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高抗黄化曲叶病毒病番茄新品种浙粉702是以自育株系材料T7969F2-19-1-1-3为母本,T4078F2-3-3-3为父本,结合分子标记辅助技术选育的杂交一代粉红大果型番茄品种。母本‘T7969F2-19-1-1-3’系从以色列引进的耐贮运番茄品种‘NEMO-TAMMI’(F1)与抗叶霉病粉红株系材料‘T9179’杂交分离后代中经连续9代单株选择而成。父本‘T4078F2-3-3-3’系从荷兰引进的抗TYLCVD番茄品种‘奇诺亚’(F1)与粉红株系材料‘T9178’杂交分离后代中经连续8代单株选择而成。该品种2011年通过浙江省非主要农作物认定委员会认定。通过对浙粉702园艺性状、产量性状、品质性状和抗病性等进行研究,结果表明:浙粉702 品质优良,早熟,丰产,高抗番茄黄化曲叶病毒病,枯萎病,抗叶霉病和番茄花叶病毒病,适合我国喜食粉果地区种植,平均可达73.83 t.hm-2。  相似文献   

Abstract To better understand the etiology of begomovirus epidemics in regions under invasion we need to know how indigenous and invasive whitefly vectors respond to virus infection. We investigated both direct and indirect effects of infection with Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) on the performance of the invasive Q biotype and the indigenous Asian ZHJ2 biotype of whitefly Bemisia tabaci. The Q biotype performed better than the ZHJ2 biotype on either uninfected or virus‐infected tomato plants. However, virus‐infection of host plants did not, or only marginally affected, the performance of either biotype of whiteflies in terms of fecundity, longevity, survival, development and population increase. Likewise, association of the vectors with TYLCV did not affect fecundity and longevity of the Q or ZHJ2 biotypes on cotton, a non‐host of TYLCV. These results indicate that the alien Q biotype whitefly, but not the indigenous ZHJ2 biotype, is likely to become the major vector of TYLCV in the field and facilitate virus epidemics.  相似文献   

【目的】烟粉虱 Bemisia tabaci 是番茄黄曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)在自然界的唯一传播媒介,除了可以直接取食获取TYLCV,烟粉虱还可以通过交配获取此植物病毒。虽然前人研究证明了烟粉虱Middle East-Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1)和Mediterranean (MED)隐种都可以通过交配在两性个体之间水平传播TYLCV,但有关MEAM1与MED隐种水平传播TYLCV的能力是否存在差异,不同研究的结果却并不一致。另外,目前尚无关于烟粉虱的水平传播行为是否有助于TYLCV在田间扩散的相关研究。【方法】从浙江、广东、云南和河南4个省份的田间采集MEAM1和MED隐种烟粉虱种群,在室内应用分子标记对各种群所属隐种鉴定后分别建立7个供试种群,然后观察每个种群内带毒成虫与不带毒成虫通过交配在不同性别个体之间水平传播TYLCV的能力,并选用采自广东的MEAM1隐种烟粉虱模拟群体交配实验探究通过交配获毒的烟粉虱个体是否具有传播TYLCV致健康番茄植株发病的能力。【结果】4个省内的MEAM1和MED隐种烟粉虱都可通过交配对TYLCV进行水平传播,但传播频率一般在10%以下。不同省份的MEAM1隐种种群之间在水平传播TYLCV的能力上无显著差异,不同省份的MED隐种种群之间也不存在显著差异。另外,同一省份的MEAM1隐种与MED隐种之间在水平传播TYLCV的能力上也不存在显著差异,而且在两个隐种中,带毒雄虫将病毒水平传播给不带毒雌虫与带毒雌虫将病毒水平传播给不带毒雄虫的频率没有显著差异。研究还表明,采自广东的MEAM1隐种烟粉虱个体通过交配水平获毒后不能致健康番茄植株发病。【结论】综合以上结果,我们推测TYLCV在中国境内两个入侵烟粉虱隐种MEAM1和MED各自种群内个体之间的水平传播概率较低,对该病毒在田间的扩散可能没有作用或作用不大。  相似文献   

