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Bo Fernholm 《Acta zoologica》1975,56(3):199-204
Abstract Ripe females and males of Eptatretus burgeri were kept in cages both in the sea and in the aquaria for about 2 months of the normal spawning period around October. All the 9 ripe females in the sea ovulated all their eggs (200) and deposited 178 of them. Only 5 eggs were ovulated and deposited in the aquaria, although there were 17 ripe females and some of them were injected with various hormones in an effort to induce ovulation. No eggs were fertilized. A peculiar surface pattern of hexagonal ridges is described around the entrance of the micropylar canal on the bottom of the micropylar funnel in the ovulated eggs.  相似文献   

Brachionus plicatilis raised in our laboratory in sea water reproduces asexually even under high crowding conditions (at least 40 individuals per ml). Amictic females were induced to produce mictic females, males and resting eggs by reducing the concentration of the sea water culture medium. Mictic females and males appeared predominantly among the progeny produced by the amictic females during 4 days following their transfer into 25% sea water. Resting eggs appeared first 5–12 days after the onset of the experiment. Following the disappearance of males, the culture consisted of amictic females.Resting eggs produced by the method described above may be preserved for at least three months at –14°C or by desiccation at room temperature. Under the appropriate experimental conditions, resting eggs hatch into amictic females. Since B. plicatilis is one of the most commonly used food sources of fish larvae in aquaculture, the methods reported here may offer an easy and versatile way of preserving rotifer culture stock to be used on demand.  相似文献   

Clutch size control in capital breeders such as large waterfowl has been much debated. Some studies have concluded that clutch size in ducks is determined before the start of laying and does not change in response to egg additions or removals. The response, however, may depend on the timing of tests, and experiments may have been too late for females to alter the number of eggs. We here study clutch size responses to predation of first and second eggs in the common eider, using protein fingerprinting of egg albumen to verify that the same female continues laying in the nest after predation. Sixty of 79 females with early egg predation (one or both of the two first eggs) deserted the nest. Among the 19 females that stayed and continued laying, the mean number of eggs produced was 4.4, significantly higher than the 3.7 in non-predated nests. The staying females had similar egg size and clutch initiation date as females that deserted, and their body mass and clutch initiation date was similar to that of females whose clutches were not predated. Even capital-breeding common eiders may therefore be indeterminate layers, as many females in which early eggs are removed lay more eggs than others. A previous study has shown that they can reduce their laying if eggs are added. Our results add to increasing evidence that ducks have more flexible egg production than previously thought.  相似文献   

In terrestrial snakes, many cases of intraspecific shifts in dietary habits as a function of predator sex and body size are driven by gape limitation and hence are most common in species that feed on relatively large prey and exhibit a wide body-size range. Our data on sea snakes reveal an alternative mechanism for intraspecific niche partitioning, based on sex-specific seasonal anorexia induced by reproductive activities. Turtle-headed sea snakes (Emydocephalus annulatus) on coral reefs in the New Caledonian Lagoon feed entirely on the eggs of demersal-spawning fishes. DNA sequence data (cytochrome b gene) on eggs that we palpated from stomachs of 37 snakes showed that despite this ontogenetic stage specialization, the prey comes from a taxonomically diverse array of species including damselfish (41 % of samples, at least 5 species), blennies (41 %, 4 species) and gobies (19 %, 5 species). The composition of snake diets shifted seasonally (with damselfish dominating in winter but not summer), presumably reflecting seasonality of fish reproduction. That seasonal shift affects male and female snakes differently, because reproduction is incompatible with foraging. Adult female sea snakes ceased feeding when they became heavily distended with developing embryos in late summer, and males ceased feeding while they were mate searching in winter. The sex divergence in foraging habits may be amplified by sexual size dimorphism; females grow larger than males, and larger snakes (of both sexes) feed more on damselfish (which often lay their eggs in exposed sites) than on blennies and gobies (whose eggs are hidden within narrow crevices). Specific features of reproductive biology of coral reef fish (seasonality and nest type) have generated intraspecific niche partitioning in these sea snakes, by mechanisms different from those that apply to terrestrial snakes.  相似文献   

