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The coexistence of numerous tree species in tropical forests is commonly explained by negative dependence of recruitment on the conspecific seed and tree density due to specialist natural enemies that attack seeds and seedlings (‘Janzen–Connell’ effects). Less known is whether guilds of shared seed predators can induce a negative dependence of recruitment on the density of different species of the same plant functional group. We studied 54 plots in tropical forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, with contrasting mature tree densities of three coexisting large seeded tree species with shared seed predators. Levels of seed predation were far better explained by incorporating seed densities of all three focal species than by conspecific seed density alone. Both positive and negative density dependencies were observed for different species combinations. Thus, indirect interactions via shared seed predators can either promote or reduce the coexistence of different plant functional groups in tropical forest.  相似文献   

K. French 《Plant Ecology》2012,213(10):1667-1673
To investigate the effect of increased nutrient availability on competition amongst invasive and native plants, I measured changes in above and below ground biomass of Chrysanthemoides monilifera spp. rotundata (bitou bush) and Asparagus aethiopicus (asparagus fern) competing with two native species, Banksia integrifolia and Ficinia nodosa, under high- and low-nutrient regimes. Bitou bush, as a primary invader, was competitive under all conditions lowering the growth of native species in both high and low nutrients. Asparagus fern as a secondary invader, did not influence growth of native species but responded, like bitou bush, to high nutrients. Native species were generally negatively affected by increases in nutrients. With bitou bush soils often providing higher nutrients, the chance of secondary invasion by asparagus fern is more likely, although asparagus fern is unlikely to invade low nutrient soils quickly. The invasive species, therefore, differed in their competitive ability in these coastal dune communities.  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠东南缘人工植被区降水入渗与再分配规律研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
试验于2001年8月17日至9月30日在中国科学院沙坡头沙漠试验研究站进行,主要利用时域反射仪(TDR)连续测量土壤剖面水分含量的方法,观测受植物根系吸水,蒸散作用影响下的人工植被荒漠灌木柠条(Caragana korshinskii)群落区固定沙丘降水入渗与再分配过程。土壤体积含水率由水平埋设在植物根系剖面内12个深度层次(5~200cm)的时域反射仪探头每小时自动测定1次。天然降水条件下的土壤入渗速率由入渗深度与相应的入渗时间之比值计算得到。结果表明:在7次不连续降水过程中,土壤入渗速率与降水强度呈简单线性相关关系,土壤入渗速率约为降水强度的10倍强。然而当次降水过程中降水强度小于0.46mm/h时,土壤入渗速率约为0cm/h,此时的降水对人工植被固定沙丘区的土壤基本上没有水分补给作用。受荒漠灌木柠条根系吸水作用的影响,其根系密集剖面深度40~140cm内降水水分入渗积累不明显。降水入渗速率及入渗深度受土壤剖面初始含水率多寡而变化,干燥土壤剖面有助于提高入渗速率及入渗深度。降水以后随着时间的推移,区域环境内空气温度、湿度等气象条件适宜,柠条生长进入相对旺盛阶段,其根系密集层140cm深度处土壤含水率在总体上下降的过程中,表现出昼消夜长的趋势,翌日8:00土壤含水率值略高于前一日20:00水分值0.1%~0.3vol.%。  相似文献   

The effect of ecological polymorphism on the coexistence of species has not previously been studied. Using a model of competitive interactions within and among species I investigate invasion of both monomorphic and polymorphic species. Three comparisons are considered which place previous work in a broader context and extend it to cover the situations characterized by polymorphism. First, I examine invasion of a monomorphic species into the range of another monomorphic species. This is done in a manner which allows for generalization to the following more complex cases. Second, I examine invasion of a monomorphic species into the range of a polymorphic species. Finally, I examine invasion and coexistence of a polymorphic species in the range of another polymorphic species. This sequence of comparisons produces some simple generalizations concerning invasion and coexistence of species in a variety of ecological situations. Furthermore, it emphasizes polymorphism as a potentially important factor in shaping ecological communities.  相似文献   