The whitefly-transmitted tomato yellow-leaf curl gemini-virus (TYLCV) is a major pathogen of tomatoes. The wild tomato species Lycopersicon chilense, which is resistant to the virus, was crossed to the cultivated tomato, L. esculentum. The backcross-1 selfed (BC1S1) generation was inoculated and a symptomless plant was selected. This plant was analyzed using 61 molecular markers, which span the tomato genome, to determine which L. chilense chromosome segments were introgressed. A BC2S1 population was cage-inoculated with viroliferous whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci), the natural insect vector of the virus, and subjected to RFLP analysis. Markers on chromosomes 3 and 6 were significantly associated with the level of tolerance; the association of chromosome-6 markers was further substantiated in two additional BC2S1 populations. A tolerant BC2S1 plant which was homozygous for L. chilense introgressions in chromosomes 3, 6 and 7 was crossed to generate a BC3S1 population which was planted in an infested field. A TYLCV-tolerance gene with partial dominance, TY-1, was mapped to chromosome 6; two modifier genes were mapped to chromosomes 3 and 7. Field and whitefly-mediated cage inoculations of nearly-isogenic lines in BC3S3 supported our conclusion that TY-1 is the major TYLCV-tolerance locus.  相似文献   

Late blight, caused by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans, is the most devastating disease for potato cultivation. Here, we describe the positional cloning of the Rpi-blb1 gene from the wild potato species Solanum bulbocastanum known for its high levels of resistance to late blight. The Rpi-blb1 locus, which confers full resistance to complex isolates of P. infestans and for which race specificity has not yet been demonstrated, was mapped in an intraspecific S. bulbocastanum population on chromosome 8, 0.3 cM from marker CT88. Molecular analysis of a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone spanning the Rpi-blb1 locus identified a cluster of four candidate resistance gene analogues of the coiled coil, nucleotide-binding site, leucine-rich repeat (CC-NBS-LRR) class of plant resistance (R) genes. One of these candidate genes, designated the Rpi-blb1 gene, was able to complement the susceptible phenotype in a S. tuberosum and tomato background, demonstrating the potential of interspecific transfer of broad-spectrum late blight resistance to cultivated Solanaceae from sexually incompatible host species. Paired comparisons of synonymous and non-synonymous nucleotide substitutions between different regions of Rpi-blb1 paralogues revealed high levels of synonymous divergence, also in the LRR region. Although amino acid diversity between Rpi-blb1 homologues is centred on the putative solvent exposed residues of the LRRs, the majority of nucleotide differences in this region have not resulted in an amino acid change, suggesting conservation of function. These data suggest that Rpi-blb1 is relatively old and may be subject to balancing selection.  相似文献   

为了揭示辽宁省冬季温室内越冬粉虱伪蛹的种类及烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)携带番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)情况, 于2012年1月份在辽宁省不同县市区的温室作物上采集了17份粉虱伪蛹样品(每样品含30头粉虱伪蛹) , 镜检鉴别粉虱种类并利用mtCOI基因对烟粉虱生物型进行了鉴定; 检测了烟粉虱携带TYLCV情况并对其PCR扩增产物进行了测序分析。结 果表明: 辽宁省冬季温室内存在越冬温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)与烟粉虱。17份粉虱样品中, 11份样品为烟 粉虱样品, 6份样品为温室白粉虱和烟粉虱混合样品。混合样品中, 温室白粉虱仅在锦州凌海(LH)样品中占优势。17份烟粉虱样品(包 括混合样品)中, 仅有4份样品为B型与Q型混合样品, 其他13份样品烟粉虱生物型均为Q型。17份烟粉虱样品中有3份Q型烟粉虱样品检测 到TYLCV, 系统树分析进一步证实该病毒是TYLCV。调查结果为辽宁省粉虱与TYLCV的早期测报和防控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

 The root-knot nematode resistance gene Mi-1 in tomato has long been thought to be located in the pericentromeric heterochromatin region of the long arm of chromosome 6 because of its very tight genetic linkage (approx. 1 cM) to the markers Aps-1 (Acid phosphatase 1) and yv (yellow virescent). Using Mi-BAC clones and an Aps-1 YAC clone in fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) to pachytene chromosomes we now provide direct physical evidence showing that Mi-1 is located at the border of the euchromatin and heterochromatin regions in the short arm (6S) and Aps-1 in the pericentromeric heterochromatin of the long arm (6L) close to the euchromatin. Taking into account both the estimated DNA content of hetero- and euchromatin regions and the compactness of the tomato chromosomes at pachytene (2 Mb/μm), our data suggest that Mi-1 and Aps-1 are at least 40 Mb apart, a base pair-to-centiMorgan relationship that is more than 50-fold higher than the average value of 750 kb/cM of the tomato genome. An integrated cytogenetic-molecular map of chromosome 6 is presented that provides a framework for physical mapping. Received: 24 July 1998 / Accepted: 14 August 1998  相似文献   