Miguel Tejedo 《Oecologia》1992,90(2):294-296
Summary A trade-off between size and number of offspring was not found for females of similar sizes of the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita). Moreover, for large females, clutches with higher number of eggs had larger eggs as well. This suggests that larger females produce more numerous and larger eggs because they potentially have more energy available for reproduction. Egg size diminished allometrically with clutch size. Egg size, however, did not increase offspring fitness. Therefore, this allometric decrease may be considered a consequence of phylogenetic constraints rather than a result of optimizing selection.  相似文献   

Biotypes of Trichogramma australicum were reared on artificial diet "A", Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (natural host) eggs and Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) (factitious host) eggs. We evaluated the quality of these biotypes by comparing their oviposition behaviour and reproductive performance on H. armigera eggs. Female T. australicum reared in vitro accepted H. armigera eggs for oviposition and displayed similar behavioural components of oviposition to females reared on natural hosts. However, handling time during oviposition in H. armigera eggs by females from in vitro rearing was significantly longer than handling time of females reared on the natural host because the females needed a significantly longer time for host feeding. In vitro reared females produced significantly more progeny and parasitised more H. armigera eggs than the females reared on S. cerealella. Improvements to the artificial diet for T. australicum may reduce handling time of the in vitro reared females and increase the female population. These improvements may include changes in nutrient content and size of the artificial eggs.  相似文献   

During the period 1968–1991, certain morphological traits of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and sea trout S. trutta have been recorded regularly at the hatchery at Älvkarleby, central Sweden. Total body length, weight (for females both before and after stripping), number of eggs, egg size and date of ovulation. A smaller data set for fish marked and released as smolts, providing information about total body length of released smolts, time spent at sea and body size of the recovered adults, was also available for analysis. According to theory and empirical data, the process of artificial breeding results in an evolutionary divergence of the cultured strain from the wild phenotypic norm. The reason for such a divergence is that both natural and sexual selection pressures are altered or relaxed during the process of artificial breeding, as well as random genetic processes, such as founder effects and in- and outbreeding. A path analysis of both species and sexes revealed that the size of the released smolts had increased during the study period. Time spent in sea has decreased for both female and male sea trout, but not for Atlantic salmon. Adult body size for female and male trout have increased as well as female trout condition factor. The increase found in egg size of both species was greater for the salmon than for the trout, indicating that female salmon invest more in egg size with increasing body size. These results support the view that domestication probably has a significant and selective impact on the life history traits of the two salmonid species studied.  相似文献   

Individuals of different quality may have different investment strategies, shaping responses to experimental manipulations, thereby rendering the detection of such patterns difficult. However, previous clutch-size manipulation studies have infrequently incorporated individual differences in quality. To examine costs of incubation and reproductive investment in relation to changes in clutch size, we enlarged and reduced natural clutch sizes of four and five eggs by one egg early in the incubation period in female common eiders (Somateria mollissima), a sea duck with an anorectic incubation period. Females that had produced four eggs (lower quality) responded to clutch reductions by deserting the nest more frequently but did not increase incubation effort in response to clutch enlargement, at the cost of reduced hatch success of eggs. Among birds with an original clutch size of five (higher quality), reducing and enlarging clutch size reduced and increased relative body mass loss respectively without affecting hatch success. In common eiders many females abandon their own ducklings to the care of other females. Enlarging five-egg clutches led to increased brood care rate despite the higher effort spent incubating these clutches, indicating that the higher fitness value of a large brood is increasing adult brood investment. This study shows that the ability to respond to clutch-size manipulations depends on original clutch size, reflecting differences in female quality. Females of low quality were reluctant to increase investment at the cost of lower hatch success, whereas females of higher quality apparently have a larger capacity both to increase incubation effort and brood care investment.  相似文献   