A statistical table for the degree of coexistence between two species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urbani  Cesare Baroni 《Oecologia》1979,44(3):287-289
Summary The well known Jaccard's association coefficient has been calculated on perfectly random infinite samples of different n size and a statistical table with the corresponding probability values is presented.The drawing for this paper has been prepared by Mr. Armin Coray with a grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation (No. 3.5.581.-0.75)  相似文献   

Harding  Jon S. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,350(1-3):25-33
Strategies for the coexistence of two caddisflies,Aoteapsyche raruraru and A. colonica(Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) were considered in aSouth Island lake outlet, New Zealand. Three mainstrategies were assessed, firstly that competitionbetween species may be reduced by the presence ofselective predators, secondly, that coexistence ismaintained by periodic disturbance which reducescompetition effects, and thirdly that interspecificcompetition is negated by segregation of either lifehistories or feeding strategies, and diet ormicrohabitat preferences. The first strategy wasrejected, as gut analyses of common fish andmacroinvertebrate predators showed that both speciesof Aoteapsyche were taken in approximately equalproportions to their benthic densities (i.e. 10:1 A. raruraru to A. colonica), indicating thatpredation was unlikely to influence coexistence.Similarly the second strategy was not supported byobservations of flow conditions during the study whichwere insufficient to move the substrata extensivelycolonised by both species of Aoteapsyche.Finally, temporal segregation of life histories wasnot observed, but analyses of larval guts indicatedthat diet was affected by shelter location on thesubstrate. Sampling of substrate microhabitats showedthat A. raruraru larvae occurred on the uppersurfaces, sides and under surfaces of large cobbles,although significantly higher densities were collectedfrom the upper surfaces and sides. In contrast, A. colonica aggregated on the sides and undersurfacesof cobbles. In other streams A. colonica showsa similar microdistribution but in a silted streamlacking seston, and in the absence of A. colonica, A. raruraru larvae occurred mainly onthe under surfaces of stones. Co-existence of thesetwo congeners would seem to be possible bymicrohabitat segregation where food availability ishigh, however in the absence of a plentiful foodsupply and A. colonica the microdistribution ofA. raruraru may differ.  相似文献   

A biologically explicit simulation model of resource competition between two species of seed-eating heteromyid rodent indicates that stable coexistence is possible on a homogeneous resource if harvested food is stored and consumers steal each other's caches. Here we explore the coexistence mechanisms involved by analyzing how consumer phenotypes and presence of a noncaching consumer affect the competitive outcome. Without cache exchange, the winning consumer is better at harvesting seeds and produces more offspring per gram of stored food. With cache exchange, coexistence is promoted by interspecific trade-offs between harvest ability, metabolic efficiency, and ability to pilfer defended caches of heterospecifics or scavenge undefended caches of dead conspecifics or heterospecifics. Cache exchange via pilferage can equalize competitor fitnesses but has little stabilizing effect and leads to stable coexistence only in the presence of a noncaching consumer. In contrast, scavenging is both equalizing and stabilizing and promotes coexistence without a third consumer. Because body size affects a heteromyid rodent's metabolic rate, seed harvest rate, caching strategy, and ability to steal caches, interspecific differences in body size should produce the trade-offs necessary for coexistence. The observation that coexisting heteromyids differ in body size therefore indicates that cache exchange may promote diversity in heteromyid communities.  相似文献   

For many ecosystems, one of the primary avenues of climate impact may be through changes to foundation species, which create habitats and sustain ecosystem services. For plants, microbial symbionts can often act as mutualists under abiotic stress and may mediate foundational plant responses to climate change. We manipulated the presence of endophytes in Ammophila breviligulata, a foundational sand dune species, to evaluate their potential to influence plant responses to climate change. We simulated projected climate change scenarios for temperature and precipitation using a growth chamber experiment. A 5 °C increase in temperature relative to current climate in northern Michigan reduced A. breviligulata survival by 45 %. Root biomass of A. breviligulata, which is critical to dune stabilization, was also strongly reduced by temperature. Plants inoculated with the endophyte had 14 % higher survival than endophyte-free plants. Contrary to our prediction, endophyte symbiosis did not alter the magnitude or direction of the effects of climate manipulations on A. breviligulata survival. However, in the absence of the endophyte, an increase in temperature increased the number of sand grains bound by roots by 80 %, while in symbiotic plants sand adherence did not significantly respond to temperature. Thus, plant–endophyte symbiosis actually negated the benefits in ecosystem function gained under a warmer climate. This study suggests that heat stress related to climate change in the Great Lakes may compromise the ability of A. breviligulata to stabilize dune ecosystems and reduce carbon storage and organic matter build-up in these early-successional systems due to reduced plant survival and root growth.  相似文献   

