Insect resistance management tactics using various refuge structures have been adopted to ensure Bt products will retain durability. An assumption of the refuge strategy is that males and females emerging from Bt and refuge plantings mate randomly; this has not been tested in the field. We conducted cage studies using field populations of WCR in Indiana, USA, to generate empirical field data on mating rates between beetles emerging from Cry3Bb1‐expressing Bt and refuge maize plants. Two refuge configurations were tested; all refuge plants were labeled using the stable isotope 15N. This mark persists in adult beetles after eclosion, allowing for collection and analysis of isotopic ratios of all beetles. Additional data collected included adult emergence rates, timing and sex ratios for each of the treatments, and head capsule size and dry weights of beetles collected. Treatment had a significant effect on dry weight; mean dry weight decreased in Bt‐only treatments. Fisher's exact test of proportions of mating pairs of refuge and Bt insects indicated that mating was not random in 20% strip refuges and 5% seed blend treatments. We found high percentages of beetles that fed on Bt‐expressing plants as larvae, suggesting that mating between resistant beetles may not be rare even if random mating did occur.  相似文献   

The success of the current resistance management plan for transgenic maize, Zea mays L. (Poaceae), targeting the rootworm complex hinges upon high rates of mating between resistant and susceptible beetles. However, differences in the fitness of adult beetles could result in assortative mating, which could, in turn, change the rate of resistance evolution. Adult head capsule widths of naturally occurring populations of western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), were examined in a variety of refuge configurations. Beetles were classified into treatments based on the hybrid – non‐Bt refuge or Bt maize targeting larval rootworms (hereafter BtRW maize) – and location – proximity to other Bt‐RW or refuge plants – of the natal host plant. Treatments included the following: a refuge plant surrounded by other refuge plants, a refuge plant located near a BtRW plant, a BtRW plant surrounded by BtRW plants, and a BtRW plant located near a refuge plant. The mean head capsule width of males emerging from BtRW plants was significantly smaller than the mean head capsule width of males emerging from refuge plants. These results indicate that males emerging from BtRW maize plants may be exposed to sublethal doses of the Bt toxin as larvae. No differences were detected between females emerging from refuge plants compared with Bt‐RW plants. Overall mean head capsule width decreased as the season progressed, regardless of treatment. The diminished head capsule width of western corn rootworm males emerging from Bt‐RW maize may act to enhance resistance management, particularly in a seed mix refuge system.  相似文献   

Field‐evolved resistance by the western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte to the Cry3Bb1 trait expressed in maize, has been documented in areas of Nebraska USA. Currently, only limited information is available on life‐history traits of Cry3Bb1‐resistant field populations. Therefore, the Gassmann on‐plant bioassay was used to investigate the potential variability among four Cry3Bb1‐resistant WCR field collections made in 2011–2012 by focusing on the key parameters: larval survival, developmental stage and weight with specific emphasis on the impact of adult emergence timing on these parameters in subsequent progeny. Key results: In three of four collections, the susceptibility of larval progeny from adults that emerged early or late within a generation from Cry3Bb1 plants was similar. Each of the three collections exhibited complete resistance; that is, survival on Cry3Bb1 plants was greater or equal to survival on non‐Bt isoline plants. Bioassays from an additional field collection from one site 2 years (2013) after the original collection (2011) (both from Cry3Bb1 maize) indicated that resistance to Cry3Bb1 was maintained over time at the site despite Bt trait rotation in 2012. In general, comparative WCR life‐history parameter data from Cry3Bb1 and isoline maize indicate that fitness of field collections exhibiting complete resistance was similar on each hybrid. The mean proportion of larvae in third instar and mean weight of larvae recovered in bioassays from progeny of early‐ and late‐emerged adults was not significantly affected by emergence period. This suggests that delays in development and associated mean adult emergence commonly observed in populations that are susceptible to Cry3Bb1 may become smaller as populations become resistant to Cry3Bb1. Results from this article will inform Cry3Bb1 resistance mitigation efforts and contribute to the development of sustainable WCR management programmes.  相似文献   

Concerns have been raised that Bt maize pollen may have adverse effects on non‐target organisms; consequently, there is a general call for Bt maize risk assessment evaluating lethal and sublethal side effects. Spiders play an important economic and ecological role as pest predators in various crops, including maize. Web‐building spiders, especially, may be exposed to the Cry1Ab toxin of Bt maize by the ingestion of pollen via ‘recycling’ of pollen‐dusted webs and intentional pollen feeding. In this study, the potential Bt maize pollen exposure of orb‐web spiders was quantified in maize fields and adjacent field margins, and laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the possible effects of Bt maize pollen consumption on juvenile garden spiders, Araneus diadematus (Clerck) (Araneae: Araneidae). In maize fields and neighbouring field margins, web‐building spiders were exposed to high amounts of Bt maize pollen. However, a laboratory bioassay showed no effects of Bt maize pollen on weight increase, survival, moult frequency, reaction time, and various web variables of A. diadematus. A pyrethroid insecticide (Baythroid) application affected weight increase, survival, and reaction time of spiders negatively. In conclusion, the insecticide tested showed adverse effects on the garden spider, whereas the consumption of Bt maize pollen did not. This study is the first one on Bt maize effects on orb‐web spiders, and additional research is recommended in order to account for further spider species, relative fitness parameters, prey‐mediated effects, and possible long‐term chronic consequences of Bt exposure.  相似文献   

