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Summary Optimal diets were determined for each of 109 individual Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) at two sites in northwestern Montana. Body mass, daily activity time, and vegetation consumption rates for individuals were measured in the field, along with the average water content of vegetation at each ground squirrel colony. I also measured stomach and caecal capacity and turnover rate of plant food through the digestive tract for individuals in the laboratory to construct regressions of digestive capacity as a function of individual body mass. Finally, I obtained literature estimates of average daily energy requirements as a function of body mass and digestible energy content of vegetation. These data were used to construct a linear programming diet model for each individual. The model for each individual was used to predict the proportion of two food types (monocots and dicots) that maximized daily energy intake, given time and digestive constraints on foraging. Individuals were classified as optimal or deviating, depending on whether their observed diet was significantly different from their predicted optimal diet. I determined the consequences of selecting an optimal diet for energy intake and fitness. As expected, daily energy intake calculated for deviators (based on their observed diet proportion) was less than that for optimal foragers. Deviating foragers do not appear to compensate for their lower calculated energy intake through other factors such as body size or physiological efficiency of processing food. Growth rate, yearly survivorship, and litter size increase with calculated energy intake, and optimal foragers have six times the reproductive success of deviators by age three. Optimal foraging behavior, therefore, appears to confer a considerable fitness advantage.  相似文献   

P. J. Young 《Oecologia》1990,83(4):504-511
Summary The patterns of torpor and euthermy during hibernation was documented for 28 free-ranging Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) fitted with temperature-sensitive radio transmitter collars. Adult males began hibernation earlier, were euthermic for a greater proportion of the hibernating season and emerged earlier than other age and sex classes. The patterns of hibernation of adult females did not differ significantly from those of juveniles. Emergence from the hibernaculum was preceded by a long (3–12 d) euthermic interval in adult males but not in adult females or juveniles. Changes in soil temperature did not appear to initiate emergence. The greater time spent euthermic by adult males is interpreted as a significantly greater energy cost of hibernation for adult males than for other age and sex classes. The benefits offsetting these costs may be increased reproductive potential in spring and avoidance of predation in late summer.  相似文献   

Parasites play an important role in the evolution of host traits via natural selection, coevolution and sexually selected ornaments used in mate choice. These evolutionary scenarios assume fitness costs for hosts. To test this assumption, we conducted an ectoparasite removal experiment in free-living Columbian ground squirrels (Urocittelus columbianus) in four populations over three years. Adult females were randomly chosen to be either experimentally treated with anti-parasite treatments (spot-on solution and flea powder, N = 61) or a sham treatment (control, N = 44). We expected that experimental females would show better body condition, increased reproductive success and enhanced survival. Contrary to our expectations, body mass was not significantly different between treatments at mating, birth of litter or weaning of young. Further, neither number nor size of young at weaning differed significantly between the two treatments. Survival to the next spring for adult females and juveniles was not significantly different between experimental and control treatments. Finally, annual fitness was not affected by the treatments. We concluded that females and their offspring were able compensate for the presence of ectoparasites, suggesting little or no fitness costs of parasites for females in the different colonies and during the years of our experiments.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the reproductive success of female Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) in southwestern Alberta for nine years. We defined reproductive success as the number of offspring surviving their first hibernation, classified as yearlings. The number of weaned juveniles explained one third of the variance in number of yearlings at emergence from their first hibernation the following spring, and much of the variance in individual reproductive success originated after weaning. Weight of adult females at emergence from hibernation was correlated with annual reproductive success. The mother's survival beyond weaning and the subsequent winter's snow accumulation had positive effects on annual reproductive success, whereas population density and summer temperature had negative effects. We found no effects on annual reproductive success of date of litter emergence, weight at emergence as a yearling, presence or absence of adult kin, distance from the natal site, location within the study area, winter temperature or summer precipitation. Age of first breeding did not affect lifetime reproductive success, which ranged from 0 to 19 yearlings produced over a lifetime. The greatest source of variation in lifetime reproductive success for females surviving to breeding age was offspring survival, followed by reproductive lifespan.  相似文献   

