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针对斑芫菁族分类系统中伪斑芫菁属Pseudabris分类关系的不确定,选择该族6个代表种,对其触角感器的形态特征、类型变化和分布位置做了记述、分析比较,提供了扫描电镜照片;基于14个触角特征的分析数据,构建了该族3个属和6个种可能的系统发育树。属间关系:沟芫菁属Hycleus+(伪斑芫菁Pseudabris+苹斑芫菁Mylabris);种间关系:(眼斑沟芫菁H.cichorii+大斑沟芫菁指名亚种H.phaleratus)+((长角伪斑芫菁P.hingstoni+长腹伪斑芫菁P.longiventris)+(苹斑芫菁M.calida+丽斑芫菁M.speciosa))。  相似文献   

记述云南豆芫菁属1新种,即缘毛豆芫菁,新种Epicauta seriata sp.nov.;编制了凹跗豆芫菁组Epicauta interrupta group已知种检索表;并对钩刺豆芫菁E.curvispina Kaszab和墨江豆芫菁E.mojiangensis Tan雌性进行了补充描述.模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆.  相似文献   

短翅豆芫菁生物学特性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
短翅豆芫菁 Epiauta aptera Kaszab系芫菁科豆芫菁属昆虫 ,为民间常用中草药。具有破血逐瘀 ,消症散结 ,壮阳利尿 ,攻毒等功效。主治症瘕、恶疮、闭经、疥癣等。近年来国内外医药专家多用芫菁素和以芫菁素为原料合成的一系列药物治疗肝癌、肺癌、乳腺癌以及直肠癌等均取得了较好的疗效 ,总有效率在 45 %~ 65 %。由于芫菁资源日趋枯竭 ,用药量不断增大 ,市场供求矛盾突出 ,为了开发利用新的药源 ,1 987~1 997年作者先后对四川、云南、广西等地的芫菁资源做了实地考察 ,并对其中分布广、贮量大的种类的生物学做了较为详细的研究 ,现将有关…  相似文献   

红头豆芫菁成虫芫菁素含量的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
芫菁素在红头豆芫菁体内主要贮存在雄虫的生殖腺和卵内。与野生群体两性芫菁素的平均含量相比较,刚交配过的雄虫失去体内70%的芫菁素,其雌配偶体内芫菁素含量相应升高43%。红头豆芫菁可用作中药材。经110℃烘干后的雄虫,用酸水解后提取的芫菁素含量比直接提取的含量增高4倍。  相似文献   

记述采自中国河北的绿芫菁属Lytta Fabricius 1 新种:周氏绿芫菁Lytta choui sp. nov.。新种外形与绿边绿芫菁L. suturella (Motschulsky, 1860)十分相似,但新种:1)头部黄色额斑菱形;2)前足胫节末端 2 距,外距细小,内距大而弯;3)第8节背板锐角凹陷;4)前胸前缘凹陷较浅;5)中茎腹钩发达,阳茎细长等特征可与后者区别。文中还给出了新种的成虫和形态特征图。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

总结中国沟芫菁属Hycleus Latreille,1817并记述1新种:毛背沟芫菁Hycleus dorsetiferus sp.nov.及1新组合:多毛沟芫菁Hycleus hirtus(Tan,1992)comb.nov.。新种模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。提供了中国已知种类的分种检索表。  相似文献   

首次报道绿芫菁属Lytta Fabricius, 1775印绿芫菁亚属Indiolytta Selander, 1960和端黑绿芫菁Lytta(Indiolytta)melanura(Hope, 1831)在中国的分布。标本采自广西壮族自治区宁明县那才村,保存在中山大学生物博物馆。此外,给出端黑绿芫菁形态描述和特征图,并比较和讨论了该种与印绿芫菁亚属其他3种的区别。  相似文献   

