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The seed coat vascular system of the developing seed of Viciafaba consists of a chalazal and two lateral veins. The veinsare embedded in parenchymatous tissue which lies beneath thehypodermis and is divided into chlorenchyma, ground parenchymaand thin-walled parenchyma. The thin-walled parenchyma cellsand, in old seed coats, the vascular parenchyma of the veinsundergo additional secondary wall development to form transfercells. Thus, transfer cells line the entire inner surface ofthe seed coat. Initial distribution of 14C-photosynthates andsodium fluorescein within the seed coat was in the vascularsystem. Subsequent transfer towards the embryo was either radiallythrough vascular parenchyma and thin-walled parenchyma to thin-walledparenchyma/transfer cells, or by lateral spread within the groundand thin-walled parenchyma/transfer cells of the non-vascularregion of the seed coat prior to radial transfer. One-thirdof the 14C-photosynthate delivered to the enclosed embryo wasestimated to be transferred via the non-vascular region of theseed coat. The cotyledons consist of a single-layered epidermisenclosing storage parenchyma in which a differentiating reticulatevascular system is embedded. Epidermal cells juxtaposed to theseed coat develop wall ingrowths characteristic of transfercells. Initial distribution of 14C-photosynthate within thecotyledons reflected the unequal delivery to the seed apoplastfrom the vascular and non-vascular regions of the seed coat.Subsequent even distribution of photosynthate within the cotyledonspossibly occurred by transfer within their vascular system. Key words: Cellular pathway, photosynthate transfer, seed anatomy, transfer cell  相似文献   

The cells responsible for the photosynthate efflux from coatsof developing seed of Vicia faba L. and Phaseolus vulgaris L.were elucidated using known properties of the efflux mechanism.Sensitivity of sucrose efflux to NEM and high potassium concentrationswas retained by seed-coat halves of Phaseolus following pectinaseremoval of the branch parenchyma cell layer. In contrast, removalof the thin-walled parenchyma transfer cell layer from Viciaseed-coat halves abolished this sensitivity. The membrane-impermeantthiol-binding fluorochrome, qBBr, selectively stained the surfaceof the thin-walled parenchyma transfer cells. This phenomenonwas inhibited by the slowly permeable sul-phydryl agent, PCMBS,indicating that the plasma membranes of these cells are enrichedin sulphydryl groups characteristic of membrance porter proteins.On the basis that carrier-mediated sucrose efflux from seedcoats appears to be proton coupled, the putative plasma membraneH+-ATPase was used as a marker for the cells responsible forcarrier-mediated photosynthate efflux. When seed-coat halveswere exposed briefly at pH 8.5 to the weak acid fluorochrome,SRG, the ground parenchyma and thin-walled parenchyma transfercell layers selectively accumulated the dye. The apparent lowpH environment in the walls of these cells that renders SRGmembrane permeant appeared to be maintained by a VAN-sensitiveproton pump. The findings with SRG were corroborated by thecyto-chemical localization of plasma membrane ATPase activityto the ground parenchyma and thin-walled parenchyma transfercells using precipitation of cerium phosphate. Together, ourobservations provide qualified support for the conclusion thatcarrier-mediated photosynthate efflux from coats of Phaseolusand Vicia seed is primarily restricted to the ground parenchymaand thin-walled parenchyma transfer cell layers, respectively. Key words: Ground parenchyma, Phaseolus vulgaris L., photosynthate efflux, seed coat, transfer cell, Vicia faba L.  相似文献   

At an early stage of secondary development, the metaphloem sieveelements appeared to be the only functional axial transportconduit in fully elongated stems of P. vulgaris plants. Thereis no apparent barrier to the radial transfer of solutes inthe stem apoplast. However, radial transfer through the stemsymplast could be limited by discontinuities resulting fromprotoplast degeneration of the protophloem fibres and developingsecondary xylem fibres. Estimates of possible sucrose fluxesthrough the apoplastic and symplastic routes indicated thatradial photosynthate transfer from the sieve element-companioncell (se-cc) complexes of the stem metaphloem could follow eithercellular route. In the case of apoplastic transfer, the plasmamembrane surface area of the se-cc complexes is only sufficientto support some form of facilitated movement of sucrose. Incontrast, the plasma membrane surface area of the phloem parenchymais sufficient to permit passive diffusion of sucrose to theapoplast. Plasmodesmatal frequencies suggest that any symplastictransfer to the phloem parenchyma from the sieve elements wouldbe via the companion cells. Phaseolus vulgaris, french bean, stem, photosynthate, radial transfer (photosynthates), cellular pathway  相似文献   

