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In many crop species, supplemental Ca2+ alleviates the inhibition of growth typical of exposure to salt stress. In hydroponically grown cotton seedlings (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Acala SJ-2), both length and weight of the primary root were enhanced by moderate salinities (25 to 100 millimolar NaCl) in the presence of 10 millimolar Ca2+, but the roots became thinner. Anatomical analysis showed that the cortical cells of these roots were longer and narrower than those of the control plants, while cortical cells of roots grown at the same salinities but in the presence of only 0.4 millimolar Ca2+ became shorter and more nearly isodiametrical. Cell volume, however, was not affected by salinities up to 200 millimolar NaCl at either 0.4 or 10 millimolar Ca2+. Our observations suggest Ca2+-dependent effects of salinity on the cytoskeleton. The rate of cell production declined with increasing salinity at 0.4 millimolar Ca2+ but at 10 millimolar Ca2+ was not affected by salinities up to 150 millimolar NaCl.  相似文献   

Dugger WM  Palmer RL 《Plant physiology》1988,86(4):1270-1275
Intact, in vitro-grown cotton fibers will incorporate [14C]glucose from externally supplied UDP[14C]glucose into a variety of cell wall components including cellulose; this labeled fraction will continue to increase up to 4 hours chase time. In the fraction soluble in hot water there was no significant change in total label; however, the largest fraction after the 30 minute pulse with UDP[14C]glucose was chloroform-methanol soluble (70%) and showed a significant decrease with chase. The lipids that make up about 85% of this fraction were identified by TLC as steryl glucosides, acylated steryl glucosides, and glucosyl-phosphoryl-polyprenol. Following the pulse, the loss of label from acylated steryl glucosides and glucosylphophoryl-polyprenol was almost complete within 2 hours of chase; steryl glucosides made up about 85% of the fraction at that chase time. The total loss in the lipid fraction (about 100 picomoles per milligram dry weight of fiber) with chase times of 4 hours approximates the total gain in the total glucans.  相似文献   

Gametophytic and sporophytic tissues of Chondrus crispus (Stackhouse) cultured in vitro were labeled with 35S and 14C. The major sulfated polysccharides isolated from the two karyotypes were characterized by KCI fractionation, immunoprecipitation, and infrared spectroscopy. Reproducibility of data has been demonstrated by an experiment using gametophytic T4 strain with five replicates per time point. The rate of sulfate uptake was similar in haploid and diploid plants from a given area cultured for a similar time. Cultures from different sources cultured for different times showed different uptake and incorporation levels. Although sulfate uptake did not appear to be karyotype-related, the pattern of incorporation of 35S and 14C into polysaccharides was ploidy-specific.  相似文献   

The water-insoluble 1,4-β-linked products formed from UDP-[14C]glucose by pea membranes were dissolved in hot dimethyl-sulfoxide/paraformaldehyde and fractionated on columns of controlled pore glass beads calibrated with dextran standards. The products eluted with a peak size close to 70 kilodaltons in dextran equivalents. Similar elution profiles were obtained for products formed in brief or extended incubations and at high or low substrate concentrations. Methylation analysis indicated that only a few [14C]glucose units had been added to an endogenous acceptor to form this product. In the presence of UDP-xylose at concentrations equal to or less than UDP-[14C]glucose, incorporation from the latter was enhanced and the products elongated with time to a size range where the major components eluted between dextran 264 and 500 kilodaltons. Treatment with endo-1,4-β-glucanase resulted in a mixture of oligosaccharides, including the xyloglucan subunit Glc4Xyl3, which were hydrolyzed further by mixed glycosidases to labeled glucose and isoprimeverose (xylosyl-1,6-α-d-glucose). In pulse-chase experiments, the low molecular weight product formed from UDP-[14C]glucose alone was clearly a precursor for high molecular weight products formed subsequently in the presence of both UDP-glucose and UDP-xylose. It is concluded that the 1,4-β-transglucosylation activity detected in these tests was due to an enzyme that is required for biosynthesis of the backbone of xyloglucan.  相似文献   

The [14C] moiety from [3H]UDP[14C]glucose was incorporated by intact cotton fibers into hot water soluble, acetic-nitric reagent soluble and insoluble components, and chloroform-methanol soluble lipids; the [3H] UDP moiety was not incorporated. The 3H-label can be exchanged rapidly with unlabeled substrate in a chase experiment. The cell wall apparent free space of cotton fibers was in the order of 30 picomoles per milligram of dry fibers; 25 picomoles per milligram easily exchanged and about 5 picomoles per milligram more tightly adsorbed. At 50 micromolar UDPglucose, 70% of the [14C]glucose was found in the lipid fraction after both a short labeling period and chase. The percent of [14C]glucose incorporated into total glucan increased slightly with chase, but the fraction of total glucans incorporated into insoluble acetic-nitric reagent (cellulose) did increase within a 30-minute chase period. The data supports the concept that glucan synthesis, including cellulose, as well as the synthesis of steryl glucosides, acetylated steryl glucosides, and glucosyl-phosphoryl-polyprenol from externally supplied UDPglucose occurs at the plasma membrane-cell wall interface. The synthase enzymes for such synthesis must be part of this interfacial membrane system.  相似文献   