记述中国云南豆芫菁属1新种:隐纹豆芫菁Epicautacryptogramaca,sp.nov.。新种与陈氏豆芫菁E.cheniTan,1958在外形上相似,两者的主要区别是:前者唇基和上唇扁平并有刻点和毛,后者唇基前缘光滑厚实,上唇基部和端部光滑;前者触角被一色的黑短毛,后者基部3节则密生浅色毛;前者前足第1跗节正常,后者则变为宽卵形;前者的足完全黑色,后者的后足胫节棕至棕黄。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

记述云南豆芫菁属1新种,即缘毛豆芫菁,新种Epicauta seriata sp.nov.;编制了凹跗豆芫菁组Epicauta interrupta group已知种检索表;并对钩刺豆芫菁E.curvispina Kaszab和墨江豆芫菁E.mojiangensis Tan雌性进行了补充描述。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

中国斑芫菁后翅形态比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨玉霞  任国栋 《昆虫学报》2007,50(4):429-434
选取中国斑芫菁属11个代表种,对比分析了它们的后翅形态特征; 以苹斑芫菁Mylabris calida Pallas, 1782为模式,探讨了斑芫菁属后翅的翅脉名称,并对其性状进行了描述。研究结果将斑芫菁属翅脉归纳为3种类型:1)南方型:东洋种,翅深褐色,各脉粗大,骨化程度高,皱褶多而明显;2)高原型:青藏高原特有种,翅乳白色,半透明,仅前缘和MP1+2形成明显的大翅室,余脉淡而不显,骨化程度低;3)北方型:为以上两种类型的中间过渡,古北种,翅褐色,各脉清晰,中度骨化。根据研究结果,初步探讨了斑芫菁属翅脉的形态进化。  相似文献   

广东罗坑自然保护区饲养鳄蜥的求偶和交配行为   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
半自然条件下,通过直接观察及影像分析法对鳄蜥(Shinisaurss crocodilurus)的求偶和交配行为进行了研究.共记录了20种与鳄蜥求偶和交配有关的行为,其求偶和交配行为的一般模式为:(1)炫耀;(2)接近;(3)舔舐;(4)咬颈;(5)环抱;(6)交媾;(7)分离.该行为过程的持续时间分别为(157.29±33.81)s、(15.57±1.59)8、(10.86±3.05)s、(169.28±31.99)s、(66.14±16.08)s、(2 417.14±229.30)s和(26.86±9.15)s.鳄蜥的婚配制度可能是多雄多雌的婚配制,其求偶和交配模式与其近缘类群相似.  相似文献   

Whether female crickets choose among males based on characteristics of the courtship song is uncertain, but in many species, males not producing courtship song do not mate. In the house cricket,Acheta domesticus, we examined whether a female chose or rejected a male based on his size, latency to chirp, latency to produce courtship song, or rate of the high-frequency pulse of courtship song (“court rate”). We confirmed that females mated only with males that produced courtship song, but we found no evidence that the other factors we measured affected a female’s decision to mate. In addition, we investigated whether the outcome of male agonistic encounters affected the subsequent production of courtship song. In one experiment, we observed courtship and mating behavior when a single female was placed with a pair of males following a 10-min interaction period between the two males. Winners of male agonistic encounters had higher mating success. However, winners and losers of agonistic encounters were not different in their likelihood or latency to produce courtship song or in the number of times they were disrupted by the other male in the pair. In a second experiment, we allowed two males to interact for a 10-min period, but following this interaction period, we placed a female with each male separately and observed courtship and mating behavior. The mating success of winners and losers was not different under these circumstances, and we found no differences between winners and losers in any subsequent courtship or mating behavior examined. We conclude that winning agonistic encounters influences a male’s mating success in ways other than his production of courtship song and this effect is lost when winning and losing males are separated and each is given an opportunity to mate.  相似文献   