In developing seed ofVicia faba L., solutes imported throughthe phloem of the coats move symplastically from the sieve elementsto a specialized set of cells (the thin-walled parenchyma transfercells) for release to the seed apoplast. Potassium (K+) is thepredominant cation released from the seed coats. To elucidatethe mechanisms of K+ efflux from seed coat to seed apoplast,whole-cell currents across the plasma membranes of protoplastsof thin-walled parenchyma transfer cells were measured usingthe whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Membrane depolarizationelicited a time-dependent and an instantaneous outward current.The reversal potential (ER of the time-dependent outward currentwas close to the potassium equilibrium potential (EK and itshifted in the same direction as EK upon changing the externalK+ concentration, indicating that this current was largely carriedby an efflux of K+. The activation of the time-dependent outwardK+ current could be well fitted by two exponential componentsplus a constant. The instantaneous outward current could alsobe carried by K+ efflux as suggested by ion substitution experiments.These K+ outward rectifier currents elicited by membrane depolarizationare probably too small to represent the mechanism for the normalK+ efflux from seed coat cells. Membrane hyperpolarization morenegative than –80 mV activated a time-dependent inwardcurrent. K+ influx was responsible for the inward current asthe current reversed at membrane voltage close to EK and shiftedin the same direction as EK when external [K+] was varied. Activationof this K+inward rectifier current was well fitted with twoexponential components plus a constant. A regulating functionfor this current is suggested. Key words: Potassium outward rectifier, potassium inward rectifier, transfer cell protoplast, seed coat, Vicia faba L  相似文献   

The potential cellular pathway of radial transfer of photosynthateand potassium delivered in the phloem to the elongation zone(apical 0.5–2.5 cm) of internode 2 ofPhaseolus vulgarisL. seedlings was elucidated. This was achieved using ultrastructuralobservations of the cell types that constitute the radial pathwayand estimates of potential sucrose and potassium fluxes throughthe cross-sectional area of interconnecting plasmodesmata andacross the plasma membrane surface areas of selected cell types.The investigation relied on predicting the relative roles ofthe mature and developing sieve elements as conduits for theaxial delivery of solutes to the elongation zone. In turn, thesepredictions led to formulation of two transport models whichwere subsequently evaluated. It was found that unloading ofsucrose and potassium from the protophloem sieve elements cannotbe through the symplast due to the absence of plasmodesmata.On the other hand, mature metaphloem sieve element-companioncell complexes have the potential capacity to unload eitherthrough the stem symplast or apoplast. The potential symplasticroute is proposed to be via the companion cells to the adjacentlarge phloem parenchyma cells. Continued radial transfer couldoccur either by exchange to the stem apoplast from the largephloem parenchyma cells or continue in the symplast to the groundtissues. It was further predicted that sucrose utilized forthe development of the procambial/small phloem parenchyma cellscould be delivered axially by them and not by the mature sieveelements. Phaseolus vulgaris ; apoplast; elongating stem; photosynthates; potassium; transport; symplast  相似文献   