Summary I examined the potential inheritance of the ability of Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) to select an optimal diet. I calculated the diet that would maximize daily energy intake for each of 21 adult females and their litters, using a linear programming optimization model for each individual. The absolute value of the difference between an individual's predicted optimal diet and observed diet (deviation from an optimal diet) was used as a measure of an individual's foraging ability. The foraging ability of individuals was consistent over time and in different foraging environments, so I considered foraging ability to be a potentially heritable trait.Inheritance was determined from correlations of mother and offspring foraging ability. I experimentally removed some mothers just as they weaned their offspring so that offspring could not be influenced by their mother while learning to forage, while leaving the other mothers to raise their litters normally. In both cases, offspring strongly resembled their mother in foraging ability. However, offspring with mothers absent exhibited significantly larger deviations from their optimal diet. Offspring with mothers absent appeared to imitate their mother's diet during lactation, and this tendency partially explained their greater deviation. Consequently, offspring appear to inherit the ability to forage optimally from their mother, perhaps through observational learning or imitation. There may also be a genetic basis to foraging ability, but uncontrolled maternal effects in the experiment prevent a proper test for it.  相似文献   

The influence of climate change on the fitness of wild populations is often studied in the context of the spring onset of the reproductive season. This focus is relevant for climate influences on reproductive success, but neglects other fitness‐relevant periods (e.g., autumn preparation for overwintering). We examined variation in climate variables (temperature, rainfall, snowfall, and snowpack) across the full annual cycle of Columbian ground squirrels (Urocitellus columbianus) for 21 years. We investigated seasonal climate variables that were associated with fitness variables, climate variables that exhibited directional changes across the study period, and finally observed declines in fitness (?0.03 units/year; total decline = 37%) that were associated with directional changes in climate variables. Annual fitness of adult female ground squirrels was positively associated with spring temperature (= 0.69) and early summer rainfall (= 0.56) and negatively associated with spring snow conditions (= ?0.44 to ?0.66). Across the 21 years, spring snowmelt has become significantly delayed (= 0.48) and summer rainfall became significantly reduced (= ?0.53). Using a standardized partial regression model, we found that directional changes in the timing of spring snowmelt and early summer rainfall (i.e., progressively drier summers) had moderate influences on annual fitness, with the latter statistically significant (ρ = ?0.314 and 0.437, respectively). The summer period corresponds to prehibernation fattening of young and adult ground squirrels. Had we focused on a single point in time (viz. the onset of the breeding season), we would have underestimated the influences of climate change on our population. Rather, we obtained a comprehensive understanding of the influences of climate change on individual fitness by investigating the full lifecycle.  相似文献   

Increasing returns in the life history of Columbian ground squirrels   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
1. We examined positive associations and trade-offs of maternal and reproductive traits in a population of Columbian ground squirrels, Spermophilus columbianus .
2. Structural size, body condition, mother's personal allocation to body mass during reproduction, and timing of littering were estimated for live-trapped reproductive females that were observed during an 8-year period, and were compared to litter mass, litter size, and average pup mass using path analyses.
3. Mothers exhibited age-structured traits that influenced reproductive patterns. Yearling mothers were significantly smaller, bred later, and had smaller litters than older females. Mothers that gained more body mass during reproduction and older mothers in good body condition that were structurally large had larger litters.
4. Early seasonal timing of littering was an important positive influence on successful reproduction by older mothers only in early breeding seasons and in years when conditions for reproduction were good for all females.
5. The number of offspring that survived to 1 year of age was most strongly associated with litter mass and litter size; date of breeding was of secondary influence, with earlier litters exhibiting greater success.
6. In general, mothers that gained the most in body mass during reproduction were concurrently more successful in weaning large litters (perhaps due to better quality of foraging habitat).
7. In addition to expected reproductive trade-offs, reproduction by Columbian ground squirrels exhibited positive associations of life-history traits that may reflect evolutionary increasing returns.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that food resources regulate population size was tested in Columbian ground squirrels, Spermophilus columbianus, from 1981 to 1986 in southwestern Alberta, Canada. Two replicate populations received supplemental food resources from 1981 to 1983, and were subsequently monitored until 1986. Two reference (unmanipulated) populations were monitored throughout the 6 years. During the experiment, dramatic increases in population size of about 500% occurred. After supplementation, spring populations declined by about 20% per year, under conditions that produced stressful shortages of food (as evidenced by significant decreases in body mass of ground squirrels). The demographic process that contributed most to increasing and decreasing experimental populations was production of yearlings, through changes in reproductive success and survival of young. Changes in migration contributed secondarily to changes in population size, and changes in adult survival were least important. While similarities of demographic processes were evident between replicates during population increases, a dramatic decrease in survival of young contributed to population decline at one replicate, and normal levels of reproduction and survival were sufficient to produce a decline in the other replicate. Demographic mechanisms may vary, but population regulation of mammalian populations appears strongly dependent on food resources.  相似文献   

