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Many amphibian species exploit temporary or even ephemeral aquatic habitats for reproduction by maximising larval growth under benign conditions but accelerating development to rapidly undergo metamorphosis when at risk of desiccation from pond drying. Here we determine mechanisms enabling developmental acceleration in response to decreased water levels in western spadefoot toad tadpoles (Pelobates cultripes), a species with long larval periods and large size at metamorphosis but with a high degree of developmental plasticity. We found that P. cultripes tadpoles can shorten their larval period by an average of 30% in response to reduced water levels. We show that such developmental acceleration was achieved via increased endogenous levels of corticosterone and thyroid hormone, which act synergistically to achieve metamorphosis, and also by increased expression of the thyroid hormone receptor TRΒ, which increases tissue sensitivity and responsivity to thyroid hormone. However, developmental acceleration had morphological and physiological consequences. In addition to resulting in smaller juveniles with proportionately shorter limbs, tadpoles exposed to decreased water levels incurred oxidative stress, indicated by increased activity of the antioxidant enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase, and gluthatione peroxidase. Such increases were apparently sufficient to neutralise the oxidative damage caused by presumed increased metabolic activity. Thus, developmental acceleration allows spadefoot toad tadpoles to evade drying ponds, but it comes at the expense of reduced size at metamorphosis and increased oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Amphibian larvae respond to heterogeneous environments by varyingtheir rates of growth and development. Several amphibian speciesare known to accelerate metamorphosis in response to pond dryingor resource restriction. Some of the most extensive studiesto date on developmental responses to pond drying have beenconducted on species of spadefoot toads (family Pelobatidae).We have found that tadpoles of two species of spadefoot toadaccelerate metamorphosis when exposed to water volume reductionin the laboratory (to simulate a drying pond). Furthermore,Western spadefoot toad (Spea hammondii) tadpoles acceleratedmetamorphosis in response to food restriction, which was intendedto simulate a decline in resource availability in the larvalhabitat. Metamorphic acceleration was accompanied by increasedwhole body 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine and hindbrain corticotropin-releasinghormone content by 24 hr after transfer of tadpoles from highto low water. Food restriction for 4 day accelerated metamorphosisand elevated whole body thyroid hormone content. Although tadpolesaccelerated metamorphosis and activated their thyroid axis inresponse to the two environmental manipulations, the kineticsof the responses were greater for water volume reduction thanfor resource restriction. The modulation of hormone secretionand action by environmental factors provides a mechanistic basisfor plasticity in the timing of amphibian metamorphosis, andthe neuroendocrine stress axis may play a central role in developmentalplasticity.  相似文献   

Food availability and pond desiccation are two of the most studied factors that condition amphibian metamorphosis. It is well known that, when food is abundant, organisms undergo metamorphosis early and when they are relatively large. The capability of anurans to accelerate their developmental rate in response to desiccation is also common knowledge. These two variables must act together in nature, since we know that, as a pond dries, the per capita resources decrease. We conduct an experiment to evaluate the effects of desiccation and food availability separately and in combination in tadpoles of the painted frog (Discoglossus pictus). We demonstrate that food deprivation leads to slow growth rates, which delay metamorphosis and produce smaller size and weight. The capability to accelerate metamorphosis when facing a drying pond is also confirmed, but, nevertheless, with factor interaction (when the pool is drying and resources are scarce) the capacity to respond to desiccation is lost. In addition, slow drying rates are shown to be stressful situations, but not enough to provoke a shortening of the larval period; in fact, the larval period becomes longer. We also demonstrate that the interaction of these factors changes the allometric relationship of different parts of the hind limb, which has implications for the biomechanics of jumping. Due to low mortality rates and an adequate response to both environmental factors, we expect D. pictus to have a great invasive potential in its new Mediterranean distribution area, where lots of temporary and ephemeral ponds are present.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity has long been a focus of research, but the mechanisms of its evolution remain controversial. Many amphibian species exhibit a similar plastic response in metamorphic timing in response to multiple environmental factors; therefore, more than one environmental factor has likely influenced the evolution of plasticity. However, it is unclear whether the plastic responses to different factors have evolved independently. In this study, we examined the relationship between the plastic responses to two experimental factors (water level and food type) in larvae of the salamander Hynobius retardatus, using a cause-specific Cox proportional hazards model on the time to completion of metamorphosis. Larvae from ephemeral ponds metamorphosed earlier than those from permanent ponds when kept at a low water level or fed conspecific larvae instead of larval Chironomidae. This acceleration of metamorphosis depended only on the permanency of the larvae's pond of origin, but not on the conspecific larval density (an indicator of the frequency of cannibalism) in the ponds. The two plastic responses were significantly correlated, indicating that they may evolve correlatively. Once plasticity evolved as an adaptation to habitat desiccation, it might have relatively easily become a response to other ecological factors, such as food type via the pre-existing developmental pathway.  相似文献   