Fecundity and egg density in the redd for sea trout   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationship between fecundity and length for sea trout Salmo trutta from three streams in NW England was curvilinear and, after logarithmic transformation of both variables, was well described by a linear regression model. Regression equations for the fish from the three streams were not significantly different ( p >0.05). The relationship between estimated eggs per redd and female size in a tributary of one of the streams was also well described by a linear regression model after logarithmic transformation. Fecundity was usually higher than estimated eggs per redd, and this difference increased with female size so that the mean number of eggs per redd expressed as a percentage of mean fecundity decreased from 100% for a female with a length of 240 mm to 79% for one of 650 mm. The power function in its logarithmic form has now been fitted to fecundity-length data for sea trout from 12 streams and rivers in England, Scotland, Ireland and Norway. Comparisons between fecundity estimates for the same sizes of females revealed a large variation between populations and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Harem polygyny can have fitness benefits and costs on females. In bark beetles of the genus Ips the latter may include within‐harem competition between larvae. However, earlier competition between females for male care and mating opportunities may also influence oviposition behaviour. There has been relatively little investigation into the relationship between harem size and initial egg output. The present study investigated this relationship in the bark beetle Ips grandicollis. 2. The measure of egg output used was the number of eggs in the gallery with the most eggs in each harem. Mean (±SE) harem size of 242 observed harems was 3.25 ± 0.10. A curvilinear relationship was found between egg output and harem size, with females in smaller harems (one to four females) laying more eggs with increased harem size. However, females in larger harems (five to seven females) laid fewer eggs as harem size increased. The optimal harem size (in terms of number of eggs laid) was close to four females. 3. We found no evidence from a behavioural assay that females could preferentially choose unmated males over mated males with harems of two females. Additionally, the distribution of harem sizes suggests that females distribute themselves among males randomly. 4. The results suggest that harem size has effects on female reproduction that extend beyond larval competition and influence patterns of oviposition. The mechanism that determines why egg laying is greatest at intermediate levels is unknown. There is no evidence that smaller harems belong to lower quality males, but females may adjust egg‐laying behaviour in large harems as a result of reduced male attendance or anticipated larval competition.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of shell coil orientation and shell size on reproduction in field populations of the hermit crab, Clibanarius vittatus. Females were collected in the intertidal in Beaufort, NC. Shell parameters were measured and size (cephalothorax length) and reproductive status were determined for 70 females occupying Busycon shells. Crabs were categorized as berried (eggs on the pleopods), mature ovaries, or non-reproductive (no eggs). For berried females, the number of eggs was recorded. By offering a separate group of females access to empty shells, it was possible to calculate optimal shell size and the deficit in shell size for field-collected animals.Females that were berried were in shells closer to the optimal shell size than females with mature ovaries, both for shell weight and shell volume. And females with mature ovaries were in shells that were closer to the optimal size than females that were non-reproductive. For both categories of females without eggs on the pleopods, the majority of females were in shells that were too big (in weight and internal volume). While the percentage of berried females did not differ between dextral (Busycon carica) and sinistral (Busycon sinistrum) shells, the non-reproductive females had a much smaller deficit in volume in sinistral shells compared to dextral shells. For berried females, there was no relationship between the magnitude of their shell deficit and the number of eggs carried. Our results suggest that reproduction is inhibited when females occupy shells sufficiently greater than the optimal shell size.  相似文献   

Mating‐induced ovulation is common in mammals, but has been rarely described in other taxa. Observations of several mature female loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, held in captivity seemed to indicate that ovulation did not occur in the absence of a male. This study was designed to determine whether this was an effect of captivity or an effect of the absence of a male. Two mature female loggerheads were followed over six annual reproductive cycles. Ultrasound exams were performed approximately every 2 weeks to follow the development of follicles in the ovaries. During the first two seasons, no male was present, in the next two seasons, a mature male was present without mating, and in the final two seasons a mature male was present, mating with one or both females. When no male was present or when present without mating, ovarian follicles developed to full size, but ovulation did not occur and the follicles gradually began to decrease in diameter and undergo changes evident on ultrasound. In the fifth season, only one of the females mated, dropping two eggs after 7 days, and continued to oviposit throughout the following months (total 275 eggs). The unmated female did not ovulate, showing the same pattern as earlier seasons. In the final season, both females mated and ovulated, dropping eggs for the next four months (total 539 eggs). The following year, no males were present and neither female ovulated. This study provides clear evidence that ovulation in loggerhead sea turtles is induced by mating. Zoo Biol 27:213–225, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A negative relationship, or trade-off, between egg size and clutch size is a central and long-standing component of life-history theory, yet there is little empirical evidence for such a trade-off, especially at the intraspecific level. Here, I show that female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) treated chronically during egg formation with the anti-oestrogen tamoxifen lay smaller eggs (by 8%) but produce larger clutches (on average two eggs more) than controls. Decreased egg mass in tamoxifen-treated females was associated with a 50% decrease in plasma levels of the two yolk precursors, vitellogenin and very-low-density lipoprotein. Although tamoxifen-treated females laid more, smaller eggs (and had a higher total expenditure in their clutch), they did not differ from controls in the number of chicks fledged, the mass or size of these chicks at fledging, or the chicks' egg-production performance at three months of age. However, tamoxifen-treated females had lower relative hatching success: they laid more eggs but hatched the same number of chicks. Among individual tamoxifen-treated females, birds that laid the smallest eggs early in their laying sequence laid the largest number of additional eggs, that is, there was a negative correlation, or trade-off, between egg size and clutch size.  相似文献   