 Ten yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) spanning the Gm2 locus have been isolated by screening high-density filters containing a total of approximately 7000 YAC (representing six genome equivalents) clones derived from a japonica rice, Nipponbare. The screening was done with five RFLP markers flanking a gall midge resistance gene, Gm2, which was previously mapped onto chromosome 4 of rice. This gene confers resistance to biotype 1 and 2 of gall midge (Orseolia oryzae), a major insect pest of rice in South and Southeast Asia. The RFLP markers RG214, RG329 and F8 hybridized with YAC Y2165. Two overlapping YAC clones (Y5212 and Y2165) were identified by Southern hybridization, with Gm2-flanking RFLP markers, and their inserts isolated. The purified YACs and RFLP markers flanking Gm2 were labeled and physically mapped by the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique. All of them mapped to the long arm of chromosome 4 of the resistant variety of rice, ‘Phalguna’, confirming the previous RFLP mapping data. Received: 15 December 1997 / Accepted: 5 March 1998  相似文献   

RenSeq is a NB‐LRR (nucleotide binding‐site leucine‐rich repeat) gene‐targeted, Resistance gene enrichment and sequencing method that enables discovery and annotation of pathogen resistance gene family members in plant genome sequences. We successfully applied RenSeq to the sequenced potato Solanum tuberosum clone DM, and increased the number of identified NB‐LRRs from 438 to 755. The majority of these identified R gene loci reside in poorly or previously unannotated regions of the genome. Sequence and positional details on the 12 chromosomes have been established for 704 NB‐LRRs and can be accessed through a genome browser that we provide. We compared these NB‐LRR genes and the corresponding oligonucleotide baits with the highest sequence similarity and demonstrated that ~80% sequence identity is sufficient for enrichment. Analysis of the sequenced tomato S. lycopersicum ‘Heinz 1706’ extended the NB‐LRR complement to 394 loci. We further describe a methodology that applies RenSeq to rapidly identify molecular markers that co‐segregate with a pathogen resistance trait of interest. In two independent segregating populations involving the wild Solanum species S. berthaultii (Rpi‐ber2) and S. ruiz‐ceballosii (Rpi‐rzc1), we were able to apply RenSeq successfully to identify markers that co‐segregate with resistance towards the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans. These SNP identification workflows were designed as easy‐to‐adapt Galaxy pipelines.  相似文献   

Bai M  Yang GS  Chen WT  Mao ZC  Kang HX  Chen GH  Yang YH  Xie BY 《Gene》2012,501(1):52-62
Dicer, Argonaute and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase form the core components to trigger RNA silencing. Although tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a dicotyledon model plant, no systematic analysis and expression profiling of these genes in tomato has been undertaken previously. In this study, seven Dicer-like (SlDCLs), 15 Argonaute (SlAGOs) and six RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (SlRDRs) genes were identified in tomato. These genes were categorized into four subgroups based on phylogenetic analyses. Comprehensive analyses of gene structure, genomic localization and similarity among these genes were performed. Their expression patterns were investigated by means of expression models in different tissues and organs using online data and semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Many of the candidate genes were up-regulated in response to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus infection and abiotic stresses. The expression models of tandem gene duplications among SlDCL2s indicated the DCL2 family plays an important role in the evolution of tomato.  相似文献   

We compared the ability of two clonally derived murine preadipocyte cell lines, 3T3-L1(L1) and 3T3-F442A (F442A), to differentiate after treatment by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), and found that the former cell line was clearly suppressed by TCDD but the latter was not. It was initially postulated that the easiest way to explain the lack of response to TCDD in F442A cells could be an alteration in aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) functionality. This hypothesis was tested first, but no differences were found in the levels or functions of AhR. To find an alternate explanation for such a differential effect of TCDD, we tested the action of several diagnostic agents on the process of adipocyte differentiation of these two cells. No differences were found between these two lines of cells in the susceptibility to the antiadipogenic action of 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), or to TNFalpha, indicating that the basic biochemical components engaged in the antiadipogenic actions of these agents in these two cell lines are similar. In contrast, F442A cells were found to be more resistant to the antiadipogenic action of EGF or TGFbeta than L1 cells which were tested side by side. Based on the knowledge that TNFalpha preferentially affects C/EBPalpha and that TGFbeta specifically controls C/EBPbeta and delta in their antiadipogenic action, we hypothesized that the major cause for the differential response of these two similar cell lines could be the insensitivity of C/EBPbeta and/or delta of F442A cells to the action of TCDD. We could obtain supporting data for this hypothesis, showing that in F442A cells, the level of C/EBPbeta is already high even before the addition of adipocyte differentiation factors and that TCDD did not cause any significant changes in the titer of C/EBPbeta.  相似文献   

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