Brain development shows high plasticity in response to environmental heterogeneity. However, it is unknown how environmental variation during development may affect brain architecture across life history switch points in species with complex life cycles. Previously, we showed that predation and competition affect brain development in common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles. Here, we studied whether larval environment had carry-over effects in brains of metamorphs. Tadpoles grown at high density had large optic tecta at metamorphosis, whereas tadpoles grown under predation risk had small diencephala. We found that larval density had a carry-over effect on froglet optic tectum size, whereas the effect of larval predation risk had vanished by metamorphosis. We discuss the possibility that the observed changes may be adaptive, reflecting the needs of an organism in given environmental and developmental contexts.  相似文献   

Couch's spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus couchii) breed in ephemeral desert ponds that are highly variable in duration. Rapid development is expected to be advantageous in short-duration ponds, but slower development, allowing more time for growth, may be advantageous in ponds of longer duration. Previous experiments have revealed both genetic variation in development time and phenotypic plasticity in response to pond drying. In this paper, I examine the norms of reaction of five sibships of tadpoles to see whether there is genetic variation in the effect of pond duration, i.e., in phenotypic plasticity. Several important results emerged. 1) Differences among sibships in development time that were seen in the lab were also seen in the field. 2) There was no evidence for genetic variation in plasticity of development; all sibships exhibited faster development and decreased larval period in ponds of short duration. Plasticity in development appears to be adaptive, as size at metamorphosis was correlated with duration of larval period. The slowest developing sibship, however, suffered higher mortality compared to other sibships in short duration ponds. 3) Sibships did not differ in growth or size at metamorphosis in short-duration ponds, but the slowest developing sibship metamorphosed at the largest size in long duration ponds, resulting in a significant genotype x environment interaction for size at metamorphosis. Thus, although only one of the five sibships responded differently, there appears to be genetic variation for plasticity in growth, and a genetically determined trade-off between fitness in short-duration ponds (via rapid development) and fitness in long duration ponds (via large size at metamorphosis). This may explain the existence of both phenotypic plasticity and genetic variation in development. A single genotype, although capable of adaptive plasticity, is not sufficiently flexible to have equally high fitness in both long- and short-duration ponds.  相似文献   