The extent of post-phloem solute transport through the coatsymplasts of developing seeds of Vicia faba L. and Phaseolusvulgaris L. was evaluated. For Vicia seed coats, the membrane-impermeantfluorochrome, CF, moved radially from the chalazal vein to reachthe chlorenchyma and thin-walled parenchyma transfer cell layers.Thereafter, the fluorochrome moved laterally in these two celllayers around the entire circumference of the seed coat. Transferof CF from the chalazal vein was inhibited by plasmolysis ofattached ‘empty’ seed coats. In contrast, the spreadof phloem imported CF was restricted to the ground parenchymaof Phaseolus seed coats. Fluorochrome loaded into the outermostground parenchyma cell layer was rendered immobile followingplasmolysis of excised seed-coat halves. Phloem-imported [14C]sucroseand the slowly membrane permeable sugar, L-[14C]glucose, werepartitioned identically between the vascular and non-vascularregions of intact Vicia seed coats. For 14C-photosynthates,these partitioning patterns in attached ‘empty’Vicia seed coats were unaffected by PCMBS, but inhibited byplasmolysis. Tissue autoradiographs of intact Phaseolus seedcoats demonstrated that a pulse of 14C-photosynthate moved fromthe veins to the grounds tissues. In excised Vicia seed coats,preloaded with 14C-photosynthates, the cellular distributionof residual 14C-label was unaffected by PCMBS. In contrast,PCMBS caused the 14C-photosynthate levels to be elevated inthe veins and ground parenchyma relative to the branch parenchymaof Phaseolusseed coat halves. Based on the above findings, itis concluded that the phloem of Vicia seed coats is interconnectedto two major symplastic domains; one comprises the chlorenchyma,the other the thin-walled parenchyma plus thin-walled parenchymatransfer cells. For Phaseolusseed coats, the phloem forms amajor symplastic domain with the ground parenchyma. Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris L, phloem unloading, photosynthate transport, seed coat, symplast, Vicia faba L  相似文献   

Summary In developing seeds ofVicia faba, transfer cells line the inner surface of the seed coat and the juxtaposed epidermal surface of the cotyledons. Circumstantial evidence, derived from anatomical and physiological studies, indicates that these cells are the likely sites of sucrose efflux to, and influx from, the seed apoplasm, respectively. In this study, expression of an H+/sucrose symporter-gene was found to be localised to the epidermal-transfer cell complexes of the cotyledons. The sucrose binding protein (SBP) gene was expressed in these cells as well as in the thin-walled parenchyma transfer cells of the seed coat. SBP was immunolocalised exclusively to the plasma membranes located in the wall ingrowth regions of the transfer cells. In addition, a plasma membrane H+-ATPase was most abundant in the wall ingrowth regions with decreasing levels of expression at increasing distance from the transfer cell layers. The observed co-localisation of high densities of a plasma membrane H+-ATPase and sucrose transport proteins to the wall ingrowths of the seed coat and cotyledon transfer cells provides strong evidence that these regions are the principal sites of facilitated membrane transport of sucrose to and from the seed apoplasm.Abbreviations BCIP 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate - DIG digoxigenin - H+-ATPase plasma membrane H+-translocating adenosine triphosphatase - Ig immunoglobulin - LeSUT1 tomato H+/sucrose symporter - SBP sucrose binding protein  相似文献   