Flax plantlets, cultivated from day 3 in liquid medium and undercontinuous light showed linear growth. Electron microscopy observationsshowed that treatment of the cell walls with cdta-Na2 clearedout the middle lamella and the cell junctions, whereas boilingwater extracted pectic polysaccharides from the primary cellwall in each tissue (epidermis, cortical parenchyma and phloem). Pulse-chase experiments showed that there was during the growthof flax plantlets a continuous redistribution of radioactivityin all parts of the cell walls: 1) from pectins to hemicellulosesand even to the cellulosic residues. 2) from oligomers to polymers.3) from neutral to acidic polymers in the core of the middlelamella. 4) from acidic to neutral pectins in the primary cellwalls. The elongation zone which was restricted to a small zoneback from the tip, involved strong synthesis of neutral pectinsin all the cell walls. Conversely, the redistribution of radioactivitywas related mainly to the plant cell maturation, and especiallyto the acidification of the cell wall. Demethylation of someneutral pectins occurred in the middle lamella whereas stronglyacidic pectins were synthetized in the primary cell wall. (Received October 1, 1990; Accepted April 9, 1991)  相似文献   

Sodium displaces Ca2+ from membranes (GR Cramer, A Läuchli, VS Polito Plant Physiol 1985 79: 207-211) and this can be related to the (Ca2+)/(Na+)2 activity ratio in the external solution (GR Cramer, A Läuchli 1986 J Exp Bot 37: 321-330). Supplemental Ca2+ is known to mitigate the adverse effects of salinity on plant growth. In this report we investigated the effects of NaCl (0-250 millimolar) and Ca2+ (0.4 and 10 millimolar) on the ion activities in solution and on root growth of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Ion activities were analyzed using the computer program, GEOCHEM. Most ion activities in a 0.1 modified Hoagland solution were significantly reduced by both NaCl and supplemental Ca2+. Ion-pair formation and precipitation were significant for some ions, especially phosphate. Root growth of 6-day-old seedlings was stimulated by low NaCl concentrations (25 millimolar). At higher NaCl concentrations, root growth was inhibited; the concentration at which this occurred depended on the Ca2+ concentration and the growth index used. Supplemental Ca2+ mitigated the inhibition of root growth caused by NaCl. There was a curvilinear relationship between root growth and the (Ca2+)/(Na+)2 ratio in the nutrient solution. The mechanisms by which Na+ and Ca2+ may affect root growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Incorporation of [14C]glucosamine into synaptosomes in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Synaptosomes isolated from rat cerebral cortex by zonal centrifugation in-corporated radioactive glucosamine into macromolecules in vitro as glucosamine, galactosamine, N-acetylneuraminic acid, and glucuronic acid. The largest percentage of incorporated radioactivity was recovered in the particulate fraction in which radioactive carbohydrates were bound in covalent linkage requiring acid hydrolysis or enzymatic digestion for release. Less than 20 per cent of the particulate radioactivity represented incorporation into gangliosides. Some 20 per cent of the radioactivity was incorporated into proteins as glucosamine, identified in hydrolysates by paper chromatography and by the amino acid analyser. After incubation, radioactivity was demonstrable in the proteins as sialic acid by paper chromatography and specific enzymic digestion; and as glucuronic acid by chromatography, electrophoresis, and digestion with hyaluronidase. Incorporation of carbohydrate was stimulated by sodium and potassium at concentrations demonstrated to enhance incorporation of amino acids, and involved the macro-molecules of all subsynaptosomal fractions. Significant incorporation of radioactivity was found in the synaptic plasma membrane. The synthesis of glycoproteins was suggested by simultaneous incorporation of [14C]glucosamine and [3H]leucine into glycopeptides subsequently hydrolysed and subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and two-dimensional paper chromatography and electrophoresis. Such studies demonstrated that amino acids and carbohydrates may be incorporated into glycoproteins of the synaptic membrane and suggest the possibility of local synthesis as well as modification of material brought to the nerve ending by axoplasmic flow.  相似文献   