The evolution of environmentally-induced changes in phenotype or reaction norm implies both the existence at some time of genetic variation within a population for that plasticity measured by the presence of genotype x environment interaction (G x E), and that phenotypic variation affects fitness. Otherwise, the genetic structure of polygenic traits may restrict the evolution of the reaction norm by the lack of independent evolution of a given trait in different environments or by genetic trade-offs with other traits that affect fitness. In this paper, we analyze the existence of G x E in metamorphic traits to two environmental factors, larval density and pond duration in a factorial experiment with Bufo calamita tadpoles in semi-natural conditions and in the laboratory. Results showed no plastic temporal response in metamorphosis to pond durability at low larval density. The rank of genotypes did not change across different hydroperiods, implying a high genetic correlation that may constrain the evolution of the reaction norm. At high larval density a significant G x E interaction was found, suggesting the potential for the evolution of the reaction norm. A sibship (#1) attained the presumed “optimal” reaction norm by accelerating developmental rate in short duration ponds and delaying it in longer ponds. This could be translated in fitness by an increment in metamorphic survival and size at metamorphosis in short and long ponds respectively with respect to non-plastic sibships. However, genetic variability for plasticity suggests that optimal reaction norm for developmental rates may be variable and hard to achieve in the heterogeneous pond environment. Mass at metamorphosis was not plastic across different pond durations but decreased at high larval density. Significant adaptive plasticity for growth rates appeared in environments that differed drastically in level of crowding conditions, both in the field and in the laboratory. The fact that survival of juveniles metamorphosed at high density ponds was a monotonic function of metamorphic size, implies that response to selection may occur in this population of natterjacks and that genetic variability in plasticity may be a reliable mechanism maintaining adaptive genetic variation in growth rates in the highly variable pond environment.  相似文献   

We evaluated differences in larval habitats and life history of three species of spadefoot toads, then compared their life histories in a common garden study. Our field work defined the selective regime encountered by each species. Our Great Basin spadefoot (Spea intermontana) bred asynchronously in permanent streams and springs where there was no risk of larval mortality due to drying. The water chemistry remained fairly stable throughout the larval period. The western spadefoot toad, Sp. hammondii, bred fairly synchronously following heavy spring rains in temporary pools that remained filled an average of 81 d. Fifteen % of the breeding pools dried completely on or before the day the first larvae metamorphosed. The desert spadefoot toad, Scaphiopus couchii, bred synchronously after heavy summer showers in very short duration pools; 62% of the breeding pools dried completely on or before the day the first larvae metamorphosed. The concentration of ammonium nitrogen and CaCO3 increased markedly as the Sp. hammondii and S. couchii pools dried. S. couchii attained metamorphosis at a much earlier age and smaller size than the other two species. S. couchii also showed little variation in the age at metamorphosis but considerable variation in the size at metamorphosis, while the other two species varied in both age and size. The results identify some variables that could serve as cues of pool drying and demonstrate an association between breeding pool duration, breeding synchrony, development rate, and larval development. Our laboratory study yields information about the genetic basis of the differences in development and controlled comparisons of phenotypic plasticity. We manipulated food supply to study the plastic response of age and size at metamorphosis and hence construct the reaction norm for these variables as a function of growth rate. The growth rates ranged from below to above those observed in natural populations. As in the field, in the lab S. couchii attained metamorphosis at an earlier age and smaller size than the other two species. All three species had a similarly shaped reaction norm for size(y‐axis) and age (x‐axis) at metamorphosis, which was a concave upward curve. A consequence of this shape is that age at metamorphosis changes more readily at low levels of food availability and size at metamorphosis changes more readily at high levels of food availability. If we restrict our observations to just those growth rates that are seen in nature, then S. couchii has almost no variation in the age at metamorphosis but considerable variation in size at metamorphosis, while the other two species vary in both age and size at metamorphosis. All three species increased in size at metamorphosis with increased food levels. Our comparative reaction norm approach thus demonstrates that S. couchii has adapted to ephemeral environments by shifting its growth rate reaction norm so that age at metamorphosis is uniformly fast and is not associated with growth rate. The realized variation is concentrated in size rather than age at metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Amphibians exhibit extreme plasticity in the timing of metamorphosis, and several species respond to water availability, accelerating metamorphosis when their ponds dry. We analyzed the plasticity of the developmental response to water volume in Rhinella schneideri tadpoles. We raised tadpoles in mesocosm. Covariation between body size at metamorphosis and timing of development was positive. Nevertheless, the first approximately 53% of the metamorphoses finishing the cycle required between 34 and 56 days, and the covariation between body size at metamorphosis and timing of development was negative. For these tadpoles, the larval density and the presence of predators did not significantly affect their mass to metamorphosis. Nevertheless, predators affected time to metamorphosis. For the remainder of the tadpoles that reached metamorphosis at > 56 days, the relationship between body size at metamorphosis and timing of development was positive. For these tadpoles, larval density was important for mass at metamorphosis and presence of predators was also important for time to metamorphosis. Two dominant features were observed: (i) approximately 53% of metamorphs had morphological features similar to individuals developing in desiccating ponds, and (ii) the other individuals had morphological characteristics comparable to metamorphs developing in an unchanging environment.  相似文献   