In the developing wheat grain, photosynthate is transferred longitudinally along the crease phloem and then laterally into the endosperm cavity through the crease vascular parenchyma, pigment strand and nucellar projection. In order to clarify this cellular pathway of photosynthate unloading, and hence the controlling mechanism of grain filling, the potential for symplastic and apoplastic transfer was examined through structural and histochemical studies on these tissue types. It was found that cells in the crease region from the phloem to the nucellar projection are interconnected by numerous plasmodesmata and have dense cytoplasm with abundant mitochondria. Histochemical studies confirmed that, at the stage of grain development studied, an apoplastic barrier exists in the cell walls of the pigment strand. This barrier is composed of lignin, phenolics and suberin. The potential capacity for symplastic transfer, determined by measuring plasmodesmatal frequencies and computing potential sucrose fluxes through these plasmodesmata, indicated that there is sufficient plasmodesmatal cross-sectional area to support symplastic unloading of photosynthate at the rate required for normal grain growth. The potential capacity for membrane transport of sucrose to the apoplast was assessed by measuring plasma membrane surface areas of the various cell types and computing potential plasma membrane fluxes of sucrose. These fluxes indicated that the combined plasma membrane surface areas of the sieve element–companion cell (se–cc) complexes, vascular parenchyma and pigment strand are not sufficient to allow sucrose transfer to the apoplast at the observed rates. In contrast, the wall ingrowths of the transfer cells in the nucellar projection amplify the membrane surface area up to 22-fold, supporting the observed rates of sucrose transfer into the endosperm cavity. We conclude that photosynthate moves via the symplast from the se–cc complexes to the nucellar projection transfer cells, from where it is transferred across the plasma membrane into the endosperm cavity. The apoplastic barrier in the pigment strand is considered to restrict solute movement to the symplast and block apoplastic solute exchange between maternal and embryonic tissues. The implications of this cellular pathway in relation to the control of photosynthate transfer in the developing grain are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the development of the soybean ovule has been fairlywell studied, knowledge of the sequence of events in the seedcoat during the first 3 weeks after flowering is incomplete.The goal of the present study was to document, using light microscopy,the early development of the soybean seed coat with respectto changes in structure and histochemistry. At anthesis, theseed coat consists of an outer layer of cuboidal epidermal cellssurrounding several layers of undifferentiated parenchyma (whichtogether constitute the outer integument), and an inner layerof cuboidal endothelial cells (the inner integument). At 3 dpost anthesis (dpa), the inner integument has expanded to includethree to five layers of relatively large cells with thick, heavily-stainingcell walls immediately adjacent to the endothelium. By 18 dpa,the outer integument has developed into a complex of tissuescomprised of an inner layer of thick-walled parenchyma, an outerlayer of thin-walled parenchyma containing vascular tissue whichhas grown down from the lateral vascular bundles in the hilumregion, a hypodermis of hourglass cells, and palisade layer(epidermis). The thick-walled parenchyma of the inner integumenthas become completely stretched and compressed, leaving a single,deeply staining wall layer directly above the endothelium. At21 dpa, the outermost cells of the endosperm have begun to compressthe endothelium. At 45 dpa (physiological maturity) the seedcoat retains only the palisade layer, hourglass cells, and afew layers of thin-walled parenchyma. The innermost layer ofthe endosperm, the aleurone layer, adheres to the inside ofthe seed coat. This knowledge will be invaluable in future studiesof manipulation of gene expression in the seed coat to modifyseed or seed coat characteristics. Copyright 1999 Annals ofBotany Company Soybean, Glycine max, seed coat, development, aleurone.  相似文献   

After removal of the embryo from developing seeds of Pisum sativum,the ‘empty’ ovules (seed coats without enclosedembryo) were filled with a solution (pH 5.5) containing mannitol(usually 400 mM) to which various salts were added. A solutioncontaining two isotopes ((a) [2H]-sucrose/[–14C]aminoisobutyricacid (AIB) or (b) [3H]valine/[14C]asparagine mixture) was administeredto the plant via the petiole subtending the fruiting node, and[2H]solute and [14C]solute unloading from the seed coat wasmeasured, in pulse-labelling experiments of about 5 h. The presenceof 25 or 50 mM K+ in the ‘empty’ ovule enhancedthe release of sucrose from the seed coat particularly duringthe first hours of the experiment, but the stimulating effectof K+ on the release of labelled solutes derived from aminoacids was much smaller. The presence of 25 mM CaCl2 did notaffect the release of sucrose or amino acids from the seed coat.The effect of K+ on sucrose and amino acid release is explainedas an inhibition of sucrose and amino acid resorption from theseed coat apoplast into seed coat cells, after unloading fromthe seed coat unloading sites. It is suggested that amino acidrelease is much less affected by K+ than sucrose release, becausefar less resorption of amino acids by seed coat parenchyma cellstakes place during amino acid transport into the seed coat cavity. Pisum sativum, pea, assimilate transport, assimilate unloading, seed-coat exudate, seed development, sucrose resorption, surgical treatment  相似文献   