A transgenic corn event (MON 863) has been recently developed by Monsanto Company for control of corn rootworms, Diabrotica spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). This transgenic corn event expresses the cry3Bb1 gene derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner), which encodes the insecticidal Cry3Bb1 protein for corn rootworm control. A continuous feeding study was conducted in the laboratory to evaluate the dietary effect of MON 863 pollen expressing the Cry3Bb1 protein on the survival, larval development, and reproductive capacity of the non-target species, Coleomegilla maculata DeGeer (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). First instar C. maculata (less than 24 h old) and newly emerging adults (less than 72 h old) were fed individually on a diet mixture containing 50% of MON 863 pollen, non-transgenic (control) corn pollen, bee pollen (a component of normal rearing diet), or potassium arsenate-treated control corn pollen. In the larval tests, 96.7%, 90.0%, and 93.3% of C. maculata larvae successfully pupated and then emerged as adults when fed on MON 863 pollen, non-transgenic corn pollen, and bee pollen (normal rearing) diets, respectively. Among the larvae completing their development, there were no significant differences in the developmental time to pupation and adult emergence among the transgenic corn pollen, non-transgenic corn pollen, and bee pollen diet treatments. All larvae fed on arsenate treated corn pollen diet died as larvae. For tests with adults, 83.3%, 80.0%, and 100% of adult C. maculata survived for the 30 days of the test period when reared on diets containing 50% of MON 863 pollen, non-transgenic corn pollen, and bee pollen respectively. While the adult survival rate on MON 863 pollen diet was significantly less than that on the bee pollen diet, there was no significant difference between the MON 863 and non-transgenic corn pollen treatments. During the period of adult testing, an average of 77, 80, and 89 eggs per female were laid by females fed on the MON 863 pollen, control corn pollen, and bee pollen, respectively; no significant differences were detected in the number of eggs laid among these treatments. These results demonstrate that when offered at 50% by weight of the dietary component, transgenic corn (MON 863) pollen expressing Cry3Bb1 protein had no measurable negative effect on the survival and development of C. maculata larvae to pupation and adulthood nor any adverse effect on adult survival and reproductive capacity. Relevance of these findings to ecological impacts of transgenic Bt crops on non-target beneficial insects is discussed.  相似文献   

为了了解并掌握马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)在新疆的抗性水平及动态, 为科学用药提供理论依据, 利用点滴法测定了新疆北部马铃薯甲虫6个田间种群(乌鲁木齐、 阜康、 昌吉、 阿勒泰、 尼勒克和特克斯) 的4龄幼虫对14种常规药剂的敏感性, 并测试了磷酸三苯酯(TPP)、 顺丁烯二酸二乙酯(DEM)和氧化胡椒基丁醚(PBO)的增效作用。结果表明: 与已报道的基线相比, 特克斯种群对几种药剂都敏感, 因此确定特克斯田间种群为敏感品系。与特克斯敏感品系相比, 昌吉种群对三氟氯氰菊酯、 溴氰菊酯、 克百威及丁硫克百威的抗性倍数分别为108.8, 30, 17.6和24.7, 而尼勒克种群对这4种药剂的抗性倍数分别为29.4, 42.5, 10.1和89.9。此外, 昌吉和阜康种群对高效氯氰菊酯也分别产生8.9和13.0倍的中等抗性。增效测定结果显示: 对于尼勒克种群, PBO对三氟氯氰菊酯有明显增效作用; 对于昌吉种群, PBO, TPP和DEM对克百威有明显增效作用。因此推断解毒酶活性增强可能是新疆马铃薯甲虫对三氟氯氰菊酯和克百威的抗性机制之一。由于增效作用不能完全消除抗性, 因此新疆马铃薯甲虫的抗药性还可能涉及到其他机制。  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and bioassays were used to estimate levels of Cry1Ab protein in four species of phytophagous insects after feeding on transgenic Bt-corn plants expressing Cry1Ab protein or artificial diets containing Cry1Ab protein. The level of Cry1Ab in insects feeding on sources containing the Cry1Ab protein was uniformly low but varied with insect species as well as food source. For the corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch), feeding on diet solutions containing Cry1Ab protein, the level of the protein in the aphid was 250–500 times less than the original levels in the diet, whereas no Cry1Ab was detected by ELISA in aphids feeding on transgenic Bt-Corn plants. For the lepidopteran insects, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), and Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), levels of Cry1Ab in larvae varied significantly with feeding treatment. When feeding for 24 h on artificial diets containing 20 and 100 ppm of Cry1Ab, the level of Cry1Ab in the larvae was about 57 and 142 times lower, respectively, than the original protein level in the diet for O. nubilalis, 20 and 34 times lower for H. zea, and 10 to 14 times lower for A. ipsilon. Diet incorporation bioassays with a susceptible insect (first instar O. nubilalis) showed significant Cry1Ab bioactivity present within whole body tissues of R. maidis and O. nubilalis that had fed on diet containing a minimum of 20 ppm or higher concentrations (100 or 200 ppm) of Cry1Ab, but no significant bioactivity within the tissues of these insects after feeding on transgenic Bt-corn plants. The relevance of these findings to secondary exposure risk assessment for transgenic Bt crops is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This study tests the effects of temperature, water, food and photoperiod on breaking diapause and resumption of activity (emergence from the soil) in Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) diapausing under natural winter conditions or at constant temperatures in the laboratory. Behavioural and physiological criteria were used to characterize the various phases of diapause. Three successive phases are distinguished during hibernation: 'diapause development' or true diapause, a facultative 'post-diapause quiescence' and, finally, a transient phase of post-diapause development leading to emergence from the soil. Diapause development is completed within 3 months in the field and its duration depends on temperature. Although they are buried in the soil during this phase, beetles remain sensitive to photoperiod when artificially exposed to it. They do not emerge from the soil when exposed to higher temperatures. Thereafter, they stay in a quiescent state maintained by low temperature, low humidity or lack of food. The response to temperature changes during hibernation. In the soil, activity begins when soil temperature reaches 4–5C, but this temperature is too low to permit postdiapause development. The transient phase has a temperature threshold between 8 and 10C, whereas emergence from the soil occurs only when the temperature exceeds 11C. Post-diapause development is influenced strongly by temperature and humidity. After emergence, post-diapause development leads eventually to reproduction. Food is essential for reproduction after diapause whereas photoperiod plays no further role.  相似文献   