Experimental manipulations of the densities of two larval anurans, Pelodytes punctatus and Bufo bufo , showed that these species compete asymmetrically in semi-natural conditions. Growth, mass at metamorphosis, date of metamorphosis, and survival were used as measures of response to interspecific competition. A mechanistic approach was used to collect information on the behaviour of the two species in different conditions. The competitive superiority of Pelodytes at individual level was correlated with a larger body, faster growth rate, increased per capita competitive impact on conspecifics, and greater reduction in the availability of trophic and spatial resources. In the presence of Pelodytes, Bufo showed slower growth, smaller size at metamorphosis and reduced survival. In the interspecific treatments Bufo individuals modified their behaviour by increasing activity and use of the water column while Pelodytes did not change their foraging activity or space use in the aquaria. However, the presence of Bufo resulted in a reduced larval period and smaller size at metamorphosis. We hypothesise that the presence of Bufo act as a signal of environmental degradation and shorten the larval period of Pelodytes, a typical temporal pond breeder . The smaller Bufo tadpoles are potentially stronger competitors at population level because they use relatively large amounts of energy (greater densities and higher metabolic rates). Consequently, they use larger proportions of the shared resources than their larger competitor. A possible evolutionary response for larger tadpoles is the development of interference mechanisms or "escaping" from ephemeral ponds where mortality by drying represent a high risk.  相似文献   

In a series of studies, we examined how larval corticosterone treatment for several species of amphibians can impact fitness parameters both during exposure and after metamorphosis. We completed confinement stress series on larvae of three species in natural/semi-natural conditions: wood frogs (Rana sylvatica), Jefferson salamanders (Ambystoma jeffersonianum), and Eastern spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus holbrooki). Two of the species had a typical vertebrate response of increasing corticosterone with confinement. However, Eastern spadefoot toads, which have a very short developmental period before metamorphosis, did not show any increase in corticosterone in response to confinement. In a second study, we treated the three species with a low and a high concentration of corticosterone (0.001 and 0.01?μM dissolved in tank water) in the laboratory and examined effects on growth. Although we were successful in raising baseline corticosterone levels with our high corticosterone concentrations, this did not translate into changes in mean larval growth for any of the three species. The larval treatments also did not appear to translate into differences in the juvenile response to confinement stress after metamorphosis. Although juvenile wood frogs did respond to confinement with increasing corticosterone, there was no variation based on larval treatment. As with the larval responses, the juvenile Eastern spadefoot toads did not have a hormonal response to confinement. In summary, while our larval corticosterone exposures did elevate baseline corticosterone levels, we did not see effects of exposure on growth or any latent effects of larval exposure on juvenile responses to confinement.  相似文献   

Hormonal control of post-embryonic morphogenesis is well established, but it is not clear how differences in developmental endocrinology between species may underlie animal diversity. We studied this issue by comparing metamorphic thyroid hormone (TH) physiology and gonad development across spadefoot toad species divergent in metamorphic rate. Tissue TH content, in vitro tail tip sensitivity to TH, and rates of TH-induced tail tip shrinkage correlated with species differences in larval period duration. Gonad differentiation occurred before metamorphosis in species with long larval periods and after metamorphosis in the species with short larval periods. These differences in TH physiology and gonad development, informed by phylogeny and ecology of spadefoot metamorphosis, provide evidence that selection for the short larval periods in spadefoot toads acted via TH physiology and led to dramatic heterochronic shifts in metamorphic climax relative to gonad development.  相似文献   