Tagging studies on nesting beaches are commonly used to estimate nesting frequency, remigration interval and nesting population size for marine turtle rookeries. Estimates of these demographic parameters from tagging projects may be biased because of the small scale of tagging efforts relative to female nest site fidelity and the logistical difficulty of intercepting all nesting females. Therefore, alternative and supplemental means of individual identification of nesting females are required. We demonstrate that maternal nuclear microsatellite DNA can be isolated from unincubated eggshells of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) through comparison of DNA extracted from 59 eggs collected within 15 h of oviposition and DNA derived from skin samples from respective nesting females. Scorable microsatellite genotypes were produced in 897 of 994 (90.2%) single-locus egg amplifications attempted. Among eggs from known females, 730 of 748 (97.6%) single-locus, egg-derived genotypes matched the respective skin-derived genotypes. Allelic dropout was the most common type of error, followed by the presence of nonmaternal, presumably paternal, alleles. Genotypes derived from unincubated eggshells permit individual assignment of nests and therefore demographic parameter estimates for loggerhead turtle nesting populations, despite genotyping errors that require further optimization. Although sampling unincubated eggs is destructive, this technique is noninvasive to nesting females and is applicable in marine turtle population genetics studies when individual resolution is required but direct interception of nesting females is undesirable or logistically infeasible.  相似文献   

The influence of egg size and composition on the size, quality and survival of lapwing chicks was examined on two farmland study sites in the Midland Valley of Scotland. Eggs comprised 33.1% yolk, 61.3% albumen and 5.6% shell. Whereas the yolk and shell proportions decreased with increasing egg size, the albumen proportion increased. Most variation in egg size was attributable to differences between females but was also influenced by clutch number (eggs in replacement clutches on the rough grazing, but not the arable, site were smaller), clutch size (eggs were smaller in smaller clutches), maternal body condition (females in good condition produced larger eggs) and habitat (since females on the arable site fed more successfully, they were in better condition and laid larger eggs). Chick size, weight and survival were all influenced by egg size. The incubation period varied between 21 and 28 days (mean = 25.2) and was shorter in clutches laid later in the season.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that a bird's clutch size is not limited by the amount of resources available at the time of laying but that differences in the availability of food for nestlings is the ultimate underlying factor determining spatio-temporal variations in clutch size. However, habitat-related variations in egg production ability has yet to be investigated explicitly. We studied the breeding of Great Tits Parus major in deciduous and coniferous forests in the same area. The sizes of both the clutches and the eggs were, on average, larger in the former habitat than in the latter. A number of females were induced to lay more eggs than usual by removing four eggs from designated experimental clutches early in the laying period. These manipulated females laid approximately one egg more than control females, with the number of additional eggs laid not differing between the habitats. However, in both study years the relative size of the extra eggs – relative to the mean size of earlier laid eggs of the same clutch – was smaller in the coniferous habitat than in the deciduous habitat, while there was no habitat-related difference in the relative size of the last-laid eggs of control clutches. This result indicates that some form of proximate limitation during egg-laying period can contribute to the relatively small clutches and eggs in the coniferous habitat. Our results emphasize the need to take egg production costs into account when attempting to account for spatial variation in the reproductive behaviour of birds.  相似文献   