Similar to resource competition, reproductive interference may hamper the coexistence of closely related species. Species that utilize similar signal channels during mate finding may face substantial fitness costs when they come into contact and demographic displacement of the inferior species (sexual exclusion) is a likely outcome of such interactions. The two ground‐hopper species Tetrix ceperoi and Tetrix subulata broadly overlap in their ranges and general habitat requirements, but rarely co‐occur on a local scale. Results from laboratory and field experiments suggest that this mosaic pattern of sympatry might be influenced by reproductive interference. Here, we examine the significance of sexual interactions for these species in the field and test hypotheses on mechanisms of coexistence. Our results show that heterospecific sexual interactions also occur under field conditions, but in contrast to the experiments T. ceperoi was not the inferior species. The number of male mating attempts of both species was strongly correlated with encounter frequencies. Males discriminated between the sexes but not between the species, suggesting an incomplete mate recognition system in both species. The analysis of microhabitat preferences and spatial distribution revealed that habitat partitioning is not a suitable mechanism of coexistence in this system. Instead, the costs of reproductive interference are substantially mitigated by different niche breadths leading to different degrees of aggregation. Despite a considerable niche overlap T. ceperoi displayed a stronger preference for bare ground and occurred more aggregated than T. subulata, which had a broader niche. These differences may reduce the frequencies of heterospecific encounters and interactions in the field. Our results demonstrate that coexistence in the presence of reproductive interference is comparable to resource competition, being strongly influenced by ecological traits of the involved species, such as niche breadth and dispersion pattern.  相似文献   

Two naturally coexisting grassland species—Centaurea jacea (often predominating) andFragaria vesca (subordinate) were grown together in a pot experiment of factorial design, where competition and arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) inoculation were used as treatments. The effects of competition were one-sided, i.e. the mass ofF. vesca decreased relatively more than that ofC. jacea as a result of competition. The root and total mass ofC. jacea increased with AM inoculation whileF. vesca did not respond. The mass difference betweenC. jacea andF. vesca in a particular pot increased when plants were mycorrhizal, mostly due to the mass increase ofC. jaceae. This can be explained by the differential response of these species to AM. We did not find any indirect indication of the interplant transfer of resources. The results of this experiment show the more unbalanced competition (larger differences in biomass) resulting from AM infection of plants. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02DO006 00010  相似文献   

Population dynamics of two-host species under direct transmission of an infectious disease or a pathogen is studied based on the Holt–Pickering mathematical model, which accounts for the influence of the pathogen on the population of the two-host species. Through rigorous analysis and a numerical scheme of study, circumstances are specified under which the shared pathogen leads to the coexistence of the two-host species in either a persistent or periodic form. This study shows the importance of intrinsic growth rates or the differences between birth rates and death rates of the two host susceptibles in controlling these circumstances. It is also demonstrated that the periodicity may arise when the positive intrinsic growth rates are very small, but the periodicity is very weak which may not be observed in an empirical investigation.   相似文献   