Anurans breed in a variety of aquatic habitats with contrasting levels of desiccation risk, which may result in selection for faster development during larval stages. Previous studies suggest that species in ephemeral ponds reduce their developmental times to minimize desiccation risks, although it is not clear how variation in desiccation risk affects developmental strategies in different species. Employing a comparative phylogenetic approach including data from published and unpublished studies encompassing 62 observations across 30 species, we tested if species breeding in ephemeral ponds (High risk) develop faster than those from permanent ponds (Low risk) and/or show increased developmental plasticity in response to drying conditions. Our analyses support shorter developmental times in High risk, primarily by decreasing body mass at metamorphosis. Plasticity in developmental times was small and did not differ between groups. However, accelerated development in High risk species generally resulted in reduced sizes at metamorphosis, while some Low risk species were able compensate this effect by increasing mean growth rates. Taken together, our results suggest that plastic responses in species breeding in ephemeral ponds are constrained by a general trade-off between development and growth rates.  相似文献   

In many organisms, genotypic selection may be a less effective means of adapting to unpredictable environments than is selection for phenotypic plasticity. To determine whether genotypic selection is important in the evolution of complex life cycles of amphibians that breed in seasonally ephemeral habitats, we examined whether mortality risk from habitat drying in natural populations of small-mouthed salamanders (Ambystoma texanum) corresponded to length of larval period when larvae from the same populations were grown in a common laboratory environment. Comparisons were made at two levels of organization within the species: 1) among geographic races that are under strongly divergent selection regimes associated with the use of pond and stream habitats and 2) among populations within races that use the same types of breeding habitats. Morphological evidence indicates that stream-breeding A. texanum evolved from pond-breeding populations that recently colonized streams. Larvae in streams incur heavy mortality from stream drying, so the upper bound on length of larval period is currently set by the seasonal duration of breeding sites. We hypothesized that selection would reduce length of larval period of pond-breeders that colonize streams if their larval periods are inherently longer than those of stream-breeders. The results of laboratory experiments support this hypothesis. When grown individually in a common environment, larvae from stream populations had significantly shorter larval periods than larvae from pond populations. Within races, however, length of larval period did not correlate significantly with seasonal duration of breeding sites. When males of both races were crossed to a single pond female, offspring of stream males had significantly shorter larval periods than offspring of pond males. Collectively, these data suggest that differences in complex life cycles among pond and stream-breeders are due to genotypic selection related to mortality from habitat drying. Stream larvae in the common-environment experiment were significantly smaller at metamorphosis than pond larvae. Yet, the evolution of metamorphic size cannot be explained readily by direct selection: there are no intuitively obvious advantages of being relatively small at metamorphosis in streams. A positive phenotypic correlation was observed between size at metamorphosis and length of larval period in most laboratory populations. A positive additive genetic correlation between these traits was demonstrated recently in another amphibian. Thus, we suspect that metamorphic size of stream-breeders evolved indirectly as a consequence of selection to shorten length of larval period.  相似文献   