Interpretation of tracer washout from an attached empty seedcoat depends on whether photoassimilate within the apoplastof the seed coat is absorbed by the seed coat tissues. Usingsucrose trapping procedures, we were unable to see any evidencefor sucrose uptake from the seed coat apoplast which would beneeded to provide the seed coat with its carbohydrate requirementsif phloem unloading were into the apoplast. Once released intothe apoplast photoassimilate is unavailable to the seed coattissue. Changes between equimolar solutions of sorbitol andsorbitol/sucrose mixes induced small transient responses inseed coat unloading which suggest that sorbitol and sucrosehad different reflection coefficients and gave water relationresponses with rapid, and fatiguable, osmoregulation withinthe seed coat. Immediate inhibition of seed coat unloading with PCMBS is reported,followed by inhibition of import into the entire pod. PCMBSappears to be xylem mobile, thereby quickly being dispersedthroughout the entire experimental pod. A complex CCCP responseis reported, which is consistent with immediate inhibition ofsymplastic transport followed by membrane disruption. AlthoughCCCP inhibited seed coat unloading, there was no effect on ovuleimport. This has been interpreted as evidence that the seedcoat has an active role in control of photoassimilate importinto ovules. Key words: Pisum sativum, phloem unloading, seed coat unloading  相似文献   

In developing bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seeds, phloem-imported nutrients move in the symplast from sieve elements to the ground parenchyma cells where they are transported across the plasma membrane into the seed apoplast. To study the mechanisms underlying this transport, channel currents in ground parenchyma protoplasts were characterized using patch clamp. A fast-activating outward current was found in all protoplasts, whereas a slowly activating outward current was observed in approximately 25% of protoplasts. The two currents had low selectivity for univalent cations, but the slow current was more selective for K(+) over Cl(-) (P(K):P(Cl) = 3.6-4.2) than the fast current (P(K):P(Cl) = 1.8-2.5) and also displayed Ca(2+) selectivity. The slow current was blocked by Ba(2+), whereas both currents were blocked by Gd(3+) and La(3+). Efflux of K(+) from seed coat halves was inhibited 25% by Gd(3+) and La(3+) but was stimulated by Ba(2+) and Cs(+), suggesting that only the fast current may be a component in the pathway for K(+) release. An "instantaneous" inward current observed in all protoplasts exhibited similar pharmacology and permeability for univalent cations to the fast outward current. In outside-out patches, two classes of depolarization-activated cation-selective channels were observed: one slowly activating of low conductance (determined from nonstationary noise to be 2.4 pS) and another with conductances 10-fold higher. Both channels occurred at high density. The higher conductance channel in 10 mM KCl had P(K):P(Cl) = 2.8. Such nonselective channels in the seed coat ground parenchyma cell could function to allow some of the efflux of phloem-imported univalent ions into the seed apoplast.  相似文献   

Seed coat development of Harpagophytum procumbens (Devil's Claw) and the possible role of the mature seed coat in seed dormancy were studied by light microscopy (LM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Very young ovules of H. procumbens have a single thick integument consisting of densely packed thin-walled parenchyma cells that are uniform in shape and size. During later developmental stages the parenchyma cells differentiate into 4 different zones. Zone 1 is the multi-layered inner epidermis of the single integument that eventually develops into a tough impenetrable covering that tightly encloses the embryo. The inner epidermis is delineated on the inside by a few layers of collapsed remnant endosperm cell wall layers and on the outside by remnant cell wall layers of zone 2, also called the middle layer. Together with the inner epidermis these remnant cell wall layers from collapsed cells may contribute towards seed coat impermeability. Zone 2 underneath the inner epidermis consists of large thin-walled parenchyma cells. Zone 3 is the sub-epidermal layers underneath the outer epidermis referred to as a hypodermis and zone 4 is the single outer seed coat epidermal layer. Both zones 3 and 4 develop unusual secondary wall thickenings. The primary cell walls of the outer epidermis and hypodermis disintegrated during the final stages of seed maturation, leaving only a scaffold of these secondary cell wall thickenings. In the mature seed coat the outer fibrillar seed coat consists of the outer epidermis and hypodermis and separates easily to reveal the dense, smooth inner epidermis of the seed coat. Outer epidermal and hypodermal wall thickenings develop over primary pit fields and arise from the deposition of secondary cell wall material in the form of alternative electron dense and electron lucent layers. ESEM studies showed that the outer epidermal and hypodermal seed coat layers are exceptionally hygroscopic. At 100% relative humidity within the ESEM chamber, drops of water readily condense on the seed surface and react in various ways with the seed coat components, resulting in the swelling and expansion of the wall thickenings. The flexible fibrous outer seed coat epidermis and hypodermis may enhance soil seed contact and retention of water, while the inner seed coat epidermis maintains structural and perhaps chemical seed dormancy due to the possible presence of inhibitors.  相似文献   