Seedlings of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Acala SJ-2) weregrown in modified Hoagland nutrient solution with various combinationsof NaCl and CaCl2. Marking experiments and numerical analysiswere conducted to characterize the spatial and temporal patternsof cotton root growth at varied Na/Ca ratios. At 1 mol m–3Ca, 150 mol m–3 NaCl reduced overall root elongation rateto 60% of the control, while increasing Ca to 10 mol m–3at the same NaCl concentration restored the elongation rateto 80% of the control. Analysis of the spatial distributionof elongation revealed that the presence of 150 mol m–3NaCl in the medium shortened the growth zone by about 2 mm fromthe approximate 10 mm in the control and also reduced the relativeelemental elongation rate (i.e. the longitudinal strain rate,defined as the derivatives of displacement velocity of a cellularparticle with respect to position on root axis). Supply of 10mol m–3 Ca at the high salt condition restored partiallythe relative elemental elongation rate, but not the length ofthe growth zone. Compared to the control, the growth trajectoriesshowed that at 1 mol m–3 CaCl2 it took more time for acellular particle to move through the growth zone at 150 molm–3 NaCl, while at 10 mol m–3 CaCl it took lesstime and there was no difference between the NaCl treatments Key words: Gossypium hirsutum, salinity stress, root growth kinematics  相似文献   

1. Chloroplasts prepared by the non-aqueous technique will, after fragmentation by ultrasonic treatment, incorporate [2-(14)C]mevalonic acid into phytoene, the first C(40) compound formed in the biosynthetic sequence to coloured carotenoids. 2. With suspensions containing 3.5mg. of chlorophyll, the optimum amounts of cofactor required were ATP (10mumoles), magnesium chloride (20mumoles) and glutathione (20mumoles); neither NAD(+) nor NADP(+) was required. 3. Very small amounts of squalene are also formed and synthesis is stimulated by addition of NADH or NADPH. Phytoene synthesis was not affected by the presence of these cofactors and no lycopersene (the C(40) homologue of squalene) was detected. 4. The phytol side chain of chlorophyll is also labelled under these conditions. 5. Preparations of developing chloroplasts are more active than preparations of mature chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Developing pea cotyledons incorporate radioactivity in vivo from [14C]glucosamine and [14C]mannose into glycolipids and glycoproteins. Several different lipid components are labeled including neutral, ionicnonacidic, and acidic lipids. The acidic lipids labeled in vivo appear similar to the polyisoprenoid lipid intermediates formed in vitro in pea cotyledons. Radioactivity from [14C]glucosamine and [14C]mannose is also incorporated into glycopeptides. Considerable redistribution of [14C]mannose into other glycosyl components found in endogenous glycoproteins is observed. An N-acetylglucosamine to asparagine glycopeptide linkage has been isolated from [14C]glucosamine-labeled glycoproteins.  相似文献   

L-[14C]Phenylalanine, fed to cell suspension cultures of Douglas fir, (Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco) was incorporated simultaneously, but at different rates, into (+)-catechin, (−)-epicatechin, and procyanidins of increasing molecular weight. Asymmetric labeling of dimers and polymers was demonstrated, with more label appearing in the upper than in the lower or terminal unit. In addition, the total pool of free monomers was 10 to 30 times more highly labeled than was this lower, terminal unit of dimers and higher oligomers. Since the dimer, epicatechin-catechin, contained more label than catechin-catechin, it is concluded that the carbocation with the 2,3-cis stereochemistry of (−)-epicatechin was formed more rapidly than was that of the 2,3-trans type of (+)-catechin.  相似文献   

1. The incorporation of (14)CO(2) and dl-[2-(14)C]mevalonic acid into various terpenoids in developing chloroplasts in a number of seedlings has been studied. 2. beta-Carotene and phytol (from chlorophyll) tend to be heavily labelled from (14)CO(2), whereas sterols and beta-amyrin are only slightly labelled; with dl-[2-(14)C]mevalonic acid the situation is reversed. 3. The incorporation of (14)CO(2) into terpenoids is dependent on the stage of chloroplast development, whereas that of mevalonic acid is independent of chloroplast development. 4. The uptake of (14)CO(2) into beta-carotene and phytol in mature chloroplasts is very low in monocotyledons but somewhat greater in dicotyledons. 5. The results are discussed in relation to the view that terpenoid biosynthesis in developing chloroplasts is regulated by a combination of enzyme segregation and specific membrane permeability.  相似文献   

Thiel R  Adam KP 《Phytochemistry》2002,59(3):269-274
The incorporation of (13)C labeled 1-deoxy-D-xylulose into the monoterpene bornyl acetate, the sesquiterpene cubebanol, and the diterpene phytol has been studied in axenic cultures of the liverwort Conocephalum conicum. Quantitative (13)C NMR spectroscopic analysis of the labeling patterns of the sesquiterpene indicated a possible degradation of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose to acetate and subsequent incorporation via the mevalonic acid pathway. In bornyl acetate, the labeling occurred only in the acetate moiety whereas the isoprene units remained unlabelled. The isoprene units of the diterpene phytol showed incorporation of intact deoxy-D-xylulose. These results indicate the involvement of both IPP biosynthetic pathways and two independently operating compartments/cell types with MEP pathway machinery. One MEP compartment is presumably the plastid where phytol is formed; the second, involved in the build-up of the isoprene part of bornyl acetate, might be located in the oil cells. The acetylation of borneol to bornyl acetate in turn occurs in a cellular compartment that is not involved in the build-up of the isoprene units of borneol.  相似文献   

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