Robert A. Newman 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):9-16
Phenotypic plasticity is adaptive for an organism inhabiting a variable environment if the optimal phenotype of a trait that affects fitness varies with environmental conditions, and if the organism can perceive environmental conditions and respond appropriately. Wilbur and Collins have proposed that amphibian larvae might respond adaptively to changes in their resource environment. If conditions for growth in the aquatic environment deteriorate, then a tadpole should metamorphose earlier and smaller than a tadpole under constant high growth conditions. Several experiments on a variety of species have tested this prediction, but only one demonstrated such a response. That experiment involved Couch's spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus couchii) and employed a gradual decrease in food level, whereas the others all used an abrupt switch from high to low food. The purpose of the present experiment was to examine the response of S. couchii to an abrupt change in food level, and to determine if the response depended on the level of two other factors, density and temperature, that also affect larval development. The average effects of the abrupt change in food level were similar to those seen in studies on other species: age at metamorphosis was primarily determined by the early food regime, and size at metamorphosis was determined by food level late in the larval period, suggesting that the effect of decreased food depends on how the food change is done. However, the response to even an abrupt food change depended on interactions with other environmental factors. At high temperature, high initial food, and low density, development was very rapid and tadpoles switched from high to low food metamorphosed at about the same time and size as those at constant high food. In contrast, under high temperature and high initial food conditions, but at high density, tadpoles switched to low food metamorphosed somewhat earlier and smaller, on average, than tadpoles kept at high food. At low temperature, the direction of response depended on density: tadpoles metamorphosed much smaller and slightly, but significantly, earlier at low density, but smaller and later at high density. The developmental response to increased food also varied with temperature. Larvae at high temperature metamorphosed earlier and larger than those at constant low food. At low temperature, larvae metamorphosed larger, but at nearly the same time as their counterparts at constant low food. The combination of high density and constant low food prevented any tadpoles from metamorphosing at high temperature, and allowed relatively few metamorphs at low temperature. Under conditions which impose either very rapid or retarded development, the opportunity to respond to altered food level may be limited. Interactions among environmental factors, therefore, may constrain responses to changing conditions, and may even prevent completion of development. Received: 3 February 1997 / Accepted: 2 October 1997  相似文献   

Anuran larvae exhibit high levels of phenotypic plasticity in growth and developmental rates in response to variation in temperature and food availability. We tested the hypothesis that alteration of developmental pathways during the aquatic larval stage should affect the postmetamorphic performance of the Iberian painted frog (Discoglossus galganoi). We exposed tadpoles to different temperatures and food types (animal- vs. plant-based diets) to induce variation in the length of the larval period and body size at metamorphosis. In this species, larval period varied with temperature but was unaffected by diet composition. In contrast, size at metamorphosis was shaped by the interaction between food quality and temperature; tadpoles fed on an animal-based diet became bulkier metamorphs than those fed on plant-based food at high (22°C) but not at low (12°C) temperature. Body condition of newly metamorphosed frogs was unrelated to the temperature or food type experienced during the premetamorphic stage. Frogs maintained at high temperature during the larval period showed reduced jumping ability, especially when fed on the plant-based diet. However, when considering size-independent jumping ability, cold-reared individuals exhibited the lowest performance, and herbivores reared at 17°C the highest. Cold-reared (12°C) frogs accumulated larger amounts of energy reserves than individuals raised at 17°C or 22°C. This was still the case after correction for differences in body mass, thus indicating some size-independent effect of developmental temperature. Despite the higher lipid content of the carnivorous diet, the differences in energy reserves between herbivores and carnivores were relatively weak and associated with differences in body size. These results suggest that the consequences of environmental variation in the larval habitat can extend to the terrestrial phase and influence juvenile growth and survival.  相似文献   