During the storage phase, cotyledons of developing pea seeds are nourished by nutrients released to the seed apoplasm by their maternal seed coats. Sucrose is transported into pea cotyledons by sucrose/H+ symport mediated by PsSUT1 and possibly other sucrose symporters. PsSUT1 is principally localised to plasma membranes of cotyledon epidermal and subepidermal transfer cells abutting the seed coat. We tested the hypothesis that endogenous sucrose/H+ symporter(s) regulate sucrose import into developing pea cotyledons. This was done by supplementing their transport activity with a potato sucrose symporter (StSUT1), selectively expressed in cotyledon storage parenchyma cells under control of a vicilin promoter. In segregating transgenic lines, enhanced [(14)C]sucrose influx into cotyledons above wild-type levels was found to be dependent on StSUT1 expression. The transgene significantly increased (approximately 2-fold) transport activity of cotyledon storage parenchyma tissues where it was selectively expressed. In contrast, sucrose influx into whole cotyledons through the endogenous epidermal transfer cell pathway was increased by only 23% in cotyledons expressing the transgene. A similar response was found for rates of biomass gain by intact cotyledons and by excised cotyledons cultured on a sucrose medium. These observations demonstrate that transport activities of sucrose symporters influence cotyledon growth rates. The attenuated effect of StSUT1 overexpression on sucrose and dry matter fluxes by whole cotyledons is consistent with a large proportion of sucrose being taken up at the cotyledonary surface. This indicates that the cellular location of sucrose transporter activity plays a key role in determining rates of sucrose import into cotyledons.  相似文献   

应用透射电镜技术研究了宁夏枸杞果实韧皮部细胞的超微结构变化。结果表明:(1)随着枸杞果实的发育成熟,果实维管组织中的韧皮部筛分子筛域逐渐变宽,筛孔大而多,通过筛孔的物质运输十分活跃;筛分子和伴胞间有胞间连丝联系,伴胞属传递细胞类型,与其相邻韧皮薄壁细胞和果肉薄壁细胞连接处的细胞界面发生质膜内突,整个筛分子/伴胞复合体与韧皮薄壁细胞之间形成共质体隔离,韧皮部糖分的卸载方式主要以质外体途径进行。(2)韧皮薄壁细胞间的胞间连丝较多,而韧皮薄壁细胞与果肉薄壁细胞的胞间连丝相对较少,但果肉薄壁细胞间几乎无胞间连丝;果肉薄壁细胞之间胞间隙较大,细胞壁和质膜内突间形成较大的质外体空间,为质外体的糖分运输创造了条件。(3)筛管、伴胞、韧皮薄壁细胞和果肉薄壁细胞中丰富的囊泡以及活跃的囊泡运输现象,暗示囊泡也参与了果实糖分的运输过程。研究推测,枸杞果实韧皮部同化物的卸载方式以及卸载后的同化物运输主要以质外体途径为主。  相似文献   

Photosynthate unloading in Phaseolus vulgaris L. seed coatswas studied by treating perfused seed coats with differing concentrationsof an osmoticum and ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA). Largechanges in osmoticum concentration typically produced rapidchanges in efflux of unlabelled sugar and steady-state-labelled14C-photosynthate. Osmoticum-induced changes in photosynthateefflux were caused by phloem import stimulation at low cellturgor and net efflux stimulation by high cell turgor. Eventhough rapid changes in sugar and tracer efflux were often inducedby osmoticum treatments, the specific activity of sugar releasedfrom seed coats was not greatly affected by these treatmentsand was similar to the specific activity of sugar remainingin the seed coat after perfusion. Thus, tracer was transportedfrom the phloem throughout the seed coat sugar pool before itwas released to the apoplast. This result is most consistentwith symplastic phloem unloading throughout perfused seed coats,because apoplastic transport between cells within the seed coatwas blocked by perfusion. Photosynthate efflux was stimulatedby simultaneous treatment of seed coats with EDTA and differentconcentrations of an osmoticum; loss of photosynthate from seedcoats did not appear to be tissue-specific. Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris, seed coat, photosynthate unloading, turgor, EDTA  相似文献   