There have been relatively few studies designed to investigate the effects of inbreeding on behavioral traits. To study this phenomenon, five experimental lines ofDrosophila melanogaster made isogenic for chromosome 2 were evaluated for their male-mating ability and, subsequently, male courtship behavior. All lines showed significant reductions in overall mating ability, and males from all of these lines displayed impaired mating behavior, with two lines displaying particularly aberrant courtship patterns. Line 16 displayed an inability to successfully initiate copulation following successful courtship, while line 17 displayed significant reduction in locomotor activity, resulting in virtually no successful courtship or copulatory activity. The implications of these findings for competitive mating ability in wildDrosophila populations are presented. Further, the importance of mating success as a fitness component in the management of potentially highly inbred populations of endangered species is discussed.  相似文献   

狼蛛科蜘蛛的繁殖行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈军  宋大祥 《蛛形学报》1999,8(1):55-62
根据国内外研究进展,对狼蛛科蜘蛛的繁殖行为进行了简要综述,内容涉及狼蛛科蜘蛛的求偶、交配、产卵和携卵、携幼等4方面的行为研究。  相似文献   

Male guppies Poecilia reticulata exhibit two types of mating behavior, i.e., courtship displays for cooperative copulation and sneaking attempts for forced copulation. The frequencies of the two male mating behaviors are influenced by tail length. Males possessing long tails exhibit courtship displays less frequently and sneaking attempts more frequently than those possessing short tails, even though they have similar total lengths. To examine whether these male behavioral tendencies depending on tail length are genetically controlled or are determined by tail length per se, tail length manipulation was conducted. The tail lengths of males that had previously possessed longer tails were surgically shortened to a greater degree than those of their counterparts that had previously possessed shorter tails. Although the frequencies of the mating behaviors exhibited by the latter males did not apparently change, the former males clearly increased the frequency of courtship displays and decreased that of sneaking attempts following tail shortening. These results indicate that males adjust the frequencies of the two mating behaviors according to their tail length. Since females avoid cooperative mating with males possessing long tails, the change in mating behavioral patterns by males depending on their tail length may increase their mating opportunities.  相似文献   

The role of male–male courtship in parasitic wasps is not well understood and nothing has been reported on the implication of learning in regard to homosexual behavior in hymenopteran parasitoids. In Psyttalia concolor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a synovigenic koinobiont larval–pupal endoparasitoid of many Diptera Tephritidae of economic importance, courtship and mating attempts are frequently displayed among males. Here we determine whether P. concolor males that are courted while still young by sexually mature males can compete better with other males when they court females. The results showed that P. concolor immature males do not appear to gain from receiving male courtship, but they develop a higher intensity (more wing fanning and shorter latency time) in the successive courtship of the females. The hypothesis that, under some conditions, such higher courtship intensities may increase the probability of gaining a mating advantage is discussed.  相似文献   

In Leucauge orb‐web spiders, females form mating plugs, which play a part in cryptic female choice after they evaluate male performance during courtship and mating. Our aim was to assess sexual behavior and mating plug formation of Leucauge mariana from Colombia (CO). We carried out mating trials to describe in detail courtship and mating behavior of sexual pairs from the CO population, and then compared the results to previously collected data from a Costa Rican population (CR). In addition, we assessed the amount of sperm transferred during mating predict plug formation in CO pairs. All CO virgin females mated (n = 23), and mating plug formation occurred in only 11 cases (48%). In contrast, all CR virgin females mated (n = 43) and 74% formed mating plugs. None of the male courtship or mating behaviors that we measured in CO pairs predicted mating plug formation, in contrast to previous reports from CR. Mating plugs of CO consisted of a matrix of unknown composition (77.2%) and encapsulated and decapsulated sperm (22.8%). In CR, plug composition varied in color and consistency, but also comprised a matrix with encapsulated and decapsulated sperm. We observed female cannibalism of males in CO pairs, which had never been reported in CR pairs. Some female displays during courtship and mating were unique to each population. Different female preferences could explain the observed geographic differences between L. mariana in male traits and behaviors that could, in turn, promote reproductive isolation. More studies are needed to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