In central Mexico, the center of origin forLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) and its principal host plants,L. decemlineata is associated with a diverse complex of natural enemies. Observations during 2 years in Morelos, Mexico revealed 4 species of asopine pentatomids, 7 species of foliar searching carabids, and 2 coccinellids among the predators ofL. decemlineata. Parasitoids include 3 species of tachinids andEdovum puttleri Grissel, an eulophid egg parasitoid. These natural enemies include several predators that have not previously been reported attackingL. decemlineata. University of Maine Agriculture Experiment Station No. 1553  相似文献   

利用透射显微镜(TEM)观察亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée)幼虫取食了表达Cry1Ab杀虫蛋白的转Bt基因玉米心叶组织后中肠的组织病理变化, 以探讨转Bt基因玉米对亚洲玉米螟的致病机理, 为其合理、安全和持续利用提供理论依据。结果表明:亚洲玉米螟取食Bt玉米后中肠细胞及其细胞器发生了明显的病变。取食Bt玉米12 h后中肠细胞开始病变, 首先微绒毛脱落、内质网开始肿胀, 24 h后内质网肿胀、增多, 杯状细胞杯腔增大, 48 h后微绒毛大量脱落, 细胞开始空泡化, 随着取食时间的增加, 细胞空泡化程度加剧, 在感染前期细胞间的病变程度差异较大。微绒毛脱落、内质网肿胀断裂是在多数取食Bt玉米的亚洲玉米螟中肠细胞发生的普遍病变。由此表明, 人工修饰的Cry1Ab基因导入到玉米染色体组中所表达的杀虫蛋白可使玉米螟幼虫中肠细胞发生病变, 最终导致其死亡。  相似文献   

Transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) crops receive particular attention because they carry genes encoding insecticidal proteins that might negatively affect non‐target arthropods. Here, laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of Cry1Ab‐expressing transgenic maize [5422Bt1 (event Bt11) and 5422CBCL (MON810)] on the biological parameters of two non‐target arthropods, the aphid Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and its predator the ladybeetle Propylea japonica (Thunberg) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). In a long‐term assay (three generations), no significant differences were found between R. maidis fed Bt maize and those fed a near‐isogenic line (5422) when individual parameters were compared, including nymph development time, adult longevity, aphid spawning period, and fecundity. No negative effects were detected throughout the life cycle of Pjaponica in aphids’ feeding amount, development (nymphs, pupae, adults, and progeny eggs), fecundity, or egg hatching when they preyed on Bt maize‐fed aphids compared with non‐Bt maize treatments. A tritrophic assay revealed that Cry1Ab was highly diluted through the food chain (Bt maize leaves, R. maidis, and P. japonica), as detected by an enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In conclusion, although Cry1Ab concentrations in maize leaves increased as the plants developed, Cry1Ab levels were significantly reduced in the aphid R. maidis, and no traces of Cry1Ab were detected in P. japonica preying on Bt maize‐fed aphids. The two hybrids of Bt maize expressing Cry1Ab had no negative effects on the measured biological parameters of the aphid R. maidis or its predator, the ladybeetle P. japonica.  相似文献   

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