Phloem translocation of photoassimilates between source andsink is considered to be linked with active retrieval of sugarsleaked to the vascular apoplast. This hypothesis was evaluatedby studying photo-assimilate movement in petioles of intactplants of Cyclamen persicum and Primula obconica in the presenceof inhibitors affecting sucrose retrieval (PCMBS, CCCP). Inhibitorsolutions were applied by rinsing locally isolated petiole bundlesor by injection into the petioe parenchyma. PCMBS and CCCP reduced[14C]sucrose retrieval from the petiole apoplast by the vascularcells and altered the distribution pattern of 14C-photoassimilateswithin the petiole tissues. However, these treatments did notaffect translocation through the petiole phloem. Evidence isprovided that the reagents were present in the vascular apoplastsurrounding the translocating phloem. It was concluded thatassimilate movement in the petiole of Cyclamen and Primula wasindependent of apoplastic retrieval. Key words: Cyclamen, Primula, phloem, transport, path, sucrose, retrieval  相似文献   

Seed coat development was studied on two nearisogenic linesof peas (Pisum sativum L.): RbRb (wild type, round seed) andrbrb (wrinkled seed). A mutation at the rb locus modifies thedry seed shape and reduces the starch content of the embryo.This mutation is now known to affect the activity of ADPGlucosepyrophosphorylase, a key enzyme in the starch biosynthetic pathway.We have investigated the effects of the rb mutation on seedcoat development and found that the mutation reduces the growthrate and starch content in this organ. However, experimentson the kinetics of 14C-sucrose loading showed that starch synthesisfrom unloaded sucrose occurred in the seed coat for both mutantand wild-type lines. In addition, the sucrose concentrationwas increased and amino acid concentration decreased such thatthe nutritional balance of the embryos was affected. However,osmolality of the seed coat cells was not affected, suggestinga regulatory process which allows the maintenance of the importof assimilates in the seeds of either line. Key words: ADPGlucose pyrophosphorylase, seed coat, seed development, starch metabolism, wrinkled seed  相似文献   

Plasmolytic disruption of plasmodesmata interconnecting metaphloemsieve element-companion cell complexes with small and largephloem parenchyma cells in the elongating region of internode2 ofPhaseolus vulgarisL. seedlings did not affect accumulationof phloem-imported14C-photosynthates and86rubidium. The membrane-impermeantdye, 5(6) carboxyfluorescein, loaded into leaf phloem as themembrane-permeant diacetate ester, was found not to move radiallyout of the importing sieve elements in the internode elongationregion. In contrast, the apoplasmic tracer, Calcuofluor White,rapidly moved laterally throughout all tissues of the elongationzone. Hexoses, sucrose and potassium were identified as themain osmotica in internode apoplasmic sap. Label asymmetry in[14C](fructosyl)sucrose was retained on accumulation by excisedstem segments. Uptake of [14C]sucrose and86rubidium by stemsegments exhibited saturation kinetics. Sucrose uptake was inhibitedby the slowly penetrating sulphydryl reagent, para-chloromercuribenzenesulphonicacid.In vitrorates of sucrose uptake, at apoplasmic concentrations,corresponded to its predictedin vivorate of delivery to thestem ground tissues from mature sieve elements when respiratorylosses were assumed to be confined to the stem phloem. For potassium,the total delivery rate could be accounted for by itsin vitrorateof uptake. Overall, it was concluded that radial transport,in the elongation zone of internode 2 ofPhaseolus vulgarisL.seedlings, follows an apoplasmic route from mature sieve elementsto stem ground tissues.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company PhaseoluLes vulgaris, apoplasm, elongating stem, French bean, photosynthates, potassium, radial transfer, symplasm.  相似文献   

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