Polyphenism is the expression of multiple, discrete phenotypes from one genotype, and understanding the environmental factors that trigger development of alternative phenotypes is a critical step toward understanding the evolution of polyphenism and its developmental control. While much is known about the ecology of the well-known carnivore/omnivore polyphenism in spadefoot toad tadpoles, the environmental cues for the development of the specialized carnivore phenotype are not completely clear. We examined 27 different experimental treatments in two spadefoot toad species and used over 1,000 tadpoles in an attempt to elucidate those cues. While only 44 carnivores developed in these treatments, they were concentrated at cooler water temperatures and a diet that included fairy shrimp. However, while a diet of fairy shrimp promoted carnivore development, it was not necessary for inducing carnivore development at lower and intermediate water temperatures. Evidence also suggested a role for social inhibition that limited the proportion of interacting tadpoles that become carnivores. Tadpoles of Spea multiplicata grew larger at cooler temperatures and larger when their diets included fairy shrimp, whereas tadpoles of S. bombifrons grew larger at warmer temperatures and when their diets did not include fairy shrimp. These results indicate that carnivore induction can occur through different cues and that our current model for carnivore development is too limited. Finally, we argue that the carnivore/omnivore spadefoot system is neither a polyphenism nor a polymorphism but is a continuously distributed plasticity.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity allows organisms to alter their phenotype in direct response to changes in the environment. Despite growing recognition of plasticity's role in ecology and evolution, few studies have probed plasticity's molecular bases—especially using natural populations. We investigated the genetic basis of phenotypic plasticity in natural populations of spadefoot toads (Spea multiplicata). Spea tadpoles normally develop into an “omnivore” morph that is favored in long‐lasting, low‐density ponds. However, if tadpoles consume freshwater shrimp or other tadpoles, they can alternatively develop (via plasticity) into a “carnivore” morph that is favored in ephemeral, high‐density ponds. By combining natural variation in pond ecology and morph production with population genetic approaches, we identified candidate loci associated with each morph (carnivores vs. omnivores) and loci associated with adaptive phenotypic plasticity (adaptive vs. maladaptive morph choice). Our candidate morph loci mapped to two genes, whereas our candidate plasticity loci mapped to 14 genes. In both cases, the identified genes tended to have functions related to their putative role in spadefoot tadpole biology. Our results thereby form the basis for future studies into the molecular mechanisms that mediate plasticity in spadefoots. More generally, these results illustrate how diverse loci might mediate adaptive plasticity.  相似文献   

The cane toad (Rhinella marina) is one of the most successful invasive species worldwide, and has caused significant negative impacts on Australian fauna. Experimental work in the laboratory and in mesocosms has shown that tadpoles of native frogs can affect survival, size at metamorphosis and duration of larval period of cane toad tadpoles. To test if these effects occur in nature, we conducted a field experiment using two temporary ponds where we set up enclosures with tadpoles of native green tree frogs (Litoria caerulea) and cane toads in treatments with a range of densities and combinations. The presence of green tree frog tadpoles significantly decreased the growth rate of toad tadpoles and increased the duration of their larval period in both ponds; in one pond, frog tadpoles also significantly reduced the body length and mass of metamorph toads. Toad tadpoles did not have any significant negative effects on green tree frog tadpoles, but there was strong intraspecific competition within the latter species: increased frog tadpole density resulted in increased larval period and reduced survival, growth rate and size at metamorphosis for frogs at one or both ponds. Our results are encouraging for the possibility of using native frogs as one component of an integrated approach to the biological control of cane toads.  相似文献   

Recent experiments suggest that timing of metamorphosis is fixed during development in some anurans, insects, and freshwater invertebrates. Yet, these experiments do not exclude a growth rate optimization model for the timing of metamorphosis. I manipulated food resources available to larvae of squirrel treefrogs (Hyla squirella) to determine if there is a loss of plasticity in duration of larval period during development and to critically test growth rate models for the timing of metamorphosis. Size-specific resource levels for individual tadpoles were switched from low to high or high to low at three developmental stages spaced throughout larval development. The effects of changes in resource availability on larval period and mass at metamorphosis were measured. Switching food levels after late limb bud development did not significantly affect larval period in comparison to constant food level treatments. Therefore, developmental rate in H. squirella is better described by a fixed developmental rate model, rather than a growth rate optimization model. The timing of fixation of developmental rate in H. squirella is similar to that found in other anuran species, suggesting a taxonomically widespread developmental constraint on the plasticity of larval period duration. Mass at metamorphosis was not significantly affected by the timing of changes in food levels; the amount of food available later in development determined the size at metamorphosis. Larval period and mass at metamorphosis were negatively correlated in only one of two experiments, which contrasts with the common assumption of a phenotypic trade-off between decreased larval period and increased mass at metamorphosis. Received: 19 August 1996 / Accepted: 20 June 1997  相似文献   

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