Metacommunity theories predict multispecies coexistence based on the interplay between local species interactions and regional migration. To date, most metacommunity models implicitly assume that evolution can be ignored. Yet empirical studies indicate a substantial potential for contemporary evolution. I evaluate how evolution alters species diversity in a simulated mass-effects (sink-source) metacommunity. Populations inhabiting source habitats became locally adapted, while subordinate competitors became maladapted because of assumed ecological and phenotypic trade-offs between habitats. This maladaptation decreased and leveled relative abundances among subordinate populations. These two effects produced two regions of departure from nonevolutionary predictions. Assuming low proportional migration, maladaptation reduced local species richness via an overall reduction in reproductive rates in sink populations. With intermediate proportional migration, a greater absolute reduction of reproductive rates in intermediate competitors leveled reproductive rates and thereby enhanced local species richness. Although maladaptation is usually viewed as a constraint on species coexistence, simulations suggest that its effects on diversity are manifold and dependent on interpatch migration and community context. Hence, metacommunity predictions often may profit from an evolutionary perspective. Results indicate that modifications of community connectivity, such as might occur during habitat fragmentation, could elicit rapid shifts in communities from regions of high to low biodiversity.  相似文献   

Testing mechanisms of coexistence among two species of frugivorous primates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. We examined mechanisms of coexistence between two congeneric species of frugivorous primates, the blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis) and the red-tailed monkey (C. ascanius). 2. We used giving-up densities (the amount of food which animals leave in a patch) in fruit trees to measure foraging efficiency and to evaluate possible mechanisms of coexistence. Animals with higher giving-up densities are less likely to persist in the company of those with lower giving-up densities because the former are not able to exploit food patches used previously by the latter. We climbed trees to estimate giving-up densities by counting the fruit which primates left behind. 3. We tested five possible mechanisms of coexistence. Three mechanisms proposed that each frugivorous species has a lower giving-up density than the other in at least one of the following: (1) different tree species, (2) within-tree foraging zones or (3) seasons. The fourth mechanism predicted that the socially dominant species exploits resources first and that the subordinate species has lower giving-up densities. The final mechanism predicted that one species would find resources more quickly than the other, which would in turn have a lower giving-up density. 4. Four of the five mechanisms received no support from our data. Only a trade-off between interspecific dominance and giving-up densities was supported. 5. We discuss the generality of our results and possible interactions with other factors.  相似文献   

维生素K环氧化物还原酶复合物亚基1基因(Vkorc1)的变异与啮齿动物对抗凝血灭鼠剂的抗药性密切相关。为掌握Vkorc1基因变异在野栖类和家栖类啮齿动物中的流行情况,从山西省13个县(市、区)的农田和14个县(市、区)的养殖场采样,检测长尾仓鼠(Cricetulus longicaudatus)和黄胸鼠(Rattus tanezumi) Vkorc1基因编码区的变异位点及携带不同变异位点的个体的分布情况。结果显示,长尾仓鼠在13个采样地均有捕获,整体占野栖类啮齿动物的23.29%;黄胸鼠分布于8个采样地,整体占家栖类啮齿动物的68.63%。在长尾仓鼠样本(n=105)中检测到6个沉默突变位点和5个错义突变位点,其中,沉默突变C438T (His146His)的变异率最高,为67.62%;共有17只长尾仓鼠样本存在错义突变位点。黄胸鼠样本(n=70)中存在6个沉默突变位点和1个错义突变位点,其中,最常见的沉默突变位点A321C (Ile107Ile)和T411C (Thr137Thr)的变异率均达到18.57%;8只黄胸鼠样本存在与其抗药性相关的A416G (Tyr139Cys)错义突变...  相似文献   

Abstract The floristic composition of the vegetation of mined and unmined sand dunes at Bridge Hill, in Myall Lakes National Park, was studied from 1982–90 inclusive. Data from mined sites ranging in age from 2–15 years post mining, with replication of time since mining in both time and space, were incorporated in the study. The mined part of the Bridge Hill dune is very different in plant species composition compared with either the dune prior to mining or to the adjacent unmined dunes. The mined dune also displays a temporal development of species composition over the period 2–15 years post mining, the dominant trend being a reduction in similarity to that of the dune prior to mining. Mining resulted in significant increases in the abundance of six introduced species, and in significant differences in the abundance of 49% of the native species. Species richness and diversity increased during the period 2–15 years post mining, and a significant component of this could be attributed to the presence of the introduced species.  相似文献   

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