Empirical and theoretical studies have supported kin selection by demonstrating nepotism or modelling its conditions and consequences. As an alternative, we previously found that female Columbian ground squirrels had greater direct fitness when more close kin were present. Extending those results, we used population matrix methods to calculate minimum estimates of individual fitness, estimated direct and indirect components of fitness, estimated inclusive fitness by adding the direct fitness (stripped of estimated influences of the social environment) and indirect fitness components together, and finally looked for inclusive fitness benefits of associations with close kin who seem to be 'genial neighbours'. We examined the estimated fitness of a sample of 35 females for which complete lifetimes were known for themselves, their mothers and their littermate sisters. Six of these females had no cosurviving adult close kin, and their direct fitness was significantly lower than 29 females with such kin (λ = 0.66 vs. λ = 1.23). The net fitness benefit of the presence of close kin was thus 0.57. The estimated indirect component of fitness through benefits to the direct fitness of close kin was 0.43. Thus, estimated inclusive fitness for females with cosurviving close kin (λ = 1.09) was significantly greater than that for females without surviving close kin (viz., λ = 0.66). The presence of closely related and philopatric female kin appeared to result in considerable fitness benefits for female ground squirrels, perhaps through the behavioural mechanisms of lowered aggression and other forms of behavioural cooperation.  相似文献   

Summary Seasonal energy intake was estimated for ten populations of Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) in northwestern Montana. We calculated daily energy intake for an average ground squirrel in each population using measurements of feeding time, consumption rates of different vegetation types (monocots vs. dicots), and the proportion of monocots and dicots in the diet. These daily energy intakes were multiplied by the length of the plant growing season for each population to estimate seasonal energy intake, i.e. over the ground squirrel active season. Amicable interaction rates measured for each population varied with seasonal energy intake, but not with environmental heterogeneity, sex ratio, or the ratio of adults to juveniles. In particular, amicable interactions among adult-juvenile and juvenile-juvenile pairs increased as seasonal energy intake decreased. The proportion of females breeding as yearlings increased as seasonal energy intake increased. This suggests that harsh environments reduce the energy available for juvenile growth and development, leading to delayed dispersal and age at first reproduction. These responses may promote the formation of kin groups and increased amicable interactions within those groups. The length of the plant growing season may determine environmental harshness across elevational gradients, but at a particular elevation, harshness may depend on factors determining daily food intake.  相似文献   