Female adults of the migrant skipper, Parnara guttata guttata, lay different-sized eggs on different host plants in different generations. Moreover, P. g. guttata maintains large egg size variation either in the population or in the individual. Why such phenotypic plasticity in egg size is maintained has not been clarified. In the present study we performed a series of experiments to verify whether or not females of P. g. guttata discriminate between the different host plants, i.e., rice plant Oriza sativa in the first and second generations and cogon grass Imperata cylindrica in the third (overwintering) generation and manipulate egg size accordingly on these host plants. When a caged female was allowed to lay eggs alternatively on soft-leafed rice plant and tough-leafed cogon grass, the size of the eggs laid on cogon grass was significantly larger than that on rice plant. When a caged female was allowed to lay eggs on the two host plants that were supplied on alternate days, the size of eggs laid on cogon grass was also significantly larger than that on rice plant. A preliminary experiment using crude extract from the plants suggested that females did not manipulate egg size in response to chemical stimulants alone. The skipper female was able to lay different-sized eggs instantaneously after assessing the host plant. However, the reaction norm to different host plants differed among females. Eggs of various sizes were matured in each ovariole, and egg size variation at the lowest part of the ovariole ranged from the size of the larger eggs laid on cogon grass to that of the smaller eggs laid on rice plant, although how the female chose the appropriate-sized egg at each occasion is unknown.  相似文献   

This study reports titration of vitamin E levels in the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) using high-pressure liquid chromatography. The first part of the work is devoted to vitamin E detection in: (1) plasma of maturing females and males characterized by different body sizes; (2) seminal fluid and eggs; and (3) developing embryos of sea bass fed with vitamin E. In the second part of the study, variations of vitamin E levels during larval development are analyzed. The results show a direct correlation between plasma vitamin E content and body size for both adult male and female sea bass. High vitamin E levels were found in seminal fluid, in eggs before and after fertilization, and in embryos during development and at hatching, whereas vitamin E level was low in dead embryos and in embryos with limited survival. During larval development, the vitamin E content decreased slowly but steadily during the first four days of larval growth; subsequently, it progressively increased from day 9 to day 40. In teratogenic larvae, vitamin E content was significantly higher than in normal larvae. This study provides evidence on how vitamin E exerts an antioxidant defense in sea bass reproduction.  相似文献   

Females of the parent bug Elasmucha grisea L. (Acanthosomatidae,Heteroptera) defend eggs and small nymphs against invertebratepredators. Predation is the main mortality factor affectingoffspring numbersin this species. Since we found a positivecorrelation between female size and clutch size we tested thehypothesis that a female parent bug lays as many eggs as shecan defend. We manipulated clutch size by removing small andlarge females from their own eggs and giving them another clutch.Small femalesguarding large clutches lost significantly moreeggs than large females guarding small clutches or females inthe two control groups. Large females could defend, on average,16% more eggs against invertebrate predators (mainly ants) thancould small females. We conclude that an ecological factor (predation)limits lutch size in this species and the parent bug lays anoptimal clutch size as determined by the defending ability ofthe female.  相似文献   

How females allocate resources to each offspring and how they allocate the sex of their offspring are two powerful potential avenues by which mothers can affect offspring fitness. Previous research has focussed extensively on mean offspring size, with much less attention given to variance in offspring size. Here we focussed on variation in offspring size in black ratsnakes, Elaphe obsoleta . We collected and hatched 105 clutches (1283 eggs) over 9 years. We predicted that females should lay larger eggs, or more variable eggs, when the environment is less predictable. We also predicted that females laying early or laying larger eggs should produce mostly sons because adult males are larger than adult female ratsnakes. The largest hatchling was more than twice the length and almost four times the mass of the smallest hatchling. Variation in offspring size was itself highly variable, with CVs in offspring mass among clutches ranging from 1% to 25%. With one exception, the variables we expected should influence variation in offspring size had little effect. We found that clutch size increased with maternal size and that egg size decreased with clutch size, but we found no evidence that variance in egg size among clutches increased as the season progressed or that females increased the mean size of their offspring the later in the season they laid their eggs. Females in better condition after they finish laying their eggs did produce larger eggs. There was no relationship between within-clutch variation in egg size and laying date or mean egg size. Finally, sex ratio did not vary with mean egg size or hatching date. Given evidence that offspring size in snakes affects survival, selection should reduce variation in offspring size unless that variance enhances maternal fitness and yet we found little support for hypothesized advantages of varying offspring size.  相似文献   

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