理论和实验表明体形大小是许多动物择偶的重要信号。体形大小与产卵大小、最终产卵数量、后代适合度等都有着密切的关系,因此动物利用体形大小为信号来择偶可以获得高的生殖利益。目前研究交配行为和体形大小的关系的文献较少,特别在微蛛亚科。本文以浅斑近微蛛为实验材料,在室内研究了体形大小对交配行为的影响。测量了体重,体长,头胸甲与腹部的长和宽,以头胸甲的面积(头胸甲的长与宽的乘积)为变量来表示体形大小。以雄蛛的行为为依据,将其交配行为划分为4个时期:潜伏期、求偶期、插入期和纳精期,并记录了各个时期的持续时间。通过分析,发现了一种微蛛新的交配模式,即可将浅斑近微蛛的插入期分为三个阶段:首先是大约25min长插入期,接着是一个大约15min的中度插入期,最后是一个大约5min的短插入期。结果表明,在本试验条件下,浅斑近微蛛的体形大小对其交配行为的潜伏期、求偶期、插入期和纳精期的持续时间都没有影响,对插入期的3个阶段的长短也没有影响。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda是当前跨国迁飞性重大害虫,云南是其重要虫源地及其向内地迁移的重要通道。生殖行为是性选择和物种进化的重要基础,基于生殖行为的害虫监测和防治策略也有重要价值。本研究模拟自然条件下可能出现的择偶情况,采用永久配对和每日更换配偶两种处理,对草地贪夜蛾成虫一生(约10 d)的生殖行为和节律进行了连续观测。结果表明,该蛾在羽化当日(0日龄)即出现召唤和求偶行为但无交配发生,在1日龄开始出现交配行为并在2日龄开始产卵,从2日龄到6日龄期间一直保持了较高的生殖活动,之后开始下降。雄虫求偶与雌虫召唤在节律上有较高的同步性,交配高峰多出现在召唤和求偶高峰之后。每日更换配偶与永久配对相比,雌蛾表现出较高的求偶频率和持续时间,较高交配比率和频率。雌虫在遇到新配偶或与新配偶交配后,会延缓产卵或下调产卵速率。从性选择理论来看,这些行为策略将有助于雌虫获得物质或基因利益,值得进一步探究。交配次数、召唤时长与雌虫寿命之间相关性不显著,但前5 d产卵速率与雌虫寿命间存在显著负相关,即早期产卵量较高的雌虫寿命较短,符合早期繁殖-后期存活基因拮抗假说。  相似文献   

【目的】探索长足大竹象Cyrtotrachelus buqueti Guerin-Meneville成虫的交配行为规律。【方法】通过室内饲养和野外观察相结合的方法,记录了完整的交配过程,比较了不同寄主及虫体大小间交配行为的差异。【结果】长足大竹象一次完整的交配包括示爱、抱对、插入输精和配后保护4个阶段,雌雄都有多次交配行为。室内试验证明,长足大足象完整交配时间为21.71±1.84 min,其中示爱时间为0.46±0.05 min,抱对时间为6.18±0.38 min,插入输精时间为8.36±0.62 min,配后保护时间为6.71±0.79 min。雄虫初次交配时,在示爱、抱对和插入输精时间上均显著长于有交配经历的雄虫(P0.05)。长足大竹象在不同寄主植物上的交配时间存在差异,在慈竹上的示爱时间(0.46±0.05 min)和插入输精时间(8.36±0.62 min)显著长于在唐竹、撑×绿杂交竹、孝顺竹和芦竹上的时间(P0.05);在孝顺竹上的配后保护时间显著长于在其他植物上的时间(P0.05)。长足大竹象成虫会选择最适体长的配偶进行交配,当雌虫体长≥3.3 cm和3.0~3.2 cm时,与不同体长的雄虫在示爱、抱对、插入输精和配后保护时间上都显著长于其他体长的雌虫(P0.05)。林间长足大竹象的交配行为与室内观察结果基本一致。【结论】研究结果有助于了解长足大竹象交配过程,也对研究该虫的繁殖行为学及行为控制技术提供了依据。  相似文献   

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