Acrylic cubes carrying oral gland scents from strange, neighbouring, and resident male Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus), plus a cube with no scent, were presented near the home burrows of squirrels in the field. Adult males and adult females sniffed scented cubes longer than unscented cubes, sniffed cubes with scent from other (strange and neighbouring) males longer than cubes with the resident male's own scent, and sniffed cubes with scent from strange males longer than cubes with scent from neighbouring males. Males also scent-marked the cubes on a number of occasions; differences in the frequency with which the cubes were marked followed the same pattern. It thus appears that adult Columbian ground squirrels can recognize familiar as opposed to unfamiliar males, and may also be able to determine individual identity, through oral gland scent. An ability to distinguish familiar from unfamiliar males by scent could be advantageous in facilitating differential treatment of wandering strange males versus established neighbours.  相似文献   

Energetic trade‐offs in resource allocation form the basis of life‐history theory, which predicts that reproductive allocation in a given season should negatively affect future reproduction or individual survival. We examined how allocation of resources differed between successful and unsuccessful breeding female Columbian ground squirrels to discern any effects of resource allocation on reproductive and somatic efforts. We compared the survival rates, subsequent reprodction, and mass gain of successful breeders (females that successfully weaned young) and unsuccessful breeders (females that failed to give birth or wean young) and investigated “carryover” effects to the next year. Starting capital was an important factor influencing whether successful reproduction was initiated or not, as females with the lowest spring emergence masses did not give birth to a litter in that year. Females that were successful and unsuccessful at breeding in one year, however, were equally likely to be successful breeders in the next year and at very similar litter sizes. Although successful and unsuccessful breeding females showed no difference in over winter survival, females that failed to wean a litter gained additional mass during the season when they failed. The next year, those females had increased energy “capital” in the spring, leading to larger litter sizes. Columbian ground squirrels appear to act as income breeders that also rely on stored capital to increase their propensity for future reproduction. Failed breeders in one year “prepare” for future reproduction by accumulating additional mass, which is “carried over” to the subsequent reproductive season.  相似文献   

Field observations and films of laboratory encounters were used to describe and quantify behaviour in a population of Columbian ground squirrels. Activity correlated with ambient temperature. Feeding, the most frequent behaviour, decreased during mid-day whereas other behavioural patterns increased. Squirrels nearly always seemed alert, even during other behavioural patterns. Three of seven vocalizations indicated alarm. Possible adult scent-marking nerver exceeded 1 per cent of above-ground activity and decreased seasonally. Juvenile play was frequent; yearling play became more aggressive and was replaced by aggression by mid-season. Adult aggression rarely involved contact; aggression was most frequent during breeding and lactation among males and females, respectively. The behaviour of this population was similar to that observed in other populations of the same and other sciurids. Most differences cannot be explained without ecological investigation of the other populations.  相似文献   

Summary Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) were examined for ability to select a diet that maximizes daily energy intake (optimal diet) under free-living field conditions. The optimal diet for each squirrel was determined given constraints (e.g. body size, feeding time) on individual foraging behavior. Most squirrels (63%) consumed a diet not significantly different from one that would maximize their daily energy intake. The remainder (37%) approached an energy maximized diet but appeared to make some incorrect foraging decisions. Both males and females appeared to approach energy maximized diets. An individual's deviation from its optimal diet is relatively constant within a season and not significantly affected by immediate environmental influences such as food abundance, thermal conditions and social environment. The energy cost of deviating from an optimal diet may be large enough to affect fitness. These results suggest that the ability to select an optimal diet can be viewed as a behavioral trait that might be subject to natural selection.  相似文献   

How animals utilize their space often changes during ontogeny, perhaps resulting from alternative use of orientation mechanisms. This study investigated whether landmark-based navigation mechanisms were age-dependent in Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus). In field tests, young (1-2 years old) and adult (3-6 years old) animals had to find an escape burrow when either local, global, or both types of landmarks were obstructed. The comparison of escape times between age groups revealed that adult squirrels found escape burrow faster than young animals if global landmarks were available. However, if only local landmarks were present, young squirrels outperformed older animals. The comparison of escape time within each age group showed that obstruction of global or local landmarks lengthened escape time of adult squirrels. In contrast, young animals had longer escapes only when local landmarks were obstructed. The results suggested that the use of different types of landmarks was age specific.  相似文献   

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